Remnant Sale! JOHN J. MASON'S Dry Goods and Jewelry House. O ur annual Ren111ant sale will this year, assume large proportions, and be a memorable event with all who delight in buying cheaply, 've have done so large a business that we have The Late Lu .'! E. Rowe, The memorial ser vkt1 in remembrance of the departed sister, ~ucy E. R ow:e, held in the Niagara Street Methodist church, St.Cathnrinea, on 28 ult., was unusu!,!.lly impressive. The church w~s crowded to the door s with sympathetic friends. Rev. Wm. II. Barraclough, took for his text 1st Cor. 11th chapter, 18th verse; "Asleep in Christ." The speaker closed his address by reading the following obituary prepared by her father after whjch the service wa s closed by singing "Safe in the arms of J esu a." Ol3ITUARY Our Lucy was boro at the parsonage on the Union Circuit in the Prnvince of P . E. Island, Canada, Augu st 29th 1874, so that on the 29th of IJext month she would have been 15 years of age. Her early life was much in common with children ~euerally . Being the youngest for several years ahti was petted considerably, which seems to have continued to the encl of her life, Four years ago last May, during a series of special services, Lucy gave her young heart to the blessed Saviour and seems neve r to have wavered in her new born love. She fo und grea!; delighi. in renderio <> assistance at church entertainments a1 ;d her pieces by way of selection were very creditable for one so young. One of her favorite pieces of music was entitled "Oh, Where is Hea;en1" Her question then in song is now answered in H eavenly experience. Many will remember lier recitals in public of "Biley'a Rose," "Radical Cure," &c. Not being very strong naturally, and ha.ving a taste for music, ~ho was n ot urged forward educationally, but a few days ago she spoke of her great delight in the thought of at tentling the Tnstilute, expressing a wish that it were to be the next week. But the great Father willed it otherwise, and has taken h er to a higher school thar.. any on e~rth. This was her own idea as she expre<sed it Just before the las i. She said "l sball grow in Heaven, but yon will kaow me the same. Whether her idea of growth was phy sical or spiritual we cannot tell, but this wa know, the I is not the body, but the soul, with all its connected faculties and p0we rs that shall grow upward and onward toward:1 God and with God forev er and ever. Dear Lucy was at the Wednesday eveniIJg prayer meeting on the 17th, and was taken ill that night. She took her bed a day or so after for the last time. After the first the inflammation did not seem to distress her ve1y much, and there seemed no immediate cause; for alarm, but on Tuesday morning f\ change took place for the worse. All that medical skill could do was <lone for her, bu t. to no avail. H er father broke the question gently, that her r ecovery was very doubtful. She could not think so, and expressed a longing desire for life. Being assured of her danger and that she might not live long, she said "Kindly leave me alone for a while." Being questioned why, she replied " l want to pray myself aud be alona wit h Jes us." After retiring for a. time and then returni ng t o her she said to us " Yes, I am going to die and that anon. 1 would rather die now, b ecause I aliall soon soc J esus and be wi th him forever... Jn a mar vellous manner she took e ach m ember of the family to h er sitle and exhorted in t he t enderest and most earnest m anner that a ll would p romise to do all possible for th e cause of J esus Christ. These words are bur21.t deep in o ur hearts, a nd t hose promises of en tire consecration to the ser vice of God by the power of D vina grace shall n ot be brolrnn. S oon aft er this our precious Lllcy gm dually fell asleep in Jesus, July 23rd, 1889. Give joy or grief, give ease or pain, Take life 01· friends away, B ut I d me find them all a.