!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~~~!!!~~~~~ !184!!!!!.!!!"!!!l'~F!fP!!!!!!!!!!..... !!!! - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'l!~~~AP~!Hl!l6!i~R!D"l!!!U ~~·rrzr!!!~L~'m~!"!!!!!!=!ki!!!Kl!!J!!!!liil!iiii!&i!!!!!!IBll!!!~~xaa!!!!!m!l!l!!J!!U1'~ffftl! 2!!:! M ~lllM~ · !!!"'~~~~+~~~~111111fi!~~ll4!!...... ~~- 4·~ ~~ ~~ 1 or the most widely prenlent fault of the farming has been begun in Phi!il.delphia. enga.ged on his third tour through E'urope, present genera.tion. On the contrary, trhe lnfan~s In the almshouse a.re s<int out to is far from being considered as a welcome moderation, and even sometimes undue limi· approved countrv houses to bo!ltd, $2 a. gueBt by the va.rious courts which he has aatation In diet is the prevailing fashion. week being paid. The plan h found to nounced his intention of visiting, In the There is still, however, a consider&ble num· work well, and the de&th rate of the chil- first place the royalties of Europe h&ve reber of persons who habitu&lly overeat at . dren is very low. tained ll moat unpleas&nt recollection of his meals, and to such a. few pbyeiologlc&l hints disgusting and repulsi"e habits on the ocmay not be without their value, Dr. Rendon It seems that the highest poln~ &t which ca.aion of his first visit. His character is ,. has been at the pa.ins to make some careful regular meteorolog!cal observations are trea.oherous, cruel and deceitful, and his ) investigations on the subject, &nd hinesult15 m&de is on the Andes, in Peru, at a height of manners a.re distinguished by th&t ntter h&ve reoently been published. According to 14.300 feet. Harvard College has a wee.th· absence of all ideas of decency which is such this observer, ll not uncommon coneEquence er observatory in Colore.do only a few feet a peculiar fe&tnre of Oriental life. On variof overfeeding la the develqpment of a. series Iese than the former. Tbe station on Pike's ous occasions during the p!l9t t hirty years of symptoms in m&ny reEpects similar to Pea.k· is at an <itude of 14,100 feet. In Eutern potenta.tee, such as the Sult&n of those of typhoid fever. ['he temperature Europa there are but two eta.tions at any Turkey, the Knediva, the second King of rises, there is a. feeling of eerfous illness, con!iderable height, these being aboub 10,· Siam and quite a number of Indian mah&rathe sleep ls disturbed, the '!>rain is incapaci· 000 and ll,0(0 feet refpeotively. jahs, have visited Europe. In·almost every tated, a.ud in severe cues the disability is The doctrine of perfect holiness Is alto- ca.ea· they h&ve·displayed much refinement, <Jomplete. The c&use of theee sympt.oms is getber out8 ide of the range of-newsp&per dis- elegance and courtesy in their dealings with inEuffioient elimination and an alteration in cussion. It is interesting, however, to note iheir Europea.n hosts. The latter were the blood brought a.b out by the impregnation that one of the grea.t Church assemblies h1>s therefore.bub ill prepa.red for the offensive of the orga.niem with accumulated waste pronounced it unw&rranted. Where the and unmaDDer ly ways of the descendant of products. In addition to these typhoid adherents to the holineEB doctrine seem to Xerxes and Da.rius. , LONGFELLOW'S MAIDEN, symptoms thromboses occur in the vessels, have failed before the Church Oourt w&s in After spending a. couple of weeks at S t. who isand what is known as spont&::eowi gangrene, the endeavour to reconcile their opinion Petersburg in 1873, h~ Clme to Berlin. His "Standing, with reluctant feet, or mortification of parts without ll.DY obvious with the prayer th&t thev be delivered from behavior, however, wa.s ao intolerable that Where the brook and river meet. Womanhood and childhood fieet I" or suffiaient oauee. N·ow, these are oondi- evil and led not into temptation. the old Kaiser withdrew