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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1889, p. 5

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Wall Paper and Buggies at TAIT'S Corner Store. Flowers in lovely val!'iety at Burden & Mrs. J. F. Brooks, Courtice, !<'"ft this Greatreduct~on inprices,ofC"ab- l F Co's Auction Mart. week for a trip to England. ~ mets and Family Groups at RenMr. and Mrs. R. D. Davidson are vis· Meals at all hours a.t Mrs. ·s in clair's, » ry's after July 1st. I by Auction, a t HODGSON'S HOTEL, .~. ~ ' ! Raglan, on iti11g friends at Canton. opposite Market Square, 25c. 1 ', BIRTHS. Wednes&ia.y · .July 10th, 1889. _10,000 d?zen ~g~~ wanted at Tod Bros. Mies Maggie McLaughlin has gone for 1 PURE, . a sojourn at Murray Bay. I Highest price paicil· m dry goods. · 0 YANNEsT - Ii: Solina,..on too. 4th inst,. the ~;,?:"'oi :i~~fi.wP i;if{,y, Lg!t~g~~ 6·J;1rt\~e !,~ . and undiluted, h Miss Violet Farron is visiting friends \ . Besure andlca.11 at the Wes~~Er111-House wi'e Mr, John \l" anNest,,Jr,. of a daughter. Raglan, Thia farm is the property of Mr. Geo, full strengt · in Millbro" ok and Peterboro. and see the goods at Half-price. Q;GNK.-In Bowmanvllle, on the 7th inst., I Liddle, and contains MCI ac:res, more or lees. the wife of 111n L, Geo. eyuick, of a daughter. i all cleared and· wen fenced , and in a first-class ·" _,.-- ' · Mr. Ba~nes McGill is studying medi·· 1. See the lace cu.rtains a.t. 5-0c . per pair 'ROENIGK. - In Bowmanvme, on the 8th illlst,. \ state of culUvation, 0-n L he pre~ises a. cine with Dr. E. C. McDowell. at Tod Bros. Best value m town. the wife 00\fr. J ules Roe~· i l(i!i° , olf a daughtt1r. ~~~~uif&f~;. hoTh~r:ni~ ~a~~alli~~·ch~;~~! WHOLESOME, Mrs. s. Hughes, of Lindsa.y, 'has been 1 Churc~-~· Methodist choir held their ,1 BR0.wN.-In Bowmanville. on the 8th inst., splendid living stream of water, and a good tl,le wifo of Mr. ])'ed. Brown, Gf a daughter. well. The farm has not been rented for e. Purifies the blood, visiting friends .and relatives here. annual pwmc a..t. La~e· Sc~gog, yester~ay. number ot years. This farm is within one mile and aids digestion. An excursion will run to Niagara Falls i G reat _ reductwn m pnees, of Cabmets DIED. I of school, chourchcs, pest office o.nd railway · station. from Oshawa on or about Auguat 1st: \ and Fam1lytliroupsat Henry s, after July LUNNEY.~In· Bowmo.nvnte. on t he 9th inst.. Mr. Liddle having purchased another fa.rm · 1st· Charles Lunney, aged 411 years. · adjoining hi<i homestead, near Brooklin, can· James Dayman local agent f or D ornm, ~ot handle this farm any longer and would REFRESHING, ion Or~ans and Pianos, Bowmanville. Master yv1_ll, Ma.~~hew:s ha.a. gone fo r a Is made only of strictly pure grape cream rather sell than rent it. L. G, lllcKi BBON,. i11, l'J. C. M. M!. t:. P. S , TERMS.-Ten per cent. down, and enough Tones up the ayate:n. G reat red uct' · f C a b" · few weeks ion . in prices o meus . . . t VlBI·t wrth friends m Brampton of tartar, strictly pure bicarbonate of 1 H YSICIAN~ SUNGEON, AND AC to $6, aog by First of October. 1889, baianee soda, and a small portion of flour as a and Family Groups at Henry's; after July and vicmi Y· of the :firm Stewart secured by mortgage, payable NovembEW lst, COUCHEURI. Late P 1st. , It is human natm·re to make no note of preservative, nothing else whatever, and & McKibbon, Tees water. Office and residence 1893, and bearing l'i per cent. interest. the bright, pleasant days, but never to is warranted entirely free from alum, Presbyterian Manse Bla.okstock. W M. HEZZLEWOOD, · Auctioneer: FRUITY, Parasols at about half-price, Dress ammoni11, phosphates, lime, and all the forget to grumil!>Ie when it rains. TORE·' A·N-D DWELLING F OR Brookl~n. J une 16th, 1889. 26;3w and l'ich in flavor. Goods at ha.lf-pl'ice at the West-End. adulterants frequently found in baking House. Dont forget the excursien by Steamer powdern. 'l'he character of materials ' SALE.