s till and immovable made them suspect in fl uned and nearly blind from the continual I was a corpse. ~la.re e.nci fine duat of the road. ln all, I had I "P.irhaps ho has been poisoned," said one. aone abouo one hundred and thirty miles, I -"Or died of a sni.ke- bite during the night; sa.y barefoot, for the native shoes I h~d got those cobras are so deadly," ea.id another.- from my brickla.5·ers proved o.lmoit worse I FurHrnr Great Cures ut· Skin Dhe:tses by WEDXEmA.Y, JU:qE 19 18~9. "He may have money 011 him," euggetted a than useless to me. the Cuticura Renuclles. AN INCIDENT OF TIIE INDIAN MUTIN!: . third.-"He evidently does not not hear us," 1 As I came near to Agra., late in the after·! said a. fourth; "let us go and sec how matter& · noon,'a. lady driving in her carli~ge sa.w me, Uoy mie year ·nn tl u half old. 1<' a:ee and ,. I bedy ht a terrible condition. IH·m g ~iv· . and very klu<'lly took me u.p and conveyed ered with Sores. Sulplmr Sprln"'~ fllll . Many as wsre the "hairbrea.dbh 'sc!lpes" fell into their bauds during their savage sta~d · Stowly two of them approached me, me to the fort, still a good distance off. The Cnred by Cntlcura Bemedles. " , ~from massacre during the India.n Mutiny of hunt, and was ruthlessly murdered iu cold Until your h;lir becomes dry, th!µ, and 1857-58, there ·are few which surpass the l lood. Tha hui;ters returned to J ha.nsi ; shook my ehoulder, and at length gently neighbourillg Europeans had found shelter r have used your Cc:TICURA REMEDIES in two patrolling the raised the chudder from my fa.}e. At the and safety iu Akbar's old fortreas which cases w~ere it proved to be successful. The cloeenees of the shave I then had for my·life. but many were still abou gray before giving the attention -needed w":s m 1he case of a boy a year and a half had been a sergc11opt 1.n the Bepgal Horse country-side, to piok up any straugling ficat glance, the.y 1sprang b3ck, sho~ting the j! was garrisoned by a large Eurofican' force. I first to preserve ira beauty and vitality. IArtillery, Europe11.n wending bis way from Eome scene word "Faraoghi l · (Europe1rn) I Jumped to was t11.ken to the Oommandanb, who heard 01.d: H1" face and body were In a t errible con· than whicli, I beiieve, a better Keep on 1our toilet-table a bottle of · h mu feet,· and in a moment I was surrounded mv statement of what had occurred ·· J"·n. di~ion, the fnrmn !Jeing completely covered , · , ~u u~ w1thsores. I took him to the Maesena Sulphur corps never existed. I wa.s then au over.seer o f massacre towar ds t he f ew stations w ere Ayer's Hair Vigor-the only dressing by the entire group, including the two si ; and I was then attached to the battery Springs, but he did not improve anvi 1 was of Public Works at Jha.Illli, in Centr11ol India. European life W!IS stiil s!lfe, .y ou require for the hair-and use a little, Tile bricklayers first gave a sn:.ear here aepoya, with their swords now drawn. of artillery in garrison. B11t I did little then advrned to try the CUTICURA RE\IEDIES I rode like a centaur ; 11-nd if there WM a · h 1 h d ·I At firat I felt q11ite d~zed, for ·I could duty, An attack of brat"n fever soon fol!~w. which I did. He took one and one h'1Jf bottles ·daily, to preserve the natural color and ~ ot CuTicuru RESOLVKN1'. when hi· skin was thing I loved, it was riding a horse that ·wo.s a.na there wit c s.y to my orse a.n b s :.prennt baldness. a good jumper. Such a one I luckily had e11.ddle, trailed his bridle on the ground, and noiJ comprehend wha,b ha.d so suddenly ed ; and during it I was nursed with the nt- as smooth as could be, a.nd is to-day. r used then, or I should not be alive to tell this turning his faoa howeward, ~ave him a good betuyed me. Bub on their pointing to my most care and tenderness by the wife and tbe CVTICO"R'\ on his sores and the CuTICURA 'l.'homas Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky., cat of the whip. He went off,· and I never Ia.ce, and one cf them producing o. small daughter of our sergeant·majJr, B~fore a SoAP m washmg him. He 1s now five years of tale. ·writes : "Several months ago my hair k t · ( h ·· d di f I married that girl. When n.ri;e, and all right. 