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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1889, p. 6

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-----·--------- ~----------------~ tf,£CANADIAH STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED -BY- HOUSEHOLD, Pictures For The Children- -o ·· R . PEATE, TailoP T&B It ·is to be {!resumed that in each house in which Good Housekeeping is a. welco:ne visitor, are found ma.ny other periodicals 1'tC . and papers, and consfquently in these days AT 'IB.E OFEIOE of be&utiful i!lustrations, many pictures. Granted then that this be true, our house· °Test CBl.ce Bleck, King !!treet, Bolvmau· ville, onuulo: keeper has a aource on which to draw for many beautiful things. Perhaps I oan best TERM~: illuetrate and suggest by giving examples of .$1.lltl 1.1er · .&nnum, or 1u.oo if pnld In collections of pictures, brought t~gether from advance. nmoy different sources, ·and made useful and PaJm<nt shfotly in ndva.nce 1equhed from. eub· attractive by means of paste. I enter a. dra.wn. 'l!IC!-libus out!ide cl · the C(unty. _Or<lers to disco ingrotm. On the table is a collection of par. tinn~ the pp· r must be atcoropen1Cd by the nm~u nt litre, vr·i be v·p<r " ·ill x;ot le ·tc pi:;ed. Subrnnben traits of authors, neatly mounted on piecu of cudboard about the size of an ordinary 'llr.1 u·(spmisibleuctll full P·Jmtnt JS mode_ cabinet photogr aph card. Holes have been -~ r- JUTES OF A.DVEBTISL~G : e i5 ,,,.. punched in the cards and they are fastened -WOOi<! Column, one yea.r., ··.. ·.··.. -.. $60 00 ~--co·" " Halfyear ........ ... 8600~,,., together by means of narrow ribbons ti£d ..., " ·· One quarter ...... -· £0 00 ~ lifJf l.1olumn one yea.r ............. .. 86 00 ~ in pretty bows. On a small table are some large scrap albums, but instead of containing ··· Ha.l!year ············ 20 oo_ .. One quarter·- . -· ·..... 12 50 _ the usual ecra p pictures, the first oue is fil·qruirt·e r Collm:.n one yeu.r ... · ······ 20 00 led with portraits of prominent men and ~· ·' Ha.H year······ "' ·· 12 501 _ " " One quarter ·.· ... ·· 8 00 _ 6 women, moet of them. being full-page pictures. Harper's illustrated .p 1pers furnioh· Tn1 linEt andund first Insertion $0 50~ Each subsequen ineertion ·. ... 0 25 _ ed many of these. Under it is anotheralbum F tix to ten Jines first insertion 0 75 .. of miscellaneous pictures of general interest. Each subsequent insertion ..... 0 35 0\'u ·tenUne.s Hrstinsertlon,verlin 0 10_10 011 an easel in one corner of the room is a collection of pictures illustrating the noted Elirh subs~oueLt insertion" 0 QS _ cathedral buildio~s of Europe. . You would ,T t e nure ber cf lines to be reckoned by the1 °'1'ac.e C(, ' CUpie.,, meaturcd b) a scale ol 1olld,scarcely believe that these were not printed ;t<rnpardl. Iupon the cardboard instead of being umply pasted thne, Scattered ·about the room °JlllS. IU:Ull.Jl d lAJIJIJMAN, everywhere are picturu, some in portfolio.; c restinA in any co11venie11t place, There are "'£) B1SICJ.ANS, !:iUR GE ONS, ET L Ullce :-Cor. Church and Temverl!nce beautiful stEel engravings in some of the ~ti'. · ?'ight calls a.ttended !rem Dr. Hilliers' illustrated magazines. ae well as eiqujsit'l ·-raiiler;ce. wood cuts. Wh&t a fund for the entertain· ..s, '6. HILLIER, M. D. . . B, L.A:MMJMAN, M. D. C. M. Trm. Univ. ment of one's friends, and how charmingly Fellow of Trio, Med. College, pictures helo to furnieh a room, :Member Coll, Phis. Surg., ont. ['o mount pictures is not difficult provided . n'f'Bli !llUll"!l&Yt we have good paste. An excellent way to ;I)A'UllS'lE t , SOLICITOR, &;o. MORRIs male it is as follows. Take equal pa.rte of ::.l:JEL ~ cK. upetairt, Klnir Street. Bowma '.l· flour and starch. Wet thoroughly with TH.E _NO.RTR PACIFIC SQUADRONS. v.ille_ tioUoitor for the Ontari Bank cold water and then pour on water that is ,. · · - l!!ll s. ~ ""' u Mone,· loaned at the lowestraV. boiling and cook for a few minutes, bein~ AT TH£ ANTIPODES, 'What John Boll and li11dc Sam nm Bely careful to use water enough so that it will Cln tor Immediate Use in .Beh-Ing jgea. .Jolul Keith GalbraUh, ~-~;f~~! I notJ be too thick. Distribute it evenly over The M~rYcllous Growth of l'lctoria-Som~· Wbiie disclaimers of hostile intent and ex.