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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1889, p. 6

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OUR FARll'f!i llS ARE PROSPEROUS. G.EN· .BUfL.ERS LEVEL H.EAD. But Ontario's i·rogresa is not gua.ged alone 18 P U!ILIBHED by the a.dvanceu1ent of Its educatio.nal i!1· Ile Tells ~oll>Y lJnlv::.~Y Uterary Societies l\lfa terial comforts and financ1a.l gam Something Abont C'anadn. 'E T:ERY WEDNESDAY 1'10RNING Onr Giant Dominion C>llmbi11g to Nnttou· terests. hava kept pace with growing popular in· ulUy, and l'eaeeful Years of Progress WA'.l'ERVILLE, Me., July 3.-G£n, Ben -BYtelligonce. are Hllestone~ IJpon the Highly Illgll The prosperity of Toronto is bu~ an evi· j '1 m;.n F. Butler delivered an addrees before 1".C . ;? way 01 tis Prosperity. decce of that w hfcb exiats thoughou t the ~he literary societies of Colby University last evening on " The Annexa.tian cf CanAT. 7811:. OFEIOE Across the border sneers at slow going province. The log fa.rm ho:·e husas given ada.." Thrne are some of the things he place to the briok residence, the back-break· Ca.n~da given place to anger witb the Post fl11lee Dloek, K ing Street, Bowman said : ville, Ontario: young git\nt which is ducoessfully competing ing cradle to the self.binder, and Improved We hear men, some of whom hold posiof every desJription light· implements with the great Republic for the carrying tions which eta.tesmen should fill, epeak of ened the labour of the husbandman. In t he TE RM 3 : trade of two continents. Pitying contempt the annex:i.tion of C11nada to this country $1.!lO per Annun1, H @I,00 if paid in for a few strai;rglinv colonies has been replac. last five years the value of farm implements wit h tho same levity as one in the ordinary has been adde:l to by $' 2,000,COO, live stock advance. ed by jealousy of a. nation wtich is ha.rd a.fter walks of life might speak of the j ining of a P,.ymrnt sfriotly in ndv·nce required from. slib· their o"Wn in the race of progreB!'. In the by $24,000.000, and buildings bs $52.000,000. tail to a dog-11 Jittle di ffi ~ult to do, but of soribers outfide of the cotmfy. !Jr~ere to discOn· United States the progress and resources of BUT THE GREATEST OF ALL IS CANADA. lt self a. very smlloll mattu. But how should tlnue tbc pspr.r muet be accompomcd by the amount this young Dominion are appraised ab their When we come to deal with the Dvminiou this be spoken of if t he ta.ii might happ11n due or the poper will not t e str p~ed. Subrnribere in Europe the name and full value, !ind even as a whole we find t hat the showinj! is no to be larger than the dog? In my belief, ·re.rEsponsible until lull pa~meut 1s made. less satisfactory. In 1868 t·he value of goods this frivolous talk, belit tling alike to the R4TES OF AJ)WEK'.l'ISING : ~ ·= fame of Canada. are known. But the number of thoee who are without 'Whole Column, one Y""'" ............. ~60 00 ~~ Imported for consumption only a.mounted to Canadian and insulting to the might and """' faith in their own country is npidlv grow· $72.000,000. " ·· Balfyee.r ........... 36 00 ~ L! yrnr the t otal was $102.- power of Great Britain, ia one of the chief o u One quarter ..... ~O 00 C/.l~ iag less. The succeeding anniversaries of 000,000. Our export· haveincrea.sed during obste.clea to what every patriot In the R·lf CO!nmn one year ............ · · · 36 00 ......::.._ Canada's birthday, each markinp: a mil< 20 00 thes; p eriod from $5i ,000,000 to $90,000,. United States, a.nd every Eagliehman In " Balfyea.r ...... ···.·· " One quarter._ ...... '. .. 12 50 _ stone In national progress, are gradually .OCO. In ten years the value of exp~rte under Ga.nada, if not in the Empire, muat, if the Quarter ColnILn one ye11-r ......... ~ 20 00 brin11ing conviction even to them, tha.t ranada the head agr .culture.I products have in-:r<" question is fully understood, greatly desire " " Halt year ........... 