~ ain , In that eternal day. - - - o - - -- - - ITCHING AGONIES. CotlY co,·eretl morf:tr. usclc~s. Every Night I Scratched until the I Skin was Raw. · '1'ltlt scal· s i : I Dozens of Piles of Remnants which we are aware will have to be sacrificed, we are perfectly wiHing to let them go cheap, we have had a good run this year change your CUTIOURA Ri.:Mrcnrns ·performed on me, About the Ist of April laet I noticed some red pimples like, comin!{ out all over my body, but thought nothing of ituntil some time later on. when it bel(an to look like spor,s of mortar spotted on. and which came off in lay. ere, accompanied with itching, I would ecra.tch every night until I was raw, thon the nex:t night the scales, beinll fo rmed meanwlnle. were scratched off 1tgain, In vain did I c< nsult all the doctors in the country. but without After giving up all hopes of re . ·ert1 sement oovery, I happened to see an ad 1 in the newspaper about your CU'l 'ICURA. REMEDIES aud purchased them from my drul!'gist, and obtained almost Immediate re· lief I began to notice that; thescaly e·uptions gradually droppe d otf a.nd disappeared one by one, and have been fully cured.. I had the dis· lhirteeo monthAbefore I began taking the CUTICURA REMEDIES, and ltt four or Jive weeks was en tirely cured, My ctisea~e was eczmo. and psoriasis. I r.ecommended the CUTICURA REMEDIES to all in my vicinity and I know of 1i great many who have to.ken them,. and thank me ror the knowledge of them espeo!ally who ho.vo babes with scaly eruptions on their heads and bodies. I cannot express in words the 1 .hanks to you for what the CU'.l'ICURA REMEDIES have been to roe My bodv was covered with scales, rmd I was an awrul spectacle to behold. Now my akln is as nice and clear ao a baby's. GEU, COTEY, ll1Arriil, Wis, Sept. 21Mt, 1887, Feb· 7 1888.- No trace of the disease from which 'r suffered has sho~vn itself since my G. C. cure. C11tlc nrn ltP-medlcs. by the (J&11tic1ua Jtemeclles tu live weel·s. ! am going to tell you of the extraordinary <Jure Jrn1mlc11· . An lnvfnl !!i11ectacle. Hkc s11ot~ of J~nU1·ely Doctors cnretl A NEW DEPAR TURE IN MEDICINE. The Largest May and June Sales ever done in the shop, and as a considerable portion of the ends are })art of the McOlung St<)ck, and cost l;lS cheap~ we can afford to let go easy. ·pI We tltri fit tlie largest O'i" the smallest with a Remnarit to them. a So,\ P . Cure every species of, humiliating, itching, burning, scaly. and pimply diseases ot the ekin. scalp, a.nd blood, with loss of hah:, and all humors, blotches, eruptions, sores. scales, and crusts, whether simple, scrofulous, or contageous, when physicians and all other remedies Cail. Sold everywhere. Price. CUTICURA. 75c.: SoAr, 35c.; ltESOLVENT. $L50. Prewired bv the Po·rrER DRUG o.nd CHEMICAL UOHI'ORA'l'ION Bosto 1. G'ilend for · 1How to CurR Skin DiAeaaeA," 61 po.gee, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. MPLES, black.beads, red, rough, chapped IYI aud oily skin prevented by Co1·icun.11. Chest Pain8, Soreness. Weakness, Hackin Cough, Asthma. Pleurisy, "..;;: and Jr.ftl\mmation relie··ctl In one m i nute by the (Jntlcut·n Anti· 1·n1n !'laster. Nothing like it for Weak Lung9, IG AN'T BREATHE. ·· Thofonrgrcatestmedical centres of the world are London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. ~'hese cities have immense hospitals t eeming with sufferiug hunrnnity. Crowds of stuclents throng t he wards studying unc lcr the Professors it1 charge. The most renowned physi· cians of the world teach a11d prac· tice here, anc l t he institutions a re storehouses ofmcclical knowledge and; e~peri