Two Tramps A broad. Remnant Sale! ~..A..T ~ JOHN J. MASON'S Dry Goods and Jewelry llouse. Our annual Rernnant sale will this year, assume large proportions, and be a memorable event with all who delight in buying cheaply, we have done so large a business that we have Dozens of Piles of Remnants which we are aware will have to be sacrificed, we perfectly willing to let thern go cheap, we have had .a good run this year ·.The Largest, May and June . Sales . ever done in the shop, . and as a considerable portion of the ends ,are part of the McClung· Stock~ and cost us cheap, ·we can afford to· let go easy. We r,an fit the largest OI/" the smallest with lt Remiiant to suit then'i. · over 40 Remnants of casllmeres or Henriettas, over 100 ends dress goods, prints etc.·, ~nds of Silks, ends of Tweeds, Capets etc., all must go as we have no further -use for them. Call and get the choice of the sacrifice~ )..,.ours etc. JN()'. J. MASON. C~.A.S~ Fl.."'CJ"SE'S .1).al Schoo] 0 fl)>~);, .. 0 JI~ 0.,-0.C ~~ . -..l((Q~. .r i) BAXTERIAN EDUCATIONAt COURSES for the study of Music in its seve.ral departments r.!o Over 600 Lessons in one School Year. Special attraction for lady studentP by uniting with the first and only. LADIES' BAND in Canada. Tuition, $80 pet School Year, OF FOE.TY WEEKS. Degrees . Conferred · by DR. BAXTER, ® Diplomas A warded of Baxter U niversity of Music, !llew York. Further particulars by addt·essing O:S:4-S- RU-SE:7 Box 88, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. . M :A..-YN _A_RD_ 'I'lIE JEWELLER, Extends his thanks for the very liberal patronage he received since commencing busil!ess. His Stock being New and Stylish and bis prices very moderate, is no doubt the cause of his success. 'l'BE NEW LINE OF · . : s:EAV-Y SILVER VT..A..TC::S:ES SHOULD BE SEEN AT ONCE. ---:<>:--- LADIES GOLD AND SILVEB WATCHES AT .A.LL PBICES. ---:o:-WEDDING RINGS, SCARF PINS, CHAlNS LOCKETS AND CHARMS, 1N EVERY 8TYLE, AND AT ALL PRICES. - --:o--Remember mv Goods are guarranted to be j ust as represented. WATCH REPAIRING attended t'o as usual, Promptness and skillful work· manahip-my motto-and all work warranted. Your patronage solicited. "Md ¥NJ.RD The Jeweller." Children Cryfor Pitcher's_ Oastor~_a~ Scott's E rn1ilsion of P 11r e Cod L iver Oil wi th H ypophosplvites. is uneq ualled. The rapidity with which children gain flesh and strength upon i t is very wo nderful. "I have used Scott's E mulsion in cases of TOWN COUNOIL. Rickets and Marasmus of long standing. In every case the improvement was mark· COUNCIL R ooM, ,July 8 th, 1889. ed.- J . M . Main, M. D. , New Yor k. The council met on call of the Mayor. Solcl by all Druggists, 50c. and $1. Present : the Mayor, presiding, and Messrs. Burden, Prow<.r, Worth, Galbraith, Allen, Buckler,Horoey,Pattinson a nd L oscombe. The minutes of the last meeting were re1d and confirmed, 'fhe followiug c0mmunications were presented:]'rom County Clerk, giving county r ate required t o be raised in the town. Referred to Finance committee. From Sanitary E ngineering Co., respecting the d ispos,U of sewage. Rec'd and filed . · :From Levi Morris, notifying the council of his appointme.nt as Inepector of Anatomy. Rec'd and filed. From Public School Board, askinir for the sum of $7000 to complete and equip the school building in course of construct ion . Laid on the table. 