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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1889, p. 1

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· TBRMB :-$1.50 Pu A111.-u111:. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THB WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES VOLUME ~nxro:& .AND PROP:B.llro:&, Ni:w SERr.11:8. NuMBEB 572. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1889. KIRBY. There have been some cases of cholera motbus about here recently. Wm. Staples is getting his threshing machine in order for the fall work . . Nearly all the b11.rley in the neighborhood is cut. The crop is very heavy and grain plump. . · Jas. McGuire, who wa.11 accused of attempting to set fire to Mr. Jas. .l:'ower's barns, has been acquitted. He is now living near Newcastle. TYRONE. Mr. A. Cass and wife are in our midst again. l\'In. L. Phelps was under the Dr's care last week. Mr. JohnManniiig is pasturing his bees al Cedar Valley farm. XXXY. NUMBER 31. Great Sale -OF- SUMMER . co-Uc:a:, JOHNSTON & CRVDERMAN'S. ~-.-o.------ Our minister spent a few days on Col· umbus circuit last week. The S. A. Officers leave this week for camping at Corbett's Point. Quarterly meeting will be held ( D. V.) here next Sabbath morning . Mr. J. T .' Welch and daughter were visiting at Cobourg }aet week. Thl1 powaer nover varies. A marvel ol Mr. A. E. Harris left on ·. Monday to purity, strength and wholesomeness. More ccononiioal than the ordinary kinds, and oan start threshing with Mr. W. Staples, not be eold in competition with the multltnde Kirby. of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powderei Sold only in oane. ROY.AL BAK· The mayor has declared Civic Holliday ING POWDER 00.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. to bo "when evor you foel likc it." Timo for another election. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A WORD TO FARMERS. '.l'O .AJ,f, WHOM l:T MAY CONCERN. They are selling a lot of Dress Goods at half price. 19AB4SOl.S AT ABOUT HALR 'PRICE. ', -AND, Prints Reduced· Prices. _,_ To reduce their present Stock antt make ·room fot their Fall Im-. po~tations, great ba:Fgains will be given in all departments. COUCH. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Do01· DTed . oC Post - - --- MILLINERY! nm~y \Ve have just n1ade a very large LADIES .---purchase of Milline ry ctncl MilliGoods, ·at a big Rediiction. 'l'hey are the very latest styles obtainable in the market; and will be sold at amazingly low . prices. Please don't delay in seeing them . -.,.In all other depart1ne11ts \Ve are sbowing the largest stock we have ever shown here. --W-E- CHALLEN G 'E any firm in the County of Durham to equal us quality and price, ancl any firm in the ·Do1ninion · .to surpass us. We are at present, showing a very large stoclr of Dres~ Goods, Silk. s aud Trimmings, Ladies' Jackets, Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves~ Prints, Muslins,~ I,inens, Sheetings, Shirtings, Cottons, ·rweeds, Clotbing, Lace Curtains, Boots and Shoes, and Millinery. LADIES, we call ·your attention to ou1· present large purchase of Millinery, 'vhich every Lady should · see, who is loolring for a new article. Remember the place,~GEo. M iss Aunie Squair, of Toronto, is home on a visit. Mrs. Wm . Jackson is with her sister in Toronto, who i3 very ill. Mrs. Albert Leigh aod family are Farmers, take your egga to Tod Broa. They will give you the highest market visiting friends in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Winter .a ro ~i:cnd· Office. prices. iug a couple of weeks in Toronto . Mr. and Mrs. S. F. N ewaom have re- ·-- - - - - -turned home from a visit to Corbyville. Miss May, of St. '.J.lhcmaa, and Miss Mary Leigh, of Pontypool, are visiting friends here. Mrs. George McLean and child, of