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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1889, p. 5

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Wall Paper and Buggies at TAIT'S Gorn er Store. HEEP ASTRAY.-Strayed from the '"XTAN'rED, AT $40 PER :t\10NTR Youn LAST CHANCE to get milhnery and premises of the undersigned,J,ot l,Broken f f AND RXPJ<JNSES PAID. a few good fancy goods .it the prices they w_ill be Front. Darlington. on 'l'huredav evening, July salesmen to sell Nursery Stock. Steady em11th, two aged ewes, with their tails torn by ployment the year round to succeBsful sales. sold. 'fhe balance of e~ock bel<'ngmf( to do11:s ; and three ram lambs and two ewe men. Address. with references, D . H. P A'FT 1 1 the estate of t~e late Mrs. Mon:1son is t? lambs one with ta.ii t.orn and wool shorn. Re· Nurseryman, l<enova, N. Y. 24;Gw · be cleared out m two weeks as t,he bust· ward will be given for information leadiug to .. p U RE ness is to be wound up regardless of prices. their recovery by applying at S·u·rmRMAN OffiCP., or R. ASH1'0N, Newcastle P. o. 29-3W; ~ d' d"l t d Call and examine the goods. It will pay an un full i u e , ' · strength. you to buy if you don t reqmr~ them for present use. Grocers due bills taken. DENTl§ T. bv Remember the stand next to Cawker's meat store. All accounts due ,the above Tenders will be received up to August 20th WHOLESOME, estate not settled at once will be p~t in by the undersigned for that very desirable fat·m Purifies the blood, other hands t o collect. W. MORRISON. of 92 acres, more or less, being pai:t oC Jot 35. con. 2. Darlington, adjoining Kingston Road. OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. and aids digestion. The M:tsonic Grand Lodge will meet at There are on the premises large frame dwell· inir, barn. atone stal?le, we!! and.cistern, and IIigginbotham & Son's Druo· Kingston next year. good orchard of choice frmt. Situated one o mile east of Harmony, and 2} miles from Osha· Meals at all hours at Mrs. Sinclair's, Store, (down stairs}, .wa. The highest noi; any tender not necessar· I RE.FRESHING, opposite Marke.t Square, 25c, Is made only of strictly pure grape cream 1ly accepted. Terms made known on applicflr Tones up the sys te:n. Mr. Wdch, a prominent jeweller of of tm·tar, strictly pme bicarbonate of tion to WILLIAM 01cm. sen., Courtice, Ont. B 0 W lU A. NV i: L L E. Courtice, July. I, 1889. soda, and a small portion of flour as a Toronto, spent Sunday iu town. preservative, nothing else whatever, im<l Mr. J. Morris and Miss May Symom is warranted, entirely free from alum, are visiting friends in Kingston. FRUITY, ammonia, ph0splmtes, lime, and all the and rich in fta1·or . 10,000 dozen Egg~ wanted at Tod Bros. adullemnts frequently fouml in baking powdel's. T he character of materials Highest price paid in dry goods. Besure and call at the West-End-House used, _the~r pmity, and the nicety of their I combmation, l"ender Clevehmd's superio1· I and see the goods_'a t Half-price. ·COOLING, baking powder the most heitlthful and most The Port Per1y Methodists will picnic economical in use, and it nhvays affords / Just the driuk for on Scugog Island on t.h e 2'7'th inst. wholesome, nutritious, and delicious food. · warm weather. It is recom~ended for pnrity, l1ealthfulSee the lace curtains at 50c . per pair Absolutely Free From Alcohol. ncss and efficiency by Gove1nrnent and at Tod Bros. Best value in town. .In ordering spccHir DOMHHCA.. and don't be State chemists, chemists of Boards of put otr with imitations. Great reduction in pl'ices of Cabinets H ealth, and professors in institutions of and Family Groups at Henry's, after July learning tbxoughout the country. HE)j'INED EXPRESSLY FOR 1 t X...Y"J.v.