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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1889, p. 2

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'fH· ECANADIAN STATESMAN JS PUBLISlllllD YOUNG FOLKS. Some :More Don'ts Dan't appear ind.iffe!'ent when others are t<i.lking. L isten poHtely to every one, and don't interrupt. Don'!l a.ny one-nothing could be r.:ider. If yon do not agree with the speaker, express your opinion, of course, bub do ib with courtesy. D;in't attempt to be witty or "smart" at the expense of a.nother. Remember a.lwa)'S 1ha.t consideration for others is the first cha.ra.oterietic of .u. fo.dy or gentlemllll, DoL.'t trim or clean your finger nails in public. Keep them in good condition by 11oll means, bub all toilet duties should be perormed in private. Don't play with your napkin,, or your forx, or with anything at the t1'ble; when nob ea.ting sib with your ha.nds. quietly in your lap. THE BRITISH . AVAL MAN<EUVRES. Ilo~v MISOELLANEOUS. Thoy;are me.kin~ an attempt to acclim11o· tiz>J Connecticut oysters at several pla.ees on the of Sweden. So far the young oys. tmrs have thriven well. Reporbs come coneti>ntly from Sb. Petersburg of the ever increasing use of napltha dregs as fuel. Russian manufacturers and railways are adopting it in place of woocl and coal, ar.d it ia even utilized for domestio purpoeeB, in stovea of special construction. It is about 31) per cent, than wood or coa.!, and iti occupies lees spa.ce in, The floods of this summer h11ove shown how great 11o protection the inro11ods of '!a.ter 11o. row of willow trees may be. The engmeer m charge of ibe Potomac River improvements si>ys th11.t whern willows were planted the la.nd was protected from washing, a.nd pra.ctically no da.mage wa.s done while in the improved land not so protected there was grea.t loss, A .carriage road to the top o Pike's Pea.k ha.s JUBt baan completed. It begins a.t Canon, and extends . s ixteen miles, until 1t reaches the very eummib of the mountflln, 14,147 .feet above the level of the 9e'I.. Xhere as one point, Grand View, where at !ln a.ltibude of 10,852 feet on<> may see the smoke of a locomotive crossing Marshall Pa's ninety miles away. Dr. Ha.mmond chops public expectancy off short by a.nnounoing tbu.t th e m11<terial used by Dr. Brown-Sequard ii.nd himself is not in any sense an elixir of life. He is only trying experiments as every scientific man is at liberty to do. People who had decided to live their lives over again, when news of the elix ir wa.a public, will have to declare &11 engagements off, the Rival 11...iits of Great Brltaln and · SM QKl NG TOBACCO -T , Eacb OtJ1cr. The ni>va.l revio,v off Splthead is attra.ot· -BYing the a.ttentlon nf the aubhorities a.t W &sh· ington. A oorreu1wndent at the American .~A. Ca.pita} writes a~ follows :-Although the AT Tlllll. OB'EICE a.nnua.l inspection a.·ld r eview off Spithead is for the British navy the grei:.h ahow of the ·rost o:mce Block, Ktng Street, Bowmnn· ville, Ontario: year, there 1e more interest in the mv.ll oouvrea which folle>w it. These continue throul!h TERM3: several weeks, and give o.bundant exercise in attack and defence, pursuit, concent ration, · 91.1;0 per A.Dnum. er $1.00 If paid In· " advance. bomba.rdment, squo.dron evolutions, torpedo· for and boat practice, and indeed moet of the oper11o.Payment e·rictly in advance rec1ulred from subIKl loers out·ide of the counly. Orders to discontions of naval wa.r. Last year the ma11 reuvres t~ue the paper rouo~ be nccompan!ed by the am?unt ,;.>.f~ .