'From secretary of Boa1·d of High School, giving estimates of sums required in conn ection with their school. Referred t o F inance Committee. Mr. Allen presented report from the spe· cial to which was r eforred the petition of the Mechanics' Institute, recommending the grant of $100. R ec'd and adopted. Mr. Horsey presented a report from t he F inance Committee, recommending payment of sundry accounts, which l1ad been referred to them. Rec'd and adopted. J Communication was presented from Stott &Jury, in reference to repairs in their shop. Laid over. Moved by Mr. Burden, seconded by Mr_ Worth, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed t o notify Mr. W. H . Williams to remove his fence off the mad al· lowance in the southwest boundary of this corporation. Carried. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Allon, that the dema.nd for $ 7000 made upon this council by the Public School Board be granted to the extent of $7000, and that the matter be ref.erred to the F inance committee to prepiu·c and bri11g in a by-law for the issuing of a""d-e-· "" bonture or debentures to meet the said demand, said committ1B to report at ne:x.t meeting of this cou11cil. Carried. Moved by Mr. Prower, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, tlrn.t an order be drawn on the DEAR STATESMAN.-1 aw in despair. One month's tramping h 1111 been done since we left Glasgow where ·llY last letter left ofl'. It is tiresome worJ. this unceasing sig ht-seeing. Every day gives more than would make an interesting letter if one h ad the genius plus muscle and cour· age to write its record, but thou~h the spirit is willing the fles h is too often ex· haueted. "The Baron " says it is useless to write about J!:dinbuq~h for everyone describes that but we had the good for. tune to visit it while the General .Aesembly of the Church of Scotland and the Free Church were in session and it would be unpardonable to onut mention of the courtesy shown us there. We were intro· ductid to the Moderator's Breakfast. This gave us an opportunity of meeting the celebrities of both churches and made our attendance at the various sessions mo1·0 pleasant. The "Kirk" session is opened every morning with much parade. The Lord High Commissioner, who occupies Holyrood Palace during the sitting of Assembly, comes to the Hall every morninl!: attended by a mounted body ~uard. A deputation awaits his coming and the Mace is borne with great pomp befora him until he takes his place on the throne. At·the }, ree Church Hall there is much less display, but a larger attendance. The Moderator of the :Froe Church wears court dreas under the fiction that it is still part of the Church of Sco~land and that Her Majesty me.y enter at any time. We were struck with the fact that the members are older men than those in our Canadian Church, I presume ibis in conseq uence of this that more of them are. bald, at any rate on actual count I as· certained that 71 per cent have worn out their head covering. A 2entleman questioned on this point said "It is a sort of professional mark set on them by nature." Both churches are turbulent over SU'" gested modifications-the Confession 7>£ F11oith. Some of the c.lder men deeply concerned feariag a split in the Church. The Scottish Church Ji ke the Canadian Church is eviden~ly moving towards a different exprt'ssion of its faith_ Of course.we roamed through the Caa· tie, inspected the Royal Regalia, visited Holyrood Palace and looked for the spot of blood where Rizzio was murdiired. We se>ent .two happy hours in the house oc· C;upied by J ohn Knox, visited St. Giles' Church where Jennie Geddes threw the historic stool. In the Museum of An· tiquities we saw the stool, a little leather covered camp stool with the seat nearly torn in two. There may be seen also the old oak pulpit from which