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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1889, p. 2

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'4~1:1111!!!!!FF7~~~-!!~~·~!!!:!=~~-~J!l4A~~!!~~-~!!!!~~~ ·-- ·~ - ~lol~~!f~-·-------·------· ---- - -···- - -·-- -JC""~Yo'°UNG -FOLKS ~ lrnpt."d t h e king. Come in!aere s.ndgetyour THB KITCHEN DOOTOR· L!!.nd of broad l'iV&rs and. rushinfZ «tr eams, '{'he Benetlls or Fruit ns a F oo<l -lt sboul1l 0 1 wild wind -battles an d ce.taracb, Ue Ente·· Jn t he Mornlng-Unex'Vhose " Mighty Waters" ~:a t h uuder fall, Until your hair becom es d r y, thin, "'nd celled a s a Hedieinc. EVERY WEDNESDA.Y MORNING A Y eethiog mas6, from t heir rccky wall ; She sails away on the River of Dreama. gray before giving the attention nSt>J.ed [From Medical Classico.] Whose pathless prairies u nmeasured roll, -BYtrhis litt le Skipper with eyes of brown, i o pr eserve its b eauty and vitality. It ie an observation not lees impor t ant ~ban In wave on wave, to the N or thern Pole ; As the fire-fly's Mrch in 1>he twilight gleams K eep on ,your toilet-table a bottl« of 1U ; ~ A.JAMES, true; tha1l by attending merely to a. proper vVhose trackless forests u nconqu19red stand, And the garish sun goes down ; Ayer's Hair Vigor- the only d re11,, I · 1 A fitting t ype of their n ative land ; . d AT TBE_OFEIOE H er ba.rk floo.ts over the grimy town ieti o. ph egmat1c ia bit may fuquently b s W hilst fall and forest, ancl p athless pbins you requir e !or t.he hair-aml use a Ii t.tli>" ,.To Slumberland, o.nd its eilver sea; changed into a sanguine one, and the hypo· Post emee Bloek, King Stred, nowmau ohondriac may be so altered as to become a Are guard ed well by the chaina. d aily, t o preserYe the natural color·~ The folds of the Skipper's snowy gown · ville, Ontario :. cheerful and conten t ed member of society, Two oce a.ns break 0 11 t hy sturdy shores, preveu t baldness. Are no whit fairer than elte. E xperience a.nd observat ion show that a. too 'rhe world its wealth in thy <'offers p ou rs, TERM:! : '.l.'homas Mnuday, Sharon Grove, K y ., There are angel-birds in the warm, still air, frequent and excessi'le use of animal food T hy hardy so11a are bby sons indeed, r "'l "A A.nn11m. or 11!1 .oo If paid In w rites· : "Several m ont hs ago m y hair And the skipper laughs with her eyes of · "" ' "" per ndvanee. 1, in .And dro.w on t hee for: t heir every need, dispo'?ee t he fluids t-0 put rifica tion, an c commen ced falling out, and i n a few brown sanguine temperaments especially, communi· Yeu fay resources, exhv.uatlcas still, . . p..yment strictly in advance required from. euband weeks my head was almost bald. I c11.tes to the mind a. degree of ferootiy. N a · .llring golden grist on thy teeming mill. scriber· outiide o! the county. .ordere to d1ecOil· And they sing to her old songs, sweet tried -1any remedies, but they did no tloue the paper must be accompamed by the ·m!>unt r are, tions subsisting chiefly upon t he flesh of ani· [J;hy ships known on a doz911 sea.a, dlie, oT the paper will not be stcp~ed . Subscnbere To the bea.t of their wings of down ; male, like the Ta.rtare, are, in gener al, more T hine em blemc borne upon every breeze, good. I finally bought a bottle of A yer's are re81lonslble until lull p·ymeu~ is made. They sing of a. Prince of high renown fierce than ot hers ; and the effect ie trhy n<1me is apoken in every tongue, Hair Vigor , and, after uaiug onl y a par t ·= rJUTES 01' A.DVEUTISING : §; CJ ,.. ~And o. Princess ever so young and fair; manifesb in carnivorous animals ; they emit T h y growing fame to the poles is fl ung, of the contents, my h ead was covered Whole 'Oolumn, one year, . . ......... · . .$30 00 §ii~ a. very disagre( able smell, and both their Thy deeds are su ng by a world-wide choir, .,. ·· Halt year ...... .. .. . 36 00 ""=rn But where is the Princess ha.d ever a cr()wn w ith a h eavy growth of hair . I recom. ·· " One quarter ........ .. 20 00 cz;i~ Like the crown of her soft brown hair I flesh and milk have an mip leasD.nt :m d ro- Thou ha.rdy son of a hardy sire I 6 3 mend your pr eparation as t he best bair00 .....=__ Ho.lf Column one year .... ·· ...... · · · pelling tMt e, Even. an infant will r efuse the 0, sea.· girt Cauadal Home of mine, B.RIDGING BEHRING STRAI'IS. " Half year.. .... ...... 20 00 r est orer in the world." e breast when its nu rse has eaten too much The deepest love of my heart is t hine. Cometh a storm o'er silver sea " One quarter - . . · ·..... 