ll~~ ·l!!!!!!!!!!ZP!!!lft!!!~ ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!~~~~!!!~~~·~·!!!!~~S~!lillll~~u·~ · ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~*!-!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!L~l!lrll! .... !~~J!!!!~~l!l'~ -~~..!..~···~~!~~~~~ "'""'··" -· -· . --~ ....... _ ~"S!~ff-11118!· · -~E&tl·--·:llllll&lllll __ . . ._lliB_!!~~ ...._ll!l!l!l&JLDLqlm19fi~~!llllll!m 'fHE CANADIANSTATESMAN IS PUBLISHED HOUSEH OLD. Hints in Re novating. Hold c:ushad velvet over 11 pan of bolling water, and the stea.m will p:radually rai!e the pile, which you ca.n assist by brushing it in a. contrary dirECtion with · a soft brush. , Brush the dust from black lace, spo n with green tea., a.nd pin it on a blanket to dry, pulling it .into shape a.s vou pin along. Jet passement,eriea mueo be rubbed with flannel and the losil beads replaced. Wash black ca.shmere in suds mg.de of soap bark, rinee in clear water, then in a second water to which blueing has been added. If the goods are much faded, add a good deal of blueing and let the c:i.ehmere lie in this over-night. Pick it up by the edges, and hang In a. shady place to dry, without wringing, a.nd press while still damp. A plain skirt need not be ripped. In coloring dress goods there must be plenty of dye, the cloth must not be crowded, it must be aired often, and must have been very thoroughly wet before it was immersed in the dye. It should not be wrung, let it drain instead, change position on the line while draining or drying, press while damp until every crease is out of it, 11nd thtin lay it away with as few folds in it ae possible. . . The liquor In which soap ba.rk has been bo~l.:d la e;xcellent for washing lawns, cambrics and sateens th&t are easily faded. _They should be wa.11hed in more water tlun woolen· ·goods. It is especially recommen_ d ed tor sa.teens, as it preserves their original i;:loss. Iron on the wron~side while slhzhtly damp. . · B rush black silk with a velvet brueh or rub it with an old lilk ·handkerchief ; then sponge witb ii.lcc.hol and warm water on the wrong 'side, and let it1 drip dry·.. 'D1> not iron or fold it; A . Fiench method is to sponge the Eilk with i hot c11ffee stra.ined through a muslin bag-, Sponge- it on the right side and iron with a medium warm irun when parb.ly_dry. EVERY WEDNESDAY l'tlORNING ·-BY- ]H:,f A.JAMES, AT: TEIE.OJ'EICE ' Post CUfice Block, King Street, Bowman· ville, O~IJU'io: TERM3: Aannm, or $1.CICI If }lnld In advance. ·pa-i-ment etr!ctly in advance required frcm sub!Crlbers oul!ide of the ocunty. Orders to discontinue the psper must be arcompani<d by the amount due, or tbe paper will Dotte stcpred. Subecrl~11i are·rtspousible untii lull payment ie made. JUTES OF ADVERTISING : 6= Wllole Column, one year ... ; ........... $60 00 <:::=§;; " ·· Hn.lfyee.r ··.··· ·.... 3600~~ One qµarter ...... .. 20 00 =~ llAlf Column one year ···· ·· .... ·.. . . 36 00 ~ " Half year ·...···.···· 20 00 _ One quarter_ . .· · .. ... 12 50 _ Quaner Colmr.n one yes.r .......... 20 00 _ ·· " Halt year ......... _ 12 50_ " " Oneque.rter ; .. ; .... 800_ 1'rn liDes and und first insertion $0 50 Earh sub£equen insertion .... . O 25 FrcnHix to ten lines first insertion O 75. E.~h subsequent insertion ..... · O 35tlnr ·ten lines,firstinsertion,perlin o 10-:.._ · l:·c·h subeeoueDt lnserticn" 0 03iTbe numher cl lines to be reckoned by the fl'ace cccupled, m<alured bs a ecale ol solid - -~ . $1.so per Nnip·niL .. I- DRS. 11111.JER ..t: UMMJltlAN, ·pEYSICJ.ANS; SUR GE ONS, ETC Office :....:Cell"· Church and Tempera.nee b ts. Night calls attended from Dr. Hllliera' l'esidence. · -S, G. HILLIER, M. D. . , B. LAMMIN.AN, M ; D. C. M. Trin, Univ. · Fellow of Trill, Med. College, :Member Coll. Ph]'s. Surg., ont. ' FFH' TE t. SOLICITOR, &o. MOPlUS C\K, UJsta!re, King Street, Bowman· B T.J vllle. f olicitor tor the Ontari Ban~· Bl'RK SllllPl!!