[.A.N", .SC> "'1 ~ OCll. Sold only :in cans, full weight. wee~ s. MONTREAL, CLEVELAND BROTHERS, ALBANY, N. y. Mr. Geo. Farewell, of D etroit, Mich., For sale by Grocers and Druggists in Pints Quite a number of our ci·,izens went on President of the D. 0. & P. Co., is in and Quarts (Imperial measures). the Canton excursion to Rochester, town this week. A LIBERAL DISCOt)'N'r ·ro THE TRAJ)E; Monday. · Great reduction in prices ofOa.bNo ch11rge for cases. Mention this p11per. Summer goods of all kinds selling a.t Mrs. I. Hall :wd children, of Toronto, greatly reduced prie<~s at Couch Johnston inets and Family Groups at Hen· are visiting at l\>Ir. Sam. Ball's, Division & Cryderman's. ry's, after July 1st. street·. Are you in need of a pair of specks, if Ocean ticketa by different lines of Miss Vancamp, Miss C. L . and J. Van- so you can get a pair of fine. perescopic camp, of Omaha Neb ., are guests at l\lr. ~lasses for 50c. a.t tho Co-operative steamships foi: eale at the STATESMAK office. tf Levi Vancamp's. Jewellry Store. Open For a Short Time Onlv ! Dr. J. E. Bin~ham, V.S., now occupies Mr. J no. Gordon, teller of _the St andai;d · Butter for family use-I pay cash for his new rooms in the rear of Higginbo1h' l'HE GREATEST OF ALL GREAT INDUCE· Bank, has returned from his canoe trip butter and only take the finest quality. am.'s drug store, upstairs. on the back lakes. Crooks carefully packed by W. Brittain, MF.NTS! For the best bargains in wab::hes, clocks Dr. Spenc~. r ha.e removed his veterinary Market Square. We want 10,000 ncw subsor-ibers a.nd are office to the ho~s·~ t:et ween Dr. Hillier's Watermelons are in the m~rket, ann and jewelry ~o to H. C. Brittaiu's Cowilling to lose some money in order to get them 8 t hey, backed up by the festive cucumber opPrative Jewellry Store. >for when they once get in the habit, of reading and Dr. Boyle office. -0ur paper, we know tbnt they will never do Thanks are due S. Burden for a and the green apple, will keep the ducEvery body in this district ah,,uld know 'Without it. At the end of tile present year we that W. Quick & Co. have mo ved their intend doubling the siz~ of oar paper and in· very h andsome fuchsia, kh at our office tors busy from this time forward, .Attention is directed to the "Bi" Boot" grocery busrness we ~ tW<lrd to Mr. Bllckcreasing the pr·ce to 50c. a year; but ell per· l11st. week. Ill!! a beauty. 0 sons sul:lscribing now can get it a.t the follow· Chas. Rose's Educational School of display announcement by Mr. Tr eleven. . ler's block, two doors east (lf thti post ing prices : · Music. summer va:~ation h~~ins May 2oth He keeps one of the best and biggest dis- office, where they are now prepared to lJ.NPAltALLllLED Ol'Fllll,-Flt1'1l l'llUSIC. supply ~be public with everytl1ing in the Autumn term b,1gms Aug. tit.h. play of boots and shoes in town. - WE W1LL SENDIf you want a first·closs cigar you must After two months sale of McClung grocery line,and also the best fresh meats. go to W. E. Pet hick's where JOU will find Bros' Stock we have an lmmense lot of The store has been nicely fitted up, a.ud Call remnants which will go to the first fair is now one of the neatest in town. on trial for one year. to any person sencling us a. great many kinds to choose from. etc~ and see, 25 cents in stamps, end to aub3criber we Mr. and Mrs. D. Burke Sirnp ,on sailed offer. See John J. Mason's adv. will give their choice or any 5 of the following from New York on the 13th inst., fur a Porter's Foundry and Machine shop is pieces of Music, two months' tour ~n 1he co1,tinent. reopened. All kinds of castings made AUCTION SALE. l<'REE OF CHARGE: AN CHORD ............ .. Heguler P:!ce, 500. Stott & J nrv's Puis Green ·lways gives and machine repairs done on short notice. BLOOM JS ON THE RYE. " 350. eatfsfaction. They guarnnte·~ its quality The business will be car:ied on by the SATURDAY, JULY 27th.-Mr. John EngCHILDREN ASLEEP.... " Soc. hnd having sold out his husiness has and sell it as low as the quality will per- Porter Estate under management of Mr. DADDY .......... ..... ~ . 40c. Geo. Porter. Give them a call. LA PALONA . ·...· ··. ··· 40c. instructed the undersigned to sell by mit. FREE AS A DmD ·. ,.. .. tiOc. auction the whole of his household Do you want any pautg nr coats for ·1 If y~u want a silk dress ~o to. Jn_o. J. THE KING O~' LOVE MY SHEPHERD rs, Hegeffects and crcckery ware, 011 the ular Price. 60c. boys ? \Ve have remnants that will JUst M~son s R ernna.nt Sa.le. You will likely This Music is all printed on line toned p ~per make t.!Him 110 mat tel' if they are aix: ft. st,~1ke an end JU~SL your fit at your own Market Square,a set of dinner,chamber or the largest size. and tea sets, and other dishes. F .irprice. . Over $n00 worth of McCiung We want .Agents everywhere end liberal hi«h. .J.·.J. Mason. . . Bros. silks nearly all new goods r·f thts niture nearly new. L1;;v1 A. Tou:, Auot. terms will be given to persons who mean busi· . " Steamship trnl~ets by. Anch or, Domm· seaaol'.l's purchase. The dollar silks for ness. E'or further :particulars to agents and sample or music, send 6c. in stamps to ion anct other. Imes will be fur eale at 75c.and less when in ends. Do uot fail to BIRTHS : · S,TATES)IAN ofi10,., durwg the pror>rietere see them. M.\SO!l.-111 Howick, on the 17th inst., the J. H. H. JURY. aosence, o.t lowest rates. A public meeting under the l!Uspices of Odd hatP, odd pairs gloves, odd pairs the Equal Right.a Aqsociation will be held w if~ of Mr. L. A. Mason, of a daughter. ·-------------~~~ , ~~====:=::'.~====~ sox, etc., that occupy too much room, are in the Town Hall on Thu1,:., da,y evening MARRIED. cl e:u iug at what they will bring at J. J. next, to be address1od by E. Douglas ArJAv101AN- PERKINS.-.By 1he Hev. J. W. Mason's Remnant Sale. mour, Esq., and others. At this critical Tott1,n. at the residence of the .bride"s father, Mr. I. L . Brown, Hampton, sent in j.lmcture of the affairs of our country it is Mr. W, A. Jackman. of Bowmanville. to Miss B;-«M~;~~~~;,-·JUL~- 24: 1889. la$t week a s1mple 'of oats grown on his to be hoped that the hall will be crowded. Annie Pe~kin s, ot Oshawa.' farm, measm·ing; 6 ft., o,Jso some stalks of The Mayor will t11>ke the ch~ir by 8 STEWART-BENNE'J:T.-At the residence or onto, by tile bride's father, Anno etr~et, 'l'or. timothy 5ft. 2in. Who can beat that? o'clock. Rov, Dr. Hunter, J. A. Stewt<t't, of ll:'eter, to Miss Sophie Bennett. sccoud daughter or Morris' Carriage works has got a. firstMr. Fred. W. Itiley is in tciwn fa aking Henry Bennett, formerly of this town, ----···- ··--..···-·--;------- - --··--·-- ,S'IATESM.A,N from now till Jan, 1st, 189(1 class painter. Parties intending to have arrangements for a grand benefit concert their buggies repai" ted this spring bring t o be given in the town hall here on WedDIED. for 50c. them along at once and have them done nesday, July 31st. Some of the best POR'rEH.