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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1889, p. 5

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Wall Paper and Buggies at TAIT'S Corner Store. DOJtHNICA LIME FRUIT JUICE u p Civic Holiday t o-mor row, Thursda.y . Mr. Freel. Q uick, of L indsay , is visitMiss 'McPherson is visiting friends in ing in t own. Miss Weekes, of Oshawa, is [;Ile guest Kingston. Mrs. Donnelly is selling hats for 25 c., of Miss A. Welch. worth $1.50. 31-3w Miss E. Braden, Orono, ha s 1 1een vis· Rev. J. Kenner, of K irkton, was in itin~ frieuds here . Mr. Jno. R e id, o f Chicago, is .Jn a visit town laHt week. Mr. W. Alexander, of Winnipeg, wa.s to his parents here. in town this week. Miss Minn ie Beer, of Brantf1 11·d, is vis· Flowers in lovely variety at Burden & lting relatives h ere. Co's Auction Mart. Three of our bicyclis ts made a i:rip to Misses Taylor, of Ottawa, are visiting P ort Hope on Sabbath. at !1ir. John Rankin's. Miss Katie Jeff<iry, of Whitby, is visitMr. Norman Brittain has been rustica- ing at Mr. J ohn Lasby's. Mrs. T . Pinfold and sons, of St. Thomas, tir.Jg on the back lakes. Dr. McConnachie, of Hamilton, spent are visiting friends in t own . a few days in town last week. Mr. John G rant's fam ily l eave town The Mieses McConnachie have been this week to make their h ome in Toronto. spending a we ek at Preston Springs. Great red'uction in prices of Cabinets Miss Annie Muir, who has beenfor some and F amily G roups at H enry's, after July time in Montrnal, has returned t o town. lat. Mrs. J os. Bryan t a nd M n ~ ters Arthur Mr. John Rankin, Customs officer has returned from a trip to St. Johns, N . B. and Max. have beeu on a visit to friends A lot of summer dress goods at half in T oronto. Have you· ev er tried Imperial Cro>}.m price at Couch Johnston and CryderTartar Baking P owder 1 D .) so it is t he ma.n' s. All wool tweed suits to order from $5 purest and b est, always reliable . Mrs. J ohn Lyl~ a nd t wo ch ildren h ave up during b efore m oving sale at J. J . gone to H a milton to witness the grancl Mason's. Mrs. Oockburn and family l oft town carnival sperts heid there this week. Mr . .Joh n Horsey , 45t h Hatt., wh o was last week to take up their residence in a Canadian representativo at Wimble don Toronto. · A third bake shop is to be- started in ret urned last Friday, looking well. Are you in need of a pair of specks, if town 11t au early date. Mrs.W.L.Keyes, so you c an get a pair of :fine pereecop ic proprietress. Mr. S. "\V. Mason has b een engaged ns itlasses for 50c. at the Co-operative clerk in the dry goods department of the Jewellry Store. Mr. S. C. H onking anuounces that any We~t End Houee. Mr. H. Mollon h as started a grocery one intending hav iog auction sales this store in t he east end, next d oor t o John fall will do well to secure dates at once, as his list is fast filling u p. R eid's shoe store. Dr. Spencer has removed his veterinary We hear tha t R ob t . Calver has escap· office tot he house between Dr. Hillier's ed from Toronto prison; this is his ·ecotid escape from prison b ars, having 1wt ,.,ff atCoand Dr. Boyle's office. Mr. M. P . Tfllliu ~ has ret urned from his bourg jail only to be l"dged i n TMonto trip abroad and is now in char~e of Knox for a longer ter m. Church, St. Th"rnas, Out . 