()N, thro' the rye," or n ot. Life is fullof collisions. We nre_constantly colliding-W:itli somebody er something. If it isn't with our neighbors it is with some .area:d diseases that "knocks us olf the track" aud .perhaps dis· ables us .forclifo. Women especially it.aeems, have to bear the brunt of m11re collisions and atllictions than m1Wkind. In all cases of nervousness, bearing-down sensations, tenderness. i:ieriodical pains, sick headache , con1\estlon, mflammation, or ulceration and all female irregularities" and "weaknesses," Dr. Pierce's Fa·rniite Prescription comes t;o the rescue of women as no other medicine does. It is the only medicine fol" women, sold ·by druggists, uudet" a positive g9.arautee, from the manufacturers, that it will ·(five satisfaction in every case, or. money paid :tor it will be refunded. See ·guarantee on bottlewrapper. Copyrlglit, 1888, by WOllLD's Dis. MED. Ass~. II' A. BODY MEET 4. .BODY··.; .... the result is .a collision, wbetlier "coming I> '>hat.. ll"net~ losv ed-at the lowest rates. PUBLIC, &c. B hing Street, .lolul li.etth Galbraith, &..R RIST E R OLICITOR, NOTARY Dr. PIERCE'S · PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. They nre purely vegetable nnd per- , fectly harmless. One a Dose. Sold py · druggists. 20 cents e. vie.I· 011'1.ce-Bounse.ll's Block, Bowmanville~_o_n_ey to ieDd, . ·BS, McLA.lTGBJ.11\' di BE _!TH, 'Ol'll'ICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWlllANVILLE. The Wrinkled Oilcloth. · There was a big hobble in the 'centre of the two-yard strip oj oilcloth that only a i' 'Dr,J,W.MOLAUGHLIN, Dr. A. BEITH. Gre.du . SAM JONES. a month before had bten tacked in place by licentiate of the ~~ya!- ·ate of the Toronto the wood box. The sitting-room door drag · . . . ·e onege of Phys1ciansl ·'UI.d member of the U!'.uversity, Ph ysic1e.n, Some Choice Exprcssions from the E,·an· ged e.nd caught on it when opened or closed, \Royal College of Sur,, Surgeon, &:c. gclist's Sermon& In New Orleans. and the great puffy bul~e wickedly tlipped coons, Edinburgh, grandpa's and the little folk's feet. Chrlstia.nitv is th e science of life. " I shall be glad whei;i this : aggravating, -.B.·.J, CJ, MI'I:CHELL, You boys keep quiet or git out. Now don't you feel mea.n, you old devil ~staring wrinkle,spliLs, so the broken edges le MBKR OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ·"I "nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. lap over on· themselves and . this door will yoa? Oii! ie and Resld,ence, E11-niskillen. 7'. DR. J, E. BINGBl\lll, V . S., A preacher who ·does not hold family will rmin~ without a hitch!" Mary ex prayer an't fib to be pastor of a Jitter of claimed, giving the offending door an impaHonora"y Grado·tA Ontario Voterina.ry llll. E. (J, Jtf.-DOW E..L pups. tient jerk 11.s she tried to 'o pen it, c~rrying College, ICENTIATE OF R OYAL COLLEGE Some of you will go off and criticise. a loalled tray of dishes. · Calls promptly a ttended to, night or day, :But the oilcloth was new and strong, and of Ph]'Bicijans. London, Eng.;Member of You blabmouthed fools, who cares wha.tyou Warranted to prevent the hair trom falling (} 1fic1> - II lgglub.,tlmm'~ B ot·k, Scco11d 1loor, College ot Physicians, and Surgeons. Ontario. think? with wear the. bulge grew longer and higher, B1>w11Jnnv llle. 14 4m. i:!URGERY AND RESI·DENCE;-Rear ot Messr11. out and will make it grew, witb no speedy promise of a split. liillginbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanvllle; Brother Black there don't want a.t'y more i:TI have also a ti ne lot of new 8tampin11 . · . · 6- lfr.* memhers in his church, for half he's got an't . ." I will cut that wrmkle and tack down Pe.~terne. A.11 ord_ ers promptly attended to. · the e dges as .far as they lap, and be rid of worth killing. · ~his nuisance a t once l" l said oue da.y when f" I E L D &, . M 0 L L· The only difference between 11he Baptists .t7 · · · ·,. · · and the .Methodists is the d ifference between the opening door haci brought up against the Nee.de' Block .. Bowmanvme BARR IST E RS, Solicitors,: Notaries, &c. high·cock -11--lorum and low-cock -a.