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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1889, p. 3

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YOUNG FOLKS. THE B:EAOON·LlGilT. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26. lSS9 QUEEN vrnroRIA'S DAILY LIFE. A Peep nt the Tnner Scenes o! 1.he Queen . of En:i;Iand's Houscholil'. SHARK3. :Ravenous Characfcr ot the WhHe and Bammer·Bcnded Vat·l etles. ··If a woman is pretty, To me 'tis no matter, Be she blonde or brunette, So she lets me look at her." An unhealthy women 1s rurely, if ever, beautiful. The peculiar diseases to wllicll so many of the sex are subject, ere prolific causes of pale sallow faces, blotched with unsightly pimples, dull, lustreless eyes and emaciated forms. Women so aftllcted, can be permanently cured by using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription; and with the restoration of health comes that beauty which, combined with good qualities of head and heart, makes women angels of loveliness. "Favorite Prescription" is the only medicine for women,soid by dmgg!sts, _ ______ ·_underapositive ._ _.gua1·autee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction Jn every case, or money will be refunded. It is a positive specific for all those painful disorders, irregularities n.nd weaknesses with which 110 many women are atllictecl. IWARRANTED I :. Copvrlgbt, 1888, by w ORLD'S DIS. MED. ASS'N. Dlt)PIERCE'S PELLETS Purely Vegetable I Perfectly Harmless I UNEQUALED AS A LIVER PILL. SmaJiest; Cheapest, Easiest to U!,Jl:e. One tiny, Sug1tr-coatecl P<>llet a close. Cures Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipe.tion, Indigestion, Ililious Attacks, and all derangements of the Stomach and Dowels. 25 cents a vial, by dl'uggists, STANDARD BAN I\_ OF CANADA. Capital paid up, $1,000,000. _,,,,_ Rest; IUG0,8-0 Th!s Bank la prepared to do Leg!U. mate Banking ln all lta br:i.nche11. Farmer!! notes discounted ; Depoeltt received a.nd Interest paid on amounta of ·5 upwarde in Savinga Bank DepaFtment; DRAFTS Isuued im d Coll~etlons made In E urop~ United Sta.tee and Canada. W. J. ,TONES, Ai:·· The Ontario Loan and Savin~s '1! _,,-. · p, -~J Co. $300.800 $ - 7U,OOO. .J't>'.P Captt:tl, . · --o-- · I beg to notify the public that 1 am reoeivin:t deposi..,s. for !his company, and allowln~ a. higller rnte o·: interest than the bankslam also prepared to grant No KOTIOE OF WITHDRAWAL REQUllIBD · Loans 011 REAL E~TATE on fa1"ora'l le terms. OFB'ICE: McMurtry'e Dr·y Goods Store, Bowmanvil!e, O<Jt. 11, 1~8. ,V, F. A:LLE~ 42-Sm ' continues to ao a General Bank1ngBualnee· Bo wma.nvilfo Bra.n ch. THE ONTARIO BANK DEPOSI'J'S :teoelved in Savings Bank tall£ 1all and interest allowed at cunent rates. l' otice ot withdra.wa.l necessary. · All de pc£ii 1 payable en dema nd, EXCHANGE 3oughtandsold e.ndDra!tS'issued upon Enrote Jnited States and Canada, also Gold Silver an Jnlted States Greenbacks bou~ht ai:d sold. t)tH~L:EU~'iON'~ mlnlcn ot Ca·n ada. Tele~raph 'l.'rausrer 8 Made tor larp:e or small sums on all Part a of Canada. 'J;hls .i~ especially advantageous to persons llvmg Ill .Manitoba. or the North·west liB It makes the tunds available at once at c he place o! payment. . . For fur· her particulars call a the Bankbi House.)_ . T. B l'.ODIE, G.tO. McGILL Accountant. Me.n~,< . ·l ilf Groat Brittain, the Unite a Statca 11 nd De Promptly at c1Jrren~ rn._ tes upon all }J a r UNDERTAKIN~ -:av-. ~ , - LEVI MORRIS. W 1 a.m fully prepared to attend Funerals o the ehorteat notice, at the !owes t possible rates Caskets and BnrialCasesrea.dy·onshort'ootica Firitt·claee hearse on ver:r moderate terms Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fuo e rel cards supp Fd at once. lrnrnltnre Shop St.ow R< tn.s-Etuus&.Je ?