W"ALL PAPERS HANDSOME PATTERNS .AND CHEAP. .A.11 the newest novelties for Ceiling and Side Walls. I also keep an assortment of to t rain hia negro convert to fi~ht even the Arab slave hunter, but one of the first duties of the company will be to raise and drill a native home-guard. That is, it is the company's interest to seek the ma· terial prosperity of the people with whom it trades. Bllt if there is in addition a hearty co-operation with the missionary in his higher aim, the mental and spiritual elevation of th)3 negro, it is difficult to over-estimate the intlmmca which the two together will exert in Livingstonia. · It i s not unlikely that the two great companies, the Royal Niger, which operates on the river of that name, and the British E!lst .Africa.n; which has acquired a large territory on the east coast, will adopt the same policy. In that case we shall have every reason to look for an immense advance of civil izatio'.l and Christianity in Africa. The West Durham Libera.1-0onservatives m et in the town hall on Saturday afternoon, W. P. Prower, deputy reeve, presiding, a.ud the leading men of the party being in attendance, including James Parr, Warden of Northumberbnd and Durham The convention adjourned for an hour to permit · the members t o attend the funeral of Mr. N. M. G age, and after reassembling proceeded to nominate a candidate, which resulted in the unanimous . selection of Mr. Prower. Several interesting speeches were given and all necessary arrangements ma.de to have the party well Qrganized. Tho meeting closed with the usual loyal cheers. ITCHING AGONIES. Every Night I Scra.tcl!O d until the Skin was R H- w. Ui11ly 1 :ovcre1l will· seal · s like ~Jlots of inortnr. An awf1Jl !\1>cet11clc. Doctors 11sele8s. Cure hopeles·. Eutlrely c 1arc·l by the C11Ucura ltemc11les tn five ,,.eeks. ! am going to tell you of the extraordin11ry "WOOL ~"WOOL! IJ. 10,000 lbs. Wool wanted at the H. KEN NER'S VARIETY HALL. HAMrTON WOOLfN MILLS, FINE ENGRAVINGS. See my Show Window. Pictures Framed AT LOWEST RATES. CijTONE PRICE ONLY. P. Trebilcock. Bow:r.u.NVILLE, JULY 24, 1889. CIVILIZING AFRIOA. A singularly interesting experiment 111 Mr. Timothy Blair Pardee, late Comabout to be made in Africa. Some Brit· missioner of Cro_ wn lands in the Ontario -!sh capitalists have applied for s charter Government, died at his resideme, Sarnia. Che!t to take poseasion, for trading purpoaes, of on Sunday )a.st. The funeral took place Haoking Cough. Asthma. Pleurisy, ......, and I1.1lamm1ttion rellr.ved In cme a large tract lying in the central basin of on Tuesday afternoon. minute by the (;utlcau·n .lnllthe Zambesi River. It ia the vast region [Mr. Pardee was tho son of Mr. A. B. Paln l'laster. Nothing like it for Weak Lungs. in which Dr. Livingstone made hie moat Pardee, of Grenville, Ont., and was born PRICE, $10.00. in Grenville December 11, 18.3 0. He ARMS li'OR SALE.-The underimportant discoveries, and where, worn received his education in his 11ative signed offers for sale. a.1 once. the follow· 'f heonly practical LOW PRIUEO Typewrite.r out with toil and privation, he died. It place, and after studying law for some ing first clo.ss rarms : -50 acres on Lot 25, Con. in the worlll. Darlington. well fenced with wire and ceda.r It is simple. practical a nd durable. No m£Lohine hae appropriately been suggested to call years was called to the b<\r of Ontario 8. rs.ii. splendid orchard,good frame houso,b;i.rn, over invented does neater work. It writes a5 to 40 words per mlouto. Never get s out of the country Livingstonia. 'l'he object of Hilary term 1861. E'or some years he stable and other outbuildings ; good well or alignment or uut c)f order. No cxoen·e for water. Also the north half of tho south the office of Count y Attorney of ho.rd hundred acreH. on Lot 21 Con. 8, Ds.rliogtoo. r ibbons. No in·tructione required It i· a the projectors of this company is not filled Lambton, resigning in 1867, in which with rough east house and new b!l.rn thereon. marvel of simplicity a.nrl usefulness. simply to make money nor to acquire year he was returned to the Le~islative l"lever failing stre.