12 50 _ is truly a grea.t nation. L9t us on this ed by a fourth ; the value of animals a.nd -the union of these two great English· " " One quarter...... . · 8 00 _ oominl! anniversary calmly review t he pro· their products EXported shows an speaking p eoples on this continent, which ·rm· llD£s andnnd first insertion 80 50 _ Each subseQuen insertion .. . ·· 0 25 _ gress of the past, dwell for a. moment on the from fi;l4,0CO,OOO to ~24,000.000 ; the value must happen if democracy is not to be a From 1ix to t~n lines first insertion 0 75 ·possibilities of the future, and see if there is ofeattle exportedha.e increased from lMstha.n failure, so that this C,)ntinent eha.11 be the subsequent insertion .. ··. 0 85 _ not abundant 1 ea.Jon for bith in our D·Jmin· one million to nearly seven millions; and the home and exemplar of English freedom a.nd .Oyer t en lines, first insertlon,pe11lin 0 10 _ ion. export of cheue has been trebled, our exports of the English language, as modified and Eac·h eubEeotlei:t insertion" 0 03 : TORONTo"s MAl!CH TO GREATNESS. in the last line being now valued a.t $9,000, - improved by Americ11on genius and American i ··:'fbeJJumber tf lines to be reckoned by the 1 :·.P.ce ccc~pied, mea·ured bl a scale OI solidi= 000. The value of imptrte and export9 does enlierprise. Toronto was merely an over· grown village j· 'Ncnpoml. in 1868. In that and following years sheep nob a.fter all give a very clear Idea. ot a CANADA·s IMMENSE AREA, wa.n'.iered a.t large in the va.cant fields and na.tlon's prosperity or obherwise ; they .are llJIS. DJJIJFJr di IAltlJllllUN, The first great tact to ne ~·Ken into conregulated in a great degree by the extent to an ea.ily prey to packs of taglees canines, ···pnYSICJANS, SURGEONS, ETc fell which a. country is self contained or other. sideration when we speak so lightily of t he · Cffice :-Cor. Church and Temper~nce the none too plethorlc civic treasury being wise. The unfailing barometer which marks annexation of Clnada is her immense area.1 bte. Night calls attended from Dr. Hilliers' drawn upon in 1868 for $226.50 to make with unerring accuracy the prosperity or which inclndee 40 per cent. of all the posses~ood losses EO sustained. But Toronto residence. sions d Great Britain, wherever sit uated on s, G. lhLLIER, M. D. . is now far removed from the stage of adversity of a. nation is the na.tlona.l revenuo, the globe, There is room.for three British B LAMMJMAN, M. D. C. M. '.!'rm. Un Iv. development trafliJ, the development facilities afforded for attained on the day when .a · Fellow ot 'l'rin, Med. College, Indian possessions within the Dominfon of new nation was horn, Mile after mile of of its poilt-o·ffice service and the records of Oan;\da, and enough territory left over out l\1Ember Coll, Ph~s. Surg., ont Taking this as the institutiooe, monetary Improved streets have taken the place of of which the area. of Greg,t might be D Bf'RK. SIMPSON, mud roadways, Faotpries and warehouses basis of calculation no country can make a live t imes taken. Modern empires are FJ~'JIC {. i::oLJCl'fOR, &;o. MOPRIS have sprung up as If by magic in the vacant better eho wing thau can this of pigmies to it, for t here is rcom in Uanada. to T J rrK. uJelalrs, l{ing . s treet, Bowwan· fields. Thickly planted houses sup· ours. carve out nine Germaa Empires. The viJJe. f'rlicit~r for th e Ontari Bank· The national revenue has increased from pla.nted the orchard and the corn paten and D.