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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1889, p. 4

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REAov, mRi~~ TWO TB.AMPS ABROAD. DEAR STATESMAN.-We are in Edin· burgh, six stories high in the Waverley. This hotel fronts Princess street immEidiately opposite Sir Walter Scott's Monument. Our window commands a fine view of the castle and its environ· ments, a cannon whose muzzle points from an embraaure in the parapet has just boomed out one o'clock to the city. Sligh ~ disabilities prevent us from "working," as w_ e cill sight seeing, 80 for a few minutes I point my pen at your readers. Monster Union ·ionic. ONTARIO BANK. Regular Annual Meeting of Share- W-ALL PAPERS HANDSOME PATTERNS AND CHEAP. All the newest novelties for Ceiling and Side Walls. I also keep an assortment of FINE ENGRAVINGS. Sea my Show Window. Pictures Framed AT LOWEST RATES. g"0NE PRICE ONLY. The schools in the Ta11 11 ton and surrounding districts have d!u}ided to hold a picnic b Mr. James i.eask's grove, -north of Taunton, 011 July Mh , pro-,.;., to be continued all day. Du1 :ing the af!ernoon addresses will be deli v(lr~d, l?y ~vlr, W. Smith, M. P. and Mr. John It. Clarke, ministers and others. Games of foot ball and base ball will also be provided. The whole procee:iings will be enlivened by the presence of the splendid Newceslle FirstCounty Prize Brass Band. Mr. .J. R. Clarke will also lecture in the Taking an oceaa voyage is like taking Tau!lton Hall in the evening on "Gough a wife-an uncertain venture. One may in Dialect, Humor aad E!oquence. " get all the delights his fancy pictured, but alas for marriage and sailing, h e may Everyb_o_d_y_c_o_m_e_.______ _ _ get more than was specified in his bargain. I D::>minion Day a~ Haydon. During the first throe days of our sailing, we were happy. We made acquaintances, The anniversary services of the Ilaydon \l" e plied the sailors with questions, we Methodist Sabbath Sch 0 ol will be held loaded our memories with nautical terms follows : and learned to count time by "bells." ae On Sunday, .June 30th. sermons will be We admired the ocean and talke1i of the preached a t 2::10 and G:30 p. m., by Rev. joys of our journey, but one night the S . T. Bartlett. Collect10ns at each serhitherto slumbering elements awoke, the vice. On Monday, July 1st, ser vices will wind paid us a visit, the waves arose in be resumed at 2 p. m ., when addresses will response and pegan to caress our vessel. be ~iven by Re\'B. S. T. Bartlett, L . She shrank from their wayward caresses, Phelps and others. Singing by the scholbut bowed in acknowledgment to them ars. Tea will be served from 4 o'clock. and this activity continued until every Tickets 25c. children not members of the line in our rigging was an reolian h arp and school 15c. The public are cordially inevery wave a silver created power. The vited to attend. S. Hundle, secretary ; "State of Indiana" did some fine perform· ing. Part of our number swung with t he W. B!'oad, euperintendent. holders. Tile Dir· cl ors' lteport-Gratlfylng mul S11l1o stantliil Galns.111 B1Binesi-Tbe \VlnnlJ_).Og I Agency C.l oscd-~ ~ew V!Ct>·"!