\RR 18 T JC R OLICITOR, NOTARy the surface of the back of the picture, put· thing A.bout Its Early Da;rs. pl'e112ions of belief that tho seal fishery oonk, "lT RLlC &c- Ofilce-Bounsall's Bloc · 'l'dn.r Street'. Bowmanville, Mon.e l' to lend ting on as :little aa poasible. L!!.y the top It is doubtful tha.t if in all the worid~ the troversy will be peacefully @ettled are aow ofithe.'picture first upon the cardboard and United States not txctpted, any commun- coming both from the British and American DJUl, JlcLA.lJGHJ.11' d'. BEITH-. smooth it downwards with a clean cloth. ity has eve? progressed with a. swiftness authorities, it is yet well to look at the naval '0a"ll'ICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWlllANVlLLE. Dey it under pressure with paper more or and expansion so phenomena.I as ha.s the fo1ces which would be available in the cue il)r.J.W.McLAUGHr,1N,, Dr. A. BEirH. Gradu less porous next the picture to absorb the colony which Her Gracious Majes1 y per. trouble should occur after all. No dcubt :.·~.ntiate of the ~~ya! ate of the Torento moisture. Xhe cardboard may be obtained mitted to take her own name when che there will be careful instructions on both &tl.ege ot Physiciahns University l:'hyslclau at a printing cffice, where you can have it granted. it a separa.te uistence in Novem- aides to guard against bringinl{ on a collision '<UJ.d mewber of t e ' cut into the desired siz3, or you may obtain ber, lb50. It had been but fifteen }ears between the vef!l!els of the ~wo Governments .lhl7al Ccllego of Sur- Surgeon, &c. al an a.rt store beautiful tinted boards with earlier thab the first Eettlers-the brothers that are to go to Behring Sea this summer ; "tieoos, Kdi11burgh. edg~s. With what a. dainty gift ma.v you Henty, one of whom died onlv a few months still America.n , revenue cutters are nnder DB·.J. c. llR(l)(ELL, present your friend by mounting a beautiful ago-came across Bus Straits from Van orders to make arrests of persons takinll ·s S:IY E MBYR OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICLUi pricture or the portrait uf eome favorite Die.nan's Land in their little Thietle. In &eals in the eastern part of B3hring s~, in ~ l. ·nd Snrgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. author upon such a card, Better far than 1837 the town <f Melbourne was laid out, violation of the presumptuous Jaw e:uacted Olll:e and Residence, Enniskillen. 7' any Christmas or birthday card you may buy, and one hundred allotments were then sold' by the U ~ited S tiotes, and the navy will for it is not only a work of art but ls the re- on what ue now the principal streets, l'he b11ock them up in doing ~o. Bil. E. «:;JlrD8'1°El.L. --OF-suit of loving labor. The Christmas number aggregate sum which the iro allotments The commander of 1he Britisb~quadron in ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE of "The Book Buyer," publlahed iu Ntw fetched was £3 4lQ L~t · £ummer the the .P.-clfic is R~ar Admiral Algerncn C. F . of Pbyaicians. London, J£ng.;:Member .or Y~rk, contaiDs beautiful little work~ of art ,ame 111lotmenta were c:i.rEfc.1 lly Heneage, who held this command aleo ~llego of Physicians and Surgeons. OntariOo for rnch purposes, and durmg the year His fh~ehip ia the Swiftsure a pow!>r°1Bcll9ERY AND RESIPENCE:-Rear of lid:~ suitable " h b i d "t VALUED :BY ltXPERTS ' > :JHE<11ii:'totham'a Drug Store, Bowmanv1 lle, yfa.r 188<J eaQ __ pµm er conra ne a portra1 · _ ' · fol armor-cla of from 6_500 to 7,000 tou 6-l:rr.