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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1889, p. 1

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TE RMS :-$1.50 Pu .A.lQUX. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THB WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, NBw S:a:a111:s1 NuMBJUt 569. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1889. SOLINA. We are glad to see Mr. John Sawdon able to be around again . .. . Visitors of the week: Mr. Daniel Lee, Boston ; Miss A. Cole, Maple Grove. Miss C. Russell, Miss J. Williams, Mr. H . Kenner and Mias Sophia James, Bowmanville .·.· Haying is in full blast, some of the early farmers being through ·. .. An addition has been made to Mr··John VanNest's family by a young daughter · · ·· Quite a large number from here attended the Union School picnic on Friday evening and report an agreeable time .. . . R ev. R. McCullo·1gh preached his first discourse to a large congregation on Sunday last . . · · ·Mrs. Dr. Bray, of Toronto, is visiting at Mr. John Tremeer's. VOLUME XXXV. NUMBER 28. ...... ...... 11 couc:s: ... . . 7 .... .. ' !JOHNSTON I & I CRYDERMAN 5§1 ·.· ARE NOW SHOWING E!t2 the Largest and most Elegant stock of (STRICTLY NEW oooos) lll Tb.ta powder never vartes. A marvel of Purity, strength &nd wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary Jtlnds, and can not be sold in competition with the multltnde ot low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders1 Sold only in oans. ROYAL BA~ ING POWDER C0 ·· 106 Wall St.. N. Y. ever shown by them or any house Bowmanville. . NO L ·ADY should buy ·a Dress before seeing their -stock of- A WORD TO FARMERS. TO A LL WHOM I T MAY CONCERN. -I DRESS .COODS, I· which, for extent, elegance, variety and value, cannot be approached in West Durham, anC. is only equalled by some of the city houses. - - ---o-----\ f .., ~ ffelFBear in mind that our stock is new and fresh, bought for Cash, and is sold cheaper than you can ·buy bankrupt, shop-worn or antiquated goods. Grocers, Due Bills taken at par for goods. COUGH, JOHNSTON 8t CRYDERMAN. M ·ILLINE. RY ! -LADIES·---purchase \Ve have just made a very large of Millinery and Millinery Goods, at a big R eduction. '.rhey are the very latest styles in t he market, and will be sold at amazingly low obtainable . prices. Please don't delay in seeing them . OSHAWA . The Salvation Army are camping at Corbett's P oint aad having a grand time .. . . The following are the officers of Cormthian L odge for the ensuiag term : N. G., J . Je well. 'v. G, .T, H . A~hley ; R. S., R . H ·.James ; B. S., W. Holland ; Treas., Saml. Giddon . . .. The Lawn Ten nis Club have been gran ted the us ~ of the grounds of E llesmere H all and are r.ow layiug out the court ~o tl1at play will be begun at once . . .· Mr. Thos . Conant and wife returned last week from an extended tour in the United States and EaetArn Ontario . .. . The Oddfe llows decoration ceremonies will take place here Wednesday next, J uly 17th .. .. Mr. M. J . Farmflrs, take your eggs to Tod Bros. McSweeney has severed his connection T hey will give you the highest market with the R eformer office .·· . M r. G. Wel· prices. lxiurn, t he popular t eacher at Thoruton's Corner s, left laet week for a trip to England . He will be gone about six weeks . ~ . . T . Miller & Co. have purchased t he Ar cade Block from W. Borsberry, our en · terprising councillor .. . . Mr. J ohn Thorn· ton, Celina street, has considerably im· proved h is premises, by putt ing a stone fo undation under his residence .. .. The Ch~mta uq uan s, at tho close of t heir year , held .a picnic at "Erindale," the reei· dence of Mr. John Mothersill, EastWhitby . ... . Mr. Wm. Farewell, aged 85 years, died at Harmony, on Thursday last. He was a brother of the l ate Abraham F arewell, ex·M.P .P: . . . A deputation, consisting of councillors and manufacturers. · wen t to Gananoaue last week to in~peot t he railway switch there. The object is to have a similar one built here . . A young son'.of W.D.H unfer ,Centre street, was run over,· and seriously inj ured on Dominion Day. TYRONE. Mr. W. Brent lost a valuable brood mare last week, by blood poisoning,caused fron t he .d isease i;listemper .. .