Toronto, are visiting at her mother's, Mrs. .John McComb. The Rev. R . A. Rooney, pastor of St. Savior's church, is away on a trip for the benefit of his health. Mra. Moment, who has been very ill during .the past week or two, is now 1 · d somew h at improve . Mr. Samuel H odge, of Mitchell, and Mias Ethel Hall, of Bowman ville, have been visiting at C. B. Borlaud's. Mr. E. T. Siemon, of Cobourg University, was in town a day or two last week, the guest of Mr. J . Newsom. Mr, John Best, jr., of Winnipeg, has arrived home, his father being taken much worse an d not expected to recover. The Newcastle base ball team did our boys up in the game of Saturday last. Both teams played a loose game, the score standing 25 to 26. . The 01·ono. Presbyter~an Church h~ve chan~ed tho time of their prayer meetmg · f ur d d · u t service rom ... e nes ay evenm,. o Thursday evemn~. ' We are glad to notice Mr. T, Da.ncae· · H e is · ter, S r., ou t a_round a.gam, gradually recovermg from a severe at· tack of rheumatism · · The sign in front of the Prince of Ill Wale's Hotel has been repainted anil the Roy'a l coat of Arms now stands oat conspicuously. Mr. R. Warren, of Newcastle, was the artist. Mr· .Alf. Moment, of New York, is home ependin11: 11 short vacation. Alf. , l 11 d · · I looks exceed 10~ Y w~ a.!1 1~ seemm~ J well pleased wtth his situa.tJOn and life in the great Metropolis. . . party of about a dozen A campmg young men and ladies of the village left here last week for Scugog Lake. They eJ.pect to pitch their tents on Washburn Island and will spend about two weeks in boating a11d fishing. l\'Ir. S. Moffatt, eg15 buyer, was loadmg cases of eggs on hi~ ;vaggon la~t week when the horses ran. away, upsettmg the waggon, and smashmg 147 doze~ _eggs. Fort~nately the ~orses were unlDJUred and little damage <ione to the waggon. I take .this method of thanking triy old customers and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to me during the years that I have been in business and having fitted up a good show room and office on the site lately occupied by Mr. C. Rogers on Silver St., between Percy's blacksmith shop and the News office, where I shall be pleased to see my old friends or make new ones, and I invite all who want anything in the following lines to call and see me and examine goods and compare prices and quality before placing yollr orders : agricultural machinery, steam and horse power threshing machines, Brantford binders, reapers and mowers ; seed drills, spring-tooth cultivators, disk, sulky and iron harrows, riding and walking plows, straw cutters, grain crushers, root clltters ; also agent for the Goold Bicycle Co., and St. Thomas White Bronze_l\lonutriGnt Co.; insurance effected on farm .buildings and private residences at lowest rates. Iieadquarten for plow points, machine oil and:11xle grease. JA)IES M cLEAN, 14-tf. Bowmanville. Mr. John Colwell hae rented Mr. Hugh McKay's farm, now occupied by Mr. John Cinnamon. Several new binders have been put up here this season. The lodge grain is telling on them. Some fields c<1onnot be cut by them. Our new milk-man had a tip· over last week coming down over the hill west of the villagf·. The whey, can, and driver was piled out in a curious shape. Keep a level h~ad on, John. RECEN'~ VrsITom;.-Mr. Cha~. Wilson, .Miss Laura Boll, Master N. Bell, Mr. N. Bell, Mr. H . Welch, Mrs. Charlton, all of Toronto; Mr. John Davey, and wife, Whitby; Mr. A. Roberts, Oobourg. . regu lar S un d ay Tl1ose w1 10 lak e t. Iie1r . walk af ter ch urch , got caugh t m , evenmg the .rain on Sabbath evening. Some had t o s t ay Jonger th an us11aI on th . at account . It's an ill wind that dosn't do someone 'ii good act. ORONO. LA.nw's old stand. 