Wall Paper and Buggies at TAIT'S Corner Store~ Extract of Coffee! The Finest Flavoured! Miss B'elle Metcalf passed the geometOAT WANTED.-A good seonndPurse lost-see advt. Miss Woods, of Toronto, is staying in M T hand row boat. In quire o: \V. HE.! 11 I) at rical drawing in addition to the names Mr. Lewis Quick is payinv, the highest ._:___RELEVEN'S, l ittf town. published last week. Mrs. Thos. Sherin is visiting friends in price for wool. Watch, clock and jewellry repairs FOR ~ALE CHEAP. - HandnQ me Attend Haydon annivcra"ry on ])lo. promptly attended and satisfaction g'u art Trottmg Wagon, side springs, will e~rry Port Perl'y. w o, newly painted, almost good as new. AP· Miss Evie Dean, of Port Hope, is visit- minion Day. See advt. anteed at the Co-operative Jewelry Store. 1 at STA.'.l'ESMA.N Office. PY 25;tw Capt. Hunter, of Lindsay, took in the ing friends here. A very interesting letter is to hand OARDING WANTED-Two r ooms Flowers in lovely variety at Burden & band competition here. from Rev. M. P. T11lling, written in Edwith board, by young man. Ceotra{ The game of "pigs in clover" with live inburgh, Scotland, and will appear nex t Co's Auction Mart. locality. Prive.to family p·eferred. Apply at the S·u TESMAN office, not later than Saturday week. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Yule,of Guelph, were pigs at Newcastle July 1. June 22nd. 26;lw* ' Miss Viola Bridgman, of Obtawa,is visat the tournament. Mr. W, Parks, of Bowmanvilie High ~EEP ASTRAY.-6Jame on the premSchool, took honors in English, French Do its Manufacturers. Publish all Mrs. and Miss Matthews of the parson- iting her aunt, Mrs. J, Rei:l. S ises of the subscriber in April one Ewe Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, of Cobou.rg, and German at Toronto University in his age are visiting-in Toronto. the Ingredients, Used? The owner is requested to prove prouerty, pay first year's examination. costs and take her a.way· JonN FLETOIIER Mies Louie Higginbotham, of Oshawa, are guests of Mr. W. Pearn. Liber, ty Street, Bowma.nville. 2!;3w ' Miss Ella Sanderson, of Bowmanville Meals at all hours at Mrs , Sinclair's, is visiting her grandparents here. As is well known, ammori:i& is unhealth· High School, won the silver medal for Miss Cora Williams, of Cobourg, has opposite Market Square, 25a. ANTED.-A Librarian and Care~ in food, and dries ' up the bread , taker for the Bowma.nvil:le Mechanics' Besure and call at the West-End-H0use highest standing in elocution cour20 at i'ul been visiting Bowman ville friends. LYMAN'S CONCENTRATED material. t11 be in by 15th June~ Institute. Applications Ontario L!!dies' College and the oollege Mr. and Mrs. Fred.Roblin, of 'fo_ r onto, and see the goods at Half-price. HIE Protection to consumer.s or food com· For turtlier particulars apply to JNO.KEAC Diploma. Pres., or FRANCIS MASON, Sec, ' · 22-1 Ill · See the lace curtains at. 50c per pair pounds lies in theh· ahility to choose visited their friends here last week. Mr. Geo. Henry left Saturday week for made from healthfnl substances. those at Tod Bros. Best value in town. A double stock of choice new Tics at TORE AND :O.WELLI NG- FOR Jam es Day man local agent for Domin- British Columbia to see his wife-.·. He Unless manufacturers publish just what J. J. Mason's. They must be sold. SALE.