READY, AYER~~!· W-ALL PAPERS HANDSOME PATTERNS AND CHEAP. L AH the newest novelties for Ceiling and Side Walls. I also keep an assortment of FINE ENGRAVINGS. See my Show Window. Pictures Framed A'l' LOWEST RATES. eir0NE PRICE ONLY. P. Trebilcock. · BOWMANVILLE, AUGUST 7, 1889. Adam Brown, M. P., member for Ha.µ11lt?n, is to accompany Hun. J. ,f. C. Abbott on his mission for the Ca.nadta.n Government to Australia., to open up more extended ttade relations. A great Tory demonst.ration is shortly to be held in \< ictoria. county, New Brunswick, the constituency represented in the House of Commons by Mr. Costigan, minieter of inland revenue. Does this indicate the ea.rly retirement of the min:Uiter and preparations for a by election in that county ? The Unitd States Internal Revenue report for the fiscal year just ended shows that during the year the consumption of cigars was 60. 1 for every hundred of the population, of cigarettes 33.5 per hundred and of tobacco 3.32 pounds per huIJdred. Since 1884 the consumption of cigars has slightly fallen off, while that of cigarettes has more than doubled. If all that i11 said of the cigarette be true there should be a large increase in the death rate. on that period of our trip. The bread one gets o.n ship board is fresh every day and few stomachs can dispose of new bread for ten dnys cm a 6tretch. 'l'he tea and coffee e~rved is not conducive to healthfulnese either, so that on this occasion, we fancy the food had more tu do in U[J · setting the stomachs of the passengers than the weather. It will no doubt interest m;.ny readers of Tm~ S1·ATES:r.r AN to know what passengers supplied to eat on an ocean steamer. Here is the ealoon bill of fare on the Vancouver for one day, - d f resh fi s1 J u Iy 4th- B UEAKFAST-f rie 1, smoked salmon, beefsteak and onions, mutton chops, broild ham and bacon, fried, boiled and scrambled eggs, hominy cakes, Irish stew, chipped potat.o es, poi·'d h . r1 ge, ommy, cold ham, roast beef, tongue and chicken, tea. and coffee LuNCHEON-Bonilli soup, hot stewed veal, cold roast turkey, fowl, duck, goose, beef, ba.ked ham, mutton, pork, boiled mutton, corned bet!f, ox t ongue, salmon, lobster, sardines, oysters, ~aked apples,. stewed prunes, lettuce, radish, cream, Wiltshire, Stelton cheese, bananas, strawberries . . , cliernes, ice cream, tea coffee, cocoa. DINNER-:-oxtail and Jardinerre soups, Turbot fish and anchovey sauce, stewed l' · b · · l .,.., t ~1pe, macaroDI a. a .._,eapo 1ta10, roiled pigeon on toast, roast beef and horserad· h t 1 b d 1s , roas am an mtnt sauce, roast pork and apple sauce, roast turkey and cranberry sauce, roa.Rt duck and brown sauce, corned beef and cabbage, boiled fowl and parsley sauce, boiled calves' head and bacon, boiled and baked potatoes green pea~ and Cauliflower, plum pudding: sago puddmg, apple, rhubarb, and blueberry rite, fancy pastry, pine apples, oranves, bananas, strawberries, cherries pluruij, Barcelona nuts, coffee, wines a~ per ord er. The Becond cabin bill of fare was not so extensive and ran about as follows: BREAKl'AST-beefsteak an<l onions, boiled ham, Irish stew, butter or marmalade, tea and coffee, fresh rolls and porridge. DIN!(ER-soup, roast beef, sea pie, boiled potstoes vegetables. ·plum pudding and eweet sauce, deese1t or cheese and bisr.uit. TM-cold meat, pickles, fresh bread, butter, marmalade, tea, cheese. Biscuit and gruel every night at 8 o'clock. A grand concert was given the Thursday night before landing in the interest of the Sailo1·..' Orphan Home at Liverpool when about $60 was realized from the collection. This concert was given in the saloon and was conducted by Prof. Dingley Brown, of Ottawa. 