~m of water runs t hrough premises. F111l po3session will be given territory, they will aim to civilize the ne- .Assembly fur West La.mbton, a . consti- tho April 1st. 1890. with privilege to plow a.s soon Send for aesoriptive p11mphlet and mention as this season's cropa are ttt.keo in. Both of tuency he r epresented con tinuously unt~l gt"o, to defend him from the ravages of those farms are in a high. state of cultivation. this paper to the slave-hunter and tho grrnd of the his health failed !Ast year. He was Full paroiculo.rs can be had on applica.tion to The Typewriter Improvement Co , elec ted a . Bencher of lhe L;i.w Society of WM. McLAREN, on the premises Lot 25 Con. liquor-seller, the two worst enemies of Ontario in 1871, and was created a Q. C. 8, or by Jetter to Eoniskillen P . o. 4 P. 0 . t'qr. , 27- tf HOSTON. Mass. the African raco. In other words they March 11, 1879. Ho was appointed a or to onr member of the Ex:ecutive Co uncil Oct. propose to co-operate heartily with the Dranoh Office : 7 Adelaide St- East. Toronto. Agents want< d. For .,genoy address mu.i missionaries already laboring in, or about 25, 1872, and was P rovincial Secret .. ry office. from tlu.t date until December 4th 1873, to go to, this region. Now it is no new when h e was appointed Commissioner of thing for a commercial company w un· Crown lands, a position he held until dertake to develope the resources of a failin~ health compelled him to resign in barbarous or semi-civilized country; nor January last. In politics Mr. Pardee In the Matter of the Estate of was a Liberal. He married the daughter THOMAS WILSON POWER, is it an experiment for a society to at- of Mr. J. K. Forsyth, of .Sombra fo.mb· Quality amounts to little tmless prices of the Township of Darlington, tempt to elevate a savage people by tea.ch· ton, Ont. His genial manners and are fair, in the County of Durham, deing them the truths of Christianity. But sterling qualities of ht1art and mind ceased. t.heee two grea.t agents for the spread of made Mr. P ardee a general favorite. Low prices are not bargains ·unless quality civilization, the trader and the 10issionary, THE BEST CATARRH, is there. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN P URhave hitherto always worked independFACTORY SUPPLIES. SUAN'l' to the provisions of the Revised · ·.; ,> ·.i'ARR HAL. DEAFNESS- HAY FEVER ently, often antagonists, never, we might S tatutes of Ontario, Uhapter 110. Section 36. -+ISA NEVI HOME TREATMENT. that all creditors and others having claims Valves, Iron &. Lead Pipe, almost say, in concert. against the estate of Thoma.a W'ilson Power. McLAREN' S GENUINE Loose Pulley Oilers,Steam Sufferers tl.l'e not generally aware thut of tho Township of Darlington, in the County The first and moat successful of the Jet Pumps, farm Pumps, these diseases arc contagious, or that they ot Durha.m. deceased. who diPd on or about Wind M ills, Cream Separthe . Eighth day of Ma.y, A. D·· 1889. at the great mercantile companies, the East are clue Lo the presence of living parasites saia 'l'ownehip of Darlington, are hereby ro· ators, Dairy and Laundry India Company, for a long time prohibiin the lining membrane of the nose and auired to deliver or send b y post prepaid, to No-Alum. Utensils. JAMES GILFIJ,LAN, of the 'Town or Bowms.n· ted Christian missionaries from la.boring Nothing Inj urious. eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, ville. one of the Executors of tho Will of the 536 CRAIG STREET, . 'l'homas Wilson Power, deceased. on or eaid in its dominions. The directo rs r~ arE'd however, 1 1as provecl this to Le a fact, antl before tho First day of Augitst, A . D.· 1889, a MONTREAL. that it wohlld be '.impossible for them to the result cif this discovery is that a sta.temont in writing of their· names and o.d· dresses, and full particulars ef their claims sim1lle remedy has been formulatecl whe1·e- and the nature or all secunti.es, (if any) hold govern the myrilld Inhabitants of the p enby them. . by catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay insula, if these bigoted Hindoos and And notice is furtbor given. that s.fter the Mohammeun·n s ehould even suspect their fever nre permanently curecl in from one ea.id last named date, the moocutors a.ctlng under tho wlll of the saill 'l1homas Wilson rulers of a wish to Christianize India; to three simple applications made nt home Power. will proceed to dietriblllte tho assets or by the patient once in two weeks · the ea.id testator e.mong the persons entitled .anrl though they were at length forced by thereto. having regurd only to the cl1tims of N .B.