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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1889, p. 6

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:- '~- " ; ·' ':. ftttu.~ulifltt J fJtate~m~u. 1: -;::;----.==-_ :oc.:::==-===-=-= =-=..=.; ~~~ assortmeu t of s1:tmmet Hr.ts and 1 Miea Mollie Robbins, one of Cbicago'a _ T he al?ount ?f ment11.l or pby~ioal auffer- Bonnets. N o c:iiffi cully In pl\'a.S~'nr a ny reigning- society and an heiress to ing that 1mmedmnely pr~cedea death hae alBY H ENRY HAXLAND, IN THE "NEW YORK lillRALD." uer.rly half a million, h~ been crazad by the ways been a question of mt~rest. No rep~rt·1 Johnstown liooil. Miss Rabbina is not over er wollld th1uk of descnbrn11 an exeout1on CHAPTER IV another; tba.t the bigher your orga.ufaa.tion 20 yearfil old. She is handsome and st;i.lieh, 1wit~out attempting to give an analy~isof the I " . ,, . . and the more intense and complex your en- und wears a for tune iu dis.moods, The fami- I feelmgs of the condemned mm on the scafL,~ok, N?rben look l Kmg:ht cont~nu · , joyments, 80 is your susceptibility to ly reside in the fashionable q na.rttir in Michi- fold. The remembrance of the death ~ony who ch ooses to buy. N o bet tr" r can be ;;d, H ere am I, 1 Theodore Kmght. Thirty ·rea.ter 80 are vour sufferings also intenaer gan avenue, in Chicago, Sm~ believes that ot a love~ <-llB often ca.uses more acute a.gony . veare a i:i~ ~was born-o.n that first d ay of ~nd mo~ecompiex. Still another man of my the man to whom dhe waa engaged 'to be than ;he 1de& of e_ternal separation. P e?ple ~, May do for a stupid boy's excuse ; but · J ~~e, 18il6, I WM b~rn m the lap of luxury, acquaintu.nce professes the doctrine of uni· married waa lost in the flood. In order to orooded unt1.l t hey were almost dnven "!'t.. h s g olden spo011; rn my m.outh,.of a long versa.I met empaycboels-tha.t each spark of 11ure her cf the delusion her mother and bro· to madnees over the t hought that they I ·what ca.n be said for the parent who h .ne of healthy, v1r~t~oua, mteU,1gent and colll!ciousness, soul, ls an indh·isible and there have brought bor to Plliladolphla and migh~ be bur~ed al~ve and !O brief this side cf T or onto · We are not . 'i'Jee& his child languishing daily and fails 1 E>duc~ted arwe~tor~. V. atch my indestructible ennity, dtJStined to pass will take her to Johnstown, where it is hoped c?nec1ousnees 10 .th~ir cdfi,ns. In this skep· h1~h·¥ ;t;o r ecognize the want of a tonic and h~inga rng up: :_n a home ?I virtue :i.~d cnlture, through every form, phase and experience of that a. meeting with her affianced husband tical 11.nd pessimistic age 1b le ;iot so much by a .,ood mo.her, a good fat her , where I life, from polyp to man, from alave to emper· will restore her reason. that 13 feared as the that ' ,blood-purifier? Formerly, a course of an: 6edulou3ly guarded from every of or from sinner to aainb until in tb<i end Mies Robbin~ the other day at a supposed to acco!llpany it. Novelists have ·b itters, or sulphur and molasses, was the evil, wbern I am tenderly nureed when I am h' . J t d ti1 ' 1 h i h t' railway Station in Philadelphia She ap· attempted to picture the though ta of a TUle in wcll-rcgul:i.ted families ; but DOW ill, p o1Jted whon I am well, oorrecbed when dvillg cor:i~1 e ~ eye ~t ~v Y!; :: .a.~~· proached one of the officials a.nd t~ppln" him drowning ma.n during the few seconds t ha.t 0 "a.11 intelligent households keep Ayer's I do wrong, encouraged when I do righb ; e a J?0861 8 expllr enc<J, 1 8 a 1 a, e. on the shoulder, said: ' intervene bet.veen submersion and tota.l lo2a but alive to the fact that to gain a fi.rst-Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant class trade we mus t k eep · ' r e every infiucnce-m· teri'l, menbal, co?dit1on of ettirna.l rest and omnfoc1ence"T th1"s thn saf ' " d t· h '" of.eenae. One. of the most granhic pages in Wll ~ · ~ ~~ Nirvana. What do we know? How do we ~8 ~ ea, roa. o eaven . . r · · to the ta$te, and the most searching and mornl-that bc:>.rs upon me is calcula.ted to know? Qaeation you yourself propounded. The cffioia~ w~s too much surprised 10 re- Viator H~go is that in wluoh he lmilgm?s ·effective blood medicine ever discovered. b tt ply to the question and the young woma.o the scuaa.b1one of a man fal1 en oveI"boa.rd m make me by, intelli11·mt