'l'he other case was a zaw him again. They left me alone in the poc e mirro-r sue as na.1ve an es o ten . year was out, dieea~e of the see.Ip, which was cured by Though the first-outbreak of the . Mutiny -commen~ed falling out, and in a few hut and ·w ent e.boub their own e.ff.,irs, as if oarry a.bout), I looked In t!te glaBS and saw I India bad been reconquered and peace res. ~vasJ;ung with the CUTICU RA Soap and rubbing !It Meerat ca.me like a. clap of th.under out w eeks my head was almost bald. I of a clear eky,·uo utterly unexpected was it notning unusual had occurred. Unleavened a stran~o slghn. Wh 1le my blue eyes tored, I was sent b~ck to the Public Works m the. CuTICURA, one bottle of CUTICURA "tried many remedies, but they did no °" (·ha well-known chapa'ties, or wheatshowed tha.· I oould not be a native I had Department I have r1·sen · and I now bear RESOLNEN" J' being used: They have advised pwved by the Europe!lons, _ yet, after the first explo- Ca.k~ · ~ " ' · · · successful In every case where I haved .good. I finally bought a b ot tle of Ayer's .hei;n. It is surprising how rapidly sion, all who hl\d eyes to see perceived that cake!!) and milk was all thab they oould get a.lso, while drinking, washed off the berry . the commission of a. lieutenant in Her Ma· the u~e of 1 Hair Vigor, and, after using only a part other looal outbrea.ka were only a. mu.tter of for me-their own food; beoause to have i 11ice from my lipe and put of my face, dis- J jesty's service, As I owe this rise to the " child will improve under their treatment. time and detail. So it ~as at Jhansi, whioh sought for better fare would ha.ve excited closing portioDs. of e. white ekin, ~hich con· steady habits insisted on b_y my wife, and ae I recommend them for any di~ea.se of tt.e skin -0f the contents, my head was covered ·· Ol1 t· he c.ventng · of the fif o h d ay vlcted me of bemg a European indeed. It I could not h~ve g~t her, in all human pro . M beiDg the and best I inam theready world. Thi3 is ~ v experience, to ste.nd by my my was garrisoned by a regiment of native in- stisp1c1on, ·with a heavy growth of hair. I recomthey told me I had better start, 1 u the sepoys was use1e~s to struggle or resist; the band babllity, but for the mutiny at Jhansi, I statement JOHN BERO fantry. All, except the infatuated dii.cers '!Ilend your ])reparation as the best hair" had returned from their hunb, They got wa.s too _numerous, and two had swords. dDn't grudge the. sufferings, i;ireat a.s t hey Amer1ca.n House, Hogansburgh, N.' Y, of th.1>.t regiment, knew that the soldiers restorer in the world." e An IJnl>~arable Skin Disease Cared, were only awaiting news of some further some berries, and with their juice thev rub· They seized me at once, and dragged ms then seemed, which I endured in my Es· "My hair was faded and dry," writes eucc&e ~o their oa.use to join their brothers- bed m·y face and body and ha.ir, and changed nearer the well, and my hands were tied cape. I ba~e been a!tlicted eince laet March wHh a Mabel C. Hardy, of Delavan, Ill.; "bu* ;;km disease the doctors ca.lied Eczema. My in arms. The dfi0ers pers\tSded themselves my rather florid complexion into one of gen- behind my oaok with the bucket rope. faco was cover~d with scabs and sore· and ,efter using a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor that t~eir rag_iment at lea£1 wa11 loyal, -a.nd ulne dusky Inditl.n hue. A suit of rough Some were for killing me at once, But the CATARRR. the itching and burning were almost unbaar· workman's olothee-tronsers a.nd short shirt two sepoys, greatly extolling their own lived in mleplaoed oonlidence. I Will! a-young it became black and glossy," able. Seeing- your CUTICURA REMEDIE>l 80 bachelor, and tbert>fore leas anxious than I -were put on mo; a turbn.n was tied on my prowess In hn.viug ma.de me a. prisoner, said high!Y recommended. concluded to give them s)lould hi1ve been ·if I ha.d a. family to look head ; a chuddur (eheet or mantle) of cotton that I belonged to them, an1 that" they A. Irew Bente TreatmeB t for &be Cure of a trul, usmg the CUTICUQA and CUTICURA Catarrh, Catarrhnl Deafness, and SOAP externally, and RESOLVENT !internally was thrown over my shouh!ers; and my would take me on to Jhansi, where a reward after a.nd sa,ve. I could not, of course, go for four moi:the. I call ~yself cured, in gratiHa;r l'eTer. Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. !lway, bec!luse my duty required my presence stockings and boots were replaoed by a pair waa offered for every Europe&n brought in. tude !or which I make this pubhc statEm9nt. The microacnpo has proved that these MRS. CL.A.RA A. FRFDERICK, in Jns.ns1; ·and da.y by day, as rumours of of old native shoes. They refused my offer As they were armed, no one disputed their di111a1ea are ~nt&lfleue, and that they a.re Broad Broe k, Uonn, doe to;the preaence ot living paraslt:ea in the more and more extensive defeotions reached of the few rup~es I had &bout me; buttyiog 11orgument a.nd I was left to them, Ct..Heura Remedies. linilla "membrane of the upper air vaBSalii'tiB them.in a rag, they tucked them into my After a while, I was told by them to our ea.rs, I saw more clearly that when mu&lld eu.taelt.\a.n tubes. The eminent scient· pur~ every SJ?ecies ·or torturing, humiliating. tiny broke out at Jhan&I, i~ would be diffi waistband, After dusk, they conduoted me walk en between them, I did so, for re· ilw -So disfiguring to the face, forehead, and. Tyndall, Hm:le;r and Beale endo!'i!e tais buromg, scaly and pimply disease' of cult indeed for the few E11ropeans to escape a couple of miles on the G.valior road and sistance under the circumstances would and tb.ue authoriiiM cannot be disputed'. itchm$, the skm, scalp and blood, with loss of }lair neck, may be entirely removed by the bade me farewell. have been madness ; nor was I without hope Th· re.rala.r method or treating the dlsea.ssa and a.II humors, blotches, eruptions sores t_ o any of those strongholds, few and fa.r be·use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the best and I hav.e often heard Europeans say that that some unforeeen oha.noe might vet en· i1 to &ppl;r an irritant remed;r weeltly and scales, and.crusts, whether simple, scrofulomi tween, where the presenoe of European eTen daily, thu1 ktepin!J the delicate mem- or con~egeous, when physioiiws and aUl mown ·safest Alterative and Blood:Purifier ever troops give Enropeans a chance of present there is no word in the Indian language for able me to escape. They were now, after brane in a con1tant sta.te of irrita,iion, remedies fall. · di!covered. e safety, o. ba.ee for future struggles for sup· "gra.tltude." I do not know. Those poor all, Oir,ly two to one, beuause, to avoid ehar- aocompa11!cd by Tiolent sneeziJ>g, allowing Price, Cuticura, 750. ; Sold everywh~re. J, c. ·Ayer & Co., Lowen, Mass. remacy wlth the mutinous natives, Jhansi bricklayers at anyrate showed me that the inli" their expected reward, .t hey would 0 no cha.nee to b.eal, and Ml a natural eonse· Spoap, 35c.; Resolvent Sl.50. Prepared by the ·uenc· of aach treatment not one permanent was surrounded wibh disaffection a.nd far thing itself is not altogether absent from not allow the others to travel with them. cure OTTER DRUG ANI> CHEMICAL Co. Boston Sold by Druggists; $1; els bottles for ii;. .bu eyer been recorded. It is a.n Mass. ' ' Indian heart3, . After having w11rlked several miles · b11rck ab1olu'8 from help. fact ih&t tho.e dlte·Hll cannot be Wl:lend tor "How to Cure Skin Diaease " M How can I express the 11enee of utter Jonell· two!lrda Jhanai withont offering any re- cured lty an.r applicAiion made oftener thlUl h was a bright morning in Jane. pages, 50 illuatra11ons, 100 test1monla.ls. ' · After finishing a few eggs and toast, ness which I felt when they he.d lett me ! sistance or ma.king a.ny remark, I saw with oace in two week·, for the membra.ne mUJ1t & chance to heal before an,. appHca.tion Skin andSce.lp preserved and beau· which wibh cdfee makes the Indian Aboub seventy miles of a good straight road delight tha.t they became less suspicious and 1·t lit repeated, h i· now 7 yre. eince Mr. Dixon chota hazree (small breakfast.) I start· lay between me and the friendly haven of observant of me and my doings. I gradually diaeonred the parasite in Catarrh and form· lutely pure.titled by CUTICURA SOAP. .A.bSO· ed on horse back on my daily tour of Sindhia's ca.mp at Gwalior, for which I and cautiously tried the rope that bound my ulated his nnr treatment, and since then hie inspectiDg the bnildin~s under construction was bound. But I knew tha.t not a friendly wrists. Luckily lt had not been knotted rellledT ha1 become a honeehold word in c1mJ1try where the Eniiliah langul\l(e or repair. I had a. hunting-whip in my soul lived between, I could trust no one on with the skill of a Jll~k·tar; and I found eTer:r lit 1pGlte11., Cure· ell'ected bT him seven yeara or females inetantly relieved by that hi1nd, a.nd a few-rupees in my pocket. .It the wa.y. I must avoid all contact with the after a little workinR that I could easily free . att· are euru 1till, there h1ninK been no new, elegant andmfallib\e l. ntidote l"llS verv early, I just