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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1889, p. 8

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CYCLONE S ALE .A.'F'- A JOHNSTOW:N INCIDENT. ·T he following intervir-W· in tha P itt&burg Dispatch, contains prol··>bly the last words HAYJJUN. Mr. W. B. Creeper is rem odeling h is house. Mr. Thos. Gilders. has the co n· tract. Mr. and Mrs. Broad attended t he wedding of their niece at L itt.le Britain last week. Remember the tell. at H aydon next Monday. Everything is being d one t o make i t attractible. Mr. and Mrs. B an · bury, of Claremont visited at Mr. W. Broad's last .week. Mrs. Gilders and two children had a narrow escape from an accident by the hors.i runnimg away, but no damage was done save the si:na.l!hing of a wheel and ehafts. It wa.a caused by the hold-backs being insecurely hitched. "'VV"e are now- showing the targest stock of D RY G 0 0 D S and CLO'THING MA TE RIALS in town. Our stock is the best bought stock in Bowmanviile, quality and price considered. Tremendous Bargains in Tweeds, Dress Goods, &c., the balance of McClung's Stock. "'VY"e are in a position · now to undersell all competitors on leading lines. VVe will sell to any one buying large parcels at less than we or any other dealer can buy wholesale, as our desire is to make a rapid clearance. VVe have sold to merchants last week of the highest standing, A 1 cash men. Remember, this is a mat.ter of dollars and cents to all who want goods. Do you want to buy? V\Te can and will save you money. "W'e don't say goods at half price, but if we can't match any reliable goods shown in town, at less prices we will not ask you to buy from us. 'IV e are, &c., ~ that the ill-fated bor..ngh of J ohnstown spoke to the outside world: ·-' ·At three o;dock in the afternoo1·." .said Electrician Bender, of the Western Union, "the girl toV1<n was cheerfnllv tick· operator at J ohn& ing M'Tay that she had to abandon the office ' on .the fir~t floor, beca.·1se the water · was three :feet deep there. She said she was writNig· from the seconJ story and the water wa.s steadily. She was frightened, and sarid.many houses werf' fioodei. This was eridently before the dam broke, for our man be1-e.eaid something enooura.ging to her, .and she talking back as only a cheer· ful girl ~r...tor can, when the receiver's HAMP'l'O.N. skilled . ear~ .caught a sound on the wires mad6 bv .1UiJ lhtJman hands. The wires had Mr. Thoe. Ward is still confined to the grounded or ~e house had been swept away house. A NEW DEPARTURE Ill MEDICINE. NO. 1-0URES OATAflRH, HAY FEVER, Rosi in the-fb od .from the lalc.e, no one knows Mr. F. Groat has r1iturned from the COLD, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS-The wly authentic which now. Anyway, at three o'clock the Normal School. Tho fonr greatest medical centres cure emanating f rom Bcientijia s ources 11ow before of the world a re Londou, Paris, the public. Tliis is not a & nuf!or ointment-both are .gi~l was bhere, >2.11d at 3:07 we might as well Owing to t.he wet season farmers are }Jerlin and Yieuna. These cities discarded as iujurions. $7. 00. have asked the gt>;ave to ans wer us." have immense hospit als t eeming 'behind with their turnip sowing. with suffering humanity. Crowds NO, 2-00UGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, of stud en ts t hrong t he wanls CONSUMPTION-An i11comparable remedy; does not The E. xett1r, .011.tnri.:i , Board of .T raae is Mrs. (Rev.) J.C. Wilson, Cob ourg,was under t he Professors. i n studying merely stop a cough, but eradicates the disease and taking steps wilb .a vJew to inducing a calling on old friends here last week. chnigo. The most ronowncd/hysi· st rengthens the lungs and restor~s wasted tissues, cians of the world t each 1rn prac· giuing a new lease of life. $1. 