\ ·'CT~. bega.n a.t two points, one on the northern and v·;[~ . ·t!IOweilBda-pt.cdtochlldrenthat C.Storlacures Colle CoMtlpo.tion due, or the paper -.ym not be stopJ?ed. Subscnbera the other on the southern coast of!reland, a.t iii(S[ recommend it 48 superior to ADT prescript.ioll Sour Stomach, Dia.rrhroa, Eruct<lti~n, ue responsible untn full payment 1s made. of which a. British Equadron was found '. ' JL tnown to me." IL A.. AJwmR M. D Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promolil!9 di< ,. BA.TES OP A.Dt'ERTl!!ll"G : 1'5:?5 '\~1 ruao.,....._,s .. n~:..,_ gestlon, and a.ttaoked by the squ11dron of an imaginary Wh<ile Oolumn, one year ............ · .. $00 00 ~~ ~ v.MUU6 · · - - - . , ... N. "'f"', w.wiou~ iDjurlou.s medication. " "' Halfyear ·.····...·. 8600~>rn enemy ca.lied Achill. The excitement of the l"'J ·· " One quarter ·.···· . · 20 00 ~ · ,;~ Tm! CENTAUR COMPANY, <· Murray Stroot, N. T, opera.tiers ran high when the attacking 1Jall column one year ............ · ·· ~ 00 ~ squadrons withdrew from the front of their 00 " Halfyear...... ······ I opponents, and succeeded in making ravages " One quarter _ .· , . ··· ·· 12 50 _ ·Qaarter Colmr..n one ye11or ·. .. ...... 20 00 on the southwt~stern coast of Scotland, and Catching .Fish With a. Bottle. ·· " Half year ......... - 12 50 Catching fish is surely a very novel use thence southward for aome distance in the ·· " One quarter ....... ~ 8 00 _ ~n Jines andund first Insertion 80 50 _ for a bottle, but the feat is easily accomp- Irish Sea. before they were to suffer foi: FOR SALE BY J, HIGGINBOTH.dM & SON. BOWMANVILLE1 Each subsequen ln.eertlon ..... U ~ _ lished and affords a. grea.t deal of amusement their audacity. From ·ix to ien lines first Insertion O 7o _ This yea.r, like, there will be an atand excitement, subsequent lnsertlon. ·· · · O 35 _ A number of empty champague or beer tack from Achill, a.nd the two principal offi· "n lines, first mmertlon,pe.~Un ·o 10 - · I Each subBeQueJJt insertion O 113 bottles belnfl obtained, eAOh one Is to be oers who then took charge of the enemy's pl11oces with the two Ad· forces will change Tloe number of lines to be reckoned by the filled with sa.nd or shot until it will stand <space o·ooupled, meat11red b' 11 ecale ol l!Olld upright when floated In water. Each bottle mirals who conducted the defence. Tb.ese A list of 1000 newspapers divided into l!fonpareil " le then tightly corked and a. strong tapering man reuvres unquestionably more than STATES .AND SECTIONS will be sentonap· plication- FR;tE. ash or hickory stick, 18 inches long, is pass- & parade in the Solent as to the real condi· DBS, HJI.UEB & 1AMnJJll.AN, To those who want their advertising to pay ed through each cork, this stick having a tion, degree of efficiency, and shortcomings we can offer no better medium for thorough HYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC' small, bright-colored burgee {a. three-corner· of the Btitsh na.vy. For example, the and effective work than the various selections structural weakness of not a few of tha O!!lce :-Cor. Church and TcmJ>llranoo of our Seled :Local LlstSte. Night c&lls attended from Dr. Hilllere ed .Ila?) a.tits tip. Next a. pieoe of wire ie torpedo boa.ts in he11ovy we11other was GJ;o. P. llCHVELL.ti «JO., twisted around the neck of the bottle, residence. Newspsper AdvertisinK Burea.u, that it ca.nno11 slip off, and in this wire a quite manifeat by them, whereas nothing of S, <l:. HILLIER, M. D. U · 10 Spruce street, New York, B LAMlllillfAN, M. D. C. M. Trln. mv. large loop Is to which the fish-line is tile sort might! be a.pparentin a fair-weather News from the Celestial Kingdom makAs ' Fellow of Trin, Med. College, fnslY.lned. Th" length of the line must review. :Member Coll, Phu. S11rg., ont. it known tha.t a G3vemor of e>ne theChlneee The composition of the opposing fieeta depend entirely upon the depth of tile water provinces h&11 forbidden the young men In J> Bl':Rll !ll.JIP80N, to be fished; 10 feet is u2ually long enough. shows that the Britisll. na.vy can spare