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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1889, p. 1

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i'BRMB :-$1.50 Pu A.n"Ull. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THJI: WORLD A.FTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES VOLUME EDITOR AND PROl'RlltTOR, Ni:w SERIES. NUMBJCB 571. BOW:MANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1889 . BURKETON. The hay crop is almost gathered and is al.ova the average. Some wheat has been cut. Mr. Gifford expects to take possession of the hotel proper~y, which he recently purchased, at Christmas. Mr. Gibby returned from Buffalo on Monday n ight. He spent an eDjoyable time and declares the city to be a model one. For a place of ite size, Burketo'n promises to celebrate a large number of weddings this fall. Keep your eye open for reports. Some people. are fond of knitting or at least take great pleasure in mending a.rticlee of clothing, tha.t is, if a. collec tion of C!arning·needlea indicates s uch. We announce with deep regret the death of the daughter of Mr. Jesse Knapp, of Buffalo, who formerly resided in this village. They have the eympathy of their many friends in their sad bereavement. XXXV. NUl\IBEB :JO. Great Sale - OF- ENNISKILLEN. I HAYDON. SUMMER DRY GOODS! -4'K1 ~o co-Uc:a, Absolutely Pure. POWDER A WORD TO FARMERS. TO .~LL TYRONE. Farm laborers seem to be in great demand . Miss Etta. Campbell has 1'een appointed assistant teacher of the b ible class. Barley harvest is in full blast by many and it is reported an excellent crop. Top buggiea was in great demand on Thureday last. Artie took the cake. Mr. Charles P 0ttor, Port Rowan, is vieiting his mother , Windsor Castle. l\IessTs. Jos. Moore & Co. havu been shipping n~w potatoes t o town recently. Our Worthy Mayor is a bout to declare our civic holiday . T he notice will be out shortly. MiBB Bertie Brent officiated a t the organ on Sabbath morning. in t he absence. of the organist. Mrs. J. Mitchell, Sr., Enniskillen, was here calling on friends last week, before leaving for Brandon. Meesr~. F. Harris' and A. Mannin~ passed the recen t Entrance examination: at Bowmanville, ~ery creditably. Congratulations, b oys. On Thursday last our young people had a day's outing at L·ke Scug0g. They report a very enjoyable time, but fish was not to be found-suckers all gone down stream. On tho afilornoon of the same day a large nu mber of stripling3 .held a pic·n ic at Mr. John Hodgson's grove, west of t h e village, when a happy time was spent by the young folks. ORONO. JOHNSTON & CRVDERMAN'S. They are selling a lot of Dress Goods at half price. Thie powder nover vsr1es. A marvel Ill purity, strength and wholesomeness. More oconomlcal than tho ordinary .Kinds, and oan not be sold In competition with the multltnde of low teet, short weight, alum or pboephllte vowders: Sold only in oane. ROYAL BAR· ING POWDER 'C0 ·· 106 Wall St.. N. Y. WilOl\I IT MAY CONCERN. l'A.R.&SOl.S AT ABOUT HALl? PRICE. -AND- Prints at RedUCed Prices. To .reduce their present Stock and make room for their Fall Irn_ ,. :!lortations, great bargains will be given in-aH departments. COUCH~ I take this method of thanking my old customers and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to me during the years that I have been in business and having fitted up a Jl:OOd show room and office on the site lately occupied by Mr. C. R ogers on Silver St., between Percy's blacksmith shop and the News office, where I shall be pleased to see my old friends or make new ones, and I invite all who want anything in the following lines to call and eee me and examine goods and compare prices and quality b efore placing your orders : agricultural machinery, steam and h orse power threshin!! machines, B1'antford binders, reapers and mowers ; seed drills, spri ng-tooth cultivators, disk, sulky and iron harrows, riding and walking plows, straw cutters, grain crushers, root cutters ; also agent for the Goold Bicycle Co., and St. 'l'homas White Bron ze Monum<>nt Co.; insurance effected on farm buildings and residences at lowest rates. Headquartcr3 for plow points, machin e oil and!axle grease. JAMES McLEAN, 14-tf. Bowman ville. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Door West oC Post Office. MILLINERY! 