-T·h at fine new store and resi· r elegan tly. fitted for Merchant Tailor or : · Miss Maud Noseworthy wen t to Ma1·i- " Hastings" to Rochester, N. Y., on the used, their purity, the nicety of theil· dence, . Fancy Dry Goods now occupied by Mr. John I posa last week to attend the weddin g of 22 inst. Further particulars next week. combination, r ender Cleveland's superior L~~tti>Pl! to \h. H. IvEs, Bowrnauville. l bakingpowdertqe most healthful and most COOLING, a friend. The Scott Act was defeated in Elgin economical in use, and it always affords Just the drink for Mr. Jno. Spencer, V . S., and bride re· ' last week by 1.069 vot es. The Act is not wholesome, nutritious, and d elicious food. WANTED, AT $40 PER MONTH warm weather. turned from t heir wedding trip on S3tur - 1 in force now, in any county in the ProvAJ'l'D E:S:PENSES PAID, a few good ! It is recommended for purity, healthfultq sell Nursery Stock. Steady em. l · A.nsolutely Free From Alcohol. day last. i'1'1ce. ness and efficiency by Government and salesm.en ployment the yea~ round to successful sales· ! In the Matter of th.e Estate o f: ' iln ordering specify DOMINICA.. and don't be State chemists, chemists of Boa1·ds of men, Address, with references, D. H. PATTY, · Mr. J, Hamer, of tbe Standard Bank P rof. Ruse will be out of town during put off. with imitations, 21;6w THOMAS WILSON POWER, . here has been removed to the branch at. :mmmer vacation but letters will be for- H ealth, and pl'ofessors in i11stitutions o:f Nur<:a.ryman, Geneva., N. Y . REFINED EXPRESSLY FOR Midland. ward ed to h3m that are addressed Box 88 learning throughout the country, ; {)f the Township of DarlingtoniCash will buy & good second· hand X."'S?"J.\1.1:.A.N. SC> .L'-i d!:! OC>. Sold only in cans, fnll weigh t. . . · . ·· . , covered buggy {Morris' make). . Messr~. Norman Tille¥, Brantford, and Bowrnanville. in the County of Durham, de-... MONTREAL, CLEVELAND BROTHERS, ALBANY, N «;Y·r · with small seat for children. Are you in need of a pair of specks, if :For sale bv Gi·ocers and Druggists iu Pints Albert Tilley, Burketon, are home for ,· · ' H&d new $25 top in 1887. It is a ceased. ----~----great ba.rgai·n. Jin quire ofl\{. A . JAMEs,Editor, <and Quarte (Imperial measures). , the vacation. so you can get a pair of fine pareecopic Ocean tickets by . different lines of Bowmanville, 4 · L IBERAL DISCOUN'r TO THE TRADE; Mr. James Gale, of the N ews, has been glasses for 50c. at the Co-operal;ive steamships for sale at the STA.TESMAN . ~. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PUlt'"No charge for cases. Mention this paper. confined to the house through illness the Jewellry Store. tf bv SUANT to the provisions of the Revised office. past few days. I Attention is directed to the " Big Boot" · T d B t k ; -Statutes of Ontario, Uhapter 110, Section,l!Gi. G ent1 · e mei. examme. o r os. s oc · i , . . " th at all creditors and others having clailnEI 9 Finest June butter for packing at w. display announcement by Mr. _Treleve_n. of tweeds before leavmg your orders for , · renders wi!l be received up to 4-u,,ust - <t.h ag-ainst the estate ot Th omas ·wuson P ower. . a . . )bY the un~ers1gned for tnat yery desirable farr:i of the Township of Darlington, in the Ccuo.ty Brittain's office at H. c. Brittai n's He keeps one of the bes~ and biggest dis· .;of 9-i acres, more or less, !> O!!-r t ot lot 3<.>, of Durham, deceased, who diPd on or alJDut a sprin,.., bUlt. . . .rewelry Store. play of boots and shoes m town. Porter's Foundry and Machrne shop ·1 .s ,icon. 2; Darlmgton, adJOmmg Kmgston Road. the Eighth day of 1\fa,y, A. D.. 1889, at the Mrs. D. T. Tees, of 111.ontreal, is visitAf~er two months sa~e of McClung reopened. All kinds of ca.stings mad e.. lfn~ereb:;~ 0~t;~~P:t~bl~es~:i'ig:n~~~:er~w!~1a sai_d Tdowndsh.lp of Darliudgtbon, are hereb_ ydre. · d h · ~· · . · . . ·~ amre to e1 iver or sen y post · prepai , to ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Milne Bros Stock 'Ye ha~e an immense lot ~f an d mach me repaus one on s ort notice·. ,go_od1 orcha.r<l. of choice fruit.. Situf!