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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1889, p. 7

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1889. ADVICE 'TO M.01'HERs.-Are you di r~1 turb1 t night and broken of y_our by:, 1 ~ Jf Cuttin~ Teeth 1 If so send at o~ '!l and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow' s 'ck child suffering and crymg wit. Its value is incalculable. It will reheve the poor little sufferer immediately. De· pend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about H. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhrea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels cures Wind Colic, so ftens the Gums, 'reduces Inflammation, and gives to~e and energy to the whole sy... tem. " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup "Nor children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the old· est and best female physicians and nunea In the United States, and is for, sale by all druggists through the wotld. Pi-ice 25 cents a bottle . Be sure and ask for "MRS . WINSLOW'S -SOOTHING SYRUl'.' and take no other kind, COl'ISlJllll'TION CURED. Soothing Syrup." For children. teeth!ng, An old physician. retired from practice. hav· in!( had plt!.ced fo his hands b.Y an East I ndia missionary the formula of e. simple vegetable rem cdyfor the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Broncnltis. . Catarrh, .A.sthroa. anO. all Throa~ . and ·Lung A:fl'ectione, also. a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and · all Nervous Complaints, after having tested it~ wonderful curative powers in thot~· sands of cases, has felt it his duty to make· it known to his suffering fellows. Actua.ted by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering I wLl send lree or charge. to e.ll who desire it.' this receipt, In German, French or English.with full directions for preparing e.nd nsing. Sent by mail by addressing with, ~11,.llling this pa.per, W · .A.. NOYES. 149 Powe"l"B 'Yi,lock, Jrockest er, N . Y. 41-lY around the rope in a ha.rd k 11·1t , thereby choking itself to dea.t l-. The Louitv ille Courier Journa l hoi;es that A FANTAS Y. the introduction of paper C< ffi lls may reduce What is a. girl's life, pray ? the foolish expenditures now .1ommon in A little garden space funerale. As matters are at preep1 1t, only the Within whose every spring well-to do ca n afford to die. Sile sees her beauteous face : M . Berti recently llewed the thl of a rat's Where she fa sole possessor · ta.II into its, it, t he tuil, immediOf all she hears and sees, a. ·ely took root in its new position. Then he From the il11ting of birds in summer cut the loop thus formed by the ta.U and the To the honey of the bees ; ut had two tails. He has found, however, Rosy wreaths a.nd strings of pearl tha.t as a rule, t he new tail has no eenution All belong to the happy girl. M. Sopinard, the grea.t French a.nthro· pologist, has been led by the shape of the And what is t\ boy's life, pray? leg bones of the " men of Spy" to the conA quiet, shady nook o1usion tht\t these remote ancestors of the Where he has nothing to do but pla.y human race h a.d their lower extremhiee half Nor ever read a book ; benn, like t hoiie anthropoid apes that inha.bit A kini;i< of contentment, trees. Which every hour disclosee Some new delight of sense and sight, G ov. Green, of Trenton, N J., The Times Fresh growth of sweet er roses; relates, tel!e a. good story at bis own ex· A rich inheri1lanoe of joy pense. A few ifays av,o, while he was That crowns with light uhe ha.ppy boy. waiting for a train a 1J tne Eliz\beth station, he enga.ged the servic e of a juvenile bootWe might be more than happy black. As t he yout h plie;l hie brushes the And lead such perfect lives, G overnor grew sociable, and pleasantly If all of us were children inquired:-" liow'2 businels Johnnie>' And none were hnsba.nds, wives : "Name ain't Johnnie," laconio1d ly answered B11t boys