· Mr. John H oidge, · Tor on to, has been visiting at "Windsor Castle," ·Mr. T. Creeper's . · · · All of our ball were away from home on the ~l st and ·got' defeated, with th ~ exceptian of the football t eam, which rtsulted in a t ie wit h R ayd on Clippers. The return matches will be played on the hoine. grounds when t he boys will show more vim and . t urn the . scale the o.t her way. ' Don't be discouraged boys. Every be11t on his own grounds rooster can fight .· ·~ . . M r. Jas. ·Souch has barley wh ich -measures 5 I t. 6 in. in length. Beat this if you can; J dsiah. : .· Mrs. A. ·Fowk'e, Guelph, is friends' here ·. , · Mr. A. E. Manning, Hamilton, is h ome spend ing his vacation·.. ; .Miss S. .lfarrell has gone for a tour t hrough the .W est via K incardine · ..· On the arrival of Rev. L. P helps, on T hursday eveiiing, a large number from nearly all p~ts of the cir cuit assembled at t he parsonage with well filled baskets to give h im a grand recep· tion. - The evening was spent in social chit-chat, etc . ... School closed on Friday for a six weeks' holiday .. . · Farmers are busy haying in this locality ·... Mr. · .E d. Moses and wife; Bowmanville, were back on ·Sabbath .... The church organ has bee n undergoing repairs, by Mr. N. Yellowees, BowqianviU_ e , ._.:.Mr. A. W.Bunner, being in other fields of labor, his ap· pointment here on Sabbath was not supplied,se the ~ervice ..had to be 'withdrawn. Some took advantage of it and w.e nt to Bethesda . . . · Mr. V . Cole ar rived ,home last" week from M ontreal . . . · Our postmaster, Mr. J . T. Welch, is suffering from a very sore eye . . ·. Mrs . S. M; Clemens has been spending a ·few days wi ~h her mother , at Toronto, .. . The S. A. officers blew into port on Monday. after two weeks' camping. lllA.L.U tIA.L 1"E\ 'ER ,\ ND (;HILLS ar e best brolie n u p n nd J> revcntcd by u sin g M U· b u r n 's Aromntic tluinine Wine. I take this method of thanking my old customers and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to me during t he years t hat I have been in business and having fitted · up a ~ood show r oom and office on the site lately occupied by Mr. C. Rogers on Silver St., between Percy's blacksmith shop and the News office, where I shall be pleased t o see my old friends or make n ew ones, and I invite all who wan t anything in t he following lines t o call and see me and examine goods and compare prices and quality before placing your orders : 11gricult ural machinery, steam an d horse power threshing ma chines, Brantford binders, reapers and mowers ; seed d rills, spring.tooth cultiYat ors, d isk, sulky and iron harrows, riding and walking plows, straw cutt ers, grain crushers, root c 11ttera ; also agent for t he Goold B icycle Co., and St. Thomas W hite Br onze Monume.nt Co.; insurance effected on farm buildings and private residences at lowest rat es. Headquarten for plow points, machine oil and axle grease. J AMES M cLEAN, 14-tf. Bowmanville. ZION. School closed on Saturday for the summer {vacation .. . ··.·· Mr. John Sodden, who was recently injured at Mr. Burke's barn-raising is improved so aa t o again be out around .... Mr. J ohn Tremere has returned from a short visit t o Manitoba and the Northwest. He is now entertaining his friends by his description of the many beauties of that distant land. . . Mrs. (Dr.) Bray, Toronto,haa been visiting around home recently . . . . The local sports here are taking q uite a lively interest in foot ball now . They have organized a team and are n ow ready to re· ceive word of any team th·t is prepared for a match. S. Flint off is captain of the team ... . Mr. John