-'re.!!hJl)~!t, I The thirty-second annu~l meeting o~ the Shareholders of this Inst\tuti m was he!d at the Banking-house in 'foronto on Tuesday, the 18th day of June, 1889. Among the Shareholders present were : Messrs. T. R. Wood, W.Glenney, Oshawa, Oliver Gilpio, Hu~h Scott, S ir W. P . H owland, J. K. Mackdonald , Donald Mc· Kay, J. I· ' . Kirk, R. IL B urw s,, W. J . Macdonnell, A. M. l::lmith, G. M. R '>se, · Chas. E. Hooper aud others. On motion, duly seconded, Sir W. P. Howland took the chai r, Mr. Holland, the General Manager was r~ quested to act as Secretary, and Messrs. J. K . Macdonald and W. J. Macdonnell were ap· pointed S.:rutineers. Sir WILLIA:&r HowLALD, the Pres:dent, then submitti!d the followin g REPORT. The Directors beg to present the thirtysecoiid annua rep ort and blllance sheet, showing the red ult of the Bank's business for the year ended 31st May, 1889. The net profits. arter dedac ting chargoa of management, in terest itcorued upon deposits, etc., and making provision for b ad and doubtful debts, were ...... , ......... $130,111 60 Profit nnd loss brought forward from 31st May, 1888 .. . ..... . ... . .......... . I BALLS . . . .llil!!!. . . . . . . . . .l!Wli!!llll. . llllii:!!---------------=-1:..!!B!!illllilllil!!lil!llllllll. . . . . . . . . PRAMBS VA~~TETY w Acoris BABY BARGAINS ------- HALL. WINDOW SHADES. CARRIAGES. J'. :E3:. P. Trebilcock.BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 26, 1889. OFF FOR EUROPE. M. A. James, Editor 'lnd Proprletor oE STATESMAN, intends to sail from Montreal next Wednesday, July 3rd, on the steamship Vancouver of the Dominion Line, for Liverpool, for a two months' excursion in England and poesibly the Continent. During his absence Mrs. M. Barrette will be business manager and editoress of this paper. Mr. S. A - Jewell, Foreman of the Mechanical Department, will have control of the Job Printing .Branch and will give estimates and make contracts for printing. They have both had charge of these positions on two former occasions during the - proprietor's absence in Europe, and performed their duties satisfactory, so tha.t patrons of the paper or office can r aly on receiving prompt and respectful :.ttention in their business transactions with them. The Editor has two special requests to make of the very excellent staff of correspondents who weekly supply the readers of this paper with the happenings of their respective districts, these are: 1. Do not send to the pa.per any items of an offensive or vindictive character. 2. Do n ot fail to ~end some news items every week. As several hundred dollars a month are required for the ordinary expenses of the office, all persons who ar13 indebted for subscription!!, printiug or advertising will confer a great favor by paying up at once. All remittp.nces by mail or otherwise will be acknowledged by receipts: THE The many friends of Dt-~ W. H. Rot1s~1 known_ in D.irlington, Ir~ e havmg taught school in Shaw's S. S.Nt1· 1, Maple Grove and in S. S. N o. ::}; B ase Line a.bout Z<> ye, 8:.{0 . will regret to he:i.r of his deat!1. He was. married 261 :vear3 ago last Chr1stma'I to Miss Margaret A . second i~pected . daughter of ihe late Elijah Ste\·e ne; of All of whfoh is rfspectfully suiB'mi.i'otedi. Darlington. T hey celebrated their silver W. P. IIowLANU, Prc.t'!i'lt'ln!·t. wedding a yea<!' a~ o last Christmas;, lllr!!. GENEll.AL STATEMENTS. and Mi88 S cever'J·, mother an<l sist;.ir of L iabilities. M rs. R ous:>, being prese nt.. The D+troit Christian J:ieraldi of June (; c.-intainll" tho CB.pi~ stock psild up .... $L506,000 00 following kindly reference to the deceaaied :- Rest ...~ .. ...... ... .... ___ . 575,000 oo ' W.H.R? 11 e, M.ID ,died in J)?troit, May B;~~~~z!:J~~~~-m~-~~~~i~-~ v. 207 55 ~, 1889, m the 53t'l!l year of his age. ·contini;rent Acc?unt. _.·. . 2ti 698 511 C ll d f th Iii 1 d ll '1d Dtv1dentts uncla1med... . . 