once. With a. view of making this experience a vaila.ble t o the ptiblic the HosrJito.l Remedy C o~ at great expense secured the . prescriptions of these hospit als, prop1uod the specifics, and al, though it would cost from S25 to · StOOtos·ecure tho uttention of their distinguish ed origin1~tors, yet in t his way their i>ropared specifics aru6fforod a t the price of the quack patent medicines that flood the market anc l absurdly claim to curo ever.Y ill from a. single bottle. Tho want always felt for & reliable class of clomestic remedies is n ow filled witli perfect satisfaction. 'rhe Hospital Remedies make no uuroasonable claims, The specific for Uatarl"l1 cure~ thnt o.nd nothing else; so with the specific for .Bronchitis Consumption and Lm1g '.l'roubl es; Rheuma tism is cured by No. 3, while troubles of Digestion, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys hnvo their own cure. To theso is added a specific for l!'ever and Ague, on o for female wcal·ness-a general t onic and bloocl-maker thnt makos blo"d and gives form and fulness, and o.n incomparable i·eme1y for Nervous Debility, No. 1-CIJRES CATA!7RH, HAY F£V£R, ROSE. COLD, OATARRHAL DEAFNESS-The only aut hsntic cure emanating from acientijic aourcea now before t he public, Tilis is not a snuff or ointment- both are discarded as Iujuriona. 11.00. . NO. '.A-COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, OON8UMPrJON- A11 incompnrable remedy · doea not m erely ·top a cough, but eradicates t he d;sease and strength· ns the lungs and restor1s wasted tissue11, gluing a new lease of life. $ 1.00. NO~ 3-RHEUMATISM -A distinguished and well· lmo1~n sp0cialis t in t his disease in Paris, who trsatll else, built his reputation 0 11 this re111edv. 111. not~mg NO. ti-LIVER AND KIDNEYS, DY SP£PSIA AND INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, BRIGHT'S O!S£AS£fa vorite alaughter-jield fo r th e quack who hall ruined m ore stomachs t han aloohol. Use a remedy sanctioned in tigh plccces. $ 1.00, A NEURALGIA-Few know whatgraue damage this doe11 the system; ft is t reated to brealt it for a time. Use NO. lJ-FEVER AND AGUE, DUMB AUGE, MALARIA, .,,- a remedy that eradicates it. $ 1.00. NO, 6- FEMALE WEAl<N£SS, IRREGULARITl£S, WHITES-Mang women arc broken down bscauae they neglect t hese diseases until chronic an cf seated. Use No. 6 and regain health and st rength. $ 1.QO. / 1 / scrawny, use this perfect t onic. 1$1.00. XO. 'I-HEALTH, FORM AND FULNESS depend on qood blood a11rl lots of it. If weak, if blood is poor, NO. 8-NERVOUS 0£8/L ITY, LOSS OF POW£R-A quack cure-ridden public will hail a genulno remedy for an unfortuate condition. No. 8 Is Golden, which one t rial will proue. Beware of ignorant quacks who charge high p rices f or cheap anrl worthies!> drugs and pills, t ile properties of w hich they are utterly ignorant, an d 1 uho expose 11011 by selfing you1 co11jide11 t ial letters to others in the Slime 11cf arlou1; business. Use No. 8 and /iue aua/11. $ 1.00. 1 ·ro DOLLAR EACH~ E E HAD OF ALL DRUG GISTS. over 40 Rernuants of cashmeres or Hen1~iettas, over 100 ends dress goods, prints etc., ends of Silks, ends of Tweeds, Capets etc., all must go as 've have no further use for them. Call and get the choice of the sacrifice. ·yours etc. Yf your Uruggi~t dofis not: keep these remedies remit price to u~ nncl we witl ship to yo1 1 dir~ct. r.:ow ti~tcn ! 'fake! n o mhcr r cmetly : cliscontiuuc q uackc1 11c· all 111l'Clicincs a.nd use instead these high class l lospit3 Rcmt.'