· :;f some author. an~ 1? was c~lrn1 la.te:l that, ,exclusive ~f the dieplacement, with engin~s laving a maxi- I Inafa.milvwherethereare growiag children bt11ldmgs erecte_d on them, they could. now mum cf nearly 5.000 horse power, capable of F. I ELD & McCOLL. let them collect 'l.!l the pictures they can find be sold for nineteen and a half _million 1 giving her over fifteen know. iJllA .I ll. Q 18 1 SHE HAS A NWERJ.IUL '.BA'l!TKRY ~ fll.Jlf i!!J ARRIS'.IERS, '!loliciters, NotarieP, & c. illustratini;i any eul:ject, such, for example, pounds. Bgfore !' · '!hen the gold d!BC?ver- 1 as t he aubj ~ct of geography, and make a ies were m~de, Vwtona prospered i~ an easy\ of rifiad guns and a complement of 475 me11, scrap-book of them. Io will prove a very g_ e ntle fashwn. ,It-il scanty populat~rn, outJ Tnie is the only armored vessel in his com· CDLBORNE and COBOURG. instructive book, a.nd pleaEant and profitable ud~ Its two p~t....y towns, were whohyengai:r· mand The Amphion, a cruiser of 4, 300 tons for 1'1en and Boys, women and Children. work for the long winter evenings: ed Ill stock·r~irng; a.lmostJ its sole <xports displacement, or a little less t hat the Bilti· JleNEY TO LOA.Ji. 1 F - 11". FIRlD, B. A. JOEN B. McCOLL 011e other hint. Don't foryet tne lit- were wool, hides~ an~ tallow. The g?.ld_find more's, has a max imum of about 5,500 hone tle ones. They will find something. upi.e t as by a whulwand the_ lazy, primitive yt>wer, and about sixteen knots sp~ed, and WD. BINGHAM; interesting. in almost ·any picture. Keep s0 caa.I system of the bucoh.:: era. Ft?m fill carries ten rifted breechloaders and about 300 SSUIR OF MABRJAGE LICENSE s. a. box for thEm and put into it the ends of the e<lrth, gentl~ and nml?le, dficere and men. The Icarus is a crafb of aU pictures eepecially adapted to child- hone~t m~n a.nd knave, ,~urned swa.rmmg ·970 tone dieplacement, with a complement llfeidence, Enniekillen.' ren, or any that you do not want for ~nd JDstlmg to the new E t D'1rado. And yet .of about 120 men. Taese are the vessels ' S. (). JllJNKJNG, anything else, discarding only poor ones 111 -~as wonde~ful how small was the actual which, according to a reporb lr<lm Victoria., and those that are sensational or portray c~ii:ne of a ~enous chara~t~r, w~en _the_ utt~r received ord ers to sail on the 10th of June HJENSED AUCTIONEER FOR . 1-he County of Durham. Sales attenr led scenes of violecce. (The sooner these are dmn~grabon ~f res~ram1ng mst!tutions ~8 from Vancouver to B~hriog Sea. This r eport '1111 m ebcrlest notice and lowest rates. Addr"85 burned the better, ) ['his box will furnish taken 1n~o con~i~era.tion. In J "nuary· 1 8 5~. hag since been denied, ,but the fhgehip, at :l'llr'R'J·JOI P. 0, . 36:tf you with material for picture books when- when daily ~ha{l.oada of ,, may go north. over on occasions of birthdays or Christmas. G ·LD MAD IMMIGRA~TS In addition, the British have on the P~ciS. BlJBDEN di CO., ~ es you wish to gladden some little henrb were throw~ in to M_e!bourne,o.nly t;'o fie station the Champion. a lR.rge protected 1" UCTIONEERS for the County of with a picture book. No matter if you have of the c_ity consta.b~es ~ema.medat their du.y. cruiser of over 4. 000 tons dfaplacement, and ·f t '[)urham; Jmurance and General.AgentP, n? little ones . of y nur own, don't waste the. The chief constable himself had tl J~0 on a two smaller vessels, besides a fourth, now VBltJsto-r1lnd Real Estate .AgentP. Sa.Jes an d , 11tll-er b"siness prQmJJtly attended to. Box 172. pictures. There are many homes where beat, In the country the ru;al poltce to a under orders to return to E~gland. ,Jiluv. IL~'llville P. O. 36-tt there are children but no pictnree. If you man ha.d their functions and made The American Government will be reprehave no time to make picture books; lnteresb has~-e to the diggwgs. Io the firsp ~ush th~ sented, as uaua!, in B3hring Sea, by the re:rtanos Tuned and Bepaired. some of your boy and girl fri::nds·and shGw: capit~l was all but. depopul~ted of its man venue cutters Rush, C"pt, Shepard, and them how to make books from paper cambric hood ·.there remamed be.hmd but women Bear, Oa.pb. Healy, which will m! arrests had to ehtft for thems.elvea. of the ve11e~ls charged with seal poaching, :OAR.TIES WISHINGTHEIRPIANOs or . .this cheap hollan<l used for window and children who :£ ll'an-ed or repa1rea oannave thom attendea shades, with pinked edge~, and how to An _adva.nce .of 5 0 P11~ cent. cf salary d_id n?t and by the '.l'betis, Ueat- Commander S tock. 