Cluke, of this plaoe, spent Dominion Day in P ort H ope. tak · ing in the eports and calling on his many friends there . ... Mr. J. R. Clarke delivered h is famous lecture on " Gough," in · the Taunton Hall, on Friday evening, to a very interested and appreciative audience. Mr. Clark is well known here and his visits to th is place are always looked for ward· to with pleasure . ... Mr. A. Pascoe has ret urned from Chatham Business College in which instit ution he has b een obtaining a commercial education. OOURTIOE. . ~J.APLE GROVE. The regular order of meetinga has been Mr. S. Snowden and wife have been a t Scugog Lake, visiting and fishing. resumed at the barracks here. Mr. George Allin and daughter Sarah Miss Mabel Walters has been spending & few days with fri~nds in t own. have been visiting friends in t he west. Quite a number from here have been in We wonder if any of our young folks attendance at the Comp Meeting held on attended the camp meetings a t Pickering Corbett's Point, recently. last week. Mr. and Mrs. R . Courtice drove t n Mr. J~n. Rundle, of Toronto police Markham last week to visit some old force, was home one day last week looking friends. The crops are looking fine in hale and hearty. that dist rict. · Our new past or, Rev. Mr; Liddy, Mrs. J. F . Brooks started for New York preached his first sermon here on Sabbath on Sunday morning, where she expected and made & good impression. to meet her brother,_ Mr. S. Brook, of We are glad t o know that our Sun New Orleans, wh'.> will accompany her to printer confesses that it pays to advertise England. only h e says it depends where. By ali The Y, P . C. A.. have suspended their means where it will be seen by the pubmeetings t ill the first of t>ctober. Quite lie. likely the usual pic·nic under the Y. P. Our Division i9 booming. Officers electA. auspices will be h eld some t ime doling ed: W P , R Snowden ; WA, Sia A Stev· the inter val. ens; F S, Sis A Cole; T reas, Bro J Sno wMr. Dinster, a dealer from Eastern den; RS, Sis N R undle; A R S, Bro A Ontario, has boug'J1t a large n umber of fat F oley; Chap, W F oley : Con, R Hall ; A ca tt le and sheep for shipping, from the Con, R Stevens; I S, M Munday; 0 S, farmers in this d ist r ict lately . Come E Rundli>; PW P, S R undle. again Mr. D. BUR K ETON. A very hearty welcome was accord ed the Rev. Mr. Liddy and family on their If J ack did not get in the soup, he got arrival at the parsonage last week, hy a near it. The two j ays met and there was large number of r.,presentatives from a loud time . . .. .Mrs. Willis was c~lled to Myrtle, on 'fh ursday, ti atbend a sick both parts of the circuit. Rev. Mr. Si.nderson was made the re- friend ... . Mrs. T.J .Bmner has returned cipient of a purse containing a.bout $36 , from a length and pleasant visit abr~ad . · by the people of t his circuit previous to 1 ·:We hu mb~y en treat those who wish a his leaving for Enniskillen, as a t oken of little recreat~o n on Sunday t o at, ~ e.ast the good-will and sympathy felt towards lower t he .blm ds .. . . The· latest add1t1on him. to our village is a talka.tive purot. The Mr . Balmer, of 'for onto, a nd also R ev. baby will surely l earn lo express its sen· Mr. Balmer of the Detroit M. E. Confer- timents now . . . . A couple con pies wen t The young ence, have been visiting their sister, Mrs t o t he lake on Saturday. Liddy at the parsonage. Rev. Mr. Balm· gentle01an of t he first part did not co me er occupied the pulpit very acceptably on h ome till he had caught a cnuple of fish. The young gentleman of the second part Sunday evening. is still coming .. .. On Thursday afternoon This usually quiet place was quite alive Messrs. Stanton, Virtue and Pollock, with h orsemen and rigs of all kin ds, from trustees of this section, and Dr. M itcholl lumber wagons, trimmed a nd ornamented !fond C. N . Callander, of E nniskillen, paid for the occasion, to t he finest carriages, our school 11 