-ted one JAMES GILFILLAN of the Town or Bo"lilman. at "Dundern. " remnants which will go t~ the first fair The business will be car:ied on by the )mile e1Lst of.Harmony, and 2} miles fromOsha· ville, one of the Executo'rs of the Will of the ,wa. The highest nor any tender not n ecessar· said Thomae Wilson Power deceased Vil' or . d t · "'[ Pure and Reliable at Stott & Jury's. ·11 pay cash ror ~ P orter E state un. er managemen o ,., u ~. ·ily accep~ed. Terms made known on applica.- before the First day of .August, A . D.', 1889, a . · S . B urd en &' C o. w1 eges . offe.r. See John J . Masons adv. ,tion to Yi ILLIAM OKE. sen., Courtice, Ont. statement in writinv, of their names wd ad· and first-class butter at the "Mart", lJHAS. RusE's EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL OF Geo. P .>rter. Give them a call. CoUJrtiee, J uly, l, 1889. dresses, and full part,iculars of their claitl!l!I .l\farket Square. ! M crsrn.-The most logical, thorough, ra· HA YJJU:N. an d the nature or all securities, (ifaJl;ll,),beld Dr. D. F. Rae, of Pelican Rapids, an j pH, _sure, delightful a~d econ omical sys·FARl\18 :FOR SALE; - 'flie uo d e..- t>y them. Th" speeches and eingini; were e.x{le l-. · . Aud n9tice i3 further given, that after the old Clarke b oy, is visiting his aged aant, tem m use. See advt. m another column. . Btgned o:fters f~r ~ale. a once. the ~ollow· said. last named date, the executors. acting 1 lent. P roceeds about $'"'i5. mg firs~ class farms . -oO acr7s on. Lot 25, Con. under the will of the said Thomas. Wils11n Mrs. D ·. Smith. I The prize list of the Central Canada Strongest &nd B~et at Stott & Jury's. The tea here wa:s a (! r and succSjls. and1 & pa.rhngto_u , well fenced with wue and ceda,. Power, will proceed to dist ribute the a.asets bf Mrs. Burfoot and lwo children, oi Fair which will be held in Ottawa is to great credit is d. u o to the IH d ies /lG · uooal rail', splendid orcha.rd,Jl;o~d .fr,.~e house, ~a.rn. th e said testator among the persoi::s.entitled P.nd other outbuildrngs . good ~ell !'f therern. having re;:..rd only to the claims of Grand Rapids, Mich, are guest s at Mr. han d. The fair opens Sept. 9th and closes for the · grand spread they prepared, sta.b.e hard water, .Also the nonh balr or the. sou ch which notice·sh~ll have been given, as above 1 W. H. Hanson's. on the 14th. The list contains many new The Haydon Clippers played ·a g !Mlle of h'!-ndrcd acres, on Lot 21 Con. 8, Darlmgton. re quired, and the sai.d executors wt"rl not be foot ba:ll with a combin ation toam ~~ t he with rouljh cast house and new barn thereon. liable for the s a i d assets. or any na<t thereor; Dr. Spencer has removed his veterinary attractions. "'Dr Never fa!lmg stream of w.a~er runs thro.ugn tQ any person or persons of whoii.e claim office to the house hetween Dr. Hillier's We have two excellent youngmiuisters Sault, which resulted in a dra1v.; The the premises. Full po~s~ss10u wlll be gi ven clai ms notice shall not have been, teceived by ·unior team from Tyrone play, e d :!!. April lst, 1890, w.-h privilege to !llow as soon them at the time aforesaid in town at present in the persons of l\1r. J Th&t ne,·er fails to kill at Stott & J ury's. and Dr. Boyle's office. ae this season's crops are taken in. Both of · . ·. . , ~. Dated at Bowmo.nville, this 24t; OL J une, Mr. 'Vm. Babcock, of San Francisco , Clark of Presbyt eri~n. church and Mr. with t he juniors of this place, on the 1st these farms are in a high state of cultivation. of July, which resulted i n a vj.(:tmy for Full can be had on applioa.tion to A. D., 1889. ~' Cal , is visiting his brother, Mr. John Ba.ughll'.an, of the D101ples. God speed WM MCLAREN on the premises Lot "a Con JAMES GILI<ILL~N!. i Executor3 tho home team 15 to 25. Ir.i .. ~Ile after- s. or. by Jetter t-0 Enniskillen p . o. - 27-tf · CIIES'l'ER PoW:El7., f · Babcock, of this town. I your voices. the Clippers played a gaPAAi- of footby D. BuRirn S~MPSON, '. Dr. J .. E. Bingham, V.S., now occupies A h::tse .