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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1889, p. 4

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.. · DKA.R STATESMAN.~Glasgow is a busiOn Thursday evening last in the lecture ness city, half a million people and all room of the Church-st. Methodis t dhurch Every Night I Scratched until the busy. We counted 87 iron steam vessels at the close of the weekly prayer n1oeting, Skin was Raw. under process of construction one day a presentation was made to Mr. _W. A. while sailing down the Clyde. The lar"'· Hunn er, of this town, who is entenng the Bo1ly covered wltll seal· s like s1·ots of "' h I H mortnr. An awt'nl Spectacle. Doctor11 est chemical works and the highest smoke Ministry of the Methodist c urc L . e useless. uure hopelcs·. Entirely c ·U"etl . ... ·1;J , u ( · stack in the world are here. They say was made the recipient of 5 volumes, viz > by the Cuticura Remcflies 111 " 'eeks. i\ the stack is as high as the Washington History of Italy, Histo:y of Egypt, 2 vol· ! am going to tell you of the extro.ordinary \\\ Monument (555 ft.) Large cotton manu- umes of an encyclot,ed1a,1 and, a. concord· change your CuTICURA RE~IB:J?CES performeti. · · ~ th · . f th e ch urch ,and on me, About the 1st of A1ml last I noticed · · h 1 f actures, coal an d iron mrnes e p to give anca rrom e mem . ers O some red pimples like, com in~ out all over my Glas~ow ~he pre· eminence sh~ enjoys, but also a Met~. Hymn Book from 1' clv.~ of I t;;;!y, but thQ_ugh~~nothing of it until.some time Glas1ww is more than a busmess centre boys of which he was the leader . The later on, Vfbf)n it bc,:;an .to look hke spots of . ·· . . . . · . . . mortar spotted on, a1l 1ch came off In lay· It 1s the seat of a Umversity, the buildings followmg 1s a copy of the address . era, accompaniell with ltoliib!\'. I. WQ.Uld HANDSOME PATTERNS of which cost over five million dollars and ·'Address 'to Mr w A Bunner on the scratch ~very night until 1_waa raw, then the 'f 11 · t d G'l H"Il . . ·. ' · . ' next night the sca.lAa, bew · for111ed mean . are b eauti u Y s1tua e on i more I occas10n of his leavmg Bowmanv1lle to en· while were scrn.tched off a~a.i1 · Ia vain did AND CHEAP. overlooking the West End Park. A ter the Ministry of the Meth. Church." I .c<·nsult _all the do.ct~rs m thu country, but Cathedral "Ood King D EAR B RO.,- H avmg · 1earne d that you covery, without 1ud. After giving upan alladvertisement hopes of re· . · founded . . 1133 by " I happened to see --~·-------David, calls pilgrims to the East End. received an appointment at the last meet· in the newspaper about your CUTICURA. . It is poorly situated, and its exterior is ing of the Toronto Conference of the nEMl\:DIES and J:?Urchased th~m fr!!m my for Ceiling and Side 'll t· d b u t th · t er10r · ;s · f au1t- Meth. Church, we feel that we cannot dru11g1st, andtoobtained almost unmed1ate re· 1 propor 10ne , .e m lief. I began notiee that the scaly o·upt10ns less. The nave and isles are m early allow you to leave Church-st. church gradually dropped olf and disappeared one by Gothic· the choir and chancel in · florid · without · · · · you a t ang1 'ble express10n · one and havemonths been rully curel I had the dis· g1vmg thirteen before I began taking the The rude screen, so called because figures of our confidence and esteem. It affords CUTICURA REMEDIES. and h t tour or five I also keep an assortment of underneath the pillars of its arcade repre· · us pleasure to testify to yot:tr straiab tfor- weeks was entir~lY. cured. My disease was eczma and psor1as1s. I recom mended the · d . 