3)13 96 a e rom ose e ove so we a c ' ·Dividenw No 63, J>l&ya.ble by whom he was Beloved, he left the ' tst Junti. 188!' . . ... . . . .. .. 5?,500 Qnaility amounts to little unless prices world wit.hits affection~, cires, duties and I mte;est due if . . h f h - l'f h l · Deposi;;()ra, Exchani;ce, are fair, am it10ns, Just as t e· sun o is I e a.c" ' etc·............. ...... .. .. 78.7!8 12 . reached its meridian. Ilow ma ny tie!!· JRcb'ate on ·b!lls discount· combination. He seldom left her, when mu:tt be sundered when· such a death oc- i ed _ ..... ... ...... ··-··- ·· -- ~~~~ 2 :le"'l>S&!' Lo-w prices are not bargains unless quality he did he soon returned and locked her cura-,, _ ' o oly .t~ose reali~ to whom 8: be-f+otes _ in clfoulation ..·, .. $ 926,500 00 ·· l in hie arms again with even more affect- loved· physicum has been lielper, friend .· ep0111ts :nit bearmg m- · is there. ion. If th~y watched an evening sunset d 'l'h f ·- · b h ~ terest. .. --······- ·--·-· .. 1.,3Ul96 03 they arramrnd their posture so that her an oounse1or. e am ting . earts e , E!})oeits bO'arini;c interef!t3,409.667 09 fl ·· has oheered 1vhen qear ODe's lives have Bi:ill!-nce ~.le- Banks m ~· ii cheok might rest on his, or if he g rew b · 'I th h'ld Ji 0 h t ht Great Britain ......- --·"· 11 ~.986 71 ~ 1 weary he r'3clined hi11 noble head on her e1n t tlif.enb h? ~ {e°'~ th a_s aug :Balances d-;ie J'· Banks in tender bosom. Wl1i'le i · n co11versat. 1 "on to o'\#e im Y 18 oyaty'o eir cause, ·(;'finada .. - .. .... ......... 138·388 69 6snt;g""' the light'that ha~ been bro~ht into. dark ---_!_____ with other people he would caress her p.laceirby "our doctor," wm make the loss $8.61tl>,Ol8'ID' l pretly face or imprint kisses on her lips, o f su ch e- man a personal one m · tlie h ous e· d 'i .A!i8'ef.11· .,07 Bi7 - J 0 1 an d wh en h e grew coo I or aeeme d to for- holds G>hhe many patient&- and friends grve~:!!~~ ~ ~, a_;;·;i · · " ' get her, she turned her large soft eyes up- he has !l6rved 80 long and f~ithfully. 'l'he Nt>tes .. :.......... ··- ·--··- 46S,821 \l on him and said "kiss me._" He was nev- great e!llemy, his skill wit::\H he help of N-Otes and cheques- of ,Jj Th1 "s th1"ng w ~s " bm - G od, 1 d f d · · G11nl:r ban~ ... .... ...·--·· 268.373 15- · New York Board of education has rec- e r known to refus~ v. · 100 e eate RO many ':ltwles mother Bamnces due-<ttom·.B&aks using at first but let it be recorded aa a homeP,. ootered his own, and in a. da.y 1:n Oe.nada ·- ·· .. ··--· -· a9,735 7ll l ommended that French and German be testimony 1 ·ned t ~ duEH'rom Banks d . to man' ·- s b endurance, it . never . h wh en l ellst expec t ed s ti · pu 1 sea o f Baltlnqes im' U nited s~;i.Gea ·--· - _ 128,_~GJ l, not taught in the Public School~. cea11e , it grew, it ecame a mama wit a brain Mld h eart that ha.d :ever b eaten Go'!Wnm ent Seou..,ities. , them, and tireeome even unto nausea to warmly i· D t]ie cause of hua::anity. The and· M11nli;lipal1 e. n d ~ _9 ~ _, , · 1 . ok thi·a a "fishy" d f h'l d otbllr Debe:l.trurea... _ ·· . ilO~. o23 10. · · · Some may thl ~ rest he pt"aye or s0 often w 1 e atten - - ---$1,565,373 s.t There are still conflicting rumors about Others story but no, it is a. 11ober record of fact. ed by h ie devoted wife and c:!lU!dren came Bihl3~diecour::ted· <l"'rreat I; the number who perished by the Cone· ' m · t h' f · · 1 1 and· advan~es- on l!'l!J:h ·· (i.689.868 Gb J M y compan10n 111 tramp o ours 1s at last, Ml~ h1S head lay pi e!Wed in that o-~ue · debts- aooweil.. 