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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1889, p. 2

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~~~e.iit'~~W.W.i!' ·Jll;:W>d~~~~~~W.A.""' to and 1 shoui<l h ave been very weak and : fRAlW£'B GROWTH: IN A C.EN'l:U.RY; ee?fhh if the lid of the trunk h adn' t fallen on · \W~Hlf..'°JW <'4 4.\ · (fe'- ~-_-"·-"~;;lH-Ut t+ mB, which mad e me geb up and remember Stails tlc1 Willeh 'la1l~ca \c n St>le a<" id Na· . -A.BOUT JAOK. .Mother. . t.tonul Development. . . __,.,--/ 8he was in her r oom by t he wmdow, The " Journal" of the French Sbat1stica.l WEDKESDAY, JU L Y 17, 1889. _/ facing the ~ea. and in her lap was Jack's hat Society has published, in anticipation of the ---·1 . B~ WM, CLYDE FITC~. all web and d;~gglell. She did not s~ir, she oe~tenary fetas . at Ve~saillee, some inter.. T o begin with, we were getting r eady to did not look ~t me, but sat t here hke the eating ta.blee which are intended t o show tihe !go to the sea.shore for a month. Arra~ge- women in that poetl1 1 "Three fiaher,s went economical, f.ommeroial, industrial a.~d fin' ments had b~'en made for the whole f~mlly, sailing out into the \Vest." I couldn t spea.k ancial progress mad~ by .F rance in the inoluding Grandma and D~n. Dm is our to her then I ran out and oaught Tom by last century. Begtnmng with the bud~et, do c, he used to belong to Rubert, and Grand· the arm 'in the hall, and pinched him tihese tables show that while the estimated :People formerly had, trying to swallow mi:--butGra.ndma is, of course, just Gra.n'd· ha.rd, and cried : "Tell me, tell me." He receipts in 1789 were £27_654.520, they are m a.. It isn't easy for us t-0 get offa.ll together. said, t he tide ha.d been unusually now £ 120,480,000. The direct ta.xes Mve the old-fashioned pill with its film o! T here are ao many of us, --and we come so high a.nd the boat had nob been not increased very much, for they£l77,· :magnesia vainly disguising its bitter· cloee together-" ~o unexpecte?ly clo~e," fast~ned, and-well-the boat wa.s 17one, 600,000 this year, as compared to £145,200 1 · ness ; and what a contrast to Ayer's for and Father says, sometimes when hes w~rried. and tha.t was all there was to tell, except 000 a century ago, whereas the indirect Pills, that have b een w ell called " meuGrandma says there's always a good aidi: to that the ha.t hail b~n picked up somewhere taxes, which produced only -96,000,000 in icatcd sugar-plums" - the only fear beeverythinl!, and our clothes all do with- on the beach. Tom's voice was very choky, 1789, are now esbimated a.t £729,200,000. ' "Cute'Pfa ia so well adapted to children that Castorfa eures Colle, Constlpntlo!!, i ng that patients may be tempted into out even being made over ; and then there but he didn'll cry; he thinks it isn't; manly. The only Government monopoly in the bud· C'recommend it aasuperiortoanyprescript.ion Sour Sto~h, ~iarrhooa, Eri.tctation, taking too many at a dose. But the l:Zlown tome." Ir. A AllcHmt ~~ D · Kills W!Jnns, &PVes sleep, and promotes di< are no twins, which we don't think a good I don't see why, when there's such trouble. get of 1789 was t;he Post-Office, which pro.. ' .1.. ·t gest1on side at a.11, for Howard and I have al~ays I told Tom not to tell Grandma. yet, and duced £640,000, whereas now bhe produce directions are plain and should be ll1 So. Ozfoni SL, ~roo.kqu, N. Y. Withoui iojuriou.s medication. we weren't twmsthen I went back to Mother. She still sat lif the different monopoiies is £23,280,000. been :llsappointed tha.t strictly followed. Tim CENTAUR CoMPAi.'Y, :'T :iurray Street, N'. Y. he bla.mes me because I was born too soon by the window, with her eyts wide .open