- i:v. bicck. ~ r l,. · , · Oply Genuine S:ntem efniemory Tra.lnlnc. ~ Folll'-~~~= ~':.'!:°d~r1o'; ::ree~~ading. Every c,bild and adul& greatly beneOtted. . ?a G t,j ! t t c d 1 res,Cf11;,u~men ~ ~ on:espon ence Classes. ·,;z~e~h'!"l'r~~l~f~~a0%~~J;f?;!"ti!"~~nf.D!!:Si;:!· D11nie~Gr.eenlea.f'Thompson, t he great Psrcho~- Ry MEM 0 . MARVELOUS , . D ISCOVERY '21a,";;,0?1"1 ,v.B/~1UfJ:£.;Pil;g~f~~;l~: ~i~~~~~l:' , ..-ro · A, LO18 ETTE, 2<S7 Fifth Ave., N, y, Jlonj~ . w. Astor, Judge Gibson, Judah P. _gn af.1 m, and others. sem ll_ost free by ' - i I "~'hen I wa.e a boy," eaid old Walter The inner life of the court ha~ little In it It was reported the other week tha.t a Winwick, "chere was no light on yon· head- to tempt:a Sybarite-simplicity, (lutifulne~s, sailor engaged in scraping the aides of a land, 1 md many a gocd boa.t and ship went conscien't.iou3 performa.nce of w 1irk are its troopship iu the harbor of Sierra L3one was to her doom among those rocks. ch11or11>cteristics. At g Her Majoaty bre11ok· di:awn into ihe water and promptly devour· "I well remembel' the first time I went to fasts al1Jfte-, unless some of her children, ed by a ehark. This is not an uncommon sea. How proud I felt ! .My uncle owned gr!l.ndchiidren or personal friends i>re staying EXperlence and the "Standard " reminds ns a fhhiog boat, and he took me for his 'aea· in the palace, and she iii rarely without that a boatman has been bitten in the short boy,' to my infinite delight. Grandfather them. In Summer, at Ooborae, Windsor or time it took ·him to dip up a pitcher of water (with whom I lived, fir · I was a.n orphan) B>1.lmoral, this meal is generally served ouu while his crda w~s under fall ea.U. We are was pleased and proud' too. 'It's in tb.e of doors, in some alcove, tent or Summar· assured that it is nothing uncommon for the blcod Watty,' he said to me,- 'in the blood! house, after which the Q Hien either drives ravenous fish to spring a foot oub ot the sea. We a.~e all born sailors, and I hope you'll in a. smali pony carriage, accompa.nied b:t in orde1· to Eecure their prey, For miles for and find tne sea. as good !I. friend as I've done. one oE the Prinoeases, or she walks attended they will follow a. vessel, on the lookout for !f :sou keep off the rooks, and see that you by a. lady-in-waiting or maid·of honor, with any stray unforunate who may tumble or be 1 Eail in a well.found vessel; and go by your whom she conver ses with friendly e11ose, and thrown overboard, and eo deep do. they "~uto~IA i~ so well ada.pted to children tha\ Casf:orta 11ures Colle. Con!ltlp1ttlo!!, ct a.rt, and com pus, you'll be all right.' followed by two Highland serv<>nts i>nd some swim ttnder the surface that it requires the I [re_ommcnd1tassuperiortoanyprescription S<?ur Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eructation, I did not pay as much attention to grand· favorite dogs. practicsd eyes of the natives to detect their H.A, Al:CHE:R U.D. Kills Wonns, &ives sleep, and promotee 6. lmowatome." ru So. Oxtord · · gestlon father's words as I should have done, for I Luncheon is served at 2, the coLv:vea presence. Many of the We·t India ha.rbors St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Witllout injurious medicntion. sty's family or royal guests. so haun~ed by the was young, and my head a bit turned with being Her J:l.'.Lj > Tm? CID·TAUR CoMPA...VY, ~7 :f::rrny Street, N'. '!!',. excitement. Until this hour, from her short after-breakWHITE AND HAMMER HEADED "The old man stood on the shore and fast exercise, the Qieen Is diligently occupi , . , . watched us sail out fr om the cove. As we ~ot ed with dl'bial correspondence Dnd business s:s.rks:-the least a.mia.