HO, FOR SCHOOL! All the School Books and School Furnishings. My 200 pag~ Scribbl~ng Book for 5c. IS a genuine surprise. My 5c. Exercise B?ok, with fine chromo, IS a beauty. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Notes By The Way. BY THE EDITOU, LIVERPOOL, July 25, 1789, 'fhe crowd that turned out in Liverpool to eee the Shah, was one of th" largest we ever got into at close quarters and we have no desire to repeat the experience 1. THE WING of AZRAEL, by Mona Caird, Price 30c. of that 15th of July. We had gone 2. THE F ATAL PHHYNE, by L . C. Philips, " 30c. through a by-street to escape tne crowd and in crossing Obapel street to go into 3. DERRICK VAUGHAN, by Edna, Lyall, " 30c. the Exchange we unintentionally got be4. THE SEARCH F OR BASIL LYNDHURST tween two sections of people going in opBy Rosa N ouchette Carey, 30c. posite directions and before we could My 5 5. TH E LUCK OF ' r HE HOUSE, By Adeline, cross the street or retreat, were wedged IC Sergeant, 30c. in be.tween them. Such a surging, jamPENNYCOMEQUICKS, By S. Baring 6. ming, shouting, screaming, swearing, exGould, " 50c. cite« throng we never saw before. Ladies 7. SOPHY CARMINE, By Jno. Strange Winter " 30c. dressed in silks and fine clothes, business men in silk hats and mothera with childI will give great bargains in 8 . JEZEBEL'S FRIENDS,By Dora. Russell, 30c. Further Great Cures of Skin i;en and some with baby in arms were Disea3es by the Cuticura Sent to any address on receipt of price. welilged into a. corner and the cries and R emedies . shrieks of these .women an d children was this Fall, desiring to clean out all nov one yeur mul a half olcl. l 'nce nuol my present stock. Remnants of t errible ~o hear, as the excited crowd lioily It· a I CI'rlble co1ulltton, !Jcrng co,·· crc·l with MoreM. Sulpl·ur ~ prlugs fall. paper at half price. Baautiful squeezed them almost to death agaiost Cnrc<l by Cutlcura Rrinedlc~. ceiling paper and decorations in the brick walled buildings. We had to I have used your CoTrnun.A REMEDIES tn hold our arms up in a diivotional attitude n·oved to be sucMssful. two oases where it 1 great variety. The first was in the ca.Re of a boy a year and a to prevent their being broken. As it was half old. His fa.co and body were in a terrible our coat was r ipped and feet trampled on condition, the former b!ling oompltitely covered VARIETY HALL. with sores; I took him to the Messen11. Sulphur and body, frail after a week's B evere sea Springs. but he did not improve any. I wa.s then advised to try the CUTJCURA REMEl>JES. sickness, crushed and elbowed, till we whioh I did. He took one and one half bottles of CoTICUltA RESOLVEN "Jr, when bii skin was felt like one would after going through as smooth as could be, and is to-day, I used between two rollers. No serious accident the CUTICUltA on his sores and the CU'l'IOUR"J.. SOAP in washing him. l!le is now Jive year& was reported beyond several faints and of age, and all right. 'l'b-e other case wa! a . disease o f the soalp, which·was cured by wash· some women were subjected to fits of ing with tbe Cu·1·rouRA SrmF and rubbing iw BowMANVILLE, AUGUST 21, 1889. vomiting, but it was a miraculoas escape, the CuTicunA. one. bottle· or CoTICURA RE·· SOLVENT being used. They. liave proved enc· - ---o-- -and we shall wait a long time again to oeeaful in every c11.so where 1 ~ave advised the ,i THE LOYALTY CRY. use o t them. It is surprisinii,how ra.pidl a 11 see royalty if it necessi !ates going in to a cl:tiM will improve und er the;ir t~eanaent.. I recommend them foi nor disoose or the s ~ti n crowd like this one. as oolng the heat [n ·· ~" world. '£his i~ m r An E nglish p·1blication, the .B'inancial experienco, and I am 1· ·n.d v ;x, Btand by my B e/arm Almanac for 188!), complains that The absorbing topic in England to-day statement. .JOHN' fl:'. H·:rw . American Ho11·1e, !lo;; .no.burgh, N. Y, -.hereas Great Britain has conceded to is the Royal Grants, a subject now en· Al· Unbearab le Ski1t Db e,~ Carccl. -the colonies the fee-simple of their mag- gaging the attention of ·the House of I have been nffli.,le<l since la"I; March with a n ificent territories, which she won by a Commons, consequent we lelieve on the skin dfoea.se th1 ., do~!.ors called I 1 1; 1 ·zqm~. My tac"' was covered wi· ·h scabs aad eoi <1s, and lavish expenditure of .b lood and treasure, marriage of the !laughter of the Prince of Lho itoll<ng and burning wero n.lrn»at unbearable. Seeing your CO'l'ICURA H.