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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1889, p. 6

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, 'flECANADIAN STATESMAN 18 PUBLIBHll:D YOUNG FOLKS. Hei~ho ! EXPORT CA'l'f LE TRADE. HEALTH. The J:csson Ald. l'ro.. klnnd 111 Treaclllng Care of tne Sick. Canadian 1treeders. He or she who could properly be In trusted A frog he would a wooing go['he Canadian GazelMl baa the following:- to feed the seriously ill must know something -BYHeigho I says H.owleyAid. Frankland ha.a ju·l presented a striking Whether his mother would let him or no, object lesson to cattle breeders and of the qualities of different foods. 8ome foods D!f:,f A.JAMES, With a. rolly-polly, gammon o.nd spina.oh. feeders of the great a.dvantages they now reap in certain dlseMes have really a curative ef· feet, as, for Instance, coffee. A five-ounce cup AT TB&. OFEIOE Heigho I says Anthony Rowley, from their free entr:y into .British ma.rkets. !lf strong coffee cont11.ine about 66 gr11.ins.of exWriting from Liverpool on June 13, be points "Post 4):ftlee Bloell:, Ktng !ltreet. Bowmau· So off he set with hie opera ract. or a.n equivillent to about two grains vUle, Gntario l out that! while good United S.ta.tee bullocks of caffeine-often quite sufficient to relieve Helgho I says Rowleyfrom two to four old, weighing from neuralgia or a. headache. Beef tea oonta.lnAnd on hia way he met a rat, TERM!!: With a rolly-polly, ga.mmon and spinach, 1,300 to 1,550 pounds average; have been lng a generous quo.ntity of red pepper is · fP.118 per A.anum, ·r $1.0G If pal4 lA sold in Liverpool at from $3 85 to $4.25 per quite equal to drugs in the trea.tment of Hefgho I aaya Anthony Rowley. "' advance. hundred live weight, C&I'a.dia.n shipping cat· delirium tremens. In inlla.mmatlon of the Payment elrlctly in advance required from. eab· "Pray, Mr. Rat, will you go with me?"- tie were at the time being bought from stomach and intestines, liquid food of for and eorlben cuttide of tbe county. Or~ere to dl8conHeigbo I says Rowley$4. 50 to $5 per hundred : a.nd he adds, "I gelatine,, Irbh mollB and llax:aeed, i!ll'48 tibe pap<r must be accomp·nlcd by the ·m!>unt "Pretty Mias Mousey for to aee !" a.m sorry to eay the were not so have a very soothing effect,. a.nd in eome "<due, ()r tbe paper will not be etc·ppecL Subecnhen '."Clllltorfmlsm-Uadapt.edt.oehildftnthat Cutorfa cures Colle, Oonstf11&t!o11, With 11. rolly.polly, g11.mmon a.nd spinach. good 11.. sample." How, ib may be a.eked, ca.sea recovery takes place under their uslil [recommend aie·nsponslble until lull paymen' Is made. it aa superior to an;r pl'E6Criptiou Bour Stomach, Diarrhma, Eriletatio11. Helgho J 1aya Anthony Rowley, can this Inequality exist? Simply because alone. r:tUTE8 OF .&Dl'ERTISDG s 6zq toowi:uome." R. A Allcmm :ar D K111s Wonns, pYea aleep, e;nd promolll9 4'o " Whole Column, one year......... .. . ... f,00 00 ~~ · Canadiana, by their clean . bill of health ,,. ' · ·· ~OD And so we might iio on with evidence of 1l1 So. OJ:forli St.,~ N. Y. Wliiou' wjurtous medlceHrm. ·· .. Halfyear ...... - ·- 8600~ Now they 10011 arrived at Mousey's Hall- and the ineatimable privilege they enjoy the curative effect11 of ma.ny foode. From ~· " One quarter ........ 20 00 ~ Heigho I says Rowleyof free acceSB for live cattle into Brit· 'rlDI CE:llTADR CoVPANY, IT lilurray Street, N". Y. 1laH ·C olumn one year ............. -· 36 00 .....::::_ what ha.s been people ought to be able And gave a loud knock, and gave a. loud ish muketa, rea.li11e from one halipenny to " Half yea-r ...... .. .... 20 00 _ understand that the duties of the phyal" One qua-rter __ ,,, ···· 12 60_ call, t.o three farthing· per pt1uad more tha.n Unit!· oian are by no means confined to drugging, .