~all rnatc_h ~as playe~ b~tween noon ball with a team supposed, to. be from 26;5w their Solicitor. his new rooms in the r_ear of Higginbo lh- . t he ~thlettcs t,his uown and ~ umor~ of 'fyrone, a.s we were not awl!lre that it I Orono, at Colv11l s grove ~m Friday last. extended That al ways gives ,satisfaction at Stott & am's drug store; upstairs. to- Ma.nvers, results a drnw, . · . · k I T he score stood 5 to 10 m favor of the -OFJury's. I F or the best bargams m wat~hes, cloc s ( f\.thl r h" h cl +h the rize and j l)~elry go to H. c. Brit.tain's Co· .. e 1cs, w IC secure v em p , ENNISKILLEtl~ 0 9 · $~.50. Wiben you want .Paris Greon of extra opHattve Jewellry Store. One of the finest ente rt!l;inments of the The Bowmanville Canton's' excursion I The h."."yer~ of the tow n have agreed to kind ever furoished in E,nn isk illen, was quality and best value call at . , close theH· offices durmg July and Aug. gi 1 ·en under the ans.pices. of the R. T. of to R och f S t er, N . Y . on the 22 n d inst d t S t d ·n b · II tl t k · r at 4 p. m. every a.y excep a .ur ay in the . Town of Bowmanville, in w1 e we wor i . a mg m. " when they will close at 2 p. m. Parties T. on the evenir.g of Dom.inion D ay. The & t he Count y of Durham. a.udience was very select and appreciative There w ill be sold by public auction, by Arch 'd Mr. J. Gordon, the agreeable teller of the I' havino- busine·s to attend to should rem- and thoroughly eujp~sd. t he_ excellent proBishop, .A.ucttoneer, at Staodard Bank, has gone for a two week 's em be; this. ' t Under and by virtue of a: P.ower of Sale conThe Dram .. w·· well rendered and canoe la... ked. ..,. F red rte · k D · Cherry, formerI y o f gram ~ 0 I tained In a certain I ndenture of mortgage, _ ____ · trip . oo the , back ~ ~ur. not only interested and amused all, bnt I which will be produced at the time of sale, a valuable lesson. Probably the in the village of Farquhar, in the County of I there will be offered for sale by P ublic .Auction .,..., Jlt!'.tttt"'d;wr..,, iii!.;.h ·h1u .n 111~ Cl:as. Ruses Ed~cat10na;l Sch~oJ_ of Bo~manvil!E'., for five _years mmager of tau!.!ht .. lluron, on I at the At\ction Rooms of Levi A· T o.e. ' · th W4" \!i.14++t~ ~ ~..,_. 1111 _ Mus10·, summer va:cat1011 be~ms Ma:y - oth Whitt: Sewmg Maclune company of por .tions of the p.rogram of greates· inter· m a ~~~, ~~~~ Autumn term begms oth. Albany N. Y., has accep ted a flattering est were the recitations given by Misses TownoO:lowmanvilleon J . l BowM~NVILLE, JULY 10, 1889. Dr. W. E. Ti!Tey · 1eft yesterday for position with the Flour City Life Asso· Sanderson, Pearson, Hayes rnd Hczzle. ., the 26th of u 1889· at half past one o'clock, p, m. £... - - -- - Peterboro to conduct the 2nd ana 3rd ciation of Rochester. wood, while all did well, the two former 1889, a.t t he hour of 1 p, m., the following Janda t d th d" FIRSTLY,-A.11 and singular that certain pin. and premises, being All and Singular Black . Otherwise~ class exawinations a t that place. The B owmanv1 ·11e ye l" . t en d comp1e t e1Y capt i va e e au ience. eel or tract of laud and premises. situate, !;ring "A" in the Town of Bowmanville. in the Coun· · mg Cl ub , 1n 1 During the evening :M:r. A, S . '£illoy gave and b&ing in the 'l. ' ownship of Usborno, in the ty ot Durham and being composed of a portiou If you want a ~rs~·c.ass mgar yo? must having a run to Oshawa on Thursday eve'g of Huron. aod being composed of P&!'t or '.l'ownship Lot No. 11 i a the Second Conce&go to W. E. Pe~h1ck s where you will find next. On Tuesday eve'g of next week, it one of his masterly exb1bitions of club County of Lot Number 19. on the north side of t b 9 sio:i cf the Township of Da.dington now in the See the ;i:n ew prints just opened out at a great many kmds to choose from. Proceeds $35 . ... A public Thames Road, in t he said Township of Usborne said Town of Bowman ville, and being a p.oris the intention of the club to have a. swinging. Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. was h eld here l<ls't Friday even- (adjoining the Village ofFarquhar),conta.iuin...-: tion of the southwest part of a.lid .uot laid 01·t Very hot on Sabbath, and especially so Chinese lantern p!Lrade around town. meeting · h · t t f ti E l R" ht 8 65 acres, more or less. - .by Claro. CatJllcn Burk, said Block"A " beinll'. 3 Church-st. Meth. Sabbath School pic- in the churches. Some of the ministers A full attendance is requested at both · mg m t. e m eres 0 rn q Ila ig SECONDLY - .A.ll and singular that certain chains and JO links from north to south anu ~ Association of Ontario. T t1e meeting parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, chains a nd 78 links from east to west. nic, next Monday at Stephen's Grove. very wisely curtailed their services . meets. dd d by M J L Hu<>h 8 p 'l ying and being In the Townsjlip of Usborne, This property is splendidly situated ia the Hats in · all the latest styles just. to r. · · e ' ' in the County of Huron, and being composed centre ot the Town °\\'ith streets ol). three side A lengthy letter from the Proprietor, A relic of "ye olden tyme" was seen on was a resse hand at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. forwarded from Rimouski, and some cor- our front street Saturday night in the S. I., of Toronto. Short address es were of the nor th half of Lot Number 2(), on t.he with beautiful!a.wn , and there iserectedtherealso given by Rev. :Messrs, McLaren and north side of t.he Thames Road. in the on a large a.nd commodious two storey soli:I. Rav·. Mr. and Mrs. £arker, of Streets- respondence arrived too late for this issu e. shape of a man drivi?g a young ox yoked Sanderson. A brancli <Jf the Equal Rights Township o! Usborne. exceotinll thereout brick residence containing 17 rooms with good and one-half acres sold and c o'lveyed furna.ce,8 marble grates,larg-e double hall,good ville, were guests at Mr. S. 'Vashington's, Mrs. W. H. Dickson, of Akron, Ohio, to 11 wagon, laden with farm goods. The Association is to be form~d h are on Mon- twelve to one James Gardiner, containing by ·ad- cellar. last week. " and her daughter, Mrs. S. Hunt , o f sight attracted much attention, but the Th R R S n measurement 35 acres, more or less. There is also erected on said prbpert.y a goOd · 1"" th · t o me .. .. e ev. · a · The above two parcels oing b1·i.ckdrivingshedand scable. Monday Aug. 5th, a good time to be- Buffalo, are visitiug at Mrs. (Dr.) P0tter's, ma_n went h is way whipping_up his steed, evenmg derson and his talented fa111ily t ook po3- other, and compose on'3 of the best form in th!i TERMS OF SALE.-The propert y will be sold ,crin a full course in Chas . Ruse's E ducaRev. C. E. Mcintyre, of Orangeville, qmte unconcerned. . session of the Methodist parsonage here Township of Usborne. Soil, .A. No. l , clay subject to a reserve bid. 10 per cent of the .tiooal School of Music. · . ; well fenced o.nd underdrained, There purchase money to be paid down a t time cf The stables of the Commercial and last Wednesday. We welcome them to loam will preach next Sabbath,morning and are ei·ectcd on cha premises a frame dwelling sal e, and the balance as may be agreed upon. The West-End-House are making big e vening in Church-st. Methodist church. 1 also of the Queen's Hotel, Cobourg, to- our village. The reverend gentleman house, frame barn, 40 by 60 feet, on stone For ·further partioulars and conditions .or foundation. fume horse and cattle stables, on sale, apply to, - ·"i:eductions to clear out certain 1.ines of Stott & .Jury's Paris Green always gi vea gether with a large quantit:>: of lut~ber . introduced himself in a very interestin!.! = stone foundation 35 by 6~ feet. 