from the festivities on the pie?. of indisposition and refused to. t ion.s oJ verv marked danger; particula.rly is a type of thousands of young girla who Foreign languages will in a. short time see his Persi&n ~uestJ any more before his de· are emerging from the chrysalis·stage of their the thrombosie and the spoµtaneous gan· existence, as they enter upon their "teens." greµe. There ie danger to life here. form no p&rt of the curriculum of the New parture. Nervous, excitable, irritable,: stirred by. The obvious remedy for such a. series of York Public schools. The Boa.rd of Educa.The whole burden of entertaining the strange, . unknowable forces within them each a mystery unto herself, our girls need ·evils is, of .course, rest 'for the overworked cation h'!.s reported against them, &nd one of Oriental potent&te fell onto the·shouldera of the tenderest care, the mGst loving, patient dige!ting and eliminating organs. both the the le&ding p&pere, approving of the report, the Empress Augusta., whose poetic ha.nker'Jversight, and the aid or Dr. Pierce's Favorite ·q uantity and the quality of the food must be saya "Uthe time hithert-0 devo~ed to the inga for the Orient, however, were subiected Pr_e_ script!oa_, to safely carry them· through this critical P!lriod, during which, in too so changed a11'to admit of the pcrform1,mce of work of; misappropria.ting fsireign tongues to a most·severe ahook. Thus to this day many lives, alas, are sown the seeds of dis- easy digfftion, perfe~t assimilation and ade- should be employed in acquiring a firm hold ahe loves to rela.te in her shrill and hhrhtressing forms of disease's peculiar to the que..te elimination of waste. Lemonades and upon ou~ noble English, the result would ~e pitched v_ oioe how during the grand state female sex. But this boon to womankind lemon juice a.re said to be of great ervice in of the highest and most permanent value.' banquet given iti his honor a.t Berlin, when· )Vill prevent all such diseases, or:cure them if tpe:y have already seiz.ed a victim. Woman dinlnisnjng the ·xtreme craving for food; An offioial report ma.de o~. Sunday~ la.st ever ~e got some food which waa not to his owes it to herself, to her family, and to her social station, to' be we'll and strong. Let &nd this, from a. limited EXperience, we c&n, places the number of lives lost by t he; John- ~aste ID ~Is .mouth he wou!d coolly remove to some extent, confirm. Milk, a.ho, .in town disaster at 4 000 a.t the most. So far it from his J&WS and place ~ton Her Germa.n her then not neglect the sure means o! cure "_Favorite Prescription" is a legitimate medi: moder&te quantities is useful, and in certain only 1,444 bodies have bee.n found, :hut it is M11j~sty's lap, to th~ intense horror of all cme. carefull~compounded by an experienced ca~s ekim milk would proba.bly be best. It now evident th&t a very large number will present . Her magmficeDt rohe9 a t the close and skillful p " ician, and adapted to woman's is not always found tha~ the resting of the never be recovered.· The c.fficlal· estimate cf the ba.nqu.et p~sented a. woful aspect, ·~eli!late organ z~tion. It is purely vegetable ~ _ its compo_s1tion and perfectly · harmless organs is sufficient. The fever may persist of the loss of llfe is much lower than that at On his arrival m Engl&nd he was q uarter· m its ettects m_ any condition 9f the system. for a. long time, &nil with it the feeling firsb made by mere guesswork but It is ed at Buckmgha.m Pe.la.cc, &nd while in Lon· :>old by druggists; $1.00, or six bottlea for of very decided illnesP. Drugs of different nevertheless large enough to' stamp th~ don he sorely tried the Pdn·c " of W&les' $5.00.; kinds are then urgently demanded, and a. catastrophe ~s one of the most &wful of temper by coolly placing his ha.nd on the Copyright, 1888, by WORLD'S DIS. Mxn. ASS' N. competent