'Ve have just made a very large ·---purchase of Milline·r y and Millinery Goods, at a big Reduction. rrhey are the very 1atest styles obtainable in the market, and will be sold at amazingly low · Please don't delay in seeing them . prices. LADIES In all other departments \Ve are showing the largest stock we have ever show11 here. --W-E- C HALLEN GE any firm in the . County of to equ~l. us in . quality and price, and any :firm in the Don11n1on to surpass us. · We are at present, showing a very la1·ge stock of Dresi-J Goods, Silk.s and Trimmings, Ladies' Jackets, Co1,.sets, Hosiery ancl Glov_ es) Prints, Muslins, I,inens, Sheetings, Shirtings, Cottons, 'f weeds1 Clothing, Lace Cu1,.tains, Boots and Shoes, and Milline:ry.. LADIES, we call your attention to our present large pu1·chase of Millinery, which every Lady shoulcl see, who is looking f"or a new article. Remember the place,~GEo.'s old stand. Mm. John Milson is ill. Farmers, take your eggs to Tod Bros . Mrs. Wm. B oddy visited friends in They will give you the highest market Oahawa recently. prices. Miss Hillen, of Seaforth, is visitiug her aunt Mrs. Wm. Billen. Miss Carrie Budd, of S t. George. is a. vi~itor at Mr. Thos. Hooper' s. Mr. Wm. B oddy's blacksmith shop, in the n orth wat·d, is undergoing repairs. The Misses Best , of Peterboro, have b een visiting at Mr. Andrew P ollard's. Mr. J ohn Waddell is l1aving an iron roof put on the North American h otel. Mr. Albert Odell, Mathematical Master, in St. Cathrine's College, is home on a visit. · R ev. Mr. Edwards, Crookston, Min. ·preac~ed in the Met hod ist church, Sunday mornmg. Miss Loudon, of T oronto, niece of Prof. Loudon, of 'foronto University, is the gu est of Miss N ellie Newsom. Mr. Thos. Smith was in Owen Sound, week, a ·delegate to the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M., G. R. C_ in se11sion there. Mias Clara R olph, of Port Perry, and Miss Nellie YanCarop, of Bowmanville, were the guests of Miss Addie Moulton, for a few days last week. Miss Lottie L ockhart took second place amoog the successful candidates a.t th? Entrance examinations at Newcastle; M1ee Ida Beer was also R successful candidate. Miss Braden, teacher in our school is apendiog her holidays near Peterboro· and Miss Annie Cheer, also a teacher i~ our school, is spending h er vacation in Port Hope. Miss Florence Reed, teacher of Port Granby school, Mr. John Allin, teacher of Tyrone achoo}, and Mr. Leslie Staples, teacher of penmanship at Chatham Busi· nesa College, spending their vacation at h ome. A numbir· <lf the members and adJi,erents of ~~,. 811,viour 's church, Orono, met at the residence of Mr. J ohn C uttle on Saturday evening week, and presented the organist., Miss J essie Cuttle, with a p urse containing a neat sum of money and an address. I The funeral of the late Mrs. Archibald Townsend, who died in .lirantford on iWedn esday July 10th' took place from 't he residence of Mr. John Waddell here bn Friciay the 12th ins t . She l eaves two daughters, brith of whom are married, the eldest to Mr John Mason, and the youngest t o Rev. A. Smith. I E. THOMPSON, & Co. ~ "Mammoth Bank1·upt Stoclr Empo1,.iun1." ' .A GooD CoNUNDRUM,-Mr. Williama, · 'Why is a drum without a head like a model wife?" Mr. Cross, (a l1enpecked sband.( "Because she is mute. Mr. illiams, "Right, now t ell me why a uscular wife, a drum without a h ead, a turni p, a plumber, and Imperial Cream fl'arta.r Baking Powder are aimilar~" Mr. Oross, (triumphantly.) "Because they ban 't be beat. Among the visitors : Mr. Gallagh er, Barley harvest is now in full blast. Kincardine; Mrs. M oase and family, Newtonville; Master F.l. R. Mason, ToMiss Rhoda B road is spending a week ronto. with Mrs. Banbury, of Bowmanville. Mrs. Mitchell, sr., left here for WinniMr. Jamee Mann has changed his occupeg last Saturday morning ; Mrs. P ye, y ation, he is now traveling with a. lungprevioudy announced as going, is waiting tester. until health is better before taking the What great attrdction is there in Hamp· journey. ton for some of our young men 1 Be careThe contractors, Messrs. Hoskins and ful, veor ge, or yon will lose y our heart. Wesley Oke have about complet ed the Mr. Wm. Trewin's horsa r an a.way big hill jo'b. They have put the hill in a last week with t.he h orse-rake, but no good state for traveling purposes and damage don e. You will havo to use a given good satisfaction in the work done. · better pair of lines The Rev. R . McCullough introduced HAMPTOJ!J_ himself to an Enniskillen audience in the Methodist church in a very appropriate Home Circle meetin~ on the 29th inst . discourse Sunday eveniog last . Our new Master Wm. Inch has been on tbe sick ministera are giving good satisfaction at list for some