~er Coluu.n one yes-r - .. ...... 20 00 Wibh a. r11lly.polly, gammon and ed States expor'tera, and thea& low prices for and tha.tJ when in any cue he Is limiting ·· " Half year ......... - 12 50 _ Heigho I say11 Antinony Rowley United Staties 1tock likely to be· his treatment to dietetio means, he Is doing * ·· ·One Quarter...... ·· 8 00 _ ,, '" ed, and this is e1pecially felt during the what dem11.nda equally as much akill a.· ~" iJmee andund first Insertion to ~O _ Pray, Min Mousey, are you within· Ca.nadlan ahipplng1eaaon from the beginning :tl:ach aubsequen lneertion ... .. 0 25 _ FOR SALE BY J. filGGINBOTH.AM & SON, BOWMANVILLE1 would'the prcper admlnlat ra.tion:of medfoines. ll'rom·ix to ten lhiea flntin11ertlon 0 76 _ Helgho I B&JI Rowleyof Mr.y to the ead of August. But by their And here lt la well to aa.y tha.t phy1lcians of ; 11ubsequent insertion.··. . O 85 _ "~h, yea, kind airs: I'm aittlng to 11pln," ayatem of early maturity United States Over ten llnea, tlrstinsertlon,pe.~lin O 10 0 I With" roily-polly gammon and spinach. breede1:1 and feede1:1 ca.n build upa two·yei.r· the present, whenever they oa.n do 10, em· Eaeb snb1&Quent insertion 0 DS _ old steer to weigh 1,350 pound1, living ploy Nature's simple dietetic remedle1, alHelgho I 1ays Anthony Rowley. '.'ftle number or Ilne11 to be reckoned by the way· in preference to druge. Life depend& ll]IMll c«uplecl, mu.eared by · IC81o or 10Ud "Pray, Miaa M.onaey, will you give ua weight, and when sl·ughtered produce or npon dlet, ~ and the restoration of health de· 1'onpar<iL aome cheese,,, turn on~ 734 pounds of beef, the very weighta pends upon the .same principles a.a its pre.A. list of 1000 newspapers iliYided into STATES A ND SECTlONB will be eent on.a.pHeigho I 811.YB Rowleysought &fttr in every part of Great Britain, servation. Disease is the result of the viola. pllcatlon-FRJ!:E .DJl!l. HUJ.1£11 .t J.AMMJJf..l1', "We'd like a nloe piece, if vou pleaae," and not only wanted tn p;eference to larger tion of the laws of h11alth ; hence t he first To those who wa.nt their IMlTortlalnll:' q, pay, HYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC With a rolly-polly, gammon and apinaoh. ca.rl.ll!tll~&, but sold at a. sllght a.dva.nJe, ['o step towa.rd recovery ls to establish those we can oft'e r no better medium for thorough <Jffice :-Cor. Church and Tem~ce and eft'eotlve work tha.n the various eelections · Helgho 1 sa.ys Anthony Rowley. Ca.nad1ana,. then, Alderman Frankland ad. laws. Xhe ma.terla.l for and aupporb : s te. Night calla attended from Dr. Hilllers' of our Selee& Loe1al Liit. dresaea this pertinent query :-Why llOt must come from diet, and often in diee&ae rereide nee. GEO. I'.· .. "Pray, now, Mr. Frog, will you give ua followthe United .States' example-why keep a cure takes pliooe under its proper adminis· S, 0. HILLIER, M. D. N ewapeper Advertieinit Burea~ B. LAMMIM.AN, M. D. C. M. Tr!n. Univ. a song?" your anlmala lo1Jger than oeceuary if by care tmtion alone, 10 Spruce atreet, New xork, Fellow ot Trln, Med. College, Helgho I says ~owleya.nd attention you ca.n twelve and even There is yet one other point to bring for· 1:Member Coll, Phys. surg., ont. "But leb it be BOmething tha.t'a not very twenty montha' teed? Until this is done ward in relation to feeding the seriously long " Canadia.n11 will, he thinks, to do their sick to show tha.t the a.ppllcation of dietetic D BIT·K !IDIPl!IOlf. With a ;olly-polly ga.mmon and apinaoh. b!!at in Britillh market!, and fall to tind the measures can never properly be intrusted to A F RJETE t , SOLICITOR, &;o. MOJ>RIS Helgho I aays A~thony Rowley. ful profit to which the qu11.lity of their fat other than 1ki1£ul h11.nda. No two p11.t ienta Fl O(K upstairs, King Street, Bowmanca.ttle and the Immunity of