-At Burford, 011tario, Oa tho 17th Mrs . .Acrovd, of Sarnia, is visiting at ap in good style. local talent from Oshawa, Port Hope and inst., Samuel Porter, brother or Jonathan and Mr. Thoe. Hoar's. distri~t. See programs Marshall Porter. aged 5:; years. QUEEN·S~'.. S. S.-The members of the Bowmam·ille will assist. HAINES.·-Accidently drownd In Bowman· Parasol11 selling away below cost price Queen-st. Methodist Sunday School wil for particulars. The objct of this con22nd inst .. George, only son of Geo · ville on the .at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. assemble at the Church at half-past two cert is to procure an appliance tha.t will C. and Lucy }J:aines, aged 11 years. Miss Florence Tilley and Miss Mabel this afternoon, to attend the funeral of enable Mr. Riley to walk. Everyone GAC!E.-In Rowmi nville. on the 18ih July, Northcotte are visiting friends in Port their feliow scholar. who values the use of their limbs, should 1889, Nelson M. Gage, a.ged 50 years end ll mos. Hope. go. ANhrPORTANThn·ROYEM:ENT. -Thenew Miss Bertha Sherin and Miss .Jennie Soft Scop and Pr>1cticA Pedal attachment The Bowmanville Cycling Club are ··· G, JtleIUBliox, itl. D. c. itt. itl. c I'. s. McCiung have gone to visit friends at to a Newcombe Upwright serves ma.king a great success of their weekly HYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND AC . Vici oria Buildings, Bowmanville. Peterboro. runs. The run last Thursday night being COUCHE UR. I,!Lte of the firm Stewart the nen·es of ~he listener or performer, Mrs. T. ~alter and Mrs. Burck, of when practising, as well as the instru· to Hampton- nine members turning out- & McKibhon,'l'eeswater. OJlice and resldenc3 Greenbank, I~each, have been visiting at ment from wear, and pr1i serve~ the tone. where refreshments were part11.ken of and Presbyterian Mauae, Blackstock:. a very enjoyable evening spent ab Mr. Mrs. John Trew;n's. ANTED.-A !(Ood general servant. GARDEN PARTY.-On Wednesday even· Jno. Elliott.'s. We think the club de3erve~ Apply to Mrs. D.T. Morris, Wellin'lton Monday Aug. 5th, a good time to be· SlTCCESSOitS 20-·2w. gin a full course in Chas, Ruse's Ed uca· ing next, 31st inst, a garden party great commendation. for the enterprise street, The .JOSEPH HA.LI,, JUanufactnring under the auspic is of the Ladies Aid of they have displayed in arranging these tional School of Music. TORE AND DWELLING FOR Church St. Meth. church will be held in runs as it keeps the boys interested in SALE.-Thut fine now store and resiOshawa Medcalf St. church missionary the grounds of Mr. R. J, Shaw, Centre cycling matters and forms a very health- dence, elegantly fitted for Merchant 'l'aiior or contributions increased during la.Rt year St. First-class music and refreshmen~s. ful pastime. Dry Goods now occupied by Mr. J oho The run next Thursday Fancy to WM. H. IVES, Dowm>trrville. Lyle. Apply about seventy per cent. Admission 25 cent9. The public are night will be to N eweaetlt., with a full 23- tf, The West-End-House are making big cordially invited. turnout of members. The start will be reductions to clear out certain lines of OR SALE.- A very fine 32-40 Remfrom Higginbotham's corner, at 7.15. goods. Call and see them. Mr. N. M. Ga~e, a respectable citizen ington Sporting Rifle with shells and of our town, died at his residence Scugog tools complete, 'l'his rifle is nearly new and ia ----·---Mr. and Mrs, S. Mason, sr.' returned st., on Thursday morning last Althou!lh a powerful aml accu1 ate shooter, Will be sold SOLI.NA. at halt cost. J. \V. DUTTON, Organ Factory. last week from an extended trip in the he had been in poor health for several 3U-lw· United.States and ·western Ontario. weeks plst, no serious result was looked Barley harvest l.s in full blast around TOHN CRAWFORD is furnishing the S1'ATESMANS in wr"ppers all ready for for and Lhe news of his death was a sur- here now. ,, DEST BmDER TWINF; in the market. mailing at the oflice j ceuts per copy. prise to many; The funeral on Saturday Mr. J. B. Reynolds, E.nfield, is sp 3 nd- Puro Manilla. Wurr!lnted 150 fee t more to Send this weeks numb.:r tu your friends. was a very large one, the Oddfellows ing his vacation here. tbe 11:1. than any other make· Come direct!