vhysician should be consulted modern time! bare shoulders of the Princess while talking without deby, ' to her. Having belln entert&ined by the The newly-discovered mefulneas of cotton D~ke of Sutherland &t the latter's ma.gnifi· e'l.t a t Trentham, he coolly seed hnllB is one of the elements in tile cent coulltry E growth of tlie Southern Scates. :rheir fat· suggested to the Prince of Wales that it A Doctor's "Don'ts." Don'v·give 11. llhild any sweets, except mo- tering qua.li.ies are astonishing. It is s&id would be in every way advisable to put the Tegulate and cleanse the liver, stomach 'a nc lassea o&ndy or ohocolate ca.ramels, and these to be literally true that the hulls of the Dake to Jeath, on the ground tha.t he was cotton seed of the cotton States will produce much too powerful and wealthy for a subject. l)owels. They are purely vegetable and per only very rarely; fectly harmless. One a :i)ose. ·sold b' more beef, butt3r, milk and cheese, more Over .$150,000 was req uired to render Buck· llruggists. 25 cents a vial.· · Don't permit a child under f> to remain out wool and mutton, tha.n all the clover a.nd higha.m P<ilace ha.bit&ble a.gain after his deof bed after 8 p. m,<, even if you have to fore· blue gross of Tenneseee, Kentucky and Ohio. parture. go your most sacred sooi&l duties or, miss a These facts give forc3 to the s&ying that :l'he furniture had &ll to be burned, while most brJlli&nt first ni~ht at the thea.tre. " Cotton is kiDg." not only the silken pa.nela, tap~stries, clll'· ASSORTM~NT. . Don't concl11de tha.t a. child needs food ea.ch A Montreal young man has been found pets and paper-bangings had to be thrown time it manifeat11 hunger. (l'ry tO_ a.sau&ge guilty of rape. His counsel tried to get bis into the fl.a.mes, but ib was even necess:iry to OFthirst t y se'!"eral teaepoonsful of boiled a.ud conviction quashed, beca.use one of the jury - entirely remove the pb.ster of the w&lls &nd cooled water. men bad escaped from tile jury r oom before the parquet floors of ihe rooms which he had ""' Don't hold a child in convulsions itt your the proper t ime, That expedient fa.iled, 1 md inhabited. :l'he slaughter ot a live sheep for llafJl!st recefved an im[l1meti'. s e ne ~w stoc ' O{ al I kinds of lVHll~nery, oo~s i.sting of . arms~ but 11trip it q 'lickly and immerse it in then the recommenda.tion of t he jury to sacrificial purposes in one of the Queen' s a hOt-b&t.h,~ti> which a. tablespoon of muatard mercy, the prisoner's previous good ha.bit.a daintiest boudoirs was but one of the most ha.s been added. a.nd rEBpectable life remainod to be taken pardonable of all his offenses, and the ~tench D ln't &llow a p atient with colic to suffor into account. Judi!e Chux-cb, after considt:r- of the rooms occupied by His Per.tan Majuntil t he physician r.rrives ; give large in·. in g these t hings, finally sent h im to prison esty : W&S ao intenee ruid unbeara.ble tha.t jectfons [two quar ts of w~rm wattir with ten fodour teen ye&rs, and no one will:!ay that ·quantities of d isenfectants had t o be u;;ed in a ll t he newest styles and shapes t o be ctr op ·- adult dose -of ti11cture t.f opium). the sentence for cuch an offence wa.s r..ny before e ven the palace a.ttaches could muster procurc<l . La.dies should call early and up courage to attemp~ to clean up matters. make their sele ctions berore the s tock ls Don't seek relie.f fer burns by the use of t oo severe. At Pa.ris he was received in gr eat state by picked over. Thisstock is one of the largest cold water ; if nothing else is obta.ina.ble use for Men and Boys, Women and Children. The Halif&x Herald points out that while Aillrsbal MiwMa.hon, at that timo Pteaiden t everbromiht to town. warm water ; bet ter still, keep the part wet New En~land politicia.ns pretend thJ1.t the of t he Frnnch R epubiic, imd on