'Oby 'leavi,ng word .iat the DOMINION ORGAN arrange tht pictures, and eee how they will to re.tam ab their desks the cffioials lD ton ot the navy, A fast sealin~ 11teamer .:Ed -Ol!'r1c11:, Bowrnanvllle A tlrst·clas maII delight in doing that which will brine: a : t~e pub1ic office!'· Servante bad gone, might not be troubled at getting away from .,...'l>elng to their employ gleam of brightntss into the life of some· Gentlemen and ladies had tocarry wa.ter from any of them. The Be~r and the Thetis are unfortunate child, and lessen the C ll.r e of .the river for household purposes, for the relic3 of the Greely search expedition, and 1"1111 A. H IEUD. some burdened mother. water ca.rt supply had been arrested. by the THE SLOWNESS CF THE TBETIS " D 1UCTICAL BOOK BINDER. A 11 [G d H k · departure of the carters. It was said that in a subsequent trip ·around Uape Horn to e ~ '1Uk <lne in 11.nt·clllE B etyle at th" 00 ou!e eepmg. poC1r M~. Ls.trobe himself, the amiable b'!t arrive nt the scene of her piesent serv.lces °ltY LSI 'T~JCnto p1ice·. Orders left at th e weak L1eutenant- Gove~nc>r, had to black his was something r emarkable. They are all l>'cre c:f JMr. Trebilcock or the residence of R -.P..Fl(ld. C'mtH ·Et., EOV\ IL l!LVille. 20-3m own boots and groom his own horse. In the li~htly armed. The Rush has four and the Little eirls' Drea~ea. wh~lPsa~e !'bsence of workmen no contract B sar t wo ::l·inch breechloading rifi,,8 , the Mobhers who have asked hints about couid bemsasted on. . The equatters shudder- Bear also hnving two. 2!-pounder howitzers. B OBT, YOlJXG, 'f. S, l naking little girls' waeh dreBBf8 are adviaed ed to.o, as t he sh earmg season approached, For the Ra~h a. couple of the Harbford's FFICE JN THE W EST DURHAM t o get pla.i u Chambery, or e!Ee the ombre knowing that !J.l the Ehearers were Gatling guns wer e secured before stilrting ·. · Nc\~B Brork. -where himself or assistan t Btriped and plaid ginghams, in rose or blue DIG GI KG OR CRADLING on h er Jruise, and it has b & en reported that will be found fro m 8 a.m. to 9 p,m. Night calls or red for plain colors, with yellow or green 11:n eei!len ce,dirrctly opposite Drill Shed. Calls iu Forest Creek, or on MG unt Alexa.nder. the Rush's armament was alee increased. ..JJ:y tElf greih or telephone will receive prompt for stripes and plaids. '.l'he full rou'ld h was then that Mr. Cbildere who at the The Tnetis carries only a coup!e ot m"chine attention. 17l·yr ekirts a deep hem, and are gathered to . : t he belted waist; the~e are of medium length, time W llB an imm igration agent, made his, gune. There are now available .at Mare Island i astead of the extremely long skirts worn famous bull. 'Wages of wool presser's, 7a I i1st year. B~by waiet i gathered t o a. belt to 8 1 a day · none to be h ad. · To s.ich an two war vessels, the irvquo1s and Adams, 0 f white embroidered inser tion and to a extent d id pricas rise that there was the which have just had their repairs completed, Gentlemen's· Clothes Made to Order. eimila.r band at the top of the low round danger lest Government could not aff ird to whil_e the Crrnrlfs'on, at S,m _Fcaa~isco, , is neck are on the pr~tty guimpe dr esses of supply food to prisoners in g\ol, A con· get11mg_ ready for her next tna.l . trip··'Ille pluk, blue or r ed Uha.mbery made for the tractor for gaol necessaries claimed and got lroquou, Commander ~oshu~ B.tehop, is a f malleet girle; the sleeves are a short, full 166 per cent. over bis price of the year wood ~n vessel of ~. 