~Mll:DJES so and in addition has burdened herself with Wales to the Earl of Fife. As we write, hil(l:tly recommendecl, oonclnded to give them · the matter is still under consideration. a trial, t·sing the CU'l'!CURA and CUTJCUlU the, obligation of their naval and military So.AP e:>:Jte rnally, and the RESOTN~T internal· Upon what ought to be good authority, d efence, they a.re ungrateful enough "to Jy for ro.. r months. I call myself c111 ·ed, in it is stated that "anxious communications" gratitude for which C make this public atate· d uties upon her manufactureR and l e"f _ mcnt, :1'.fRS, CJ,AHA A . .ll'!tltOlffRIC I {, have been passing between Whitehall a.nd Broad Brook, Conn. other monopolies. In this country, curiously enough, the Windeor on the sabject, and that "tlie >Cr.Ucnra Remedies only result so far has been that the CabiCure ever-)" species of torturi ng, h1Hnilfating. l oyal party par e.xcellence is r esponsible itohinic, bui'tung, aco.ly, and pimply d'i,eases of for ·~he enormous taxes levied upon net feels itself bound by a pledge to the the ~k.n, aeatp, and blood with loss of ha.ir, and all humors. blotches, nruption'!I. sores, Britisl1 goods, to the detriment a.like of Crown to attempt to secure from Parliascales, and crusts. wl1other sirn pie. scrofulrms, or coot.ag1011q, when physicians aod all:! l~nown the' British and Canadian people. The ment grants for not only all the children remedies f&SJ. Canadian tariff is by odds the high est of the Prince of Wales but, with certain Sold everywhere. Price Cutiourn, 75c. ; Soap. 35c.; Resolvent ~l.50. Prepared" by the colonial tariff in existence. lt was de- ex:ceptions, for the remaining grandsous POTTER lJRUG AND CHEMICAL Co.. Boston, of the Queen." If this be so, it is easy Mi<ss. elgited amongst other things (l) to turn to understand why the Select Committee Jtill"Send rm.· '·'How to Cure Skin Ois:i&se," 64 pu..res, 50 illustratloua, 100 testimonials, the balance of trade in Canada's favor ; has had difficulty in agreeing upJn its reSkin and Scalp preserved and beau· a nd (2) to promote commerc~ with the ti1lied by CUTICURA SO.AP:· Absoport. The country has no desire to treat lutely pure. Mother Country by excluding American the Roy al Family shabbily. Far from it. goods. As everybody knows, however, the 80 called balance of trade is st ill But as over half a million annually is alOf females instantlyrelieved ~that ready paid to the Queen and her children d ead against us, and our trade with new, elegant and rnfallible A1lltidote exclusive of emoluments attached to varto Pain,Inflammation andWea,lmess, Britain is dimfoishing whilst our trade VUT!CUR>!> AN'rI-PAINPLAS'l'ER· '2ll-e first ious highly lacrative offices, and her Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver (ffi1. tho and only instantaneous pain-killing plaster. with the UnitedState3 is increasing, notaind Hypophosphites. Majesty is understood to have a.massed a withstanding that the Americans tax: ou r TORE AND DWELLING FOR fortune of a.bout a million sterling by her la sold all @oVel' the World. It is far IHl S.A.LE.-'l'hat fine new store anc11 resi· e xports and Britain admits them free. perior to plain Cod L iver Oil, palat1>hle economical use of her allo tted income, and easily. digested. Dr. Martin Miles clence, elegantly fitted tor Merchant 'l'a.Hor or l!'ancy Dry Goods now occupied by Mr..John International trade, like private trading, , there cannot very well arise any question Stanton, Bury Bucks, London, England'. Lyle. Apply ~ W~!. H. IVES, Bowmanv]lle. is in reality an exchange of products for 23- tf, as to the liberality with which the Royal says : " llliave prnseTibed Scott's Emulsioo P roducts ; and the less we buy from Family i11 and has been treated; and the and taken it myself. 