~,e of the ~5~ different fully under weigh! wa.ved my ca.p w · him, of v .>rious kinds. i.oog training haa made krnds known tozoolo1nsts-that1t1s danger· and he nodded to me. .. her a pCllit~cian oi no mea.n ability a.nd o~s to b~the e~en a fe_w yards from the shore "I had often been out sailing, of course, brea.dth of view, her natural common sense with?ut an ou ,lay b~mg posted. FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTII.AM & SON, BOWM3.~VILLE'> before tha.t ds.y ; but never 'at sea.' s.s a. forming a.n admira.ble baeis for such a superIt 18 a. wall ta1oed faot that the ekele'hand'; and you ma.y be sure I w~s eager to structure. It a.seists, too, in enabling hec tJ tons of 1sheep, piga, hoge, and cat~le which help and prove my skill at pulling ropes, choose, her friends well and wi;;ely, thou;::h have fa.!en or been thrown overboard reding, and steering. the court surroundings are not calculated to bee!! rec?vered many days s:ib~eq;:iently to "That first nighb wa.s &11 but my last, for help royal personages in fJrming a just their _bemg "swallowed; and it l~ on. ~ecord e. storm came on very suddenly, and it ~r.ew judgment of character, Huma.n nature puts tha.~ 11,! a swmach ?fa shark killed m tha so dark we could not see ahead. We tried on a somewhat too angelic e;uise, where In~iau.ocean a. la.dy s !Vork-~ox was found, to make our own harbour, but the villages tv~r:;thiog m'l.y be won by amiability and wh!le In another the mcrim1na.tory p!!.[>6rs etl'aggle for miles along shore, ancl _we could I nothing by .the rt vdrse. which had been thrown away by a hotlynGt distinguish the li!!lh'.s of Eut L'nga from In the morning1 the maids of honor (they chased were reo.overed from t he_ ma\\' those of West Lfo11a. Some of the rocks rise nine in "11) in waiting for the time a.r of an !~voluntary witness thus cummsly in precipices of fearful height; some run o~t with the Piinceases, reading or practising on · "r?nghl mto Clurt 00 the barb of a p~rk· in stravgliog reefs a.cross the ba.y, When it the piano, einging or pla}'ing !awu te~nis baited hook. Ruyach, on~ of the most trust· is light' any man of us ca.n b1i;ig. a. bo~.t safe . with them, .a.~ any young l~dies·.companions wort~y of!~ old11.tu:a.lists, affirms that a. to land, but in the darkness 1t is a. mffi~ult together, m1gat. The lady-m-wa1tiog accom· man in ma.1 homo lorica.tus, he c~lls himHas received a large consignment of Hats inatter, and in a storm it means daring death. panies the Q<1een in her af :ernoon drives and was ~ou1;1d m the stomac~ of a. white shar~; The open sea is to be prefer!ed. , · · visits, which are most frtqaently to the poor. and IO IS rec~rded by R ,um,enbach t~a.t m "Onthenightlspeakofitwas1mposs1ble and to humble workers, Qften to simple1°ne.casea_who.ehorsewa!ffo1tnd·· Itu ~nQ to remain ont, and we m11ode for home with gentry or any one in trouble. Afterwr..rd demable th~t many have he:n killed with ~ .anxious hearts, hoping to steer clear of rooks, this lady reads afoud to Her Maj 3sty in her ample for such undee1ra.ble C?ntents; yet doubtful of our course, sitting room, and Basil Hall tells of one om of which was for Men, Youths and Boys, hard and soft felt and at prices from !). , "U11c1e ·aaid once, ·Perhaps the old man The royal dinner hour is 8.30, and that 1 ta.ken cen Ls upwards. will think of HghtiDg hia beacon on Llnga meal i~ by those of the rGya.1 family . THE WHOLE SKIN OF A BUFFALO, headland. · Ah poor old father l ma11y's tlie then residing with the Q11een, by dis tin- besides a host of other trifle~ which had been CO time I've help:d him drag the broken tim· guiehed visitors