~ here. No ono else can supply you. JOHN After the biggest season's business ever and members of Canton Bowmanville, _ of . l o d l d d Mrs. A. Washington has been spending CRAWFORD. Newcastle. 30-lw. . done on the premises we have piles of wh ic l r ers t ie ecease WM a member, f 1 . · b d b. 1 a ew cays m Toronto. remnants. See adv't of J. J. Mason's atten d mg ma o y, also t e emp oyees Remnant Sale of the D. 0. & P. Co., and quite a numOshawa Division S. of T. intend visitOW ASTRAY.-Strayed from the 1 premises of thEI undersigned, lot 23,Brok· l Horse r aces will take place in Whitby her of citizens in carria11:ea. The family ing our Division on Friday night. en )!'rout, Clarke. a light red cow, with white on Wednesday and Thursday, July 31at have the sympathy of the community in Rev. R. V. Lyon,of Suspension Bridgr, spot on face, nnd small crooked horns, also and August 1~ t. The prize roll aggre· their sudden bereavement. preached two interesting sermons in the white spot3 vn hind legs. Information le'l.dln11: to her rer-overy will be suitably reward<id ..JNo. MA ;rnl<'ACTURE THE 'es about $1 000 Ad vent churt:h here on Sunday. He will HILL. g ~· Newcastle P. 0. 29-3w* ' · The thirty-first annual meetin!! of the preach here again next Sunday. c " I R ·ELIABU> l 'IRE. NSUUANCE OMPANIES: Canadian Press Associatfon WM held last iARM FOB, SALE.- -150 acres, Lot 29 ·-City of London, England, capital £2,- Wedne&day at the Rossin Rouae, '£oronVisitors of week : Mr. Geo Hogarth, and 30. 3rd Con.. Darllngton, hair way 000,000; and Lancashire, England, ca.pi- to, the President, Dr. E. H. De wart B. A., and wife, Kincardine; Mrs. Fare· between Oahawa and Bowrnanville, within THE Champi~n enlarged and improved. It is hum in the samo manner aa the Ch11.mpion entll"ely of Steel and Malleable lron. 32 in oh Drivm~ Wheels Wide Steel F)'ame' mile of church, school and cheese factory; Steelalmost ~al, £3,000,000, represented by JoHN presiding. There were presrnt members well, Harmony; Mr. and Mrs. Jabez one Axles,SQlid Steel Guard,with 4! anrl ~ f11et cttt. 'rHE BEST AND STRONGEST MOWEli threo wells, frame house. good barn, with COLE, Sen., Hampton, Ont. 9--6m. of the Association from all paris of Cana- Hogarth, ~orwich; Mr. Thomas Bcown, B!-one stabling. Price $5000. l!'or further par· I N THE MARKET. We are olfering et close prices to meet the competition in the market of 1lghter a.nd cheaper buUt machines. . bculo.~s a.nply to the owner, Jon~ O. SHOR'!', The !ubjeot of Rev. H. S. Matthews' da.. 'fhese ·officers w~re elected : R. V. Toront'.>. Courloe P. O. 30-tf, On Monday afternoon a large gathering discourse it1 Church-st. Methodist church Somerville, Pres.; Audrew Pa.ttullo, 1st next Sunday evening, will be "The Equal 'vice-Pres.; H. P. Moore, 2nd Vice-Pres; of relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. TEER ASTRAY.