3:E. THOMPSON, & Co. "Mammoth Bankrupt StocklEmporiu1n." Scribner's Magazine for August is a most seasonable issue, containing spirited out-door papers on the game of lawn t ennis and on tarpon fishing ; two papers on Tennyson, whose ei~htieth birthday is thus commemorated; short stories, by H. H. Boyesen, Brander Matthews, George Parsons Lathrop, and E. f. Martin, o. new writer, aud vi1lu11ble additions to the Elec· tric and Railway series. OSHAWA. About sixty persons from Oshawa took advantage of the excursion of Bowmanville Canton, week, acro~s the lake per steamer Hastings. Mr. N . Bill lectured lll8t week in the Medcalf St. Church to an ap preciative audience; 011" The Use and Abuse of the Tongue.' We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. T. A. ~ieh?r, of A'hburn, on Monday, he only bcmg BlCk n few di.ya. Mr. Fisher was a 11on of Mr. Timothy F'ishC1r, of this town. Mr. S. Touens, one of onr enterprisin"' dry goods merchants, left on Tuesday laat week per SS .Circassiau, of the Alhn Line on a pleasure trip to Ireland. ' The 0dhawa Divison of ·,be Sone of Ten1. d 'l " pera.nco 18 stea 1 y growing. During the laaHhree weeks some seven or ei"'ht mem0 bers have been added. Hard!y a week passes but there are several initiated. A Big . Order. -Messrs. Dingle Bros. have received an order from Manitoba for $20,000 worth of Seed Drills, to be delivered next winter. This order. with . others they have, will keep their factory busy until April next. 'rh e · M esars. w·11· ' 1 tams have d 1sposed ·of 'h " e o Jd f oun d ry o ffi · ce an d l ot compromising abnut a qllarter of an acre: t ti f D k0 d B a 16 corner 0 ruce etriiets, u an A Trip to Calgary. to Mr. H. Mannell, who proposes turning the office into a dwelling. Price paid is ., $800. Dl!lAl:f; s:'A'rl.:SMAN.Mr. Da.tley's roPidence Otl Brock Street Thu:~~ing that some notes, on !DY re- is neariug completion. the brick work, ce~t vmt to Cal~ary, N. W.'J:., m1g~t be executed by Mr. 'r hol. 1\iay, has been of mterest to your ~e~ders,( have wri~ten completed for some time. W.hen finished a few facts pertammg to that section. tho house wiU be ·l credit to th l left here on June the 4 th, arriving in and an ornament to that portio1~ ~t~h~ Calgary on_ the 10th. town. · Calg~r.y is t~o most owestern town of Bishop Bethune Collega Directors are th~ p~ames, situated 8" 8 mile~ west of getting matters around the building into Wrnmp~g and 60 east of the Rocky shape, they have secured the services of Monnta.rns. . Ir; the .front of the. t0wn, an eminent lady principal, Mies .Je.t.frys ~oun.tams rise m varied form, _w_ h1le be- who holds a dep!oma. with first clas3 honhwd is a grea~ sea of open pra1r1e. It ors from Cambridge U niversity as well as ha.s a populat~on of abo~t 3,0?0 ~nd c:m- first class standing m French and German tam8 2 sa.w millP, 1 planmg m1Jl,,, h otels, fro m Berlin and Paris 3 banks sud 4 churches. The bllildin!!s · are bllilt priacipally of red brick sandThis is a time for strange occllrrences stone, which .is procured in abundance and Oohawa is able to add one to the from the Bow Ri"ver·. a sl1ort d1'st~nce variable . It is this- some ~ ~ · · Jaccumulation 1 fro.Jn t he town . A new hotel i ' s no~ " tune rn danuary l· · ast, a certain ma.n's wife bemg built there, with this stone, that pre~ente um with an addit ion to the -11 cost, wlien fi ni'shed, $50.00". The family, the child being healthy and in Wl v f Bank of Montreal is another fin e build- every way worthy 0 the hearty reception iag, its erection costing some $15,000. which wa.e accorded it. A few days a~o The chief industrv of tho countrv is this same man's wife was clever enough ranching or stock raising, though a ~on~ to repeat the presentation. Two childsiderable business is done in furs. About ren in six months is quick wol'k. Both 70 miles east of the town are situated children are alive and well.