a.nd some of the household dropped a.stern in the course of the previous ME ALONG AND YOU WILL SURELY BE SUITED._8, bers to the top of the · headland to make a. in rota.tion, viz. lords and la.dies in waiting, week. ----o---· light for them at sea ; and many a good maids of honor, tQuerries and grooms-in Sailors are full of superstitions which boat's crew baa blessed him for it. I hope wafting, this latter holding a con- t ouch the enperhuma.n ugilocity and incar· he'll think on't to night.' I a.nswered that sidera.ble lower position than the equerry, na.te· ~endiebness of this fi!h-how, its the bo:ys of the village were always ready to though to the uninstructed it sounds like a· serisea i:eing a.cute far beyond what we can lend grandfather a. hand in getting up !1is distinction without a dilferenee.. . have i>ny idea of, i~ w!ll follow ship1 for I have a large and well assorted stock The Q1een is a woman of strict bus1nees days when a death 1s likely to ocour, and boDfire. And by and by, as we were peering through the darkness, hes.ring. the rollr of habit3 and study applica.tion. The _amount desert the wake o.f t_h;i.vesael w}ien no such the surf upon the rocks, and being confused of corre11ponden~ she gets through. is enor· good fortune for !t 18 m the wmd-. Vate!', by the ma.ny lights a.long the bay, we saw- moue. In the pnv~te po~tion o.f this corres· the shark go~, u the lord of the OJe~n ~n high up on our rieht-the merry bhz3 pondence Her Mo3esty is assisted by her the Hervey 1daud mythology, and ib is leap towELrds the lowering clo~ds, and I private secreta.ry, u. lady-in-waiting, a.od a. w~_i3J>?,red . ~hat . even th~ Chris.tianiz.~ shouted hurra.h I for grandfather a beacon, maid of honor, especially the DJwager Ha.w~uans will stiJI, wh~ll Ill ~he d1ree~. ex. c So we wt re guided safely to our ha.rbou. )1,archfone~e of Ely1 c:ine of the la.dies, who tremtty, ln\"oke, the eh!!.rk demon Grandfather died at a. good old age; and le IL va.lued friend. to whom their pagan fo~efa.thera. ere~_lied the last thing his eyes looked upon Wd the When the court is a.t Windeor the mem- t':mplec and offered sacrifi Ja. Tne pearl new lighthouse on Lin!'(a heidland, and he hers of the household in attend a.nee are one divers of Ceylon ~mploy sha.r~ ohar!'1ers to said, ·L-:ird, now Jetteat Thou Thy servant lady-in waiting, th~ae la.dies alwa.¥a 1 protrnb the_m whtle ·en11;al(cd in their dandep1ut in peace.' He Wil~ e. devout man, a.n.d peeresses). two maids of honor, a. lord -in gero_us wor&. Marc() PJlo speaks of tbes_e o w manvi!le. PRACTICAL HATTER had been a li~ht among his fellows all his waiting, two 1qaerries, one groom-in-wait-' vffio1als ~nder the name of the abrre:nan1, day!. He ha.d set an example t:> those aroun_d ing, also the keeper of the privy purse, the who received as wages . him a_ nd _ as I watched him die I thou~ht, 1f private secretary, a.ssis . tan ts in both depa.r t· 1 A TWENTIETH OF THE DIVERS GAINS, ever~_ boy and man would ' show their light ment and the master of the household. The A~. t-he presen t .d~y they are called.hi\i· as h e had done, many attendanc:e is the same a! O~borne and B;i.1- band1 or sua.:k·bmoec ·s,. and ~~ the d1v.ers _ ..... mo;~l, with the except10n of the lord In· woul~ not en;er the. wa.ers V:·;hou~ herng " 'S:1,iling on life's eolemn main, A fcriorn and shi wrecked brother w~1irng. . , cer~am of their services d~e cmei operator ay taife heart again ' To a.ttend tj) H er MaJesty's toilet an:! receives a. government snba1dy of ten oysters . wardrobe there are five maids, viz., three per diem. The Tahitians dellied the blue . eeing m t f ·, 1 I'_ve tried, in my small wayk ~ rWhltD dressers and two