and good, On W tha.t s!l>m<> da.y-J auo 1, 1856 - let ua say, ecan u ru,sn : continued· ' midocea.o while the ship ia pulling out of Natl1au S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st., - --;-That somehow good,. "Yes I Yen may think me crazy, bub I s!g~~ and he is gradually lapsing into insena nother baby, willy-nilly, is born into this :Boston, wl'itQ s: "My daugl1ter, now 21 world. H eil born ef a long line of crlm· :years o ld, was in perfect liealth until a W11l be the fin11.l gcod. of 111, · am not . I am aa sane as you are, but I aib1lity. Sympl\thetlc p:r~ons. specul· atock first-class millinery. D o not fail to year ago when sh e bega n to complain of bale!aud p auporH, people of low intelligence, To pangs of 1Ja.ture, sins of will, wimt to find t he safe~t roa.d to heaven ancl I !'.ted en the a.gony of arit101p!l.t1on that must iatigqe, headache, debility, dizziness, ba.d instinctit, foul be.dies. His father is a Defects of d.o ubt and taints of blood: am told t his 1.s ono oi t hem." ' fill tho mind of a man falling from e. great select your Hat s and Trimmiug-s in time i ndiges tion, aud loss of app~'tite. I cona r unk11.rd, a thief, a wife beater. His That nothing walks with e.imlesa feet, The man laughed pn d he gueased this height, aud consol.;d themselves with the Perfect satisfaction at the Mi2ses Wilson , ·eludecl that all her corn plaints originated mother iri P. d·runkn.r d, too, and something T hat not one life shall be destroyed, .was aa se.fe a roP.d as any other. She walk· thor;ght tha.t he wa.s dead before he struck jn impure blood, aml induced h e r to take worse be~ide~. Eli~ ie bcrn in t he ~lums of Or as rubbish to the void, ed aw11oy from bim, but returned later and the eu.i th. A yer 's Sn.rsaparilla . Tb is med'ici no soon t his city, in a room r eek in g wlch filt h. He said : Physiologists have iutereat 2d themselves J.VJ. restored lier blood-ma king organs t o When God hath made the pile complete. · 11y, In is brought up in equf.\lor, under the ..u~picea "I don't wa."lt you to have the impression · l'.1 th.e geDera.1 queeti ·on, an d ~opecm healthy action, and in due time 1·eilstabof that father and mot her. I:liij play tha~ there is indeed one far off, divine event. that I am crazy, because I am not, I am tn~t 1n reference to p er t ens falling from grer·b .l ish ed lier former health. I find Ayer's S arsaparilla a most val uable i·cmedy for ground. ia the g'l·t ter. His pfaymates are the i·oward which the whole creation moves, looking for the safesb road to lh heaven of he1gh;e. Persons who have been reauethe lassitude ancl debility incident to offaprillg of parents as abandoned as his We know nothing, we can kn ow nothing. rest for the Bummer, and if you can direct ci tatacl a!ter drowning ?r ~anglng have been -spring time." own. He le ill fed, ill clad, ill cleaned, Speculation is worse than futile. And tha.t ma I will be very muoh obliged to you. You a.?le to give some deecnpuon of thei.r :aensa.· J. Castright, Brooklyn P owor Co., ill t.rnght. He ie beaten for nothing. ia why the brave man, the emancipated see I am the Goddess of Shade and Daw t1ona, but those who have fallen cous1dernble Drooklyn, N. Y ., says: " As a Spring E vory b fi uence, m11iteri11.l , mentD.l, moral mii.n, never thinks of de:i.oh." and if I oa.n keep a wa.y t he burning eu~ disb11oncea and esca.ped death not, so Medicine, I find a splendid substitute t ha.b bears upon him ia peatilential; "Well," sald K nighb, "there's none so from t!1ose of my satellibics I will far as known, thrown any valuable lighll on ·fo r th e ol<l-time compounds in Ayer's ls calculated to deg<rade e.nd brub· blind as he w ho will not nee. And perhaps made thdr w ..y smocth to the good spot. the, ~ubject, It has beeu supposed ~hat the S a rsaparilla, with a few dose~ of.;~yer ' s allz" him in body, mfo.d and soul. Oh I should congratulate you upon your ability Say, I have lost my 'IYings l Can they be thr1l~ of t~rror to t ho.t which any I'ills. After their use, I feel fresner and Norbert, how can any man who has ahe:i.rt , to silence the hs.reh voice of life, crying in t he our riao-e ?" one feels when he p erce!Ves that h e is in .stronger to go through the summer." hew can he cont emplate inE qnality and uloud t errible trutlle, with a few rhymes While tba yom~g woman was