barely noticed tha.b natives, lie hid bv da.y and travel by night, my hands. I wa.s far too Jaubious to do so return of the disea.90, to Pain,Jnfiammatlon and Vlreakness, hiahlT &re tbe1e remedies valued, and the UUTICURA my eervanta (in India they a.re all men) .vere seek food and water by stealth, and carry at once. However I was determined to wait 10f!o .A.NTI·PAIN PLASTER. The first rore&t 11 the dem&nd for them, that ijonor· and only instantaneous pain·killing plaster. grouped together as I lefb the g!lte, inslead my life in my hand-the sole European for a favourable cha.nee. ant imitators haTe started up everywhere, That ohanoe oa.me muoh sooner tban I pretendlnii to de11tro,. a pe.rulte of which of being at work ; and that unusual silence wandering over miles .of hostile ground. and quiet reigned in bhe baza.a.r or line of Under ordinary oircu!Illltanc~a. I could expected, The day was very hot; a.nd it lh·T know no.thin!{, b;r remedie1' the rea11lls of the application of which they are cqaally shops through which I passed. The bugles e!laily ha.ve done tine journey in four da.ys, was not long before we were a.JI very thirsty. icnorant Mr. Dixon·~ remedy is applied had sounded for morning parade before I But una.ooustomed to the peculiar Hind118. A libtle after four in the afternoon, as we onl;r once In two weeks, and from one to i "When B~by was sick, we gavo hor Castorla, I started from home ; and the native infantry tani shoes which I now wore, I could nots do walked along, one of them said: " I £ee a three applloationa etl'ect a permanent cure in Wben she was a Child, sbe cried for Castoria, regiment was already at its drill as I pa.ssed my beau. What orea.tures of habit we . are, .vell, a little off the road ; let us go and most a1a-ra.vaied cases, N. B.-For catarrhs! tro:iblet i:e.::ullar to females (whites) this reme· Whon sho became Miss, she clang to Castoria, the pa.re.de ground, I sool'.l met my super· to be sure ! I found th.a.t my progress wa.s drink." dT lll a apeclfi ~. ·"We had better hurry on to Jhansi," ior officer, the executive engineer, received not ra.pid, and blisters very soon began to Wl.en ehe had Children, eho ga.vo thow. Castoria, Mr. Dixon Bends a pamphlet describing his h!s orders for the day, and went about my burn on my feet for want of stocking11. I said the other, new tree.tment on the receipt of ten cents in "lb will not take long," said the first; ~SamD·: The addreae ls A, H. Dixon & Son. wcrk. Very few of the workmer had put had nob done ten miles, wheD. the dawn ap· :'-OS Kmg street west, Toronto, Canada in an appearance, and even these were not at pear6d, and I began to look out for a hiding- "and we mu8t take C!lre tha.t our prisoner Scimtijtc .America'!-· · work, but seemed evidently to be expeoting place. I went off the road e.nd climbed into does nob die of thirst or of sun-stroke, to some event. Oll my mging them to work, a la.rge widespread tree, a.nd was well hidden which these cursed Europeans a.re so Sufferers from 011.ta rrha troables should they grinned in silonce, and then beg \II iu its leafy branches. From this lofty perch sn bj ect ; otherwise good-bye to our reward." "Very well," said the other,_ "I have carefully read the abuve. handling their tools, but very listlessly. My I scanned the oountry round; and, to my A list of 1000 newspapers divided into duty had taken me far away from the piu· great.delight, I saw a. sm!!.ll pool of water not heard it ea.id .tbat brandy ca.uses sun-stroke, STATES AND SECT JONS will be sent on a.p. plice.tion-F R;J;E. a.de ground, and, luckily for mys3lf, into far cff. I W!IS feeling very thirsty; but still and drinking water keeps it cff." JO KELE IS. To those who want their advertising to pay. "PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST, quite the opposite pa.rt of the Station, as we I was obliged to wa.H patiently in my friend. "He has accompanied us very tamely," Rdleobed lights. - Second-hand witti- we can offer no better medium for thorough ly tree for many a long hour, because, with said onu. call the garl'ison towns in. India. and effective work than the various seleotione CONTAINS NO "He must he a coward," said the other; cisms. N. B. -The fruits of some joke hatch- of our Select Ioeal List. I heard 11r roll of muskety · firing; but the dawn, travellers caine up ·who had begun . Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phoephatel, GEO. P. RO WELL d; CO., ers turn out.to be verita.ble " chestnute. " that waa :no unusual sound in a military sta· their journey early, ta.king advantage.of the " they all are, except when they are toOR ANY INJURIOUS SUBSTANCE. > Newspaper Advertisinit Bnrea~ tlon,norale.rmingto amilita.ryman; it did not cool of the morning to reach ~heir first ha.lb· gather." .TORONTO, ONT. '\ A genuine" luaus natm re."-A spelling. 10 Spruce street, New xork, .£ GILLETT, ClllCAGO, ILL. at all attract my llttention. But that roll was Ing place, for their mid-day meal, before the I listened, but sa.ld nothing, and we went bee. MANUFACTURER OF sun became too hot. · to the well, some distance off the road. One followed up by a. sucoeasion of solitary shots A " canard " we opine ia so called beca.use &E CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAST CAXEI. at Irregular Intervals; and, these I knew, It was nearly noon, when seeing the road of them ungirded hie sword and put it down it "can-a.rd" ly be believed, formed no possible pa.rt of the evolutions of quite cle~r of enemies-lor such to me were on the ground while he drew water from the The thing to be put down with & stern O LEASE, a general store, dwelling a. regiment at drill. My heart stood still tor all who paesed-I slipped from m)' tree and well. N e11rr it sat the other sepoy, his sword hand.-Til.e rudder, of oourse. and store house. In the village.Oakw.ood. a moment, The long antioipir.ted time ha,d hlstened to the pool. Under other circum- a~ hfa belt, waibing for his drink, while I Plate glass front and well fitted for trade, Old A settler for tighb bcing.-N() prcpe.1 come : the men had mutinied, and were at:;.nces, I would not have touohed stood near him, with my hands behind my . ousiness stand of 30 years. Good grain market. ahooting their European dlicers, Just then, such water with my fingers; for it was biwk. Now o:: never, I said to myself. J. young lady would care to ba Been in a coa.rse Free store house at Mariposa. station. Midland et. ) R-.R, Apply to JA~rns TnORNDIKE, Oakwood. a mounted cfficer rushed by me, urgial( hls a p>nd frequented by ca.ttle, a.nd conse· quietly slipped my right hand from the loop set (oor·B ' 20-3m Tramps for unemployed labourers. horse to racing speed ; and as he pi1ssed, he quenbly none of the purest or cleanest. B11t that held it. To seill!S the sword on the ce.llad on me to flee for my life. Away we now I I was agonising with thirst; az;d it ground aud dra.w ib was the work of an fa. Spa.des. wen~ ; and he told me nearly every officer was a pleasure nob easily understood by those ets.nt ; the nexb, the sitting soldier fell a When may a house be said to be out of corpse to the ground, with his head almost ha.d been killed, some by the first volley, wha ·h 1 w e nev.e r undergone such an ordeal to severed frum t he neck with one blow of the ~~e perp,end!cular ?- Wh~? .it h&a got a and others by the dropping fire, We gal· find the all-necessary water ne11.r at hand, IJO sharply ground sword. At the noise of the atoop to it. N. B. Tms 1s a stup-end· loped on a.long the road, noli recking whith· matber in what state. The forethought of home j oke, not to be guessed by every er. Suddenly, some eoldier.s appeared at a my friendly bricklayers hlld provided ma attack, the soldier who was drawing stap-id fellow. · ·h h water turned round, and for a moment P ROF. LEWELL1K, M.A. WORLD'S EXPOSITION, NEW ORI.EANS, distance and pointed theil' muskets at us. wit eevera,1 w eatcakes, enough to satidy ws.a petrified at seeing his late prisonfr ·u.s. A., 1884·5, iu competition with th6) to pa.as them was impossible. We turnea the wants of nit.ture for a few days. At tha f -pianofortes o f Europe and A merica. Tho sharp to one aide, and put our horses to the edge of that pool, under the bfozicg sun, I ree, brandishing a naked sword, and slay· The Womsn who Sc:ubs. <Only U .S. I nternat ional Meda l ever a·ward. low wall and fenoe that edged the road, ate a few of my oakes, and drank of the filt hy iog his comrade. Recovering himself, !:ie rushed at me with a shout ; but him also I ·ed to a CG.nadian pianoforte ; a.lso j\(Iedal My horse rose and cleared ib in splendid wat13r, w hich yat seemed nectar to my p arch- slew A woman who 1;crubs with his own sword. -and Diploma at the Col onial ancl Indian style; but the dfioer's heavier charger fell ed mouth, Then I hastened ha.ck to my Over lat hery tubs, I wa .s once more free, a.nd what ls more, I :Exhibi;;ion, Lond on , E n g. , 