'rho crops on D. McARTHUR. .goods. Oall and see them. satisfaction. They guarantee its quality were dest_roya~ by fire on ohe 4th mst . and instructive gospel serm on in the the lots, consisting or about 12 acres of fall Ven dor's Solicitor. Methodist church here Sunday evening. wheat ; about 12 acres of barley ; about 48 Cor. Spadina & College St., and sell it as low as the quality will per~he loss 1s estimat~d at $2,000, partly The Ruebottom House is b eing repaintM C N C l acres of oats, and about 15 acres of meadc·w, Toronto msured. The fire is supposed to be the .· · . . 0 ur popu1ar teach er, : .ed inside and out, and undergoing a gen- mit r . . . · a - will be so·d with the taerm, 7_ 4w. . ' 2 · · . . work of an incendiary. ander has gone home for his vac<1.t10n.. ... TERMd LIBERAL, eral renovation throughout. The rat10 of mterest allowed on dep<JS. A small grub has been playing havoc its in Government Savings Bank is to be If you want a silk dress go to Jno. J. The Burketon people feel very rx:uch the j For further particulars apuly to .A.lex: D un· of their successful teacher Mr. A. S. can, Merchant, ]'a.rqnhar. or to Arch'd Bishop, with the oats in Western Ontario, and in reduced after Oct. 1st, from 4 to 3~ per Mason 's Remnant Sale. You will likely loss ON Tilley He made himself nnny friends Au?tion~ei:, Exeter, or to W . ,T, McMurtry, strike an end j usi. your fit at your own . ·Grey county has also attacked the barley. cent. · . Mail Bmldmgs, 'l'oronto. m t h e short time he spent there .... Among THE 272w. Over 5 000 admission tickets were sold p rice. Over $500 worth o f McClung STATESJ\IA.NS in wrappers all ready for the numerous visitors : Rev. W. R . Bark- - - ·-- -- -· - - - -·· -···---~mailing at the office 3 cents per copy. a t the pa~k gate in Port Hope on Domin- Bros. ~ilks nea.rly all new good~ of this er, wife ·and fa mily, Streatsville; Miss -Send this weeks numher to your friends. ion Day, the n<?t receipts amounting to seasons purchase. . The dollar silks . for Gladman, Peterboro; Mrs. '\Vheeler, To75c.and less when m en.d s. D o n ot fail to \Y. C. Jones, Editor and proprietor of $1,226. ronto; Mrs. J . .+ aylor, Blackst0ck; Mrs. see them. the Star-Transcript, Paris, Ont., died S teamship tickets by Anchor, Domin· D. Lockhart, and Mrs. Johnston, N ewf The union picnic of 13 schools held in · Suddenly on Sa.turday morning from ap- ion and other lines will be for sale at A regular monthly, quarterly or hal f-yearly tonvilla . .. Six pupils from the public Leask's Grove last Friday was very large· payment (a slight advance on the rental rate} oplexy. STATESMAN office, during the proprietorE school here wrote on the entrance exa.mbuys the instrument. Over 4000 were present. ly attended. After the biggest. season's busi ness ever absence, at lowest rates. ination in Bowmanv1lle last week. Two .A.ny piano may be chosen out or a magnifiWm. Smith,llf. P., for South Ontario. oc· of cent assortment of Uprights, Squares. ·Pl19 the vill age boys will write for the 3~d done on the premise3 we have piles of Odd hats, odd pairs gloves, odd pairs cu pied the chair, and among the speakers Grands, unsurpassed in quality.. Mmistere, remnants. .See adv't of J. J. Mason's . sox, etc., that occupy too much r oom, are was Messrs. J. Clarke, Carmichael and class and one fo r the 2od in town this Teachers. Government Officers. and those '111 , receipt of regular incomes will find this a con· Remnant Sale. clearing at what they will bring at J. J . Smith; Miss E. S[l.llderson, also gave a week. \ venient a~d advantageous mode'.for securing& Whitby Fire Brigad., won the silver Mason's Remnant Sa.le. first class rnstrument. When theinstrumentfEI recitation in good sty la. HOSPITAL REMEDIES; nsed for practice, our Soft Stop or Practice tankard preseuted by Port Hope citizens A new High School building is to be A large number of bodies have been Pedal saves wear on the nerve, as well as 'll:rt>at their DominiouDay celebration, for the erected on the site nearly opposite Que en taken from t he old Kirk graveyard d uring There is a new departure