0 r sent e d the seven mar t ~1 sms, was es- ward walk and godly conversat10n. 1. our CUTI CURA REMEDIES to all in my vicinity troyed at the Reformation. In the Crypt actions have been 8 0 fully in conformity and I know ot a grea.t many who h··ve taken which is said to be one of the finest in ·th professi'on t h·t ·!though you them,_ and thank me for t.heknowlcdg". of them h d. wi your a CBl'eOia.lly mothers who have babes w1th scaly . W existence. e were s own a moul mg were converted in this church and have eruptions on their heads and bodies. I cannot surrounding the door of the chaple house had your membership in it f~r so many express in words the thanks to you for what See my Show Window. h' h t th "I I 1 t C . . . the CUTICURA. REMEDIES have been to me W 1c_ r?presen s . e ma cu a e on- years, yet there 18 no place m which you My bod., was oovered with scales, and I was caption. The guide was careful also to are more highly respected than here. an awful spectacle to behold. . Now my ddn is point .out the pillar behin~ which ~ob Your influence in ~hristian Band work as nice and clear a-Eo.b~t>';~Y. Merrill. Wis, Roy !iid when ~e gave ~Is mysterious has told for .qood. "You h ave beE>n useful 8ept.·2lst, 1887. A'l' LOWEST RATES. warnmg to Francis Osbald1stone. in leading souls from ·the darkness of sin Feb· 1, 1888.-No trace of th_e disease from . Many of the oraves surroundin" the t th I ht f th D' . f which my . ,.. ., o e c ear 11g o e ivme avor ; cure. I sutfered bas shown itself since G . c. WONE PRICE ONLY. 9athe?ral, as m the Old Calton c~metery and of etrengthenmg believers bycausing C11ticRl'a .£~mell1es. in t Edm_burgh, at~e cobve~letdt bv a h1ghbandd them to rejoice in the 'fulaess of the Cure every species of nl(onizing. humiliating o prevent _ o Y grace of God.' You h:we also taken ·an itching, burning. sc~ly. and pimply diseases of s rong_1ron gra mg m snatchmg. F9r the same pul"pose a little active p - art in the Temperance movement, the akin. scalp, a.nd blood, with loss of, t t t d th t and all humors, blotches, eruptions, sores, d ........ M. ..ti · .,,....._.. woo en. ~ rue ure s an. s near e ga e, and striven to stem the t ide of lntemper· scales. and crusts, whether simple. scrofulous. ~ ~IUlllUD 05'-"'..J!..,.... w_here citizen~ took their turn. to watch at ance. We trust you will continue your or contageous, when phyeictans and all other mgh~ the res~mg places of their dead, It efforts until wo have a ·prohibitory liquor reEitgie:v~sr~·vrherc. Pl"ice . cu·n c:uaA>. Tiic. : was mterestmg to us to find that the la- law' throughout the whole of our great SOAP, 35c.; ltE·OLVENT. $1.50. Prep~red bv test and best picture pasted in this little Dominion. the Porn::RDRuGandCHEl\UCWIL Uo:RP"01'A>TION old house was~ ~n.e plate of Henry ~Vard We ask you to accept this gift, not B':?a~nd tor ·'How to Cnre Skin Diseases." ru CANADA'S DESTINY. Beecher.. AdJ~mmg th~ Cathedra_ l 1s the merely for its intrinsic value, but as a to- pages. 50 iHnstrations, and 100 testimmria.111. Nticropohs, which croasmg the Bridge of ken of our affection. . lik.e You are now . called to the most importblack-heads, red. romg:ll. cbe::r;ved The Imperial Federation scheme has Sighs, we entered· . This .necropolis aud oily Mkin prevented b:I' C w·rr<:J't1RA received freeh impetus lately by the sug- t h e W est E nd P ark 1s a hill, and hke it ant work of life-a work \Vhich for far- SoAP. gestion [Jlrow_ri_out by Sir Chas. Tupper 1a~d out i_~_ s1?ping te~races. ,o_n_:!.he_sum- reaching resul.J:i!