time. this appointment. Mr. R. Clarke is making extensive reOSHA WA. pnird on his threshing machine. fie Mayor McGee has been confined to hill expects a big season. bed for more than a week. The sociable on Friday evening was Rev. N. A. McDiarmid returned last n ot largely atten ded , but thos e who were week from his trip t o Georgian Bay. present report a. go< ,d time. Rev. N. Hill of, Markham, preach ed Dr. H. C. Phillips, Rochester, N. Y., to large congregations in Metcalf St. Dr. R. J. Niddery, of this place, and church Ja3t Sunday. Mr. F. A. Cole have gone t o Scugog to The votin~ on the by-law granting a enjoy camp life for a week. bonus of $15.000 to the proposed n ew F11r mers in this locality have about ra ilway, will take place on Aug. 10th. completed their hay harves t which bas Mr. L C . Smith headmaster of Hioh been a very abunda·it one. Several have School, is one of the examiners appoint~d !t~rt~d t heir barley harvest, th e yield by the Board of E1ucation in Toronto. · will likely be good . The Officials of the Metcalf St. chnrch R ecen t viaitors: ~fos L~ll.ian Pasc0e, have made11. very great improvement in Bowmanv1lle; Dr. H C. Pl11lh p3, Rochesthe appearan ce of their parsonage on Oak ter, N . Y., Mr. John L ee anti wifo, East St. Whitby; Mr. J . Hoidge, 'l'oron to; Mr. District Depu ty Brown, of Port Perry, Chas. Ruse, Bowmanville. installed the brethren of Phenix Lodge on HOSPIYAL REMEDIES. Thursday evening last, after which he was enterhined at Gibson'd restuarau!;. There is a new departure in tlie treatment The premises occupied by Robt. Mc· of disease. It consists in the collection of L'lughlin as a carriage factory, owned by the specifics used by noted specialist~ of the town, i s offered for sale by tender, Europe and America, and hringing them and Mr. McLaughlin is fitting up the ol:I wit hin the reach of all. F or instance tho cabinet factory preparatory to mov ing· treatment pursueQ. by special physicians who treat indigestion, stomach and liver there. troubles only, was obt11ined and prepared. The R~v. S . H . Easoman left town 'r hP. treatmPnt of other physicians, celebralast week for a. three weeks vacation. ted for curing catarrh were procured, and His p ulpi t will be supplied, durin~ his so on till these incomparable cures 11ow absence, by Itev ..J. H. Ratcl1 ffcl, of St. includo disease of the lungs, kidney;;, female Catharines, and Rev. J. A . Carmichael, wcaknPss, rheumatism and nervous dcbilitv. Ask your druggist for t.hcm. '.l.'hose wl1o of Columbus. procure t hese r cmeclies from their Rev. Mr. D »bbs has assumed the cannot druggist may remit t he price to Hospital pas torate of Christ church here. R ev. Hemed y Co., ll03 West King St., Toronto, H . E . Kemp, the former pastor, has and the remedy will bo shipped to them joined the Methodist body and left for direct. (The price is one dolla r each). the scene of his future labora in the All the rn r.1l ir:i ne~ o f the Company are fo1· Algoma district. salAat th « Dnig Stores of J Hw<m;noTHA~c A par ty of fadies consisting of Miss H. ~ SoN, mul SToT.r & Jumr, Bowmanville. Dingle, Miss M. Luke, Miss N . Keddie and Miss A. Panton set out last week for Niagara Falls t o attend a course of lectures on B otany and Geology, to be delivered by Prof. ·J . H. Panton. Wednesday last was decoration daJ. The two lodges of Oddfe1lows turned out in large numbers, 'lnd with their handsome regalia made a most impo8ing spectacle. The lodge of the Daughtera of R eb ecca. also attended, driven i n cabs in the procession. The display of cut flowers was magnificent. 1 -200 acre farm , 160 acres clenre<l . balance good hardwood wilh snme cedo.r0 gootl bank OUURTI OE. barn 40x60. ~ ood frame house, well fenced well watered, river aud wells, cloge t.o stati >n' and Rev. J. J. Ashton and sister visited village, orchard &o. P rice $9.000. friend!! h ere last week. 4.-2()() ac res, 70 clearefl. b a!Jinco hard·wood and O!tk, Said to be $'50~ WO · th or Oak OU ·The Frost & Wood men are busy setting ash t his place, all good lan d, Jog buildings. a bar· gain to some worker ; as1rn1ll amount down up their binders in this district. huys t his place. P rice $;;.Goo Mrs. and MisaSa.ndersonof Enoiakillen, 11.-Hoautiful 200 acres, 170 cleared, 30 a cres called on friends h ere on Sat urday. good hardwood. Fine clay loam, rolling land. 1! acres orebard, two good dwelling house Miss Annie McGowan, of Whitby, is well A fi ne finishe:l, ap ri <i<B ""'i wells. home. Price $10,000. visiting h er sister, l\1rs. G. Morrow. 