grow and girls grow, the lad; "N's Tommy." Slightly ta.ken Together or s p ~rb, back by Tommy's indispositfon to be aocio.ble Till some day ea ch diecover the Governor said not hio11 for a while, but The other ha.e a hea.rt, fina.lly, deciding to impress the young· This ha.Ives their joys and doubles their ster boa slight extent, he rem~rked ; " Well ca.res, Tommy, I gu ess you don' t know who I am, And ends in wrinkles and grey hairs ; do you ?" "Yes, knowed you long ago," In the foeb that rock the cradle, said Tommy. "Well, who am I ? ' "Yer In bhe hands that toil for bread, Bob Green's father." · The trouble about the living, The sorrow above the dead. What can we do, then? Nothing more Than those who begot and bore us ; They make our lives before us As theirs were ma.d11 before. We must be up and doing, Maidens flying and men pursuing ; Then hey ! for blllinll' and cooing, And ho ! for wooing and winning. The world will never mend; Love was before the beginning ; .And will be after, the end. AS YOU LIK.E H. 1 Want of Sleep Is sending th ousands annually to t he Insane a sylum ; and th e doct ors say t his trouble is alar mingly on th e incr ease. The usu al rem ed ies, whilo tl1ey ma y gi rn t em porary r elief, a re likely to do more ha rm tlrnn good. ·what is needed is nn Alterath'e and B lood-pu rifier. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably th e best. It corrects t11ose d isturbances Jn the circulat ion w h ich cause sleeplessn ess, gi "es in e1 ·0ascd vitality, aml r estores the llflr \' UU ~ sys tem to a healtbful condition . R e\". T. G. A . Cot6, a gent of t he Mass. Homo s[issionary Society, w rites tlla c h is stomach \Yas out of :>rcler, his sleep very often disturbed, an d some im· purity of the li lood m anifest; b nt t h at a per fect cnre wail obtained by t he use of A yer 's Sarna parill a. Freder ick W . P ratt; 424 W ashington street, Boston, w rit es ; " )fy daugh ter was prostrated with ner vous d ebility. Ayer 's Sarsaparilla restor ed lier to h ealth." °\Villiam F . B owk er , Erie , P a. , was cured of n er vousn ess and sleepiessness by taking Ayer's Sarsap arilla for abont two m ont hs, duri ng w hich time his w eight incr caacll over twenty pounds. I'. A.. COLE'S -STOCK OF- DRY i" uuusually attractive this season. Some plums in Dress Goods, Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, bought for CASH at the'.lowes,t point the market has touchee Fine 0 rd er ed Clothing, a specialty TOWN PRICES KNOCKED OUT. Farm Produce taken in exchange< _ for Goods. · Our Due Bill taken as Cash by Mr. John Ellott~ the reliable grocer. Come along and secure bargains. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED B Y Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all D ruggi· ts. Price $1 ; six bottles, $3., F. A. COLE, Hampton. Gents' Clothing Cleaned, Died,· Pressed and.Repaired by Settled. The w:f~ of au Irish peasant farmer had driven some pigs into a sm~ll town to dispose of, a.nd, having negobiated the s£1le, she re· ceived in payment bank-i:o ~es issued by a well-known Dublin bank ; but, the name of the bankers not being hmiliar to her, doubts a.rose in her mind a.s to their sta.bility ; so she decided to get the notes cashed at the ba.rik in the town where she then was. Ar· riving ab th e ba.nk in q uestion, she presented them across the counter, nquesting the cashier to give her gold in exchange. That gentleman expressed his regret at not being a.ble to aocomodate her, saying i1. wa.s not their 011.stom to cash notes issued by other banks. The old lady was much puo out, and explained that she had various purcha.Bel! to make in the town before returning home, a.nd wa.B unable to get the notes changed elsewhere. The ca.shier still politely dealined. However, she would not give in. F irst she tried to coa.x him, then stormed a.t him, but without the wished-for result. 811.dden. ly a bright idea. struck her. Would the ca.shier be eo kind a.s t o give her notE S on his own bank in exchange !