. ./ ~ h t n oz;ce fastened o~ t be system, ~re diffi · cult lio get rid of. The mind, too, becomes affected : "with a run-down" bodY goes a '·run-down" mind, and irritability , fretful· Ma!e R< 1 me Attractive. n ess and bluee," become ohronic couipanionr, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1889. Nothing will ma.ke your homes so a~h'ac· . tiue and satisfying DO your childrrn a.a How to Make Marriae:e a Sucoesa. ADVICE 'fO MoTIIERs.-Are you di music. There is a. cha.rm to it that is bund . , in nothing else. Ii; a.wakens all the grand By observing as closely a.s po~fiible the turbe~ at m~ht and ?roken of y_ our r~t impulses of the soul; i b harm oniz is all t he following " lets " the number of homes " to by a 111ck child suffermg and crymg wit. discordant elements in ones nature, and let " will be mu.teria.lly decreased ; pain of Cut ting Teeth ~ If so ~end at brings ouil a.11 our bett.ir feelings towards Let ea.ch allow t he other to know some·nee and get a bottle ef "M:rs. Wmsl~w's 1 huma.nity. It has been truly said "that a. Soothing Syrup." For children teething, I man was never so entirely lost but thati a thing. lta value ia incalculable. It will relieve song would redeem." Then fill your homes Let each c1>nsult the other's feeliDgs. the poor little sufferer immediately. De· with music and song and let the children L' t each realize t he fact the. t t hey a.re pend upon it, mothers ; there is no have. books and papers, such as w_lll eleva~e one. ~ mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and 1nstrncti ra.th?r than demora.bz~. Tbetr Let-the - husband frfquent his home, not . h 1 t the Stoma.ch and growiDg minds will not feast on drv sermons, the club. and D iarr rea, reg~ a es . but wioh tne advancement of knowledge Bo_ wele, cures W10d Ooh~, softens _the and the lib-era.litv of the pren to-day, there 1,et hie having "to see a ma.n " wa.it till · Gums, redu ces Iuflammat1on, and gives isn o lack of interesting a.nd ennobling books next day. to::ie and energy to the whole syi<tem. a.nd periodicals within the reach of every Let his latch key gather unto itself rust " Mr9. Winslow's Soothing Syrup "Nor home, Let air.ch book that you gst your from disu.se. children teething is pleasant to the tute child b~ ~mi.lee.tone that s_ha.11 p aint to great Let him speak to his wife, not yell "say!" and is the prescription of one of the old· possibiht1es 1n its future 1_1fe. at her. eat and best female physicians and nuraea As far .a.~ y~ur mea.ns will allow fill your Let him be a.s courteous a.fter me.rria.ge a.s In the United States, and is for aale by homes w1t11 p1c.tures a.nd flowers, If t~ey · n d a" t 8 throu h the wodd. P1ice a.re ever so. s1mpl~ t~ey a.re attracntve before. a rug,,is g nd ask for and go far ID cult1vattng a love of the L9t him confide in his wife ; there interest 25 cents a bottle. Be sure a , beautiful, A sma.11 landecape p11.inting even is equal. "M:Rs. WINSLOW'S. Soo:rHING SYRUP. thoui(h it may be poorly exec[J.ted will of~· Let him asslst hbr in bea.11tifying the and take no other kmd. times crea.te a. love for the beauties of 'house. nature, .-nd the impressions formed from L9b him apprecia.te her as hill best part· that little picture ma.y.elev11.te one's thoughts COXSU1'1PTION .UIJRED. and give one a desire to reproduce on ca.nvas ner. .A.n old physician. retired from practice. ha.V· Let her oot worry him with petty trou· mg had placed in his ha.nds b? an Ea.st lncila other a.nil lovelier things. miMionary the formula of a. simple vegetable Then give your children paints and brushes. bles. :remedyfor the speedy and permanent cure ot Help them to relieve the dull plainness of Let her not n11orra.te Mrs. Next Door's Consum11tion, Bronchitis, , Catarrh, .A.ethma your hame, for be assured if there is nothing goMlp. an<1 all .Throat and Lunii: .A1fectione, also. a attra.ctive a.t home they will be attra.cted JJOl!i.ti:ve and radical cure for Nenous Debility Let her not fret beca.use Mrs. Neighbor a.nd all Nervous Co!J!plainte, after havin&' ebtiwhere. ha.a a sealskin. tested it1 wonderful curative powere in tholl· L't her make home more pleasa.nt than sands of cases, has felt it hie duty to m&ke it known to his suffering fellows. ~ctuated by the club. ~ How Did it Come About ? this motive and a destra to relteve human Leb her dread as bstefully for him as sud'ering, I wLI sen~ Ire!' of charge. to all who Is a q11estion now asked ill regard to ohe desire it this receipt, m German.