12 50 "My ha.Ir waa faded and clry," writes " 'hat Explorer !MniJ.· Says-Mastodon Rt:· a.nima.l food. :rhosa who ea.t great quanti- I knew uhee not a.s a place of birth, That ebbs on the Dreamers' Land ; .Quarter Colun.n one yeB-r . ..... ·... 20 00 ·' " Half year ......... .. 12 50 _ Mabel C. Hardy, of D elavan, I ll.; "bnt t ies of mea.t, and little b rea.d a.nd vegeta.blea; Thou freest child of a do.rk'ning ea.rth I And the angel-birds fade out to the lee mains in .Unslrn.. ·· ·One quarter,....... 800 _ must necessarily acquire an offensive But, ere mv summers ho.d n umbered t hree, Of this singular Slumberstra.nd ; after using a bottle of Ayer's H air Vigor · re11 lines andund fl.rat insertion $0 50 _ John Muir ea ya tho.t he has by no means Ia there a. .Barbor, by angelsplo.nued, Each subsequen Insertion.· ·.. 0 25 _ it became black and glossy." completed hie explora.tions in Alaska., and It appears, therefore, to be most suitable and My m fan t fortunes were cast on thee, conducive to health to combine animal 'l.nd Within my Plllses, thy b reezes' s trife J!'r()meixtoten linestlretinsertio:n n 75 _ From all storms, whatever they be, that in raga.rd to certain elephant remains vegetable food in due proportions. :Eoch subsequent insertion· · ··· 0 35 _ S tirred all t he blood io t a quicker lifo, From the wicked fairies of Slumberla.nd there, the br idging of Behring Sea, and Over ten Jines first Insertion.per Un 0 10 _ 5 The proportion cannot be minut 9 ly n.soer- The sunny skies, to my spirirn lent, And the waves in its silver sea? other matters he hopes soon to add infor- t a.ined with respect to every ind Each eubeeauent insertion" O 03 ividua.l ; Their buoyant bright ness and glo.d content , Sold by Dr uggists and l'erfumen . 'lbe number af lines to be reckoned by the Up like u. comes the little brown head, mation tha.t will be of great value to science. but, in a genera.I sort of way, it may be said, Whilst a11d body, ancl hear t and mind epace cooupled, mea~u red by a. scale or solid Alt hou11:h the bridging of Behring Straits And the brown eyes only see t wo· thirds or three.fourths of vegetables, t o Were braced alike by the bra.cing wind. N<lnpareil. has been widely ridicu led, Muir ie inclined one A billowy bfo.nket of silk, on tepread third or fourth par b of meat, to W hat should i;hy sons and thy daughter s be? to think than such :1. feat will one da.y be be the On a.n ocean of dimity I most proper, By this judicious Stout-hearted, generous, pure, and free. DJtS, JllJ,J.IEB & LAJtllllJllUN. ac.1omplished. H e says : mix t ure we may avoid diseases a.rising from Stout-hearted, generous, pure are they, S o disfiguring to the face, forehead, ancl But it's fearlessly the Skipper will flee HYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETc ::with a soft little ba.refoot tread"Seoa tor Stanford'u git·dle of steel o.rouD d a. too copious use of either. Much, how· And free ind eed a.s t he liuhb of day, neck, may be entirely r emoved by t;h 0 Office :-Cor. Church and Temp_er~ce the earth via Behring Seo. is o. perfectly use of Ayer's Sarsapa rilla., the best an~ Sts. Night calls attended from Dr. Hllhere' By the chart she learned on her bended feasible echeml'l, Behring Str aita oan be .iver, depends on the peculiar properties of 0 loyal child of the mot her-throne I knee, o.limcn tary su bstances belonging to one or Thy feet are a.ble to stand alone : safest A lterative and Blood-Purifier ever .residence. b rid gad. It is only sixty miles across in t b0 t he other of the differ ent classee. s. o. JlILLIER, M. D. . . To the Haven of "Mother's Bed." .Mol!t favored ~ountry beneath the sun l discovered. · B LAMMJ:MAN, M. D. c. :M. Trm. Un iv. n arrowest {lla.oe, and t here ttre three islands JOHN PAUL BOCOCK, The eating of fruit a.t the commencement Thy t ale is but a.e a. tale begun ; 0 r.0 J. c · Ayer & Co., L owell, Mass. · Fellow of Trin, Med. College, strung alonP' in it. Thia would divide the ~ unborn ch1 . ldre sh 11 1· t 0 Ou ' M em oer Coll, P hys, B urg., ont ' n a. ive thace bridge up into four divisions . But besides of a. meal, while it presents o. bland or oon · Tho ~ure 1·n stor0 f Sold by Druggists ,· '"1,· six botlle11 !or ~G. · glorious ru " or ee, "' · D Bl'JtK SllllPSON, this, the water is v'lry shallow. In many genial maberia.I to the delicate lining mem· ! Kin~ Frederick's Ruse. brane of the