57o tons displacement, puff gathered to !in embroidered band. For before, and, notiwith etauding thfa stupend- curymg seven or ea.ght guns, mostly smooth I argu girls are il'Jain waists slightly pointed oue increase, had t o default. In Apdl, bores and a complement of 194 officers and i n front, cu t hil:(tl in the n eck behind, and 1862, fifty ehips were lying useless in l:fob men. ~he Adams, Comm!>nder E . T . Woo_d.· point2d in a short Y 1n front, and worn son's B:i.y des1>rted by their crews. Uarriage ward, as a wooden veosel of 1,375 tons daswith short sleeves. E'llbtoidered edging from Melbourne to c..atlemaine was a.t one placemen t, c:i.rryiog six guns. She is the craft t hat did good service a.t Sa.mna prior to n early two inohea wide is set its wh<;le width time £ 100 per ton. " the arrival of the N ·psic. The Charleston, in the back of the neok, and tapered very the new steel velll!el, of 3. 700 tons dispfaceSHE ACT.ED PRO.ilPrLY. n arrow to the pcint of the V in front; similar menL, ie muc~ faster t lum a.ny British war e dginiz is sd in the front of ths armholes, have a and tapered thence to the alight point at Ral'e ()ourall(e aud Presence of ltlln.d of a ehip in .Nort·h Pacific waters, and powerful battery ni six-incn br ernhloadiug French Girl. t he frcnt> of the waist. The short rifi~s, which, however, she ha.a not yet ta.ken S ome years a.go four men, -who were ems Jeeves are high-shouldered, opening in an HARNDEN, L. D. ployed in cleansing a common sewer at a no board. u pturned Von the outside · of the arm, and Sn--doate ortheRoyaI Collegeof Dental It happens t hat there are no other vessels a re wo:rn over full muslin guimpe eleeves. plaoe oalled N oyon, in France, upon openSw ·geons, Ontario. T he yellow ombre stripes on white, green ing ~ drain. were so affected b y the feted on the P4cific shtion really available. The 1 0 FICE OPPOSITE E XPRESS OFFCE. s tripes with pink, ·and brick red with white ·va.pors that thev were unable to ascend, Pinta! a sman:cra.ft of 550 tons displacement, ~LD E'lLLING .A SPECIALTY s tripes or plaids are being made up in t hese The h.teness of the hour (it was 11 o'clock carry mg O~ LY FOUR H G, VIrZER S Iittle d resses of French zephyr or . S · Jotch at night) rendered it difficult to procure bTLPICIAL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT g Ingham; and the designs are also suitable assistance, and t he delay must have proved which has been on duty ab Sitka, ar PLATES. fatal had not a yonng girl, a servant in the rived at San Francisco for repairs· on -Great Reductions in price on all Denta1 f OJ.'. embroidered white muslins, Luger gir ls who do not wear guimpes family, with courage &nd humanity that May I, and will not be ready for W.Gik. VUalizeC! Air, constantly in use pro .h ciing l ' alnless Overations. Particular atten h ave everv·day dreun of givghalna, prints would 1 iove done honor to the moat elevated some time. The c.ld store ship MonidOll paid to the 1egulation of Children's Teetll 0 r lawn made with high belted walats with atatien, at ~he hazvd of her own life, at· ongahela is at P"go Pago, w hile news he.a Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the recent ly come that the Alert, which left ,._AL'[, W ORK WARR.ANT.ED.~ a. yoke, or with the shoulders quite plain, tempted their deliverance. Honolulu for Samoa toa relieve the Nipaic, This generou11 girl, who was only 17 years. 0 r else gath6red thne on a. band like the office. Dr. Rutherford's Orono LIVER, STOJ'flA.UD, KIDNEYS A.ND BOWELS, d already gone f ull Ruuian bloU'l<'- The aleeves are full, of age, was, at h er own r equest, let down had arrived at Ai:ia, and ha_ a nd t here are turned-over cuffa and colla.r, severa.l times to the p"or men by a rope. on to Auckland with t he NipBic in tow in T.n, 'I. ~nvigora.te and restore to healtb Ueb;Jitated Constitutions, order t" the latter vessel repa.ired THI~ YEA.R'S 0 r elee pleated frills form the finhh for She was so fortunate as to save two of them are h1va.luable tn all Oompla.tnt11 lnoldenta o ~ emal6' of all .Ags11. F Jr pretty easily, but, in tyiog th.e t hird to the there. n