· ll'rench or tr angers. ma.rriage of a popular writer. The same EJMrlish.:..ViLh full direotio . ns for preparing a_nd Litt her sympa.thlze with him In business wllng.i Sent by. mail -by addressing with question was asked five years ago when ..,. ....l!tamp,·namin·g this paper, W. A.. NOYES, H9 society ma.n in Boston married a sensible ca.res. !'>ower's Block, RoclWtJter, N. Y. H-ly home b1>dy, some years hie senior. Tne L9b her home mea.n love 11ond rest, not noise croakers croaked well, a.nil decided that it a.nd stirife. L~t her maeg him with. a kiss, not a WIH a.n unfortuna.te aff.i.ir or would tum out ()onsumption Surely (lured. · to be In the end. Gaorge Eliot says tha.t frown. this love ot "finding out how it ca.me a.boat" ['o THE EDITOR : Please inform your reader· th&t I hne is due to "an excess of poetry or stupidity. " The Lady Doctors of India, a positive remedy for the above · n11omed I don't know th11ot th11ot ls just fair, but I do The Englishman's Overla.n:l Ma.ii s11oys : tlfsease. By its timely use thouaa.uda of think when a. ma.r riage ls contra.ry to eetab· In India lady doJtors are now familiar to hopeless cases have been perma.nently lished rnlea, croa.kers are stupid and fortun· us, and a.lthough at first tJhey m11ov ha.ve cured. I shall be glad to 1eµ.d two bottles ately are often In the wrong in oheir proph· been somewhat ridiculed by thase who ef my remedy FREE to anv of your rea.ders esy. It le written thab when a marrh.ge could not appreciate their value, they are who ha.ve consumption if they will send me was a.bout to ti ke place KingaJ a.mes used to fast making their presence felt for irood in ask "What is the woman's ma.kdom and her their Express and P. 0. a.ddress. almost every corner of the land. So far as Respectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOCU.M, 164 fairness?"' The days of "infatuations" a.re the native women of this country are connow giving place to a. keen outlook to the cerned, it is gra.tifying to note tha.t their Weit Adelaide st., Toronto, Ont. direction of personal oomfort ; makdom and fairness stand one side and the question to success in a.11 branches of College educa.tion progreasing to the entire sa. dafa.ction of be answered first will this woman make my is professors. Not only have they proved home restful to me, and will she live on their what I can earn ? Suttle has been the pro- themselves to be generally well fitted for cess tha.t has led to this gradua.l cha.nge, the a.rduo11s duti..s a.ttenda.nb on medical When Baby wa.s sick, we gne her C:utorla., studies, but they have in some cases sue· but a. che.nge ha.a oome. When she was a. Child, she cried·ror Castoria, ceeded beyond all ordinary expectation. ,the brillia.nt society man referred to, is Bambay, Madras, the Northwest .Provlncea, 'Vhen she became Miss, she clung to Caatoria, now a. regula.r sta.y-e.ti-home for t he simple and the Pnoj~ub a.11 return fhttedn~ re· WleD aho had ClilldreD, she gavo them Caatoria, reason his home is as perfecb 11os a. home can ports on the s11bject, a.nd when we sa.y tha.t be m11ode to be. The sunniest, brighteat room a class of female students ca.n averave over in the house is bis sa.nobum ; here are his 700 m!l.rka out of 1,000 in a surgic11ol ex· favorite books, pict.ires he likes, the la.test amlna.tion, as we hear has recently been magazines, leaves cut, a.nd no end of pipes. the case, little can Ile sa.id against their A.KM lN PICKERING FOR SALE. When the tra.ln whistles mto the dep?o, in power or skill or a.ptitnde for gaining know· -One of the best farms In Pickering for which is this fortunate ma.n, a. fire is sta.roed sale containing 125 acres, all of which are on the low hea.rth to make the room cheer · ledge in one of the mostimportant branches in the medical profession. Indeed, it 11opolea.red and in high state ot cultiTation. On the premisc1 are a good dwelling house