00. Mr. E. Hastim:s has had a handsome binder . lae~·~ to locate in that tice here, an<l the institutions are storehouses of medical k nowledge town. End.ea. vor.s will .also be made to get fence erected in front of hie residence. NO, 3-RHEUMA TISM-A distinguished and well· an d'. e~perience. With a view of known specialist in this disease ill Paris, who treats On the 23rd inet. , we beg leave to remeachants to disconntinue taking bntter ma.Ii.Ing t his e:q1 erience a vailable not hing else, built his reputatio11011 this remedy. $1. t o the public the Hospital Remedy and eggs in trade and ~o est11blish a market cord, a fine son waa b orn to the wife of Co: a t great expense securecl the Will . Ward. NO. 4 - LIVER ANO KIDNEYS, DYSPEPSIA AND prescriptions o f t hese hospitals, I/ID/GEST/ON, for the disposal of these products for c11sh. CONSTIPATION, BRIGHT'S D/8£ASEprepared the specifics, and al· A f avorit e slaughter-field The Beavers played a practice game of or t ho guac/1 who has t hough it would cost from $25 to ruined more stomachs t ha11 f alcohol. Use a remedy Tq E Salvation Army has a new method baseball with the Orono club, on the SLOOto secure the attention of their sanctioned in high places. $1.00. of ad vertisini! itsel in Paris. An open grounds of the latter, on Saturday, The distinguished originators, y et in t his· way t heir prepared specifics NO, 1J-FEVER AND AGUE, DUMB AUGE, MALARIA, earri~ge is daily hired, and in it are placed boys were defeated, but ·handsomely rice of t he NEURA LGIA- Few /mow whcttgraue damage t his doe11 are-offere d at the i1 treated. medicines that flood tho patent the system; it is treated to breal1 it for a t ime. Use four of the µio.~t con~picuou~ members of market nntl absurdly claim to cure a remedlJ that e radicates it. $1.00. Rev. Dr. Barrasa preached his valedicthe confraternity-a North American fo. every ill from a single bottle. The want always felt for a reliable NO. G.- FEMALE WEAKNESS, IRREGULARITIES, dian , a Chinawau, an Egyptian and a Per· tory Sunday morning. There was a large class of domestic remedies is now WHITES- Man11 women a re brolie11 <fow11 because and appreciative audience present, who filled with perfect satisfaction. they neglect these diseases until chronic and seated, sian. Tbe@e are driven wberevP.r the were much affected during the sermon. The Hospital :Remedies make no Use No. 6 w 1 d regain health and strenytlr. $1.r)f); ; crowd is greatest. unreasonable claims. '.rhe specific The Dr. removal is deeply regretted . for Catarrh cures th:it and nothin g N'O. 'I-HEALTH, FORM AND FULNESS depend O il else i so with t11e specific for Bron gQod blood and lots of it. If waak, if blood 13 poor, Wm. Gilmour is in Pembroke goal, and OSHA W .A. chitis, Consumption and Lung if scrawn y, use this·perfect tonic. $1.00. all because he ig poor. He was married Troubles : Rheumatism is cured by NO, 8-llER VOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF POWER-A Joseph Found, Pickering, has gone t o No. 3, while troubles of Digestion, seven time~, and thirty-seven children call Stoma cl1, Liver aml Kidneys have quac/1 cure·ridden public will hdl a ve1111ino remedy Devonshire, England, on a visit. their own cure. To t hese fa acl<lec l / or an 11nfortuate condition. No. B 1s Golden, which him father. Of foese, were sons a specific for Fever 1md Ague, ono 0118 t rial will prov9. Be1uar9 of Ignorant q11ac//s At Brcm11:ham a rail fell on the head of and most of them are alive, but none of· for tamal e weakn ess- a genera l who charge high prices for cheap an d worthless Robert Hughes, c ausing h is death in t onic and blood-maker thatma.kcs drugs and pills, t he properties of which the11 are them can now care for the old veteran, who twelve hours. blo<>d an< l gives form a nd fulness, u tterly· ianorant, and who expose 11011 by selling your and a n i ncom parable remc'ly for confident ial letters t o others in the same nefarious fought under General Jackson in the The McBrien farms were not sold last business. Use No. 8 and liue again. $7.00. Nei·vous Debility. American war. week. $10,000 for each farm was offered · At the regular meeting of Court Pride but not taken. of Ontario No. 6000, A. O. l!'