their herds from are, hence no two will scarcely c!e· . Bollci\or for the Ontarl Bank ,. rt 1.11u lloJH"fl loaned at the lowest ratee. "Indeed I Miss Mouse," replied Mr. Fr11g- should entitle them. ma.nd exactly the same trea.tment. One Heigho ! s11.y11 Rowleyma.y require t hat th11 nonriahment be gener.Jehn llelth Galbraith, A cold has made me as hoarse a.s a hog." ous, in fact, all that the eystem ca.n dispose 4 RR Is TE R or,ICITOR, NOTARY ..Edison's Home Life. With a rolly.polly, gammon and spinach of, 11.nd yet, for the other, ill wfoh the same PUBLIC, &o. Ofll.ce.-Bounsall's Block, Heigho I saysAuthony Rowly, [rhomas A. Edison, while in Pioteburg disease, a low diet will be much the best. ~ ~!!~:eet, Bo~!P.J:!!,e ..:_.~oil~ to len~!recently a.ttendiug t o his patent eulti with "Slnco you os.ught a. cold," Miss bBS, Jle1LA.1JGDJ.IN & BEITH, Westinghouse, was interviewed by a Dispatch Mousey HidIce-Water. reporter, to whom be revealed some of the - · .(hTICE :-MORRIS' BLOOK, BOWMANVILLIC. Helgho I says Rowley- I charaoterlstics of his mode of living : There is a great dee.I of sentiment and ·01'.J.W.MCLAUQHLIN., Dr. A. BEITH, Gre.du "I'll sing you a. song tho.t I have just Yes, I am a hard worker. I h11.rdly ever many opinions regarding the use oI ice-water .itoentle.te ot the Royal ate ot the Toronto · made1 " sleep more than four hours per day, and I that vanish when the light of rea.aon &nd ex· ·'College of Phyaiclllne University l'hyeician With a R1>lly-polly gammon and apmach. · · oould keep this up for a year. Sometimes I perience is turned upon t hem, The fact is, . ·. ud member or the . Heigho I says Anthony Ro" ley. · .Ro7al College of Bur· Burgeon, &o. eleep ien hours, but I don'b feel well when I that ice-wa.ter, drank slowly and in moder· · 190DB, Edinburgh. But vchile they wore all thus a merry do. If I .could sleep eight hours, as most a.te quantities, constitutes a healthful and men do, I woud up feeling badly. invigor11.t ing drink. ['here is no doubt that DB·.J. CJ. lllTCllEl.I., makingMy eyes w.iuld hurt me, and I would have ice is a grea.t sanitary agent, and every :1'· EMBER OJ!' COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Helgho I 1111.ys Rowley~wr a . n d Surgeons, Onta.rlo, Co-roner, eio. A cat and her klttlena tumbling in, a. t ough time to keep awake, I inherit this fa.mily ought to be provided with it during C>m.Je aiid Residence, JCnnisklllen. 7,, my father. lie is a rem11.rkable old the warmer months of the yea.r. lb la true With" rolly-polly, ga.m.mon t.nd spinach. from man, eating little a.nd eleeping less. l have that the inordinate use of ice-water, or its Heighol aays Anthony Rowley. DR. E. C. l'lfe1DOWELL. often known him when 1 was a boy, to sit uee under some apeoia.l eonditlcns and up a.ll night politics with a friend ciroumstancee, ia attended with great da.nger, 'LICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGB The oat she seized the ra.i by the crown--OF-· . of Physicians. London, Eng.;Member of . or swapping stories. so is the improper uae or any other drink or .lieighol so.ya RowleyColrege of Phyeic!ans and Surgeons. Onlal'io. eat about a pound a. day, and my food I food. ['he aseumption t hat iced water Is The klt~ens they pulled the lit:le mouse .BuBGERY AND R:S:BlDltNOJC:-Rear ot Mes1rs. is very simple, consisting of some toast, a. dangerous, and ihat iced t~a, or Iced coffee, Hfo..;-bctbam'a Drug Store, Bowme.nvllle, down, -~ 6-lyr.