It is also ~orthy of note tha.b while the cost J. T. T eller, M. D., of Chittcna_ n go, but I say it is hie fa.u11' for not being born facing the sea. S omehow or other I wante·i of collection for a budget of about £27,000,· N. Y., expresses exactly what hundreds soon enough. And as for our clothes-wel!l her to cry. I sat down at her feet with my 000 was £4 520,000, it is only £7,li0,000 have written at greater length. H e there's no use t!i.lkil:lg about them ; b~t if head against her knees and cried myself, I for a. budget of over £120,000,000. says: "Ayer's Cathartic Pills are highly you had to wea.r a dress your older sister couldn't keep in any longer, a.nd she put her A century a.go the :value of personal pro. wore last year, and had to be careful to hand on my hea.d-ri~ht on the red hair- perty in France was estimated at not more appreciated. They are perfect in form FOR SALE BY J, HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE 1 le»ve enough of it for the one i_iex~ to you, but that was all. · than £12,000,000, whereat it is 1now pun at and coating, and their effects are all " you would k!low how dreadful it is. Gra~dAfter a while I commenced to think. J about £320,000,000. These were no s~vings that the most car eful physician could ma alwa.ys did se~ a. good sida to everything -didn't believe he wa9 drowned, a.fter all. banks in 1789; but now the deposits Ill them desire. They have supplanted all t he tho. . The boa.b had just floated off, and it would exceed £100,000,000, while the total of the l'ills formerly popular here, and I think A t we had .found a. boar~mg house lhab hack or be brought back by a steamer national revenues, estimated a century ago · it mus·o be long b efor e any other caa that would take children, m~ludmg ba.ble~, or something. I was sure of it. And so I a.s from £120 000,000 to £200,000,000, now be made that will ait all compare with give Grandma a room frontmg the south, commenced to talk, and told Mother how exceeds £1,200,000,091.l. (rhen,, the them. . Those who buy your pills get with a window on the ea;st-; and the prices many ways there were to him and how general trade of France in 1789 was about were as low, F~ther said, as could be ex· foolish it wa~ to believe he was drowned £40 6Su 000-of whbh £23 040 000 were im· full value for their money." p ected "by a ~an with seren children all of yet. The hat didu'b mean anything; and ports, a~d £17,6'10,000 exp~rts ';while in 18· "Saf~, pleasant, and certaill in the same age,· Fi1ther IS alw11ys teasing by and by I managed to get tha.n away from 86 the general trade of France reached £374 · -----o their action," is the concise testimony and making fun abo~b us, yet he seems a!l her and hi d in under the chair. It wasn't uo,oro, of which £204.640,000 were imports e>f Dr. George E. Walker, of Martinsthe fonder of us for it. , Ind~ed, he ha.en t like.mother to give way so; but I suppose a.nd £169,800,000 exports, the proportion Tha whole stock belonging to the estate of the ville, Virginia. yet gotten used to Robs bemg gone, tho she wa.s worn out with ·getting ready to go betwten the imports and the exptr ;s ,b~i11g Mother i_iever leaves the room now when we awa.y, and that wa.s why, muoh the same a~ it was ab the end. of 11.\llt "Ayer'~ Pills outsell all similar preptalk of htm, and has taught us not to willh Anyway, at fast she spoke to me, called century.· The value of land has also mcrez.sarations. ' The public h aving once used him back again. · · · me 11 her daughter" (now, I love t hat; she ed ver.y much, for while t he average price a them, will have no others." -Berry, This did seem a v~ry.