an.d ful although the ;va.rmth is not needed. pears not unlikely tha.t women in India. may out building& and two wells. Thie prooerty ia To this room he brings his friends, 11ond prove themselves by no means inferior to sitn&ted on lot 15, b, t.. one mile and a. half here husband and wife sit when a.lone. men in most b111nches of the practice of t'rolll Pickering village, half a mile from Grand Trunk Station. three miles from Pickeril'.lir Everything that will help this wife to make medicine, if the progress made by native Harbol', and six miles from Whitby. Y·r home a means of grace ehe reads ; on her females in hosplta.l work may be ta.ken a.a a. fllrther particulars apply to JAMES PICKABD tJabl'e there are alw11oys to bs be found books criterion. ln many cases they have proved on the premiRe11, or Pickering, P.O. ~-tl and magazines th11ot ta.lk of the higher life themselves superior to the m\\le students fn of the home. l m~an good cooking when I ) ,~ARM-'FO~Sl\.T:JE:--=130 acres, com· sa.y higher life; a hitherto much neglected college ex11mlna.tions, and In no way behind thelil in applio11obion, power of reasoning and · "' ~ posed of south part of Lot No. 19, Broken pa.rt of religion. resonr~e. The fact that muoh of ~heir enc Front a.nd is three miles from the Town of This m11on, formerly out every evening, ceBS is due to the greu.t intere!lt-ta.lten In their Bowmanvl!le. This is one of the beet farms in ... .h.e county of ham. It is In a high 9tate of rarely goes to thea.ter or oper.., party or ' \tivation and is well fenced On the pre· ba.11, because his home ha.a greater attractions studies by their lecturers 11ond profession Is not without a. certa.in special slgnific11once. ml.Bes there is a stone dwelling, two large barns and otber' out-buildings, with stone a.nd he is rea.lly now so sensible, well-inform· sta.bling for cattle and horses, ~hree wells f!nd ed, 11ond 11omountlng to something tbat his four cisterns, also wind·mill for pumping friends 11ore rejoiced that the seemingly in· Dutch Bulb Olllture. water. For further particulars apply on tbe congruous ma.rriage came a.bout. The centre of bulb ouhure in Holland, premise' or if bv letter to HlllNRY :MANN. BowWhen I we.a asked whu.t I considered the 31-tf manville says " Garten-flora.," is still at Ha.arlem, as it rea.son of this tranE formati?n I answered : - it has been during two centuries a.nd a ha.If. " Clean, well-aired rooms good food, and a Hy11ocinths are especially fn favor just:now, a. wife who is more anxious to be what a. a.nd ground suitable for their oultiva.tion ha.a Germa.n writer ca.Us ' a serene house wife' sold for as much as $13,500 an acre, ae thau to keep her weather eye out to 11ee if a.2ainat a.bout $1,000 given for land of other ACRES, being Jot 25, co11. 5, she will ever get her rights ?-and vote."- kinds. The expense of cultivation is pl11oced 0 Township of Whitby, known as [Good Housekeepit1g. the Bradley Estate. The land is in the highest at about $300 an acre for hya.cinths and iltate of cultivation. 150 acres olearedland well $160 for tulips, a.nd it ie noted tha.t a.rtificla.l fenced. the remaining 15 acres being wooded manures are never need. Narcisaus is a.lso land. On the premises·areasplendldtwo·and· a-half storey brick dwelling 30x!O, "'ith kitchen grown in vast quantities near Haarlem, An lde11.I .Husband. 20x30. a barn 106x36, with stabling for 10 horses portation to England. Formerly A writer in a Western exchange gives ad. chiefly for exand 30 cattle; there are also all other necessary outbuildinii:s. There is a good orchard, plenty vice whiOh-will apply very well in the East. theexpcrb t ra.de fn out flowers was enormous, one Haarlem firm havin~ exported in a single ot small fruitl', t wo wells supplying plenty of good water, two good cisterns, and a Devel' He says to the young man ; "If not·married, sea.son 10,000 cases; but an agreement was fai'ing spri.ng, 'i'he land has never ·been run ge6 a wife, a good, hea.lthy, granger's daugh· last vear entered into by a majority of the down by being rented. Onecorner of this farm ter, and commence to build a home. If you Dutch florists to a.bandon the eale of out reaches into the