- This treatment is not a snuff or which notice shall have been given as above public opinion in England, to withdraw an ointment; both havo been discarded 1 required, and the ea.id executors will not be liable for the said o.ssets. ot· any part thereof, We h;.vite attention to our complete and carefully selected stoek of ·their prohibition, they never enco~ra.ged by reputable physicians o.s injurious. A to any person or persons of whose claim or Ladies·, Gent's, Misses and Children's Boots a.nd Shoes, 'franks, Valises, missionary work, and even now tho India pamphlet explaining this new treatment clauns notice shall not ha.vo been received by is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. them at the time aforesaid. etc. Our oopular stock of fashionable goods is perfect beyond eom· Government preserves strict neutrality DIXON & SoN, 303 West King Street. Dated at Bowmanville, this 21th day of June, STEEL·LINED TRUNKS eason. No old shop Toronto, Canada.-Toronto Globe. A. D., 1889' In S11mplo, La.dies' and parison. We are showing the correct styles of the E where religious questions arise. .JAMES GIL~'ILLAN.} Executors s.ll other kinds. worn, bankrupt stock or shoddy goods manufactured for bankrupt CIIES'l'ER Po·wEn, · In .Africa, however, the majority of Sufferers from Catarrhnl troubles shouid Lightest alld suonimt houses. We warrant all our goods to be what we represent them. by D. Bumm.SIMPSON. ·the traders have al ways been either open- carefully read the above. their Solicitor. 26;iiw TRUNKS The priees are iow, and no one can sell you respectable goods d1eaper. ly or secretly hostile to the missionaries. ltor Hand and 1a the World. ' These goods are bargains, viewed from any standpoint. The 1Uality Even if they are indifferent, their traffic Special Announcement. . U achine Use. and style are there. Reliable, trusty, serviceable goods, mai·kcd at in liquor and arms make the missionary's HAS NO SUPERIOR. MONTREAL, ROOK BOTTOM PRICES. ' We have made arrangements with Dr. work well nigh hopeless, for the negro AsKFoRtT. soleMlrs.rortneDo lllinion Uses the one for his own destruction, the .B. J. Kendall Co., pulis.h era of "A Treatise on the Horsa and hia Diseases " other to enslave his brethren. which will enable all our subscribers to 19'. Sign of the BIG B OOT drawn by two horses, BOWMA.NVILLE. 'rhe new com pany proposes absolutely obtain a copy of that valuable work free in the Town of Bowmanville, m the County of Durham. MONTREAL. to prohibit the sale of these articles in by sending their address (enclosing a two· NotreDame St., one of the most central and elegantly furnlsJ1ecl HotelM iu the Clty. their dominions. No alcoholic drink cent stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale conAccommodation for 400 guests. Kendall Co., Enosburg Falls, Vt. This tained in a. certain Indenture of mortgage. shall be permitted to cross its frontiers, book is now recognized as stallldard Rates: woooRUFF, which will be produced s.t the time oC sa.1e, $2to$Sperdo.y. 1 1 Manager. nor shall arms and ammunition be sold to authority upon all diseases of the horse, there will be offered for ealo by Public Auction at the Auction Rooms of Levi A· Tole. in the as it.a phenomena.I salt, attests. ovc.;r four GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DOMINION the natives. Town or Bowmanville on A commercial company operaling on million copies having been sold 111 the BOWMANVILLE STATION. past ten years, a sale never before these principles will certainly be a far reached by any publication in the 11ame 1889, at the hour of 1 p. m ·· the following lands ········~ COMPANY, S ole Al!'ts tor Canada, GOING BAST GOING WEST more powerful civilizing agent than the period of time. We feel confident that and vromises. being All and Singular Blocek Manufacturers of '"A" m the Town of Bowman ville. in the Co>Jm· Paesenge.11'.. .. 8 39 a m Mall ·. ······ 5 57 a m .most efficiently manned missionary society our patrons will appreciate the work, and ty of Durham and being composed or a portion Mail .· · ·····.IO 32 a m Local, .······ , 8 23 a m Wholesale lmp'trs of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD ot Township Lot No. l l i.l the Second Conees· Mixed ·.····... 3 :r7 p m Express* ..·... 