7a,i9ai;93 ! · . . -maligh disaster, but .Johnstown doctors a Scotch Oanadian, more Canadian than dreamless sleep that knows n0<waking till ov~ue de':ltA! no~ :spe· : We r&"nte a.ttent10n to our complete and carefully selected stoek of say not less than 10,000. At a concert Scotch I had alway& believed him to be ti10 fi al~gment c!8"lJr sec(}red \est!mat· La d" " Oe:nt's, M'iss es' and Children 's Boots and Shoes Trtmks Valises · . . b t th S t h. 1 h' m · '· ·· · · · _ ooiosg pnvided! fnv)... . 27,500·11 ies, on Toronto Island $300 was realized for u e cc c m 1im 1s commg to t e Re&l · E<Jtatet..... - ---·-· ··. ll6,0'>J:·17 etc t.>...r """pular st k f r hbl"d · r' t b 'd ' surface m6re plainly. He is a Bruce, a Thao Late Abram Vi:Wmum. MEi..°"'l!'ages·-on·&aUlstate vu V<J o~ o ias 10na '"' goo s IS periec eyon ' eom-the suffers .· 7.!JJ:. 1 deacendent 1>f Robert '.l'he Bruce, He is tb~,Ba.nk ·----,· ·· 1 par1S0n. We are showing the courect styles of the "eason NO· old shop " ·Benk·Iltem1&00-(-io¢l~Ml111g 1 ta.11 b11t feela taller ail we get nearer the The 11ubjject of this notio:le-was a well .-~,.iture, nates.. ete.1.... I 7M13 91 : WOI!ili,. bankrupt stock or shoddy- gGoos manufactured fu11- bankrupt Wh\\t a peculiar season this has been? 8 reating place of his gna t ancer.tor. This known and much respected resident of Ot!:de~~ f~;:;::fn:~~~ 31.'Ai' 75 houses. We warrant all our goods to be what we rep .reseat them, T his ia tha first week of s11mmer. Spring . dignifying process began when we fir11t Darlin......a, who die:l on the ~fu in& t .· in "7 100 6i~ 691 Th · · sighted,thewild and l'lOOUntaioous scenery_ his 72~year. He was bom in Sutton -·.. _ , ·-·--· a, }ilnces are iow, and no one canseU you xespectable goods cheaper. opened two or three weeks earlier than 6,0l6'«!0· i These goods are bargains, viewed fr0m any standpoint. The quality of Scotland. At Glasgow when I asked Township, <Q11ebec, on the lath of March, c HoLJii.ND B,6i usual, and the weather was so remarkabour luggage, the porter aaid e:xcuee 1 818> and when about 12 yee.l'I! of age ' G®erai' Manag!IL\· i and style are there. Reliable, tnusty, serviceable g-00ds marked at ly dry that fears were entertained of a for me till I wait on the "Ba.rrm", I excusi;id came *a,l[n.per Canada, and l@eated on a Ontarle.Biwrk<,. · ROCK BO""""OM PRICES, ' ,,Tlilronto,.3lS!J.~, 188!1, , · .I.! .I! failure of sprin,; growth, but a cha.nge him wiihout feeling prC>\!ld abont it until farm im· th~ 3rd con. of Elis.t Whitby, Afton·e:;;i'?lo.mition· fro-. -u the Presi®'n* came and May and .June so far have giv- I found my companion waio the Baron, whero he remained for a fa,w yeara and ' · . ' en us an excess of rainfall, and vegetation then I fo:rgot my chagrin i 11 the eujoy- then llrulll'ed to lot 2G, con. &'i; vf Darling· e n the ln:amess of t'.1e Bank, he moH!il, ment of thu joke. Tbe Baron has a nat- ton, when~ he resided till ka. died. Re li!a"..Onded b:F Donald _Ma;:kay, ~hat tlur~re19. Sign of the BIG Boo'.D·drawn by two horses, BOWMANVTLLE. is luxuriant except o~ the very low lands. \lraJ gift for asking questions and displays cut tl&; tred on the farn which for 49 ]!;i)~tibe-~bi;:ted, vrl llCh was duly earned. · '"" · n re- years b eoome h" .1 lutic11s the bi's dry humor to good advantage 1 1s h om es t ea<>· a.n d waa a ,..._The . 'l11ua.l . D · reao· ~ d thanking, ffi f th counting some of the answers he gets, succoo-a.Eul f:.rmer. On settling there he r1:0s1dei;ib,, irec:: ' irs, an o cers u e Terms of Subscription. but foreigners are often imposed on and was in. the priwe of life hwking for a life Bank, W10De _ then passe'1_. h 1110ted at t e, tt1~et· The terms of subscripUon for THJ!! for once my friend suffered. In Glasgow art~11. Be found her ilh the person of · . 