~ice sort of a b?ard- never calls Mary anythiny bu~ Mary), and century ago was £8 per acre, it is now £27, Venable & Collier, Atlanta, Ga. ing-house .. C[her, d1dn " have ~o~quttoee, she cried a little, too, and said she feh having touched £ 32 some few it.go. Father satd : Oh, no, boardmg-houses better. I often wonder why a good cry In 1789 the acreage in wheat was 10,000· is being offerea never do I" and it wa~ o~ly ten minutes makes you feel better, espedally If you've 000, and the yield l l0,000,000 bushels, or walk from a good bathmg oeaoh. Grandma b~n unchristian and spiteful. And there 11 bushels au acre ; now the acreage in l'repared by Dr. J , C· .Ayer &Co., Lowell,Mass. was afraid some of us ~ould be drowned. we sa.t together at the window, looking out. wheat is a.bout 17,000,000, and the yield \ S old by all Dealers in M edicine. Tom and Ethel were wild over tho wrecks Two boats, sb,o said, bad gone out, ~94,250,000 bushels, or 18 bushels an acre. thail .vculd be washed up, and Jack sa".ed Father in one of t hem. We sat there The pr-ice of bread has not varied so much two weeks' pin money to buy a shovel; with whole hours, Mother and I, and I never as might have baen expected, the four-pound Bear in mind it is one of the best assorted Millinery stocks in t.own, which, he confided to me, after making me wila so ead and so happy at the e11me tb: e loaf, which c~st 90 centimes iu 1800, now CALL A:ND 11"S.PECT. croes my 1':eart I'd keel! it . se~ret, he was in my life. I pretended he waa surely selling for 85 centimes, ha.ving gone to !l.S going to dig after Capta!n Kidd s. treMu re. coming back, and before long. Every much <18 a shilling in 1847, and having fallen We ha~ a busy time &ettmg ready. time I spoke of him I said, "When he . as low as ~ixpence in 1863~ Wages, both I(will just cost you ONE HALF of the prices usually paid to have your order filled. Fancy Goods at t he same terms. _ Mother said ab th6 beginning 1 .t was no use ~omea back"; &nd Mother helped and did in industry and agriculture, risen er.thinking of getting bathing smts for us all; the same way, till by and by I fe!b as if ormously, and while t he agricultural laborer we would get four, and ha.If of us conld gJ he r eally were, e.nd Mother too, for she did no o receive more than sixpence a day in in one day an~ half.the nexb; and Gran ?-m_a commenced to wonder if she ~ oughb to -1789, the average wage is n ow 2 ;. The saw the good Ill it, right .away, and said it punish him. She d .ctn t ~ee how she Journal of the Statistical Society a.dils that, C?§Grocers' due bills taken. " wasn't healthy' to go m to the salt water could, and I said I didn ; tbin't. t he ought, while t he P"'Y of subordinate dliaials has I too of~tm . for it never did any ·q:d arvw~y; and now b een ((enerally increased, the salaries given Be~2des, we had a few new clothe~ to JUSt .?.fter beiny drowned-and I ·1a.ughed to greater dienitaries, both civil and eccleget, and there were buttons, and buttons, and said perhaps he'd come home with a sfaat ioal, have been cut down. and bubtona to be sewed on. There ~ere t rotisure, and just then Mother started and Traveliing was ~lao much mor e expensive hats to be fixed up and bo?ght, nhe stlver leaned out of ~he wlndow. a.a well as slower, for a journey to Marseilles (wedding presents, all of rt, except ~!lock's "Mar~y," she screamed, " look !" She by diligence took thirteen days and cost £fi, mug and. bow l, for he was ~mmed arter ii stood 11p~ but she trembled so sho h ~d to 11~ against fifteen !ioursa.nd £4 _;to Toulousr, rich relat ive, th~ only e~e we ve got) to be hold on t u me and there, sure enough, com- eight days and £ 0 8~- , as agarnst fourteen, put away, and ~na~ly Bri~get to be go~te_n ing from the beach, waa Jack, Father on houra and £4 