>miniOn of Canada holds withm its bound· 1'1111t· !lfo11n~loa~ed attbelowestratea. the hum of industry Is heard now where $13,000,000 in 1868, to $20 000,000 in 1872. arias an area of 3, 470,392 miles, $22,000,000 in 1877, to $33.000,0JO in 188:.!, twenty years ago the stillness wa~ ):>rpken .Joltli Keith Galbraith, while t he United Soates (not including Al· and $35.000,000 in 1888. · ARRISTER OLICITOR, NOT.ARy only by the singing of birds a.nd the lowing 11>ska., of which the limits are unknowD) ba.:i During tho period tho railway rnilok, cattle, A population of 50,000 has in of PUBLIC, &o. Oflice- Bounsall's Bloc au area of 2, 970,000 square miles, or rlsing o.1ng Streat, Bowman.ville, Money to lend, creased to 180,000; an asseesmenb of some- age has increased as tollows :-In 1868 Ca.n - 500,000 tquare miles less than C!!.na.da, ada had 2.258 miles of railway, in 1875 4,826 thing over $20,000,000 has grown to $ Ll5, m11da. and her surrounding waters contain C1 DRS. llfeLA.l"GHUN d: BEITH. 000,<>00, a.nd a. total income from all sources miles, in 1880 6.891, a.nd lu 1888 12,000 quite one-half of all the fresh water of the 0l'l'IOE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. (loans and ourrent revenue included) of miles, In the last thirteen years the t rain mileage globe. bea.r this great faot in mind, ·Dr.J.W.McLAUGHMNi / Dr. A. IlEITH, Gradu $800, 000 to a. casual revenue from sources for I repeat it ia a. foundation of t he relicentiate of the Roya ate of the '.l'oronto other than taxation of half 11 million and has Increased from seventeen to thirty.six sources to make oae of the greatest nations miles; bhe numb'>r of passengers !'~Jle~e~~:Y~}ci~~: University, Physiclan, one of a million and three quarters from tax million ca.r ried from five to ten millions ; the ton- on earth. a tion Itself. ·Royal College of Sur- Surgeon, &c. EHE C LDIATE, ~one, Edinburgh. There a. few other fa.eta which can be nage of freight from five to seventeen mil· trhe general idea, whan thinking of Ca.11given in condensed form, a.nd a.ll of whieb lions, and t~e '. earnings from nineteen to BB..J. (), HITCUEl.L, a.da, is tha.t her high latitudes must be go to show tha.b it is not by steps bub by forty million dollars. ·A A" 'J:MBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAN s leaps and bThe following table will l(ive at a. glance regions of Arctio cold, The immense boiy of J unde tha.t Toronto's onward IYI and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. progress is measured, In 1868 t he the immense developmenb of banking enter· wMer known as Hudaon'a Da.y, 1,000 miles 0111e a.nd Residence. Ennisklllen. H ion{ and 600 miles wide, thrust down Into ASSORTM~NT civic expenditure on sewers and roadways prise:the centre of Cana.da, and which In ordinary Notes in was only $30, 000. In 1887 the expenditure DB. E. (). JhD011I.11.. Olrcul~· comprehension, being connected with the this head w·s nearly $1,000,000. Year ; Capita·. - -OF- tion. D epoeits; kseli8: ICENTIATE OFROYALCOLLEGE under waters of the Arctic c.oean, ia deemed to be ot Phyeiclans, London, l!:ng.;Member ot £he streeb mileage to·day Is 235 miles, or 1868 $30,000.0CO e 8,000,000 $ 32.000 000 $ 77.000.000 wholly frcz~n over for a. great pa.rt of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontarlo. double that of elght years ago. In the first 1872 4i>,OOO,OOO 2ii.OOO,OOO ti4, 000,COO l ol,000,000 yea.r, averages three or four degrees higher :SURGERY AND RR8IDENCE:-Rear of Messrs. year of Confederation our total civic expend 1877 ®.ooo,coo 18.000.000 11 ,coo.000 174,ooo,ooo 1882 58.000,000 32,000,000 113,000,000 229,000,000 temperature than the water on the south· 8igginbotham's Drug Store, Bowman ville, iture was considerably less tha.n $1,000,000. !887 6-lyr.· 60,000,00U B0,000,000 114,0.0 000 220,000,00 western shores of L~ke Superior. And we This year the expenditure on oapita.l and Th~ deposits in Post-tffi1e .and Govern- must remember that on the south-western current a..ioount will aggregate over six and wn. DINGDA!tl, a. half million, or cquiva.lent to oue- ment Savings b'lonke show the foliowiog re· shores of Superior lie Michigan, WisSSUER OF. MABRIAGE LIOENSE S, half the receipts of the Dominion Govern- markable series of : consin and Minnesota of our North-west. Residence, Enniskillen.' D,) we claim a.ny State more flourishing, 1-iny ment from consolidated revenue iu the first i YEAR, DEPOSIT. land more fruitfu l, or a.ny part of the United year of the latter's existence. The city ! "· (), BlfNKING. States which has made grea.t~r progress than 1868 ·.