in the treatment serves the tone or th.e Piano. Our patent Foot best uniformed cgmpany. Pedal attachment !or Pia.nos is invaluable to St. church, t h e foundation to be laid the 1'ast week and have been cQnveyed of disease. It consists in the collection of organists, student.a and teachers, Prices on N ewcastla Band serenaded mine host, ·this :Fall and the building completed next (let us hope) to their last resting place in the specifics used by noted specialists of , application, Inspection invited . . E?r~pe and America., and bringing them Bennett of the Ruebottom Hornie, last summer. the cemetery by Messrs. L. Morris, and w1thm foe reach of all. For instance the THE UN ITED STATES FJlida.y on their way to .md from the big Dr. Tilley and Mr. Fenwick go t o To- W. P. Prower, undertakers, who have troo.tment pursued by special pliysioianl! Warerooms-107 and 109 Church St,;Toronto. Unioa picnic held at Leask's Grove, near ronto next week as sub-ex aminers of the contract. There are s.till a number who treat indigestioe, stomach and liver Factory, the finest in its eqriiprnenta and ·ap. T eacher's 2nd aml 3 rd class certificates. of bodies under the old place vet. Taunton. troubles only, was obtained and prepared. pliances in the city, 89 to 97 Bellwoocl. ave. REM.A.:SLE FmE l1>suRANCE Co~PA.NIES: Their duties will prob~bly la~t a bout SCHOOL R ETURNS.- The School Grants '.rhe treatmeJ:tt of other physicians, celebra-, ASSOCIATION tea for curing catarrh were procm;ed, and -City of London, England, capital £2,- three weeks. for the first half of 1889 a-re ready for disso on till these incomparable cures now 000,000; and Lancashire, England, capig ives the best accident ineurance a.t the ' Cobourg .firemen and bandsmen are tribution, but t he distribution cannot be include disease of the lun"S, kidneys, femo.le ~al, £3,000,000, represented by JoH:S making arrangements for a two day's made for any township until all the Relowest cost. weakness, rheumatism and n ervous debility. COLE, Sen., H ampton, Ont. 9- 6m. tournament, to be held there about the turns are in for it. Not m ore than one· Ask your druggist for them. Those who Fo r applicat ion or information address: The new water- half the Returns for this county arP. yet cannot procure these remedies from their Second and Third class Teachers' ex- middle of September. ,JAMES R PITCHER, aminations are in · progre~ thit1 week, works will be opened at the same time. in . . Will the h.rdy sections hurry up that druggist may remit the price to Hospital Secretary and Gen'l Manager, Mr. H. Davidson, of Newcastle, and Mr. ANIM~TANT lMPROVEMENT.-The new all may have t he benefit of t h" grants Remedy Co., 303 West King St., Toronto, and the remedy will be shipped to th.em J. F. Groat are presiding. lf there is not Soft S'o(f,nnd Practice Pedal attach ment early in the holidays. CHARLES B. PEET, .a fall in the temperature soon the candi- to a Newcombe Upwright Plano serves EDITOR'S ENGLISH ADDRESs.-Persons direct, (The price is one dollar each). President . -dates will have a weary time. . the nerv.e s of the listener or performer, desiring to correspond with the Editor of All the medicines of the Company are for 320, 322 and 324 Broadway, sale at the Drug Stores()f J . HIGGINBOTHA M A NNIVERSARY.-The anniversary servi· when practising, as well as the instru- THE STA.TESJ\CAN during his absence should ii: SoN, and STCilTT & J U 28. NEW YORK CITY. RY, Bowmanville. {!es of Church-st, Meth. Sabbath School ment from wear, an d preserves the tone. address: Mr. l\<I. A. James, .tiolsworthy, will be preached next Sunday by Rev. C. A game of cricket was played between Devon, England. He expects to sail for 1 E. Mcintyre, of Urangevilla, at 10:30 a. the Oshawa and Bowman ville clubs at the Liverpool for home t he last week in Au'Theonly m. and 6:30 P·. m. A mass me.eting of drilt sited grounds on Sat.uraay, the home gust. Anyone wishing to send for friends in the world. · the children will