· pot11.te>, or something of tha.t kind. er ioed lemonade is a he.rt.ileas substitute, is With a rolly-polly. g11.mmon and little You know when I am working on anything simply a delusion. As the source of da.oger Heigh.o! s11ys Anthony Rowley, "WH. JUNGUA.111, I keep a.t lt night and day, sleeping a few feared by some is the degree of cold, we fail hours with my clothes on. I never take to see clearly how fia.vor modifies t he effect S.SUER OF MABIUAGE LICENSES, 'l'his put Mr. Frog in a terrible fright- chem off ; don't ewen waab my face : couldn't of tempera.tor<>. There are some individ· Reeldence, Enniskillen.: Heighol so.ya Rowleythink of such a thing, and in this condition ui~ls, undoubtedly, who cannot drink ice.ffe took up bis hat and he wished them 1!1. (1, HIJNJLOG, I take my meals, If I were to remove my wa.ter without injury, and who ought never good-night, olotheswhen I slept, I would get op feeling to use i b, but to a. great majority of peraonE ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR With a rolly·polly, gammon and spinach. out for Men and Boys, Women and Children. ofshape and with no desire to go to work. It is refreshing and healthful. It~ use, the County of Durham. Se.lee attended Heie:hol ea.ya Anthony Rowley. » \I'.: on · ehorteet notice and lowest rates. Add:rees "No. 6" is my den In the laboraiory, and I tempera.tie and diaorete, is in no wa.y to be 10\llll~ P. O. . S6:tf condemned, w hioh cannot be said of some of J:lut WI Froggy was crossing a. silvery shut myself in there a.nd hustle. I sleep from 1 to 6 in the morning, a.nd its aubstitutes,-[Sanitary Volunteer. brook8. BlJllDEN .& CO·· A lily·whlte duok an<l gobbled him then I jump up and go to work again as fre~h A. UCTIONEERS for the County of Satche~·9. as a bird. trhis ie all the sleep I need. Want of Sleep. up, 8.. Durham· Insurance and Genera.I.Agent.. But I tell you we have lots of fun In the \Vith a. rolly-polly, gammon and Ve.1ue;tor and' Real Estate Agents. Sales and Are you affiioted with iDsomnia.? Perhaps 111.boratory. Some t ime 11.go I had forty-~wo Dth:er business promptly attended to. B?~ 172, Heigho! says Anthony Rowley. ·Bowmanville P.O. 36-tf men working with me on the incandescent you have too much time for sleep. So there waa an end of one, two, three- lamp in a big building. I hired a. German you depend too much on sleep for rest and ,Pianos Tuned and ltepalred. · to play an organ for us a.JI night, and we recuperation. For aleepie not tbe sole rest of Heigho I Rowleyused-up nerves. SooiabilHy, congeniamy, !l.'he ra.t, the mause, and the little fro~-gee, worked by the music. About 1 o'clock a enjoyment of good oomplUly rest the body farmer brought in our lunch, and we ate With a rolly·polly, ga.mmon a.nd spinach. J O.ARTIES WISHING THEIRP IA.NOS lrom a long ta.hie. At first the boya bad quite as much WI sleep. Helghol eays Anthony Rowley. \:£' Tuned or repa1roa ce.nnavetbom attended ['he dreary monotony of life In many a some difficulty in keeping awake, and would g .by , Leaving word , at the DOMINlON ORQA!I · w <Q.rW'ICE, Bowmanville A flrst-ole.s man go to sleep under eta.lrways and in the cor- household, involving this tumbling into bed .Eno oh, Oyma, Jerry, and Ben. '3.0w beinR In their em vlo; ners. We employed wo.tchera to bl"ing them with the mechnnical regularity of a ma.chine Enoch and CyrllB a.nd Jerry and Ben out, and in time they got ueed to it, .After at nine or ten o'clock in t he evening, doee '1'11.U.A 111 FEUD. Were b a.bies together, four fat little men, a. while I didn'b need forty-two of them, nob always rest weary bodies. " E !!.rly to ·pRACTICAL BOOK BINDER. All Four ba.ld· hea.ded babies, who bumped them- a.nd I discharged six of them. Well, do you bed and early to rise" does · not always . '. work done In ft1ti-cle~e style at tho selves blue -STOCK OF know, I couldn'b drive them away. They make n man healthy, wealthy or wise· .lc11<ust Toronto price·. Orders left at the Numbers of organizt1.tions are only capgrabbed, and tumbled, as ail stayed there and worked for nothing. stored :Mr. Trebilcock or the residence of R. And sprawled, or aix hours' fileep a.ta time, and able of five babies do; Oh, we evjov this kind of iife 1 Every P . .Fitld, CEntre·et., Bowmanville. 