wardrobe. women. The ~hark under the name of "A1kua ma.oo," --:M.ANUFA.CTURER OF- his footsteps ; hnd dne~er ~ 0 k a f ~he 1 ~ senior dresser, who has been many years with ctedic11.ting ~t to shrines and priests, and in house yonder~ it on t t n d\· e goo Her M&j ~sty, is spec!a.lly charged with the west Africa. rabbits tacrificed to "John," old ma:n and his beacon fire an 18 exem· task of conveving orders to different tra.:les· while, if not sharply w11otohe.d, it has been pla.ry life. -d t h th peop!e - jawellere, drapers, dressmakers, ' m~med that some of the tribes about the KING STREET, BOWMA.NVILL "As I stand by. the ~hore an :a. c ~ &J.: one drESser and one wardrobe woman Niger delta will, a.t fixed times, bind a. child boats g~ out and in, 'IHth merr~ oys a~ are in constant attends.nee on tne Q11een, decorated with fiowerii to a. post on the as now on hand a number or vehicle~ (and fs manuraotnriDg s greiit many more} or the ne patterns e.nd best finish, whlch I am offering tor sale a.t the !owe"' prfoes consistenil -~ sta.lwa.n men a:bca.~d,-as I think on ~he taking alternate da.'\'!. be; low tide and leave it to be devoured with due regard to workmanship and quality. 'l'he fallowing l· a. !!st of long voyage 9f. life 1 ve nu~d~, a.~d ~~": I ':e Dress is a. matter -in which even in her by the sharks which come in with the flow, the principal vehicles me.nure.ctured br me been kepb df the rocks by C-.od 8 spirit,-rt young days, Her Maj'esty do~s not appear drowning its cries with the noise of drums. hs.s seemed to me tha.t yon be'!con 0 the to taken much interest At preeenc - [Newcastle {Eay.) Chronicle. Double Oovered Oarriagel!I ......................................... .. .. , ..... . $150 Upw~rd1· . height is the symbol of t!Jat which has b:en her perpetual mourcing allow~ of no crude · ' ·. . -- · - Single Phretona ....................................................... .......... 10() 11 my guiding tight. His word, the tower ; cvlor combinations Some of us elders have Open Buggy··················.··.·. ······.···.······· ,,,, ···. , .~........ ....... 7Q His spirb, the And I pray that ~ve;y a. pleasant if v.igu~ recollecti(,n of Victol"ia. FIGH.TJNG ST.R£NGTH OP Tff.E U. S, bo~ who launches upon the ocean ot life R~gina. a good ma.n; years ago, s~y forty or Top Buggy ··················.············.·· ~·················· · ············ · ····· f.H) Democrat Wagon....................... ..... ............................... ... ... o;i. a.mid the rocks, and storm~, and darkness, forty.three, ·in a very simple and becoming Tile · weai.ntss of the American Army Lumber Wagons................................................................. 55: and wild waves of a trou_blesGme world, may bonnet tied.beneath the ch'n a wreath of l!!llown by the "St. .James Ga-zette." be led safely to their desired haven by tha.i wild roses under the brim f~a.~ing a sweet Light Wagon................................................................ ., ·· , 4.0, Ycu have recently drawn much attention heavenly beacon. kindly young face. Ah, me ! wrrow and Express Wagou............... . ....................................... ........... 75 to the attempts which the are J.ESSIE M.. E. SAXBY. ~xperienoe have wrib their cruel marks. on Skeleton...................................................... ... ......... , .. · . . ... 50, m"king to deveiop a powerful navy, and you here and ours since then. Sulky............................ . ......... .-..................... ................... 4() hinted tha.t in a few an addition The Bov Had the .Best of it. u . p may be made to the great potentia.l fighting Possessing superior tacilltlee f.or manufe.oturlng carriages, I Intend to sell very cheap t 0 0 The master of a school in a certain village .wed1cin~l !ants. States of the world. I have p!!.