<lics which e manate frQm sc ientific sources, and t luts prqlong y our l ife. A void high. priced and d ishonest quack'! ,,.ho pretend! secrecy nrc worthless. T he q u<ick octopus spare:; neither the trusting male or the confiding female. Duy of a reput.. a ble and responsible firm doinC' busincs~ tinder :i pcnuine name and n ot under ~ome f()r~if!TI alias. We R'l.l" rantee one b ott11.! o f any of our rnodiciuo~ to c-ivc more gcnuillo benefit than a dozen of :iny special or patent mcdicino in tho world. ~V1~~I~~~ !1~~~!~~i~~~;;~~12~~f~~~~fJ~~d b~;~;~di~~~\~~;[ i~oN;~;~;~~Jadfs~~cp~~~:i}~?;, tbl~~i~~~~i~~~· tl1~Yrri~~~~i~;e~: ~t;~ !~~~~~1:l1~~~~i;~6r~~1'1~it ~~~10~11~~1~~'~';\'C~~~fi~:s~~r:.,~lc.f::~s~~J1ici'r~~ ~~~ J~0~a\~a!,~~i~e~~ ~~l:i;.~~~~;<l~b?1i~~~ THE BEST BllKING POWDER -+-IS+- GARTH &CO., FACTORY SUPPLIES. Valves, Iron & Lead Pipe, Loose Pulley Oilers,Steam Jct Pumps, Farm Pumps, Wind M ills, Cream Sopar· ators1 Dairy and Laundry Utensils. 8enr1.stamp for Descrip· L t1ue Catalogue to I IIOSPIT!L REM.EDY CO· Toronto C an {A. HuttonPropnetor, Dixo~, 1 1 · McLAREN'S GrnUINE JNO. J. MASON. OJEI.A.B.. Jt=\t-USE:'S Cook's Friona No Alum. Nothing Injurious. Quality amounts are fair, Low prices a n:i not bargains unless CJ na.lity is there. 536 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. RfTAIUD EVERYWHERE, WE COMBINE THEM. ~o,-o:BAXTERIAN ~=:.u COURS;:Q.&.1Q for the study of Music in its several departments . 0 C~'\;;}. SchooJ Of ?!A-. CHADWICK'S LEATHEROID ·o L In STEEL-LINED TRUN!ls Sample, Ladies' and S Po all otbor kinds. CO TTO~ Lightest and Strongest Fo·r H and and fl:Cachine use. ln the World. TRUNKS Over 600 Lessons in one School Year. Special attraction for lady student~ by uniting with the first and only LADIES' BAND in Canada. Tuition, $8 0 per School Year, OF FORTY WEEKS. Prof· David P. Todd, of Amherst College, contributes an a rticle to the Aug . Century, entitled " H ow Man's Mes3enger Outran the l\1oc,n," d escribing a feat in telegraphy which was accomplished at the time of the eclipse of the moon which took place J anuary 1st 1889. Littell's L iving Age.- '1'he numbers of The Living A ge for t h e weeks ending J ul y 13th and 20 ~h, contain The Savage Club, and Dr. .Johnson as a Rad ical, Contemporary ; Sardinia and its Wild Sheep, Nineteenth Ce n tu ry; The vVorn en of Spain, Fortunately ; The R oman Family , and An Itallian Nun of the Sevent eenth Century, National; Qe9rge Crabbe, Macmillan; Dr. Johnson and Charles Lamb, T emple Bar; T he "Rej ected Addresses," and Bush Life in New Zealand, Gentleman's; Mount Athos in 1889, Murray's; La. Lisardior e, Specta tor; Not Quite Lost, Chambers' ; South Africa n Cannibals, Cape '.l'imea; wit h installment s of " A Queer P atron," and " A F ool'sT ask," and poetry . F or fifty two n umbers of sixty-fo ur large pages each (or more than 3,300 pages a year) tht> supscriptiou price ($8) is low; while for $10.50 the publishers offer t o sencl any one of the American $4.00 monthlies or weeklies with The Living Age for a year, both p ostpaid. Littell & Co., B oston, are the publi~hers. The August number of the Eclectic will be found of marked interest 1md variety. The opening paper by Frederic H arrison is au interestin g analysis of what was accomplished for good and evil by the r evolution of 1789, a eubjecb of e ndless fascination even after a cen t ury ofldiscussion . An able writer shows u p " The Vitality of P rotectionist Fallacies, " and t he ca.uses for it. "The Witt and Wisdom of Schopenhauer" is the title of a readable paper. One of the brigh t est papers in the number is Lady lfandolph Churchill's talk aboutRussia, whichischaracterised by trite American vivacity. M rs. PriesHey 's 11rtical on " The Mysteries of Malaria" will b e sure to excite interest, which may also be said of Mr. Dicey's " E t hics of Political Lying." Sir Morell Macken zie gives the weight of his great experience and knowled ge to a d iscussion of the voice as used in " Speech a nd Song ." Their are a