o.limenta ry organs, forming a F or even now, t o the vision dim ------------------places it is not ove.r twenty feet deep. I IS J F BJS'fE t, SOLICITOR, &c. MOPR welcome precursor to the more subetant ilil S ~ccess and thae are a. sy nonym. One Summer morning, a great many years under take to sa.y that if a man was strong J J (CI>. ui::slalrs, King .Street. Bowman1 Whv He Was Down on Pl'ize Fightin-g~ ago, a boy was lying sound a.sloepona. bench enough to take one o.f our California. red- articles, many of which nquire protro.cted ·ille. Solicitor for the Ontari Bank HOSPITAL REMED ES I '. ' t:5o, ne!ghhor Y a.ger, you are down on JlijDH ~lc a11 ed at tbel<lwestrat es. in one of the rooms a t Sa.ns·Souci [tho conn· wood trees in his hand he could put ib down energy for their elaboration iuto nutriment , ~ I · ~ pnze fightrng, filh ?" try palace of t he K ing of Prussia.) with all anywhere over the 600 miles of Behring at the same time, Is, to som~ extent, a safe. .Jolin Ielth Galbraith, T.o meet a d emand for a line of reliable "Vcll, no vonder. D:;ti pernneaa . got me his clothes on, Very gay clothes they were, Sea. and yet 100 feeb of ib left above guard a.gainst the overfeeding whioh comes from reserving the fruits till the stomach tcmcdiesofunquestioncdmerit, the Hospitn.l down on vonce. " A. RR IS TE R OLICITOR, NOT ARy from the trim blue ja.cket, with its embrold· PUBLIC, &o. Offi?e-Bonnsall's Block, ered cuffs and shining buttons, down the wa.ter. This shows how ea.av it would be is 11.lrea.dy overload eel with en ough, perhap s 11.emedy Company obtained thcprescriptions'j "How long ago?" _. to bridge t he etr1J.its. The only crouble 'hang Street, Bowmanv1lle .~?_~~y to lend . ot .:'1<s aboud amJy Y?e.r long go, to the smart shoes, with their well-polished would be from floating icebergs, but that too much, cf other food. Fruits should be of the celebrated )iospit~tl~ of the Old y;orld'j· 1 " .Voll, d ' steel buckles, Bot the po.. r little fellow's could be easily overcome by omstructing ripe when ea.ten on an emptv st, and - London, Pans, B erlin and Viennii.' vhen I met m1 v d'<lr ahow veuc y1t. D:>t vos DBS, HcLAUGDI.IN di BEI'J11, fa.ce was n at as gay as his dress by any swinging bridges, like th1oy have across the for their laxat ive effect should be eaten These J;tospitals presidecl ovei· by the ! der R'.)bfo~on an~ r_,:.ike Show. Dot vos on -01'1'ICE :-MOIUUS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE means. It looked sadly pale, and as worn river ct Chicago. In this way the straits before any thing else. In t his way conatipa· most bnlhant medical minds in the world ' Ruff<>lo, New York . D;,re w~s :l. leedle Dr.J. W.McLAUGHLIN. Dr, .A. BEITH, Gra du and tired as if he had been up all night. could be kept clear a.11 the t ime, and trains tion may, with ma.ny individuals, espech.lly and to ohtain the prescriptions, elaborat~ I faller fon Irishumlii.ndt vha.t SE<y he grnwla .doontiate of the Royal ate of the Torento when tho q ua.nthy of other articles of. the an d place on tho market the r emedies in der ganwas under uu.d gone dei: ~hew in So indeed he had, for to ughold King Fred- of oars could run right along. College of Pbyeioie ns University, Phys101an .. use ancl endorsed by such eminen t medical midcut pay. I my : 'You'll do:J'd. ' Und ·" 'nd member of the erick, who could work: from 4 in themoroiag "There so mo.ny strange t hings in meal is within rea.sonab le limits. There Is proba.b!y not hing in which nature authori~ies was a bold and brilliant piece of he ae.y : You'!' b?t my eceweed lif? I vill U nd t ill 10 at night without seeming a. bit the Alaska," added t he discoverer of t he Muir 'RoJ'al College or Sur· Surgeon, &o. ~eons, Edinburgh. worse, som·3times forgot that his poor little glacier, "that not vet come to the has been so bountiful to man, io wha.tever ~nterpnsc, and worthy of the success which den I m10 hun up .to lna coat colpage-boy was not as strong a.a himself, a.nd knowledge of the public that one who has temperate or hot clima.te he may be found , t;as attended it. Shoals of quack remedies lar hole tmd dhnw. !um de.r lot oud; aber DB,.;J, V. JllJTVDELL, as in fruits. It is a characteristic of all crowd the market, each absurdly claiming I no could gA,tC~ him. Him sorr.e ha.rdt 'M EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANs would often keep him on duty till Karl fell seen them hesitates where to begin. Ele- fruit s that when ripe they may be ea.ten in to cure every ill from one bottle. The fisds m&ke und an ump u ud d anca me peforo a.sleep from sheer fatigue, just as he appear- phant remains ll<re found all over the grea.t '· . and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. turn with relief from such blatant dis va;r und dot ve.y like some moageys, ed t o have done now. Oftl 1e and Residence, Enniskillen. 