ec;k )ind wrists. Ohlldren and the aged they are prfoeleH, The probabilities now are that if anycord, which WM let down to her for the vessel at all g(es to J~ehring Sea, in addition purpoae, she found her, breath failing and .Cho~oe Recipes. was in great danger of iluffoc:ation, In this ta t he customary trio, the R11ah, Bear, and Thetis, it will be the Iroquois; and on the ToMATO Soun'LE- Skln a d ozen tomatoes, d readful situation ehe had t he preaen::e of British side, p erhaps bhe S .viftaure alone an i nfallibl e remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sm C1JT and PL1JG and Ulcers. It Ii famoua for Gout and Rheumatism, For dlsorderr of th cook and stew untill thick, str&i.n to r emove n:ind to tie herself by the h11ir to the rope will go north. It is definitely known t ha.t - Ohest lt has no equal.t he seed, mix in the yolks of two eggs, t hen and was thus drawn np almost expiring with t he Adams has already be rn ordered to tb e sti:ffiy-beaten w hite£ : add a little salt. t he poor man· in whose behalf she had ao Hynolulu at the request of 1h ~ S tate D ~part· For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, CJoochs, Cold·, F ill a baking dish and set in the oven tin humanely t:Xertrd herself. · db · The instant she recovered she insisted upon ment, to take the place vacatad by the Alert. it Fl~ER TDA.N EVER. Gl~ndula.r Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; a:nd rises an eg1ns to s.e t; serve immediately. · b ling l et down ff>j(ain, but her exertions this CHICKEN SouP.- An old fowl is used time failed of success, for t he third unfortunHard on Early Risers. contracted and stlft' jotnt11 It acts like a charm · . See best in a br oth or soup. Give it t ime enough ate man was drawn up dead. ['he corporCharles Dudley Warner was complaining a nd boil slowly, season with salt, pepper, ation of the town of Noyon, as a small token to one neig hbour of another neighbour's don· Manufactured only at TBOlfAS HoLLC'WA.Y's Establl&hment, a nd a few sprigs of celery top. Serve hot. cf· their approb!lotion, presented the heroine key, which rose with tile la.rk, but was a l'he chicken can be made very p alatable with 600 Jlvres and conferred on her the _?oor musicia.n, and woke hi n up at daylight. 711, ~' ~ ·v OXFO'P ': ';;. lREET, (late 633, OXFORD ST J-! : · .ET)i LOND01' b Y fry in s:( in salt pork drippings or butter, civil crown, with a medal engra.vei with ···well," &aid the friend, "why dJn't you , ti &Ii 1 11 . ljd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d . , lls., 22a., an d 33. each Boxor P a.fter it is taken from the broth. the arms of the town, her name and a nar- rise at daylight, as 1 do i The donkey doesn't A.n<J ·· s a1 may be h!ld from all Medicine Vendor s througbo .it tha World, in ~1·onze Oil RICE SouP.- For this use the liquor In tative of the action. The Duke of O:leans disturbs ma." "We see now, " said Mr· .;mi.. ·h uL'nG · - w~ich _the beef has b een boiled, after skim - also sent h er ·50? livres and &ettled 200 yVarner, "~ha.t kind of people get up early W P ur chasers 1hould k~k to the label on the Pol s !II!d Bex:es.. If th<:? add res.s ,, ;.'3,t nae I IL! & p A CR A.GEii , mi:ig !U 'frae fro~ fab. Add two· chopped yer.rly on h er fo:d;fe. Ill the mprn ing." 535 Ox:ford S lr<et, they a.l's epurious.. '"' ' .ll- l y onions, one turmp, one ca.r rob, a.nd two £VERY WEDNESDAY MORNING A.JAMES, potatoes aH chopped. B)il until the vegetables are tender thei· add to two quarts of soup, one· h&1f 'cup cf ricP, one-half teaFor people to expect a cure :for Indigesspoonful ot peJ per ; a.d·i .salt a;cd one !abl~ spoonful of bu~·6r. ]1011 until the nee is tion, unless they refrain from eating soft and then Eerve hol·· what Is unwholesome ; but ii anything STUFFED ONIONS _p..rbcil half a de z ·n will sharpen the appetite and give tone large onions, thrn droJ.