1t is palatable, ef- ~AI,E SMA>N WANTED.- A pe:rmaBritain or any other country, the less 0 neut postilion gllaranteed with sala?y and country will desire to be shown good ficient, and ca.n be tolerated by almost expenses Chemist~s paid· No e"i.per!ence needed w i,'th us· perforce wo must sell. 'l'his is clearly cause before farther allowances are made anyo ne, especially where cod liver oil it- Gre<J.t advantae;ea to beginners. Fast selling self cannot be borne. Sold by all Dr11g- specio.ltiee. (h1tllt free. ·w rite q_urck a3:d get 11hown in the tables oomQiled by the for the benefit of her Ma j esty's gra.nd- gists, 506: and $1!. choice of territory stating age. H.E. IMorrER B eforrn Almaiiac. In 1864 Brit ai:i im 33~1'1}w Co., Rocbeater, :N. Y . children. H. C. Tait sells- beat spectacles, P orted 4 ·6 of nil her imports from British ARM F W iR SALE OR RENT. -Tho The proposals the Government are said Mrs. Jl>onnelly is· stilling her sum!llall' north half< of lot 2! , con. 5, Whitey. ad~merlcado not reach 2·5 per cent. of all to have submitted to the committee a.re joining the village or Brooklin. about 41! miles stock b~lo1v coat. 31-3 w' rrom "Whitby tewll> on the gravel road. A good .her import tta,de. Yet during the five that Priuce Albert Victor should be al- - --o--- FIRE, LIFE, A0C'IDEN'r Insuranoe. honse and barn, cattle and horse stables, root ·a nd thirty years that have elapsed since lowed £10,000 per annum until his mar· ROBT, Vi:RTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. house are situo.ted thereon. 'fl:tere is-a good orchard o.ndl]:>lenty of water. ll'or furthAr par· 1 85.t, we have borrowed vast sums of riage, and thereafter £25,000 per annum, Gent1emei. ex am. }i;i,0 Tod Bros. atoek ticulars apply. to H ENRY FnANC te, Brooklin P. ·public and private capital from her, the 2U )._2m of tweeds before·leaving your orders :fur 0 , -interest of which we pay in products of which is the annuity enjoyed by the 11uit. Dukes of Edinburgh and Connaught; that a spring Ocean tickets ll>y different lines 0f ·v.arioua kinds ; so'that at 'vorst our ex.ports Prince George should be allowed £8,000 steamships for sa.}e ilt the STATEStl.l'.>.N -tu Britain ought to ha.ve increased someffice. North hal-,oes of lots 33 and 31, 7th. OO'.lli- Whit· ~ha.t in. proportion to the increase in our p er annum until his marriage, and £ 15, · o by. Iatelv ooou,vied by Mr. StonehouSI'· 'l'his S. Burden & Ct>. wm pay cash for eggs farm i$ well drained and renced 11nd:W>ll be indebt~dn.ess to her. But there has been OOO · a.Uerwnrds; and that each of the daughters of the Prince of Wales should and first-class buit~0r at the "Ma.rt'", :f~~edh~!r-;!~~ra~~t~~;Y 1 !e~~~~l~~~d?~; a large and steady decline of-late ma.inly receive £3,000 per ~nnum until her mar- Market Square. s~le. J.B. Dow, Sol'r, Whitby. 313m, Dr. J .. E. Bing.ha~, V.S., now occupies i ---- -in consequence of our onerous tariff which riage, and ,a lump sum of £ ] 0,000 as his n~w rooms iu bfil·e r~ar of Higginb&tn- 1 FARM> T O RENT OR FO~ SALE, fiinders her merchants from selling to us, - ALSOdowrv. So far the Government's propo· am's dt"ug store,. wplitairs. beingc the 50lacres of lot 21 in t ,'ie :117d con. e,nd as effectually hinders our farmers of the 'l.'ownship. of Clarke and the· south 50 To· THE DEA.P'.- A P ersoa cured of acres of tile nortll 100 acres of lot 20., both and lumbermen from selling to them. ·sale refer only to the children of the . Prince of Wales, but they do not atop Deafness and noises in the head o:J 23 parcels j j>in, beiiDll' in all 100 acres. '.!!here are by a simple remedy will good bruldi!'g.s on tbe farm; well w.:itere:d and The N . P. therefore is loyfll n either t o Yearn! stauding fenced. Sor! a black loallll. '!.'here <S· also good ' . . .. · British' nor Canadian i nteri 5 ts. As the there. They also affirm the desirability aendi a descnptrnn of it FitEE to any per - orchard' on tJIB. place. It wlll be re'ated fol' a of making grams to the other grandsons son who a.ppliea to NICHOLSON, :?