-That fine new store and resi· found it lonely here. Hope he will be their baking powdet· iS< made of, do not Gence, elegantly fitted· for Merchant Tailor or THE EA8IEST TO USE Mrs. Jos. Maynard, of Toronto, was ion Or!!ans and Pianos, Bowmanville. benetitted by his sojourn in that elysian use their goods, but buy, instead Fancy Dry Goode now oecnpie!l by Mr. John Mr. N. Williams, of Canningt.on~ has Lyle. Apply to W;.r; H. llVRS, Bowmanville I visiting her children here last week. province. AS A GALLON CAN BE MADE AS I 23-tt, · Miss Alice Tait, formerly of this town, been visiting his uncle, Mr..T. Mr~ynard. M. A. Jam es' party for the Old Country EASILY AS A CUPFUL. Mr. and Mrs. J . Waidron were· guests is expected to start on July 2nd or 9·h. l WANTED, AT $40 PER MONTH has taken the degree of Bachelor of Mnsic. AND EXPENSES PAID. a few good Mrs. I. Richardson, of Millbrook, spent of Mr. W. S . Russell during the-oourna· Quite a number are talking about going. salesmen to sell Nursery Stock. Steady emIntermediate ticket from Bowmanville to This powder is made only of strictly pure ployment the year roand to successful salesa few days with friends here last week. ment. Rev. Alex. Campbell, of Montm~al, was Liverpool and return within six~ months grape cream of tart!lll!;. und strictly pure men, Address. with references, D. H. PATTY, Mr. J. M. Brimacombe now occupies Nurseryman, Geneva, N, Y. 2-l;Gw Made from the Best Mocha. and J·a.va bis new dental parlors in Higginbotham's guest at Trinity Parsonage dwdn~ his only $73. Cabin tickets from $65 up- bicarbonate of soda., with a little wheat flour to preserve it. Th>is is attested by the wards. stay here. TOCK FOR SALE.-I have several A HO,Yl:E COMFORT. block. official analyses of Government and State h<?rses, heavy draught, general purpose Revs. W. Limbert, S. T. &rtlett and Parawls at about half-price, Dress and dnvere, for sale or would exchange for chemists, and i)hysieiians, and chemists of ]'or Huntin!!' Fishing Travelling. and esp11cial· Goods at half-price at the West-End- W. Coombe with their wiveS< a;re visiting ca.tile. Providence Anniversal'y. Will give good bargain. I have also Boards of Health tihil!0ughout the country. ly serviceable for camping out. salt: a litter of' e:s:tra fine thoro'·bred Berkin this town and vicinity. CLEVELAND .ERO!llJ:ll!.RS, ALBANY, N. Y. foi: For sale by all Grocers and Druggists in 1 lb House. shire pigs ready to wean. WM. COURTICE, lot The S. S. anniversary at Bnovidence, A cricket match will be played on the 28. con. 2, Darlington, Courtice P. 0. ilb, and }lb bottles. Mrs. James Mark, of Lindsay, bas been 23-4w" Mention this paper. enjoying a visit among Bowmanville gro·rnds here on Saturday between Bo;v- Tyrone Circuit, is becoming_ almost as H. C. Ta.it sells best spectacles, popular as the famous Ebene:illl\r. Every manville and Oshawa at Ji~!"A) p . m. U RSE LOST.-At the Drill Shed friends. Trottin~ wagoa :;.nd buggy for sale- see Grounds, on Wednesday, June 12, a puree Prof. Ruse will be out of town during year it seems to be more successful. advt. Finest June butter for packing at W. $10 in money. a.nd a. note for $'10, containing Whether it is the excellent:> singi!1g and me.de by H. C. Hoar in favor of 'l/V . II. Riches, Brittain's office at H . C. Brittain's summer vacation but letters will be for- reciting of the scholars, the g-0od-looking See the ne-w prints just opened out at _ a.!id due Nov. l, 1889. Persons a.re hereby for· warded to him that are. addressed Box 88 Jewelry Store. bidden to negotiate said note, as payment has you11~ ladies, the superioricy of the teas Couch Johnsto-n & Cryderman's. -Bowman ville. been stopped. W. H. RICHES, Tyrone. 25;3w" Mrs. and Miss Duggan, of Brampton, or these and several other attractions FIRE, LLFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. Butter for familv use- I pay cash for have been guests of Mr. J_. M. Joness, combined, deponmt saith, not ; but for RoRT. Vrn.'