-highrem. bubble in the ma.tt-icg with a sudden jer k, lf any one here don't believe w hat I say, 1Zivin1Z .onr hurrying bab y a cruel bump. But -J COLBORNE a nd COBOURG. a.nd will tell me so, I will give him a hat j ust then Aunt Martha came in and t ofd us HONEJ! TO I.OAN. and soma dentist a job of replacing his a better way to remedy the matter. " Oilcloth always st retches with wear and F. M·..¥.t E_!.D, B. A. ___JOH~ n,rMcCOLL teeth, from the wisdom t-0oth down. . should never be tacked· en all sides ; t hen, as I. the biggest fish that ewime. W lll, BINGBA.M, The tieni tent sinner is the man who falls it atretche!I, it can find room for the extra down, j umps up, rubs hie s·hine, and i;:oea space it must ha.ve. You t acked this matSSUEROF MABRIAGE · LICENSES, a ting as snug and firm ()D every side as though -r unning. · · Residence, En niskillen.~ WILL CURE OR RELIEVE You are all bla.ckmouthed devils who it had been rag carpeting, and no wonder it DIZZINESS, s. CJ, RIJNIUNG, belong to the church, and when the ytllow wrinkles. Remove· the tacks en the wall BILIOUSNESS, DROPSY side, where the oil-cloth will have plenty of DYSPEPSIA ICENSED AUCTIONEER F{)R,- ::fey~ came were white with fear, FLUTIERING . the County of Durham. Sales attended I don't know of anything to~o bad for you room to spread as it stretches, and the loose INDl'1ESTION, OF THE HEART, to on shortest notice e.nd lowest rates. Addrass old mangy hounds who refuse to vote against edge will not be apt to trip feet and the JAUNOICE1 wriDkle will soon lie flat." :10tf11TICB P. O. 36:tf the damnable wliitky traffic. , ERYSIPELAS ACIDITY OF We followed Aunt Hartha's advice and SALT RHEUM, ·I don't know who le these fellowa' spiritual THE STOMACH, S, B111lDEN ~ CO., the sitting-room door soon swung free ·of daddy. HEARTBURN1 DRYNESS I VETERINARY SURGEON. . A UCTIONEERS for the County of any hindrance, and we wondere.d t hat pe'o p. Y ou old skunk, you ! OF THE SKIN , ORONO, - ON'f, f t Durham; Insurance and Genera! Agente, A hlgh·licen11e preacher won't be in hell ten le as bright as we think ourselves ha.d never HEADACHE, .A.11d every species o:t disease a.rising ·v.a:Juatt>r and Real Estate Agente. S.e.les and Office.- Post Oiliae Block. i'J'Om d iS07'dered LIVER. KIDNEYS. ·other business promptly attended to; Box 172, minutes before the devil will have him sad - thought! how to remedy such a nuia!lnce. STOMACH, B OWELS OR.BLOOD. Ca;l-1 by t elegroph or t eleph me receive imBcwmanvllle P. 0. 36-~t dled and bridled, riding him around and VETERINARY SURGEON, exhibiting him as a curiosity. media.te a.tr ent ion. [Advice to the Newly Manied. l.'ropri.;6~~N~o. RO\.VlUA.NVILI~E , ONT. Pianos Tuned and' Repaired. 1 If any merchant here keeps open during Af~erjy?u two_ nice yonng people arer eally these meetings it will he some little 15 cent-flea -for-his h ide-and-tallow member of marned, 1ust be natural. I hope you have ARTIES WISHING THEIJtP IAN OS 1k1n-a . been nea.rl)' so before . If yon have fault.Tuned or r epa1rea can h avetb.om attended some ohuroh. Just mash their mouths and l ou've got'em. a.a everyone has, myself EX~epted !- try to '" br leaving word ie.t the DOllUNION ORGAN 'Co' OBTICE, Bowmanville .A first-cla s man trhe Lord can catch these infid~ls ; the correct them, because you ought; but don't iiu~ beiDR In their emplo!' only trouble is he hardly has a hook small worry for fea.r your husba.nd will get tired of you, J uat go on being your own loving, enough fJr tbem to ewal!ow. 'VIL 1.1.UI l'J:llD. I can put 100 of these little infidels in my trusting self, and don'u be afra.id of showing RACTICAL BOOK BINDER. All vest pocket and never know they are there your love. The sister who advised us not to speak .our love will never have me for her work done in fi1st·claes style at the except I felt;for my toothpick, J<1i<rst Toronto priceP, Orders left at the eedn't be a slave; that is What are you old Pres byterians kir.king dfociple. You n_ store rt 1\lr, Trebilcock or the residence of R. not right upon the very face of it. . ~- F itld, Centre·st., Bowmanville. 