14 va.!ley of the Yukon. .As a matter of fact, their ra.w state, o.nd of many that they may p ublic vhen p efore l somodhig! know I somedfngs All at once a. bell rang shinply in the next t hey are found everywhere throughout the be eaten cooked or raw. They consist 08 · a nd shameless catchp ennies and patronize llR. E. V. MtDCl"ffEJ.L. room. At thl'!t signal the page ought to great western slope of .t\Jaska. D11>na and sentially of tJwo pa.rts, vfa.; the juices o.nd not a remedy, but a list of r~mec1ies each of don' cl know und lr.y der urouurlt dereon so ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE have jumped up and gone In to receive hie Sir Charles Lyle sto.rtled the world by an- cellula.r structures in which the juices are which is a specific for a singl e dise~se, and dead~ like eo~e mackerel.a fishes. Und of Phyeiclans. London, Eng.;Member of orders for the da.y, as he ho.d to the first nouncing tha.t ha.iry frczen elephants were contained ; and it is neoeaBa.ry to add that , has t he r ecommendation of having been vhen I vas t o life come, some feller 'College of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontarto. thing every morning, no ma.t ter a.t what found wedged among the Siberfan iceberg~ whilst the juices may be readily transfor m- originated (not by the old woman or the si·y : Yager. youm peen some fools. Dot SURGERY AND REBIDENClli:- Rear or Mesar s. hour he had 11cne to bed, But he wa.s so fast but scarcely anybody knows that throughout ed, t he cells are net easily digested, a.nd beastly I ndian, as the qua ck advert isement;; vaa ~ ,~riz9 fight er.' U nd deu I ea.y : 'So I Rigginbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanville, asleep tha.t he never heard it ; and the bell Alaska the re mains of countless thou- when possible, are t hrown o.wa.y. This is reac1), but by educated gentlemen, who a re feela. · 6-lyr.* " T h.B,b, then, is why you' re so down on again still more sha.rply without any sands of mo.stodons, You can dig them out seen in such fruits as the orange and apple physicians a nd specialists of the highest '1')1. BlNGilAltl, answer. and find them on the surface everywhere, I wheo not o! good ~uality or not q uite ripe. standing in Europe and whose patronshavo pri ze fighting, eh 7" "D.)t'a vhat I say, pecause dot brize :I.'hen the door of the inner room opened, saw hundreds of them, possibly, on my In such frmts as tile strawberry, the pine- to pu.y from $25 t o' $500 to command theil' SSUER OF M.A BRIAGE LICENSES, o.nd out cam e o. very stro.nge figure indeed. trip, and I 11.m now anxiously trying to get apple, t he grape and even the ba.nana, the services. T hi! is th e greatest departure fiJhtin' vas down on me vonce. " Residence, Eoniskillen.~ ~.......,,,,._._ _ _ It was a small, lean, gray· ho.ired old man up there t o complete m y lnvestigatione. i:>o cell-wall is very t.h in o.nd this is easily bro· known to modern medicine. The specifics 8. V. JllJNIUNG, in a shabby uniform coat and a p air of long thick are the elepha.nt rems.ins that t ho ken up, so that its presence is not percepti· ;vhich are sold at one dollar are eigh t The Duke and His Debts. ·LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR riding boots, which looked a.a though uhey native, on finding them buried ble i.nd the digestion of it c!l.nnot be difficult. m number, and cover the following ailments : 'Ihe Dake of Portl&ncl, while he was merely As a gen era.I expression it may be stated No. 1, Ca tarrh , H ay Fever, R ose Cold. No. , the County of Durham. Sales attended had not been oleo.nod for o. month ; o.nd as if pa.rtially in the ground, dt cided they were ·e entinck, iocurred ~ome debts of honour s.o en eh<lrtest notice and lowest rates· .A.ddreSB he were not untidy enough a.lready, he had some kind of great mole that burrows in the of any fruit t hat the variety which yields 2, Dise~~es of the Lungs, Coughs, ColUs, Mr, '01JB'l10B P. 0. 