Ss. ; to Bordeaux, six days and off. 1 Mother said_ it hard>y s.eemed as ~f it one side of him, a fisherman on the other, £5, as against nine hours and £3; to Lyona, -STOCK U F wou.d par, somet1mes, ~~e, did geb so tired and the boys running all al:out him, Don five days and £ 3 10>., as against 11ine hours and. worried ; and I d1an t blam? her, et- bad turned up too, and was walking solemn- a.lid £3 10~. ; t o Strashurg, four and a half pec1all~ over Br!c:lg~t. You see Budget was ly behind. Mother ran down the sbalre and clays£!, as aga.inet eleven hours and £3 ; to determined to go w&th us, and then t o stay I after her, only stopping to tell Mary to Lille, two days and £2 1 as against six hours ai::d look after the huuee. It waa ve~y hard come, and why. _ a nd about 30~. The postage of a·letter from to peraua~e ~er, to go and stny with .nttr "Thi~ good fiaherman h :1os found our P>1.rie to Versailles . cost 25 centimes, from irl unusually attractive this season. slater a.t y-unson s_, b~t fin ally Father did. 'Kid,'" shouted Father, ·>-" Paris to Lvons 65 centim~a, t1nd ffom Pa.ris Then, one day late .m the afternoon, the "But we ain't found no treasure" said to Ma.raeilles 75 centimes. The popula.tion PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST, traln la.nded a.II of us mB~yport, very d~sty fisherman, as they came neai.· But' Jack of France increased from 27,000,000in1801 CON.TAINS NO and very tired, a.nd Father pretty worried. screamed, as 1'fother hugged him tight In to 38.000,000 in 1886, the cities of Lyons Alum, . Ammonia, Lime, l'hosphatesv We had !eh Don the last place we changed her arms: "Yes, you hava, because I'm and .M<0rsellles increa~ing from 139,000 a.nd OR ANY INJURIDUS SUBSTANCE. · ( c~rs, and Jack bad wep~ most of t~e time Mother's little treasure.' " 76,()(lO t.o 401,COO and 375,000. ;eo W GILLETT TOBONTO, ONT· No one could h;i,ve panished him after .._.,, · .· OHIOAGQ, JLL. smce beca.use the engtne . .wouldn ti turn round ~nd go b~c~ after .hu~. J~ck is so tha.t; and he h.i.d been punished e.neugh MANUFACTURER OF bought for CA.SH at the lowest point the market has touched STATlSTIOS. anyway, tOI'"ile liad waked up anq -fount t;IIE CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAST CAKES. funny and you can treason with him. When we got to boarding-hons?, we found himself off on the water in the boat. He It is roughly calculated that £750,000 per ~he landlady had onlv expected six children, ha i gotten in when it w&a way up .q n the r~d 1nstea;d of seven ; but she promised to p_ut up beach, and was so tired he forgot to keep annum is spent on the food and clothing of indoor paupers in the Britleh metropolis. TOWN PRICES 'KNOCKED OUT. · a, cot In one of tile rooms. and make it all his eyes open, He he forgot a.11 aboun :rhe total a.rea of land under green crops ·ll·!lllaJ~amil!llRilliR!liiiiW.liJ'IMMD!il nght. As we went up t;he steps a lady QD_ -the treasure when be was out on the ocean in. Great Britain last year was 3,471,800 the pia z~ 1111oid : "Good gracious, look a\ and be didn't believe lie would ever hunt the children I" which made Father laugh·l It again, the waves were so very big, and acres, showing an increase ot 8,100 acres a.nd, who heard her, tu~~ed around him feel so much 'littler' than ever. over 1887. In Ireland it was 1,234,069 and said In hi~ s~eet way: . There are "But, there," he didn't dare think of Father acres last year, as compared with 1,228,746 seven of us, Wh!ch ,1,s not counting Roh~ but and Mother and Sister and the others. He in 1887. there are no twins. He knew how disa]>· just knelt down in the boat and said "Now Russia is said annually to consume tea to pointed Howard and I were: . I la.y