···· ···· . . ···. $ 1,687,000. to day over ten million dol! 1 · ·· L ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR possesses for :l\'Ieu and Boys, Women and Children. the great North-wesb, to which the st ar of 1872.... .... ...... . . 5,000,000. 1 ·the County or Durham. Sales attend ed worth of real estate, a figure which repre· ·· ' Empire takes Its way. 1877 .. .............. 7,000,000. ·to on shortest notice and lowest rates. Addl'aSB sente abou b one-half the aneseed value of Ca.nada ha.s quite one-quarter more land 1882 . ............ .. . 2L,OOO,OOO. .J01JRTI<lB P. 0, 36:tr all the property In the city twenty yeare fitted for wheat cultlva.tion than has the 1887 ... .......... .. ' 40,000,000. ago, and more th~n a tenth of the gross debt S. BirBDI.N .t ()0., The nexb ta.hie shows the increase in whole United Sta.tee. It may be safely of the DJminion in the first ye1 u of Confed· said, that, leaving out the worn·out wheat .l UCTIONEERS for the County of eration. The imports into the city Fire and Life Insurance business ; lands of the United Stiates, Oana.da hBI twice ,8- Durhem ; Insurance and f.leneral.Agcnt·· yea.r were nearly a third that of the whole FIRE. LIFE. the extent of unworn-out la.nds, whloh pro· Valuator and Real Est1tte Agents. Sa.Jes' a.nd Dominion in its first year and treble what .ntherbusinesa_promptly attended to. Box 172, PRJ>l\IIUMl, ASSURANCES duce a.n average of more tha.n twioe the numRepairing~· they were in 1868. 8c-wmunville P.O. 36- tt YEAR. RE\]ElVJ!D, EFFJ!Cr:RD. ber of bushels to the acre than are produced 1868 . .. · .·. . $1.'785 000 . . ..· ' .. $12,000,000 by the average Ja.nde of the United States, '.!'HE SCHOOL, OF TRI! l'l!OPLE. Pianos Tuned and Bepaired. l 1872 ....·... 2.628,000 . . . . . . . · 21,000,000 and on some land1 wheat has been raised in >(. But our chitf pride a.a cltiz ~ns ie in our 1877 .. ·.. .. . 3, 764,000 .. . . . . . . 13,000,000 the la.rgeet prodncing quantities for twenty magnificent public school system. There 1882 ... . .. .. 4,229.000 . . . . . . . . 20,000,000 years in auccessien without a. fert1Ji z3r. ~p · AltTIES WISHING THEIR p IA.NO : Tuned or repa1reu can hiwe them attended le nothing better calcuated to develop 1886 . ....... 4,932.000 ..... .. . 38,000,000 ':91'7 leaving wordJa.t the DOMINION ORGAN this high ideal than a well · devised system Woman Suffra!!;e in £n.e;land. But perhaps the most remarkable progress OD' .0.-l'IOE, Bowmanville A first-clas maJI of national education, a. system which en· · :AO'lr'IJ~lnR in their employ s11re1J to ev~::tchilht }e11ig_ t i\ re1uona.bly lo~g of all is indicated in the following ehtrt The women of England are having a oouue a.b sonools mamtained a.b the public t·blu, ehowiDg the iucrea~e ill tl!I) nqml:Jer ~ourn_e;- ~ll ~Q themselves on the subject of -,,'IL UAlll JJ:IJJt, expense, and where it is nob only fitted for of poeb officeund letters carried by mail;- uhe No greater mistake oan be RACTICAL BOOI{ BINDER. A11 the ordiMry business of life, but is likewise NO. OF LETTERS· AND made than to imagine tha.t every intelligent . work doi:e in fi1st-claes s1yle at t he prepared for the higher duties of citiz911. YEAR. vFFICHS. CARDS POSTED. woman, a.a soon ae she thinks about t he iltv i st Toronto p1keP. 01ders left at t he , matter, le impressed with the conviction store cf Mr. Trebilcock or the residence of R. ship by obtaining a. fair knowledge of our 1868 .. ... . . . 3,638 ... ·. .... 18.000,000 that nothing ahorb of a in the la.wP. Jritld, Crntre·ft., llowmanville, 20-Sm system uf government, the responsibility 1877 ·. . .... . 5,161 ....... . . 46,000,000 making of the counbry will ever secure t o its resting upon each individa.l cifzen, and 1887 .. . ..... 7,534 ........ . 