20-3m. Foll of laughter and tears, fall of sorrow and now and then I hire a big schooner, 11.nd we their early lying down to reeb is often glee, go down the ba.y, my men and myself, to succe&ded by an early waking up a.nd a. ROBT. YGlJ!'(G, V, !l. And big, bouncing bunglers, as a.11 ba.blea be, fish for a few days. :.l.'hen we oome consequent rostleas toaasing for hours preoe· FFICE JN THE WEST DURHAM All in the same va.lley lived these little men, and buckle down to it[Solentific ing da.ybrea.k. The prs.oblaers of punctn· iii u ..:.usually a.ttra.c.tive this season. a.lity are often nrprieed after breaking News Block. where hlmaelt or assistant Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben, American. be found frcm Ba.m. to 9 p.m. Night cs.lie their own cast-iron,rules, and p11o1111lng two or ~i;ldence,dlrrclly opposite Drill ShEd, Calle three later hours of mirth and jollity past 1e1Egraph or telephone will receive prompt Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben 'Ihe Street Pavements of London. Were fast libtle chums-till they grew to be their usua.l bed time, to find themselves ~ ention. · 17l·Y~ men. There three kinds ef pavament In use In even more refreshed in the morning tha.n Eight bare little feet on the same errands the London atreeta, save a London letber i. n usual. The relax ation of socl11.bllit) has Hew The N. Y. Times. Thelea.stusedat present rested them more than would sleep or an bought for CASH a.t the lowest point the .market has touched Gentlemen's Clothes Made toOrder. : Through mea.dowa besprinkled with daisies is tha.t of stone. Where io does exist, how- attempt to eleep. But these conditions ii.nd dew; ever,itismuohbettertha.nthoseinNewYork. not so ea.sily reached in the a.verage family. In fashionable life we a. forma.l, ex· -rhey were a.imlesa WI butterflies, thouvhtle81! Thestonea arelonga.ndaresetonond,theupper and froe . surface being much am11oller then our Belgis-n ha.ueting and mecba.nfca.l evening of more or As the summer-mad bobohnlr, drunken with blocks. Under these stones is a heavy bed lees dissipation, On the other hand the TOWN PRICES KNOCKED OUT. glee. · · of gravel and stone, the whole p11.vement be- oveniaga of great numbers of families are monotonous humdrum. trhef \i'lvolve the A wonder[ul tune were tho11e ca.relesa da.ya tog about eighteen inches in thiokneHs. The :i:a:i then wooden p11.vements are also formed of much 11.! of the same people, the same -0 JXi For Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ban. sm11.ller blocks than those tried ia New York. surroundings, the same paterfa.millae yawn:o But the most extensively used pavement in ing over his paper, and the same queurlou11 Enoch and Cyr~s and Jerry and Ben London is that of concrete. I saw one torn overladen with fa.mily co.res. F resh ~ 1--4 Grew £:om babies to boys, 1md from boys up for repa.irs a day or two ago, and had " an people with fresh thought, fresh atmosphere, 0 ~ m to men, . opportunity to discover how It wa.s built. anything to sth up and agitate the pool of by o~t, Too restless to stay In the 01rcum1crlbed First a. founda.tlon of atone is laid down in domestic sta11nation, are aadly needed and boun.i good aubstantla.l blook11. Tha.t is covered sadly ecarce. Xhere needs to be also a conOI the green hills tha.t circled their va.lley with tar and gravel, and upon this are set stant eucceseion of auch fresh people to bring blooksof wood on end, tightlypreaaed together. about these results. ['he world ia full of men HARNDEN, L. D. 8 To the around, north and the south a.nd the east and Over these, cementlnj1' them together, and