8 1·. J ORN'R CHURClL-On Tuesday next, Rev. 1\lr. Wilson, of " mo ve on" fame, 22nd inst., !hl'l R ev. A. W . Macnab, InToronto, is to pteach in Queen·, cumbent of S t . .Barna.bas Church, St. Cathnrines, will preach in St. John's on Sabba th week, Sept. 1st. M essrs. J . B . Mitchell and W. C . K in g Church , m orning and evening. R ev. J. M. W right, of 'l'yron e, occupi ed won $31 a nd $43 r espectively at the Mon treal R ·flc shooting, last wee k. the pnlpit of C hu rch-st..Met.h .ch nrch l ast Miss Allie Dingman is in Toronto at- Sabbath morning-,andRev. Mr. B owl es,cr>ntending the millinery ope nings and select· ducted th e evenin g service. 'Both gen tlemen gavo good practical serm 0ns. ing new fall goods and blocks. Master A . Medland , whil e watching Mr. G. W. Johnson, Ueadmaster of the base ball m atch last week, fell df the t he Centra l School fl t HamUton,has writdrill shed fence and broke his arm. ten >i Jit;t]e book on Shor thand, which for If you want a cigar you mus·t self inst ruction contains the wh0le stenogo to W. E . P et hick's where you will find graphic system and costs only 25 cent s. a great many kinds to choose from. Mr. Benj . Britt ain, of M:arahalto wn, M e~srs. Cawker & Allin a.nd J ohn Ly le I owa, arrivecl in t own on Saturday. He are moving into their n ew premises, op· leaves a gl\in for home this week, accom· posite th tJ Ont:;i.l'io Bunk, this week. panied b y _ hi' wifo and family, who ha ve Stott & Jury's Paris G reen always g ives been spenuing the su mmer with relatives eatisfaction They µuarante e its quality here. and sell i t ;L~ low as the quality will perW hy do people all over the country mit. send their watches to ,J. .T. Mason's to be Our old townsman Mr. Thomas Smelt, repaired. Because lie al ways does it pronow of Guelph, is one of the JUdges in the perlJ and the public k now that they can Poultry Hxhibition at Buffalo, N. Y., next depend on their watches giving good s1.1.tmonth. isfaction after ws.rds. Reader if you hwe Mr .and Mn. M . D . Williams and family, had dHficu1ty in getting your watch t o go M iss Hattie Burk and Miss M. Curtis and properly , give J. J. Mason a trial, Mr. H. Burk arc ca mping on Washburn A Chicago paper gives the follo wing: Island. "The elegant h ome of Mr. and Mrs. J. The D. 0. & P. C0. Band are playing M. Y uung , of 6042 Harvard street ,is now to-day (Wedne>day ) at the Cobourg Band complete. Tuesday, a little daughter , Tournamrnt fo r the 1st pr h:e, $300. JI.fay' weighing 9~ po unds, recei ved a h ear ty the best win. welcome and t he pa rents ar e being con Mr. The \Vest :b;nd House has opened u p g rat ulat ed b y hosts of friends. " their new flannels and they 1\re fine. You Young was formet'ly a r Psidt.m t of thi ~ should call ge t some before the busy town. season opens UP. Mr. J as. Wallie, solo clarionelist of the Steamship tickets by Anchor, Domin- D. 0 . & P . Co . Band is engaged to play ion and other lines will be for mle at with the 13th Bat talion B~nd of Hamilton STATESMAN office, during the proprietor~ who go to St;. L ou is in October with t.he S t . Bernard Commandery Knights T empabsence, at lowest rates. Attention is directed to the "Big Boot" lars of Chicago, to attend the trienn ial display announcement by l\lr . Treleven. Conclave in th at city. The ba nd also inHe ke ~ps one of tile best and biggest dis- tend giving concerts in ~ome of the American cities b efore re turning. play of boots and shoes in to;vn. Morris' Carriage works has got a firstclass Parties intending t o have their buggies repaiLted this spring bring them alona; at once and have them done up in good style. Prof. Charles Ruse has decided to