36:t( smeared the whole front of his coa.b.with eoil-tThis is the story given me. I collected the. richest j uices in the greatest quantity, Bronch1t1s and Consumption. No. 3, which he desired to p11.y. H e wen b to a snuff, which fell off in flakes whenever he a lot of remains. ();he collecting cf ele- whilst the cellula.r framework is t11e Rheumatism an d Gout. No. 4, Dyspepsia., moneylender, but the J'P. w at first wa.s not S, BUllDEN & 00., inclined to let him ha ve t he money on easy moved. ph!!.nt t usks every summer is a. regula.r busf. p~rceptible on mastioa.tion is the most pre- Indigestion, Liver ancl Kidneys. No. 5, terms. " T he Dak e of P ortland ma.y live il UCTIONEJmS for the County of His fa.ce might have been carved in stone, ness in Siberia. just over Behring Sea, We ferred and the most digestible. Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Neuralgia. t wenty years; you may die in the meant:'-"· a_ Dnrbam ; Insurance and General Agents so cold and hal'd did it look ; but in the We can hardly omit here saying who.t may No. 6, F ?male We;knoss, Leuco~·rhc:ca, the H ebr e w. Mr. Ben tinck could"".-.'ot have just as many of them on the Alaska. Valuator and Real Estate Agents. Sales an ci No. 7, Syst em T ome ancl den y this, and was ready to szive liber al in · other business promptly attended to. Box 172. midst of it there gleamed a.n eye so large and side a.a they ever ha.d in Siberia. Ages ago be understood from what ha.a been said a.I. , I rregulanties, bright and piercing th11ot it seemed t o go greo.t herds of elephants over these ready, that though fruits ia t h eir r ipest be Development of F orm and F igure. No. 8, lfowmanville P. O. 36-tf .tore!!t.._ · ~ L wlll te~l you what I will do." righ~ through every one upon whom it ree~ shores. Perhaps they existed down to a. at the same time in their most perfect state, a goldcn. Temedy fo r .N. ervous ~ehilit:\'. W e ed. But for this commanding !'(lance one comparatively recent date, boo, for the hairy they may, however, even in this state be send a cucular descnbm g the a oove diseases th<1 J ew. " You will give me your Pianos Tuned and :Repaired. word t hat when you become Duke of l'-ort· would most likely taken him for a bodies a.nd well-preserved bones were evi- taken In uoo large quantity. a n d t1:en.tmen t on receipt of stamp: Th e la.nd you w mpa.y me 10,:JOO pouocls, and I beggar, and have wondered wha.t business dences of that," In the of a dyspepbio stomach. I remedies ca;n be h ad of any druggist. ~f will give yon l ,OflOpounds now." T he Duke ARTIES WISHING '.!:HEIR PIANO such a Hlovenly old fellow could ha.vein the known appllls, o. long time after t hey druggist does . not. ke~p them remit closed with the offer. an d a few weeks a.fter -. 'T uned or repairea oan nave t bem a.ttended · had been to.ken down, brought up again by p rice t o us and wo will slu p direct. Adclress the Duke of Portland d ied the new D ake :0 by leaving word ;at the DOMI NION ORGAN palace a.t all. But in· rea.Iity thie queer. shabby little Common Sense in the Pulpit. .(Jo' O F rICE, Bowmanv !lle A tlrs~claa ma D eraction in the masses they had been a ll l etters to H ospital Remedy Company, remembered his hargain . He instructed h ie @'If belnR in their emplo; old man was no other than King Frederick If there is one place which more tha.n all swo.llowed, and that even o.fter t wo d o.ya. ~03~ West King St ., 'l'oronto, Canada. agent to pay 10, 000 pounds ia spite of the of Prussia. himself, the greatesu general and others dema.nds the soundest of common An excessive amount of fruit, or if ea.ten of his lawyer, who insisted " 'ILJ.JAltl FEIJ.D. 6 tatesmen in the world, and famous through- s-ense on t he po.rt of those who occupy it, it either in t he unripe or overrip e state, prot ht1.b a promise so ex tr1J.v<1.e;a.nt wo.s not_ bind · RACTICAL BOOK BINDER. A 11 out all :rnarope under the name of "Fred· is the pulpit. And for this if for no othe;r dnoes ~erioue disturba.n oes in t he system, _ ng. Twenty-five Kind of Garters. >"OJ k done in fii st-claes style at th e erick the Great." re11.aon, tha.t custom has ordained that the chiefly eo bec!l.use of its tendency to ferment lG'Y" fSt Toxonto p1ice·. Orders left at the Gillifiower isn' · much of a scholar, e nd t he Oae could see by the flash of his eye prea.cher shall have full control ot the proand decompose within the digestive tract store cf Mr. Trebilcock or the residence of R Want ed Things in Keeping. and the set of hie hard old mouth, oeedinge. !:le is "bird alone" for the time and