Knox moved Scotland. We climbed Calton Hill- the first place the visitor to Edinburgh should go to, for from top of Nelson's Monument one gains ttle best bird's eye view of this magnificent city of seven hills. Edin· bui:~h is a magnificent and beautiful city - the finest in Britain. We visibed "Abbotsford, the residence of Sir Walter Scott, and Dryburgh Abbey where he is buried. Melrose Abbey also whera Scottso often went ·to such inspiration and where Bruce's heart is interred. The three may be seen in one day and should on no acc o ul!!_b~Q!llit_t~!>.y the tourist. It is better not to engage a carriaoe (all carriages are called "'machines" h~re) in the shtion yard for th ey may be obtained much cheaper _ outside. The trip to Ayr is inexpensive and intensely interestiog to all who admire Burn' s poems. The "'ram O'Shanter 's Inn" a ud t he "Twa Brigs O'Ayr " are pointed out. Two miles from the town stands the Old Alloway Kirk where Tam '""saw t he deil playing the bagpipes. . A ehor~ dist1mce beyond is the old brig O'Doune where Tam's mare suffered. Tam, whose name was Thomas Graham is buried in t he Alloway graveyard ; so is B urne' father. The Burns' monument is close by where relics of the pqet are kept and whe1e we saw the origina,l statues of Tam O'ehanter and Souter Johnnie. The pomt however that gratified us most was th e little old J10use w11ere Burns was b orn. We pulled a few straws of t hatch from its dAeply covered roof to keep as mement oes. M. P. T . 'l'reasure1· in favor of Thos. H oar, Chief of F ire Department, for the sum of forty dollars, to aes1st in defraying the expenses of the band at Port Hope on July lst ,inst. Carried. Mr. Burden stated t haLapplication had been made to him for the rerno\·al of some of tho shade ·trees in front of t he Disciple's meeting house. Left to t he committee. On motion adjou rned . R. Wn rnATT, Town Clerk. . ·-· I DISTRICT NOTES. Mr. George Broe · 4th · concession of East Whitby cut. rye on the '2nd instant H was 8 foet h igh. THE B.ALTIJ\IORE Pos·r OFFICE.- ! don' t care who is · appointed to the Baltimore post oftfoe, said General Johnson to the president, but I do insist that my cook use Imperial Cream Tartar Baking P ow· der. I am done with powder containing alum and ammon ia. :t: Mr. Geo. J. Stephens, an old resident of Cobourg, died at the residence of his daugl11ter in Montree.l, last week. Ayer's Hair Vigor has long held the first place, as a hair dressing, in the esti~ mation of the public. La.dies find that this preparation gives a beautiful gloss to the hair, and gentlemen use it to p re· vent baldness and cure humors in the scalp. t Mr. Thoe. 'l'aylor, lake shore, East Whitby, hae a grade Durham cow, seven years old, which has he.d four calve!! in 54 weeks-having twins twice within that time. K EL LY'S CRoss, P. E. 1.--Kidney complaint and bad stomach troubled me for years, but I was cured by taking less than one bQttle of Bnrdock Blood Bitters. For my present good hee.ltl1 I owe my thanks· t o B. B. B., writes James Gorman, sen. Last Thursday afterf10011 a young man named James Watt, employed in Hender-, son Bros. plaining mill Cobourg, had bot h hands severely ma ngled by being drawn into one of the machines. FREELY UsEJ>.-Mr. "Vm. Mann, of Ottawa, Ont., writes : I have ue ed Dr. For ler'a Extract of Wild Strawberry in my family with the very best results. I recommend i t to my friends a nd think it the best medicine in use for e.ll summer .complaints, diarrhrea, dysentery, etc. An eight year old boy, only son of W. H. Meldrum, of the firm of Meldrum Davidson & Co., P eterboro,onWednesday last got caught in a b elt in the mill and one of h is legs was tor n off above t he knee1 CAusing death. THE AN CIENT CArITAL.