remove w Toronto and leaves for that city this week. He will continue t o give instructions in vocal and i nstrumental musill. May success attend his efforts. All watches sold by John J . Mason are guaranteed corred time keepers aa they are all personally inspected and selected by him, and then t he prices are away~be low what ia usually asked for similiar goods. Sr:EO LIL NOTICE - The M isses Wilson, King-st., west, will close their store for two weeks commencing Aug ust l9ih, wl).en they go to Toronto to tho Fall openings to select a n e1v s tock: of t.he latest Millinery goods, t o mee t the d e· mands of their num erous customers. If you want t o buy or sell a Farm, advertise in the Toront(' \Veekly Mail. That paper reaches 100,000farmers' homes every week,and youradvertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in the Toronto Weekly Mail for Five Oents a word each insertion, or Twenty Oents a word for five insertions. Address The Mail, T c:ronto, Canada. 27- tf. Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A.,has returned to town after a six months' absenca in for· eign lands, looking much improved and benefited by his rest. The Rev. gen.kleman occupied the pulpit of St. Paul's Church at both services, on Sabbath. At the morning meeting he referred feelingly to the kindness, sympa.thy and unity of the congregation in his absence, also to the work done by the two young men who had chiefly occupied bis pulpit while 11wav, expressing h is personal thanks to Mr. Gordon and Mr. Clarke for their labors here. He also stated that h e should refer to the several points of interest and note he had visited in his stay iw. the old lauds, and would make his observations known on these and other matters at a future time. E XCELS ALL 0THERR.- I used one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters for con· stipatiou and loss of appetite and it cured mo. I would not be with out it at six time~ the price for it excels all others. Willia.m Walton, Gal t, Ont. H IGH SCHOOL - T he B owman ville High School will r e-open Monday, Sept ember 2 nd, not 4th as announced last week. As the school is likely t o be overcrowded we would advise intend ing pupils t o b e presen t the first d ay and secure seats. The unparalleled r esults of the recent examinations will, we believe, attraut a lar~e number of the outsiders to the school and inspire increased confidence in tho efficiency of an already popular staff. The third page o f t he 'for onto Daily Mail is noted for " Want " advertisements. If you want to buy or sell anything. If you want a situation, a m ech a nic, a business, machinery, lodgi ngs, i f you have lost or found ;inything, or if you want to find out where P . ny one is, adver t iB e in the Toron t o Daily l\fail and read t he a dvertisements on the third page of that paper. The charge is t wo cents a word each i nS(lrtion. Address The Mail, T oronto, Canada. 27-tf. The Statesman, "t he busy man'r. magazine," i.s promptlv on h and. The Aug . number is peculiarly rich, and deserves a though t ful readi ng fro m beginning to end. The article on "Postal Savings B anks" elucidates a most impor tant subject which · should secure immediate attent io!l. The second article is a plain setting forth of the Single Tax theory, and will he lp to a correct under&ta.nding of the scheme. The Woman Suffrage discussion closes as of c ourse it should with t he woman having t h e last word. We wish Avery parent could read and pond er the 11.rtiole on Moral Purity in Children. A grand number of a grand Maga2ine. The Statesman Co., Chicago. $2.00 a year. On trial, three mon t hs 25c. H IGH SCHOOL WELL DoNE.