villii.ge of Broaklin, Thus It is quite convenient to businees places, post are poor, pull, sing, pla.y and economize to- flowers as competing with the interests of puroffice, churches, schools . or railway station, gether, a.nd as soon as yon ~re in some de- chasers of bulb~. Attempts have been made It ia-on the leading road 'north from Whitby, gree independent, get out of the ruts of to utract the perfume of hyacinths, but the Uounty Town, and being only 4k miles rontine ·and extract all the honey there la in only with moderate success, especially from distant. Thus both for size, quality of soil, situation and eve~y other essential pomt, this pasJing hours. But if y<'u are already pretty the commercial point of view. farm' cannot be surpa.Esed by any in the county, well fixed, then tlo not compel your wife to and is in condition for the _pnrchaeer to make cook for the hired men, dave over a. wa.sh· money from the start. Terms reasonable. tub, ma.ke butter and cheese, huntegga, and The Use of :Eelskins. .Apply to D. ORM ISTON.Whitby; JNO.BRADLEY, 2nd con. ot Reach; or to CHAS. CoAKWELL, on ra~se turkeys and chickens, until her beauty One of the queerest dema.nds for eel skins and the sweetness of her ten: p 3r sours. fades 21-Sw. the premises. Brooklin, May 22nd, 1889. Get her a. piano, music and cliarming books is that mc1ode by colored women. !rhe pie· and magazines to read, and try a.nd · make tureeque ba.ndannas that they we11or serve the charms of the country all cheerful and a.notlier purpose.than that of merely oovering pleasant to her as possible. Never grumble their bee.de; they hfde the eelskins tha.t these a.b the milliner's bills. If your wife loves a women wear to ta.uten and ·stretch their nice fas11ona.ble dreBs, and a bewitching, kinky hair. For, as long as white men have d!l.intily trimmed bat, you should be all the known the colored race, the latter has been more proud of her. What a.re you for, you Imbued with a. hopeless envy of long, st-ra.lght grea.t, strapping, stalwa.rt fellow, but to hair, such as white per11.on1 are a.dorned with. ma.ke some woma.n happy and your home a Genera.ticms try to pull the kinks out of their little hea.ven to go to hea.ven in. ? If yon woolly pates a.nd fai1, b11t other generatfona love a fine horse and bright, shining har. step Into their places, a.nd try on and on to -ANDness, why should not your wile be gr11otified get long hair. White ekiDa the colored In the line of her taetea ! Then do nob la.bor folks don't ca.re so much about, beca.use t hey so long and hard that~ou ha.ve no time for see thllotJ white folks, like Ita.lians and Sr-an· reading and intellectual improvement, Soul. lards, are often darker than mulattoes, but BOWMA.NVILLE, .. ONT wealth will out last your orcha.rds 11ond vine· they ,do envy the rest of creation Its long ocks. An old aunty, a very pious old wo· yards." OFFICE AT FACTORY. man, s11old to the chfld's mother one day:"I'm sure of goin' to heaven, but I'd give it up widout a. sigh ef I could ha.b Miss Alice's Food For Nerves. long hair."-dSew York Sun. · One writer attributes as one ca.use of fretfulness the habit that some women have of - ~EXT: A Great Globe, underfeeding themselves. Whether it Is from carelessness, from a veneral Indifference The globe in the P ..ris Exhibition repre. i ·WU.;D~ to food, or on account of ha.ving no appetite, eent' the earth on the scMe of one-millionth or because they are too busy to give the time a.nd is nearly 100 feet In diameter. Pa.rls oc· to eat the proper qua.ntlty tha.t their system cupies about a. third of an inch. All the demands, ma.ny women are underfed, a.nd great lines of oommunlc11otion by fand and sea CUBE..S the result! is felt fn both mind and body. are shown in deta.il. :rhe ea.rth's daily rota.· Many women rea.lly live on two meals 11o day, tlon will be precisely imita.ted by clockwork, ta.king only a. cup of tea. a.nd a. slice of bread 11o point on the globe's Equator moving an a.nd butter at noon. They sa.y it is all they eightieth of an Inch per second.