'l'be following progr11m was placed in the hands of Rev. Dr. Potts who made a capital chairman : FIRSl' l'<lRT, I tween Persia and other co11J1Lries is dim- J,. G, lHclilUUON, ill, ll. C. il(. H, C. P, S, Duet, violin and piano .. .. .. '.l'hemo Bethovens Mr. and Mias Burchdl, of S11rrey. Eng· Song ............ ......... ............... S.he and1 Mr. Phillipe, Toronto. Song ................. . .. .. .. ... ... . . Mrs. Hamilton, M ontreai' .. .. ' · .... Recitation .............'l'he Cane Bottorn Chair Mr. Pere.)' , Mrmtreal. ~ong ..................... ... Yeoman'8 · w edding Mr. E . C. Crane. DetrC>it. Song .. , .. , .. .... ...... .. ..... ..... .. Golden Love Mr. Richman. Song ...... ...!'tocked in t1te Cradle of the Deop Mr. T. J. Dawson, Detroit. Song, Quartette ...... .................... Salling Captain SECOND PAl\T. HYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND AC inishing while that with Eni,: land is .inc.oUCf!.~ UR Late of tho firrn Stewart crea.sinf!. The returns o f the Rhipprng & McK1b~on, l ecswater. Omco 11.ncl residence trade A how how large is th" interest of Presbyterian Manse. Blaclcstocl<. Great Britain in the Persian G ulf. During the year 1885 about 107 ltrilish steam FA.RM TO RENT.-A first-class farm vessels with n tonnai:ze of t02,0Q O t ons ham, Bowmanv1lle. to rent of ~00 ucres· Ap ply to 32-Iw. T. Biog. entered and cleared from r ersian ports, . .._ -- - - - -- - - - -while th e number of French steamers ANTED.-A general servant. Ap· were only 5ix with a tonMge of 6, 129 tario a n~l~t~11%~1o~As~~e~~m. corne:,1~i Un· tons. Since then this trade has been in- I - -..- ·------- ·· -·-- -------·------~-- ~~:__ creasiog. Apart from its commercial i m- STORE AND DWELLING FOR E.-l'lrn.t fine new stot·e an(l resi· portance Pt1rsia possesses greater historic d SAL . t eres t . It 1a - th e mos t anc1en , t monar- Fancy ence, Dry e 1eg1> fitted for l.V[erchant Tailor or in Goo~s now or,cupicd by Mt· J h chy in the world. Persia was included L~le. Apply to WM. H. I vEs, Bowm1>n~1i1~. n 3 in the first Assyrian monarchy 900 years - tf R C. Her rulers from the days of Zoro- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - aster down to Nasr ad-Deen, the present-.. JOB N CR A. WFORD is fll · .,ishing the C' l 1 d BES'!' B IN D JO B TWINE i n 1 he market ,;,ha1, have inc ude philosophers ; war- Pure M»nilla. Warranted 150 fco t more t~ riur11, and statesmt1n, whose names have the lb. than uny other make; Como directly been distinguished in the annals of the CHA hi>re. No one elec can snpply yon, .Tom< WFORD, Newcastle. 30--lw. East. The deeds of the P<irsian hosts at _ Marathon and Thermopyl:e have afforded LOST bet ween the undersigned and a theme for poetic desc1·iption, and in re- D rJas. Bollam~(s gates. neur Lot 9. Con. 3, cent times the Pers.ians h~ve g~ven evi· Ft~J~f~jh c~n~:~ra r~v~e~~il~et~~l~g l e~;~s. deuces that they ahll retam a htgh char- to DANimr, .comilSH, lot 9. con. 3. Darlingtone acter for valour. The present population or by droppiog a card to Howme.nville, P. 0. . JS , estimate , d to be a b CJUt seven ·----- - ------ - - - ---- - - - 31 o f p ers1a -tf ·1'.1illions. 'l'rade or manufactures are but FA.R~ FOR SAL~ OR ~EN~ -The 0 little known, the greater pal"t of the J'oinin::~ht~~iiilnf,,o f ~otB-t, ck !'· '"bWhi4 t?Y· !ld 1 · engage d m · pastors.1 pursmts. ~. " 0 0on ' the roo gravel m , a out .- m11 es . peop1e bemg tram Whitby town ron1. A good The fame of Persian carpets and tapestry 1 h ouse and ~arn, cattle and horse atablee, root d t' 1 f b 'd . ' touse are situated thereon, There ;8 a good an ar ic es o . em r01 er~ 1s an ancient orchard and plenty of water. For"r par one, but even m these articles but. few of tlculars apply to HENRY FRANCIEI, Brooklin p the population take part in prod::icing. O, 29-2m The Sh11ll has always evinced a desire to F·ARM FOR SALE. - -150 acrea, Lot 2-!J promote the prosperit.y and advancement and 30. 