~ 2an only ~-~- realized in m1t of tlhs rocky emmenca, some 2o0 ft. Eternity. We wish you God -3peed in· and which has been taken up by Earl ab_ ove the level of the Clyde, stands a tall your important c11.llin" and pray that when --TO-Chest p,~; '"· ,.,u . enees. lfle!l.kness. "' Hackrng 1.'ou~h · .Asthma. Pleurisy,. Roseberry, the President of the League, Plllar surmouate d bY a stat~te of J oh n life's work is over you may be welcomed · '-.:::! ..nd I · fl"""'"' ion rcllcve1I· iu. o_. mh1ut.- 1.y the Cut.lcnM' A·nd· vir:. to hold a convention of Representa- Knox. From the base of th1a monument to the glories (!f heaven, and with those S othing like it f CJ!:' Weal!! lives from all the Colonies to discuss the th~ spectator ma_Y survey one of the most who throll!gh yuur illstrumentaJity have r~~l~s..'last<l'l· striking a_n~ varied of. city sceneB. J_ust been brought to God, as ~tars in your feasibility of the plan. Those who re- as. the v1S1tor .to Edmburg sho~ld .f irst crown of r ejoicing, enjoy the 'rest that member the attitude of Sir Chas. in 18- chm~ Calton H~ll so the str~nger Ill Scot- remaineth to t he people of God', and be 66 .when he believed the Hon. Jos. Howe lands cornmerc1a~ metropolis should . fir~t . forever with the L-0rd." Signed on be· was in favor of lmparial federation will come h ere. In itself the necropolis 1s half of the friends of the Chur«:>Tu-st. Meth. well w.ortb a visit. B is an epitome of church, BowmB>nville. b e incliiied to think that his suggestion Greenwood c~met~ry, Brooklyn-_about s .. MATTHEWS:, Pastor. is intended to"shelve the whole scheme. one of its size and folly twice as Bowmanville, July 4th, 1889'. At the time referred to h e warned his crowd~d with graves and monuments. Th dd d b M II C The Old Barony church wham the late . e. a ress '"'as rea f · ~. · · Nova Scotia.friends to beware of a scheme Dr. Norman McLeod poured forth his B~tttam, and the preeentat10n made by under which they were to be taxed to 1 d · I · Misses G . Young a1md Hatcher. M!r. Jobe C!quence stan s quite near. t 1& now Jin made the presC1!.tation on behalf of death to support the army and navy, and bemg torn d own and " The Baron" secur, 1 1 . · add bl d I' Ltl · f ti 't t b the Clase. Mr. Bu'lmer was compete y -+ 15 ...... 1 1 0 3 k '°"' 0 10 1 were m ition, to be rendered ia e to ~eli~s. e pieces pu P ep· as· taken by surprisde, b uMt '_ repSliedWiuh.:JJ ftew McL·ff[U'S GfNUJ.D:f. Valves, Iron & lead PlJJ-9i , be dr~ged into wars into which they had G S . t GI h well-chosen wor s. · r. ·. as ·l'nµ on R A 11 .taose Pulley Oilers,Steann quare w ac I . were aI so ca11ed upon, ~·' J·et pumps, Farm pum p~,, no concern. Sir Charles cannot be eaid . eorge S . t IS N 0 . "\'asgow k 't b v g- n·. ! and M ayor y oume ion q uare IS o ew: or c1 y, tr lS . and gave short addresses. Mr. l!Unaer · . . Wi~d M ills, Cream Separto be a very ardent Imperial federationist much finer and con tams more statua:r:r. .. : lla11 the good wis bes ef· many friends in ' ·aim, Dairy and L1UJndry unless his views have undergone a very In the centre a. colossd statute ?f Sir thi& district for his futnrl".· No Alum. tifAnsils. great change. Sir Rd. Cartwright al"- Walter Scott surmounts a. lofty Done col~ Nothing Ihj.urious .. 