- Straye.d from th11 k We. bought all the Pattern!', 'l'emplets. Drawings. etc., ete from the Joseph Hall Esta~, and Rights Aseociation and its . Work. " All W. R. Climie, Sec-Treas. ; J B. Trayes, Stephen Hogarth met to celebrate the premises ot the undersigned, lot 2-l and 25, eep m stock rc:ir }Jrompt delivery _repairs of all ma.chines and machines m.ade ..e.t the .Joseph eon G, Darlington, about the middle of May, a Hali Works, Mill Repairs, Champ ton Rea.vors nnd Mowers. Cayuga. and · Buckeye Mewers are welcome. Assistant Sec. Executive Committee-- forty-fifth anniversary of their wedding, grade steer, with white hind feet, star in face, Ne~ Model and Ilall Threshers. Horae Powers. 'l'hreeher Engines, etc. We.):eep In Jltock uh · D · C rQ,.., L1"ahton , L · G · J ack son, a.t Garden Hill farm, the residence of ~nd white $Ip 01_1 tall. Information leadin~ to cylinder !uld c~ncave teeth for Challeugo, .A.d\' ance and 8arnia Threshers. We ·r epair Messrs. Hunter and Cross1ey, evange- H · Hou ... Threshers. ~ngmes, Horse Powers. and Machinery of any make, a.11d furnish repa.lre tor eame lists, are rusiicating at their island home,. L. A. Davidson, J. S. Brinsly. It waa their daughter and son-in-law, Mrs. a.nd its reoovory will he thankfolly received by at short notice. Leather a.nd Rubber Belting (second hand and ne"lt" short pieces odd ends WM. I.AiBB¥AN, Solina. P. o.. or M.A. JAMES, Beaumaiis, Muskoka, where they will resolved to hold a winter meeting of the Mr. W. L. L:i.w. A game of base-ball, 81'ATES:-.tAN Office, Bowruanvllle. etc.,) at hnU price, Lace J,eather, Rubber Packing Boiler Purger .l:lelts etc ' · 30- 2w' Strveral Second-Han<1: Por~a.ble Thresher Engines, thorott~hl;v overhauled and rel)ail'ed, .15pend the summer. They are engaged Associlltion in To·ronto on the second Fri- croquet and other ammements were infor all nex t year, being booked for d9y in February and the secretary was in· , dulged in by the young people present, YJ'URM FOR SALE OR RENT. - The !!:OOd as new, at halt pnce. Second<Ha.nd New Model and Hall Threshers at very low ftgnres. 1 Bramplou, i\-foi;treal, Hamilton, L 9 ndon, structed to prepare a program therefor. while the older ones passed the time in A1 · north half of Jot 21, cou. 5, Whitby. ad· & aocia.1 cli.t. .lust before tea the mo3t in- Jommg the village or Brooklin. about H miles ?3-2ll1. WILLIAM S'l'.. osRA?v.A. Brantford, Kingston, &c. D ROW.NINO AccIDEN1'.-A very sad ac- teresting event of the day took place in fl'om Whitby town on the gravel road. A good house and barn. cattie and horse stables, root Friday, Aug. 23rd, is the date fix:ed for cidcmt occurred on Monday evening last the presentation of a beautiful hanging house are situated thereon, 1'here la a good holding a grand sailing regatta ovet· the in Vanstone's mill pond, situated at the hmp, a crystal lemonade eot, silk hand- o_rcbard and plenty of water. For fnrth<ir par· ticulara apply to HKNRY FRANCIS, Brooklin p, Clobourg course, under the rules of the west of the town, by which Geo. Haines, kerchiefs and a four-storey wedding cake O. 29-2m Lake Yacht Racing Association. There aged 11 years, only son ofGeo. C.Hainea,jr~ to Mr. ;ind :Mrs. Hogarth by Thos. Park· STEEL RODS- IRON FOUNDATION. will be two races, one for 2nd class, the met his death. The boy in company with er on behalf of their daugliters and son. GOOD, reliable men BUILDERS' IRON WORK, ~ can find . perliiap.ent other for 3rd and 4th class yachts com- three others went to the pond to bath(', Mr. Hogarth made a suitable reply and employiµcnt. Good bined. The prizes will amount to at least but venturing beyond his depth, and Mr. S. Washington, of Bowman ville, in a s .4.LA.R Y and ex· being unable to swim, was drowned neat speech congratulated the bride and