3rd c ,m.. Da.rllngton, hal f way of his people. Likely it is th at the icn- between Oshawa and Bowmanville within pressions he. d~rived OQ his previous visit r~~:,n~~~;,oh!~~~l~~ Sb~~l~]e~n:o~~ee~~~~l.\C~i'[h to Great Br1ta.111 may have promoted h im ston~ stabling. Price $ 5000. 'l'his In.rm 'unless to the enlight.,ned policy which his rule previomly be ofierP.d by suet.ion on September sold 3rd, will together with f1 u·m stock, im of late years bas indicated. He ha& in- J~lements. bay, roots, etc. J<'or turther par itiated a . numbdr of wise and beneficial Courl!Dt! Licula!·s apply to the owner, JOHN 0. Suon1 P . 0. 30-tf ref orma m his government, and although the absolute ruler of his kingdom, he has by hie spontaneous act promulgated what is described by one who knows the king· North halves of. lots 33 and 3J, 7th con· WMt dom well as "something in the nature of by, latelv occupied by Mr. Stonehouse. This fEirm la well drained and fenced and will be a ~onstitution," and which in ~im e possibly S?ld chAap nnd oo easy terms. 'l'ho under will further extend the blessmgs of free- Signed hue severe.I other improved farms for 31 3ru. dom to his people. Hl.l has a lso encour- s~le. J. H. Dow, Sol'r , Wh.itby. aged science and art, and the city of 'l'eheran shows signs of his Majesty's by taste and discrimination. Coming here Tenders wi!l be "'""' ivotl up to August 20t'1 with an open mind, it m~y be that his by the undersign·"' ""' l.h!Lt, ver y de·ir....ble f..rn present visit, added to his knowledge o f of 9~ acr~s. mor,.. ') r loti ... being n '1.rt or lo'". 35 Europei<n civilization, may, on his return rc,on. 2. JJarl1ng1.vJ ·. udJ oining l\.. ,n~qt.ori Road !here are un tile pren11ses l ><rg ~ fr n " " d;vell to the East, have a bene ficial · influence rnrt, born, stone st" hie, well and cis tern, and for good in the goverument of his people. i!~Od orcharrl of oboice frui t. S1t11ate. i one We were favored with an excellent view mile of Harmony, and 2} mile· from 03ha ~a. The hight-st nor any teoder·not necessar of the Shah and his suite, but his many 1\y accepted. Terms k no wn on applicawives were n ot present, having been left tion to ~ILLI AM Orm. sen .. Courtice. Ont. Court10e, July. l, 1889. at home in Teheran to superintend the domestic affairs of the Sho.h'e household ARMS Ij'OR SALE.-The uoder during his absence. A good joko is t old . signed offers for sale. at once. t.he follow· in this connection. 'l'he Shah was told mg first class farms :-50 acres on Lot 25, Con Darlington, well fenced wit.h wire and cedar that Mr. Gl~dstone wne soon to celebrate 8. i·ail. orch,.rd,good frame ho119e barn his golden wedding. When the Shah st11ble and other out buildings ; good ~ell of was told that this event was the celebrat ion hard water. Al·o tho north h a.I I of tbA south h~ndrcd acres. on J,ot 21 Con . 8. Darlington, of liO year, of wedded life, he remarked with roug~ house and ne1v barn thereon. that ho would rather live with one wife ~ever failmg at.re11.m of witter runs through the premises. iru11 possession wl II be given 60 ye~rs, than 50 wives one year. Atml. lat, 1890. wi th privilege to plow a s soon M . A . .J. ns this sea.son's crops ure t··ken in. Roth of these far~s are in a high. stato of cult! vation. F\Jll pari.1oulars can be had on app!icMion to CATARRH, Wu. McLARlilN, on the premise· Lot 25. Con. B~r hy letter to Enniskillen P . O. 27- tf ·..'< rARRHAL DEAF'NESS- HAY F'EVER ... <> P W FOR 30 DAYS Before Stock-taking T we are going to offer Special Bargai11s Ill . all lines. Remember the place, J. H. KENNER'S VARIETY HALL. Agent for Steamer Norseman. WEST END Fine Farm for Sale. - - --o---- HOUSE~ -- Farm for Sa1(-'l Tender - -T O-- Casie Buu~rs, BEGINNING F Wednesday, June 12. A large lot of goods at exactly A N£\V HOME: TREATMENT. 