1885, with the with him. I dismounted to help him ; but tree. Tho' not of a bibulous mind, . .i:;upreme honor of sup.plying.Her M aj esty he Jay 11tunne_ L!!.te in the evening, when the short was now armed, From my dead enemies I d and uncons:::ioua. The Ras no cau se to f&inb "the Queen w it h a Newcomb e Grand, bullets of the soldiers were falling around tropical twilight had been extingui.ehed 'in took their Chapatt-ies . In India, t ravellers t · If folks make i> c omplaint 'Seioctec l by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Fol' us. I could do him no yoad, and to linger the darkness of night; I desc_ ended, and went generally carry some food with them, to Oi her having "three shee ts i n tho wind." VETERINARY BURGEON. I llustra ted Cata logue, p rices and terms, d · ,. meeb the not unfrequenv oaees of finding was but to lose my own lite too. !mount- f -Y onke::s Gazatte ORONO, - ONT. ed a.gs.in, and continued my flight, cleariDg orwe.r · agam on my solltary ·w ay. My scanty eupplies. Not a soul was in eioht. .[ Addr-es3 Octavius New combe & Go., feeb were all the worse for my first day's ~te and drank, and tha nked God for ~y de every h ·dge, fence, and ditch on my w11oy Office.-Posb Office Block. rdAN U i'"A C T URERS and I had had no sleep in that hvera.noe. Then I started oIJce more ia the acrots country. Many a shot wi1s fired at journey, Calls by telegrsph or telephone receive imtime. My i:.rogrees was prcportior.ately Gwalior direction, but I kept clei;r of the A Despera.·e Alternative. WAREROCMS, 107-109 CHURCH ST.t TORONTO me ; but luckily neither I nor my horse was slower. The dawn saw me hardly eight mediate attention. . d I 1d · FACTORY, BEi TO 9 7 D~LLWOOOS AVENU» e . the liie of a noc~urnal animal, He (poor a.nd idl)-Ycu reject my hand. hit, In a fe fl minutes I Wl\8 ou~ o! sight of miles from my starting place. A ruined roa.'.· my pursuers, and sa.fe for the momen!l. edifioe some diatanee off the road was my re~tmg durmg ~he day, ~nd hidin_ g a.a I best Cruel girl I R~verne your deoision or I sha.11 ward do something desperat e! I cheuked my horse, to gain him time to shelter on this day; and in the area en· might, but durmg the zaghtipuah.mgfor_ She (!ln heiress knows he woos her to be breathe, and myself to tkink whatlsliould do. closed by its dilapidated gar<'len wall I at my bee1J speed towards Gwa.hor. When 3 I found that I was near the road that Jed to found a well, and luckily an old bucke~ and the aoldi~rs'.Ch.apattiea were done, ~ 1:1tisfied mainta.ined) -· Go to wcrk I suppose I 0 Gwalior, and not iar from eome brick fields half-rotben rope lay near ib. Agai.n I ate of ·< · "" ;... which wero under my supervision, Of oourse my cakes, and I drank of the well ws.ter, fields. ~or did I disdain the re.w cobs ·of I knew the men engaged there. H was a. !l.nd was a ble t o have a. good sound sleep in I d' · f question whether they would or would not the friendly shelter of the ruin. Tired in n ian corn, or ID act anything edible I could find, Never could I hi1ve believed in turn against me. BntI trusted to my popn· b ody and wearied in mind, I alep ~ long in· 'd d" larity with them for one thing ; and for an- deed, and night bad already fa.lien when I my o.: sol ier d·ys, when we used to grumk Aft f d dd ble o.t our beer a.nd beef and bread a'! suppli· other, to the swiitness of my horse, It wa.s a.wo e, er more 00 11rn rink, I ate.rt- ed by the commiesariat, that I could ever indeed necessary fot ma-to seek some shelter ed again, much refreshed with my rest. I have managed to get down mv throat wha.t for the d ay ; for a summer sun in India. very travelled again all n!ght ; and in spite of my I ate with such relish dnrin!( those four days. n.pidly becomes too hot fer European com- sore feet, I foroad myself on, and made good We never know what weoi1n do till we +.>-n. ,,.!,en I 3;,:; c;cRE I do nt)L mean mere!yfo fort or.safety. My only ch11once was to con· progress. Bat t he next morning found me 0 h ~;r !l t e e ightn day after leaving Jhansistop them for a t ime,_a:-iL 1 then lkwtl them r eturn · tinue my flight ati night; I therefore rode in in a sad predioam, 11 ' · I could see no C·)Ver h 1 f k tl the __ fourth after slaying the soldiersI aga.P;. I MEAN A .ttADICAL CURE. to the brick-fields. I found but fi ve man at or B e ter o any . i" , except a small clump reached Gwalior,."wearied, fagged, footaore, . 