be held in the aftel'noon, team defeating Oshawa by 1 run and !) in the 0.hl Countries would do well to a.r· It is simple, practical and durable~ Nomaobino DENTIST. when singing, recitations by the children wicket11. The sccres ware:-Oshawa, 33 range for them to join Mr. James' party. ever invented does neater work. It·wrltes 35 10,000 lbs. Wool wanted at the to. 4.0 words per minute. Never gete out of and addresses by Re'v. Mr. Mcintyre and and 16; Bowmanville, 39 and 11 for 2 He has taken a supply of tickets with him. alignment or out or order. No exoenee : fol' others will be given. Singing by the wickets. 3 w. ribbons. No instructions required. It ·la -a children at each service. marvel of simplicity and usefulness. · The D. 0 . & P. Co. Band intend·giv· E NTRANCE ExAllHNATION.-Forty-seven Rev. W. Ormiston, D. D. has got a two ing a series of concerts in the drill 11hed candidates presented themselves for exOFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. year's leave of absence from his church through the summer months, t he first amination for entrance to BowmanviUe for which the highest price in cash Higginbotham & Son's Drug Send for ct~riptive pamphlet and mentio~ in New York and is making a tour of to be given next Friday evening , 12th High School week-20 girls, 27 boys. . thls paper to will be paid. California. He recently favored the First inst , of which the following is the pro- Bowmanvilla High School sends up 26 ; Store, (down stairs), The Typewriter Improvement ~o... Presbyterian church iu Pasadena (which gram, J. Waldron, Oonduetor : Enniskillen, 6; Haydon, 4; Hampton, 2; Also a large stock of Sheeting, 4 P . 0 . 15qr., is now vacant) with one Sabbath's services M.arch.-I ngomM" .. ...... , ... .. . ..... . Arbuckle, Purple Hill, 2;· '£yrone, 2; No. 5, Dar- Blankets, Stocking Yarn, Tweeds, BosTQN,~s. B 0 \V .l U A.. NV I L L E. Overture.-'l'ancredi.. .. ..... ... ........ Rril!llini. lmgton, 2; No. 3, D arlington, l; No. 14, or to our and after h.ci_aring the Rev. Dr. the con&c., to exchange for Wool. Selection.-Reminiacences of Bellini.,Godfre&", D )" t 1 N 20 M 1 Th Branch Office: 7 Adelaide St. East, Tor-0nto. gregation immediately gave him a unani- '_'.:alse.-LaG!tana .............. .... .. ··· ··· Coo1e, ar i~g on, ; o. ' an~ers, · e ...,.A.genta wanted. For agency a.ddress mat mous call f.o be their pastor for one yeH Xyloph:one S!Jlo.- .... ... ·... ........... .. .w11;1us. exammers ere Mr W. E. Tilley. Ph.D., Butter fo~· family use-I pay ciash for 0.u.<C0, · _ at 11 ea!' -' of $2,500 which he accepted, Fantasia.-Ins!i Airs ...... ............ Bonl!ion. P. S. In~ector, and Mr. M. M. Fenwick ... .. . .......... .. ~ ..... llilli-1'. v A d M t H r:;: Tl lt Proprietor. butter and ooly take the .finest quality. Ieavin~oiia]ary of $9,000 in New York Polka-.Hornpipe God 8Qve the Queen. µ, ·, ea as er · "· ia resu Cro~ks carefully packed by W · .Brittain, . DESTROY THE WORllll!I ortbey mnyidt111· troy the children, Freeman's \Volrm .Pow· 22-2m · for the sake of alimate. Full course ticket $1.00. ! will be made known next week. I Hampt on, May 27th, 1889, Market Squ are. ders destl'oy aad expel all kinds ofwora s. DDIHN~CA i LIME FRUIT JUICE :-:ft-· I I I .BAK· 1 · N G . · EVELAND L S e SU PER I0R A.RM FOR SALE 1 · powD( R;,, I I THE PUREST AND BEST S l N .OTI c · E TO CREDITORS. EXECUTORS' . $40. ---.Q:--S--1------ !$" arm .1:0r a e Tender. I PARtS CREEN PARIS GREEN I I I i I PARIS GREEN PARIS GREEN STOTT JURY'S. I I. o! A UCTIQN SALE] AUCTION SALE l fARM AND C~s VALUABLE- P-ROPERIY ---·o--- ! . . . "" - A rmst ron ·s H e1, Saturday, July 13tl1 Frida.y, .· y, Local and c 0 0 I I p1AIOS I 3 YEARS SYSTEl MUTUAL ACCIDENT ·OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE & CG. THE \VORLD' TYPEWRITER. I -WOOL! -WOOL ! J. NI. BRI1fACOMBE HAMPTON WOOltN MILLS, prao:!1 ~~~/:~~~~D ~ypemiter Over 40 000 now in use D. TAYLOR, --~ >. - ---- --

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