'I1he-S:c1mtrneera api;-_ we noticed on many of the houses two kutll.. Ward, whom he ma."l'iied on the 21st ling su.l.:.,e~uently repol.ted the folllOwmg CANAJ9IAN -STATESMAN are : large black letters on a white square of Ap11-iil, 1841, and by w-liom he liad 4 j~entll~m~ duly ele?tlld a11 DirectGrs for Ordinary rale, per year ....·..·.·. $1. 50 GRAND 'I-RUNK RAILWAY. If paid within six months . ....... . . 1.25 "F: P." always briqht, always in a prom- son:;.a.nd 3 daughters. His wife, one son ~tho-.~}'Ulmg Y~1 r, vi ~:inent place, a~'lfays thrus~ing themseh·es f amh sll the d.aughters sur:v-ive him. Mrs ~- j , S~_.. WS. P GowlaM1)d,RDonaw Ma~k~, Gash in advance, or if paid within BOW-MANV ILLE STATION. J Ai. ".,.,, aut · · · ose, ~·· · · two mont.hs . . . - . . . . · · · . . . . . . . 1.00 on our attent10n. 'Ve waited and watch· Robt. Dickie, of Osh~wa, Mu. Joho. ed for some indicai;ion < f the~r hidden Ba.roman, of Scugog, and Mrs. John. iF .r asell', &. K. Bmigess, and ~- R. R. GOI!>G llABT GOING WEST The above terms will be enforced in meaning, but to no puri:)oee it was al- J;)a.v:is, of E1st Whitby., a11e daughters <liif Co!~bmrn, :·Pd. h aft Passenger·..._ _._ 8' 39 a m Mail .. ·..... 5 57 a m every case. The attention of subscribers ways F. P . and simply F. P . We could his. ln his early days.31> a. farmer, lik.& -"""'en~w '.oar mett e same ernoon, Mall. . · ····· .10 32 e. m Local ··.···· ·· 8 23 a m is particularly drawn to them, as no ex- guess no meaning so at lasb the Baron mos.i pioneers, he eu.cOuntered man~ wh~ Sir ~v. P ;. H owland _ was elected Mixed ·········3 37 p m Express* ······ 9 35 a. m ception will be made under any circum· presented the emgma to a fellow passen- ~di.tticultiee, such alil buH<1ing a log ho114-e,. ~eeidpent~ and R. KM Bkllr~s:h E~qt, r,ooal ·..····.. 7 05 p m J Mixed ······ ·· 3 15 f> m Mail . ··.···· 110:20 pm Mall .. ·· .··.· 8 29 p m 0 a .e etances for those who fail to take aJvant- ger on the train. "It stands for fir0t 1karrying a g rist on his- b.ack to thd miil,. · 11e:e- reB1_-dent, Mr; ac .2'i· · Excep.t Mondays. . . age of the special rate of $1, cash in ad- pro_ of, sir" said _the Scotchman. We were--\i'etc., but by perseveran.c0 and industry. lte -Vic~-Pi:er 1~0nt,, havmg decl~d renom~~ 111 1 vance. satisfied, my friend felt prouder than el:~ . was able to overcoml), ~hem all and ~l'ke- r.at10.n 1:!· VJel't Qi the lar.ize R ~ate bust N ew subscribers can getthe STATES1-UN er. He remarked "now this is a Sco.t~ _ a cowforta.ble hollUlJ ilor himself and, his Dess i~trJrests dlependent upoa lus personal Owing to the large increase of trade, YOUNG & CO., the for the bal&nce of 1889 for 50 cents. All city, just see how many houses are :Sire ' family. Mr. and. Mrs. Varnum were. a.ttentmn. Groc~rs, are compelled to enlarge and improve their present subscriptious must be paid to M. A. pro<>f. Don't you wish you were Soot.oho/" united in wedlock bJ the late ltev·. Dr. - - - - - -- -- premises. On June 15th and during alterations, will be found JAMES, Publisher, Bowmanville. We Then we found F. P. ',on an iron fence, i~ Thornton, and this leads to the J:!ifill\l'k MANY T$!:ANKs.