1. have made the disease of work ; they ha1 all hei1rd the firing, bad of tall trees in the i ·:: dista.nce a.head. I ·-F;l "TS, EPILEPSY o :r guessed what it meant, and the others had made for it, but wibh e. he!l.vy heat·r, for I and almost tired of life. Another couple ....,,S gone to hear and see what had resulted. knew that it indicated t he r oadside well of d~ys of such mleer y, and I should either h t 11 b f h 1 have lain down to die, or have recklessly ~]!'ALLING SICKN .lii S My m' n expresaed thek j oy to see me un· or t er mid-da.y thrust myself into the midst of my em:m!es. Aliie long stu<ly. I WARRANT my remedz to hurt ; and urged me to to.'ke refoge wibh w ere rave ers res meal. Such I foun(, ib to be. Still I could But the distant eight of the !lreat rock fort· Cun::<: the worst ca ses. Because other s h ave failed h f h" d is 110 mason for not now receiving a cure. Send 11 em or a W i!e an to continue my flight do nothing else ; there was no other " at once for a treatise and a FREE BOTTLE of m y afterwards. I dismounted, therefore, and place to r est in. P erhaps o.lao my aua- ress o1 Gwalior revived my sp!dts, I wa.s VETERINARY SURGEON, to a soon conducted to a house, and tended and J:i,.r~'-A I,LlilLJC RRl\UJ:D~·. Give Expres~ and Post was taken into one of their huts. T hen we cese 80 fa.r h!l.d emboldened me ()ffice·. It co~ts you nothing for a trial, an d.it all aat down and discussed the s1·t,.a.t1 "on. BO,VlUA.NVILLE, ONT.~ little negligence. I went up to the well cared for, by order of .Maharaj ' h Sindhia. will cure you. .A.ctare;;s : Il. G. ROO'r.2. M .C., ~ A HORSE WHO CAN TALK! Oh, the uxur y of a bath, lifter all t.hat Branch b :lil.ce, l64' Wf!St Adelll.id.e 1:;1treet, "No one," they said, "will oome to look ha.:i e.nobher feed on the last of my Ever ybody bas heard of a " horse laugh," :Xoronto . for European~ in our huts, for we are t oo wheat -cakes, and a hearty drink from time and travel and suffering! A few days but who has ever seen an equine gifted with wmz....,ii!iii!i11;Miii poor 11ond miserable to be thoughb of, or the well. I then retired to the furthest of of rest and good food had almost set me up the power of speeoh? Such an nnima.l would d1 d a~ain, when I w~s once more st a,rt.ed on my I suspected of harbouring you, · Bull your h . t e tree~, an ay own at full length on tb.e flt~ht. ['he Maharaj \\h continuing loyal to I b e pronoun cell a miracle ; but so would the horse will betray us if he is seen a.bout here, ground, covering myself all over witih my to th.e government, incurred the animosity !, t elegraph and t he telephone a h undred y·e ars ago. ' Vhy, even very recently a cure for conthey w ill of course, sea.rob the hut s." "ohuddur ", This was rehearsing what I f h which is universally acknowledged eeth· i Sulllption, ' 'Besides," said another, "you cannot intended to do when travellers oi1me up for 0 ts own people; and after a time of & to be scrofula att:ccting t he lunge, would have expect to esl)!lp e on horseback, for, under thus the nati ves are e.ccmt 1med to take their i~g discont ent ~d ill·suppreEsed murm11ra, been looked upon as miraculous, but now peoexisting circumst~ncee, t h&t would be t oo short mid·day r est. At first the coast was h1s troops broKe out into open mutll'.'y : ple are beginning t o reali~e that the disease not incurable. Dr . Pierce's Golden Medical com plcuous a mode of travelling, esp3citi.lly clear, and I could lie a.t ease, with my head against hi~, crying to be led to join tht ir : 'is Discovery will cure ·it, if t alcen in time and brothers m arms. Attended by only a ' given a fair t rial. This world-renowncu r emd I - d with English aa,ddle and b ridle. " tmcovere : a are not trust myeelf to sleep. handful of faithful servants, Sindh ia was "Your only ch!\uce, sir," B!lid a third, "is Very &oon, however, travellers beg an to paea obliged to fl ee to Agra for h is life. G walior i edy will not make new lungs, but it will restore uiseascu ones to a healthy state when to t ravd by night and on fo<>t, in order t o along ~he road, and many looked curiously f other moans have failed. Thousands grate· · t he l·zy man who h · d either t was o course oow become too hot for any · get to Gwalior u nobserved. " fully testify to t his. It is the most potent 0 vers1 uU ~ w ep E 1 I told them I was entirely in their hands, himself till too late in t he morning, or was urop6an ; and I followed Sindhia's e.x · 1 t onic, or strength r estorer, alteratlve or blood-cleanser and nutritive, or fiesh-buiider nud that I trusted to t heir goodness for my beginning to sleep too long before noon. ample, . koowu to medical science. For Weak Lu ngs' chance of escape. E \l'en with t he sense They were,.however, too in te nt on tl:ie!r own , !'