women, and in a better regula.ted life It Qr11duate otihe Royal College of Denll&l the weat, when rolled smooth, forming the surface of would be the buaineu after the da.y'11 work Suriieons, Ont&rlo. Each de~arte~ along on a separa~e quest; the street, is put on the concrete. Xhe entire was done to entertain each other, and give · 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. Ahl they 1.1 ne er be the to each other pavement ill over two feet thick, and is as each other freah life. A11 it is now, huna<>LD J!'ILLING A SPECIALTY aga.m, ·olld as natural rock. It is as smooth aa a. dreda if noti thou1111.nds of our households t tq tc IJ, April 10th. Enooha.nd Cyrus and Jerry and Ben. billiard table and over ib the heavy vebiolea little better than cells for the lnoa.rceration ·iAJLTil!'ICIAL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT Thous11.nds are t hus worn of family, of all kinds used in London roll smoothly a.nd PLATES. eaai1y. One never aees a team of horses vain- out prema.turely from the utter lack of Great Reductions in plice on all Dental Enoch a.nd Cyr!1s a~d Jerry a.nd Ben ' ..v;ork. Vitalize!! Air, constantly In Ulle pro- Though compan1on1 tn youth, were 11tra.ngera ly struggling to pull a heavy load out of a domestic recreation. There might be written >aucinrr Painleaa Operations. Particular atten as men; hole in the&e streets. Xhe atream of vehicles over the gra.ves of hundreds of thousands, -Mon piud to the iegula.tlon of Children'11 Teeth Enoch grtw rloh a.nd hau~hty a.nd proud, moves always smoothlyandateadily onward, " Bored to death by the atagna.tion of domes ,,,_.,A.LL WORK WARRANTBD....... While Cyrus worked on with the toll-driven save when cheoked by the silent ma.jesty of tic life."-[The Christian at Work. the inexorable English law repreaented by crowd; Branch office. Dr. Ru1J1erford's Orono In the councllts of State Jerry held a. proud the extended arms of an insignificant Loudon Hyena-Spear~ in India, place, "bobby 11 TRI~ YEA.R'S The hyena, though amosb useful sco.ve11ger, But poor Ben, he 1ounded the depths of cila' -------gro.oe, 111 not a. noble looking a.nim11.l, and hie nature What Steam has Done. Ah I diverse were the Jives of theae b:iys is decidedly currish. He is not a beaat usfrom the glen, A very interesting oa.lculatlon has recent- ually selected for the chue, but o.fford1 a Enoch and Cyrua a.ud Jerrv and Ben. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the ly been ma!'le by the Sto.tietica.l Burea.u in certain amount of fun when nothing better Berlin, Four·fifth11 of the power ma.chines is to be hl\d, Many a. sportsman, when die· ClJT and PLlJG Eaoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben at pre11ent in_a.otlvhy iu the world have appointed in finding boar, has had a run LIVER, STOMA.UR, KIDNEYS A.ND BOW.EJ~s. Who can read the 11trong fates tha.t enoom· been ereoted during th.e twenty.five. after a. hyena, Xhese beauts do not go at . passed these men? .yea.r1. The country which poasesses the any gre11.t pl\Oe or cha.rge like a. brave old Th,;'-' invigorate a.nd reitore to h eath b Debilitated Constitutions, are lava.tua.ble ln ll.11 (fom plalnhN inoldan r, a v .., emale1 of all Age11. F.Jr The fa.tie that ralsed.ono to the summit of highest amount of horsepower ill the United boar, yet they are not easy to spea.r, by reaChildren and the aged they are prlcele11, fame, States, with 7,500,000 horse power; then son of the qulokneaa with which they FINER THAN EVER. T h 11 fate that dragged one to the da.rknesa of follow- England with 7 000 000· Germany turn and twist. The animal ha.a juet! ·· h ·· ' ' ' 1ha.rp at right angiea, and See Ah I II · b .. i h l bl .wit 4,500,000: · Fra.noe, with 3;000,000, turned s ence as ea.: ne t er g ory nor a.nd · Auitro-Hungarv