1'fYk.e ham llnJJ. t:oJiegc A.venue, Torouto, Plano Forte Solo , .... , .. , . Prolud" In G. Ue!Jey Mrs. Ives. Montreal. It is announced that Princesa Victoria, Song ...... .... .. .. .... .. .......... ,,, , .. Anchored The School RE-OPENS VvEDN ESDAY MrB. Donally, Montreal. SEP'rEJPJ!BER "tb. A thorough l~ogllsh edu-' second daughter of the Prince of Wales, Duet ............ . .......... I Live and Love Thee cat.ion Is provided, top;0ther with langnages Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Donally. mn~io and a.rt. For information. or admiasion · is betrothed to Viscount Chelsea, Song .............. . ...Tho C!Bng of the Hammer address the Lady Tumcipa.l, Mias Grier, wh~ eld, son of the Earl of Cadogan, Mr.Crane. .may also be. seen by appointment after 15th Song, with Banjo ...... .. ...... ...... .... Magpie August, 32-lm. at¥J.: another demand upon parliament M.r. Ogden, Quartette .................. ... Soldier's Farewell fo~ a i:lowry may be expected. The pro- Messrs Richman. Cr&ne, Phillips & Dawson God Save The Queen. · spective bridegroom was born m 1868. Whm Albert Ed ward ascends the throne Ours was not a quick passage. T110 DEN'l'IS'I'. " ,pf Great Britain, he will have enoui;:h run after leaving Rimouski day was :«others, eona-in-la.w and brother.s-in·law as follows : 315 knots, 300, 228, 282, 315, 314, 291, 300. We sailed from Montreal in die House of Lords to control that on Wednesday July 3rd at day light and OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. ;:hotly. lanrled at Liverpool July 13th at 7 p. m. Higginbotham & Son's Drug Saturday night-not a good time by any Hamilton's new daily, the Herald, made meaus for those who had to travel far inStore, (down stairs), land. As it was many spent Sunday in "'its first appearance week a.nd gives --ANDLiverpool. We were of the number. Sufferers from Catn.rrhal troubles shouid promise that it will be a creditable ad- Sunday morni ng we attended religious B 0 \V Jll A. N V I L L E. carefully read the above. dition to the press of that city. It a11ya: service in Pitt l::)treet Wesleyan Chapel aud heard a very practical sermon from " The J.lerald iii here because it believes fl. C. Tait sells best spectacles. that the citizens of Hamilbn will suPiiort R omans 1.16 by a young minister who Mrs. Donnelly is . selling her summer was supplying for the regular pastor dur31-3w a popular independent paper- a paper ing his absence at Co~f~rence . In the stock below cost. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurancr. that is independent of politician, ring, or afternoon our party vmted Sefton and -ATclique-a people's paper. No party heeler Prin'ce'B Parks both oE which are nicely RonT, VIRTUE, Ap:ent, Bowmanville. tf. Para.sole at about half-price , Dress - ANDhM passed around the hat in our behalf; laid out and were "alive" with people out for an airing. Suoday evening we attend- Goods at half·price at the West-End· no political Nestor attends upon us to ed service in the St. Nicholas English House. A~ricultural steer us right The Hearld is not in the church, Ohapel et., where we had good 1~89 singing and a fair sermon. Gentlemei. examine Tod Bros .. stock i o· field as a political organ." There should '.l'he Shah ofPereiaarrivedinLiverpool of t~eeds _before leaving your orcl.>ers for' be plenty of room in Hamilton for a pa- a.lso on Saturday and was the guest of his a sprmg 11u1t. per of this Worehip the Mayor' Mr. E . H. Cookson, Ocean tickets by different lines of till Monday afternoon. He visited tl1is steamships for sale at the STATESMAN 9th city June 17th, 1873, 11till great interest office.