leaving the OVER $1,000 WORTH OF RIBBON. with sweet oil. privilege of purch&sing bitoit in Canadian country his baggage w&s stopped on ihe Don't lose your head when with ca.sea of w&ters is valt1t1lees, New England fishermen Swiss frontier by several Paris jeweliers, Inspection-. invited, b leeding fr om the lungs: they very re.rely have a very dift'drent story to tell. It quotes from whom he bad purchased presents for proyeimmedia.tely fllta.l. Prop the pa.tient Gloucester. fishermen a.e confessing the gre&t the demimonda.inee of t he F rench metropJlis, Satchels~ up in bed aud give him small pieces of ice benefit of their licenses un.ier the modus b~t whic.h he had refused to pay for. At to swallow and a quarter of a tea.spoonful of vivendi llB en&l:liDg them bv means of the Vienna. he was q aar bered at the Chate11ou of tincture of ergot every hour, until yocr purchase of Canadian bait to make several Luxemburg, now the residence of Crown physician arrives. CANADA. tripe to the deep -sea fisheries inste&d of only Princess Stephanie, and before he left geb D;in't imagine that sunstroke (heat pros· 1_·°!,6_·6 _60· Rest, ·~.no · tration), follows exclusively exposure to the one. Another Gloucester , skipper declares into serious trouble with resp eat to a young Vapttal patd up, *_ lf world, whom that they must rely upon Can&da not only member of the Alll!trian h& This Ba.i i le prepared to do Legltl- eun. ['be eame m&y be produced by exces for bait but for men to man their fi~hlng he had subjected to the most grosa brutality. mate Banking tn all its branches. 1lve heat even at night, especially when t he vessels. This is the practical trut h, very His presence at Vienna. wa.e indeed a. sore i! much fa tig ued. F armers Dotes discounte d ; D epoa IU per~on Don't eat pork. When it is absolutely different from t he rantings of New Engla.nd trial to yhe courteous, chivalrous a.nd refined Emperor. The P ersian mona.rch had during received and Interes.,t paid on amounts of unavoidable to do so, it should be rendered Ssna.tors. S c Peteteburg women are genera.Uy m&king the p ~evious portion of his toar developed a 15 upwardA in Savings Ba.nkDepartmen~; ha.rmless by being exposed to strong heat a. pilgrimage to a certain shop, where three strong bate for champagne, and wa.a stag. DR AFT S long enough to be converted into a. decided dressing-gowns are to be eten, which will be geriog about in a maadlin state during the llsued and Collections made In Europe gr&y color, even to its innermost pa.rt. the gih of the Czarina. to t he Princess Alex· maj or portion cf his stay in t he A.u st rill.Il United States a.nd Canada.. Don't drink green tea., and use black t ea andra. of Greece, who is about to be m a.rried ca.pitaL Nothing was more cur ious th& n to moderately. Don't allow your servants to put meat e.nd llo the Grand Dake P aul of Russia. They watch tile Emveror presen t some distin· W. J ··TONES, vegetables into the same compartment of a.re phenomen&l. One is ma.de "of white guiahed sbateamll.Il or soldier t o hla oriental silver fox, trimmed with a wide border of guest. The latter would gazs with b leMy the refrigerator. real gold threaJ ." The second is of sable, eyes a t t·he person&ge bowing before him, Don't wear high heele, women .vho wear and fastened In froat with six clasps com- &nd then with a sh.,rt, contemptuoas laugh thEm publicly advertise the hot that they posed of real pearls, which are said to be and & twirl of his long mustache would seek or wish to m&inta.in serious. intern&! strikingly effective among t he costly fur. Bat le&ve the unfortunate courtier standing t here Savin~s troubhs. the most gorgeous of all if m&de of t he fur in a state of mingled indignation and per· Don't mistake weight for w&rmth in cloth- of the rare so·c&lled "blue" fox, IUld ha.a as plexity .until t he E mperor h~d stepped up Paid up Capital, $308.000. Jlesi, ing; feeble people may be worn down by its only ornament ll belt ma.de entirely of and whispered a few oomfort1ng words in $"10,0CIO. heavy clothing and y et be less sheltered dillmonds. his ear. than those who wear light woolen fabrics, Bridgeport, Conn., has a hen with a. hea.d On the oocaeicn of his present trip he is I beg to notify the public that I am r eceiving both as inner and outer garment&. for ma.thematics, She sat t his spring and ·accompanied by a suite of seventy persons, deposits ror this company, and allowiaa: l Don't rea.d, write or do any delicatew01k batched out a few chi!ckens, which were ta.It· among whom is a chapl&io, whose sole duty higher rate ot interest than the banks· unless receiving the light frcm the left side en from her and added to another flock, Bat it is no perform for his imperial master t he No N oTICB OF WITHDRAWAL R E QUIRED Don 't re&d in street cars or other jolting she would not give them up. Instead, she fasts prescribed by the K.oran, but which I am also prepared to grant went outside the coop and clucked 1 md sbrut- the Shah le too much of a glutton to submit vehicles. Loans on REAL ESTATE Don't attempt to clean the ears with any· ted till she got her proper number of chick · to. The modt import&nt member of his ensno more, no le s.:...a.nd strutted about suite, however, is a young boy of t welve, 8 on favora.'.>le terms. thing but the tip of t he ll t~le finger. OF~'ICE : Doa't attempt to remove hardenei ear· with them a.t her heels the proudest fowl in whom the Shah has covered with honors, McMurtry's Dry Goods Store, .wax by picking it out . If yon cannot re&ch all nutmeg State. When the younJl:oues were dignities and titles and who is l;ln object of ll physician, when hardlllltd ear-wax be- big enough to go to roost t hey feared to fol· envy and fear to mest of His Maj esty's MinW.F.ALLE~ comes troublesome or painful, you may low her to such a. height, so she took them isters. His name is Goola.ma.li K h&n. H e Bowmanville, Oct. 11. 1888. !12-,3m · gently inject (preferably by means of a one by on e upen her back, &nd eet t hem off is t he director of t he Corps of R oyal P ..ges, fountain syringe) large quantities of warm carefully in a row, then perched at t he he&d and one of his titles is Azlzus Sultan, which, rged being interpreted, means " F ll.vorite of the water, to each pint of which half an ounce of them confident t hat she ha.d disch& Mona.rob." Not ll Minister, not a. V:zier, of bicarbonate of soda has been added. This the whole duty of ll hen. not a. royal prince has ever yet been allowed will convert tlte wax int o a soap which will conttnues-t,o ~ a. General Ba.nkmg Businet'-" A great impetus has been given to Rus- to sit at the same t&ble as H is Majesty, t he Bowma.nvlilll- Branch. rnn out with the water. sian industries within t he last ten or fifteen only exception to t his law of the Perai& ns DEPOSITS D )n't allow youreelf to grow habitually years. Tbus, in 187&. all the cotton mills of being Goola.mali K han, who is constantly that country contained 1>bout 2,000,000 constipated. Coax intestinal act ion by r eguby his ma.ster's eide, & nd who ha.a more :tecelved in Sav ings Bank Depar tmentanc! larity of h& bit, exercise, fresh and stewed spindles while there are now, according to servants to wait upon him t han any bwo of !Bil and inter es t allowed at current rates. ~1otice or withdrawal necessary. All depat!t. fruits, and the avoidance of con11tip&tlng the latest reports, 115,000,000 spindles, di· the roya.l Ministers. A Persian offiaial depayable on demand, food. Taka drugs only under a physician's videil b"tween sixty-seven mills. The num- clares that the ex planation of this extnor· ber of cotton wea.viDg establishments in dina.ry tre&tment ia t o be found in His MaEXCBA.NGE directions. 3onghtand sold and Drafts issued upon Enrop -Don't endeavor to check a "lia.rrhcea sud Russia is said to be 488, giving employment jesty's profound conviction th!i.t his life is t o more than 80,000 hands, the total annual icseparably and mysteriously bound up Jnited States and Canada, also Gold.Silver an denlv. Jnited States Greenbacks houl!'ht and sold, product ion bEling estimated at 56,000.000 Don't believe that eating fat will make you roubles. There are also eixty-eight mills for with thllt of Goolama.li Khan, &nd that wise men have foretold that the Shah's death UOL.LECJ'I' ION5 f&t ; quite the contrary holds true, Promptly made at current rates upon all par :- D on't eat gamey mea.ts ; remember that spinning woollen yarn, employing nearly will be preceded only a few days by that of his 5,000 hands, and producing goods every year ot Great Brittain, the United States and Do young favorite, tha.t th e health and pros" g &mey" is the hyper-refined word for rot· valued at between five a.nd six million roub· perity of the la tter will me&u t he nealth minion of Canada, ten. Jes, The carpet manufacture employs some and prosperity of the former, and that genTelegraph Transrers " D on't p our a mouthful of coffee into t he 800 ha.ndf, with a product va.ln11d at half a. Made tor large or small sums on all part& of empty stomach, even if you must tea.r a but- million roubles or more ; while 190 works, erally w ba.tever befalls this little one will &lso happen to his roy&l protector. ['he Canada. This Is especially a dvantageoue to persons llving In Manitoba or t he North-west ton from your coat &nd sw&llow it before," averaging 100 operat ives each, are engaged Shah 's belief in this prophecy has resulted ae lt makes the funds ava.llable at onoe a& he s&ys an Arabic proverb. T his applies to tea. In producin~ light woollen t issues. The fla.x in the boy's lea.dinv a life of ease and lux place ot payment; as well, industry is also prosperous, &nd there a.re ury unknown to the me>st fortun&te courl!'orfurther partloulars oall at the Bank!Jlg Don 't drink coffee when suffering with a twenty.four spinning mills, in which 21,000 t iers in :l'eheran. Whatever the expl&nll· Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the uouse. ha.nds are employed, and which h&ve nearly tion, the facts are indisputable, ll.Ild the di&rrb cea. T. :SRODIE, 0 11'0 . McGILL, Don 't attempt to r emove foreign bodies 200,000 spindles. S ilk manufactures h&ve LITER, STOMA.CD, K.IDNEVS AND BOWELS. Accountant. Manager. from the upper part of the wind-pipe bv en- been g reatly developed and improved of late boy wa.a seated on the knees of two magnificent g ra.ndees on t he Sh&h's entry into Th , ~, \nvlgora.te and restore to health Debilit at ed Constitutions, , d eavoring to re&ch them with instruments yea.rs. The province of Moscow counts about St. Petersburg, and was held by t hem with are lavaluable In all Oo m pla.lnt s ! nclden ta o ~ ems.lea of a ll Ages . F~· , of any kind. (rry p-iving a violent blow on 150 silk factories, wit h nearly 11,000 hands, a feeling of a.we &nd rever ence during t he bout 600 dyeing est&blishments, hurnhs of t he populace a.nd the oheers of the back immediately after t he accident. If l here a.re & Ohlldren and ihe aged t h e7 are prlcele&1, this does not succeed ha.ve the patienti held employing some 30,000 hll.Ilds. the soldiers. suspended by the feet, head downward, and moved rapid ly from side to side while you Det ermined t o Run no Risks. N l n· d G . . an infallible rarn d y- fo r B~ d 'L eg s, Bad Breasts, Old W ound.g, Sm strike be tween the shoulders wit h t he palm . . ew V iscovere emus. . t · t h ' · . if th CitizenHere, cab I A . · · (t . a· ) I and Ulcers. It Is famo tlll for Gont and R he umatism, For d isorders of t~ of th . e h and ; d 1 sc?n inue 1s au one~ .e Cabman (looking at him critically)-Is it as1sua;nu o ma.gazme _e 1tor - see t h' 1s - Ch eat it has no equal.