20- 3m. about - you old possum-ea.red hounds ? Live You can't always appear before your hnsones kiok- dea.d ones don't. If \I, man was t o come to my town ·a nd t a.lk about my band wit h a fresh ribbon in yonr hair. If KOBT. YOlTNG,1 V. S. like I have yours I would either cow· you a.r e the dear fellow's cook and house keeper, you needn't wo.rry the roses out of FFICE THE .W EST DURHAM church hide him or build a new church. . N ewe Block. wh~~e \himself or assistant your cheeka trying to al ways meet him .in b~ found ~rem 8 e.,,m :.~ 9 p.m. .Night calls company dress. If you . have each other 's r t es1dence,d1r rctly oppo1!1te Drill Shed, Ce.Us Altered Cases. confidence, ~nd are t h,e "chume" you ought l. 'Y tel.egraph or telephon·e will receive prompt Colored Lld :- "Gamm11n to see ya., mum," to be, he wall nnderst a.nd all these libtle " ent1 on._ 17l·yr Lady of the house (~t breakfaat): " Very well thinge. If you feel. bad, don't be afraid to John; show him into t he parlor ." John'. t ell him so; but be c11or ehil not to let your·" Oh I .but it'~ the gemma.n com!l t o sweep self complain too much, for your own s11ol> e he cbimbly.' L:idy (much nettled): "Then 11nd for t he sake of a.11 tllat is good and ·Gentlemen's· Clothes Made toOrder. Show him up the chimney. " pleasant in your home. Try desperately to Reep y our temper ; it troubles a good husband to hear hie wife scold. Of course, he thinks Tb.a Alternative. The Dantiat'e daughter (who hears her It is "nervousness" and is " afraid the poor father approaching) : " Oh, dear Edward girl is sick." So I wouldn't scold muchhere comes my father l If he ahould find us if I could.help it. It just 10 happens t he.t· together here we are loilt~ Oh, he is coming I when people are properly married, they £ou will either have to &l!k for my hand or manage to grow together unconoiouely. 0 They may cqme t o speak less often of their - let him pnll out a tooth.for v ou. love, becauae it grows t o be so much a part ~ of themselves and sh ows itself ir every look · CATARRR. and 1testure. T here will always be tbe spoken word and the lovioit caress, butnot A. New Rome Treatment for the Clure or so often, perhaps, 11s in the firet sweet novel· ty of .having a heart all one's own ~ We Catarrh, Cntnrrhal Dearness, nnd grow used to happineH. And besides, a · Hay Fever. · The microscope has proved that t hese man'11 life·is full of the more pr·ctical things, ·Graduate oftheRoyal Collegeot Dental diseases are contagious, and that they are whill his wife's work lies in the charmed Surgeons, Ontario. due to.the presence of living parasites in the circle of loving, hearts at>d tender, clin~ing GUABANTEED TO COVEB PER CEN!I. MORE PHAN lining 1membre.ne of the upper air. passagf!s ·I 0 FICE OPP OSI'l'E E XPRESS OFFCE. and eustachlen tubes. The eminent scient· hands. Her vooabulary is the la:oguage IIOLD E'ILLING A SPECIALTY lets Tyndall, Huxley and Beale endorse this of tenderness, her business is with her loved ANY OTHER OXIDE IN THE M ABKEP. ·ARTll"IOIAL T EETH INSERTED WITH OUT and these authoritle~ cannot he disputed'. ones ; while he must deal with men and The r egular method of treating the diseases t hings and ta.lk of rates and pl"Ofits, of plantPLATES. is to · apply en irritant remed;y weekly and FORMS BEAUTIFUL WARM TINTS wlth WHITE LE.AD. even daily, thus keeping the delicate mem- ing and plowing. No, sister, dcn't be Gl'eat Reductions in price on a ll Dental brane in a constant state of irritation alarmed. J11st be a good lovirg girl, keep·work. Vitalize~ Air, constantly in use pro. accompanied by violent sneezing, allowing ing on confidental terms with your husband, l uol.ng Painless Operations. Particule.r atten DOES NOT SCALE OR PEEL OF:F. ·Hon paid to the i egulation· ot Children's Teeth it no chance to heal, and as a natural conse. and he will go on congre.tulat lng himself quence of such treatment not one permanent -...ALL WORK W .ARRANTED. .._ cure .bas ever been recorded. It is a n and wondering b ow be ever happened to COVERS 100 PER CENP MORE THAN LEAD.