9 35 a m in a country like Africa. The preacher be glad to ava~l .thems.e lves of this oppor- sion of the TownshiJ) of Darlington now in the DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, Steam. Packing, Local ......... 7 05 p m Mixed...... .. 3 15 o m tunity of obtammg a valuable book. smd Town of Bowmanville. and being a por· of tlie Gospel is, above all things, a man Mail ·· · ····· 110;20 p m Mall ·.······· 8 29 p m 1743 lftmlE DAME ST., FRICTION It is necessary that you mentio11 lhis tion of the southwest part of ea.id Lot lai-d out ·Except Monda.ye.. MONTREAL. of peace. He may defend himself if at- paper in sending for the "1're1~tise." by Clara Cathlen Burk, sald Block"A" biein~ 3 chains and 40 links from north to south ann 2 · · · · · · · · ..................... PULLEY BOARD, tacked, but it is doubtful if he can rightly This offer will remain open for only a cha.ins and 78 links!rom ea.st to west. Th<.ai.aPerf·ctFriction. Owing to the large increase of trade, YOUNG & CO., the 'f his property is splendidly situated in.the short time. do more. centre ot the Town with streets on t1'.ree side _,;:..._ _ _ _ .......;. _ _...._ _..,....._ Grocers, are compelled to enlarge and improve their present 1 with beautif11lll~wn. and there ls erected thereIt wa.1 Doctor Livingstone's ru e never on a la.rge and commodious two storey solid Parasols at about half-price, Dress premises. On June 15th and during alterations, will be found brick residence containing 17 room.a with good to interfere, except as a peace-maker, in Goods at half-price at tl1e West-End- turnace,8 maTble grates.large double ha.11,good tribal contests, even to defend the weak in the stores lately occupied byMcOlungBros., Horsey's Bl'k, cellar. House. There is also erected on ea.id property a good and oppressed. Accordiqgly, in a country Gentleme1. examine Tod Bros. stock brick driving shed and stable. THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. TERMS Ob' SALE.-The property will be sold "here continual war between neighboring of tweeds before leaving your orders for subject to a reserve biti.. 10 per cent of tho purchase l.tlooey to be paid down at time of villages is almost a normal condition, and a spring bUit. and the balance as may be agreed uvon. Finest June butter for packing at W. sale, slave·hunting raid11 ar,e weli.nigh certain, For further pa.rticul11rs and conditions of Brittain's office at H. C. Brittai11'1 sale, apply t-0, a missionary is liable to see his life's labor D. McAR'f HUR, .Jewelry Store. Vendor's Solicitor. swept away in a night. Cor. Sps.dina & College St., S. Burden & Co. will pay ca11h for egl(B A 1'!'ell-roanaged comm0t'cial company, and first-class butte::.- a.t the "Mart", 'l'oronto. YOUNG & CO. take the present opportunity of thanking those 27-tw. with sufficiency ot meal'lB at its disposal, Market Square. friends who so h beraUy patronized them during this their :first year in will not suffer from this dane;er. Its bminess, and extend a welcome invitation to a ll their friends, old and lJUAS. Rusi:'s EDUCATIONAL S CHOOL OF J?rosp~rity and existence, themfore, de· Mus1c .- The most logical, thorough, ranew, to give them a call in their temporary premises, Horsey 's Block, tal stock. Steady work at good pay. No )- -< l?ends on the facilities which it enjoya for pid, sure, delightful a!ld economical sys- expcrieoc<> necessary. Any man no1 afraid to work con succeed with us. dala.ry and extrade, and these again are dependent tem in use. See advt. m another column. pense~ paid to good men. the year round. 'fo T.rrE DEAF.-A P erson cured of Success guaranteed. Write for terms. J?rlmarily on peace. Tribal wars must be & CO., Deafness and noises in the head. of 23 NURSERYMEN,E. C. SELOVEltGenova, N. Y. ~~vented, by for.c8 noceasary, and. years' standing by a simple remedy, wlll 23--(lll H. O. Tait sells best spectacles, "-l against the attack of foreign Bend a. description of it FREE to any perDESTBOY THE won111s or they ma~ des· FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDEN'r Insurance. son who applies to NICHOLSON, 30 St. t·roy the ehlltlren. Freenmn'H lYorw l'ow· "'st be provided. ders destroy and expel all ldn1ls or norms. ROBT. VIRTUE, Agent, B owmanville. tf. 44-lyr. '· of the miBeionary's work John St., :Montreal. a F cho.nge your CUTICJURA REMEDIES performed on me. .A.bout the 1st of April last I noticed some red pimples like, comino: out all over _my body. but thought nothiI1g oJ itunt.il some time )ate~ on, wh1;11 it beirs.n to lobk like spots o: mortar spotted on. and which ca.me off in lay· ere. accompanied with itching, I would scratch every night until I was raw. then the nex:t night the scales, being formed !'109.f!