~ssd a good or approved credit, and by eo doing I hope to greatly increase my num her or salea w 0 ~2 sell the wood parts oniy, or the 1rearings ot buggies ironed, ' bore the repnta.tion of being ~very clever The cathartic j!l.111.p is the p0wdered root m!lny years in America, and from what I ca.lcu.latcr ~but upo~ one ccca.srnn he almost of a. convolvulus or bindweed, C. j1lapa; have seen there I have oome to the conolu. forf;tted h1_s_ reputa:1on. '!'.he rec:t-l?r of t?e root 111orge, full of a milky juic ; fillwers red sion tha.t you, in oompany with most Engpar1sh and some friends p.a1d a v1siu ,to tee and purple, s. native of Mtxico; n! d '· lighmen, entert! much too hiE'h an opinion At the Shortest N otioe, Pa.lnted e.nd Trimmed if Desired, of the possible off~neive power of the United sch?ol to note tbe progress of t~e children. rived from X\lapa., a provioct of Mexico. ,u the Faotory I also do P~aning, Matching· Turning and Sawing with Clrcle, Band A little rogue of whom no quesbon _had been Squill in obtained from a phnt ca.Heil Sbates. Saws, and prepare all kmde of lumber ror carpenters nd others tor building pnrpooea asked, a1;1d who .h~d tb.~~efor~ mi.ssed ~h.e scilla. by bota.nis·s. This wo· d is derived Now for one improvised cruiser that foe Ornamental and Plain Pickets for tenoe.s in every style reouired. to order. · opportunity for.d1shngua.11nghm~se1f,_wpicn from the Greek, meaning to disq11iet, it Americans could put on the oceiln or the he. greatly desired, up, his m:~u to being a strong emetic. It is a native < ·f the lakes, it is certain tha.t we could put a.t least question since he was not questioned, · Mast· South of Europe. Its flowers like many ot owenty and better ones a.t th11ot. '.!'heir er," he said, "will ycu do me the kmdness ~he class spriog up before' the leaves "cruisers" would be simply cargo steamers to answer me something? "Ask whatever Tae fiow:rs on spikes white and grt>en: a.rmed and manned a.nyhow, just a.s they you ple11ose," replied the ma5 ter} "you the b!uds arelon.g tuuica'ted roots aa la.rg~ wer e duriog their civil war. The army oi ' 300,000 to 500,000 woul<l be composed of our know I always tell you to ask aoythwg Yl u as the human he;;d. The common senna. is obtained from a o!~l friends the "new men with muskets," do not know. He wh_o a> ks m~kes no mistakes:" ".~iy !ather ia three nm:s ~Y plan.t ca.lied cassia. senna., a native of ]!)gypt totally" unamena.bla to diaciplinc," to whom a.~e. Will . cha .tim~, ~var c 3 _me when_ - e and Barbuy. Another, C. Fistula., is ~ nil. · plenty o! good ~x~u·es for mutiny wculd be will be double mlllE? ·Ths.t is 0 ?t a q 1es tive of the West t· ,. "d t ' t "'· · a p ke To · Indies· where it is much supplied by the army contractors. ·l~n, .· 2a1 !le mas er ; 10 16 . · , · _ cu!tivated for the sake of i ts pulp, which The ovugrown republic is always, from 1 b'mg that about the cl~ck mtia~ ~top ~· is a mild and pleasant lax'l.tive. Toe .E~st difforiug !l.nd j~rrtng interests, n!l.turally him and go on for you. "But it.:~ qu ..