t o produce stomach and bowel disorders. other night when ho wo.s reeding t o hie old l'. Field, Centre-st., Bowmanville, 20-3m as be came striding i>nt, tha.t he wa.s being, a.nd bas things all hie own way, lf these disturbances are not too grcat or too fo.shioned wife out of a newspaper he Mrs. H oneymoon-"A.lgernon, dear, I very angry at bein~ kept wa.iting, and none venturing to question his statements or prolonged, t hey need occasion no special accross an item about some woman having wieh you would put on your red necktie for ROUT. Y01JNG, V. s. t hat a. terrible scolding awa.i~ed the reply to his reasonicg. Hence it is desiro.ble o.nxiety. A dose of castor oil, to which is charge of twenty-five kinderga.rt9ne. The dinner ." Mr . lloneymoon- "W hy, my FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM p oor little !page, who la.y sleeping there so th a.t a. man plo.ced on wha.t is really ii. "slip· few drops of lo.uda.num have been a.dded, a n beinll' a. little blurred he read it love?' Mrs. Honeymoon - '"Because we News Block, where himeelt or assistan t p eacefully, knowing nothing a.tall about i b. pery place " should have common sense of ar e to ha."e radishes, tom~toes, st ra wberries usua.lly sufficient ~o clean out t he irritating "twenty.five kind er go.r t ers." be found from 8 a.m. to 9 p. m. Night call S "Law Eak~al" exclaimed the old lady, a.a and claret. " esidence,dlrfctly opposite Drill Shed. Call B Bnt &s the king's eye fell upon the lo.d's un- the soundest. lf he ho.a not, tha likelihoods " debris," & nd in a da.y or two t he natural IU'e that he will cover himself with shame in equilibrium is restored. If there is much she sno.tched off her speot.a.cles in astonisht elegraph or telephone will receive prornpt c onscious face his mood seemed to cba11ge. entlon. 17l·yr "Hum I" muttered he, witb. the very the eyes of sensible people and bring diare- griping and with the mov6ment e, and ment; "twenty-five kind er ga.rters I No She Had Aged. g host of a smile flickering over his iron pute, so far as the a~tions of one man can these become t>oo nrunerous t o be oomfcrt - wonder there's so many busted people a nd Young Huaba.:Pd - " Who.t 1 You 'How famously the young dog sleeps I I do so, upon an hooou10.ble calling. An o.ble, the dose of oil should be followed by repytashena nowadays. Why, v. hen I was 0 nly wish I ~ould such o. nap uow o.nd e:rnmple of pastor al imbecility is reported curtailing act ivity-by quiet and repose- a gal we used to knit 'em, or use a string, t wenty-five years old to-d11oy ! Why you Gentlmen·s·Clothes Made toOrder· t hen. One can see that he ha.en'b got to fro m a small town in Iowa. The preacher by a diet of mea.t broths, con t aining rice, a.nd if we WJ.Dterl something dght handBome, t old me 0. veJ.r 3go, j ust before the wedding, worry himself about governing five ·ni.llions was y~ung, green and zaafous. He ha.d the barJ.ey or sa.go by rice and milk, milk , t oast, we'd get the selvidge off t he cloth when the bhat you wer e only twent y." Young W ife (wearily) - " I h 11,v.~ s.ged r~pidly since I 0 f men, or carrying on wa.r aga.inst five holiest horror of everything sinful and moat etc. [rhe following recipe, knowa a.s t he boys got a pair of trousers made out o' store n o.tiona at ooce. Hal what's this ?" · ' bbod .curdliug notions as to thb a.mount and Sun Cholera Mixture, is I\ useful and cloth . Now everybody ha.vo 'laatics. Twen· married." A crumpltid sheet of coa.rae paper, which degree of sinfulness in that portion of the "handy thing " to have abou t for "jnst ty·five kind o' ga.rtersl An', of course, oth er things to match ! This is what Sar ah Togy 8 eemed to dropped frnm Karl's hand, vineyard where his lot had been c11.11t. such disturb'llnoes," was lyicg on the lioor beside him. H ~ seems to bEen an admirer of the Nary Ga.nsett Peer's doin' for ue." · To make the Sun Ch.olera Mixture take and Then she replaced her specs and wen t on The king picked it up, o.nd these were the Sa.m J ones type of revivalist, a.nd to have equ a.l parts of tincture of ca.y enne, tinct ure Cleaned, Dled,[P reseed and.Repaired by fi rat words that caughn hi~ eye, written in fo rmed himself somewhat after t hat model, of opium, tincture of rhubarb, essence of with htr knitting,-[Texas Sift ings. t he shaky, stregitling hand of a very feeble for he started his campaign aga.lnst Satan peppermint and spirits of camphor, and mix 0 Id womo.n; by a