- "M;w age is 58- and in the stores lately occupied by McCJung Bros., Horsey's Bl'k, have no agents. tf. looked fire proof but why sbould it be so that before the cll>untry was well sattled for 20 yet\!lJJ I have suffoiled from kidney registei;ed1 Again we found the mystic ministers of thli. gospel found it ~il!lioult complaint, rheumatism and lame back, The B oard of Trade edition of the letter on a.n iron lamp post, tnen our to secure a. ni.:ilt's lodging, but Mr. VarGlobe is a beautiful issue. It deals special· faith in the interpretation baga.n to waver. num threw open his door to preoohers of and woulid have baen a dead woman if it ly with the Montreal B oard of Trade, and Later we learned that the place under the every denomination, and always took a had not; been for Buruock Blood Bitters, will be perused with interest by all those pavement where hose may be attached to lively interest in church matten, making of wh)OO two bottles restored me to Miss Maggie concerned in trade. It gives excellent water mains is indicated by these letters cheerful contributions for the further- health and. strength." Hend6by, Half Island Cove, N. S. pottra~ta of tht' member!' sf the councll of which mean Fire Plug. ance of the word of God. Mr. Varnum 1888 and 1889, illustrations of important ' M. P . TALLIN& was well known, especially in the M. E . trade structures and its letter press deals _ · ____ -~---~ _ _ ____ _ Church of by-gone days, as a philanthroA CONFEC TIONER'S CoN~'IDENCE,-"I Y?UNG & CO. take the present opportunity of thanking those exhaustively with the subjects associated pie christian, .a kind husband an~ father, can plainly state that I can find nothing frie~ds who so liberally patroniz~d ~he~ during this their first year in with trade in the eastern commercial meand a good 1101~hborf'whose death ltJ deeply . better than H agya":'d's Yellow Oil. l butiness, and extend a welcome mv1tation to all t heir friends old and tropolis of the Dominion. It is splendid· Stop That Cough. la~e,uted. His father was the fi rst to be have rheumatism occasionally, and Yellow new, to give them a call in their temporary premises, Horsey's Block, 1¥ _printed on paper made speoially for the Many people neglect what they call a rn the grave at what was then known Oil does me great good. Yoil can usemy Globe by_ the Canada Paper C ompany. The Globe is showing ;n theso day11 a de- simple cold, wbiqh, if not checked in time as "Thornton 's Cemetery." Mr. R. N. name if you wish. " Yours truly, H. gree of enterprise which renders its rivah may lead to lung trouble. Scott's Emul- V:arnu~, of Iowa, come too la~e to see D ickinson , Confeobloner, St. Thomas, Ont. foeble imita.tio-n11. l ts fine Saturday edl· sion of 1'-i~re God Liver Oil with Hypophos- him ahve.-Com. tions and its special Boa.rd of Trade edi- phites, will not only atop the cough but Watch, clock and jewellry repairs tion and its special mail train, are features heal the lungs. Endorsed by thousands T,ew·s SliLPBUltSO.lP b au cle::ant toilet in which it stands _ alone, master of the of Palatable as Milk Try P romptly attended and 1atisfaction guar· llt'ticlo, and eleanseit nnd purlftcs the skin it, Sol~ by all dru~gist~ l'!t W9, Bild $1. anteed at the Co-operative Jewelry Store. most eft'ect'itnlly, field.