~ Indian variety however is oi very old r e- dispo~eu ttJ split into halvea and quarters, pos&ible," continued the boy; ··I Wlli prove pute and in tlme of A v'icena the Arabian <l.nd the" i;haking up" which a. foreign war that what I say i~ true; l ~m twelve years physiohn,'was known by the Z:ame of ca.Eaia would give its rather crazy institutions old; my father· is thirty·six. In t,welve eolutiva.. These plants are totally different would be an· excellent opportunity for I t s " ·l " f I shall be twenty.four and my n.ther fr.:im la.urus cassia or bastard cinnamon f_orty-eight. C_onsEqnently mv. father, who ·he ba.rk of wh1 "ch' wns, ·s a spr'ce or' ma. con.ent tates to ge, oose rom one 11 h I " ~ " 11.nother. The vHt S:iu~hern and Western ia now three times my age, wi t en on Y perfume so much in favor with the a.ncl- ci devant seceding States n et forgotten be double." '. fhe hed heart· ents, ' what followed the war, or the fact th at they lly. Oxalic acid used to be obtained from, a.nii been bled ever ainae for the bm~fi~ of is the basis of our common wood·sorrel the Northern capitalists and ma.nufa.ctnrers Watch Screws. 'l'he family have the leaves of a trefoil or who conquered, plundered, and trod them It fa asserted that the sma.llesn screws in clover, the fi()wer of a ~eranium and the do'Vn. Then there is the l~ree and increa.s· the world are those used in the production taste of sorrel, but the fl·vor is more grate- ing negro popnla.tion, who feel that the ei:d of watches. Thus, the fourth jewel-wheel ful, nearer to lemon, and is sometimes nsed is not yet, and live in alarm and uncerta.ioty, screw is the next thing to being· invieible, cub np in salad. It is Cllled in Italy lvjula., dreading the fina.l issue, perhaps re-ensla.veand to the naked eye it looks like duRt ; which hu been corrupted into a.ltenia. Old ment, perh.>ps aa. s sacre and deporta.tioo ; with a glass, however, it is seen to ?ea small Eavliah o.uthors name it ouakoo·mea.t , it anything in such a country a.nd such oondi· sorew, wit,h 260 threads to the mch, and fi,l wering there a.t the time of the arrival tions being on the cards. Again, the with a. very tine iilaas the threads may be of tha.b bird. Oxalic acid is neeful to t ake agriculturnl p ~pub.tion, two-thirds .at least seen quite clearly. lrhese minute screws are iron-mold out of linen, and under the name of whom arn foreigners from every nation In _ Cleaned, Died. Pressed and Repaired by 41000th of an inch in diameter, and the of the esseutia.l oil of lemon used to ha Europe-Garm~ns prepondera.tiniz-would heads double; it ·is also 6stimated that obtained from this plant, as well a.a from not admire befog conscripted to. fiJhb the an ordinary Iadv's thimble would hold 100.- others. It is now, however, obtainea mo~t- Eaglish in order to please the pomioians 000 of these ecrews. Noa.ttemptia ever made ly from the action of nitric acid upon sugar, a.nd.oblige their Irish p:i.trons. . Dyer and Clot.hes Cleaner, to count them; the method pursued in deterThen the I ndia.ns (reiaforced by conaidera mining the number being to place 100 of them For impressive elcqnence there has never ble numbers ha.If breeds and "Indian white Goods warranted to be as no one will know on a very delicate be.lance, and the number of been anything like cannon mouths and rifle men" who have ma.nied and become them from new when 'done, the whole amonntisdetermlned byt-heweight muzzles since the world. began. afli!iated with the tribes or adopted ioto Comer of Kmg e.nd Ontario Streets, of these. After being cut, the screws Some months a.g::i the Society for the Pre· them) would b11 very likely-they are all · Bowmanville. ha.rdened and put in fro.mes, heads up, this vention of Ctuelity to Aoimals proceeded well · armed with rep!'ating weapone-:-to bdng done very rapidly by senee o.f touch in- against s. Norfolk farmer for dishorning cat· take to the war puh, having been mercilessstead of bv sight, and the heads are then tie, a. custom that is coming ' into consider· lf'ewindled fo'l' the past thirty years· or so, polished in an automatic ma.chine, 10.000 at able vogue. lrhe Norfolk magiatrates dis· in violation of the most solemn treaties. Some a time. The plate on which