terrific onslaught from the pulpit upon w ell. Dvae, fifteen to thirty drops in a wine National Brae:. " I thank you much, my dear chill, for the virtue of the women in the place. Some Frenchman (proudly)-Yon have not lnze Dye'r and Clothes Cleaner. t he money that yon have so kindly sent me, earneeb reformers have contented themse!vE>e glass of wo.ter, according to age and violence w hich h as been a. grea.t hel p. Take your with stinging r ebukes against certain classes of the attack. R spea.1l every fi fteen or German empire anything so t all as z' grea.t Goods warranted to be o.s no one w ill lt;!l.ow twen ty minu tes until relief is obtained, Tower. E iffel old mother's blessing for it, a.nd see that you of women, even when they wished to be them from new when done. {: " Ill blows t he wind that profits nobody," German (lndignan!!ly)- No, und you d on'~ always do your beet to be a worthy and most theatrical, rt might be the ultra.Shakeaphere In Henry IV., o.nd so got noddings so stouu like L imburger Corner of King and Onta rio Streets. C. HARNDEN, L. D. 8 f aithful servant to our master, the King, fashionable set, or t he unfort unate mill. says Bowman ville. with many of t he oases of diarrh cea. brought cheese !-[Jeweller 's Week ly. whorn G-od bless and preserve." workers, or servant girls, or some other cfaas on by 11 little t o much indulgence in fruit. If Graduate o!the Royal College of Dental As he read that simple message the soldierof women. Every now and then some pietl· 801geona, Ontario. our bilious friends l'l'ou ld throw aside their k mg's ' grim face sohened as no one had ever ist crank of nona too holy imaginat ion gets { 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. seen it soften before. Perhaps the memory his into the papere by some euch liver pills a nd study Dature, while nhe ia in ~OLD ll'ILLING A SPECIALTY of his own mother, dead years ago, rose up sweeping denunciation . Bub nothing would her most smiling and bounteous mood, would allow her t o tempt them as Eve :ARTIFICIAL TEETH INSERTED 'V\' ITHOUT in his '!Ilind once more ; perhaps he was do this youni;i theological D.i.vid, so fair and t empted old Adam, t:hey would take to to uohed by the old woman's prayer for him· frosh from college ha.Ila, but a.n a.ttaok on all PLATES, fruit, and by, na.tura.l a.nd healthful Great Reductions in price on all Dental Self, or by the disJovery tha.t this had been the women in the town between the ages of mebhoda free themselves of the "thick bil· Work. Vitalize!! Air, constantly In use pro· the boy's thought before he fell a.sleep. sixte1>n and twentiy-fiv~, n ot one of whom he ious impur it ies" which them a nnf· 'luoing Painless Operations. Pa.rlicular atten "Were all my subjects like that,~' he could b e oa.lled a virtuous woman. It Uon patd to the 1 egulation of Children's Teeth m urmured, " I should be t he luckiest king is n ot surprising to hea.r that even ecclesfaa. sance to themselves as well as to a.II arcu~.d ,..ALL WORK W .ARR.A.NT.ED·.._ in Europe. And so he ha.a been sa.ving tical privilega could n ot protect a. man them, Biliousness is ooe of those d emons t ho.ti can be pretty well exercised by proper Branch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono m oney from his wages (and p oor enough against the consequences of such brutality, diet and due amount of exercise. . w ages they are, I am sure) to send to his ..nd tha.t tho foolish author of the slander A gentle diarrhoea, brought on by eat ing m other ! Well done, my boy; thou'rt a true had to leave t own to escape a coat of to.r clond THIS YEA.R'S ripe fruib in summer, has frequently a sala · p ruasian !" feathers. tary affect, Acid o.nd astringent fruit, b ei ng At that moment Ka.rl moved slightly, as - -·· W hat we want mor.tly, in the opinion of r at her a medicine tha.n food, is less hurtful if about to wake. Tho king noticed it, and o. new idea ap- t ':e New York Ti.nee, is not so much an ex- to the healthy and t o children t han is com· o.p peared to strike him , which must t ended market for d ispoaing of our surplus manly imagined. Inst ea.d of being noxuous, been a droll one, judging from the momen- crop1.1, but cheapar methods of p roductio.n. as some ima.gtne, in infhmmat ory disorders ClJT and PLlJG tary twinkle that lighted up his stern eyes. If our vast cr op of corn can be grown one it is of the grea.t service. P arsons of o. thick "Yea, that will be the l=eet way," Haid he