- In the University and Departmental examinations this yaar, our High School has once more come to the front, being ahead of any previous record. Our town is to be congratulated on having a staff of teachers wh '>, in spite of poor accomodat ion have made such headway. The following is the list of those passed. Univorsity exam. with honors in Mathematics, IL Morrison and Albert J. G. Ca.racadden. 2hd class teacher.i exam. Tl1os. Bragg, W. H. Grant , W . H. Hooper, Arch. Hooper, Maggie N ott, Ed. Sa nderso n. 3rd class Herb. Foley, Florence Hooper, B eatrice K enner, J. Lawson, Jas. A. McLaren, Neil McDonald, Joa.Mountjoy, Frank Moynes , Matilda Protit, Norman S inclair. IS YOUR BAKING POWDER ·The order of the day is MOVING. - - -0- - · RE, and undiluted full st~ength. · WHOLESOME, Purifies the blood, and aids digestion. Are falling into line and will remove to their new store, formerly occupied by R. WORTH, opposite their old stand, Do its Manufacturers Publish all where they hope to be favored with the same liberal pat:: ·onage the Ingredients Used? that they have hitherto received. PURE? CAWKER & ALLIN ALL ARE WELCOME, Old and new, and your patronage will be thankfully received. IS IT FREE FROM AMMONIA? REFRESHING, Tones up the system. FRUITY, and rich in flavor . As ia well known, ammonia is unbealth· ful in food, a nd dries np t he bread material. Protection to consumers of food compounds lies in their ability to choose those made from h ealthful substances. Unless manufacturers publish just what their baking p owder .is made of, do not use theil' goods, b ut buy instead I CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR Iwill arrive . COOLING, Just the drink for warm weather. A.bsah1tely Free From Alcohol. In orderiug specif:v DOMINICA. and don't be put off with imitations, REli'INED RX PRESSLY FOR X..Y'::L\l.l:A.N", SC> N @ O<:>. MONTREAL, For sale bV -Grocers and Druggists in P ints a.nd ·Quarts :(Imperial measures). ts:. LIBERAL DISCOUNT '£0 THE TRADE: No charge for cases. Mention this vaper. BAKING POWDER. Thispowderis madeonly ofatrictly p ure grape cream of tartar, a nd strictly pure bicarbonate of soda, with a little wheat flour to preserve it. This is attested by the official analyses of Government and State chemists, a ncl physicians, and chemists of Boards of Health throughout the country. CLEVELAND BnoTnERs, ALn.6J:tY, N. Y. lDay of' mov1·ng . ..' . . NEW COODS ' for the opening, and will be disposed of at the n10st i·easonable prices. . A ug11st 22. Do not forg et t he stand-the West stor e in th e white b r ick block. i: f h T h ank ing you .i;or pas t favors, a nd trusting for a con tinuanc e o t e same. Great reduction in prices of Cabinets and Family Groups at Henry's, after July 1st . M eals at all hours at Mrs . Sinclair 's, opposite Mar ket Squa re, 25c; 10.000 dozen Egg~ wanted at T od Bros. Highest price paid in dry goods. See the lace curtains at 50c . per pair at T < ·d Bros. B est value in town . James Dayman local 11gent for Domin ion Orfl a.ns ancl Pianos, Bowma.nville. G rea,t reduct w n m prices of Cabinets a nd Fami:y Groups at H enry's, after J uly CAW-KER & ALLIN. Quality amounts to lit tle unless prices are fair~ Low priees are not bargains unless quality is there. SPECIAL OFFER! 9~en For a Short Time Only ! 