visit. They were grea.tlv waiting fo r the Newcastle brass band, pleased with the progre3s made by the which pa.ased here en roiite to t he large pupils and the cheerfulnese pervading the pio·nic in Mr. Leask's grove. As t he school room. A large number of t he peoband passed through headed by Mr. Ton· ple of t he section attended the closing exkin, teacher of the section, and a few men ercises of the school. After hea.l'iag nuon horee-baek , all fell int o line and with merous classes recite their lessons witb. music play-ing and fiags flying in the proficiency, Mr. Tilley was pt'esented with breeze formed quite a n interesting proces- an address, a beautiful ink-stand, papersion .as they marched to the place of t he cutter and a purae. Mt . Tilley made an day's amusemen t. Many t hanks due appropriate reply and the scholara were Mr. Leask and also t he committee of ma.n· dismissed after singing a pil~c" entitled agement for t he accommodation and en- "Good Night." t er tainment to visitors. TRIM. I -In all other departments we are sho\ving the Jargest stock we have ever shown he1~e. any :fi1·m in the County of Durham to equal us quality ancl price, an· d any :firm in the Domin.ion to surpass us. C HALLENG E · - -W-E- " Ill We are at present, sho~ing_avery lar_ge,. stock of -~Dress Goods Silk.s and Tr1mm1ngs, Ladies Jackets, Corsets, Husfe:ry and* Gloves, Prints, Muslin~, I 4ine'n s, Sheetings, Shirtings,. Cottons, 'f w_ee!1s1 Clothing, Lace Curtains Boots and Shoes, andM1ll1nery. LA.DIES, we call your attention to our present ~ large purchase of Milliner y, wh~ch ever y Lady should see, who is looking for a n ew article. Remember the place,~GEo. LAING's old stand. E. THOMPSON, & Co. "Mammoth Banlrrupt Stock Emporiun1." - - - -- - - HAMP'l.'ON. - ·----+---LUNG SAULT. The S. S. Anniversary, on Domin i~n - There was quite agathering at the So- Day, was a huge success. The sermons, cial on Wednesd ay evening. Things pass- on Sunday, by the Rev. Mr. Day, of Toed off har moniously every on e seeming t o ronto, were h ighly instructive and in terThe recitations, dialogues and en joy t hemselves immensely. P r oceeds esting. music, by the school, were fine. The tea of tea and social over $40.0C. Recent visitors:- Miss Minnie Staples was one of t he best ever held here. Total proceeds. about $180. The amusements and Miss Cora Kelley, Bethany; Mias aad games on t_he afternoon of D ominion Minnie McCarty, Lindsay ; Mr. Augustus Day, un<l er the auspices of the B. B. and Best and Andrew Pollard, Orono; Mr. B. Clubf!, were witnessed by a larga James Lowry ·and Mr. T ed H aggit h, F. number of peraons and were highly exBowmanville. citing and interesting. The game of baseThe picnic held in Mr. Adam's woods ball between the Gladstones, ot Tyrone, was a grand s uccess, every one feeling and the Beavers, of this place, was well more than satisfied. Dancing and amus- contested throµghout and r esulted in a ing games in abundance. The foo tball victory for the 4ome team. The game of match between Pon typool and tbe Ex- fo_otb;:l ll between L eskard and H ampton celsiore resulted in a vict ory for the for- was very exciting, great interest being m 9r. taken on bo th sides_ N either team sucThose who had the pleasure of a ttend· ceeded in °makii;ig ·a goal. The far-famed ing t he party at Mr. J. Stewart's on brass ·band , of Blackstock, furnlshed exT uesday evening had a very pleasant cellsnt mu1:1ic d uring~ the day. The contim e. The order of t ho evening was cert in the evening, held in the Town dancing and music both instrumen tal and Hall, wall well patronized, the musical vocal. Hospitalities were d ispensed in part of the program being mostly well such a way by Messers and Misses Stew- rendered and gave general satisfaction. ·. ... R ev. Dr. Barrass and family ,removed art as to make one feel at home. T he Anniversary services in connection to P1ckeril)g last week . ··. . Rev. R. Mcwith the Sault