from his pr?vince to wear gorgeously c.olored and Its regular force in home waters for an The hooks, for jl'enera.l use, should be of .1' FRJE'JE t, SOLICITOR, &;c. lLOPRIB } J C·C'K 11petalrs, Kini Street. Bowman· medium size- say No. 5. Moderately imi\ginary er.emy a Equa.dron of vast power, embr?tdere_d garments, a practice which he S!l.ys 1sfoobsh and unmanly, and he giveadue ville. l?lllicltcr for tbe Ontari Bank heavy sinkers a.tta.ched to the line, while retaining for itself quite enough r rhat!I' Jl'ontvs loaned at the lowest rs.tee. A swivel will make the outfit complete, strength to defend the i~la.nds. As recently w11orning to fa.thers, elder brothers, and teach· era that they will be b.:ild responsible for !l<ny although not absolutely necessary. If the arrnnged, the Achill foroes were to include displ!!<y of remarkable clothing on the put .lolul Keith Galbraith, bottles them.selves cosv nothing, a. dozen the armorclads !Lfi, xible, Oa.mperdown, of the would-be dudca. Anson, Howe, Devastation, Mona.rob, Iron .A. RR 18 TE R OLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &c. OfDce- Bounsall's Block, may by prepared at a coat of 25 cents. Duke, a.nd the flagship Northumberland, the Ao the Marxist Congress in Paris on July The bottles, thus having been rea.dy, ,;. mg Street, Bowmanvtlle ~oneY to lend, may be used in a number of ways. They first five being of from 9,300to12,000 tons, 21 Mr. Cunningham Graham, a member of and oa.rrying very heavy a.rmor and puns of bhe British Parliament , who presided, took Dils. JlleLA.lJGULH' .t BEITH. may be set in a. row on the bank of e. stream, or on a pier, clcee to the edge; the hooks from 35 to 80 tone. '.l'he enemy'e una.rmor· a. sl11op 11ti the British workingmen in thsse 011'11'1011: :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWK..1.NVILLB· to include the fast vessels ed cruisers were worda, Speaking on the eight-hour questioa hflviDg been properly baited, are to be drop· Dr.J.W.:MoI1AUGHLIN., Dr.. A. BEITH, Gradu Iris, ?lfagicienne, Mersey, Arethus11o, Aus- be !laid: ":r_hts is the great question inter'. ped into the water. It will not be long 'licentiate of the Royal ate of the Toronto before one of the bottles will begin to waver tra.lia, Calypso, Curlew, and one or t wo estmg Eogheb workmen, and it is very <:lollege of Phy5ic!ans Utd member of the Univers1ty, l:'h yai c1an, and suddenly take a mil(hty leap over boa.rd, other~, making from 16 to 20 knobs, besides diffiault to get them to demand more, 110 :Ro7al College of Sur· Surgeon, &;c. swimming off and bobbing around in a very the fast gunbe>a.ts Grasshopper and Ra.ttle- degraded are they by the pipe, the Bible ·.seons, Edinburgh. en~ke. · beer, and admiration fot lihe upper classes.': peculiar.manner. The e:ii:citement which a To meet thia array the British Equadron oa·.1. (). XlT«JllELL, row of these fishing-bottles will arouse, and According to the "Dnjevnik," a paper brings together of &rmorclads the flagship E114BER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS tho guoaeing a.a to which bottle will go first, Hercules, the R<>dney, the Warepite, the published au Sara.toff, Russia., there is living · and Suqeons,, Coroner. etc. is very a.musing, and not to be detpised ae CoDqueror, the Neptune, t he Shannon, the there a man who is 140 years old, His '08\ 1e and Residence. Ennlskillen, sport. name is Da.niel Samoiloff, a.nd he was be>rn One or more of the bottles ha.vlng popped Invincible, the Collingwood, the Rupert, the at St.ra.toff in 1749. lie acted as Adjutant Ajax, and the Black Prince. It will also DB. E. «J. Mdll"TJELL off a.nd been ta.ken in t.ow by a fish, must to Field Marsha.I Pugatchcff, and took ICENTIATE OF ROYAL OOLLEG.B: now be rescued ; this can be done by means have four belted cruisers, the Undaunted, and took pa.rt in tihe storming of Ka.s&n and --OF-, of Phy!iclana. London. Enir.;Member .of of.a long stick having three hooks, without Narcissus, Aurora, a.nd, two of the Simbirsk and in the bombardment of Samara. ()vlleice ot Physician· anO. Surgeons. Ontario. barbs, lashed to It, ba.ok to ba.ok ; some one same being a.ssigned to the enemy. It He wa.s arrested with Pugatcheff and iSUl!QltRY .AND REBIDXNCB:-Rear of Me1111ra. of the hooks will soon oatch into the loop of will the unarmored cruisers Mede11o, brought to Simbirsk, where he was 'Bi(!ginbotham'11 Drug Store, Bowmanville, Melpomene, Marathon, Mercury, l!'orth, a.nd &-lyr.· wire a.round the neck of the bottle and you Thames, of from 17 to ~O knots speed, &nd subjected to 180 blows with the knout, and ca.n dri;,,w in be>th be>ttle and fish. condemned to hard>r for life in the WM. BINGllA.H, Where there is a lake or pond at band and t he gunboats Serpent, Mohawk, Sandflv, Siberian mines. After thirty·eighb years' Spider, a.nd Sharpshooter, of which the last SSUER OF M.ABRIAGE LICENSES, a boan available, the bottles may be taken banishment and hard labor Sa.moilofl was Residence, EnniEkillen.: out from shore and set a.float around the cr.n vo 21 knots under forced draught. permitted to r eturn to his na.bive cit y. In addition to these main squadrons there be>a.t. If the fhh at all lively and there Daspite the hardships of hfo exile, h<1 is S. (), DlJNIU:llG, are ma.ny bottles to tend, there will be some no fewer than five sma.ller bodies, clansed described as still retaining all bf., faculties. ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR very excitiing sport in chasing the bottles, as divisions for use in the English Channel, for Men and Boys, omen and Children. The bad effecta of the suspension of sys· Uie County of Dnrham. Sales attended for they will sttU"t in all directions 11ot every and the Irish a.nd Nort h Seas, and on the Scotoh coast. In the aggrfg <1te t hey in- tematio laboi: in the Sta.ta Prisons are shown ':to on ehorte·\ notice and lowest rates. Add1'69 moment. 1ot1Bn t · P. o. U:tt Where there is a. number ln the pa.rty clude tw<> armorclad ships-of-vhe-line, seven in the shtement by the doctors at " aides " may bti chosen-two sets of bottles armored coast-defence vell8el11, seven una.r- Bellevue Hospital that more insane criminals 8. BlJBDD di 00., mored cruisers, eleven gun· boats, and near· were received from the three State Prisons Sat~ .Jl UCTIONEERS for the County of being fnrniahed, an even number to, ly forty torpedo boa.ts. during.the yen that the convicts were un· and ea.ah set having a fi11g differing in color. 8... Durham : bsurance and Oeneral Acent&. Even this arra.y does not take in 11ll the ·valuator and Real Eetate Agent·. Sale· and The aide catching the most fish wins what· vessels which were preeent at the review of employed than in any other three years previously. Five prlsonets who bad become · o"ther bueinetB promptly attended to. Box 172, ever prize· ia to be awarded. . :Bowmanville i9. 0 . 36-tf ]'or sea-fishing an addition.J a.rrangement Monday, a.nd possibly in the final progra.mme in Auburn Prison, a.nd whose terms some a.dditiona.l or different assignments m&y of Imprisonment had expired, were received is n eeded, because the waves ca.use the bot~ Pianos Tuned and Repaired.· tles to bob up 11ond down so that it is bard to be made, some of those a.t first deta.iled for the otherda.y, at Bellevue Hospital for trans· know when a. fish bites. The ll!