cent a bushel cheaper t han it now is we and languid blood cannot eat anybhing more to himself, " and a. fine surprise it will be to should $20,000,000, annua.lly on tha.t conductive t o health t han fruit , as it p ossess· ea t he propertv of attenuating o.nd put ting crop a.lone. him." S~opping back into the room wbenoa he The recent ~tory that Di·. Brown-Seq uard such blood in motion. FINER TDA.N EVER. Fruit d iminishes t he acidity of the urine, ha.d issued (which ceno.ioly ho.d very little had discovered a.n " elix ir of youth" did "royal lux ury" about it, for it was almost as n ot at first receive much credence, but it Tbe alkaline vegetable so.Its which it conSee bare a.a a. cattle-shed, with no (urniture a seema t o be a fact that t ne famous physician tains be:::ome decomposed in the system, and ba.ttered old deal to.ble and o. broken chair ), h a.a announced such a d iscovery, He claims conver ted into the carbonat e of the a.lkall , F rederick hunted in the ta.hie dro.wer till he that by hypodermic ijnections of o. liquid which pa.esess off with the urine. By futur~ rummaged out a well worn writing-case, distilled from cer po.rts of animals he of this result the employment of fruit is ca.l· from one of the pockets of which he took hns himself ten years youn~er, It is culated to prove a.dvanvageous in gout and three gold coins. now stated, moreover, tha1l Dr. Ve.riot, of other cases where the urine shows a. t endanin bronze on These be slipped into the page's pocket Paris, who ridiculed the idea of such a cy to throw cown a. deposit of lith io acid, with the letter, takiug great not thing, has experiment ed with the fluid on Eaeh P.LlJG & PACKA.GEi along to him in doin~ so. ();hen he rang his three enfeebled men, and is a.lmost convinced· Murderous Proposition. 41-ly bell violeutly and called out : that we 11ore on t he eve of o. discovery by "Karl, come here!" whioh weo.kness and disease can be era.di· meB m r.i,d,get-"Mr . Sophieigh is in thepa.._:I i_·o ~·"' .r;; l·ll ~ " You must be having a ha.rd time now~he sh~rp, stern voice effeotaally r ou&ed cateri. ~he na.mes of these t wo men alone .. "'.it ~ """ .,.... adays," said the weary traveler to the love- our hero, who started up at once, and drew prevent t h e wh ole affair being looked upon Laur a-"Tho.t ha-.teful little d ude ag9fo? ly girl who p r esided over the ra.llway lunch - back in dismay ae he sa.w Frederick's keen as a.hoa.x, a.nd t he scien t ific and medica.1 I wiahl. could think of some plan to geb I GI L~lJ:OUR "\V~y do Y:ou think so, sir?" she said, with, eyes fixed upon him, world will i;,wait wi th interest some precise rld of him. " I' ll· a n Mve smile. "Because," replied tho brave. " P o.rdon, your majesty, pardon !" et!l<m· stat ement from t hem of the n ature of their Brother J ohn- "Why don't you try "" \! ""' J -" ,. 7 ler, "when l bit into this sandwich I notic- mered he. "I was"i alleged d iscovery. insect powd er on him, Lol ?" l ed t h at y ou _ d o no1l make both ends meat,".1 ~'Never mind lo\bout tha~ just n ow," inter.. __ ---...., -IS PUBLISHED ., , HEOANADIAN STATESMAN · The Voyae:e to Slumberlaad, . ord1 rs." As K :i.rl sp~ ang eagerly rorwar d to obey, the money which ha.d bee put loosely ~nto hia pocket, rolled out agr d 11. a.nd fell r!llg· ing a.nd chinking upon t he lloor. "Hello, young man I" uried Fcederick, "You ought to be a good ll~a.1 richer t han I am if you can afford to fl ing your money about like that." tt:. ~ ·~ . ··Oh, sire I" cried t he boy, imploringly, "I don't kno1v o.nything a.bout t hie money. I don't indeed I Somebody must have meant to ruin me by putting it into my p ocket, and then saying tha.t I had st olen it." "No," sa id the king, gri.vely, "tha.t money is God's gift to you, r.o help you In assist ing your mother. Write and tell her that I know all abou t her , and t hat I'll care of her and you too." And King Frederick kept his word. ;") Don't Wait Ayer's Hair Vigor, I Pimples and Blotches, I P I B ,.,,,at1 > B . I I I will L I ·p· P s O R. PEATE, :,Tail~ DENTISTRY. Gents' Clothing THOS. P EAT, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, MYRTLE and other Factory -Work all Kiln Dried. SMOKING TOBACCO l FnH Stock always on hand. Call and E xamine. T& B · I Mc Clell11n SOle agents Co., BOWMANVB LLE, t ht " 1ocal 1"ty for t & cc TRE NTON, ON T ARIQ, Chi:1~ren __Crtfo_~J~it~h ~I'f:_ ~t:(~r~~¥:1_~-~~ ·

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