90,000,COO ROBT. '.l'OIJNG,; W, S, her sex the poeition which t heir charaoter where pride in and love ·for the country of 1888 ........ 7,671. ··· ···· . 96,000,000 a.nd a.bllitiea ao thoroughly deserve. On POPULATION AND TERRITORIAL EXTENT. FFICE 1N ,THE WEST DURHAM birth are developed by stories of past News Block, where himself or aseistant 111obievementa a.ncf future possibilities. · In Our population and territorial extent the contrary, very many of the most woman· ly and at the same ti1ne most intelligent be found frtm 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Night ca.Ile no country in the world is there a better Hidence.directly opposite Drill Shed. Calie representit.tlon of thia system than in Ca.n- ehow the wonderful expansion aa do women in E agl111nd at anyra.te, not }' telegraph or telephone will receive vrom pt ada. And in no province of confedera.tion our trade and commerce. at ention. 171·.yr with a scattered a.nd disunit· merely Indifferent a.bout the suffrage, and doe1 this system attain so high a. develop- edCommencing '{,000,000, we ha.vo gra.d- don't care the value of a. blunted needle population ot . ment as ia our own. In the Queen City ually moved up to 3. 6'JO,OOO in 1871, to whether or not they or their daughters ever this Public school system most nearly ap'. 4.300,0CO in 1881, and to-day we not have a vote, l>ub are positively opposed t o it, preaches perfection. L!\rge, imposing, welland would very much rather Jet the men do .G entlemen's· Clothes Made toOrder. ventHated and ucellently t quipped build· less than five a.nd a half million people joined all the voting. Of this of women, Mrs. in co.nmerce by bands of steel. their hearts ings are convenili!,llt!y located, and at whioh beating response to one patriotism and ani. Humphrey Wllrd, t he author ot Robert the children ot poor and rich are< qua.Uy mated by a common feeling of pride in the Elsmere, is probably the mos t distinguished free to attend withoub money a.nd without fbg representative. In the "Nineteenth Cenwhich shelters them. price. In no way .can the progress of the Bub while our increase innumbere nae been tury" for June, she a.nd a number of other first city of the firsb provioce of our glorious satidactiory, nothing can appeal n>ore strong· women signed a.n a.ppeal to Pa.rlia.ment . ;s:.:i Dominion be so clearly and strikingly set '.~ to the imagination or arouse mor.e pat· against the E'na.otment of a Female Suffrage "t1 forth as by a few fi,!:ures showing the pro· ly riotic fervour than a contemplation of an L'low, and the effect bas been to produce 0 greaa of het schools sinoe the first year a.fter increase :;>io area from 416 OJO rquare miles somet hing like a floo.d of literary matter bear. Confederation was a.ocomplished. The nine in 1868 to 3,470,000 roiled in 1889. ing on t he eubj~ct both In reviews and daily schools and 41 teachers d 1868 have inperiodicals. Amon~ the women who sign a In compari· Ourjpopulation may seemem·ll 0 ~ creBBed to 40 of the former and 300 of the eon with tha.b of th 3 United States, but it paper in opposition to the Anti. Sufftaglsts, Iatter. ~ equals or excels either the ancient kingdom FrancaR Power Cobbe, and the wives of EDUCATION IN '.!'HE PROVIJS"CE. of Egypt, that thrivhig hive of industry; the Archbishops of Canterbury and llork. .Oelguim, the maritime union of Sweden On t he whole it would appear tha.t the While the province as a whole does not heaviest artillery is on the side of the ',:H A RN DE N, L · D. 8 how the. same rapid advancement in eduoa- and Norway, or the plucky little guardian Suffragiets. The ba.ttle on both sides howaraduate ofthe Ro:ral College of Dental t iona.l facilities as this city, · still that pro- of tho Da.nube, Roumania, Our nationa.l revenues Equal those of ever is beinv waged with much skill a.nd Su1geons, Ontario. g rees is of a most sa.tiafaotory nature. Al· certainly not more animus tha.t would be '0 -FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. t hough the number of Public schools in Portugal or N orwa.y and Sweden, one- displayed by men under similar circumata.ncin exceee d thees of Mexioo, and ef. GOLD E'ILLING A SPECIALTY Ontaxio has only Increased by about a third seventh in twenty years the number of teachers em- treble those of Switz rland. "AMil'ICIA.L TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT Our railway mileage is ae great a.s that p loyed has almosb doubled, and the salaries Pi.A.TES, . Ontario Crops. 