church on Sund ay and Cullough and fa~ily, (the new pastor) Monday 23 and 24, passed off pleasant- have taken possession of the parsonoge. The Rev. · gentleman a very fa'l'or1 y and successfully. On S unday at 2.30 able i mpression. Sunday_morning .. . . Rathe Rev. J . Dyer addressed a large and cent visitors: R ev. J .Oliver, Mono R oad; attentive audience. On Monday' th e tea Rev. W. R. Barker and wife,Streetsville; was well attended. T he Revs. K en ner a nd Dyer in t heir usual happy style de- Mr. T . Clark, Cobourg; Mr. Jas. McCullivered addresses su itable to the occasion. lough and wife, Port l:'erry; Miss Trick, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. J . J. lloidge,To· M r. Brent efficiently fillEtd the chair. r. ·a · d d ronto; Messrs. T . B _ . an d H · J · .a.01 ge The ·pro,q:1·amme was f u11 t y sus ame an and wife, Stouft'ville; Mr. Fred. Martin ably carried out, Th e tea was par excellence and reflects much credit on the and C. Paecoe, Toronto, who was d own .lad ies having t he management of it. Ar~ue-ing a suit which has been pending · dl f f tb II for some t ime . . .. Mr. R. J. N iddery A.f terward8 a f rien Y game 0 0 0 a has ceased from labors at Claremon t and was played b etween the Haydon team and J · h · t . returned to this village ... .. Dr. . H . t h e SauIt E xceIll10rs eac securmg wo B ruw·n is a.p ending a few days at the old ·goals. M r. S. M. Clemens was the home, tbe residence of Mr. I. L . Brown, chosen umpire and gave the best of satis- Cedar Valley Farm · · · · Several from here · faction. . . attended t h e picnic at Leask's Grove, on Chas. Virtue was with us on the l i t Friday last and report a good time . . . · . : . · Wi;i. Sproule has ~een remodeling We were pleased t o see Mr. Thos. Ward his . residence . .. . Hill was at N ew- 1out agai'n last week . .. Mr. :::.. Thompson castle on Dom1mon Day·· ·. . Stanley gave the church choir a treat on Satnr· Staple~ has a stalk of barley which meas· d ay llVenin~ . ..· Capt. R. H. Brent effiures . six ~eet. N_ex t · . . . ~.has. Hooper ciently looked after the interests of the lost a very va1uaole :yearlmg colt. last B. B. Club, on.Dominion Day and kept week . .. . Fred. ~ountJoy, of Whitby, the unruly straight . . . · Mr.Beer ha8 been called ~D the !disses Farewell, on S un- improving his the addition day ..·~'Frederick should be more careful of a new coat of paint . . Several young in future.. Canines won't ~e trifled with men from 'l'yrone rende~ed >valuable astoo far .·.. J amea Moorey s new buggy sistance 'lt the concert on the 1st. Mr. seems to attract t he ladies attention .. . . H. Knigh t, Bowmanville, also asf!isted in Problem to eolve; W~at caused Hugh his usual good style. Murphy's horse t o run away?. ··. Edward Byera' raising, on F riday, was in every For Rickets, M arasmu e, and all term a success . . ·. Wm. L ittle had two Wasting Disorders of Children cows killed and one seriously injured, by the 11 o'clock train, on F r iday . .·· Wm. Scott's E mulsion of P' Cod Liver Oil Brisbin extract ed quite a number of ·with H ypophosphites. ia unequalled. The stumps with his machine, last week, for rapidi ty wiLh which children gain flesh Mr. Colin Sta1>les ·.·· Mr. and Mrs. and strength upon it is very wonderful. Fowke, of Guelph, and Miss Gertie Mc- " I have used Scott's Emulsion in cases of B urney,. have been guests at Mr. Rich. Rickets and Marasmus of iong standing. Davey's . .. . Miss Bertie·Gardiner was the In every case the improvement was markguest of Mrs. Wm.and Mrs. Turner Eris- ed.- J. M. Main, M. D., New York . bin, on Sunday . . ·. Mr· . Colin Staples Sold by all Druggists, 50c. and $1. spent Sunday in Cutwright . . . . We see f f H Ph · d A BIJB N Oil (;UT ~viii h eal quickl y aud · th o b oammg ace o onry air ai·oun l eave l ess scar ifl 'ictorla Varbotle Salve is here once more. applictl n t on ce. · yv_ m. ' /

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