-Examiner. boat and.found augmented pleasure in the quicker life of our lit tle world, but others found the rolling no improvement. They became reflective, then serious, then "worse ." It is exceedingly funny for a man with a level-bead stomach to see another man lean up against the gunwale of a boat· and show by certain gestures, less graceful than violent, his recognition of the ocean's mysterious lifting power. There is a preversity in human nature that doth make mirth of that which is n ot food for mirth. Well, the squall passed, tho motion subsided and we had one of the mo8t prosperous voyages our c~ptain has made. We passed two shoals of whales; in 1-lrn first we sighted about fifteen in the next nearly as many. Two sharks, several porpoises, multitudt's of birds and a ilum· bar of vessel111 were seen. I wish I had time to introduce to you some of our pas· augers-we had four doctors, one Prof fe~sor, one Honorable, .one Commissioner to the Paris Exhibi:ion, a number of bueinesa men and a fine representation of young ladies. A few elderly people dignity to our party, and two babies gave us music-I should not forget to mention that we had a "J urnbo", an " hi:!torical widow" and a pair of "spooi:is" who- contributed to our entertainment. These people possess other names, but I will not mention them, though we all liked Jumbo very much. He _ was 300 pouFJd!! of good nature and fun from Rochester. The spoons were :Norwegians-he was born some 37 years ago and is a Dr., ehe came on the ~cene of action about 20' years li.ter, but has alreariy c:~ ught up to him. They came on the boat arm in arm, they sat down and foldejl those arms "h . . aroun d each ot h er, " en one pos1t1on but there became t1reeome they changed, ' pressure was always a lock and in the Dominion Day at Blackstock. An Anniversary Tea will bCJ held at Blackstock, in connection with the Presbyterian Church, on Dominion Day, July 1st. Tea will be servAd in the Town Hall from 3 to 5 p. m. After tea the people will repair t o the church, when aderesees will be delivered by resident and frireign ministers. Tickets, 25 cents. Proceeds towards repaira of th'e church. A cordial invitation to .all. ---139,205 65 as t,091 05 Which have been appropriated follows:Di>. No. 62, 3~ per cent., lat December, 1888 ... ... _.$51,000 00 Div. No. 63, Sk per cent, payable lat June, 188Q .......... 52,SM 00 _ Rest ... ... ..... .............. .. 2i',OOCI 00 ~- WEST s~ 130.000 00 BETHESDA. A Strawberry Festival will ba held M the residence of Mrs. J . R. Oule, lot 5, con. 5, Towuship of D arliugton, on Wednesday evening, July 3rd, commem:ing a~ 4 o'clock. Proceeds in behalf of Bethesda -Sunday School. The Late Dr. Rouse. for~erly well Bnlanoo of profits carried forwa.rif. ... $9,205 65 ThA Directors have to r-epol't that altho ugh the earoin!(S have been- affec ted by t he low rateafor moneyobt·1~niogtll!rou -~h out the year the prn ~r s~ c-~ the Bank in other respect~ is gra·if_1 h!Z :mn·S'ho·ws e11bstantial !!a.ins in D ep'l, its , :V.sC'Jll'nts, and general buaine~s. The demanrl · f 1 he B:rnlf~s- eu~toma11t for favilit ies in ' th 's Provinc6' ..,.-u:l' Q.11ebet · has lead your D irectors to <fuctd·" upon : withdrawing the Agency F>t Wimnipeg,and 1 the actirn business of that offiaa has· been closed fo!' some months. The 1fou i<Fation ' of its assets is now bein g- pres~ed 1, and . your Directors hope. b~fore anoHieryear, ~ to dispose of the real estat e and ethel"seII ~urities stm rt·mainina, - The different branches of the l!r8'l'>k1. in~ d uding the Head Office, have been dttly HOUSE~ END ----·o---1~cEMENTs~ Ta1s w~K 1 - --TO - - Casli BUu~rs, BE GENNING wedn e.sda:,y·..' -June 1·' 2 A large lot of goods at exactly HALF PRICE. Produce take;n as Cash. JOHN ],fcMURTRY.. I I WE COMBINE THlEM. _;_":'_.,! 0 I ·. M TRELEV-EN JustAcross the Street. I 1. Just Across the Street 1 from their old premises. JustAcross the Street;. YOUNG & CO., the Grocers. -; · --------- ~

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