.DlilE, Agent, Bowmanville, tf. Cash will bny a good second·he.nd butter and only take the finest qU<1.lity. ~ome good reason the p. covered buggy (Morris' ma.ke). "Retreat Dairy." s ople C·.Jme in Ocean hiekets by different lines of with small se_at for children· S. Burden & Co. will pay cash for eggs Cro~ks c~refully packed by W. Brittain, larger numbers year aftei: year. First- steamships for sale at the STA.TESMA:N Had new $25 top in 1887. It is u. Market Square. great bargain. Inquire ofM, A. JA11rns, Editor. class congregations greeted Rev. S. T. and first-class butter at the "Mart", tf Bowmanville, Are you in need of a pair of specks, if Bartlett ou Suuday afternoon and even- office. Market Square. Still the tush for our English Hats so you can get a pair of fine perescopic ing and he greatly p'.eaa.ed and interested The sly ·old fox has been after our grape~ continUR3. See .J. J. Mason's Hats at for almost ten years, but they are too plasses for 50c. at tho Co-operative them by the splendid sermons h ~ preached. once. of the very finest quality for high Jewellry Store. The singing was also. v.ery satisfactory. for him yet. ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED Gentbfllnei. examine Tod Bros. stock Newcastle i~ going to draw the largest Ou Monday a lengthy and meritorious Cobourg bandsmen &re said to have by Mr. John McKay until noon of the 27th Currant Bushes an'l crowd ever seen there on Dominion Day. program was prese!ilted by the scholard, of tweeds before leaving ycur orders for of .Tune. instant. for the erection or a. Flour taken a lot l f flags. a sprin~ bUit. Mill. Plans and specifications co.-n be seen at The day's pro~am is o'ut and there's to Bella Lang, N ormaat-Allin,_F . Blackbum, Miss Wallace, of Port Hope, aud Miss be oceans of amusement. his r··sldonce, on aud after noon of the 20th Ida (hborne, R. Smale,_ Miss Manning Morris' Carriage works has got a first- instant. 'rhe lowest or any tender not neces· Pellow, of Liverpool, Eng., were visiting Attention is directed to the "Big Boot" and Miss Ella Ello11d gave capital recita- class paiuter. Parties intendin~ to have sarily accepted. W. BUNNEY, Architect. at Mrs. W. Porter's. Bowmanville, June 17th, 1889. 25.lw tions ; A. Elford, W, Bragg, and S, D.1wtheir buggies repai .. ted this spring bring display announcement by Mr. Treleven. Dr. Spencer hasremoved his veterinary He keeps ono of the best and biggest dis- eon gave a d~alogue on exaggeration ; them along at once and .have them done by office to the house between Dr. Hillier's play of boots and shoes in town. Alice and May Wight explained how up in good style. and Dr. Boyle's office. every child can be useful ; B. C. Chapple, To THE DEAF.-A Persoa cured of CHAS. RusE's EDUCATIONAL ScHOOL OF ~ ACRES, MORE OR LESS, Mr. Geo. Robert11on, of Ops, recently Musrn. - The most logical, thorough, ra· S. Dowson s.nd R Battle advised the Deafness and noises in the head of 23 excepting half a.ere of school .site, . ·-' returned from a very enjoyable visit pi<:!, sure, delightful and economical sys· avoidance of bad company; Nellie Dow- years' standing by a simple remedy, will bemg lot 22, con. !I, Cartwright, having thereon Dwellmg, new Baro. 50x30, stablinit among Clarke friends. tern in use. See advt.in another column. son and Gertie Crago gave some illu~tra send a description of it FRgffi 'to any per- Frame tions of polite swearing ; and Edg,~r son who applies to NICHOLSON. 