· tf was evinced in the presence of tlua grnat S. Burden & Co. will pay cash for eggs lncrp,ased Prizes. Greater Attractions and a J. E11stern potentate ..nd thousands upCJn and first· class butte· at the "Mart", Grander Display than ever before. thousands d peoi;>le liued the 11treets along Market Square. Newest and Beet Special Features that Notes By The Way. the route of travel D r . J . E . B inji(h am, V _S . , 1ww occupies · Money can procure. . on Monday d' to ~ee him DY THF. EDITOR. and accol.'d e d h tm a. cur ta.1 we1 come. his new rooms in the rear of Higginboth- The Greatest Annual Enter tainment on The object of hia visit was to acquaint a.m's drug s l:ol'e, upstairs. the American Continent. LIVERPOOL, .July 15, 1888. himself with the extent, development and . Cheap Excursions on all Railways. The West-End-House are making big Life on an ocean steamer is very varied, character of the commercial and indusGRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. though sometimes severely monotonous. trial eaterprises of this country- a visit reductions to clear ont certain lines of ! Over 250 000 visitorl~stt;~~~.ed this Exhibition I Entries clos~ August 17th . This sounds paradoxical. But people which the merchant3, manufacturers and ·goods. Call and see them. BOWMANV ILLE S'fATION, ,, ,, For Prize Lista and Forms,Pr<'gro.mmes. etc., seek the enjoyments that please them ship owners of Great Britain fully appreIo Ilrn DEA!'·-~ P ersoa cured of drop a. post card to II. .T. HILL. GOI N G ICABT GOING WEBT most and there are ma.nv ways of passing ciate and which will likely prove advauJ. J. WITHROW, Pree. Manager, 'f oronto, Paasenger .. .. 8 39 a Mail ........ 5 57 am tho time at sea . YC!lung people as a rule tageous to both countries. The viRit of Deaf~ess an? noises i_n the head of 23 Mall.. ·..... ,10 32 a. m Local,. ...... , 8 23 a m the Shah, therefore, at this time to Liver- years standmg. by a s!mple remedy, will :find most pleasure in promenading when Mixed ...... .. .3 37 p ID · Express* ...... O35 a m Local .........705 p m Mixed ........ 3 15 pm the weather is favorable. Some while pool is particularly opportune, and it will ~end a descrip~lOll of lt FHEE to anr perenab]e him to see tho immense facilities son w~o applies to NICHOLSON, 30 St. Mall.. ·..... 110:20 p m Mall .. ....... 8 29 p m away the hours reading light literature, ·Except Mond,.ys. which exist at this port for various comJohn 8 t., Montreal. 44--lyr. others flirt continuously and become mercial enterprises . One of the chief ANIMPOR' . l'AN' r lMJ>ROVEMEN'I'.-'!'henew known to all on board by their continual Owing to the large increase· of trade, YOUNG & CO., the ohange of companionship. Some older outlets of the trade of Persia is the great Soft Swp and Practice P edal attachmen t ladies attempt to do a little fancy work Karan river. Up to a very recent period to a Newcombe Upwright Piano serves Groc~rs, are compelled to enlarg. e ancl improve their present or knitting b u t we h ave seldom seen a this water way was almost closed to for- the nerves of the listener or p erformer, On June 15th and during alterations, will be found :premises. lady make very great headway at work eign trade . Shortly before leaving for when practising, as well as the instrun1 the stores lately occupied by McCJung Bros., Horsey's Bl'k, of any kind. The men tell yarns in the Europe his Majesty issued an edict open- ment from wear, and preserve!ll the tone. smoking rooms, play draughte, checkers, iug the river Karun to all for eign vessels, and taking advantage of this, vessels from If you want a silk dress go to J no. J _ cards, doroinoeG, quoits, shufil.e-board, the Mersey will carry to the Persian Mason's Remuaut S a.le. You will like ly drink, sm0kc, etc. The monotony comes kingdom cargoes of thuse articles in the strike au end jun your fit at your own in difft1rent ways ; on this voyage of the of which Lancashire has been price. Over $500 worth of McClung 8. S. Vanco'ltver we had the wind against production long famous. It may be interesting Bros. silks nearly all new ~oods of thu1 THE UNITED STATES us all the way across. The sea was calm 80 also to the commercial community of this sea.soils purchase. . The doll&r silks for with occasionally a little swell on to dis· city to know that his Majesty has sanction- 7oc.a.ud leHs when in ends. Do not fail to turb the stomachs of the 400 passengers. 