~ St. term of"years, Posaeeeion can oo.. given at . ltl.lmanac observes , it simply enriches 1he . once iJ dll81red. For further pMtrenlars en· of the Que.e n, ltlaving the grand-daughters Joha t"\t. , Montreal. 44-lryr. qllire }J.; and J, CAMPUELL Whitb:;o, Ontario. rrng of capitalists and monopolists who ll':llerybody ino ibis district should-ltnow - ·- - - - - - - ·- - - - - -to be otherwise provid ad for, but make g overn thecountry. no suggestion as to the scale on which that \V. Quick & Co. have moved., t heir FAR:M TO RENT.- 100 amres on lot Unrestricted trade with the Un ited grocery busmeas- westward to Mr. ~n ck fil< and 2:f· con. s. Darlington, well fenoed Hdi orch'l.rd, States could ·ot well be more disloyal to these remo_ te grants should bQ fixed. ler's block, tw1> doors east of the post with wine., and cedar ra!ls. aplen· l\re now prepawd to , good frame honse, barn, stable a.ad other out· · The Queen haa nine grandsons ex clusive offi.ce ' whe re they . . . . ' buildings. Good well or hard ;-;-a.ter. Never J3rita.in than the present protec~iva policy, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. of the sons of the Prince of Wales, but su~ply the pu bhc with everythmg m the : fu.illll'K stream of water runs througlil the pram· while it would be of infinitely greater also the best fresa meats. 1 iees. f.l5, a.c~ grass. 1'ho farm le in a high there a.re some of these on whose behalf gmicery line ' a»d d state ot eultwation and fl'ee fror::;,mustard and · 1 fi d BOWMANVILLlll STATION, 'I!he. store h as " advantage to the Canadian people. It 01een Dice Y. tte uap, an wild, oats. Privllege to plow r at once. and it must be assumed that 110 application is now one of t he neatest m towa. Call full possession a hont the mlddie of March GOIKG EAST GOING WEST would give us free access to the largest t o Parliament would bo made. The Ger- amd see nex11. App~y on the premises to, WM. Mc[,A:R· PaaeeniJ;er .. .. 8 39 a m Mail .. .. .... 5 51 a m · U:N er by letter to Enniskiilen Pl 0. 3l tf. ...,arket in the world ; and, as Sir Richard Mail.. , ......10 32 a m Local ,. ...... , 8 23 a m _. man Emperor and his brother may be left Mixed .........3 37 p m Eicpresa* ...... 9 35 a m .,-AJ , riartwright has observed, out of the out of considerat ion, and so a1ao may the A n mtereetmg · · uopu bl. · ts b e d ma.nuecrip~ Local ....... .. 705 p m Miiced ... .. . . . s 15 p m ' wealth t hat would accrue to us from that surviving son of the Princess Alice, who by Lincoln will be given to the. p ublic in by Mall . . . ..... 110:20 p m Mall .. ....... 8 29 p m ·Eicoept Mondays. commerce, and from t he d evelopment of the September Cen tury. During his Tenders will be received np to August 20th ' · d B ·t· h m~y in due time succeed to his father's. ' Preaidentia.I campaign he wail< invited t o our resources by Amertcan an rt 16 'bf' the undersigned for that vo.n desirable farm throne. The D uke of Edinburgh ~ attend a U nion mass-meeting at Baffa.lo, "~ !H acres, more or less. bein~ nart ot lot 35, . Owing to the large increase ()f trade, YOUNG & CO., the capital. we should in al1 Iiklihood buy wealthy already, and as heir to a princely and at Iirst t h oug h t of writmg · · eon. 2. Darllllflton, adjolnin!l Kingston Road. a 1ong Iet · 'f"here :ire on the premise11 largo frame dwell· ~ Grocers, are compelled to enlarge and improve their present - - ·1 t o send :iinJZ, ba· more from Britain than we do to-day. inheritance in Sa:x:e-Coburg-Gotha, must t er, b u t concl u d ed a ft er..,-'4J:Us n. stone stable, wall a.fld cistern, and only a formal note. T he part of the good orchard of choice fruit. Situated one \premises. On June 15th and during alterations, will be fourid b e regarded as a German and le{t to pro- letter written consists of about five hun- Jni!e east of llarmony, and a1 miles from 011ho.