'THE GREATEST OF ALL GRE.A.TINDUCEMEN'fS ! We want 10,000 now subscribers o.nd willing "to lose soruo money in order to get them tor when they once get in the ha.bit or readin~ our paper. we know that they will never do without it. At the en d or the present year we intend doubling the size of our paper a nd in· ·creasing the pr ce to 50c. a year; but a ll per· eons subscribing now can get it at the follow. ·ing prices : IJNl'A:UALLEtED Ol'l'Jm,- F.Rl!;l: uvsrn. - WE WJLL SEND- WE COMBINE THEM. ! 1st. Su mmer gooda of all kinds selling at greatly red ueed pri cH~ at. Co uch J ohnston & Crvd erman's. Bra On.ER. - The M.on t real Family H erald an d Weekly Sta.r, with a copy of the choice pict nl'e in elev(lr.t colors " The Queen <>£ tho Garden,"su pplied to S·u·.rES· nuN s u bscribers fo r th e b alance of t h is y ear for 50 cents ; or, t he p id ure, Star and ~TATF.Si\!AN for t he S!1.111e tiu·e, 75cts. Send ord ers to STATEl:lUAN Office, B owWe invite a t tent ion to our c o m plete a nd c~refully selected stock of manvilte. Ladies', G e nt's, Misse s and C hildren's B oots a nd S h oes, Tru nks, V alises, lIA·tPTON Sr ocK FAIR. - First week in October ~he r e will be held a fail' in H amp- e t c .. Our oop ular s t o?k of fashiona ble goods js perfoct b eyond comt on fot" the s ·tle a n c\ purchase of all kinds parison. We a re showmg the cor rec t styles of t h e r;eason. No old s h op of 8tock. A t the s"m!;l time and place S. worn, b ank rupt stock o r shoddy goods m a n u factured for bankrupt C . Hunk ing w·ll soil a lot of well bred h o u s e s . W ~ war rant a ll our goods to be wha t we represent them . horses an d mitde uho 1t lot of im pltimonts and ho us1~h olll furn it ure. Mo ro emriea The p r i ces a re iow, a n d no o ne c an sell you respectable goods cheaper. solicited fur the auction ea.le. F or p ar- T h ese g oods are bargains , v i ewed from any s t a n dpoi nt. The quality t iculars 1 L p ply t .:i T hi;s. E lliot t, W. Beer and styl e are t her e. Reliabl e, trusty, s erviceable g ood s , marked at or th e auction eer . !?nrth er n otice by ROC K BOTTOM PRICES. pos ters. ' Crvrc Tou l tNAMB:NT AT Cono uRo.-Un der the rna.n!l.i.:erneat of the Town Cou ncil, Citizeus' B 1t11d a nd F ire Dept. , a gromd 19. Sig n of t he BIG B ooT drawn by t w o h orses, BoWMANVILLE, civic t oumam>en t wil l be ho'. cl a t, Cubourg on Wed n esday. Tn nrsda.y un d F ri day, BIRTHS. Ang. 21st, 22nd, and 23 rd. $2000 are Oi;:E.-ln Bowmanv!lle, on tho 9th inst., the' offered in prizes. The Firot Day's Pro?.IOR Y Oll.VG LAJHES. gramme will comprise-- (! ) Ofticial Test wife of Ml'. W. T . Oke, of a son. r .-On the 161h inst, th~ wife or Mr. \1',l'l>eharu 1· au , t:ollcgc Avc111rn, 'l 'oron to, GILffF.R' of New Wat~ r wotks, (2) U'irs t-cbsa B a.ud ,V, H. Gilber t or a aon, still born. Competiti on, for whieh the b est musical '£he School RE-OPE NS WEDNESDAY. SEP'l'EMBEH 1th. A th,>rough Englisll erluorgau izalion ~ i n Urn D ominion have DIED. cation is providcl, together wttb . languages, entere<l, (3) 1l::ne Races, (4) B aseball HElVI1'RON.-A.t Ojata. Dal{., from the etfects music and art. For information. or admission, Matches, (5) Gr an d Concert, incl udin g of an accident on the railroad, Ja~ C. He wit- address t he Lady Principal, Miss Grier, whe1 also be seen by appointment after 15l11 C '1 rn<:?t Q,>nt".fJ \ !l:r1d S:! i~re· D rnm Oon test. s?n, aged §3 y'rs and IO months. 'l.'h e deceased mo.y 32-l m. c< d D · .,. -11 \\ll.. B a native of Cumberla.nd,Eng., and tor rner- August. T, 1 :e o econ ay s I_'rograr?