rambling on danger of fallillg and ar.ves himaflf by a ivj ustioe like thle <J.nd continue to r evel In from Tennyson . For me, I cannot do ib, I in this atrain to the astonished offioial an sudden effort, is of such intensity when t he his better fortune? Into the r ace of life cannot do it. For me, I can see no other aged, motherly-looking woman, accompani- eleva~ion is lof.ty as to immedhitely .arniat f PREPAR ED BY these t wo competitors enter, one in perfect w ay oub of the difiloalty bha.u a gsaera.l raok , ed by 1\ .tall younft man, atepped up to the the v1ta.l f~ction~ and cause death ';lth?ut Dr. J . c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. t r aining, the other worse t ba.n untra.ined oning and balancing of scores beyond the young girl and said : "Come, Mollie, dear a moment s suffenng. 1n cases of t hxB kmd and congenitally inferior; one given a long grave. " we missed you." The.l the trio walked awa.y, th~ newspaper reports n_su~l!y add the . con· Hter spending m11cb time and money, I Price $ 1; ·ii< bottles, $5. Worth $ 5 11 bo't!e. prepared to fill all orders promptly, sn:i.rb and every advantage, the other h:i.ndiEver since our talk had left tbe personal The tall younv ma.n was Miss Robbins's solmg thought that the victim of the accident 1ow .ave s fine assort.m ~nt of \V AVES, B.A.KGS, capped and saddled with a heavy burden. ground and prooeeded upon the abatr:i.ot brother, and wh":in he was eeen by a 1 ·eporter or auicide was probably clead before striking SWI'l'CHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. Bu t st:ay. Follow us a little further. We Knight had 2bowed no symptoms of that he said that the Johnstown fl ood was the the earth, and consequently spared both BANGS J?ROJM: $2 UP- I 11:row to maturity, t hat other man ii.nd I. terror which had weakened and unmanned ca.use of his sister's present mental condi· pbyaicial a.nd men,al suffering. There .>Id Switches colored and made to look like Atthe age of thirby- to-morroweven,'Irich, him at the outset, Bat now all at once he tion. never seems to have been any solid founda· new. Highest price paid for long cut happy, virtuous, intelligent-I e;onsumme.te turned deathly pa.le, and his ayes riveted "The night before the flood she awoke tion for the prejudice, aince it i s diffi cult to BAIR TONIC my ee.dhly bli<s by marryin~ an angel of themselves upon the wall before him with an from e. sound sleep and startled the whole ~uppo~e that a peuon could be asphy x 'ated worn;rnhood, whoae love I have been suffered expression of such livid fright tha.t one household by her unearbhly screams. It Ill fallmg for th~ee or four seconds at the Warranted to prevent the hair from tailing out a.nd will make it grow. to win, and whom I love. He bru~e, beast might have t hought he nw a ghost tbere. was over t wo houra before wo could calm ra te of from fif ty t o seventy-five feet n UI have also a fine lot o: new Stamping that his heredity and environment made Ru~kily, almo&"b in a whisper, "Norbert. her, and strange to say, .vhen we question- second, the time it a pproxima.te_lv fakes tc All orders promptly a ttended to, Patterns.. him-he, a mere puppet in the hi1.nds of Norbert," he Cl\lled out. ed her we discovered that she had dreamed reach t he earth from an elevation of from necces~lty-he commits a mu1rder, and is "Wha b is it ? whe.t alfo you?" I cded, the dam had burst at Johnstown, and the 250 t o 350 feet. hang<id or shut up blood·staioed In prison 3tarting up and advancing towa.rd him. tle flood had carried e.way her intended who :rhe moat that we can suppose is th ~t Neads' Block, Bowmanville. for th e r emilindor of hia d a.ys, What ma.n- looked like a nmn on t he verge of a fainting was in thfl.t neighborhood, and ha.d ~ashed respiration is suspended, and t hat there ner of wodd is ib in which ~uch things can fit. his bo<ly up into a tree, whero ahe had been r esults a sort of syncope or condiHoi; of " What, what if-wbe.t if it should hap- struggling to release tt. She could ll{.t be part ii;l uncoUBclouaneas, not of sufficient happen? unless, indeed, you go with me in tha conviction ~hat beyond the grave our pen to-night?" he gasped. wholly quieted, bub imagined she wa.e !lD dur>Jot lon to ca.use asphyxia, Almoso a1Jyaccounta- his a.nd min<>-shall be squared "Ha.ppen? To-night? What do you