· WI\. The highest nor auy tender not necessar- .in the stores lately occupied by McClung Bros., Horsey's Brk, vide for his own children . There remain dred words and is a defence of his own ily accepted. Terma made known on applica.HOSPITAL REMEDIES. the eons of the Duke Connaught, Princess policy, in t he course of which he says: tion to WtLUAM OKr<:. sea.. Courtice, Ont. Courtice, July. 1, 1889. There is a new departure in the treatment Christian, P rincess Henry of Battenberg, " 'Ia no ot her w11oy could 1 serve myself BO i>f disease. It consists in the collection of well a.s by truly serving the Union. GOOD, reliable men the specifics user'!' by noted specialists of and of the late Prince Leopold. It is, of can fin d permanent F ine portraits of "the American DuchE~rope and America, and bringing them employment. Good coarse, conceivable that circumstances ess"(formerly Mrs. Hammeraly, of New SA.LAU Y and ex· ·wii.h in the -reach of all. For instance the might arise under which Parliament might . York) and the Duke of Marlborough, pensee paid weekly, Liberal inducements to ·t reatment pursued by spec.ial physicians be reasonably called upon t o make provie· given in connection with an illustrated beginners. Outfit free. Previous oicperienoe 'who· treat indigestion, stomach and liver not required, E~ta.blished over 20 years. All ion for some of these, but it must be admit· article on the famous palace and park of goods warranted · first-class. Write at once troubles only, was obtained and prepare<l . Blenheim, are conspicuous among the for term!i. Address ' ·T he treatment of other physicians, celebraYOUNG & CO. take the present · opportunity of thanking those t ed that such a condition of things cannot pictorial features of Frank Leslie's Po pt ed for curing catarrh were procured, and ,J, \V, lll ACKA.1', friends who so liberally patronized them during this their first year in ea11ily be imagined. Nearly twenty years ular Monthly for September. An un- St, Thomas, Ont., Gen. Manager for Maple ao on till thesA incompa.rable cures now buE iness, and extend a. welcome invitation to a.II their friends, old and Grove Nurseries. (Mention this miper.1 iPclude disease of tho lungs, kidneys, female ago, when the legality of the retention commonly attractive out--door paper is weakness, rhcuma.tism and nervolls debihty. new, to give them a call in their temporary premises, Horsey's mock by 1.h e Queen of savings from the Civil Miss Elizabeth Taylor's"Up the Nepigon. Ask yollr druggist for them. Those who "Fantastic Gardening" and "Mme. ALES M A N W A N TE D cannot procure these r emedies from their List was called in question, au Act was Tussaud" are among the other illu~trated ~ 'l'o handle our specialties and Orne.men· druggist may remit the price to Hospito.l tal stock. Steady work at good I>ay, No :nemedy Co., 303 West King St., Toronto, pass.e d legalising these appropriations and articles; a nd t his number of the favorit e empowering the Queen to dispoee of her magazine is unusually s trong in short experienc1> necessary. Any man not afro.id to nnd the remedy will be shipped to them work can succeed with us. i:lala.ry o.nd expenees paid to good men. the year round. accumulated fortune by will. The liberal stories and poems. direct, (The price is one dollar each). Suooeas gnarantoed. Write for terms. 1\.11 tho medicines of tho Company ::i.re for allowances already made to the Duke of l'R£E11A."N'.i W ORM 1·owa11ns destroy E. C. SELOVER&, CO., sale at t.he Drug Stores of J , liIOG l:s'BOTIIAM Oonnaught and his sisters and to the :;~:;a~~~.ve worms wtthonqtnju y to nllnlt · NURSERYMEN, Geneva.2f_:~ Ii SoN, and STOTT & JURY, Bowmanville. STILL A LEADER. quire package of fine Ladies' Note Paper for 25c. Envelopes to match. "WALL PAPER Linen Window Shades. P. Trebilc·o ck. Duchess of Albany, in conj unction with the operation of this Act, should prevent any of Lhe eons of the younger children of her Majesty ever hnil·f{ to appeal to the country for means L" maintain their Princely dignity. lt ia understood to be i 11 regard to the claims of these membent of the Royal Family, who are far rernoved from the direct line of succession, and will