-nHi w:,, com· j l:V a residen t of Haydon, Ont. GALll:.-In Bowman ville on the J8tb inst .. prlSe, (1) Gran<l F trcmen s P~~ado, (2) Second Class B'tn<l Compet.ti ion, (3) Harry Alexander. youngest son of Henry an d Firemen's Band Compe t.ition, (4) U ni- Sa.rah (J.iile, aged 9 months. . for med F ire Comyauy Competition, (5) Mu.NilO N.- ln B?wmanvillo, on the 1G th mst, DE N'l'i t·'4 '1'. H ose , 'f rail and Flook >'nd Ladd er R aces, Mrs. Ellza. Cornelia Munson, a ged GL yea rs. (0) ·water work s Tesr, H orse Races and N o m edicin e in the world ia in bette r (7) Chas. B aecbull M >1tc hes continuerl. G. Craig's Company at V ictoria Opera repu te or more widely known th an Aver's OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. H ouse, in the even ing. T he Th ird Day's Sarsaparilla. As a safe and cer tain rem- H igginbotham & Son's D rug Programm e will comprise, - Grauel Sail· edy for all man ner of blood disorders, ing R egatta of all seoond, t hird and leading physicians and dl'ug~i sts everyStore, (down stairs), fourth -c l"ss yachts belon ging to t he Lake where r ecommend it in p referen ce to any Yacht Sailing Afjsociation. other. . B 0 W lll A NV f L .L .E. $@'"E x cursions from all points a t very I.. G, llle KIUBON, III, D, C. ltI. :111, C. P. S, lo l\· rates. 32·2 W H YSICIAN, SUR GEON , A N D AC - I ' COUCHJtUR. Late of the firm Stewar t I &, McKibbon.'l 'eeswater, Office and residence . A UOTION SALES Presby terian Manse, Blackstock, TH E MEDIGAL ADVISER pieces of Music, l<'REE OP CHARGE : AN ClIORD .. . ..... . . . ... Hegular P~!ce , 50c. BLOOM IS ON n .rn: RYE. .. 35c. CHU,JH~EN Asr,EEP .... soc. DADDY ... . ....... . . . . . , 40c. LAPAJ,ONA. .. ... .. . ... 40o. it;,REE AS A BmD . . .. . . . 60c. THE KING OP LOVE MY SHrePHc&Rn 18, Regular Price. OOc. ".rbis Music is all printed on fine toned paper or the largest size. We want Agents everywhere nnd liberal rterms will be given to person s who mean busi· 'Slese. For further porticulnrs to agents and ·,sample of music. send 6c. in stamps to J'.i cents in stamps, and to each sn b ~cri ber we "Will give their choice of any 5 of the rollowlng on trial for one year, to any person sending us J. H. H. JURY. M. TRELEVEN, BowMANVILLE, AuousT 21, 1889. THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL Local and Otherwise. SuTESMAN from now till Jan. 1st, 1890 for 40c. Mr. William Quick lost a horse on Sunday by inflamma tion. Bargains for all in dry good s. See J. J. Mason's bef ore moving adv. Parasols selling away below cost. price at Couch J ohnston & Oryderman'a. Winnipeg cit izeus have decided to erect a monument t o the memory of the late Mr. Norquay. It is estimated that the total wheat crop of Manitoba. this year will reach seven millions of bushels. For the best bargains in watches, clocks and jewelry go to H. C. Brittain's Cooperative Jewellry Store. S· 1 'ATESMANS in wrappers all ready for mailing at the oftlce 3 cents per copy. Send this weeks number to your friends. Mr. .J. Towns and Mrs. T. Brodie ref.urned last week from their trip to Bonnie Scotland, both much ben elited by their visit. The winnin gs of the Canadian Wimbledon team in England, this year,amountecl io .