angel trying to pttll the body from the tree, one can hold his brea~h for a !11.Inute. Pe:and b alan::Gd; thil.11 there he who sowed mean? W hab if who.t shonld happen to· 11.u d th~b unless she did 80 she oould not find son2 who give pubho exhlb1t1ons here in tears, ah a.II reap in joy, while night?" I que2t ion ed. the pat hway to heaven. easily un:ler water for two min_utea, and it will be my turn to sin und suffer. ·'If I should <.lie t o-night," he answer ed " We brought her en to see one of Pbila· ccral aud pearl d!vers fo. morn tnan twice ·Oh,' some s ha.llow people cry, ' h e in a t enae, tremulous whisper. delphfo,'a noted insanity Bl?ecia.liets, c1.nd he bhat length of t~me.. The e are feats on had his ohMce. Other men risen "Oh l" I fall b~ck in disgust at his suggested we take her t o J ohnatown and ~ee reco~d to pr_ o !e thl$ view of the case. In high from baginniniss as low ae b is ; other puerility. I looked down upon him, whita if the surroundings and the meeting with tendrnr suwides who have thrown them· men h ave sunken low from beginnings as and huddled up in his chair. "l'm u.shamed her intended, who was not there ab the time 8elves from the suspension bridge a~ Cinoin· high D.s yours. H e h as his chance t o r ise. of you, Knight," I said, " al'.d you ought to of the fl.Jod, but whom she has since not nati,a. height of eighty feet, have been.saved, you had your chll,nce to fall. You wete be ashamed of yourGelf." eaen, will net reatcre her. She is very To fv 11 this distance would r equire a.bout both called upon to choo20 between t he good "I'm shame, Norbert, far, long past qaiet, ia perfectly eano on a.U other subjects, two seconds, and the striking of the water and evil. Y ou chose the good. He chose shame, When it comes to an Issue between and if t his delusion c:.n he dispelled we will would be the principal thing to be co?.laideri. the bad, It wa.s his fault , it is to your shame D.nd. terror, shame goes to the wall." be happy. ed. A more r emarkable ca~e is that of th" VETERINARY SURGEON . l'URE$ T, ST R 0 NG EST, BEST, credib.' All which, 118 yon know, Norb ert, " So I see," I ret orted, scornfully. "But vhe strangest part is that she pla.ln· young wome.n who threw herself from th s .. CONTAINS NO , simply begs the ques tion, is snperficfal and " Shame a.nd self-respect." ly doacribed twenty-four hours before the Clifton bridge in England, which is at the ORONO, - ON'r. Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphates,) unscientific in the l ast degree, F ot, in t be "Yea, sha,me, self. respect, tm1b!tioi:i., love, flood ex actly 11s ,it occurred. Oh, yes, we height of 250 feet above the river. lrhe time Office.- Post Office Block. DR ANY INJURIOUS SUBSTANCE. ( . firat pl~ce, since we were born unequal, no everything. Terror is the k ing of ~.fle llDlO· iverq !¥Jquaiuted t here, and sp ent two woeks of the fall was. about f~ur seconds, as there Ca.llB by telegraph or t elephone r eceive imE w G l LLETT TORONTO, ONT. , one will pret<ind that we had e,qua.l chaucoe ; tions. They all fall down and hide '- tb,eir · l~llt· suinmer iu the town . lb seems h er in- was a strong wmd blowmg, and her skirts be· media.te att ention. · · MANUF~CTURER OF omo..1.~o, ILL. and the second, when it was time for us to faces in hs prnsence. Oh , Norberb, I iim a ~ t ended had written to her t he day bd ore ing infi!!.ted slightly retarded the downward ~RE CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAST CAKES. choose, how came I by the propensi ty which most u nbilppy m!l.n, And yet yon .s.poke of the flood, t olling her tha.t he would nob be movement. She wa.s at once fished out ot resalted in my choosing tile good? How envying m e, and y ou congrat ula.tsd·me." aurprisccl if t he dam should soma da.y burst tho water and taken to tho hospital, whero he by t he pr opensity which resnlted in '"\Vell, I that back. I do~'t envy aud wash out Johnstown. That was on her she eoon resoovered. Hf.r only injariea his choosing th11 bad? You know what t he you, and I withdraw my congratula'tliona." mind and evidently inliuenced her dreams." were some contuaior e on the thighs and answer ill- H er edity and environment. You ' ·Do you k now-do you know what I am and a elii:;ht disphcement of the· l! now thr.t the evil is onu which we ca.n sometimeQtemuted to do?" be