me" over and over a.nd over, Be the extent of $125,000,000 sterling. London .The roomD did very well; Mary went 10 didn't want to vo to sleep of course ; but it supplies about $15,000, 000 of t his value. It wit~ Grandm~, and .1 had the younger child· was the only prayer he could think of. is noteworthy tih~t the whole of the London The fisht>rman haj found him a.mong the supplies are of China tea. Indian tea. is un· ren 1D cha.rge Jn ·the ,o ne next. Thi: boys were near F11ther and Mother upsta1rs. I by the seoond beaoh, known in Russia. always have ~~~rge ~f the younge~ ones. J<M:k kept near .Mother all the d11oy; he There are647 boards of guardians in Eng· ' When I s:iy CunF. I do not mean merP-Iy to T hey call me Sis~r, though.Mary is older seemed to realize how dreadfully he ha.d land and Wales. At present, of the 20,000 ~top them ror a time, and then have th~m return than I ; bu~ Mary Is pretty and I a.m not (I made her feel. And that ni11ht Howard a.nd members of these boar ds, only 58 are women again. I MEAN A RADICAL CUHE. · have red h~ir a nd a very bad nose), and she I, coming from a walk on the beech, heard ot whom have gained t heir seats since Ha. mpton, April 10th. I have made the disease of pl~ys the piano. I never could pla~ a~y- Mother einli'lng the samB sweet songs she a.II 1875, when the electors of h.ensington were F ITS, EPILEPSY or thmg but scales, and even then I can tquite sang to all the children when we were babies; the first to recognise the fact that, according .F AIJI,ING SICKNESS manage mv thumbs. Mar.Y has gentlemen and looa:ing up, by the moonlight, we saw to the Poor L·w Amend ment Act passed 50 A life Jong study. I W ARRAK T my i·emed~ t o callers, too, but I always bked to be abo~t her with Jack in the big cha.Ir by the win· ago, a board of gua.rdi11ns need not be CURE tlte worst cases. Because others have failed the house and help Mother. I suppose tha~ s dow his two armsabout her neck. excluaiv~ly of the musculine gender. ' is no reason for uot uow receiving a cure. Send the reason they CO'De to me-as they did Some idea of the fxtent to which the milk. at once for a treatise and a FRF.E Bo'l "l'LE of my when it happenecJ. For something did lN~'ALr;rn L1' ltE~rnr>Y. Give Expres~ and Po~t happen, and of course it was Jack. When producing capacity of cows might be develOfhe. 11; costs yot: !1otlling for a trrn.l, and 1t Always a River to 8ross. oped is given by Mr. Henry J,, Cripps, who will cure vou. Address : n. G. R90T, M.C., anything happens I always know it is Ja.ok. --MANUFACTURER O F - states, in the "Field," that a shorthorn cow Brand1 Office, Hi41.V'est Adela ide Street, Why, whe::i people a.ek about us, t hey al - There is always a river to cross; Always an effort to make belonging to h im ha.a produced upwards of ~oronto wava sa.y; "How and the r est of the ~,mt110Dlil!l!!!7!!!iliZIEmr&11B1lllrnrorrmm -lll·i'.IWl!BIRWllZill il chiidren ?"-and it waa the l!ame w~y this lf there's anything Rood to win, 1,650 gallons of milk during the ~welve Ariy rich prize to take. mon1lhs. At the ordinary retail price of 6c. time. KING STREET, BOWMAN·VILL a quart, the value of thla produce would be We were at the breakfast table the first Yonder's the fruit we, Yonder the o harming eoene ; $396. Even at th3 low wholeHle price on as now on hand a number of vehicle~ (and ls manufacturing a great m&!1Y morel.of the ne morning, and the landlady said : "I thought patterns and best finish, which I am c;ifl'erlng for sale at the lowest prices cons1steni1 the farm of lOc, a ga.llon, the return would there were seven children, Mrs. Edgeworth, B11t deep and wide, with a troubled tide, with due regard to workmanship and quallty. Tbe following ie a list