8ee them. Oocasional light showers fell, and mista ed the construction in his kingdom of sl1ort lines of railways and other means Everybody in this district should know or fog delll.y<od our progress for a. few Y~UNG & CO. take the present opportunity of thankinO' those ASSOCIATION hours in tl1e Gulf, otherwise nothing of tr1msit which will enable merchandise that W. Quick & Co. have moved their frie:ids who so liberally patroniz~d ~hei;n during this their first year in brought to the ports on tho coastline be· grocery business we~tward to Mr. Buckgives the best accident insurance a t the eventful occurred t o render the voyage buuness, and extend a welcome mvitat1on to all their friends old and ing carried inland, and also facilitate the ler's block, two doors cast 0£ the post lowes t cost. memorable or exciting. Nu icebergs worthy the mime were aeen; whales kept bringing of the products of Persia for office, where they are now prepared to For application or information address: new, to give them a call in t heir temporary premises, H orsey's Block, at a distance and even porpoises only shipment to Europe. This enlightened supply the public with everything in the JAMES R PITCHER, gave us a peep two or three time8, and enterprise on the part of his Ma.jiisty will grocery line,a.nd also the best fresh meats. largely develop the immense resources of Tho store has been nicely fitted up, and Secretary and Gen'l 1'fanager, vessels wer e few and far between. Call Oonsideri11g t he quiet weather with his kingdom and will lead to an increased is now one of the neatest in town. CHARLES B. PEET, between this country and districts and see. which we were favored there were very trade hitherto almost inacceseible to English _ __ __ .,..,.,. ... ,..,. _ _ __ President. many sick- From .July 5th to 13th our commerce. N.lTlnt'ILlL J·fLUI are 1111gar eonted. m.ll·l 320, 322 and 324 Broadway, diMy contains !in ominous blank and we It fo stated that the import trade be- ~f:e~h1~:;~:~: ~~.are theben Storuach and' 28. NEW YOIU{ CITY. do not care to allow om· thoughts to dwell I Suficrors are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that thoy· are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose an<l eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, antl the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been fomrnlateJ whereby catarrli, cata.rrhal deafness aml l1ay fever arc permanently cured in from one to three simple a.1iplications made at home by tho patient once in two weeks. N.R - This treatment is not a snuff or an ointment; both have been discarded by roputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new trnatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. · D1xoN & SoN, 303 West King Street, Toronto, Canada.-Toronto Globe. THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL. 1" 0R :WOIJ~C~ HALF PRICE. Produce taken as Cash. JOHN lV[cMURTRY. LADIES. ----o ---- J.M.BR111AcoMBE Pure Par1·s Green· ,1 Insect Powder. J.BIGGINBOTHAI& SON'S. TOR 0 N TO Exposition Chemists and Druggists.. BOWlVIANVILLE. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. SEPT. to 21st. Just Across.the Street. ml :Just Across the Street from their old premises. MUTUAL ACCIDENT JustAcross the Street, YOUNG & CO., the Grocers~ , -