· absolute fa.ct that these diseases cannot be · Bran'ch office. Dr: Rutl1erford's Orono cnre'd by any application ma.de oftener than win you away from all the other fellows once in two weeks, for the membrane must who must ha.ve been admiring you. get a chance to heal before any e.ppl!ce.tion Tlils . YEA.R' S Is repeated. It is now 7 yrs. since Mr. Dixon d!scover!ld ,the parasite in Catarr h and formNot an Entirely Hopeless Case. ulated his new treatment, and since t hen hie remedy . has become a houeehold word in The proprietor of a "matrimonial esta.b!Ivery country where the English language is spoken, Cures elfected by him seven yea.rs lishment" in E urope was one day visited by ago are cures still, there having been no a lady of such ex treme pla.inneas that he was VlJT a nd PL1TG return of the disease. So highly are these remedies valued, and at fir~ b aghBSt. He manaj\'ed, however, to so great ls the demand for them, t hat ignor· collect himself and assume hie usual cour. ant imit11tors have started up ever:v-where' tecus ,manner. prete11ding to destroy a parasite, of which The lady proceeded to state that she had t hey know notbing, by remedies tho r esults a considerable fortune, but t hat, from some of the application of which t hey are equally FINER THAN EVER. ignorant Mr. Dix on's remedy is applied. unacoountable r eason, she had been unable only once In two weeks, e.nd from one to to find a. husband to her liking. She ended .See three applications effect a permanent cure in by asking: "Now don't you think you c.iuld most aggravated cases, N; B.- For ca.tarrhal troubles peculie.r to females (whites) this reme· find me a good' party, sir ?" dy is a specific. · " Ah, yes, madame !" said the agent very Mr , Dixon sends e. pamphlet describing his polibely, " T here's no telling ; there may new treatment on the receipt of ten cents in be 11 blind ma.n in at any moment J" stamps. '.l'be addreas is A, H. Dixon & Son 303 King street west, Toronto, Canada ..:. in bronze on S~enti ftc American. · The Lord Provost of Edinburgh refuses to Each PLtJG & PAUKA.GEI Sufferers from ce.te.rrha troubles sh~u'.d officiate at t he ..::onferring of the freedom of tl- l y carefully read the above. that city on Mr. Parnell. j 'A L The Ruline;'Passion of a. Deadhead. A lobbyist from .New York city, who ha.d been a railroaddeadhea.dfor ma ny years, wa.a called to his home during the l&te sesabn of For people to expect a cure for Indigest he last L~gislature by a telegram announction, u nless they r efrain from eating in'1' the serious illneso of his wife. As he was what is unwholesome; but if anything waiting for tb.e trl\in for N ew York to be will sharpen the appetite and give tone made up he Doticed the conductor wa.11a. new to the digestive organs, it is Ayer' s Sar· man, whom he did not know, and then for saparilla. Thousands all over the land t he first time he ca.lied to mind the f&ct tha.t testify to the merits of this medicine. he had left hie anr ual pass over that roa.d up at his b 1 a1dir.ghouse. Approaching the conMrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 248 Eighth ductor, he introduced himself and told the street, South Boston, writes: "My hus. circumst11onces, said that a.I! tbe conduct ors b and h as taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla , for knew him, and he never had to show his pass Dyspepsia and t orpid liver, and has to them, eo he h a.dbeen caulesraboutit. been greatly benefited." "I have no doubt it is all right, " said the conductor, "buu I can'i; carry you. " "B11t ." said the gentlema.n, pleadlnj\', "my wife is very ill. I must go to New Yo:k on C. Canterbury, of 1!11 Franklin st., this train. · Boston, Mass., writes, that, suffering "I am sorry," replied the ccnductor, "but for years from Indigestion, he was at I cannotcarry you.'