-Refonner. large coal fields from which the output is about 430 tons per day, and which is sold in Calgary for $7 per ton. Exteneive silver mines are in opeiation in the Rockies and these em)!loy a large number of men which in turn boom business. While Calgary and its districts abound in mineral products, it is none the less a Welling~ good wheat producing country a.nd were there only a good flour and grist mill there, farmers would go far more extensively into wheat growing,as mixed farming would be a paying investment. There - -- is a SJ>lendid opening for a flour mi'll good 1.--200 acre farm, 160 acres cleared, balance h11rdwood with some cedar, good bank there as all the flour at the present time barn 10x60. icood frame house, well feuced,well has to be imnorted, and as th e district to watered, river and wells, close to station and " village, orchard &c. Price $9.000. s apply is large, the demand is great. 4.-20Q acres, 70 cleared. balance hard·wood, 'l'he warm Chinook winds frorn across ash and oak. said to bo $500 worth of oak on the mountains keep the ground free from this pl11ce, all good land, log buildings, a bargain to some worker ; a small amount down snow in the winter, except for a day or so buys this place. Price $5.~00 at a time. At the time of my visit, vegeta.- 11.- Beautifol 200 acres, 170 cleared, 30. acres tion was well advanced, a good deal of the good hardwood. l!'ine clay loam. rolling land. l · b . d - M h lt acres orchard, two good dwelling house arc · well finished. sprin..-s-·and wells. A fine eowrng 1avmg een one m Some fields of oats were 2 ft. high then. home. Price $10,000. As a farming country it is firet·class. I 6.-150 Mrea, fine rolling land, 125 cleared, d 1 fb I b extra well fenced, 3 acres orchard, fine bank secure some samp es o ar ey grow a Y bam 5ux(){), stable 40x42 all on "to'le walls 10 tt. Mr. W. Standish, about five miles sollth high, driving house 26x10. new fine brickhouao of the town, which yielded 50 bus. to the 26x38, kitchen Hx20. w. shed 20x20, !'(nod wells, acre, and they will go about 10 bus. to property. cisterns &cPrice .. will sell or exchange for smaller $7,:JOO. Terms 'to suit, the acre more when cleaned. Also some ·19.- llG acres very line land. 100 cleared. fine oats grown on the farm of Mr. Jno. Pat- bank barn and drivinK house MxOO and ilOx50, 1 Sh C k 20 ·1 pig pen 18x30. very fine stabling. .Brick house t erson, a. · eep ree · some mi es 26x3t. Frame kitchtm. house only 3 years old, south, wnich yielded 47 bus. to the acre, good wells, fine orcharcl, lots ot cvorKreena, and these are but averaf!e cror>s. Mr. fine roads, every convenience. Only $7.000 ~ Patterson, from 2 bus. of wheat sowed 15.-100 acres,80 cleared and well tile drained, l h h d b f 20 acres bush, large barn, good house, nice ora~t year, t. res e 80 us. roi;n the ma- chard, a squ,.,re hundred bush near to dwelling, chme and it was equal tu anythmg l have very well fenced, a. bea.u~iful home, poplars ever seen in Ontario. Here, too, I saw , an~ evergreen~- :rice $1,oOO . . some fine cattle 4 year old steers dress- _l~·-~00 acres, 60 cleared, mce rolhng land, · . ' · rrnh soil, bank barn 36x6l and other bmldmgs, ed, weighing 1,200 Iba., and two year frame h<?use 2Gx36, kitchen 18x48, will be sold olds go from 800 to 1000 lbs. There is che.ap, tnl,!e to pay, near the whole a1!1ount if always a large demand for beef cattle, de8 1red· $ 500 do~;i bluys dthls_ fa.rm. Prioe $!000, 26.-100 acres, "' c eare · 25 aures good hard. Wh en m · Calgary, wood,rollinitland, both east an d west. rich cl11.y loam, very well butter was selllng for 25 cts. per lb. and fenced. frame barn 40x6i. stables 20X'lO, good egga 25 cts per doz Pork 8 eta · per lb ·· $3,800. dwe!llng bouse,good Vlella, nice orcilu.rd. Only _ · ·:. (Must be sold.) hve weight, beef lo els., dressed. 