asked. bone. O! sixteen others who h~d a t tempted neitba1· deny nor explain nor amend, But "No. What?" I queried. A Stroll!:!; Diet, suicide from the liame bridge only one man beyond the grave ! There the tables wlll "l a.m aometlmea tempted to call out to One of the most popular fallacies is the had been taken from the wat er alive, and ba t urned. Tho creditor will receive his the sword t o foll, and so an end of thia Idea than the coneumption of a lP.rge amount ha surviyed but a_ short time. The young due, the debtor will p ay his debt. They suspense." of meat is neceas!l.ry for healbh or to maic- woma n in question remembered nothing th11.t mourn ehall be comforted. frhe laet "I don't und.erst11ond you," said I. "What atrnngth. It ia a foot well known tha.b horn the moment she left the bridge until -~~---~ eha.11 be firsti and t he first shall be" do you mean Y" the strongest s.n!mala are vegetaria11s. No nhe r ecovered conaciousnesB, · "Dear Knight," I re.joined, "you are "I mean-I mean-why defer the inevit - would think of feeding his horses or The doctor who rtiported the previous gl·a.ppling with the old problem of evil; bab able? With t his never ceasing horror and oxen b eetabeak or roast beef in order to add said that he had never known before of you have nob solved it, though you think dread of death upon me, why not take my to their strength, evan if thi3 k ind of food t he aurvival of any one that had fallen 150 you have, You removed it from this life and so learn the worst at once? It'a were as cheap as corn or g rass. The elephant, feet. Such an instance, however, occurred in side t h e grave to t he ot her, that ill all. Evil the suspense, the daily, hourly, lingering the strongest of e.nimals, ie a vegetarian. Parie at a time when throwing one's self lo· {{ is sLill there; and that is the incomprehen - euspeuse the.t's killing me by lnchea, Oh, I la true of t he human race. The from ose ot the lofty columns or other pub1'>-J sible thiug-th .. t there should be ovil a t would prefer hell almost to thi~ sort of life. gatherers of rnbber;gum In South America. lie monuments was a favorite mode ~f sutvni cn I suv C u 1t:re I do not m ean merely to stop them for a dine, and then have them 1 ·eturn all. You have not solved ths problem. Re- Look I I am lying with my head upon the travel all da.v a mong the mountains, pen- cicle, A ma.n threw himself from the column DR. J. E. BINGRA.lll, V . S., Honorary Graduate On ta.Iio Veterinary again. I }lEAN A ltADIOAL <.JUm!:. duced to ite lowest terma, your philoJophy block, wo.foing for the axe to foll. It will etrating dense forests, climbing among t he of tho Ba.s!Jile, which is 156 feet in height, College, I have m:.lde the disease of is this, that two wrongs a. right. be a relief-yes, ib will ba a. relief when the moat precipitous peaks, carrying all the ti-n.-. but, falling on a tent erected for.acme work· promptly attended to, ni~ht or da.y. Calla There is wrong here; therefore, as you say, executioner deals his blow. This waiting, upon their shoulders, a load increasing in men at tbe base, r ebounded and struck the FIT S, EPILEPSY or Digglnbntbnm's :Bloch, Second floor. 'to fquare accounts,' there must be wrong waiting, wa.itwg, waiting- Oh, it is unbeu.r- weight until it reachea one hundred and fifty The fall had been deadened in CftlceBowwnnvllle. 14 4m. Jg'.ALLH'ifG S I CirNESS there. Y ou not solved the problem; able ! Yes, I am often t empted to put an to two hundred pounds; yet they subsist suoh a fad1ion that, though pa.infully bruis.A llfe ](mg ~luLly. I WARRAJ;T my remedy to Cum, ; t ile y;orst cases. nocause others have failed you may not solve it. It ie insoluble by eud to It. You see, I keep the meana at upon a purely vegvta.ble dietary, t he chief ed, he was able t a get up and walk away 1s i 10 r easou for not now receiving a cure. Send man, like all the ultimate problems of life, hand." He opened a. drawer of his wri!llng article~ of food being plantains and bananas. short ly afterwards, if not oured!of the auia L once tor a trcut.isc anu a Fume BOTTLE of my And since you ma.y never solve it, I warn table and took out a plstol, holding it up for The Roman soldiers, who built such wonder- cidal mania, resolved, probably, in future J i; F ALLIBX .It H m .1 imY. Give J-:x:press and Post ful roads, and carried a. weight of armor and to seek death by a leas pa.lnful and more Ot!