> i? cold wa.t~r; take to the digestive organs, it is Ayer's Sarout the centre an<l fill with s. dresemg made saparilla. Thousands all ever the land of stale bread crumbs, a little chopped cold tes-tify to the m erits of this medicine. meat, the yolk of an egg, and pepper ; Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 248 Eighth cover with thin flices cf fot bacon, sprinkle the top with a little salt and sugar ; put in street, South Boston, writes : "My hus. a baking pa.n with eoup stock to cover the band has taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla., for bottom ; put In a. slow oven. When the Dyspepsia and torpid liver, and has onions are tender take up, remove the been greatly benefited/' bacon, strain and skim the gravy, p cur over the onions and rerve. STRAWB&BRY i:<noRTC.IKE.-:Make a puff C. Cantei:bury, of 141 Franklin st., pa.ate with one cupful cf butter, cold and Boston, Mass., writes, that, suffering hard. and cupful of lard, one cupful ot cold for from Indigestion, he ·was at wate(and four and one-half cupfuls of fhur. last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla Rub the lard into ·the flour as you woulti tor any paste. Cut the butter up in small and, by its use, was entirely cured. pie·Jes; throw in and mix with a. knife. Roll Mrs. Joseph Aubin, of High street, out and bake iu two oblong tins, Serve on Holyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year an oblong dioh . with straw berries between from Dyspepsia, so that she could not the layers, sprinkled heavily with powdered sugar, and strawberries on top also sprink· . eat substantial food, became very weak, and was unable to care for her family, ed with sugar. Whip a pint of sweetened Neither the medicines prescribed - by !ream to a stiff frot.h and put over the cake nd around the sides. physicians, nor any of the remedies advertised for the cure of Dyspepsia, PORK PoT PIE - Cut in Email pieces one helped her, until she commenced the pound ot clean fresh pork, or if only use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Three pork is obtaina.ble soak it until well freshened, which will take about twenty-four bottles of this medicine," she writes, hours. Place in e. kettle with water to "cured me." cove1· ; add a scant teaspoonful of pfpper, one sliced onion and <me sliced apple. B?il until the pork is tender, then ~ov./Jr, · l'REPARED BY with crust made as follov. s : Two cups of Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. fiuur in which hi.a teen thoroughly mi.ud Frice $1; elx bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. two tea.spoonfuls of baking powder and t ·~·o tablespoonfuls d butter ; rr ix to a. stiff . dough and roll into a sheet to fitJ the kettle; !:!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!"!!!!!!'!!:'!!~~~'!'!:!!!!!!!!! stew half an hour and serve hot. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT ~1889.-----o---- .. Window Shades, all colors, both with and without d(ldo A Confirmed Dyspeptic. Genuine Hartshor.n Spring Rollers. · · Bessel Carpet Sweepers. Curtain Chains. Cornice Poles. Stair Plates and Rods. Sanderson,~ Percy & Co.'s PURE MIXED PAINT. r Genuine Elephant Lead. A fine Jine of Kalsomine, "White W"hitewash and Paint Brushes_ The best goods at bottom prices. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I S. S. EDSALL. D. DAVIS_; B . will be found in his old shop, next door door to Express Office, BO~MANVI LI~E, I . A where he keeps constantly on hand & LARGE COMPLETE ASSORTMF,NT L I B B Coarse and Fine I t Slioes , I Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels. Special attention given to Repairing. , :J:>_ :0 A 'VI~- L I DOORS, -SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, ~~~~~~~- and other Factory -Work all Kiln Dried. AFull Stock always on hand. Call and Examine. McClella1i Co., DENTISTRYG BOWMANVI LLE, - sole agents in this locality for TRENTON, ONTARIO. GIL~OUR&CO., HEALTH FOR A.LL1 w ifl c. 0 a 0 . THE PILLS T HE OINTMENTI SMOKlN.G TOBACCO I I Children Cry for Pitcb ~r·r f ' ,.

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