the polishing is missed the oha.rge but stated a case for the people maintain that the cowboy1-who, ae performed is covered with oil and a grinding opinion of the court above, and it was car- Gan. Sheridan rema.rked: "Fight pretty · compoand, and on this the ma.chine moves ried before the Lord Chief Justice and Jue- ·well when they are drunk," and reizular them rapitly by reverdgmation. tice Ha.wkina on appeal. The Chief Justice, as a.verse to disc!pline a~ a. Kurd said the details of. the nidenoe given in the or Bedoufo-would hold the in ' l d. ·· .. d h d h k b h. · d b f I mh · Has j ust received an immmenso DOW stock What Was Easier. were· utter y, an a owe c ec : ub t is 1s ou tu. "' e mterests oc all kinds or Miliinery consi!ting or o that the operation of di11horning was "de both of cowboys and Indians are identiA SURE CURE An auctioneer was selling a. Ioli of land for teatably brutal." It wa.a not beneficial to cal, as are their pursuits. Both ha.te the FoR BILIOUSNE:Stl, CONSTIPATIOl'f;:; agricultural purposes. "Geutlemen," said the animal, a.lbhough lb enabled one or two ' 'Gtangers," or agricultural Equa.tters, who INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, ,. SICK · he, " this is the most delightful land. It is pounds more to be reaJiz9d npon a sale, the continually pour in from tb.e Eastern HEAD,'\CH E , l\HD OlS~ASES 01" TH!£ j the easiest land to cultivate in the country coarseness of the catt le which was shown by States, encroach upon and brea.k up cattle STOMACH, LIVER AND EOWELS., t -it's s_o light-so very light. Mr. P!l.rker the hbrne being concea.IEd.. It declared xuns and r eaet"va.tions, and are a growin" in all the newest styles and, shapes to be · THEY ARE MI LD ; THORDUGH AND PROMl'1" , h ere WI 11 corrob ora t e my s t a t emen t · H e t o be a most cruel practice causrng fearful danger a.nd menace both to rad men a.ud '"' procnrcj. should call early and make their L:idles eele ctlons before the stock Is IN ACTION, JINO . FORM A VALUABI.£ '-ID~ owna the mxc patch and will tell you how, and absolutely unneceaaa.ry, and t he ca.ttle owoera. A big foreiizn wa.r would picked over, '.l.'his stock is one of the litrge st TO BuncOCK BLOO.D B ITTCRS ·,,. THE "J' easily it is worked," "Yes, gentlemen," case should be remitted b~ok t o the magi11· leave the latter a free hand, aLd the Graneverbrou~llt to t.cwn. I Tft!'.ATMCNT AN O CURE OF CHR()l\llC . saicl _ M.r. P 11.rker, "ItJ is yery eaev tG wer_lr, trates t o de'll with. Juat ·ce H awkins c~n· gers might p os!ibly- as t c.e 1 say in Trn l s OVER $1,000 WORTH OF R IBBON. ~ AN. D OBST! NATE'. OISi;:i\SES, bu ; it 18 a great deal eaa1er to gather tne curred. -"hear something drop." ~----·--------~------~ orons " I I ,. InslJcction invited, Infants I Children. I l HATS! HATS!! l\II~ ! :M: A YE:E <., in all the Fashionable Colors Shapes e- · o F GENTS' FURNISifINGS, I I I White, Regatta and Flannel Shirts, Drawers,. Braces, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, etc. Highest price paid for Raw Furs. M. MAYEli, HA IN Es, CAR. RIAGE VlORKS ~, .;. s · l b.' GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, d OARRIACES; SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, ° -.... - .. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired j Quickdning dOHNSON'S ~0Rlir~1s ~old lvervwh! re Gents' Vlothing loorPaints BAK· I NC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Johnso 'S ., hard as granite BeautifulFloorsEasYtoClem DUNN'S POWDER THOS. PEAT, . N .. '.· Ew M · . 'J 'Ll.I J rt ·' ! ERY ' MRS. DONNELLY Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Velvets and Ribbons I L · · ·

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