oonse· quently have little, if anything, of Royal state to maintain, that the Select Committee is divided . The reaponsibility of the Stll.te towards the direct heil· to the throne is admitted, and in the case of the children of the Prince of Wales a c:im· promise is, it appears, practically agreed upon. The Liberal mem bars of the Com· mittee are opposed to any inqrease in the number of· Royal personag~s receiving annuities, but are willing to augment the grant to the P rince of Wales to an extent that would enable 11111 to adequately provide for his children without having to again appeal to Parliament, at all events during the lifetime of the Queen. Such an a,rrnngem ent would have the great advantage of finality. It would terminate a controversy that nu une can wish to see prolonged in a manner that, on the whole would be acceptable to the cou ntry, a nd it may be assumed not unsatisfactory t o the Prince of Wales. I t would give the Prluce much greater control over the in· dividual members of his family than he could hope to have if his sons and daughters were rendered independent by the receipt of an annuity from the State, and wo~ld tJnable him, lH e any other father to vary, as circumstances might require, the financial arrangements attending mar· riages and other domestic e· nmts. The sum t hat it h11s been sugf{estedl !hould be added to the income of the· Prince of Wales is £40,000 a year, and to· this it is understood those who are mos-t. directly concerned agree. But whether t his be the precise amount or not is comparatively a small matt_ e r compared w~th the great question of principle the Select Committee have to coll8ider and Parliament to determine. The proposed im;:rease will not add one per cent. to the total of the· present i::rant s to the Royal Family, and this is an inappreciable additional burdie111 on the country. What the public desil'e is to deal in no niggardly spirit with the heirs to the T hrone, but to fix: a limit Theyond which relatives of the Sovereig:u a1e ·not to be maintained by gra.n1 11 from Parliament. It is upon this q· JWS· tion that the Government has not yet come int0- line with popular opinion, t he depth a-nd strength of which do not seem to be reali:;;.ed by either the Queen or her advisers-. M. A. J. Special Announcement. We have made arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., pulisliers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases " which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valua.ble work free by sonding their address (enclosing 11 t wocent stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Ken d~ll Co., Enosburg Falls, Vt. This book ia no w r t'Cl)gnized as standard authority upon all diseasea of tho horae, a.a itd phenomenal sal~ attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a s~le never before reached by any pu blication m the same period of time. We fe~ I ~onfident that our lMtrons will appreciate . ' 10 work, and be gla':l. to avail themselves of this oppor· tunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessary that you ment ion thi8 paper in sendin g for t he "l'rea.tise ." TI1is offer will rem.i.in open for only a sh ort time. I~OVELL'S Canadian Copyright Series, Of CHOICE F1crr10N. " BEST IN THE WORLD. " NEW EDITIONS WEEKL.Y ..A..T J_ :::S::. K:E:NN"ER":JS West End House_ . NEW FLANNELS. Grey Flannels, Scarlet Flannels, Navy Flannels, Tartan Flannels, Military Flann els. P rices very lo\7\T. s·t.ock large. Call and see us. BABY 'S JOHN lVIcMURTRY. PAINS AND WEAKNESS. S PHARMACY.._ . ----o---J.HIGGIRBOTHAI & SON'S T~HE and Druggists. ---o---- F Seasonable Goods. Fine, Farm for Sale. t., INSECT POWDER, pure and strong. FLY PAPER, all kinds. MONTSERRAT Lime: Fruit Juice .. Fowler's Extract Wild Strawberry. Woulff's Cholera Remedy.. CASTORIA for Children. Bath Sponges, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, etc. I J·ust Ac.ross the Street. I I -·- 0 Fa.rm for . S ale Tender. WANTED Just Across the Street from their o ld premises. s J ustAcross the Street, YOUNG & CO., the Grocers~ ...