ot Is the river than lies between, be $165-a sum wnich would leave a very but there are oniy five here." I supposed the principal vehicles manufactured by me handsome profit over the cost of keeping the there were six down, all f xoept Ma1y, whom ·~·· cow, and, in addition, there is the value of we never waited for. I had left her up· For the treasures of precious worth Double Covered Carrlages............................. . ....... . ... ..... ...... $150 Upward1 We must patiently dig and dive; her calf to take into acconn t. stairs when I came down, doing her hair, 11 Single Phootons ............................ ..................................... 1011 and it t akes her a long time. Sometimes I For the places we long to fill trhe total yearly income of an ordinary Open Buggy ·······.········ ,. .. . .. .......................... ·.·.··· ..··· ········ 70 We must push and struggle and strive. am glad I've got red .hair-'-dear Mother English agricultural day.labourer, including Top Buggy·.....············ ..··....····.· ·. ~···· · ··························· · ···· . 90 calls ib auburn; but I might a.swell own up And always a.nd everywhere both wages and perq uisites of every kind, ·w·e'll find, on our onward course, Democrat Wagon ............................ ............... ........... ,... ...... 65 it is just honest red, beca.use it doesn't seem ranges from about $250 a year in Northumto make any difference how you "do it," and Thorns for the feet and trials to meet ~erla.nd to a. little ever 150 In Wiltshire and And a. diflhuh river to cross. so I had hair like M1uy's I suppoea I'd take Light Wagon..................................................................... 40 other south- western counties. This gives j ast as lone as sbe in the morning, tho .I an average of $ 200 a year. But It is only Express Wagon ................................... ............. ..... . .......... _ 75 nope not. But besides Mary's not being For the rougher the way that we take, the exceptionally low wages in a few Skeleton .··········· , ··. , ·.·····..·.·...·..·.········.· ···· , .···....·..········.· ,, 50 down, J was not t here. Fa.bher sent Xhe stouter the heart and the nerve; counties which pulls down the average even . Sulky······.. ..·.··············..··.······....·····.·.·········......······.····..··· 40 him up-stairs, and he back quite The stones in our path we brea.k, so low as this. In the eastern, midland, Possessing superior facilities for manufacturing carriages, I Intend to sell very cheap fnr '!I'he m:ost S01ccessful Rem<>dy ever dlscov· frightened, and said Jack's cob hadn' t Nor e'er from our impulse swerve. northern, and south-ea.stern counties it ia ered, as it is certain in its effects a nd does or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase ml' number of sales. Wou been slekJt in. The boys didn't notice last For the glory we hope to win commoner to find the sum-total rising to not bllster. Read proof below. sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies Ironed, night he wa.e not there, or if they did they Our labors we co'Llut no loss ; $215 and $220 than sinking to $ 185 or $ 190. muat have supposed him in one of j;he other 'Tis folly to pa.use and murmur b ecause Shepherds, wag ~oners, and stockmen are rooms, on account of the la.ndlr.d} 's mi~ts k e. 01 the river we have to cros. s. paid at a higher rate, and their wages aver· OFFICE OF CHARLES A. SNYDER, ~ Mother said he came in and kissed her go ~d age.about $250 a year. Where women are At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed If Desired. ,, BREED1£R OF So, ready to do and to dare, nieht, and got hie shovel out of the trunk a.t · CLE'l'ltLAND JlAY AND TROTTillG JlRED HORSES. employed they earn from $1.00 to $1.25 a At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band Should we In our places s~and, about eight o'clock. Right away I ha.d a ELMWOOD, ILL., Nov. 20, 1883. week at ordinary times, and from 2.50 to saws. and prepare all kinds of lumber tor carpenters nd others tor building purposes, Ornamental and Plain .P ickets for fences In every style reoulred, made to order. $3. 