-g~in I sta~ted on my wanderiug; bub Spitting of Dlood, Bronchitis, Asthma ca: of the imminent danger in which I was pbc· journey to mind me much, and they went on. tms t ime I hau fewer a.dvenrure~, for t he dis- l tarrh in t ha Head, and all J,ingering Coughs i~ au uneq ualed remedy. In derangements , tance was ~horter. On the second da.y, I . it ed, I had ti !Ile to observe wi th satisfactioi' it was not from th em I expected trouble. of the st omach, li vcr and .bowels, as Indi ~es· DR. J.E. DllYGD!l lU, V. S., swam across the river Ohumb~ll, at the irn· tion, their simple grat itude for the little-indeed WILL CURE OR R.EL.IEVE or Dyspepsia, Diliousness, or " Liver Honorary Graduate Ontario Veter inary The crucial t ime oame a~ noon approached. minent risk of befog seized and devoured hy ' Complaint," Chronic DiaIThea, anu kindred Uolle&"e, n othing more than j 11stice and some kind. l3IUOUSNESS1 DIZZINESS, · The blazing sun shone in full glory and heat. one of the numerous alliga.torethat swarm in ' a ilments, it is a sovereign remedy. ness of man ner and word-that I bad done. Calls promptly attended to, nittht or day. DYSPEPSIA DROPSY, ~ri\vellers began to drop in at t he wdl, I its wakrs. But on the other hand there Golden Medical Dis" for t hem. Ctnce. a t ()entra l Telephone om("· B(JW· ~ j ! W H!TrEn covery ". is. the only medJNDIGES T!ON1 fLUTTERING have bee i kbd to us," thy nid · aovcr ed my i;<.::-- h tad r.nd i.11-with my was the oerta.inty of befog <e·z od aad slaiu , - H;3m l!JUMIUU!l i t !.!, ;eme ot lts class sold mnuville JAUNDICE, OF TH E Hi:.ART, ~"You _. by druggists, under a " you have been our father and ou; mau tle, pretending to ba ~aleep, but carefully if I soup ht tho ferry ; bridge t hero tht<ll w ..a 'ERYSIPELAS, · ACIDITY OF noticing everl' 1: 1 rriva.l. Among them, t o my none. I pas;;ed Dh olpore ; and soon found pruite<l !;fUa 1·antee, from the manufactZollo, t he little dog of Dr. W atson, of mother [mai bapl; aud we will do all we can horror, I saw 1i1 vo sepoys armed with sworda. compa.ranive safety under the influen ce of the u rers_, that it will benefit or cure in every case Ma.con, Ga., was accustom:ed to ;;~cfon oany :SALT RHEUM, lHE STOMACH, for you." of disease for which it is recommended 'or They in due course beg&n thdr meal, . chat· vicinity of the European forces at Agra , '.HEAR TBURN, DRYNESS money paid for it will be promptly refunded. the Doctor everywhere. When the D~ctor And they d id a 1'1reat deal. For fi ve days \HEADACHE. OF THE SKIN, I lay hid in their huts ; for the na.t i ve ting freely ; and I lay quite still, hoping There, in d ue course, I arri ve<! , safe indeed , Co1 1 yrlght, 1888, l>y WORLD'S I>rs. MED. Ass' Y. died f nd was put in the ccffin ZQJ' ~ was after food and rest, they would prooeed as to life an~ limb, but I was not a v~ry p1e · tha.t, held up t o take a l!l'stl look at him, J ,,,..: ""wen_ t soldiers or sepoys ha.d sca,titered themselves b d fiYtlry apeeie/il. , o:t d:Uea·e.. aris:bJ.g on their w ay, leaving me once more at sentable ob3 ect, My feet were bhsternd, Lrom di1io1'dered . LIVJCR KIDNEYJ5. to the cemetery w1 th the ooffin, r efusad for e. over the coun try, pursuing the few Europ· STOMA CE, BOWJCI;S OB BLOOD· , ' liberty to resi;_me my journey, Unluckily, swollen, and torn; my clothes were fi 'thy long while to oome away, aud now goes to e e.ns who had esci1ped the massacre e.~ sun had begun to bee.t upon me ; yet I and r agged ; my skin was tanned a.nd raw ors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy for an the- grave every morning a.nd night &nd re· Proprt;~~~~ Jhansi, ,Every one of them exce7t myself the d s.red i:.ot move. T he mere foot of my lyiog . with t he heat of t he sun ; and my ey es were incurable case of Catarrh in the Hc~a. mains sitting upon it for aome time, I-IUNTED BY SEIJOYS thu~ I BEST IN THE WORLD. eDon't · Wait I .Ayer's Hair Vigor, Pimples and Blotches, 0r.· BABY 'S PAINS AND WEAKNESS. :< CREAM .18t~K1t'6 . . w. POWDER TO ADVERTISERS. Fine Business Operl'..)g. T AWARDED FIRST SILVER MEOAL "'e We ~l(~:l:EY l . -0- - :~:8 ~~~:nf:e ~re~~~~e~h~ym:l~:~ginm~h~ FITS'!. J, IJHN SPENO ER, I i I T. M ILBURN ·&CO., · $BQO g?iru!n~!~