· wl11le. were scratched off again. I il -Yam did I ccnsult all the uoctore in the count.ry. but without aid. After giving up all hopes of 1'0 · covery I happened to see an ad vert1sement in the' newspaper about your CUTICUR.A. ltEMEDIES a.nd purchased them from my drul!'gist, and obtained almost immediate re· lier I t>egan to notice th11t the scaly c··upt1ons gradually dropped off a.od dis11ppeared one by · one, and h11ve been rully cure.t . I had t.he dis· ea.so thirteen months before I began takmg the CUTICURA REMEDIES. and tu four or five weeks was entirely cured. My disease was eczma and psoriasis. I recommended the CU'J'ICURA REMEDIES to all in my vicinity and I know of a grelit many who h a.ve ta.ken them, a11d thank me for the knowledge of them especially mothers who have babes with smi.ly eruptions on their heads and bodies. I cao not express io words the tba11ks to you for what the CU'rICURA REMEDIES have been t.o me My bodv was covered with scales. a.od I was an awful spectacle to behold. Now my ~kin is as ni ce and clear a· a bn by'e. GEU. COTEY. MArrill. Wis, Sept. 21st, 1887. Feb· 7 1888.-No trace ot the disease from which I autfered has shown itself since my G . C. cure. Cnllcura Jto,we1lles . Cure every species of ogonizing. humilis.tiog, itching. burninK. scaly. s.nd pimply diseases or tho akin. scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, and all humors. blotches. eruptions, sores, aoales. and crusts. whether simple. scrofulous, or cootageous. when physicians and 1111 oLber remedies fail. Sold everywhere. Price. Ccrrwun.i., 75c.: SOAP. 35c.; KESOf,VEN'l'. $l.50. Prop ..red bv the PO'F rlm DKUG and CIIEMICAL CORPORATION Bosto '· e"Send tor "'How to Cure Skin Disease~." 6! pages. 50 11lustrs.tioos, and 100 testimonials. PLES. black-hea.ds. red, rough . chapped a.od oily ekin prevented by CuncuuA SOAl'. for which the highe~t price in cash will be paid. Also a large stock of Sheeting, BlankeLs, Stocking Yarn. Tweeds, &c, to exchange for Wool. BALLS GREAT D. TAYLOR, Proprietor. H ampton, May 27th, 1889. . . . .Imll. . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . .~1--~--------------1 22·2m PIANOS A. -- - -- - -- - - - - ONTHE FRAMES VA~AITETY WAGDrls BABY BARGAINS --------- ...........,.........1111. . .1 reguls.r monthly, quarterly or ho.lf-yeiirly payment (a. slight advance oo the rente.l rate) buys tho inst.ruruent. Any piano mo.y be chosen out of a magnifi· cent assortment or Uprights. Squares. puu Grands. unsuroasse~ In quality. Mmlsters, 'l'eachers. Government Officers. an(l those in recaipt of regulal' incomes will fl.od this a conveu ient ancl iidvantageouR mode for securioP: a tlrst class instrument. ·when tb e instrument is used for practice, our Soft Stop or Practice Pedal saves wee.r on the nerve. iis well a.s nre· serves the tone or t.he Piano. Our patent Foot Pedal attachment for Pi!t.oOs i.; invaln!l.ble to organists. students nnd teo.ohera, Prio93 . on application . Inspection lnvited. Warerooms- 107and100 Chilrch St., Toronto. Factory. tbe finest in its equi pme nts o.nd ap· pliancos iu the city, 89 to 97 Bellwooi ave. 3 YEIRS SYSTEM HALL. WINDOW SHADES. CARRIAGES. OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE & CO. THE J. ~- - - - - -·- - - - - -- - WEST HOUSE~~ END ----0---- PIM '"TORLD SPECIAL l~DUGEMENTS THi~ W~ TYPEWRITER. ~~~'.t!~!~l~~kness. ~~~~;~~~=:~- ! - --TO-- Ct·sli Buyers, BEGINNING Over 40,000 now in use·, Wednesday, June 12. A large Jot of goods at exactly HALF PRICE. Produce taken as Cash. EXECUTORS' N OTI GE TO CREDITORS. ~====-=J=OHN l\fcMURTRY~-.~, N BAKING POWDER GARTH &CO., WE COMBINE THEM. Guok's Friona ! CHADWlCK'S LEATHEROID ·L S PoO C Q TT ON AUCTION SALE J; EYELEIGH&:CO. VALUAB LE-oP-RO pERTY . HOTEL BALMQRAL. sv M. TRELEVEN, Just Across the Street. I j Friday, the 26th of July, PEAns' LEATHER BOARD J.PALMER&SON *SOAP ..* RECKITT'S BLUE. Just Across the Street from their old premises. S ~~~! ~r~p~ia~s~n~oToa;~_ a J ustAcross the Strent, YOUNG & CO., the Grocers.