18 - 100 acres, 50 cleared, new bank barn and The streams abound with fish, fine good frame house, atone cellar. board tenceein speckled trout .from 8 to 10 . lbs. can be front. to so meSquare une. hundred, only 3,ooo. A bargain caught at any time. There H much. more 20._50 acres fine land, only $ 1,600· I could 11ay ~bout Calga:y and its dietr~ct, zt.-50 acres good land. tlne frame house and but space will not permit. Settle_ ra gomg barn, well tenced, $2.200, t? ~he ~. W.1:'. to see the country should 22.-52 acres fine land, only $2,200. Clos.e to v1a1t th·s sect10n and see for themselves village. h · d · ff 23. 50 acres fine loam good barn and stables t e ID ucementa IC 0 eraw M L very good house, well fenceri, extra fine land: . . ~ · c AltEN · only $2,400. Enmsk1llen ' July 2oth. The '\bo ve are & f ew of th_e f arm~ Vl'.e . · HOSPITAL REMEDIES. ofler for ~ale on !"h1ch we will L~an Pr1· vate.or Company a Money up. to ;i value, There is a new departure in the treatment and m so~e cases more at 6 to 6t p~r of disease. It consists in the collection of cent. straight mterest , repayable to snit the specifics used by noted specialists of purchasers . Europe and America, and bringing them Come and see the farms and have a within the reach of all. For instance the chat. All farms shown to int endino purtreatment pursued by special physicians chasers, the prices quoted are the "t erms who treat indigestion, stomach and liver given by the owners but other bargains troubles only, was obtained and prepared. may be made. The treatment of other physicians, celebraWe sell o n Commission only, hence ted for curing catarrh were procured, and Buyer's can rest assured we are n ot specso on till these inoompamblo cures now include disease of the lungs, kidneys, female ula.ting on them. Fare paid if not as repweakness, rheumatism and nervous debility. resented. Write if you cannot come. Ask your druggist for them. Those who l\foney to loan at lowest rrites. cannot prncuro these remedies from their druggist may remit the price to Hospital · " Hemedy Co., 303 West King St., Toronto, lllor~h Wellington Real Estate, Loan and and the remedy will be shipped to them General Insuram:;e @ffice. direct, (The price is one dollar each) . l!IOOREFIEl.D, ONT. All the medicines oi tho Company arc for HAL. U tJ,lf, l'EVE:R AND (;llUl.S are l1est sale at the Drug Stores o:I' ,J. HrnormioTH~~r broken 111> mul preventecl by u sing 11111· & SoN, anti STOTT & JURY, Bowmanville . burn's 41u;n111r. Wine, BURKE TON . Frielld Walton took his departure for Roche!ter last Monday to visit a brother in that city. Mrs. Gilby and son are visiting friends in the city of 1'oronto. They expect be away for some time. The happiest people in Burketon just now, are .those who are getting ready to play star. parts in 11ummer weddings. The Misses Goodalls, of Acton, arrived here last week to spend their holidays with t heir parents. May they have a good time. Miss Nettie and Minnie Elmes have just returned from a week's visit in the eame place, where they fully enjoyed themselves. ' ano was deli'vered at the re81 "denee A Pl of Mr. Elmes on Tuesday. It ia a fine instrument and was manufactured by tho celebrated Heintzman Co., of Toronto. fhere is scarcely a house in the village without some musical instrument in it. So much to the credit of our snug little place. Dame Rumor whispers that- Miss Sanderson, of Enniskillen, has been engaged to teach Burketon Acadamy the balance of the year. We hope the re·>ort "' is correct as Mias Sanderson is a thorough lady and capable of conducting the school in an efficient and satisfactory ma.oner. to WHY GQ WEST! FARMERS, LOOK HERE! Homesteads in ton and Adjacent Counties. I ALEX MALCOLMSON & CO

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