\ce: It co~Ls you uotlli.W: 0r a trial, and it you to let it a.lone. Much brooding over it me to see, "You coward!" I cried. Do you forget luggage that would crush the average farm - certain method. ~·11! cure vou. Address : ,1:;1.. '-·· ROOT.i, M.C., cau do no manner of good, but immeasurable l3rn.nch O:ill.os, 164 '\ Vest A delaide Dtreet, ha.rm. That wa.y lies. Even now that you are a betrothed husband?" hand, lived on coa.rse brown bread. They The most notable case of enrvival afber 'l'o:-onto . see how i t hae embittered and da.rkeaed your "No, I that; bu'a I don't know - were temperate in diet, and re~ular and con· falilng long dist.i.nces is that related bye. ~ ,JtmiWAii'!ffi"~'5'4C'Ji?AWB life. Y ou jumped to a. terrible con- perhaps it would be better for her ii- well, staub in exercise, The Spanish peasant French writer, E ed- P arville. It is that clusion, and instead of finding rest there, anyhow, it would be very easy, wouldn,t works everv day, a.nd dances half the n4Jht, of an E; Indian living in the island of you find only horrof and increa!lad vexation it?" H e pointed the piatol 11k himself, as if to yet ea.ta only his black bread, onions, and O~h!n, who fell from a. oliff 300 metres high, of apiriu. Thin k-think of Elinor, Knight. illnstrute how e!!olly it would be. water-melon. The Smyrna p orter eats only which ie just the altitude of the Tower To-morrow she will be your wife. How "For God's sake, don't do that?" I ex. a little fruit, such as limes, yet he walkQ cff Eiffal, Rill fall was broken by masses of dres,dful for h er that her husba.nd should claimed. "Pat down that pistol, Knight." with a. load of a hundred pounds. The coolie, dense vege t11.tion at the foot of the precipice, hold such a creed? Sbe does not know it? And I rose from my chair, ha.If disposed to fed on rice, is more active and co.n endure and he escaped without seriouo injuries. 1 o You h ave n!lver mentioned these matters take it from him, more the.n the negro, fed on fa.t m?at. The Is hardly probe.ble that the E iffel Tower to her ? But is she not a woman? And The nex t t hing I knew I heard him give a heavy work cf the world is not done by men will eve r be a. favorite 'Place for sai\Jl<les, t he does she nno love you? And what wit h her ecr1l of laugh, and t heu l heard the report of who eat the ~reatest quantity. Moderation outer slope of the walls rendering a p erpondwoman'~ int uitions and her wifely love, you the piBt 'll going off, &nd tha room was filled ln:dlet seems t o be the prerEqulaite of eudur- iculo.r fall for anv considerable dlata.nce im· m11oy be sure that, whether she speaks or re- with smoke, a.nd I him lying at my feei;. ance. possible. '.!:he favorite method at present in mains 'Silent, she wm feel that there is P11ris is t o leap from the upper window of somethin~ wrong, a shadow upon your life, There. I have told uou the truth about S C N p the tall houses to t he street or into the courli, .. b c t ween h er h e n.rt 11.ncl youra. · Oh Knight 's death a fully" and as clearly as I ome aution .i: ece~sary, erhaps. a n d d e 1·s certain · It a per son h a.a no a eecreu 9 it ~a t errible for her ! All t he ultimate pro- can t ell it. The only wish I have left in life Luke Schoolcra.fb, bhe minstrel, told fl. domicile he would, p erhap3, find the t owers blema of life insoluble, un thinkable by now is tha t you will read what I have wriu- characteriBtic st ory at one of the Elks' socials or ot her lofty monuments oonvenfont; but , 'VETERINARY SURGEON, man'8 b rain. The book of life is opened to t on :ind believe tha.b I wa.· not his murderer. n:cently. It was of i:. jolly old Irishma.n, as in It~ly. o.11 per$ons who havo in bbeir us at j ust one p !!