., on WedMr. Thos. White was riu mmoned by T O BE HAD O F AL L DR UGGI STS . nesd11y evening last, the following were telegram to Detroit, to see his son, who is danger ously ill. orbi.lance of year : elected to oflic The Oddfellows are making arrange· Chief Ranger, Bro. H. Gale ; S. C. Brv. E. B, Williams ; P . C., J. T. Hooper; ments for holding a decoration ceremony Secretary, J. H. Kenner; Treasurer, L. abou t the second week in July, Jollow; S. Woodwiiril, J. Laurie ; J. Wooil· The Oddfellowa have concluded arrang· ward . IL J . Weeks; S. Beadle, J, Mutton; men ts for their g rand c elebr a tion July l st J . Beadle, J . 0 . LaBelle ; Delegate to High The prizes are numerous and liberal. Courl, Bro. H. J. Weeks. Geo~ Grant in employ of Maw Bros. , The Dislrict Grand Lodge, held their Brooklin, was kicked by a h orse two annual meeting on Wednesday afternoon·, weeks a.go, and died from his inj uries. in the Florence ~ightingale Lodge room, Farmers of South Ontario held their Districl Deputy GJand Masler, J. A. annual picnic at Corbett's P oint on the Brown , P ort Perry, prR siding. Business of 18th. Attendance -large and weather ag· impvrtance, to the order anent the Grand reeahle. Whitby band furnished music. 'fhe by-law licensing teamsters, liver y Lodge meeling in SI. Calharines, in stables, etc., in Oshawa, comes into force August. P.G., W. McCullou~h.was elected July 1st. A number of teamsters ar e District Deputy Grand Master, for incom- having their wagons changed to three ing Giand Lodge year. Our complimente, inch tires to claim the bonus of $30. William. BB.FIELD. The principal subjects in the Phreno, :} C~.A..S. Mr, a.ud Mrs. Jno Dyer spent Sunday logical. Jo11nzal for J une are : Mr. E. T. at Ragla.n. Cr11ig, veteran wtiler and lecturer ; Isaiah Mr. B enj. Oriflin, '.l'oronto, is visiting Williamson, the eecen tric p bilantropist ; friends here. the importance of historical sludie3 ; de. Mr. Alex McCulloug1i has been on a monshation of centers of ideation; civil- trip to Bar.rie. ization an d edu~ation of the na11re raee; ,,,. IJ1 'oh M~-. w m. J . B ray · 111 h ome f rvm ,., - -A.NDp raciic~l phrenolllgy ; child cllhmfl ; notes Schoel for the vacation, in science and induslry. P ublished by Mr. R obt. Griffin took advantage, of Fowler & Wells Co., New Yor k, at $2 per the excur sion to Manita ba last Tuesday, year. 'I'h is S chool Section iu tend takin g part WnoLESAL& CA PTUllE -On Tuesday ev. in ihe Un ion School picnic at L eask's for the study of Music in its several · ening of &bis week, MeEsrs .. E noeh ~Haven s Grove on July 5 th. . ts - A Tand J as. Windle sueceded in capturing Mrs. ~ m. ~app is in Toro~to waiting . on some mvahds. l\frs. Tap p s fame a s a four nearly fnll grown foxe!, from 11 stone skilltul n urse is k nown far a nd wiae. pile on ihe farm of Mr. Stevene, at Lotus. Rev . S . Salton far welled h ere las t S unSpecial attraction for lady studentP by uniting with the The old mot~er fox. ran _around the~ al a d ay t o an unusually large con gregation. very sho~t d1stanct>, crymg a~d makmg a Great regret was felt o,·er his 4 epar ture. first and only LADIES' BAND in Canada. great n01sa, apparently knowmg lhat she Mr. R. Wirm acott has ret urned from . Mr. Stevens repor ls 1 M anit oba. He was well pleased with the was losing her cnbR that tbere is abundance of them in the cc untry and purchased a farm of 320 woods, and Ibey relieve his chicken roosts acres. OF FORTY WEEKS. at every opportunity. The picnic did not materialize on Sat~ Speaking of the Band Tournament al urday owing to t he t hreatening of the WWW weather. lt waa slightly influenced by Port P erry,lhe