00 In harvest. -~ie~i-Jsff.:'~1'"';!',~0i:.1ways purobased your Ken· suspicion-he had ~one down to the beach Fu .filing the masb~r's will, for that Kidd treasure; but why hadn't he ·Ila.H's Spavin c ure by the halt dozen bottles, I Fulfilline the soul's demand ; ·would like prlces In larger qua ntity. I think it Is For though as the mountain high come back? Jusb then Mary come into the one of th ebest llnlments on earth. I have used It nom. She had her hair done up high to The billows may war and toss, '-On my stables for t hree years. Honestv Towards Childra.a.. They were All Aoreed. ,, Yours truly, CHAS. A. S n DER. wea.r with her new shade hail, and had a TheY.'ll not overwhelm if the Lord's ab the The Hott est E'pot on Banh. The hopelessness of children under a sense veil to put over her complexion. She said hel.n . I ahall not marry Miss Cr rosue, after all(' of inj ustioe is one of the moet orushing forcshe found this note pinned on my door as When the diflbult river we cross. One of the hottest regions of the .earth it1 es that can work to maim ~nd distorta child's announced younjl Bjenklns sadly. "Her llaooxLYN, N. Y., November 3, 1888. she passed. l hadn't not iced it. It was fr!l .n mind, He is not able to eee beyond the ob· family seems to oppose the match too along t he Persian gulf, where little or no 0 Jack. 1 read it aloud : Dfie~-~1).;.';'iD,f.;;.1r~ to give you t estimonial or my falls. A~ Bahrin the arid shore has no SONG OF THE MUSQUITO. vious and instant features of the 1ituation,and much." good opinion of ~·our Kendall'sSpavln Cure. I h ave "Dere Margy I me gone to hunt for K<J.p· "Hang the family!" txc1 a.i~ed a_sy~pa. fresh water, yet a comparatively numerous used it ror Lameness, Stiff J olnts and the feeling that some arbitrary t xpression of tin Kid's trezure by munelite. It's the best Some go to the mountains, SpaT ins, an d I h ave found i t a s ure cur_e, I cordiprerjudice is working against him convincc;s thiz Ing friend. " Go in and wm, BJenkms, population contrives to live there, t hanks a lly recommend It to all horsemen. tim his s_pirut is sed to huvor over the place And some to the sea, Yours truly, A. H. GILBERT. him despairingly that effort ill useless, and just the same. What _do you for the to copius springs which burst forth from t he shall koojeal myself in that bote on t he I And some sbay at home Manager Troy Laundry Stables. that he is being .crully wronged. The chil· family's oplnio n, EO long as the girls will- bottom of the sea. The frePh water is got shore and keep my eyes o~en don't forget ' Neath their own fig tree ! by diving. The d iver, eitting in his boa.t, ish nature bect\mes warped and embittered ; ing ? ' yore oD h to keep mum. · I sna.11 be hom for And I'm a mosquite, "Thab's just it," Explained Bjankin&, still winds a. great goatekin bag round hie left arm, and t her e is p erhaps no other single factor 11 So happy and free, brekfast. J" Milla Cicems sums to agree the ha.nd gra~ping its mouth; then he takes SANT, WINTON Co'CNTY. 