number of short articles and poems, thoroughly readable, and the p ublic wh o love good literature will find i n this issue an aclmirable collection of · t hings which fully just ifies t he reputation: of the periodical. A BllJtN OJt I \Ve iLvite attention t o our complete and carefully selected stock of Ladies', Gen t's, Misses and Children 's Boots and Shoes, T nmks, Valises, HAS NO SUPERIOR. MONTREAL, etc. Our nopulal' stock of fashionablc goods i<> perfect beyond r the Dominio n parison . We are showing th e correct sty Jes of the :>eason. No old shop ASK FOR IT. worn, bankrupt stock or shoddy goods manufactured for bankrupt houses. We w~rrant all om g oods to be wbat we r epresent them. MONTREAL. 'l'he prices a re ioV'r, an cl no one can sell you l'espectable goods cheaper. Notre Dame St., one of tbo most centi·al These goods are bargains, viewed from 11ny standpoint. TJ1e quality and elegantly furn i sh e d Hote l s lu t he (Jity . A tlcommoclation for ·1 '00 gue sts. and style are th ere. Reliable, trust y, snviceable goods, marked at r.ates: WOODRUFF, $ i t o$3perday. 1 1 Manager. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. J. EVELEIGH&. CO. HOTEL BALMORAL. sv DOMINION Degrees Conferred ® Diplomas A w arded of Baxter University of Music, l'lew York. Further p1.wticulars by addressing B AX'l 'ER , PEA~S' . . . . . . . . ....-.rT"I" by DR. Sole Al!'ts 1 o r canaaa , J.PALMER&SO~ LEATHER BOARD COMPANY, M. TRELEVE N , 19. Sign of the BIG BOOT drawn by two horses, B OWMANYILLE. :Manufacturers of 0 :S:A.S_ R-0-SE:J 4!'!. B ox 88, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Wholesale Imp'trs of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, Steam Packin11:, 1 743 NOTRE DAME ST., MONTREAL. f'R I CTIO N PULLEY BOARD, Tki· i· a P erfect P,·iction M: A -YN _A_RD_ 'rlIE JEW»JLLER E xtends his thanks for the very liberal patronage he received since commencing busic ess. His Stock being New 'Bnd Stylish and his prices ve1-y moderate, is no doubt the cause of his success. · RECKITT'S BLUE. THE BEST F OR L AUNDRY USE. Detroit, Mich., 10-30, '88. IVIESSRS. ' W~JOHNSON C~ MONTREAL. THE NEW LINE OF :S:EAVy· SII1VER VV.ATO::S::ES SHOULD BE SEEN AT ONCE. - - -:o : -- - l.A:OIES GOLD .A.ND SILVER W.ATCEES AT ALL PBICES. :o---a: - - WEDDING .RINGS, SCARF PINS , CHA!NS LOCKETS AND CHARMS IN E V ERY STYLE, AT ALL PRICES. - -- ::- - R emember mv Goods g uarranted to be just as r epresente d. WATCH REP AI RING at t11ncled t o as usual, Promptness and skilful workmftlu1hip- my motto- Q.nd all work warranted. Your patronage solicited. GOOD, reliable men can find permanent employmtmt. Good S AL A.Ill'. and expenses weekly, Liberal l.nd11cemonts to beginners. Out.tit free. Pl'l'Vious experience not required. Established over 20 ·All goods warranted tlret-claes. Write at once for terms. Address ,J, 't't-. llLU~KAl', ED WANT. St, 'l'bomas, Ont., Gen. Manager to1· Maple Grove Nurseries. (Mention this paper.I ·S ~·o~;~e ~r~p~ia~ ~n~O~a';?n. 23- 4.m D ESTlU)l' 'l'J(E WORlllS Dear Sirs,--I have used your paint, and find it covers much better than any other · paint I have used, and it looks as though it would last longer. Yours very truly, (Sgd) to.I stock. Steady work at good pay, No experienc1> necessary. Any man not afraid to work can succeed with us. ~al ary and expenses paid to good men. tho year round. Success guaranteed. Write for terms. E . C. SELOVER & CO., NunSERYM EN, Geneva, N. Y. or th ey m:t,Y-. tles· tt·oy t11cc111ltlrc n . 11ree11urn·s \l'orm Pow· ders ties troy antl expel all llln·l~ or wol'lns. A. DAY; Dictated. 1 The J eweller." I appltctl at o nce. lCll\'C ltJSS SCal' il"'·i c torl:t <Jarbollc c1rt· will ltcal quickly anti 8alVC is Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.- . t: