ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION, DISTRICT NOTES. Remnant Sale I JOHN J. MASON'S Dry Goods and Jewelry House. Our annual Re:unnant sale will this year, assume large ·pi~oportions, ·and be a memorable event 'vith all who &elight in J.>uying cheaply, we have done ~o large a business that we have which we are aware will have to; ·be sacrilet them ficed, we perfectly 'vi1ling to 1 go cheap, we have had a good run :this year Dozens of Piles of Remnants The Largest May and .June Sales ever done in the shop, and as a considerable portion of the ends are part of the 1\IcClung Stock, and cost ! ls cheap, we can afford to let go ~asy. we can fit th2 largest or the smallest ru;itk a Remnant to them.. over 40 Ren111ants of cashmeres Gr Henriettas, over 100 ends dress goods, prints etc., ends of Silks, ends of Tweeds, Capets etc., all must go as we have no further "QSe for them. Call and get the choice of the .sacrifice. 1:~ ours· etc. JNO. Jr MASON. for the study of Music in its seve.ral departments Over 600 Lessons in one School Yeare Special at traction for lady studentr by uniting with the first and only LA.DIES' BAND in Canada. Tuition, $8 0 per School Year, OF FORTY WEEKS. Degrees Conferred ~ Diplomas A warded by' D R. BAXTER, of Baxt er University of Music, :New York. Further particulars by addressing O::H..A..S- RU-SE:i 49. B ox 88, BOWMANVILL E , ONT. l\/.I:A..-YN ..A. RD_'l'II:Ei JEWELLER, Exteuas his thanks for the yery liberal patronage he received since commencing busir:ess. His Stock being New and Stylish and his prices very moderate, is no doubt the cause of his success. 'l'lIE NEW LINE OF HEAVY-SIIjVER VT.A..TOE:ES SHOULD BE SEEN AT fJNCE. - - - :o:- - - LADIES GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AT A.LL PBlCES. - - - :o :- - WEDDING RINGS, SCARF PINS, CHAINS LOCKETS AND CHARMS, IN EVERY STYLE, AND AT ALL PRICES. - - -:o- -Remember mv Goods guarrantad t o be ·j ust as repre2ented. W ATOR REP AIRING attended t o as usual, Promptness and skillful workmanship-my motto-and all work warranted. Your patronage solici~ed. The Stars and Stripes were not permitOn Saturi!ny aflernoon Iasi, Mr. B. Mcten to fly on Dominion Day at Trenton. Gill, who b an been in the office of the D. A woolen company to employ 125 O. & P. Co. , for the paRt ten years, but who is now seve1i.og his connection there, was ' bands is dangliug an offer before the eyes . of Whitby. . present'ld with the following address, BO· A young lad named Stevenson was companied by a handsome dressing case. drowned at Campbellford while bathing Mr. McGill intends preparing himEelf for !.ast Thumday. the medical profession and will commence Rev. Mr. Kemp, Episcopal pastor at his studies the coming fall. We wish him Oshawa, has turned Methodist and resuccess in the paih which he has chosen ceived full orders from the Toronto confor himself :ference. To Mr . .d. B. McGill, Bowmaiwille. Cold, coa11ih , .coffin is what philosophers DEAR Srn.-It is with mingled feelings term ' . ' a iogicttl sequence." On0 is very cf pleasure and regret we address you t'.l- liable to follow the other; but by curing d&y on the completion of your term of en- the cold with a dose of A yer's Cherry gagemert with lhis Company;. pleasure in Pectoral,. the 1eougih will be stopped .and recalling the memor, of many years of the coffin not nee<i!ed-just at present. t your faithful servfoe in our office, and reJames L. Hughes., of Toronto, has been gre· at the severance of a connectifln, that no~inated to .contest West :Middlesex has been to us most pleasant and agreeable, io follow the profession you bave agamst Hon. G . W. Ros~, Mmister of Ed· ucation. . chosen for your life work. We cannot refrain from expressing to you · Rev. J.B. Cfat'kson, M.A., Napanee, the unbounded salisfaclion you have ai all has got a leave of .Blight weeks absencA Umes given tbe Company, by punalual, untiring attention to and performanoe of from his official board and starts this week the several duties allotted lo you in our for a trip to England. THE ANCIENr CAPI!fA!L.-iQuebec. I office ; by your genial, courteous _and affable manner exhibited to our employees have been troubled with indigestion' for and the public with whom we do business; the past two years and have tried many and by the interesl you have manifested medicines without avail. I tried Burdock in the success of this Company during the Blood Bitters and can say there is nothmany years you have been with us. ing equal to -it. Thomas O'Brien. B. We regret to have you go, but trtlst that B. B. cures dyspepsia, biliousness and in the path of life you have chosen to fol- constipation, low, unbouaded success mav go with you A young man named Jerry O'Leary' and that your future may be filled with the honor and happiness we feel certain you farmer, Darlington, was found hanging 1 will continue to merit. in his father's barn on Friday morning Wherever your profession may call you, last. He was thirty·one years of age. you will always have the best wishesof this KELLY'S CRoss, P. E. !.- Kidney com~ Company, and ns a parting souvenir of our plaint and bad stomach troubled me for good-will, we ask you to accept this toile~ bag which we C>ffer, not for its intrinsic value years, but I was cured by taking less than one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters. alone, but for the feelings WJioh prompt us in having 1o submit to a severance of For my present good health I owe my the long and pleasant connection we have thanks to B. B. B., writes Janies Gol'had in busioess. man, sen. Believe us, your sincere friends and wellHarry Saunderson, Toronto, the younq 'l'<isbers, man who was so seriously injured on the JorIN WEBLEY, 1st. while riding in the procession, by the GEO. 'PIGGOTT, tongue of a wagon striking him, has since W. S. RUSSELL. died. Bowmanville, June 291h, 1889. FREELY UsED.- Mr. "'Wm. Mann, of Ottawa, Ont., writes : I have ueed Dr. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. Fowler'19 Extract of Wild Strawberry in my family with the very best results. I Regular Meeting held July 5th. recommend it to my friends and think it The Chairman, Mr. J,yle, presiding. the best medicine in use for all summer Members present : . .Burden, complaints, diarrhooa, dysentery, etc. Tod, McClellan, Beith and Wesley. James Finlay was thrown on a circular Minutes of last meeting read and · saw in Campbell & Dickinson's mill, Midconfirmed. A communication from the Meneelay land, and had his right arm and the fingBell Co. in reference to Bells ordered ers of his left hand cut off, besides other injuries last week. for schools, was received and fyled. Mr. Wesley, Chairman of Finance The inestimable value of Ayer's Sarsap~ Cornmittee, presented a report which arilla as a blood-purifier should be known was adopted. The report showed that to every wife and mother. It corrects the amonnt required for School expen· every irregularitie, gives tone and diture, to be provided by assessment strength to the vital organs, and cleanses would be $5539,00. the system of all impurities. The best The Committee also recommended family medicine. t payment of accounts amounting to Rev. E. Barrasa, M.A. D. D., the new $1594,00. pastor of the Methodist church, Pickering, A statement was alsc;i received from was tendered a reception at the parsonage the Building Committee, showing that the total cost of the new Public School on his arrival there last week. A large Building, would be $Hl,106,00, and the number were present. total of South Ward Building :84,000,00. A CLOSE C.u.L.-After suffering for Total for both buildings, $23,106,00 three weeks from Cholera Infantum so that I was not ai:pected to live, and, at The total cash outlay for furniture, &c ,for both schools would be $1989 ,00 the time, would even have been glad had making a total cash outlay-Of $25,095,00 death called me, so i{reat was my eufforTo meet this amount $7024,00, would ' ing, a friend recommended Dr. Fowler's have to be provided hr, by the Town Extract of Wild Strawberry, which acted Council, anci on motion it was carried like magic on my system. But for this medicine I would not be alive now. J"ohn to ask the Council for that sum. W. Bradshaw, 393 St. Paul S t ., Montreal Mr. Burden presented a report from Pt·operty Committee, which was adopt- P. Q. ed. Father Murray's pic-nic in the convent The Property Committee, on m otbn school grounds, Cobourg, on Dominion were authorized to ask for Tenders for Day, inaugurated the fund for the erection the supply of one hundred tons of soft of a new Catholic church in that town on coal, and twenty tons of hard coal, for the corner of Divfoion st. and Univeraity the use of both schools. avenue. Board adjc·urned. · MIND Yo-c-R OwN B usrNESs.-Those men always succeed best who mind their own business. The reason is probably High School Board. because they meet with such little comThe regular meeting of the High School petition. Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Board was held in the Council Chamber, Powder is the most successful baking on the 3rd inst. l\1r, J . B. Fairbairn in powder in the market because it attends the chair. Present, Messrs. Trebilcock, to its own business. It sells on its own Rice and Cubitt. The minutes of last merits, not by abusing other similar preparations. three meetings read and cc ntirmed. Several accounts were presented and referred to the Finance Committee. The annual report of High School Inspector was read, and on motion received and filed. · Acommunicationfrom Mrs. Raynes offering to accept $1,000 for the land expropriated for the site of the new High School, .o n Queen-st., was read and the follo wing resolution passed with reference thereto, Moved by Mr. Rice, seconded by Mr. Trebilcock, That the chairman is hereby instructed to conclude the purchase of the site for High School L. Jiildings, at $1,000, as soon as possible. Moved by Col. Cubitt, seconded by Mr. Trebilcock, That the recent report of the High School Inspect:Jr contains many import· ant statements in reference to the school bnildinga now occupied by the .Board, which requires serious consideration. Having duly considered this report the Board is of the opinion that both educationally and financially it is advisable to taka such practical steps immediately as shall result in the erection and completion of a fitting High School by Sept.lst,1890. The resolution was carried. Moved by Mr. Uubitt, seconded by Mr. Rice, · That Messrs. Rice, Trebilcock and the mover are hereby appointed as permi nent building committee and are instructed to make such praliminary arrangements for the commencement of the erection of a High School building as they may deem advis~ble, subject to the approval of this Board. The estimates of the year were then taken up and passed on motion of Mr. Trebilcock, seconded by Mr. Rice. The Cha.irman and Secretary were instr ucted to make a requisition on the Town Council for the sum of $2,468. The Secretary was instructed t o ob tain a seal for the B oard. On motion the Board adjourned. I I A NEW DEPARTURE JN MEDICINE. I l ·· ·The four greatestmeaical centres of the world al\e Lond.Qn, l'aris, }3erlin and Vienna. These cities have immense ho.s pitals teeming with suffering humanity. Crowds of students throng the waras studying under the P.r-0fessors in charge. '!'he most.renowned physicians of the world teach and prac· tice here, and the institutions are storehouses of mellical knowledge and, e'i:perience. With a view of making this experience available to the public the Hospital Remedy Co":· at. great expense secured the prescriptions of these hosritals, prepared the specifics, and although it would cost from $25 t o $lOOto secure the attention of their aistinguished originators, yet ill this· way their :prepared speeifics are·6ffered at the price of the quack patent medicines that flood the mM"ket and absurdly claim to cu:re every ill from a single bottle. The "·ant always felt for a reliable class of domestic remedies is now filled witlt perfect satisfaction. The Hospita.l Remedies no unreasonable claims. The specific for Catarrh cures tlrn.t and nothing else i so with the speciftc for Bronchitis, Consumption and Lung ' Troubles: Rheumatism is cured by No. 3, whilo troubles of Digestion, · Stomach, Liver a.nd Kidneys have their own cure. To these is added a. specific for Fever and Ague, ono for female weakness- a. general tonic and blood-maker that makes blocrd and gives form and fulness, and an incomparable reme~ly for Norvous Debility. NO, 1-,-0URES CATARRH, HAY FEVER, ROSE COLD, CAtARRHAL DEAFNESS-The only authentic oure emanating from scientific Bources now before the public. - This is nnt a snuffor ointment- both are discarded as iujurions· .. $1.00. NO, 2-COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION- An incomparable remedy; does not merely stop a c.ough, but eradicates the disease and strengthens the lungs and restores wasted tissues, giving anew lease of life. $1.00. NO. 3-RHEUMAT/SM-A distinguished and wellknown :specialist in this dis. e ase in Paris, who treats nothing else, built his reputation on this remed!f. $1. NO, 4-LIVER AND KIDNEYS, DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, BRIGHT'S D/SEASf!A faoorite slaughter-field for the quack who has. ruined more stomachs than alcohol. Use a remedy sanctioned in high places. $1.00. NO. 5-FEVER AND AGUE, DUMB AUGE, MALARIA, NEURALGIA-Few know what grave riamalJ· this does the system: treated to break it for a time. Us11 a remedy-that eradicates it. $7. 00. NO, 6- FEMALE WEAKNESS, IRREGULARITIES, WHITES-Mang women aro bro/ten down because they neglect these dfseases until chronic and seated. Use No. 6 and regain health and stren~. $1.00. i if scrawny, use this per/oct tonlc. $1.00. NO. "I-HEALTH, FORM AND F/JlNE8S depend on good bloori and lots of it· . Jf weak, if bloori is pool', NO. 8-NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF POWER-A quach cure-ridden public will ha;/ tr genuine remerig /or an unfortuate condition. No. 8 is Golden, which one t rial will proue. Beware of ignorant quacks who charge high prices for cheap and worthless drugs and pills, the properties of whiclt they are utterly ignorant, and who expose ~011 by selling your confidential fetters to others ht the $ame nefa.rioul$ business. Use No. 8 and liue again. $1. 00. ., It your Druggist docs Mt ket'!p thP.~!dics remit price to us. and we will ship to yon dir~d- Nct,· li!>ten ! T{ no other remedy ; rliscontinue { 1uack cure-;i.11 mc dicincs and use instead the se high cfass Hospita R emedies which emanate from ~ieatific sources, and thus p rolong your life. A vciid high priced and dishonest quacks who pretend! is where these d i" honest quacks get their ' · Ork in, invariably d oing i rr epar;ibfo injury to the patie nt. \Vrite no letters that you nrc unwilling sh()uld be sold and bartered to others in the same disreputable business, for t11eir promises of: secrecy are worlbless.. T he quack octopus spares neither the trustil12' ma le or the confiding fema le, Buy of a reput· able and responsible firm doing- business under a genuine name and not under some foreign alias. We guarantee on11 bottle ofa ny of our medicit1es to give more g enuine benefit than a t!,?~e'.!- of any s pecial or pa.tent medicine in the world~ :~:~ !:~~~1dn~g!~i~::o~~~~~~ e~~lD~~l~~11f~~tt;ve~;~~:s'd~~~~le.J?n~s~~,~~~1! }~~ fe0n ~a\~a,~;~k~~~~ ~~l:i~~~~~;d~~j)f~~ Bend.stamp for neseri<J..· - t1ue Ca.ta/()JJueto I ~ . lHOSPITAL _ RE1mny CO"Toirmont·o Can· 1 J A. ffutton Dixo'!;·.IU.&i _ ~ . :.i _ Propnetor. lnseclicid~s. ----o---- Pure Parts Green, Insect Powder~1· ·~-·-" --AND- . All Kl NDS OF FLY PAPER -AT- ------··· -- -- SON'S Chemists and SOREL, June 6th, 1889. Messrs. THE WILLIAM JOHNSON CO., )Montreal. Dear Sirs, · Enclosed you will find $12.50. amount of your account for Magnetic Iron Paint. -We find that this paint is just the article required for roofs, both iron arid wood. -We covered 6,850 superficial square feet of iron with seven gallons. Some .time in. the future, if you .wish, we can let you know how it has stood the weather: Yours truly, JAMES SHEPPARD & S O N. "MJ.rNJ.BD The Jewellet ChHdren Cry for 9 · ' ' NATIONAi, PILLS arc sugar coated, mild but thoro1111:h. n»tl are the bestSto1uaeh and Liver Pills tn use. Pitcher's Castoria. -