Standard of. lhai place says: the experien ce of the Ennisk illeners, by DR. B.A.X'l'ER, ·of Baxter University of Music, "The playing of the Bowmanville Band :r-lew York. Y iaitors on Sunday : Mr. Amoa and was grand. The !ltt11ck, precision and solo Miss Bond, Hampton ; Mr. and Mrs. Further particulars by addressing were evidently nearly perfect. Consider· Wm. Gilbert, Enmskillen; Mr. and Mrs. ing lhe Bands lhe Dominion had lo com· Vandyke and Mr. and Mrs. Blair, T aunRU-SE~ pete with the Organ Company and the ton, and others. Box. 88, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 4!!.i, ~o wn H belongs lo should feel proud of i t. Exteuds his thanks for the very liberal patronage h e reSULIN.A. The Dominion was the favoriLe with the ceived since commencing busir:ess. His Stock being\.Ne-w· Miss Nancy Williama is v isiting in public as well as the judge. The memBowman ville. and Stylish and his prices very moderate, is n o doubt the bers alwa ys find n welcome in Port Perrv, Miijs Helena Clarke has been visiting being a fine lot of rnspectable young gencause of his success. friends at Salem. lemen. DENTIST. Wanted, 5000 lbs clean washed Mr. Henry H ouper has been spending . .A NEW V OLUME or Pl!TEUSON's begins wool delivered in Quick's Block, with the July number. Each fresh yolume a few days witli h is brother in Toronto. for which the highest price will be Rev. E . Barrass, D. D. preached his , of this magazine offers new and varied at· paid. OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. tractions. In the number and quality of farew.e ll sermon here on Sunday after- . its engravings, "Peterson" ca.nnot be ap· noon. Mr. Robert, Bowmanville, is Bowmanville. Higginbotham & Son's Drug proachecl by any but the art journal~ . The 21-4w. Store, (down stair_ s), fashions are alwaye the newest and most re· treating Mr. Thomas Baker's house t o liable, while in matters of home interest and a coat of paint. Solina Division S. of T. is prospering hom ehold affairs generally, ' 'Peteraon" is an B 0 W 1'I A. NV I L L E. infallible guide. We heartily recom- immtonsely. At last meeting eight new - - -:o:- - mend this · favorite· periodical to any of members were initiated. 10,000 lbs. Wool wanted at the · The Salvation Army had a j ubilee in Special Announcement. our lady readers who are not now taking it . Terms . Two Dollars a year, the hall on Thursday n ight. The Welsh We have made arrangements wH.h J:)r. or O:u.e Dollar for six months, with ministrels were present and they had good .B. J , Kendall Qo., pulishers of "A greatly reduced rates to clubs. Sample time. Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases " A mEeting will be held at Sons' Hall copies free to thosf' desiring to get up clubs . for w h icl1 the highest price in cash which will enable all our subscribers t o - - - :o: - - Address, PETER~oN's . MAGAZINE, Philadel· here on Wednesday evening 26th to obtain a copy of that valuable work free make arrangements for U nion School picwill be paid. phia, P a . WEDDING RINGS , SCAR F P INS, 9 H A1NS L OCKETS AND CHARMS, . by sending their address (enclosing a twonic in Mr. Leask's grove, July 5 th. lN E VERY STYLE, A ND AT ALL PRIOES. Also a large stock of Sheeting, cent stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J , The 22nd of July bas finally been settled During the severe thunder storm on - - -:o--Blankets, Stocking Yarn. Tweeds, Kendall Co.; Enosburg Falls, Vt. This upon , as 'he da'e for the great I. 0. 0. F. Friday Mr. Wm. J oll's barn was st r uck . Remern ber mv Goods are guarrant11d to be j ust as rep resen ted. book is now recognized as st andatd excursion to Charlotte beach und Rochester. by lightning which sc!lttered the shingles &c., t o exchange for Wool. WATCH R EP AIRING attended to as usual, Promptness and skillful work· authority upon all diseases of the horse, 'l'he newly refitted and remoddled, steamer and boards and set fire to the loft which m anship--my motto--and all work warrttnted. as ita phenomenal sale attests, over four was soon put out with willing hands. H ast'i'ligs, will leavo her harbor, Toronto, Your patronage solicited . million copies having b een sold in the Proprietor. past t en y ears, a sale never before on Monday afternoon, and c11ll at Osl1awa, L oss not very seriou s. Several villagers were badly stunned b ut not seriously, H ampton, May 27th, 1 889. 22-2m reached by any publication . in the same Bowmanville, NewCJ;>stlc, and Port Hope, Visitors of week :-Mr. and M rs. J ohn period of time. We feel confident t hat . sometime <luring the evening, of which B ro wn, Scarboro, Mrs. Capt. ' Ver ry, f'oour patrons will appreciate the work, and due notice will be given, and sail 'he same ronto; Rev. J'. Wa s hington and wife, of HEEP ASTRAY. -Came on the prem · be gla d to avail themselves of t his opporises of the subscriber in Apl'il. one Ewe. nighi for <Jbarlolto, arriving there earlv Goderich; Mr. A. Thompson, of Orono; The owner is requested to prove property. p sy tal stock. Steady work at good riaY; No tunity of obtaining a valuable book, ACRES, MORE OR L E SS, in the morning of the 23rd, giving her Master N orman Colwill, Pick ering; Mrs. coats and take her away· J OHN FLETCHER, ] r' experienc!' necessary. Any man not afraid to It is necessary that you mention this ~ . · Jt excepting he.IC a.ere of school site, Liberty Street, Bownianville. ill;3w work can succeed with us. i:lalary and ex- paper in sending for the "Treatise." H. and Miss D oidge, and :Master Wilb ur patroa e all day in Rochester . Returning being lot 22, con. 9, Cartwright, ha ~ing thereon penses paid to good men, the year round, Frame Dwelling, uew Barn. 50xSO, Btabling Success guaranteed. ' Vrite for terms, This offer will re m~iti open for only a will leave Charlotte a~ midnight. All for 'Vat t, Woods tock; Mr. Fred. P ascoe, ' F OR underneath. good young Orchard. About 50 E. C. SELOVER & CO., Iha modest eum of $1.50 the round trip, Leskard; an d M.A. Williams, Tor on to. STORE AN D D WELLING short time. acres under plow, 15 acres pasture, and bslNURSERY~IEN, . Geneva, N. Y. SALE,-Tha.t fine new store and resi- a.nee in timber, Tenders will be rec<liyed tm and a nioi;i litue programme will be 23- 4m deuce, elegantly fltte<l for Morcbant 'l'ailor or August 15th. School house on le .: Ocean t icke ts by different lines of the evening. If you miss it, ENIUCll THE BLOOD by tile u sc or llJil· Fancy Dry Goods now occupied by Mr. Jobu arranged Address. J onN PENF0UND, l conr p T H I.RE A.RE llIL 'VY INDIC:.\TIONS of steamships for sale at the STATESMAN your sorrow will no· en.d, until you are lmrn's Beet. 11·on ancl Wine, which su11plies Lyle. Apply to WM. J-I. I vEs, Bowmanville. or W. EVERSON, J ' · 0· worms, b ut D1·. Lo'"'s ' Vo rm §y1·u1· m eets office. tf · q uie Uy Iaid at rest. . the nece;is:u·y blood building 1nate1·11~1. 23- tf, 25;3w, them fn every c:ase successruuy. MAS ----o--- INDISPUTABLE FAC'TS: 0 DOLLAR EACH. Insecti cides. ----o---- ·JOHN. J. ·MASON. :Fl."USE:;'S o.,v..c<o> ~'\:0 . nal SchooJ ~ o.r Js~ ...l((Q"9'. Pure Paris Green, I Insect Powder. BAXTERIAN EDUCATIONAL COURSES '.lo All K IND,S O F FLY PAP·ER: Chemists and Druggists. B OWMANVILLE. Over 600 Lessons in one School Year. I J.HIGCINBO AM SON'S ===s Tuition., $80 pei-- School Year, Degrees Conferred Diplomas A warded l\l_[_A.-YN _A_ RD. O:S:.A..S_ 'I'lIE JEWELLER, J. :NI. BRI1IACOMBE 'I':EE NEW LINE OF -W-.A.TO:S:ES L.QUICK, HEAVY SII.VER SHOULD BE SEEN AT ONCE. "WOOL I "WOOL ! HAMPTON WOOlfN MlllS, LADIES GOLD A.ND SILVEB. WATCHES .AT ALL PRICES. D. TAYLOR, S ~!h:! ~r~p~ia~ ~n~O~a;~ S "MJ. -i:·NdBD '.l.'he JettJelle1·." Farm for Sale by Tender. O for I I 'lee Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria~

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