>ge ; the remainder is her- The circumstances have been all against me; who was a.ddicted to a very free use of the ma.nuer anytihing s uggestive of zuic!de are .BOlVNIAI\IVJLLE, ONT. "'I'h e l'llol!t 8 11ccessfn l Remedy ever d!ocoV' metically sealed. T hat page we may r ead. I know that. He was to be marr iec l t o t he bottle, much w t he disgu~t of his faithful wat ched, aud in mo~t ;ases it is the e r eli, a:; it is cert i n i ts effects and doe11 It is covered with perplexitiea, inoonsiaten- woman who ha.d rej~cted me; we had quar· wife, She k new that he w ..s "going ib " ab rule never to leave a. person a.lune at the n ot blist.;,r. Read proof below. ciea, anomalies, a11aohronisma, th11ot buflh r elled ; then I was closeted alone with him too faat a pace and aha a.ppealed to their top of a high monument, The last eflort t o and balk u q ; and with cr uelties and foul- for t wo hours on the night preceding his priesb to pull him up. In view of the cir- commit suicide in this manner failed iguom· nessee bbe.t a ppall and horrify u 1. But t he wedding day ; we were heard to t alk to- cumsta.nces, 1Jhfo priest thoughb he wii.s j uat l· iniously in Paris. A man who ba.d not Ileen OFlt'fCB OF C ilA.RLXS A. S NYDER, · connection oi that page with the pages t ha.t get her excitedly and vehemently during that fil'd in employing one or two fairy t ales, so sufficiently watched t hrew himaelf_a. few DP..ERI>l!.l~ OD' . CLEVELA.lm BAY AND T ROTT!lfG BRED H o n Sl!S. go before s.nd coma after-what t he plot, meeting ; and finally I had rushed down when he met Pat on the street he called him months ago from the Arch of Trm~ph, motive, meaning, purpo~e of the whole stairs, ce.lHng for hel p a.nd saying that Mr. aside and said : I which is about i.s high as the columns of the t>n. B. J , lrnNDALLC.:::L>tWOOD, ILL., Nov. 2V, 1838. book mo.y be, t hat we do not know, we K night had shot himself; a nd t he presump· "Pa.11, you're dl'inking too hard. Now, 1Bal!tile. He was caught by the proj <il)bing Den.r Sir8 : I h a vo always purchased i our Konw no means of learning, we cannot guess, tilon was that I had shot him. I told my you k now t h11.t you can dapend upon whall cornice a few ! eet below, whence h<l ws.s ,~~{;,~ ~E';1~,.;~~~·tn~~ri~,? J:,a,{~ti~~:c'i' tl;;;gef~ though some of us perpetually t r y to do so. s tory, bnt it was lnt rinsicir.Ily most improb· I ea.y, and I have no ho0eita.ncy in tolling you rell!oved with gre~t difficulty, bot not one ot the hest Un1mentR on earth. I bave used it -en ruy for three years. ~ha page we see, wr itten in r ock and fire, able, and nobody believed i ti. K night had that if you keep on as you are doing you will sen ou sly hurt. It ia almoot t he only caee Yvlu>J truly, CHAil. A. S!!YDER. . in t eara r.n d blood m ore harrowing than a kep t his morbid state of mind a aaoret to change into a rat." oJ. the kind that has occurred for the last ten , page fr om the annals of the Spi>nish In- all those who knew him. '.l'bere was not 8, Thia a.wful prediction a:mioyeo Pat greatly, ilhoul?h the Paris suicides aven;ge Unlocks all the clogged ave:µues of the quisitlon, we cannot hope to understand, single shred of eviden<;e to confirm my story, and when he went home he told his wlf~ nearly two a. week, takinli' the ye!l.r in its Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying nor to explain, nor to reconcile t o our sense to show that I had not manufe.ct·~red it from about it, Of course, she worked it up an d ent irety. oJI gradually without weakening the sys. of right a.nd j ustice, bec:i.use the prsmiPes whole clot h. trhe j uryfoundree gnilty, and told him,the priest we.a undoubted_Iy right. t ern, all the impurities and foul hl1Illors or uome He Double cash mere is again coming into of t he oecretions; at the same t ime Cor· a nd t he concl ueion hidden from u~. ou Monday morning the Coim'.l w ili sentence ~~.t was aeep m thoupht f_ ~fan canv.o~ by aee>i:ing find out G od. me to pl'ison. I mcl hE1te very much ·o gwe up hie toddy, favor as a dress fabl"lo. recting Acidity Of the Stomaclt,' N ature, red in tooth an.d claw with rapine, B Lit, as I have said, I can hear all t hat. 1hi;t ~·~e rat _kka waa too much for him. Why Is ~here fJo little about curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia. shrieks a.g~in.a.t our c~ee?. W e must s take I h ave !:<'ached a pass where .l care very little 1.F1na.:iy he ~aid : · the a ver r e1.igio1w 1.1ervica? ls it bee au: c Hea daches, Dizziness, Hearttiurn, I our God on faith, b ehevmg where we cannot what bappena to mo, where I am calloua "Luk here, Bmlget, av ye see tha. whis- there is so li:;tle faith 1 If one really be- Constipation, Dryness Of the Skin, l!::N~~~ $1PJlUnr~ ~lHUe,, ! prove· . We ,ea.n ~l'ove nothing ; ~e. c,\~ ~.van ~o dfogrnce ·. Only it h:irmi my ~eM't ~.era, ··n' taH~omin' an me, all ~,ask i~v yes fa liwed th&.t somebody h!