536 . CRAIG STREET, 1 . d d umn. An equestrian e;la.tute of He'lr erTAILED Evrn . ~ lllH[RE ; , MONTREAL· . pears t o f avor nat1ona m epen ence. Majesty on onti eide of the square and OD ORONO. i: IITTl ll c .... lie has confidence in Canada and believes the other a similar one of P:'ince Consort. Mr. Wm. Holland ha.a been c-.~ the Quality amounts t@' little unless pnces she has a. great future before her as an a re surrounded by twelve· ojher statutes riiek list. indep~ndent nation. among which aN Livingstone, Burns, and Mrs. Wm Henry rn 'l'iaitin~ frien:i'Ji. in are fair, Watt in marble. Facing th~· beautiful ~c·hester. · Mr. D. 0. Sullivan in an admirable little park stands the Corporat.ion· BnildMirs. Greenwood has- been very i~$ t he Low prices are not ~argains unless qua1ity lecture delivered in Toronto the other ing, the finest ~:mhitec tural pil'e in Glas· pa~t week. day on Imperial federation, came to the gow. ·Mr.Thoe. Dancaster;. is ·able to l:e-0111t is there. conclusion that if Canada is not to retain The city is llUpplied with Vi'Qter from arouod again. Loch Katrine forty miles a~y, One l\..iJir. Jas. Gilfillan andJ VFi:fe, of BowmGrn· her pr011ent connection withGreat .Britain, fountain bears an inscription in"1'i ting the vilfe-, "'jsited friends he::ie recently . which he thinks is greatly in her interest, passer-by to "sto_[l)' and take a drin k of ~I'r·. Herschel Shoulbs, . of Torm:ifo, STEEL-LlllED TRUNKS d le she should seek h er destiny as an inde- Loch Katrine 'Va.<ier." Not far from the Cathedral a fountain of historicaT!imcident speD·li a fow days· frien s- l re 'lli:i:Sample, Ladies' and pendent nation. rece:Itloy. ·· ; all other kinds. claims a passing: note, " The Martyrs' There are a great many people in Can- Fountain" is erectad where Jamll3- Nesbit Ml:'!.. lfra W. Bellkna~ claims to l\a,ve Q tf[!ltest and Strongest ada- loyal and patriotic citizens too- snd twenty others :mffored marty:Ddom in laid! eYeir l10.000 shingliM single-h~ed ·TRUNKS For Hcmd an<Ji, : In the World. · who believe that if we are ever to schieve 1684 for The Co'.i'9 nant a11d for@hrist. this 30aao:n. "Drink and think" . is its terse :i.8moni · · D1~ Jias.. Brown, of Toraonto, was )fare greatness '.lr prosperity we must join our tion. Machiii.e Use. ~J. EVELEIGH&. CO. . last ~<.eek 'fisiting his t;,rother R i-<"lha.rd forces with the United States. The ques· HAS MO SUPERIOR~ . MONTREAL, Drunken men a· r e numerous ill'} the who iao very ill. tion has not yet entered t he arena of evenings and bare )leaded and footMess-rs. James Ballet:,...sen., E . F'Jlde-1:, S"JIIeJiUrs. for the D o minion ASK. f'OR IT. practical politics, but it seems to be trav· ed women with b:llre h eaded a11d< bare and W. 11.. Travelle were- at Scugog, 111-k~ elling that way rapidly,and young Caa·a· 1footed babies a re .nlIDlerous. all d a]<: liio>ng. fishi~laatweek. . · . ·. Bundles of all shape&and sizes ca1rnled by Mr .. lliiithm-d Hill hai;;;.i11een laid up, fot' MONTREAL. _ da. will ha~e to ~rapple ~1th the question. people of all ages,. "but all poor, f:mrmed some tiims- with a sur e foot caus.'ildl by What the issue is to be it would be fool- ' one striking feature ~i· this city, b..a thl\t stepping on a rusty spike nail. :ish to attempt to predict . which is a more piitiful sight wae the E l~ Garbatt visits ]Jrown's .Hiiit this · numbers of children, }ittle;' o.nd oou so week J.oo «>rganize a Uhristian ooull!OO Hon. Mr. Norquay, ex-Premier of little, with bow legs. This excitedl·"The there, .ofi w hich Eld. 1ll... Clarke 'll<m· be ·Manitoba and leader of the Conservative Baron's" righteou·s mrath and Glasg:pw is pasto-r, .. forever registered in his estimation as. the Mr,. Wll). Newson, cfiBarrie, ie:.. llimue ·oppositton in that Province, died sudden· "bow legged city." M. P~ T. for a few: days' visit , after w]!,iah. he ly last Friday. He was an able and very Edinbur~h, June, ]889. leavel!