-they might be more acceptable to the trades'l!en. Seeing no other way of getting rid of hid tiresome vleito1, he reluctantly c on sented, The old ll\dy, seemingly quibe content, turned to go. All at once she s ?opped short, and, turning round eo as to face t he ca.shier, read from the note in her h11ond, 11 1 promise to p!iy on demand," &~., then, looking her victim full in the face, said, in broa.d Irish, u You promise to ca~h this n ote wha.n de'llanded, do you ?" "Yee," replied the cashier. "Then · will you kindly give me· gold for these notes n ow ?" TO ADVERTISERS. DUNN'S, ()onsumption Surely (Jured. 3'0 T HE EDITOR : Plem1e inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases h ave been permanently cured. I shall be glad toJJend two_bottles of my remedy FREE t~ any of your rea.der11 who have coneumption if they wm send me their Express and ·P. O. address. Respectfully, Dr. -T 1 :A' SLOCUM, 164 West Adelnide st., Toronto, Ont. Ca.relessness is littfo better than a ha.If. way hcmee between accident and design. · The man who regiebersat a.hotel at night can be uid to be on the " retired list." There is considerable of a bre<z9 a.bout that Cl.ion na Gael Society just at present. Kaid McLea.n, a Scotchma.n, is Co111ma.nd· er-in-chief of the army of the Sultan of Morocoo · · When any cala.mity has been suffered, the first thing to be remembered is . ho\\ much has been escaped. lb is said that Gen. Boulanger hae grown! tired of London. and col!_templa.tes making a short iirip to America. '\'i~e;Baby_ waa Bick,, gave hllr C~tor1a, '-'That's a saw spot with me," remuked When abe was a Chila, ehe cried Cor Castorill>, - the tramp as he surveyed the farmer's wood· pile. When·sho became Miss, she clu~g to Castorla, WLon eho hi><l ChildroD., eho gave them Castoria, Stout women should 11ovoid belts, hor:z1nta.I rows cf trimming a.nd orna.mentat!o:i a.t the top of sleeves. Man proposes, God aisposes, woma.n dis· composes, the divorce.court interpo~es, AH.M lN PICKERING FOR SALE. and nhe press exposes. -One of the best farms In Pickering for The Municipa.lity of Morden, Ma.n,, sale oonte.iniug 125 a.ares, all of which are cleared and in high state of cultivation. On paid the boys for 4,560 gopher tails at the the premises are a good dwelling house and r11ote of 20 oents a dozen. Pulled Down a British fla.g, out buildings and two wells. This property Is An old man named John McCartney, of situa.ted on lot 15, b, f .· one mile 11.nd a halt Mrs. Susannah Cook is an English woman from Pickering v illage, half a mile from Grand ton, was killed on a Grand Trunk rail- living at 4 lO Pearl st reet, She has been in Trunk Station. three mires from P ickering way crossing a.t Toronto on Saturday. this country 29, and thinks it a great Harbor. and six miles from Whitby. For !urthe~ 1>11.l't iculars e.pply to JAMES P ICKARD Advico should be like a gentfo fall of snow, place. Yeeterda.y she thought she would on the., ~isea, or P ickering, P. 0. 29-t C 11ond not like a driving storm of · hail. It belp along t he celebration of the Fourth by should descend softly, and not be uttered hanging two Americon fl-irgs from lier winhastily. dowe on the third iloor. She put an English ARM FOR SALE.-130 acres, com· Infants' dresses of white China. silk fllg between the two American fl 'gs. She posei ~ of south part of Lot No. 19, Broken Front, a\ d le three miles from the Town of are coming in favor. They wash quite nice· had displa.yed the same fi~g during the cen· Bowmanvllle. 