>.d !eU him one Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, JaunS;i.:n, WrnTo1r con:TY, omo, Dec, w, isss. only trusb, Beho.d I k now nob anytlung, nke fire to know ihat yt·u t hink me o-uilty ; . J!St to Jr.e.ep 3er eye on the cat. i;houm~nd pounds, he would or. som<iwlmii diee, Salt Rheum, E1·ysipelas, Sero DR. B.J. Klmn~u. co. I ~ar.' bu~ trust.' '.l'i1nnya,,u h:i.a sung the to know th1.1t ,.0 u hoid me Ll'JClltmt[:lilo for r.adi:mt over the circumstance nnd might fnla, Flutterinv. of the Heal't, Ne1·~ Gents! I f eel it my duty to hat I have dono l r 'l y L d , .. ;;?. 1 D-eb'J't witb yom· Kendall's s 1 nwin . Ilmvo cured wno 0 p:.m Y· ou--you «V.Ve e· the destnw~lou of you. happine2· a.r.d t hat n·h Horse \';vras c· 1ow look ar; ii' il<: folt hift oab a little Tile VO""'ll"S ..., " s, an... \Xelllel'a. 11 Y ;a11 · · l t" · ~ ' ·1 · th t · ~, .._ e ~- would aay : Thero · ' glad these and many other sum · ·1e.r c O~l2_lllm 1 · ts twent:)'·1lvo boi:sos tliat l ·a avins, ten or. r, v1aea on~ iypo neam ou~ 0 1 u. m1 1 .ion ~ - you desplso ma as one ba2e and ignobh be- ._ · · neighi.J!>rs g·J~ s a ~~~gJtYfie·f .;;;.:mJ1'h~r havell!~ ~~i~N;,~~ ~~re poesubl~, and to. tnat you c}rng a~ 11: yon.d cont(m:ipt. She-I am i;ori.·y, Mr. :J?tow:e.e, th111L I oa.n- ms.u, and ·~'h<y would IJ,, right . Bu t when r fold t o the happyin:flueuceo£ B'l!P....UDCK bocks am! fo1 1owefl the directions, I Irnve ne; er l b wet·e God fl :i.~bhenttc.a.t.<>d tl"Uth mstimd oi J\fay God move uour he&?t to belfovo what . nob be. othe;·wi15c t han 11. em1,er t o you. Ibis 1> man 1'1;>.VS that he fo an hoi· of hav~r1 a.ud .BLOOD BITTERS. ;\ost a <m·e of any kind. l J l l c h , " · Yours truly, AimRmv TuRNliit, one f eep .e r:ia.u·s i mag m111g . "" -~ 11er a ai·o 11. I have w ritten. " l?OT Sale by aZZ ])el)},M·s. , 1 get.t mg ate, uy t e ~a~, ana k t hln_k I ,lma. !~ goinp; as fa~t as he can. to a place of yvhich Horse Doctol'. 1 m~llion pns~1bfo hypothes(;s, I_ sa.y. Anotiher ___,,,___ ___ i be~ter ba hco:e eoon , "ould you mind nm·- th() G.;d of heu.nn has pl.'omlioed, sv.yrng, I 8£ ·~tO. "!r!V.~fHAS II 9~ ~!crlla~HM l!f\i~~~!f: I friend of mrnd, whose. r e2t bke yours was . · 1 i'yuig up the nor~e ? . . will give ib you, be fa as dull, )ugubr!ou.3 · l.l\lbE\'Hl8/liA!lrnt. ~fl~ lil ~Ii~ li!.tl ~::re.i&.~ destroyed by t he omn!preaent spechcle and Tho greatest llUUff· tc-.kmg country m the \ He (s1;wa.gely)-On, not a u uJl; but you and forlorn lookiu'x aa if he were about to ...,,,,,,.,.,..~,..,,,~.._...,.,.,,,.,,.,.,,.,.,.,,,..,., ',.......,, Price $1 ~er bottle, or sbi: bottles for $.fi. All Dt·~i::- , mystery of evil., has come to beli?ve in a uni- world i~ France, tiho~1gh it shows .i:. decline in '. sae, I e:i::prcssly. a~ked for an old hors~, a.nd be lmnged. What is t o b e tho right ? J aof; " The pig-ni y ohculd not etand so n.ear the s!sts havo t or can set it for yon, or it w ill bo se:it ver2al fo_w ~f co.mpenaa.tion, holdmg thu.t. no the habit. In 1SG9 bhe co11rnmptzon WM 13,· " we e,re seven mdea f.rom heme, and thie ua.g t hat he does not believe a word of all h e fa honile. l t is unwhclesome." " [:h, no, ~:;,.~,"YD'ii.1 'i;:c~~~';,,,';f;'.~b6'.:i;1g:b1{Trg~1 iJlf~~q~· ~one sentien.o l!'nnnal, oyater or mi;n, prmce Oo0,000 pounds, or ~even ounces por head, ! only m1>ke3 i;hree miles an hcnr. G et up co·n tinnal!y ~aying. 'l'Jmt's j ust about tt.e doc:tcr, y cu are wrom~. My pig he.a not - ~_QL~ . B J(_ALL ,D,R~GGil:l'I'S., ( or pi1Uper, ~s au the long run beLter cff t ha.n Now it_is fi ve ounces. t there, you, -[H11rper'~ eize of it. . been ~iok 1m hour yet." W E DNESDA 1, AVG 7, 1889. I -- - ---- - - . , ·- ·- I I-IENRY NORBERT'S . S1.,0RY I i Of the of Theodore Knight. An lleliress who Thlulrs he~ l,11vei· Went . Specv.lntion as to Ifow Perple £eel TtllO Down in i1·e.Jobnstown Rulo. 'l'ake Big 'l'umulc~. new oaAzEn:B~~rrEr1oon. l l j · - ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~,~~~r rA11rnr:t10NG_JJISTAN0£s. ] A uD'id n't Know 'twas Loaded" W OMA:r~~-·' 1 FOUND DEAD ° IN B QW"l\lf'ANVI LLE · Fine Hair Goods. LADIES Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Patronize Home TR.ADE. Mrs · .P.L DA VIS, R We ~l@~~lf JOHN SPENCER, . THE KEY_ TO HEALTH. . l I! I I I I ..11,/$ l I I ---- 0 I ! I I i T.WLBURN CO,,!ietOi'S, E_k _ '°'

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