···&r- British Columbia wher:si.;h& has ·popular man and will be much missed in securedi·ai situation. The Mechanm ' Institut~ the Legislature, especially by the OppoMr. Jio11&ph Williami;on, of llliirogo, riition, who will find great difficulty in seaod Mir.Frank Willia.~n, of 'li'br onto, Bown1a.nville Mjl<Jhanics' · Iastitu>tre is were home la~t week ~. attend bl~ fnn curing a leader . A public funeral was making marked progress, and the sllieady F'RICTION accorded him on Tuesday and was a most large membership roll! is daily iocl'SQsing. eral ofutheir mother. MONTREAL Th& Garden Party a.nd Soc..~ at. the ··-~~··· ·~~ PULLEY BDARD' ..ti T·he q uiet ord<>r anc;1 gen eral neatness of imposing one. :iace of G. M., Esq. .,., .;>n. Dom· u a P erfect F\i ctwn 19. the Reading Room,.. together wi~h the res1d& latest and choice :3elections of :rt!Qaing inion Day, under the auspi;i;es of the The Do~inion Govern~ent haa passed matter on its table, _ are attractions that M ethooist Church Choir, nett~dl $50. an order-in-council disallowing the Quebec are making it a fa~;rite:public res~'l!'t for M i:. \Vm. B enry, .j_un., car:i:W.d. off the r ize in the ruu.ning hc:p. step and Act respecting district magistrates. This the ladies as well a:i. the ~entle19en. of our first If. is the second t ime this Act has been · dis- town.. A numbel" of plants recont)y put j ump, and E. · v: Dancas\¥ir · first for in the windo ws, make the room st:m more stand !hop step an.I j ump, Port Perry, THE BES,T FOR ~AUNDRT US:S. allowed. Evidently the Dominion Govern. . GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. cheerful and we 'il'Ould advi11e laciles and lat Jl.Uy. ment has no,t lost faith in the veto power, gentlemen -who :!lave a little leisure, . The funeral of !Jae late :J\hliyJane B en BOWM.ANV I LLB ST.ATIO;tl. though they could not see their way . to whether members- or not, to call 11.round son,. wife of J . P~ Williamson, took place, and see for themselves what a qciet,pl eaon 'Juesday 2nd ~1st. A liar ge numbe1J' disallow the Jesuites' Estates Act. It all GOING EA.ST GOI NG WEST sant place Bowmooville Reading Room is. of f.roends and Litla.t ives b&iing in attenaPa.saen11:er .. .. 8 39 am Mail .. · ·.···· 5 57 am depends on whose ox is gored. It is equal to thst <if tho "largoot cities. ancre .. Mall .. ······ ·10 32 a m Local ········· 8 23 am Mixed .........3 37 p m Expree&* .... .-. 9 35 a. m .Mies Stein, the efficient and o bliging li'lme followin;l were r~nt visitor. : Local ··...· ·.. 7 05 pm Mixed ....·· .. 3 15 pm Mr. J. J. Tilley was in town last week. brarian, is winning golden opicions. Mail ·· ······ llO:ZD pm Mail .. ....... 8 29 p m Mr. and Mrs · .John Moat, () . E . CuUle, c ·E~cept Monda.JS. He has just completed hie tour of the John MilJer, G. H. Cronkhite, J. ·E. French Schoola in company with the other S~t.t, H. A~mstrong, Frank Knox,of CATARRH, Owing to the large increase of trade, YOUNG & CO., the T~onto; and Mr. W U1. Mulldre w,prin· Commissioners, Prof. Reynar and R ev. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS- HAY FEVER cipa.l of Budely School. D. D. McLeod,. Their report is to be Grocers, are compelled to enlarge and improve their present , A N EW HOM E: TREAT MEIWI". The .fire-alarm wae lustily aounded prepared immediately and will be a very premises. On June 15th and during alterations, will be found Sufferers are not generally aware that al>out 1 a. rn., last Thursday morning and voluminous one, but nearly all interest in these diseases are.contagious, t1r that they nearly half the t own turned out . The in the stares lately occupied by McCiung Bros., Horsey's Bl'k, the subject has been exhausted by the are due to the pre~enee of liling parasites fire Wf.s located in Boddy's blacksmith R . C. Tait sells best spectacles, Mail's 11pecia.l Commissioner.." T he Com- in the lining membrane of the nose and shop 'in the North-ward, but was MtinFIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. m issioners, we understand, will mako eusta.chian tubes. MicroSCl')pio roscnrch, guial1ed before any damage was done. RoM. A,~ ·· Bowm~villo. tf, however, has proved this to be a fact, anil some s uggestions to the Minister. the result of this discov,ery i..s that a Do you want any pants or coats for simple remedy beeu fo~l.ll.!!:ted where· boys 1 We have remnants that will JUBt by catarrh, c~tanha.l del).fness al!d hay make them no matter if they are six ft. STEEL RODS- IRON FOUNDATION· .: fever are permanently C.J!red 41. from one YOUNG & CO. take the present opportunity of thanking those BUILDERS' IRON WORK, h igh. friends who so hberally patronized them during this their first year in Morris' Carriage works haB got a first- to three .flimple applications ~ade at ]!Qma bminess, and extend a welcome invitat ion to all their friends, old and painter. Parties intending to have by the patient once in two weeks. AND FOU NTAINS, ETC. their buggies repait.ted this spring bring N .B.- This trea tment is not a snuff or new, to give them a call in t heir temporary premises, Horsey's ,Block, them alon~ at once and have t hem done an ointment ; both· h ave been discarded by r eputable physicians as injw:ious. A up in good stvle. pamphlet expl~ining tl~ ue.w treatment To THE DEAF. - A P erson cured of is sent on receipt of t en cents by A. H. D eafness and noises in the head of 23 Dn:oN & SoN, 303 West· King Street, ~~=~~= WAL,KEllVILLE, ~'rE:O). 'f years' standing by a simple remedy, will Toronto, Ca.µa.da.-Toronto Globe, · OflTARlO. :,;/' -- ,., b · '- · T I send a descriptfon of it FREE to any pe:r· Sufferers from Cata.;rhal tr.oubles should s on who applies to NICHOLSON,· 3 0 St · care{ully r ead the above. John St., Montreal. 44-lyr. R~DY, AYER~~ WALL TWO TRAMPS ABROAD. Pre:ientation. ITCHING AGONIES. J. H. KEN NER'S VARIETY HALL. I PAPERS ,All the newest novelties Walls. BALLS GREAT I FA N ·-l!l!llll!!----9---...--=-~·~~~-~ BARGAINS ...----·-------·· ease FHAME sVAR~TET~ w Aco r~s I NGRAVINGS. FINE E. q .Ctures Framed Pl · P. Trebilcock. BABY HALL. WINDOW SHADES. CARRIAGES. J. ~- WEST a. PIMPLES'. HOUSE~ :_ END ----o---- I CAN'T BREATHE ·. l~~MENTS THlj W~~ ! Buy~rs, Casli BEGINNING e: !Wednesday, June 12. L . ., u 00k's · 1o·na · A large 1ot , of goods at exactly HALF PRICE. Produc-e taken as Cash. JOHN l\feMURTRY.. __ _ , ~ CHADVUCK'S" lEATHEROID : S Pao L C Q TT f4. WE COMB1NE THEM. HOTEL BALMORAL. *·SOAP.* .... RECKITT'S BLUE. JustAcross the Street. I I vm,D·, 1 J us t.Across the Str~et 1 Best and Cheapest Fence from the ir old premises. l Barnum WiraDR&.Iron w ~rks. Just Across the Stre((t, YOUNG & CO., the Grocers. ~ Office Railings, lawn Furniture Toronto Office---4 Adelaide St. West.

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