6. - 150 a.crea, tine rolling land. 12:; cleared Rev. Mr. Totten, of Oshawa, called on extra well fenced, 3 ocres orchai·d. ti ne bank Rev. Mr. Liddy, at the parsonage one day btu·n 56x.60, stable 40x12 all on sto'l.O walls 10 ft. high, driving house 26x~O. now fine brick house last week. 26x38, kitchen 14x20. w. shed 20x20, good wells Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Short, Oshawa, cisterns &c.. will sell or exchange for smalle~ spent an afternoon at Mr. J. 'Valter's property. Prioe $7,500. Terms to suit. 19.- 110 acres very ftne land. 100 cleared tine last week. bank barn and driving house 5ix66 a nd '1iix50 Mr. J . Penfound has purchased some pi~ pen 18x30. very tine stabling. Brick houso fin~ thoro'-bred H olsteins from about 26x31. l!'ra:me kitchen, house only 3 year<1 old good wells, Jlne orchard. lots o! cvorgreena' P or t H ope. tine roeds, every convenience. Only $7,000 ' Mr. D. Youni;(, Principal of the 'public 15.-100 acres.80 and well tilo drained · 20 acres bush, large barn, llOOd house, nice or: school, Guelph, and wife were visiting cha.rd,a squ<iro hundred bush nenr to ct welling. friends here lately. very well fenc ed, a beautiful homo, poi;lara and evergreen~. Price $ 1,500 Mr. Isaac Salter lost a fine horse i·e- 12· -100 acres, 65 cleared, nice rollin~ land cently, from the effocts of a kick in the rich soil, bank be.rn 36x61 and other bulldinge · frame h'?use 26x36, kitchen 18d8. wilt be sold thigh received from another horae. cbeap, time to pay, near the whole amount if At the close of the regular service, desired, $500 down boys thts farm. Price $1000. Sundsy 1J1orning, Rev. Mr. Liddy, re- 26 -100 acres. 75 cleared. ~5 acrea good bard wood,rolliug; land, rich clay loam, very weil ceived several into full connection with fenced, rrame barn !Ox6l , stables 20xJO good the church. dwelllng; bou8e, gol)d wella, nir:3 orcb.ard: Oaly (Must be sold.) $3.800. Mr. J. 0. Short is advertising h is farm 18 -100 acre~. 50 cleared, new bank barn and for sale. As it is a first-class farm and i;coud houi.,, stone cellar. board rancea in well equipped with good out·buildings, front. Square hundred, ouly 3,000. A bargain etc., it should find a ready purchaser. to aomo one. 20.-M acres tine land, only $ 1,6\lO. S ee advt. 2l.- 50 e.crea good land, fine !r&me house and The Trustees are pushing t he erectiollo barn, well fenced, $~ . 200. of a stable and driving-3hed, on the ~2.-52 acrea fine land, only $2,200. Close to parsonage property here. '!'hey have village. ~3. 50 acres fine loam go~d barn aud sta.bles also decided to replenish the house with very good house, \Veil tenced, oxtra !be land ' some n ew furniture. only $2.4.00. ' Mr. John S hort has purchased a hrm The above are a felV of the farms we near Moorefield, and intends to move to i t offer for sale on which we will L oan Pri· this fall. Mr. Short is an excellent vate.or Compimy'11 Money up to ·~ value, nei~hbor and a fine worker in the church, and m ao~e Cl!,S~s more at 6 to 6} per and his departure will be much regretted . cent. straight mterest , repayable to suit An interesting game of base ball was purchasers. Come and see the farms a nd h ave a played h ere on Saturday, between the "Saw Bills, " Base L ine, and the "Whistle- chat. All farms show n to m teuding purwings," Road, res ult ing in a. score cha aers, the prices quoted are the t erms of 21 to 23 in favor of the "Whistlew- given by t he owners but other bargai ns may bl) made. ings." We sell on Commission only, hence A law suit took Flace last week between two n eighbors not far from h ere, about Buy~r's can rest assured we are not specan alleged case of chicken stealing. The ulat1ag on them. Fare paid if not as rep Write if you cannot come. defendant was found not guilty, however, resented. and was acquitted. Poor littlo chicky, M oney to loan a t lowest rates. you shculd have stayed around. On invitation of Mr. Wm. Everson, N odh Wellingto n R eal Estate, L oan and quite a number of relatives and a few General I n surance 0 fiice. others ~athered on the l ake shore, '.opposite lllOOKEl!IELD, O~T. Hall's M arsh, and spent a. very enjoyable M ,lJ,,l,KU.L " 'El'l"B AND (;lllLMI are bes t time, on Wednesday. Boating and social broken up mul p 1 ·evcntctl b .f u ·lug lllll· convene were the chief pa.~times. burn·~ A.t·t1111:1llc Chtlnlnc Wh1l', j I W fl Y GQ W EST! FARM E R S, LOOK HERE! Homesteads in Wellingt on and Adjacent Counties. ALEX. MALCOLMSON & CO.,

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