· last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Is there anybody around here authorized and, by its use, was entirely cured. to issue a -ps.ss ? Anybody who can give rue one ?" Mrs. J oseph Aubin, of H igh street, The conductor knew of nobodyaround the H olyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year depot who had that authority, but ab last from D yspepsia, so that she could not touchE;d by the lobbyist'11 predicam~nt, he e~t. substan~al food, became very w~ak, said: and was unable to care for her famlly· "I ca.n' t carry you for nothing, but I will Ne~ther t~e medicines prescribed by advance the money to you if- ' ' cian s, lJ,Or any of the remedies- .. "Thunder and lightning!" excla.imad the. . physi_ lobbyist, smiling ir.11 over ; "I've got& hund . adver t ised for t~e cure of Dyspepsia, red dollars right here.in my pooket," and he help ed h er , until she commenced the ran off to bny a ticket, When he ca·me back use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Three he said : b ottles cif this medicine," she writes, "Conductor, if v ou hadn't mentioned " cured me." money I should never ofh11,ve thoughtofpa.ylng my fare. I had forgotten th&~ I could tr11vel on anything bun a pass."-[A1 bJ.ny' Ar!(us. PREPARED BY Dr. J. c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. 1.H11htma.re. Price $1; sb; bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. This fa t he result of a. . condition of the nervous system in which the cerebrum is active, but in which there is no control of , the lower part · of the brain,...:....that part which controls muscular a.ctloil. A person CJ.D feel, but cannot move. 1t seems to be a sort. o! ,. temporary paralysis of the muscles of motion. It is sometimes caused .by overheating otthe epinal cord (feather-beds are no~ . o~tirely cut of fashion yet), &nd ab o bv :pressure of the stomach upon thr aorta. Perhaps the 8tomach s distended by a late supper of various indigestible viands, and lying upon' the ha.ck t his vreat load impels thecir ' ulation ~ . of the blood to the lower pa.rt of the body., Sometimes nightmar e is due to purely nervous ca.uses, and can be cured by curinv the j nervous disorder which he.a brought it on. . , ' - - ·- .. . r Ute~ spending much t ime pnd money, I aru Jay Go.uld Is very cJ.re. le~s _ ae to how h e 1 ·, .ave iow prepared _to fl_ J .J ·an prompt"'a tine assortment of ord.,r· WAVES, BANGS. draws his chec·ks. While traveling on a SWITCHES, COM BS and PINS very cheap. western trip he once drew up a check for; B~NGS FRO~ $2 UP. several millions on the b ack ot an envelope. i ..>Id Sv:itcbes co·ored and made to look like The whole was in hh own handwriting a.nd / new. Highest price paid for long cut hair. has bo.nored on aij,iht. · . BAIR TONIC ,_ It · IS Absurd Ii:~t ~~oV=w~aTar!~:~~: STA.TES ..&ND SECT;ONS will be Bunt on BP· plication-FRi!;E. .' · To those who want their advertising ., pay, n igh we can offer no better medium for 1 and effective work than the various se., :ns of our Select Lecal List· ....,,_,.., Glm. 1'. ROWELL~" UO., Newepaper Adve.rtising Rnreal!i 10 Spruce street, New xork, A new assortment of summer Hats and B onnets. No difficulty in pleasing any A Confirmed Dyspeptic. WOMAN who ch Goses to buy. N o better can be I ,. FOUND this side of T oronto. We are not DEAD to the fact that to gain a first· dass trade we must k eep ·b~t alive Ayer's Sarsaparilla, IN I ' tock firsb-cla.ss millinery. Do not fail t o select your Hats and Trimmin)?s in t.ime. Perfec t satisfaction at the Misses Wilson ; BOWMANVILLE~ ------ Fine Hair Goods. LA . DIES. I I· p H atron1'ze ome TR .A DE I I / c6 Mrs. A. DA "\TI S , I I L !We - we~ i ~~mY, lOH1 N SPE1 NC ER, T. MILBURN & CO., P P O IN R. PEATE, Tail<P'~ DENTISTRY.~ ~ - 0. HARNDEN, L. D. I oO MYR-TLE ABSOLUTELY PURE. SMOKIN<rro·BACCO