· , pat ient shows evidences of suffocat ion: 1f t' young Miss is m&k1ng herself famous 8 t~ese con tinue, or the fore_i~n body is not a ~f:i~e~(~n~rily)-Wha.t difference does t hroueh ~he me~ium of the newspapers. For Sore Throats, Bronclliti8, Coughs , Col·ds , dislodged, send for a phys1c1& n t o perform . th t k t u? Magazine Editor-Yes-um-haven'~ we tr.ac~eotomy or la.ryngotomy as quickly as Cab!a!~li~ the differ ence in the world, I got ll story of hers sent in four or five yellfs Gl.tf.ndular Swellings, and a.11 Skin Diseases it has no riva l; and · possible. sir. Y ou'r e in full dress. If it's ll recept ion ; a.go ? · cont ract ed and stiff j oints it &cte llke a charm. it's a.11 right, If it's suicide you p ay in ad~ssisbant-Yes,_sir. . . ,- : BY'Very few consumers of wheaten prod ucts va.nce, sir. U.M.E.- Run 1t.. th1a month ;i.~d give a ~anufactured only at T HOMAS HoLLOWAY'sEst a bllshment, ey ~ ar e a'l\"are of the fact t hat crackers a.re t he pa.g~ e~ltorial to · A Newly Discovered & J · · ' · old uit foxm of brea.d.. Fragments of unfer. 1 (rhe cottage in t he villiaga of. L azzate in Genius. 'J'R, '11'"""!.: OXF OP.,!) ~ rREET , (la.t~ 533, OXFORD ST:P 1~ ET)$ LOND0111 NT I am ttiifiin:epared to attend F unerals o ' mented cakes were d1ecove1:ed in t he Swifts which AleEs&ndrio Volta spent the su mmer .ciai 1s. itd. , 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. , lb. , 22s. , and33, each Box or'!" the shortest notige, at the lowest possible ra~es lake d.wellings, whjch belong to the neo. an d autuma months of so many years pur Ma.rt insburg, W . Va.., reporta a. storm;of And a1. e ll(; '.Jasketa and 'uria!Cases ready on short notice lithi~ aae l . · th · t ' t" hi h It d may be h a d from al l M edicine Vendoi:r;tbrou gh o ot, t h e World, Ftrst-clasi.::;;: < arse on very moderate terms v ,. · · · ~ ~umg · _ e mves 1ga ions w ~ ; esu. e wind, r ain and ha.ii on Sund&y which caused Shrouds a11e.µ,-omns conetant!y on hand. Fan ! A ~ule_ h~a been passed by a.French JOCkey , 1n t he d1eoovery of the Voltaic pile, h as great damage, the hailetonea killing a num· tfiW' Putchassra ahould look to the la.bel on the P ots a.nd Box<!ls. If t he e.dd reas ia not e ral cards su pp ·d at on~·e., , lturn!ture Bho;:i ! club 1nfhct111g a fiD.e of £20 upon a.ny owner been eecured a11 public proper ty , ber of animals. c,,.._;;;;.::i 535 Oxfori.lS ;r ni, ' 1~1 :u· J ~_il ;t-:i0 1 ~.cck, 1who st&rts an nnnl\med hor~e. Shew RccRs--:E cunuM 1BI· tw 1:11 ~:~!:::. ~~:t,:~~~u.J_Ex~uo.;:;:;~~;~, l ·U&i.. ~·~::~~~i~~:t:.::·~0:::· w:::;:¥~f£{.:::M:IspRI Nc AN N_o_u_~_·_c __E_M ENT I88!J. Window Shades, all colors, both with and without dad0r. Genuine Hartshorn Spring Rollers. _ Bessel Carpet Sweepers.;. Curtain Chains. Cornice Poles. Stair Plates and Roda Sanderson, Percy & Co~'s PURE MIXED PAINT. r a enuine Elephant Lead. A fine line of Kalsomine, White W-hitewash and Paint Brushes The best goods at botto'm prices. I S. S. EDSALL. D. VIS will be found in his old shop, next doordoor to Express Office, Dr. PIERCE'S 'PELLETS BOW-MANVI LI..1E; where he keeps constantly on hand & COMPLETE NEW MJLLINERY Velvets and Ribbons A LARGE MRS.DONNELLY Hats, Bonnets, Flowers,-- Coarse and Fine Boots STANDARD BAN I Rubbers, Slippers, etc. . Trunks, Valises, Special attention given to Repairing. I>- :0 A -VIS. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS,,, MOULDINGS, The Ontario Loan and Co. and other Factory "Work all Kiln · Dried. --o-- AFuU Stock always onhandD Call and Examine. .-rtlc Clellan Co.,_. THE ONTARIO BANK BOWMANVI LLE, sole agents in this locality for· TRENTON, ONTARIO. GIL~OUR& CO., .. THE PILLS THE OINTMENT I . 0ERTA Kl NG UN L M Q R RI S I j l