BEFORE MOVING We must clear out the balance of the McClun g Bros. st ock. Over ($10.000) ten thou sanc! dollars worth of NEW GOODS have .been ordered for the new store, and the old goods ·must go. W e will lose one half rather than move them. You can easily understan d why we make sudh offers a s below : ALL WOOL TOWN CO IJNUIL. CouNoIJ~ Romr, Aug. 12th, 1889; The council met pursuant to . a~journ ment. Present: the Mayor pres1d1ng,i~nd Messrs. Burden, \Vorth, Loscombe, Buckler, Allen, Pattinson, Quick, Prower, J eEfery and H or sey. A comm unication was presented from Stott & Jury, accepting the terms propos· ed as rental for shop. Received and fyled. A communication was also present ed from1 Andy Jamieson , for permission to remove two trees from tho street. Referred to roads and streets committee. 'l'ho consideration of the estimates, laid over from last meeting, was resumed and adopted. Mr. Horsey introduced a by-hiw, based thereon, for levying the rates. H ead a first time. A motion by Mr. Prower to refer t he estimates back to make the rate s ufficient to meet the necessary demands of the town, was put and lost. Dy-laws for preventing and abating public n uisances, and amending Public HeaUh by-law were read a first time. Standing r ule No. 33 was suspentled, and the first named bylaw was read a secon d and third time and passed. The rates are : town rate, 51 mills· debenture rate, 4 8-10 mills; school r ate, '7 mills; county rate, 7-10 of a.milltotal, 18 mills. Moved by Mr. Loscombe, seconded by Mr. Worth, that provided Messrs. Stott & J ury sign an agreement t o cancel present lease held by them of th is cou ncil of corner store, and to rent said pr emises for a further term of 5 years at a r sntal of $275 and taxes, and to pay premium necessary to insure the windows to be p_ut therein, that the Fublic Property committee be instructed to proceed with the improvemen ts recommended by this council to be clone on said premises, and obtain tendex-s therefore and let said job without furt her r eference t o this council. Carr ied . Moved by l\1r_ Loscombe, seconded by M r. W orth, that this council consen t to the ;mn cellation of t he lease had by Cawker & Allin with t.his council, and to the renting of said premises t o W . R . R.Cawker for a term of seven years, on same ter~s and conditions as set out in the lease had by Cawker & Allin. Carried. R . WINDATT, T. c. G entlemen .-I have used Ken. dall'· Spavlu Curefor8pnvlm1 and also i n a cnsc ot lmncness an~ Stiff J o l nt11 andfouncl lt asurc onre in e ,·ery r cs1iect. I cordially The · M o8t S u ccessf ul -Rem e d y eYer dlscovercd, as It ls certain lu its en:ects a nt.I. does not blister. Read proof below. 8Tn1'ETSVILL1', P. Q., May ~. 18W. DJt. B. :r. Il:i<ll'J>ALL Co., Euosburgh Falls, Vt. A NEW DEPARTURE JN MED/CIN£. recommend it to all horsemen. Very respectfully yours, '1111..,.Wl".l!lloi"' Cll.IBL1'3 J , J3LACIU.LL. Dress Goods worth 20c. for 10. SUMMER Parasols & · Umbr ellas Coats & ALL WOOL KENDALL'S SPAVIN C URE. · Gents :-I have used a few uottles of your Kendall'· s1mv1n Cnre on my colt, DR- n . :r. Kv.1m~i'i. ~~~ni~o;ti~;g.tW~i1~·~~ · 9 at &bout HAU"' PRICE. A LOT 0 1.i' Tweed Vests ; Pants at $1.00. Remnants of for $1.25., SO F1' and STIFF tJse on the Hors"'" mo one of your Yaluable books entitled "A Trea· Yours respect rully, I . F . WIL!tINSON. 1 889 cure, I can r ecommen d It us th<> best and most el'fective liniment I11ave ever h andled. Kindly seud :i~~t~t;~a~e~~f?~~Anfofr~~11:n~1nfn~~ ~~r,.etl~~ufeo~i;"~~r.,1:1~:,,f~~;\~ Beautiful SILKS, Linen Collars all colors, f~worth $1,:for :S:ATS AT Factory Cotton :b y t he pound. 50c. at 2 for 5 cants. C O ST. on. B. :r. KitNDY~~~~:it~~;.?~~;ii M,~J;, ~t~ · Gentlemen:- I alway· keep your Kcnd~ll'· Spavin Curo ond Blister on hand and they have n ever r alled In what you stato thoy will do. I h ave cured a bad case or S11iw1n a nd also two cases or Illngbono KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Yt~~~:i~'h':~'H ~~d~~'i~J'~!~~ not seen any signs or disease In Our sales fortTuly mor e than double last year's July and we expect t o triple la s t year's A ugust . The goods m ust go. , . U1elr o!tsprlng. . Yours trulf>. J . O'KEEFF£. Prlco $1 per b ottle, or six bottles for Sa. All druggists h i t or can get 1t tor you, or it will Ott, sent to any address on recei pt ot p rice by ~hi> £1'i£~'il~' CO., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. S OI,D BY ALL DRUGGIS'l 'S . Bargains for all I -o--- Tho fo ur grea testmedicalcentres o f' tho world a re London, l'a r is, }3erlin and Vi enna. Those cities have immense hospitals teeming with s u ffering h u manity. Crowds o f stuclents throng t he wards studying u nder the -:Professol'S i n charge. T he most r enowned physi· cians o f the world teach and pract ice here, and tho institutions are st orehouses of m edical know ledge and-: e 'l:porience. With a view of making this ex11erienco available to the public the Hospital R emedy. Co; at g r eat ex.venso secured tho 1 prescri1 1t ions of these 11ospital s, prepar ed t he specifics, and a l· though it would c ost from ~25 t o · $\OOt.osecure the attention of thei r dist inguished ori ginators, yet i n this way their } >repared specifics ar0'6ffored at the p rice of the qu ack pa t ent medicines that flood t he market > Llld absurdly claim to cure every ill from a sin gle bottle. Tho want always felt for a reliablo class of domestic r emedies i s now filled witlt perfect satisfaction. The Hospital Rem edies make no u nreasonable claims. The specific for Cat arrh cures that and nothing elso i so with tl1e specific for Bronchitis, Consumption a nd Lung '£roubles : Rlieuma tism i s cured by No. 3, while troubles of Digestion, ; Stomach, Liver 1>nd Kiducya havo t hoii· own cur o. 'l'o t hese 1s nclded a specific for Fever and Ague, ono for femal e weakness-a. g eneral tonic and blood-maker that makes blo"d A.n< l gives form and fnlness, and an ineomparable rem e~ly for Ne1·vous Deblllt y. NO. I - CURES CATARRH, HAY FEVER, Rosi COLD, CATARRHAL DEA FNESS-The 011ly authentfo cure emam·ting from scientific s ou rCe8 now before the public. This is not a snuff or ointment- both are discarder/ as iujurions. $1.00. NO. '.I-COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION-An incomparable remedy ; does not merely stop a cough, but eradicat es the disease amt strengt hens the lung· and restorQ s wasteci t lswes, giving a new lease of life. $ 1.00. NO. 3-RHEUMATISM-A distingufshed anrt well· known s pecialist in t his disease in Paris, who treat:i 11othlng else, built his reputation on this remedy. $1. NO. 11-l/VEFr AND KIDNEYS, DYSP£PSIA AND INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, BRIGHT'S DISEA8£wk who has A f auorite slaughter-field f or t he quc ruined more stomachs than alcohol, Use a remedy sanctioned in high places. $1. oo. NO, IS-FEVER ANO AGUE, OUMB AUG£, MALA RIA, NEURALGIA-Few know whatgraue damagtttltfs '· <' · the system; it is treatecl to break it for a t ime. g.e a remedg that·eradicates it. $1,00. NO. G- FEMALE WEAKNESS, IRREGULARITIES, WH ITES- Many women are broken down because they neglect t hese diseases until chronic and seated. Use No. 6 and regain health and strength. $ 1.00. I NO. '1-HEALTH, FORM ANO FULNE88 dcpenci on good blood and lots of it. If weak, if blood is poor, if scrawny, use t his perfect t onic. $1.00. NO. 8-NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF POWER-A quack cure-ridden pllblic w /11 hall a 7enu/11e remedy fo r an unf ortuate condition. No. 8 1s Golden, which one trial will proue. Beware of Ignorant q11aclcs who charge high pn'ces f or cheap and worthless drugs and pills,· the properties of which they are ut t erly ignorant, and who expose 11ou by selling yollr confidential letters to others i11 the same 11efariat18 business · .Use No. 8 and /iue agai11, $1.00. 1 ., OUR JEWELRY DEPARTMENT is to t he front as usual. This year our sales of Wat ches} Clocks and Jewelry during the u sually quiet months, has been very large. and shows that the public k now w here to get good value for t heir money. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. DISTRICT NOTES. A new i ron bridge is to be placed over the creek, nee.r the woolen mills. Cob ourg. On 1\:Ionc11.1y night week a valuable sheep belonging to Mr. John Stark, 8th con. of East Whitby, was destroyed by dogs. M.YS1'IC Wo1rns.- I ca.n recommend D r . Fowler's Extmct of 'Wi ld Str aw berry foi· ehronic d iarrnhcea, as I have used it for two years aud can get no~hing like it . Jane Taylor , Mysti~, P . 0. The medicine cures all summer com plaints. Norman, you ngest sou nE Mr. James McClellan, Whitby, was drowned on Saturday week while bathing at F aii Haven DOLLAR EACH.· TO BE :HAD OF ALL DRUG GISTS. T H E BEST B AKING POWDER -r IS -i- GARTH &co., FACTORY SU PPLIES. Va!ves1 Iron & Lead Pipe, Loose Pulley Oilers,Stoam Jot Pumps1 Farm Pum ps, Wind Miiis, Cream Separ· ators, Dairy and Laundry Utensils. It your Druggist d ocs n~t keep these rcmctlics remit price t o us uncl wc will ship t o you direct.. Now listc~ ! T3:k~( no other r emedy : discommuc quac k curo-all medicines and use instead these hig l\ cla.~s Hosp1 t a H.cmcchci; wluch c mauato from i:;cicmtific sources, and thus prolong y our life. A ' 'oid h if:h priced and dishonest quacks who p rctcnd f M c URtN'S GtNUl!ff secrecy are worthless. The quack octopus spares neither the trusting male or the con fiding female. - Buy Qf n r t put. a l;le and re.-;ponsiblc firm doing business under a.genuine Jmme and not under some forci[!tl Jl ias. We J!Uarantec one b ottle ofany of our to give more i:cnuirie benefit than n dozen of any special or.patcnl medicine fa t he world. ~~~~ ~~~~1~ 1~~~~i;~~sr~U,~~ ~~~llD~ll~~nf~'~t~.c~;~~:~~~~le,y::~s~~~dici'~1! }~1; l~0n~d1~ta,~~~kne~~ ~~J1,\~~~~~~d~~f1\~;~ ~~1~'t}?~~ ~~~s~1~~~N~~~~1~~1~f!~tc~1~~d b~~~:~di~;~~~;l i~"~';~!;~~ga(~ist;~P~~J~i~fe 1bl~~i~J?.~:if~~· th~;i~cr~~~i~~t!~~i Bend.stamp f or Descrip· l tiue Catalogue to f C o ok's f1iona No Alum , N ot hing Injurious . H OSPITAL REMEDY CO· T oronto Can {A. HuttQn PropT1etor, Dixon, . 1 1 · · 536 CRAIG STREET, MONT.REAL, Best and C heapest Fence STEEL RODS- IRON FOUNDATION. BUILDERS' IRON WORK, JOHN J. ·MASON. lV L_A_-Y- N _A.RD_ THE J EWELLE:Et Ext euds his thanks for t he very liberal patronage he re. ceived since commencing busir:ess. His Stock being New 'Bnd Stylish and his prices very moderate, is no c1oubt the cause of his success. N. Y. AN OLD Fav01UTE.-That has been popular with the people for t hirty years is Di:. Fowler 's Extract of \Vild Strawberry for all vat·ieties of summer complaints of children a nd adults. It seldom fails to cure cholera morbus, diarrhcea. and dyse ntery. STEEL·LINEO TRUNKS Walter Smith, school teacher at Camp~ In Sample, Ladies' and bellford, was run ovH' &ncl killed fast all other kinds. Thursday by a freight train, while sitting Li[htest and Strongest on the track near Stirling, Ont. .,. T R UN KS Ayer'e Hl1-ir V igu1· restores color ancl :fi or H'f'nd and In the World. vitality to weak and gray h air. Through ltlaclwne _ Use. & itu h ealing and cleansing qualities, it Hi\S SUPERIOR. MONTREAL, preven ts the accumula\ion of dandruff and cures !~ll scalp diseases. The best soleMfrs.for tne Dominion ASK FOR I T. hair-d ressing ever made, and by far the ·Office R ailin gs, Lawn Furnitu re AND FOU N TAINS, E T C. --Barnum Wir8R&$ Ir~n Works .(LJ::M:J:TED), CHADWICK'S lEATHEROID Spoo L CO TT ON, trn J. EVELEIGH CO. WALKERV I LLE , ONTARIO. Toronto Office---4 Adelaide St. West. ' MURDOCH BROTHER'S mo ~ t e~onomical . TliE NEW LINE OF HEAV Y-SII1VE R VT..ATOE:ES SHOULD BE SEEN AT ONCE. - --:o:- - - A barn at Mitchell's Corners, Darlington , was struck by lightning last week , and together with i~a content~, destroyed. The b uilding belonged to Mr. Allan Trull, Oshawa. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, by purifying and enriching the blood, improve~ the appeti te, aids the assimilative process, strengthens tho nerves, and invigorates the system. It is, therefore, the best and most thoroughly reliable altera tive that can be found for old and young. HOTEL BALMORAl3 MONTREAL. .A.ccomlllo<lation for 400 gue sts. Notre D amo St., one of tlle n.10$t contra] and furnlshcdllotels 1u the Clty. Rates: $2to$3per day . sv · 1 WO ODRUFF, DOMIN ION China Hall, BOWMANVILLE, Headquarters in West Durham for FI NE Manager. .l" _~ .M ~11--.--.--..- LEATH ER BOARD Sole !~'ts 1or Canada, COMPANY, nEnt'°)g' Wholesale Imp'trs of J.PALMER&SON DRUGGISTS' S UNDRIES, Manufacturers of ASBESTOS M ILL B O ARD Steo.Dll Packing, MIL L INERY and F ancy Goods at the prices they will be sold a t. The balance of stock belonging to the estate of the lat e Mrs. Morrison is to be cleared out in two weeks, as the business is to be wound up, regardless of prices. Call and examine the goods, it will you to buy if you do not require them for present use. GROCERS, D UE B ILLS TAKEN. Mr. J ohn Dryden, M. P. P . , Br ooklin , recently shipped a number of Shorthorn cattle an d Shropshire s heep to l\fr. G. L. Smellie, manager of the great Binsoar th Farm, m Manitoba. A B.A.IlY IN DANGER. - My baby was :o- --p,: - - t aken very bad with diarrhcea, nothing WEDDING RINGS, SCARF PINS, CHAINS LOCKETS AND CHARMS did any good until I tried Dr. Fowler's IN EVERY STYLE, AT ALL PRICES. Extract of Wild Strawberry. I am - -- : : - - certain nothin g equals it, and could not Remember mv Goods are guarrante d to be j ust as represented. do without iL in time of summer complaint WATCH REP AIRING attended to as usual, Promptness and skilful workand dirrah rea.. manship- my motto- and all work warranted. Mrs. A. L Buie, Your patronage solicited. Shell River ,. Man. During t!i.e heavy thunderstorm laat week, a barn belonging to N eleon Chap man, lot 9, con. 3, Pickering, wii.s struck by lightninf!' and b urned to the ground t ogether with contents. ON 'l'.1:r n I~01mASE. -So increasingly prevalent have ecrufulous diseases b ecome that we call the attention of our readers t o the best blood purifier and - TO GETalterative known, viz., Burdock Blood Bitters, which unlocks all clogged secretions and r emoves all b lood diseases from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. Mr . A. Annis who resides near Oshawa had a valuable mare killed by lightning during the recent storm. The animal was val ued at $600, Mr. Annis having refused $500 for h er only a short time ago. HELl' W.ANTED .- By all who suffer from dyspepsia, biliousness, sick-headach e, j aundice, liver complaint, rheumatism, d ropsy, etc . Lose no time in pr ocuring B urdock B lood .Bit ters, nature's regulator and tonic. It is a prompt and permanent c ure for all diaeaseg of t he blood, liv~r, kidneys, bowels and pay st omach. Last Tuesday week the old ronnd ·house in which was also situated the repair shops, of the C. P. & }.:I. Rail way, Cobourg, was destroyed by fire. The building conRemember the stand-next to Cawker's JVIeat Store. tained two ol d locomotives· and tenders, and a quantity of machines and t c;ole, nll . · · . . · of which were r educed to scrap·iron. Mr. T. P. P earce, of Belleville, owned l?roperty, and his loss is abo ut. $3000, N . B.- All accounts clue the above estate, not settled at ; the n o msurance. Mr. I saac Crozler lost once, will be put in other hands to collect. I about $50 worth of tools. LADIES GOLD A.ND SILVER WATCHES .A1' ALL I'ItICES. 1743 N OTRE DAll!E ST., MONT REAL. FR I CTIO N PULLEY BOARD, Thi. ia a Perfect Friction Dinner and Tea ~3 ets, Chinaware, Gla ssware, RECK ITT'S B L UE. THE BEST FOR LAUND·RY USE. Crockery, Hall, P arlor and I-land r Lamps~ Fancy Cups, Saucers, Vases, Water and Lemonade Sets, etc~ Your Last Chance OUR FAMILY CA N ADA.'.!'+ GltEA.'I' INDUSTRIAL F".AIFl. - ANDA q,ricultural Exposition . 188 9 CROCERY & P ROVISION DEPARTMENT always well supplied with the· TORO TO Is very best goods at lowest prices. SEPT. 9th to 21st. Increased Prizes, Greater· .Att ractions and a Grander Display t h a n e ver be fore. Newest and Beat Special Features that Money can procure. The Greatest Annual Ent:irtaiomeut on tho American Continent. Cheap Excursi ons on all Hail ways. Over 250,000 visitors attended this Exhibition last, year, L eading Seedsmen i~ the district: Entries clos~ Aug ust 17th. W MORRlso N drop a poet card to J . J. WITHROW. P res. For Prize List s and F orms, Progtammee, e tc., H. J, HILL, Manager, 'l'oron to , Always pleased to show goods. Inspection solicited. . A.S A llEA.LI~G, SOO YlJING UJ>pllc11Uon :for c u ·,M. 'll'01tntls 1 bru i ses .a1u l snries. t h e r e ;8 nothin;; 'better tha n Vlctorh C11rllolle MURDOCH BROS. Vici oria Buildings, Bowmanville. 26 Sal ve, Ch ild ren C ry for Pit c her's Castoria ~·