-[ Ex. nqulre and all they want ; they could not ea.t any thing more. But they deceive themWa1rner and Pullman. selves, for this is nob true. It m11oy be that they do not want to eat any more, but if so Miss Fourey6!! of Boston-Of course i do itJ is beca.use they ha.ve not been properly not pose.before you as a critic, but I must tr11ined. Eiting ls a matter of training as confess that 1 have a pronounced penchant muoh as anything else, and as the system for Wagner,. and-~ requires a oonsidera.ble a.mount of food to Miss Lakeview of Chicago-Wagner? keep the genera.l heal t h up to the proper Rats I Just listen_ to me while I gently mur· standard, women should be tra.ined to ea.tJ a. mur thatJour,owr:t George.M. Pullman knows l ufficient quantity of wholesome food at reg· hid business sure enough, Wagner onb! no AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS ula.r hours, Three meals a. day, or ev6n figure w:ith us, .and t his goes. AND FLUXES OF THE:. BOWE:LS fo11r, are not too much for some women, and 1 mea.b twice a day is Indispensable to good It IS: SAFE. ANO RE:LIABLE. . FO.R Cook (next day ~(ter her arrival)-:;:_'.' I health. Underfeeding cannot be too severe· ~~REN OR ADULTS. . ly condemned. It weu.kens the l)'&tem, m11olt- am often 11o little hasty, ma.dam; and tlienI ~!°'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. ing the victim liable to 11on lnumera.ble Ii.et am apt to be saucy, but you needn't mlnd{11 ,..i game of life, tramps for unemployed of ailments, such a.a sore throat, backache, you can make me a little present and I get and neura.lgla, besides ma.ny other ill, which, pleased ag-aln." labourers I Spa.des, · eJ;nultdiau JtnttXJllllttt. I H OUSEHOLD, ! - -·- . HATS! HATS·!' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - I Has received a large consignment of Hats in all the Fashionable Colors eShapes for Men, Youths and Boys, hard and soft felt and at price3 from fu cents upwards. ~COME ALONG AND YOU WILL SURELY BE SUITED._a_ ----, o ---· "AGE CANNOT WITHER HER," ' remarked an old gentleman, as he gazed J fondly upon t hi> comely little woman by his side; " but frankly," he continued, .. at one time I was afraid cosmetics would. The silly' little woman, in order to appear youthful, I OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS.! I have a large and well assorted st ock etc." .. Yes," interrupted t he little woman, " 1 did, u_nt11 my skin became like parcl)ment and so pimply and coarse." "Well," said t he listener, .. What do you use now?" "Use," was the reply, .. nothing but common sense and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Common sense told me that if my blood was pure, liver active. appetite and digestion good, that the outward woman woultl take on the hue of hoalt h. The· Discovery' did all those things and actually rejuvenated me." · If you would possess a clear, beautiful complexion, free from blotches, pimples, er ur,tions, yellow spots and roughness, use the · Golden Medical .Discovery." It ls guaranteed to d o air that it is claimed to, or money paid for U Will be promptly refunded. C opyright, 1S88, by WO:itLD'S DIS. MJ:D. AsS'N. - ~g;ii:~~h~~~1~t'f"·b11t~a~itfg:i:_i!~iir\~~ii;,sn~.~ ·White, Regatta and Flannel Shirts, Drawers;. · · Braces' Collars' Cuffs ' Ties' Handkerchiefs' GIoves, U m b re11 as, e t c. H. .ce pal .d f'Or RaW FUrs· Ighest prl M MAYE R ' · Block, Bowmanvi!le. N~ads , ~ · PRAC'.rICAL HA:tti:!:RB ·: for an incurable CflBe of (la. tarrh in the H ead by tbe Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, · proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. By Its mild, soothing- and healing properties, It Goods warranted to be as no one will know cures. t he worst case~, n o matter of bow lonl!' them from new when done. J standmg. By druggists, 50 cent.\l. Corner of King and Ontario Streets, 1 . Bowmanville. ,.~. ·"-" ~ ~~~ '"~1$5 oo.OFFERED. TH 0 S. Gents' Clothing Oleaned, Died, Pressed and.Repaired by PE AT, BAKINC. P.OWDER THE cooK·s '8EST FRltNIJr DUNN51S F .. First-class Farm for Sale. 16 ""' TO BE HAD OF A LL DRUGGIST S. Those who cannot procu re these remedies from their druggist may remit price to us, and we will ship them direct, Dominion Organs PIA.N"OS:J . DR..FOWLERS OF· . . TR,AWBERRY. HOuERi · holeraMorhus OL.r I C_,..-e.@ ...... RAMPS fi1IARRHCEA l!JYSENTERY ·