'fhis is one or the b~st farms in ly, but the material is more suita.ble for short tennial cttlebration, ulong with the American the county or ham. It is in e. high stt\te of fl \ge and a picture of W aahington, and once cultivation and is well fenced On the pre· dresses th~n the first long robes. before on a. Fourth of July, when she lived mises there is a stone dwelling, two large The number of suicides in the United. on Va.ndewP..ter street. barns and other out·buildings, wi&h stone etabling tor cattle and horses, three wells and States last year, as closely a.s can be figured, The othter day htr English ilig e.ttrnc:!our cisterns, also wind·mill for pumping was 7,000 and the majority of these were ed tho at tention ot some men in front water, For further particulare e.pply on the farmers and farmers' wives. of the saloon kept by John D. 0 Brien, at premises or It by letter to HENRY :MANN, Bow· Ten and three·qurter 1 r iles is the range Pearl and V&ndewater strett3, They got a. man ville 31-tf the Fcenoh have obtained for the 4lHon gun 1a.dder which reached t o the fire in :!5 feet long, with an 800-weight projectile front of 410. An Irishman climbed the lad· der and tore down the E nglish fl l g, amid and 425 pounds of powder. Mrs. Pilgrin-Now, these b oys air sister's. cheers from t h ~ c rowd in t he ~treell. He .ACRES, being lot 25, con. 5, The Census Ta.ker- N o ; you mea.n brothers. did'n get it a ll t hough, bub left a. pa.rt on the . 0 'l'ownship of Whitby, known a.a Mrs. l'ilgrin-No, sir ; I m ean jea what I fire ernape. Half an hour la.ter Mrs. Cook discovered the Bradley E stflto. The land la in the highest say ; they are my sister's. She lives next state or cultivation. 150 acres clea redland well door in the red house. what had h11oppened, a.nd hun~ out the rem· fenced. the remaining 15 acres being wooded naot of the Ii ·g. She had hardly done so land. On the premises are a splendid two·and· The new uniform of the R ussian Imperial when three young lriehmen rapped on h6r a·balfstoreybricK dwelllni;i: 30x40, with kitchen Horse Gaurds includes a spotleas white· 20x30. e. barn 106x36, with stabling for 10 horses door a.nd advised hor t o take in the rest of and 30 cattle · there are also all other necessary coat, t op boota reaching above the knees, the H·g and sav e trouble. While she 'W outbulldlnw:11: Tilere is a good orchard, plenty and a helmet of what looks like pure gold, talking to them tome one climbed the fire of email fruitP, tw o wells supplying plenty or surmounted by an enormous eagle of silver. escape again 11ond ct1rried off the rest of the i;i:ood water, two good cisterns. and a ·ne ver An elephant killed recently In India and fi1'g. fe.i'ing, 'i'he land has never been run down by being rented. Onecorner of this farm secured by the Central Museum, of Madras, Mrs. Cook sa.ys than n Ext F ourth Ehe will reaches into the village of Brooklin, Thus it when mounted as a. skeleton meaaured 10 fly an English flig again, and C'Brien asserts is quite convenient to busineos places, post office, churches. schools. or railway station. feet 6 inches in heilo'(ht. '.I.his is to be that it will come d own. The was not It is on the leading r oad north from Whitby, the la.qest elephant ever aeen in India. r eported to the police,- [New Y ork Sun, the Uonnty Town, and being only ~! miles The British Inflpector of Army R~mounts July . distant. Thus both for size, quality of soil. situation and every oth er essential point, this ha.s completed a list of 14, 000 horses, for farm cannot be surpaesed by any in the county, each of which the War Oflbe pays the sum an d ia in condition for the purchaser to make -money from the start. 'ferms r easonable. of lOJ. annually to have the right of usinp .A.pplyto D. ORMISTON.Whitby; JNO. BRADI.EY, the a.nimals instantly in case of an emer· 2nd con. of Reacn; or to OUAS, OOAKW!';;LL, on gency. the premises. 