0 f those teachers a.nd the total e.i:pendlture of Amtrta. or India, double that of, 'Great Reductions in price ·oil. all DentaI in connection with the schools a good treble that of Brazil a.nd long enough to With regard to t he crop situation in On· .;work. Vitalize<! Air, t<Onstantly In use pro d eal more vhan doubled, thus indicating the form five separate lines across the broad tarlo there are favorable as well as unfavorlnclng P1tlnless Operations. Partioula.r atten « able fea.turee. H!l.y, from a.II a.cconnts, is ..~on . p111d to the iea;ulation of Children's TeetII I ncreBBing lfficiency of schools alre ..dy In Atla.ntic. great as ia the progress of the past not going to equal the crop of la.ab year ·. It """"'ALL WO.RX W .A.RRANTED. .._ existence. It must be to every oitizen of it Bot is but a. promise of tha.11 which is to come. was nipped in many sections of b he country t his province a source of unqualified pride Branch office, Dr. Rutherfo~d's Orono to know tha.t four and a. half million dollars We have a terrltori11.l extent forty times by late fr:>ets, and the heavy ra.ins were not was expended on High, Public and Separate greater than t hat of the German empire, beneficial, The whea.b crop is said to be THI~ YEA.R'S schools last year. There is jusb one cs.use and excelled by only one nat ion under the looking well in many parts, but reports are c or discouragement in connection with this sun. Our resources in se!\, forest a.nd soil somewh11bconflicti11g. In the Niagara diss bowing, and tha.t ls, that notwithstanding inexhaustible. Every province but one trict the crop is assured ; the yield large 1111l the advantages offered for popular edu- is rich io almost every known mineral. and an early harvest predicted, In the west ca.tiou, over 20 per cent. of tbe children of We copper, i;:old and iron enough to and north ·wcst counties the reports sat· 0 ntario, between the ages of seven and supply the world, and in the North-west iafactory, excepb on t he low and heavy lands (JlJT and PL lJG Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the t hirteen, attended school for leas than 010 alone there is a coalbearing strata. double where water is still lying. It is the general the entire area of Portugal. opinion of bhose capable of j adgirig tbb the daye in 1887. LIVER, STOlllA..CD, KIDNEYS A.ND BOWEJ"'S' Rich in resources, illimitable . in extenb harvest has undouhtediy been delayed 11 The following figures, showing the pro· gr esa of the High, Public and Saparate and with boundless faith in her own future , couple of weeks by the unfavorable weather Tti, ... invlgora.te i:ud. t'il'l t:>re bo hnlt b lJebil;tated Constitutions, SC hools of this province since 1868, will Canada is t he peer of any nation under the lately, bub there ie still a. pos!libi!ity of a. *Ira lan1uable ln ~ ll 0 >'ll?hln\s io.) td ,11. G G 0 ~ emalee of a ll Ages. F'o ¥ FINER THAN EVER. c11.nopy of the broad heavens. large wheat crop. Prrnent indica.tion.s p rove intert·sting :Chlldron and the aged t hey are pricelea11, that tbe yield wlll be above an average one Sec PUBLIC SCHOOLS. and much in cxcees cf t he pMt t wo Bringing Him to the Mark. years. L~t~ ~ccoun ts of p3118 are not very No. of Average .Ko, Of l:ialary Total ex schools ~ttrnd. t each. paid . pe:ises.. favorable, wtnle the crop Q f barley is likely an iufalli. b\a tT n 1 lv t ) ~ B ~ 1r, 1{ s, Ba.d Breasts, Old Wouud g 3 , ".l..nd you do really love me, Cha.die ?" .,, Ye at'. "Love you, ,Tennie? With all my heart to be sma.ller t han season. and Ulcers. It I~ famo':ls for Gou t e.nd R he umat!am. F or dfoor ders ,) · t, 1· l S·o8-·1,318 160.673 4,760 ;;<1, 000,000 $1,532,000 and soul." 1872-4,4UO -Chest it h as no equal. ~t:~it:(53g ~~·~~~·~~i, "Well Im glad to hear you say so, bub- " At lJrlppaland, in Aust ralia, they have 1877-4,955 ~~~:~~~ 1882- 6,010 100. 