with 1 500 000 ' thrown out the man who is about to aninfa.lHble omd\T t"·> ~ B d fn'5 s, Ba.d Breasts, Old Wounds Sra Will I iirant t.o the honored er diahornored These figures do n 9t in~lude locom~tiv~, oi spear him, letting another out iu, while the and Ulcers. It ls for Gout and Rhe umatlem, For disorders of'tlt which there ate 105,000 at wotk, with a. horse of a third, putting his f19ot tn a hole, name. -Cheat lt has no equal.' We are a.11 like these boy1 who grew to be total horl!B pow~r of 3,000,000; ~hos the comes down, and then, getting rid of hie ridmen, ,total horae power .in the world ill 46,000,000. er continues the ohaae on hia own a.ocount, For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Uough·, Cold·, Like Enoch, or (Jyru1, or Jerry, or Ben. A atea.m "hors~ power" la equivalent to biting and striking ab the hyena, which in bronze on S. W. Foss, la Yankee three actual horeea' istr11ngth, and llv- makea no attempt to re11ent this strange on- Gludular Swellings, and all Skin D iseases it has no rival; an. d1 . . . liig horl!6 repreaenta .the strength of aeven slau11:hv. We obl!Orve that Mr. Moray contracted and stlff jolnta lt acte like a charm. Each PLIJG & PA.«JHA.GE · PeBSlmlSm· men. ['hua tlie tot11.l horse power of the B1own, in his excellent book, "Shikar , '1-ly A small boy belonging to a Boston fa.mlly entire world representa the work of 1,000,- Sket<;hes," mentions a. similar incident. Bat ~< · Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOWAY's Eetabtlahment, . was the proud owner of a bright red ba.lloon, 000,000 men, or more than twioe the total doubl<is and t urns cnn not always the hye1111. ; at lasb a well-directed speior-thrust with which he ne.ver seemed to tire. One work.fog popufation of the ea.rth. Steam 7R, ~· · ·v·. ~ 1'REE'l', (latti 533, OXF ORD STY .i!:.l!:T)s LON iJJ!l George's Recipe. day he'lost his hold of the string and awa.y has thus tripled the entire human work ends his career on earbh and finishes the Ani 11o~e M,·.Ci a i; is. ljd., 211. 9d., !l ~. 6d.., lls. , 22e., ir.n d 31L Box or P ~. Bride:-" George, dear, when we reach it· went. He wa.tched-it for a. long time and power of the earth. difficult pursuit. mP.y bo had from all J~fodfohrn Vendor s thr oughoiJ.t t h o Wor ld, ...._ town l(;t us try to avoid. Jee.ving the impress· then went into the house and remarked : ·····--- - _ . . _ . ...."",,,__.___ ion thab we are newly m11.rried." "All "Mv balloon h!ls gone UIJ to the angels, and The Walla of Ice-houses are usually decor. When a ma.11 goes.cull for a "spin" on the w Purcbaeers should look to tho label on the Pot s and B-0xea. If the addreas is not right, Ma.ud, you can lug thi<i va.lise, it will be just like them to keep it." o.ted with au extensive freeze. r oad ha ohculd use a "toi:" buggy, 5~ :EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING Says Rowley. Infants I Children. P DUNN'S TO ADVERTISERS. BA Kl NC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ~ B D. DAVIS & I will be found in his old shop, next door --aoor to Express Office, BO-WMANVI LI""'E, where he keeps constantly on hand A LARGE COMPLETE ASSORTMF,NT Coarse and Fine I . B oots and Shoes Special attention given to Repairing. L Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, :0- :i::> A.,,-IS. r. a. LE'S O -... ., D R Y GOODS Some plums in Dress Goods, Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, Fine Ord er e d Clothing, a specialty R. PEATE, Tai1()}1 DENTISTRYm > :z Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. c. Our Due Bill taken as Cash Mr. John Eli the reliable grocer. Come along and secure bargains. F; A. COLE, Hampton. HEALTH FOR ALLI . M YRTLE THE PILLS SMOKING TOBACCO THE OINTMENTS T&B

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