£ 432, an average of $ 90 per man besides the Kola.pore cup. Mayor Clarke, on hi11 return ta Toronto frw n London, Eng ., on Saturday, was ten· dared an ovation by the citizens, som::i 30,000 people being present. RELIABLE FIRE INsuitANCE CoM:PANIES: -City of London, England, capital £2,000,000; and La.ncashire, Rngland, ca.pi· ~al, £3,000, 000, represented by J onN COLE, Sen., Hampton, Ont. 9 --Gm. They have opened up a. l ot of fall tweeds at the West End H o use and would ad vise any person desiring any thing in. that line to call and inspect the ·tock which is all new and nobby. A. now band has been fonned in Port Hope, with the firemen of the west end as patrons; n ew in6truments of French ma.nufactnre. 12 pieces have been purehased. It wi!l be called the " Victori11. Fire Co's Bind. " Porter"s F oun dry and Machine shop is reopened. All kinds of castings made and machine r epairs done on short notice. The husiu ess will be car;ied on by the Porter Estat d under management of Mr. Geo. Porter. Give tlrnm a call. Owing to the ]waviness of the oat crop several farm ers in East Whitby had to give up cutting it with self-binders and return tr, the ol ct Champion, and even at that it has tu b e piled a.way to allow the reaper 10 t hrough . Never before has thern been gre v.t er s traw. Mr. Robt. B eith return ed last week bringing the finest import of Scotch Cldoeclale horses he h n.s ever secured yet. As an evidence of the esteem in wh ich our tow1~~man is held among breeders in Scotlan. ,he was presented with a v1 \luable cob h.orae ere he luft for here. Any borne J"·;ught h ere by Mr. Beith is a g uarantee '.~:.its thorQligh good breeding-. 'I J. ~L BRI1fACO M BE I 1 P THE WORLD ' TYPEWRITER. I l l DESIRABLE HOUSE A ND LOT for , Sale, sltuatell on Wellington St. east, in the town or Bowmanville. · roe house is frame on stone foundation; is ono an d a half storey. contains 7rooms, pantry and closets, witbgood stable and driving shed. and all necessary out· buildings. The property is in first c lass condi - , tlon. Apply to P . 'l'Rl<llILCOCK. SATURDA)', Sept. 14th .- At the Bennett Bowmanv1lle, Aug.10. 1889. tr. H o use, Bowman vil!e,a valu:.ble farm of 1 ·11 b Id b · s · c · E XCELLEN T FARM :F OR SALE or. P R ICE, $10.00. 1O0 acresw1 eso y au ction. to Rent· ThcnorthSOacrea. more orlesslThQ I t· LO'"P ' · H {/NKINO, Aucttonee r. of lot 28, 7th con., Darli ngton. 'l'here arc on · _on Y prac ic~l " RICED Typewriter . . . "' t 9.4th E t · f the premises t wo good frame barns with atone ~n the world. " . T UE8DAY,"ep . ~. .- ·X ··ns1ve aa1tl o sta bling and cellar under one. a lo\'OOd frame 1 tis s1mple,pr.actteal and durable. Nom~c~~ farm stock and t riiplementn, t he property hou8 .,, a well of excellent. hard water, a never ev~r Invented doea !1eater work. It Wl'rtes . " f .A G ifford E sq E t vVh 'tb S I fe.iliog sprinlo\', eoft water cistern and good or- to,'10words per mmute. Never r:eta out f o .· . ' . '· as l y. . I cbBrd. '£erms easy if sold. Privilege to plow a!ii.:nment or l!Ut or '!rder. N<? expense for C. HUNXING, Auctioneer . will be gran ted ns soon as this see.eon's cwps , ribbons. No m ~tru<?t~ons required. It i· · B OCTOBE.& - At H ampton on Fair Day are taken off· . For furt.her vartic ulars apply 1 marvel of s1mplr01ty and usef.ulness. l f 'f t k ! I t d' ~ the proprietor, II. JEli'~'.l.:RY, J< }nO~·~ . Ont. l lll sa e o a rm ~ oc , imp em e n s an . ·--··· ________ - - ···-- 33·3w. I ' · 1 !'end for- Cl.ascriptive pamphlet a nd mention hou8eh old fnn11turi::. S. C . H UNKINa, Auction eer. High I this paper to Three very valuable h ouses and lots for The Typewriter I m pr ov ement Co ., WI LI RE-OP1i'N' ON 4 P. O. ~qr., sale in town of Osh awa. Terms easy. For further par~iculars apply t o S. C. " ' l or to our BOSTON, Mass, H UNKING, Auctioneer. Branch Ofilce: 7 Adelaide s t. East, Toronto. ' Agents wantfd. For agency address mlli T UESDAY, Sept. 3rd.