penees weekly, Liberal inducements to $250. Outfit free. Previous experience AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. Rev. EL '. Matthews preached a most before assistance could reach him. On bridegroom on attaining the forty-fifth beginners. not required, Established over 20 years. All able and practical sermon to ihe Forest- the alarm being given, Mr. J . C. Van- anniversary of their wedding. Tea being p;oods warranted first-clase. Writo at once era in C'!:l.urch St. Methodist Church, on stone, owner of the mill, promptly came disposed of, the evening was spent in for terms. Address Sundii., enorning, taking for his text to the rescue and secured the body, musio, recitatiom, swinging etc. At a .t. '"· 1'1Af:KA.\'9 ~ 1 :27 . R" · t ance was a t J t h our th · d t o t h e1r · St. Grove Thomas, Ont.. Gen. Mana~cr for Ma.pie B·!;;;!~~~llM!~ c ::i:..:i::wc:i:'J:':e::ci. J ames IS remar k s r el a t"11rr 1 ,., to M e a· ica1 assll! iand an d every I a.e _e company repaire Nurseries. (Mention this po.:per.i beneficiary aid rendered to needy brethren effirt m~e for resuscitation but without homes feelmg grateful to Mr. and Mrs. ) . . .. WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. show that the Order has done and is still avail. Mr. Haines and familv have the Law for affording them the opportunity NATION.U. 1·1us are mgar eollte1l. 111niL'· . doing a noble work. . i syNpathy of all in their sad bereavement. of spending such a plea.san· time · 'lnu tlrnroul!ll . . v I.Iver l'Jlls b1 ·mil use.arc the best Stdmae1t llml . -UICE LIYE FRUIT J U IUJ';~U'\i J l~R A A , M 'R i\11 !I A IA Mrs. Philp, of Winnipeg, is visiting friends in town. Flowers in IMely variety at Burden & Co's Auction .l\iart. . . . . . Miss B(·ssrn Lee, of Enmakillen, is the gm st of Mrs. C. Rogers. · . l\" .1.r. an d u ".'· ~s; R . S . M . anmng, of WIll· rnpeg, are vis1trng relatives here. Mr. Bert. Wesley is studying medicine with Drs. Hillier and Lammiman. James Dayman local agent for Domin) ion Orpms and Pianos, Bowmanville. Mrs. Broad and daughters, of Detroit, are stopping at Mr. Geo. Haines', sr. Mi~s Minnie Coates, of Toronto, is visiting· her annt, Mrs. J. K. Galbraith. Mrs.·J. A. Vara, of Rochester, N . Y., is a guest at Mrs. J. Adam's, church-st. Mr. ai;id Mrs. A. McG11lvary, of U:r· bridge, have ~ :me tt) England on a trip. Great reduction in prices of Cabinets and Family Groups at Henry'a, after July 1st. Mise Minnie Sinclair, of Brantford, is spending her holidays with Mrs. Trebilcock. . A lot of summer dress goods at half price at Couch .Johnston and Cryder· man's. Misses A. and J. Spear, of Toronto, spent a few days with friends here last 1 ·1 I cLEVELANo·s SUPERIOR THE PUREST AND BEST S J. M. BRI11ACOMBE Farm for Sale Tender. BAKING POWDER I I MURDOCH BROTHER'S BOWMANVILLE: 1 Chin a Hall, Headquarters in West Durham for .. FINE Chinaware, SPE..CIAL OFFER! Dinner and Tea Sets, Glassware, I M:. I I TH E MEDICAL ADVISER Fancy Cups, Saucers, Vases, Crockery, Hall, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Water and Lemonade Sets, OUR FAMILY GROCERY & PROVISION DEPARTMENT -..... Slit <Jinudiat.. Local and Otherwise. " Is always well supplied with the very best goods at lowest prices. Leading Seedsmen in the Always pleased to show goods. Inspection solicited. MURDOCH BROS. i'u P 26 W S F ~OON C 0 F OSHAWA CHAMPION MOWER REP.A.IRS_ S ROBERT WOON ca . D WANTE Best and Cheapest Fen·ce Office Railings, Lawn Furniture ---Barnum WiroDR&SIron Worn· Toronto Office---4 Adelaide St. West.

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