602 6,467 $2,00o,ooo hus3'.ooo "But what? Surely you cannot have any ea.tthworma six feet long. ['hey liva in For Sore Throats, nroncltlth, CJoughs, tJohh , in b1·onze on 1887-5,532 245, 152 7 ,694 $2,458,000 $3,H2,00J doubt of the sincerity of ll'!Y affoo'oion?' burrows on the eloping oidss of creeks, and Gls.i.ndu.lar Swelling~, an1 all D iseases it has no rival ; M l Each PLITG & PA«JKA.GEI HTGH SCHOOLS. "Not eic:acbly. Still-" are sometimes turned oub of the ground by 41-ly contracted and 11t Uf joint:s H acts llke a charm. lS68- 101 the plough. They have a. curious smell 2,542 161 $ 95,ooo $ 117,000 "Soill what?" P&t 1872- 1C4 4,040 239 :> 1n,ooo "Well, I thought if you h1Jodlovt:"d me you like creosote, and fowls r6fuse to toucl~ 18 104 77G,287 280 :t'211,000 $ would have a- that is to say--I think- I them ; but old natives of the district say Well Mea.nt, M !cl.nufoctured only at T HOMAS HOLLOWAY'S E stablishment ......, 1882104 6,728 332 :2253,000 $313,000 thought, you know, you would have kissed thab oil made from them is good for' rheu· · It ia told of a pioJJs, well-meaning man 1887- 112 10.227 398 $27,000 $495,000 I me before this- that is-" 78, ~r,.w O:XFO"P,1) · .:, rREET, (late 533, OXFORD ST l' J~ ET), LOIHD ! matiam. There are two other varieties of ::here that on one occaGion, while offering up SEPARATE SCHOOLS. ! Cl U pon my eoul, Jennie, knowing you enormous earthworms known, one inhabit. And 111. e dV .'1 a t ls. lid., 2::. 9d ., 4s. 6d. lla., 22 s., aud 33 , each Boil w P _o, prayer in Sunday school he referred to the 1868 - 162 1 9,305 230 $38,846 :S 55,452 were " Bastion girl I di· i n't dare to, but here ing South Afric!l. and the otJher Southern .2 - 171 ·\llnperintendent in this manner: "And O, 187 10,584 2M ii\46,824 $ 08,810 ; b ~ " may be had fro m l'!ll IvI~dblne Vendors tllrougho 11~ the Worl4- · 12,M9 HB4 $70,2oo $1oo 0 66 I goes now, you . eu185 India. aad Ceylon, bub the Australian kiud God, bless tho rnperintendent, who has led ms~= ma 18,uH 390 ss,1,000 s1 5 4's4 0I Let the curtain fall. is the largest. w Purcha$~re ehould look to thii label on bhe Pots !Ind lloxee. If the addres~ is not· -' uch a. !or g,-tedlous, Chii~thn mi- 229 491 $211;223 I 52 .. c, iou,, ittE CANAITTAN STATESMAH A.JAMES, UA:NADA' S TWENTY TWO YEARS' G.B.OWTH. IspRI N c ANNOUNCEMENT ----o---- 1889. . u ·· · ~ "Window Shades, all colors, both with and without d a\do Genuine Hartshorn Spring Rollers. Bessel Carpet Sweepers. Curtain Chains. Cornice Poles. Stair Plates and Rods. Sanderson, Percy & Co.'s PURE MIXED PAINT. r Genuine Elephant Lead. A fine Jine of Kalsomine, W'hite Whitewash and Paint Brushes. The best goods at bottom price_ s, S. S. EDSALL. B ' }- B D. DAVIS & COMPLETE will be found in his old shop, next door aoor to Express Office, I BOW"MANVI LI""E, where he keeps constantly on hand A LARGE L Coarse and Fine I and Shoes Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Special attention given to Satch~ els. :o_ I:> .A."VIS_ s P DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, Dried. O and other Factory 'Work all Kiln R. PEATE, Tail~ AFun Stock always on hand. Call and Examine. DENTISTRY. '~ - McClellan Co., ·o.. e BOWMANVI LLE, sole agents in this locality for TRENTON, ONTARIO. GIL~OUR& CO., . HEALTH FOR ALLI MYRTLE THE PILLS 'SMpkING.,TOBACCO THE OINTMENT · g;fiJ li!e· l ,, Children Cr1~for-Pitcher's-= castoria~ ··· -- ·· ·- · ·· ·"- · -·~ --~r · -

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