-Qaebec. I been troubled with indigestion for the past two years and tried many medicines without avail. I tried Burdock Blood Bit ters e.nd can say there is nothing equal to it. Thome.a O'Brien. B. B. B. cures dyspepsia, biliousness and constipation. CORBETT'S Porn·r has been occupied aa a camping ground by t he Salvation Ar my corps, for some t wo weeks, and on Sunday some 4COO people al"e said t o have 1 by Stafl' 1 A CLO SE CALL.- After imffering for three weeks from Cholera _ lnfantum so that I was not expected to live, and, at the time, would even have been glad had death ca.lied me, so great was my suffer· ing, a friend recommended D r. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, which acted like magic on my system. But for this medicine I would not be alive now. John · W. Bre.dsha.w, 393 St. Paul St., Montreal P . Q. The employees of the Midland R ailway will hold their annual pic-nic a.t Sturgeon Point on t he 20th of July. . .· No. ~-R~e ~.n:-ati ~ m, G o ut """"'."A d istinguished nrnl ·H! ll·~no 1' 11 Spec1:ihst m tl11~ t.!is(l;i~c i n P:i. ris nud who irc:t.t"' n othmg el~. built hi::; rcput::ition on this r~nH.~I)~. $ J.OO. " tion a nd Constapat1 on-A fa,·or itc :;~au!{htcr6c1U for 1 hc q unck ' "ho !1as rtii~c1 l mprc ::itomaclts tl i;ln~ a lCt)ht)! U~C .3. n . ·rncUy . tliat is sanclrnned in h i~h placi:.:;. Si.oo. " · . No. 4-Liver a nd _ K id ney· , Dys peps ia, Indiges- H .1 s ln~:Hed to brt!ak. it for a time, cr;'t(bc:nc s 1t. .$1. 00. W h1 te,s- ~y~t<'yt; No. ~Fe~erand Ag ue , Dumb Ague, Mala r ia, Ne_u ral~1.a-h.~w know what g-r.:i\·c clarnag~ this docs to th e U~t: a rc111cdy lh;.it No. 6 - · Fema le Weak ness, Irregula rities, :11~;f~j 11 ~~~i1~~i:l::~t1 1l1 ~h'$~~~·mtt sca:cd, Use. No.. 6 a nd regaiii M any ~,·0111(·n :irC' h rok~n clowp bcc11u~e they ncf:l<"ct ri:~\ 1\~~~;f~~~l ~~!J~f l~·t.c!I. wc~ k . if blood i~ poor. i ( ~crv.wuy, No. 7 --Healt h, .For m and F u ln e ss-Dcpc11ds rm 1 r~-ridden p u blic -wilt hail a g enuine unfortuna1u condit,ion. No. 8 is f.!olclcn, w J1ic'1 tr 1a.I will prove. Bew.ire of tgllorant quacks who chnrg-c; h itf l prices fol' cheap a nd w orthlc~ th ufr-? a mJ p ills, ;mcl ,\ tio cxp(}sc y ou hy 5clltn.(!" y our confirlen11al lct t<.."rs to o t h c4;; m t l11,; same ncfo.nou;:; Lu~mcss. L'se N~ Ba11d Ji1.:c. 0~1u.._ ~.L n~mcdy for, a n No. 8- Ne rvous Debility, Lo ss of Po wer, Im - poten ce-A Insecticides. - - -o·- - - Pure Paris Green, Insect Powder. - - A.N D - ALL KINDS OF FLY PAPER ct!~~-dM1c~=r~~,v~£8.r~~~~~-ted J BIGGINBOTHAM-& · · · · -AT- .c Chemists and Druggists. BOWMANVILLE. Best and Cheapest Fence STEEL RODS- IRON FOUNDATI ON, For Rickets, Marasmus, and all Wasting Disorders of Children BUILDERS' IRON WORK, Office Railings, Lawn Furniture AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. ADDR E SS Barnum Wiro &Iron Warka (L:C:M::CT::E:D), WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. Toronto Office---4 Adelaide St. West. ! i The ONTARIO CAR and FOUNDRY CO. (Limited.) ..,.. London, Ont., Feb. 6th, 1889. Messrs. THE WILLIAM JOHNSO:t'f CO.~ Montreal, Que. Dear Sirs :---Tpe Magnetic Iron Paint which you have furnished to this Company for a number of years past has given the VERY BEST SATISFACTION. It has always been well ground and mixed, and in body and covering capacity gave us exceedingly good results. I wish the new Company every success. Yours truly, (Signed) THOMAS M'UIR~ Manager Ontario Car Co. ·