-Messrs . ·Tohn nnd "ll sell by publt "c aucti"on, Geo ' Shor·t wi on Lot 20 , Con. 3 , Darlington, their farm, farm stock, implements . roots,ha.y, etc. S . C. H uNKI!Hl, Auction eer . I I I Over 40 000 now use B "ll owmanv1 e School ' .Monday Sept. 2nd. , Fo1· circulars 3l -3w, CATARRH, G .O.Tl'.RRHAL DE&iFNEss-HAY FEVER A NEVIi H OM E T REATMENT. ~~J~lf,ir;:~;~·g.~~!M~ l~~ly to ,. opffice. Head Master. i IA I S ufferers are not g,.nerally aware tlmt these diseases are contagious, or that they. ttre due to the presence of living parasites in t he lining membmne of the nose an<l eustuchian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to bo a fact, and the 1·esnlt of this discovery is t h at a simple remedy has been formul!tted whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness tmcl hay fever are permanently cured in from on e to tlnee simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N.B.- This t reatment is not a snuff or a n ointment ; both h ave been discarded by reputable physician s a.1> injnrious. A pamphlet explaining t his n ew t reatment is sen t on receipt of ten cents by A. H . DrxoN & SoN, 303 West King Street, Toronto, Canacla.-Toronto Globe. Sufferers from Catanha.l t roubles sh-0uicl carefully reacl the above~ Voters' List, 1889, I Mu nicipality of the Town of Bow- ; mauv1lle, County of Durham. ( OTIC E 1 S HEREBY GIVEN, N that I h transmitted or dell,,ered to the 12ersons mentioned in tho fil th and sixth s 0 ON 'fH£ sections of " 'l'he Ontario Voters' Lista Act," of 1889, t he copies required by said section s to be so transmitted or delivered of the list. mado pursuant to said Act, of all persons a ppee.rlng by the last revised Asaesament Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the eaid Municipality at Elections members or t he Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elec· tions ; and that lisL was tltst uosted u p at my office, at Bowmanville; on the Sixteenth day of August, 1889, and rema.ins t here for in· spection. Electors aro called upon to examine the said list, and, if any omissions or any other errors are round t herein, to take immediate proceedings to have tho B·a ld errors oorrected accord· ing to law. D11.wa this six:OJllth <'fay of Augnst, 1889. R. WrNDA'l.'T, C~£ tk or the sa id Municip~litf, A regular montbly, ·quarterly 0 1· half-yearly payment (a sli11:ht advance on the rental 1 ·atet buys the instrument. Any piano may be chosen out of e. magnlfi· cent assortment or Uprights, Sque.-ree. '{>ml Grands, uneuraassed in quality. Mmistere. Teachers, Govermnent Officers. and thosa 'in receipt of regular incomes will find this a Coll· venient nnd ndvantageom1 modelfor eeollrlng-a. first class instrument. \ Vhen the inatrnment'IS used for pra ctice, our Soft Stop -or Praotics Pedal so.voe wear on the nerve. as well as 1>re· serves the tone of the Piano. . Onr patent Foot Pedal a tta.chment ror Pianos le invaluable t a organists, students and teachers, Prices 0 11 application, I nspection invited. Warerooms-107 and109 Church St., 'l'or<mt;o.. Factory, the finest ln its eQ uipmenta a.nd .a;,.. pl!anoes in the 01ty. 89 to 97 Bellwooil. ave. distinctly su~nor to any otlaer a · ll1i'ilptletls1¥« tonle nnd fur4incr.1 · ·lllLBlJRN'8 ..lJIOMA.TIC ~UlNIN~ ft~:tlt 3 YEARS SYSTEM OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE & ClL

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