30 St. underneath, g()9d young Orchard. About 50 Dr. J. E. Bingham, V. S,, now occupies acres under plow. 15 acres pasture, and bal· Mr. S. S. Edsall has made great im44-1yr. ance in timber. Tenders will be received till his new rooms in the rear of Higginboth- provement in "The Evergreens" since he Allin, W, Bragg, and Eber Crago in- John 8 t,, Montreal. August 15th. School house on said lot. dulgod in mischief-making. Revs. W. Porter's Foundry and Machine shop is am's drug store, upstairs. came into posses,ion. On Wednesday Ooombe, W, Limbert and S. T. Bartlett Address . .TOHN PENF<lUND, le t' p u or w. EYERSON, J our ice, · · reopened. All kinds uf castings mad e of guaranteed purity both at Fo1· the best bargains In watches, clocks night the grounds were beautifully illu- gave ahort, practical, edifying and happy and 25;3w. machine npairs done on short notice. and jewelry go to H. C. Brittain's Co- minated. speeches. Councillor 'fhos. Smale in his The business will be car:ied on by the operative Jewellry Store. lowest prices at Mr. A . \V. Bunner's fir·t sermon in unique and pleasant manner performed Chas. Ruse's Educational School of the Church-st. Metpodist Church Sun- the duties of chairnu.n very sat.isfactorily. l?orter Es tat a under managemen.t of Mr. Geo. Porter. Give them a call. Music. eummer vacation begins Me.y 25th day evening was listened to by a. large The annual report prepared by Miss THE NEXT ENTRANCE EXAMIElla. Elford, the eflicient Secretary, . was ANlMPO&'l'ANTlMl'!tOVEME:-<T.-Thenew Autumn term begins Aug. 5th. audience. His subject was Salvation and n<1otion for Bowmanville High School iistened to wit-h special interest. Death Soft S rnp and Pr,i.ctico Pedal attachmenb C11pt. Ball will run an excursion from he gave a very interesting discourse. will be held on Cartwright to Lindsay on July 12, calling RELIABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES; has not brok<Jn tho ranks during the year. to 11 N ewcnmbe Upwright Piano serves JULY 4th, 5th and 6th, at Ball's wharf and Plum Point. -City of London, England, capital £2,- A goodly numb )r have signed the t ern- the rierves of the listener or performer, Commencing first day at 1 30 p. m.; subseporance pledge, all the officers and teachers when practising, as well as the ins truIf you want a first-class cigar you must 000,000; and Lancashire, "England, capiIntending and a large number of scholars are united ment from wear, and preserves the tone. q uent days a~ 9. 00 a. m. go to W. E. Pethick's where you will find tal, £3,000,000, represented by J oHN i n church fellowsh ip, there are about 150 TORONTO TAKES THE CAKE.-Who candidates should send in their names COLE, Sen., Hampton, Ont9--6m. a great many kinds to choose fr~m. to the undersigned, as soon _ as possible. The hotel keeper _ who charged royalty volumes in the library, names on the roll, would have thought it was left for Toron to l\lr. and Mrs. R . B. Williamson, of 1\'L M. FENWICK. 72 ; officers and teacher~, 11 ; average at- to produce the greatest the world ever ~ -- - - -Port Hope, and Mr. Hi. Willfomson, of a Napoleon each for eggs made his excuse tendaoce, 41 scholars and 7 teachers; ki:ew 1 but such is the c11se, ImpErial H . M. B.S,; that kings were scarce. Although Ester~anrul.ia.t. - Jtauinwu~. Cobourg, attended the tournament. Bowmanville. 23-3w verses recited, 1386. The receipts wirh Cream 'farti.r B~king Powder is the most brook's Falcon Pen No. 048 is king, it is Mr. Eddy, .Newcastle, has secured the balance from pt'evious year amounted to wonderful ever invented. lt makes the not scarce, but is found everywhere.· t ~;.li,~JUN~lS:lSS9.-' contract for the rebuilding of the Wel$107.58. Expenses of 1888 tea $24 14; most elegant biscuit ever eaten, Sold by J come church, for the SU!ll of $2,350. On Thursday last, Mr. Richard Score, paid on parsonage debt $60; supplies for Grocers. t _. _ _ , , . · Everybody in lhis district should know Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Keachie have re· Sr., tailor, an old citizen of Toronto, was school, $15. Balance in h11nd $8 34. The tea served in the church shed was t.hat W. Quick & Co. have moved .their turned from Springfield, Mass.; delighted marri.d to the widow of the late Mr. C. 10,000 lbs. Wool wanted at the with their visit among American acquain- C. Walker. The bricle is 67 and the one of the be11t and was thoroughly en- grocery business we0 tward to Mr. Buck-groom 82 ; yet they set out for New York joyed by upwards of 400 persons. The ler's block, two doors east of the po~t A buggy barge.in is offered this week. tances. to spend the honeymoon like young birds. l\lfiga Nettie Veitch, of Lindsay, came Th'-l bride is the eldest sister of Mr. Wm. efficient manner in which the waiters per- office, where th~y f\l'e now prepared to See advt. formed their duties is worthy of special supply the public with everything in the 10,000 dozen Egg' wanted at Tod Bros. to Bowmanville on Tuesday last, fur a GooCl.erham and has a hand~ome income. mention. To young farm ers in West grocery line,and also the best fresh meats. visit. The band compebition was a great Highest price paid in dry goods. Dmham or elsewhere in q ue&t of wives, The store has b een nicely fitted up, an d for which the highest price in cash ST . JOHN'S CnuRCH.-Under the ausattraction. Hats in all the la.test styles j ust to we would remark for your benefit that a ia now one of the nea.test in town. Call will-be paid, Mr. Arthur Cawker has returned from pices of St . Jolm's Church a grand Musical plumper, more buxom nnd good-looking and see. hand at Couch .Johnston & Cryderman'a. and Dramatic Eotertainment will be given Toronto Busine9s College and will take Monday Aug. 5th, a good time to beG , sI , R "I L b Alsn u, lar~e stock of Sheeting in the Town Hall on Monday evening lot of yonng ladies would be hard to find IVE. N.STANT ELIEF.uave ee!1 ~ . · gin e. full course in Chas. Ruse's Educa- the position of a1womitant in Cawker & .June 24th, 1889 by "West End Dramatic in one section and the lovely cooking done for this t~a shows that the culinary troubled with as~hma ~nd a b1ad co·~gn Blankets, tocking Y~rn. Tweeds, Allin's store. tional School of Music. Club," of Toronto, aesisted by best local art is well understood by them or their fHor yeards; PI gte. n °~ 1 1:1g to h~·V me like &c.1 to e~ch~nge for Wool.. Billy Hackett received a bad kick from The Wost-End-House are making big agyar s ec ora · . d, ta.lent. Admission 25 cents- -No res9rved a horse in Ruebottom House stables last recommend :' . ..u!.lsl\M; an would - . ,,. .. ·.. -, "·· reductions to clear out certain Unes of seats. Doors open at 7:30; to commence mammas. Wednesday from the effect3 of which lie 'l'he rec~ipts of. this tes must rui; well relir · ,, ··to others as it gives instant goods. Call and see them. at 8 o'clock. has sine.I) died. up to $100, j;;~~:_~a by the q11a.~t!ty _ ·~1 --·"". . Eii:tract from l"t~.e:t from Walter ' .' Mrs. Dingman has new stock of millinThe officers were mustered !n for Can- edibles consumed. v McAuley, Ventnor, Ont'.Proprietor. Mason's have the largest stock of dress ery which she invites ladies ·to impect. ton Bowmanville, No. 11, I. 0. 0. F., A very exciting base ball match was · -r "' ~ _.,_ Hampton, May 27th, 1889. 22-2m goods in town from $2 per yard down to Rooms over Henry's Gallery. 10 cents. Positively no five cent dress last Tuesday evening, by Major G. W. played between the Front Road Growlers DIED. STATESMANS in wrappers all ready for goods in the stock. UnHt and Lieut. Wilcox, of Toronto : THE HEARD-In Darliop:too, Juno Hth, ,Toseph mailing at the office 3 cents per copy. Capt. Young, Commandant; W. E.Peth- and Gibson's Town Line nine. The Growlers showed most science and rolled Hee.rd. in his !ltlth year. Native ot Pancross· ' Mrs. Dingman 11as moved into the Send this weeks number to your friends. ick, Lieutenant; Wm. McCullough, En· up a good score. Mr. W. Wilcox: um- week, Devon, Eng; STATESMAN Block over Henry's photo galwit.h perfect sat1"sfact1'on. Thomas \VoRDEN-In Mitchell. on June 12th, 188!1, A pleasant meeting at the Royal Temp· lery where she intends doing over straw sign ; H. J. Weeks, Clerk ; N. M. Gage, Pired the ."ame ,., Worden, aged 78 years. Accountant; .Joseph Bryant, Stands. rel lars Friday night, including songs by and felt hats in the latest styles. MAnsnALL.-At Exeter, England,fMay 30tb Bearer ; R . Dumas, Sentinel ; T. DownThoma~ Marshall, aged 25 years... Cousin of Bro. Chas. Murdoff and ori~inal poems by OSHAWA. iag, Guard; Y.l. J, Jeffery, Picket. the Editor or THE STATESMAN. Richard Sylvester, Esq., senior memBro. S. W. Mason. ber of the firm, Sylvester Bros., Lindsay, Miss Masson expects to make her home Mr. R . Gilbert, of Kingston, Mr. Bert has been in Manitoba and the Northwest CANA.DIAN SocrnTY oF MusrcIANS.--The BIRTHS. Thompson, Mr. H. Bennett, of Toronto, looking into the prospects of the prairie Fifth Annual Meeting of the Canadian in Texas this summer. SWAIN- Near Enniskillen, on the 9th inst., Mr. Charles Groat has a colt which and Capt. R. Mutt.on, Cobour~, have - region. Society of Musicians -is to be held in the the wife of Mr. Charles Swain, of a. daughter, been staying in town. Normal School Building!, Toronto, .July weighed 135 pounds at foaling. AR<?HER-ln Cartwright, on the 12th instant, The Young Ladies' Aid Society of St. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Judging from the 'Valter Moore ca11~ht a speckled trout the wife or Mr. Joseph Archer, or a son. OnjWedneeday last week, Mr. Trewin Paul's church, will give a Garden Party, HYLAND-In Cartwright, on the 12th instant PRICE, $10.00. o[ Bla.:;kstock, while lifting a atone, fell at the Manse on ·wedneaday aft<irnoon Programme just received, the meeting weighing 111:,. 6 oz., in Osha. wa creek last the wile or Mr. '!'hos. Iiyland, of a. eon. ' in an apoplectic attack. Very little hopes and evening, June 26tlt. Proceeds for will be of great interest and educational week. BEN.THAM- In Dl\rlingtoo, OD the 17th inst., The only practical Typewriter in the world valuto to all music teachers and others inMr. Robert Scott, East Whitby, has the wife or Mr. Rd, Bentho.m, of a daughter. It is ~lmple, practical and durable. No ma.chin~ of his recovery were entertained. the organ fund. terested in musical progress. Programme bought a fine young importecl bull· from evermvented does neater work. It writes 35 to. 40 words per minute. Never gets out of Miss May Graham, of Brampton, niece pr. and Mrs. A. Wilson and d!lughter can be obtained by addressing Chas. Ruse Chas. Groat7Brooklin. a.)ignment or out or order. No exoense for of ·M rs. .J. M. J oness, won the Taylor and Mr. J . Bowman, of Fenelon Falls Box 88, Bowmanville or Miss M. M. Arribbons. No instructions required. It is a. Mrs. B eckett, East Whitby, while silver medal at Ontario Ladies' College were last week guests of Mr. .J. Maynard, mour. marvel of simplicity and usefnlness. doing some whitewashing, she fell to the for highest standing in commercial course. "Lorne Villa." Miss Ethel Maynard has During the tournament last week, Mr. floor and injured her head. .James R. Ferster, the wide-awake agent Gur Carpets are selling ~ast but we returned with them. ~end for aescrlptive pamphlet and mention Three Canadian cows, owned by Sylthis paper. want room and will clear Brussels, TapesSuits, Suits. See the immense choice for H. H. Warner & Co. of Rochester, vester Kerr, of East Whitby, produced 30 tries or Wool, Union and Hemp at lower of Worsteds, Tweeds, &c. at Mason's; N. Y., proprietors onVamer's Safe Rem- lb3. of butter in one week. The Typewriter Improvement Co., prices than you ever saw for same goods. they are selling many lines of fine Scotclt edies, with his assistants, placed in the ~ P. 0. Sqr., colt, owned by Ha.Ilia Drew, East A hands of all who attended a copy of Do not buy before you see J. J. Mason's tweeds (portions of the McClung stock) BOSTON, Maes. ' Whitby, got badly lacerated a few days 7 Adelaide St. East, 'l'oronto. Branch Office: at less than they can be bought for to- "Warner's Safe Dictionary," a [pamphlet lltock, a!(o by e. barbed wire fence. Agents wanted. Address me.in office. containing many thousan.:l. words, in genRev. C. E. Mcintyre, of Orangeville, day. A certain and speedy cure for Mr. J. Ashton is buildin!{ a fine new eral use, and a few testimonials of wonwill preach Anniversary Sermons for the Cold in the Head and Catarrh NERVE TOR'IURED - " I suffered with in all its stages. Church-st. Mtithodist Sabbath School, on neuralgia and found no relief until I used derful curea made by their remidies. No barn for l\lr. W. Bunker, Eist Whitby, 100x40 feet, with a stone foundation. firm in this world uses printer's ink more Sunday, July 14th. Mr. Joblin is train- Hagyard's Yellow Oil. , Since then I SOOTHING, CLEANSING, The foal mentioned last week, had by ing the scholars for the occasion. The have also found it an invaluable remedy liberally than H. H. Warner & Co., 11nd HEALING. they attribute much of their success to ~r. 'fhos. Pereman's 32 year old mare, is Instant Relief, Permanent Cure annual pic-nic in Stephens' Grove the for all painful burns and cuts, rheumatism the Press. Failure lmpo·ssible. ' med by Mr. W. ,J. Murray's Ontario following Monday. and sore throat," Mrs. F. Cameron, 137 Last Friday was Decoration Dav and Ma.mbrin<', of Brooklin. Mr. Thos. Yellowlees gave two very Richmond StreetWest, Toronto, Ont. Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms ol the Oddfellows turned out in a body and Catarth, such as hea"dacbe, partial deafness, losing appropriate and interesting discourses at Mr. F. W. Baughman, the new minisHo ! For The Old Country. sense of smell, foul breath, hawkin~ and spitting, . (A, DUNLOP, ?vfASTllR,) Maple Grove anniversary Sunday after- ter of the Disciple Church, will be at their decorated the groves of their deceased nausea, general feeling of d e bility, etc, If you are brethren. Twelve graves were vi.sited Will make her regu!Ar trips on this route noon and evening. There was a very troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you leaving Cobourg every moraing at 7:30 and M. A. JAMES is a.gent for some of the have Catarrh, and shonld lose no time in procuring large attendanct>, Good singing by the prayer meeting on Thursday evening, and and floral tributes placed thereon, Bro. Port Hope a.t 9:50;o'clock,onarriva.l of Grand will preach a salutatory discourse on J , W. Archibald, lodge 11ecretary, reading a bottle of N·s·r, BALv. Be warnea in time, choir and scholars and good recitations neglected cold in head res\llt~ in Catarrh, followed Trunk Railway trains from the east and Sunday morning e.nd is specially desirous at each grave the name, dates of birth best lines of steamships, and is gettln~ by the latter. Wti hear the tea on Mon- that every member of the church and and death, and lodge to which the dead up a party to go the Old Country the last by consumpiion and death. NASAL BALM is sold by west; connecting at Rochester with the all druggists, or will be sent, post paid, 011 receipt of N e_w Y ?rk Central, Northern Central and day was a splendid success ancl receipts congregation shall be present with es brother belonged and the brethren all · week in June or early in July, a!: very price (50 cents :ind $1.00) by addressing E neR11.1lways, and the Lake Ontario Diviquite satisfactory. FULFORD & CO., BROCKVILLE, ONT. many others as may find it convenient to joined in singing a verse from a suitable low rates. For example he sells a ateersion of the Rome, Watertown & Oqdena· ~ Beware of imitations similar in name, The Stationing Committee of Toronto attend. bnrg Railway for all points east, wes and hymn. Rev. Bro. Warriner led the desouth. votional exercises and Bro. A. Mitchel, age ticket from Bowmanville to LiverConference have recommended the folWe hear that Mr. W . C. Goode, native RETURNING lowing appointments : T. Dunlop, Brook- of this town, for some yoars teacher in N. G., delivered an excellent address pool for only $26.30, also Cabin and Inlin ; W. Kenmn, Columbus ; E . Barrass, Darlington, and now a grad uate in phar- suited to the occasion. The admirable te~ediate tickets very cheap. Reader Will leave Charlotte (I'ort'of Rochester} ~I stock, Steady work e.t good po.y. No D.D., l'i-ckering; J. A. Rankin, Orono; macy, has some 3 months since purchas- 1aanner in which the address was deliver- if you think of crossing the Atlantic, or exper1eoct\ necessary. Any man not afraid to on Mondays, W edcesdays and Frida.ys i:t 12 o'clock p, m,, 'fuesdays at 9 o'clock p. S. T. Bar,tlett, Newtonville; L. Phelp, ed the drug 11tore in Goderich formerly ed and the solemn and thoughtful char- k work can succeed with us. Salary and exm., Thursdays at 11 o'clock p. m., and now of others going, it will pa:y you to penses paid to good men. the year round, W. A;-)3,1,_mner, Tyrone; R. McCullough, owned by Dr. Whitely. Re has made ex- acter of it produced a deep impression on Satu~d~ys for Port Hope direct at 4 p. m. Write for terms. Success guaranteed, Hampton ~i R. Sanderson, Enniskillen ; tensive improvements, including enlarge- the hearers. Hundreds of citizens throng- call on or write to M. A. J A.MES, PubE. C. SELOVER & CO., Thn IS the cheapest and most expeditious NURSERYMEN, Geneva., N . Y. W. C, W,ashington,M.A., Courtice ; Jesse ment, electric lighting, etc., and some· ed the cemetery which looked very beau- lisher of THE STATESMAN, Bowmanville. route to Oswego, Boston, Albany, New York, a;c., &c . ~--~-~--~-----~2~3--im Whill' :k, Blackstock. d· what of an inovation by adding e. consult- tiful. A grea~ many graves besides od. Connects with early train for North bn LO\V'S SULPIHJR S01.P Ii! All elcgaJtt tetlct TllUE A.RE JIU.NY 11\'DICA.TIONS ot . ENiff<m THE BLOOD by the U!lC of lllil· init room free to all physici&ns. His busi- fellows' were handaomely and profusely nrtlcle. and clean mi a1ttl pu~!Des the .ski11. worms, but Dr. Low·s \l'orm Syrap meets Tuesdays, Thnwiays and Saturd:>ys ~t7 bnrn's Beet. I run and. Wine, '\Vhielt snpplle· decorated by Iovi~ hands ·. most eft'cetaally. ness has alrc&dy increased· them tu oery ca8e suceesst11Uy, a. m. ' tltc neeci,aary J>IC1od building muterlal. PICNIC I SEASON'! IS YOUR BAKING POWDER PURE? IS IT FREE FROM AMMONIA? B B USE W S OLEVELAND'S: SUPERIOR BAKING PUWDER. lI S P HELLEBORE $40 Tenders Wanted. T Paris Green Medical Hall. Farm for Sale Tender. I 0 Entrance Examinations. STOTT & JURY'S .. WQQL WOOL f HAMPTON WOOlfN MILLS, Local and Otherwise. 1 I 1 D TAYLO!t -WORLD' TYPEWRITER. Over 40,000 now in use. "NOB SEKA.NH S ~~=d~ ~r~p~ie.~~n~o!a.~Pu.