'omo, Dec. 19, 1888. which can cowe into a vourg life with suoq more sadly.. We all laughed and telt easier; of course With no thin(:! to do ' in his right hand a heavy stone, ·to which is d!rnstrous ffect as this. Tlie teacber who with them." D~J; ffe~1t';n~°duty to say what I bave done he had overHlept in the boat. F~ther and B nb to do them all threeatt!llched a stron17 line, a.nd thus equipped he with your K endall's Spavin Cure. I bave cure.d ify personal likes and allows himself t o gra b A nd I'll get th ere, Tom had ahe.i.dy started for the beach and plunge~ in and quickly reachee bottom, I n· dislikes is doing an injury to his pupils which irl"un;'Jf.;:e~~f~~·aAJi~~e!'~t~lfl';-.-i'if~~~na~a they would find .him, M11ory was so nervous The Princess gown, eit her abort or trained, You see 1 stanv!y opening ihe bag over the strong jet .seven of B iQ- Jn. w . Since I have ha~ one of your can only be called ircalCulable. It must be is the r obe of the day in Par is. she couldn't eat any brea.kfasb, and she a.nd '!JoaJ<s and ronowed the dlrections, I have never of fresh water, he springs up the ascending -· · · recognised, moreover, tha.t children are like· lost a ca.·e of any kind. Mother went to meet Father, while I took current, at the 'same time closing the bag, ~ Yours truly~ ANDREW' Tm, n u:m, "That small investment has brought . and is helpe(l aboar d. The stone Is then Let us not b e too prodigal when we are ly to mio;mderstand, so t~at an apl!ea.rance Grandma's breakfast up to her. I had got· !Io~sl' Doctor. ten all .my things unpacked, and most of young or too parsimonious when we are old, of favourit~sm be avoided. This l~ ~ne large returns," gasped the purchaser of a hauled up, and the diver, after taking breath, 1ons that make the trammg d bne's worth of emetic. Mary·s, when ~om burst into my room, and otherwise we sh!ioll fall into the common of the cons1derav plunges in again, '.rhe source of these copsaid right out : " Margy f!.O t'o Mother ; error of those who 1 when they ha.d t he power 1of children a matter of so much delicacy and ious eubmarine springJ is thought t-0 be in · A great many men acquire $ 2 worth of ~o enjoy, bad not bhe prudence to acquire, I in~ricacy· . It is necessa~y not only to treat Jack's drowned." or six pomposity and arrogance with a $1 public the green hills of o~ma.n, some· I just fell righ t down, with my head in the a.nd when they had the prudence to acquire, children with scrupulous honesty, but make hundred miles distan~. ' ~ffice. bad' no longer the power to enjoy, them feel thu.t they ar e so treated. trunk, I felt as if I had died, or wa.s going - --. .ltf. \lU ·; p f, l. 11.' tr ~____:__ --.;:::,;;..;:_--_ - - -- , -· ,_~ V" - U~;-~EE'~ 1-t'h:H~·m· Wtt l ,1,.{l · · ~ · -.iBl'ili~~-~Yv=PG -.:".1 5~iVMY?'Yffriei.:.. m~~ ... MliT -.._.._. ~"'!~-~~~~~!!'"*!!!!!IRIIJj~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!li!!!!!!!!!!!!·~e! !!'.!'! '!'7!':!!!!!!TT'!!!~~!!!!!-~~:! ----~------, __ _ __ .. ' · ! · ... I /--- r.iOI.:iKS .1.. l I I - What a Time Infants I Children. , Ml. LLl.lfER Y · Spring and Summer Aye _ r 's Pills, LATE MRS. MORRISON at 75 cents on the VVholesale -$ Stamping done as usual. "W. MORRISON. CREAM 4'JIKlt"- :r· .a.. 00 Fine 0 $3T e d PDWDER I CURE FITS! D R Y GO.ODS Some plums in Dress Goods, Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, Clothing, -a special + .y fo; Farm Produce taken in exchang e for Goods. Our Due Bill tak _ en as Cash by Mr. John Eliott, the reliable grocer. Come along and secure bargains. F. A. COLE, Hampton. HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WA.CONS, &O Lumber Wa.gons.................................................................. 5 5 . IENDALL'S SPAVIN CUREm All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired ....-. IENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. KENDALL'S· SPAVIN CURE. I l KENDALL'S SPAVIN _ CURE. l!:'!. -"

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