21- Sw. D. Augustus Vanderveer, who owns a Brooklin, May 22nd. 1889. large vineyard a.u Mana.lapan, N . J., has put paper b aga ov er ten thousand bunches of growing grapell as a protection against inaects. The Austrfan troops 11re bein~ arwed w ith tho Ma.nlicber rifle. .At target practice re· cently this weapon sent a bullet two and a LOCAL AGENT JWR half miles, fat;ally injuring a soldier who cha.need to pass the line of fire. The "Monstua.rt" mansion of Lr,rd Bute, near Rotheea.y, la said to have cost not less - AND than ~8; 000,000, and is believ.ed to be the largest and costliest p1 ivate pala.ce in uis· tance, PI..A.N""OS~ About :l0,000 people a. day go up the BOWll.lA.NVILLE, - ONT Eiffel tower. Of these between 3 OCO and 4.000, go to the tcp. On an average a per· OFFICE AT FACTORY. son has to about a.n hour to go up in HEALTHFUL EXERCISE. the lift. Only a few months ago these r omping rosy.. A Southern newspaper offers to give a c~1eeked lasses~ero puny,_delicate, pale, 's ickly city lot to every new subscriber. A rival gll"ls. Dy the aid of D r . J'iercc's world-famed paper makes the same offer and agrees to Favorite P rcseriftion, they have blossomed out into beautifu , plu mp, hale, hearty, strong throw in a city hall or a street railroa.d. young women. . The military pigeon service h!!.s become "l> ' av<!rite Pr.escription" ls an invigorating r cst orntnc tome an d as a regulator and pro~ a part of the military system of almost every of f unct ional act ion at that crit ical country in E 11rope , France, Germa.ny, rno~er p er10d. o~ nhange f rom girlhood to womanAustria., Rus6fa, I taly, and Portugal h ood, 1 t is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can procl uce only good results. It is carehave adopted it. f ully compounued, by 1111 experienced and An American ha.a set up a. school in Pans COB ES sldJJful physician. and adapted t o woman's and advertises t hat he " will t each any delicate org1tn.l ~J1tion. It is purely vegetable hon and perfectly hi1rmless Jn F'renchman to speak t he only sensible in its com1H>61 any conrlition of the system. Jt imparts language in fo e world in six weeke and at a strength to tho whole system. For overcost of only $25." worked~ " worn-out," " run-down," debilitated rn1!!111ers. dressmakers, seamstresses, F<1.rragut, in 1866, sai.d that th e armer yiachere, s hop-g1l'ls, housekeepers, nursing mothers, eventually wou Id come off the side of w11.r an(l feeble women gcnernlly, Dr. Pierce's vesseh, put th e t ime has nob come ~yet. F aYorice .P reacriptio1i is the greatest eart hly b9on, be111g unequaled as nu appctizin ~ corSaveml of the new w2.r vessGls u ow building dial . a.nd resto1'at ive tonic~ It is then only in E urope are to C!lrr y ao inches of ateel med10111e for women, sold by d ruggistE under arm or. n v o81tive ouar nntM from t h e manufac'ture1·s that it w ill give satisfaction in every case' A Buffalo p ll>per says Urn.t if the clty or money w ill be ~efundcd. This guarant ee had t he monry stolen from it by boodlers has been faithfully carried out for outny years. during t he l 11>st t wenty.five y ears that the Copyl'lght, 1888, by WonLo's DIS. MJJ:D. Ass' N. sum wonld p every street in t h e city and AND A LL SUMMER COMPLAINTS k eep them in l'epair for t en y ears. AND F'l.L':KE.S OF' THE B OWEL S An eel suicided in F or syth Cmmtv, Ga. , OFFER'.tD IT IS ~ AN D RE:LlABL£ FOR. the ot her d ay, It hooked itself, and, failing · . , by the manufnctur~f!ILDREN OR Jl\CULTS. · . t o effect ite, deliberately tied itself ! r~~u~J:t>l~rea~~fsC;t~\?rrhhiQ ~h~1'ikad:or 11n A list ol 1000 newspapers divided into ST.A.TES AND SE CTl ONS will be sent on ap. pllcatlon- FR;J;E. Dyer and Clothes Clea.ner, To those who want their advertising to pe.y. w e can offer no better medium for thorough Goods warranted to be as no one will know and e:fl'ective work than the various selections then1 from new when done. ot our Select l.oc 1tl 11s t. Gt:o . P . HO WEJ.L d: UO., Corner or King and On tario Streets, Newspaper .Advertising Rureau, Bowman ville, 10 Spruce street , New York. TH OS. PEAT, IPOWDER BAKINC Tl-IE COOK'S BEST FRI END ve ., ,... F F First-class Farm for Sale. 16 ,. JAMES DEVMAN Dominion Organs J>R. _]\OWLER~ ·EXT: OF-$ >WILD TRAWBERRY: !!f;?~Ji!!~ OLrl C_....a.@RA.MF>S , fjlIARRHCEA l..!'j,YSENTERY s? $f'.JQQ

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