\g is brought service under Achill beiug transferred to the miaeion to the lunatic asylum on Ward of John Bull, or the reverse. But in Island. . DA.RTIES WISHING THEIR p !'ANOS into use as a signal. irhe uvright rod is colors any case it is the British navy that oun of its Interest here in the Sa.It Trust la merged C Tuned or repa.iren oanna.vethom aitended furnished at ite t ip with a small screw-eye, a.bundant resources furniahboth the hostile jusb now in a grea.ter Exciteoien1' over the .,.,,, leaving wordja.t the DOMINION ORG.IJ'I and a strip of tin three inches long 111 fa.stened Do" Orl'IO!li, Bowmanvllle A 1lrst-clae ma11 by Its lower end to the lower end of the rod a.nd the home equa.dron, If imperfections sinking of a lot of pla.oes in Cheshire owing 'Ow "IJelnK in their emplo; pa.·allel with it, so as to make a spring· olip. found on either side as the. result of the to great quantities of brine being pumped The fillg ia fastened to the end of the line, en'c ounters, they can be remedied without out of the earth. Over 11700 acres have been WILLJA.!J FEUD. is set by being caught in the clip w11iting for a. re11ol war to ma.Ke remedy too subj ect to this ala.rming subsidence. One RACTICAL BOOK BINDER. All 11ond strip of tin. In this position the fla.g late. Xhere compensations and consola. hotel a.n:l two churches have a.lready b een by the · work done In tlrM-claes style at the -STOCK O F tions in ad v&nce for vs.rious kinds of unio"ll'f6t Toronto price8. Orders left at the is "lowered," a.s it were, bein~ at the foot of plea.san t developments, Should the 11t tack destroyed and at Winsford several houses have sunk so that the chimney tops and rid ge 11t0Jt~ of Mr. Treb1lcockor the residence of R. the rod; but when the fish bites he pulls It P. Field, Centre·Bt., Bowman'1ille. 20- 5m. awa.y from the clip a.nd ra.ises it t o the top of prevail over the defence, ib will be reflected tiles alone are visible above tile ground, the rod, where It atop!, being too large to go tba.t after all Engliah skill conduoted it. while the in the market place is llOBT. TOlJXG, V. Iii. t 'uough the eye. T hat the fla.v may fly Indeed, while the pessimist is already fully 30 feet. A new town hall whiJh had straight, and not be dra.wn into the eye ·!lnd counting on the fact that British sailors will j lSb been bui!tJ on the top of the old one Wal! FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM ia m:msually attractive this season. surely be beaten, t .1e optimist ls finding News Block, hlmtelf or a88istant crumpled, It is beat to sew it to a. straight equal inspiration in t he fact also a.aaured completely buried on Thursday. bit of wire, having a. loop at the top to which be! found from 8 a.m. to 9 p,m. Night calle Tbe Common Cnuncil of Tacoma, W. T., in advance tha.t Brit.ish sail11rs will be opposite Drill Sh~d. Calle the line is tied. baa sent a. plaintive appea.l to Bostori for telegraph or telephone will re<:eive prompt Another improvement Is to faint the in- vi:ctorious. 10,000 women to become wives of forlorn e11tlon. 17l·Yr side of the botble white, by pouring in white male residents of that city, and Wyoming paint and sha.ldng lb around and then pourThe Kaiser in :England. Territory has sent a similar request to Sec. ing it out and ietting the bot.tie dry. ['hen reta.ry Rusk a.t W11oshlngtoIJ. Why Boston prepare the bottle as described, allll should a bought for CASH at the lowest point the market has touched the Shah, enter the E mperor. The women should be preferred in the one case E xit Gentlemen's' Clothes Made toOrder. ! large fish turn the be>ttle upside-down, as he lion of P~rsia. ha.a left the shores of England does not appear, nor is it quite why in very likely will, It can be rea.dily seen a.nd and betaken himself to France, whither the the other the Department of Agrloulbure followed.- rWide Awake. German emperor, at present on a visib to bi should b" expected to supply the Westerners 11ubust grandmother, our most gracious and with wives, as well as p11ckages of seeds. . It TOWN PRICES KNOCKED OUT. revered Queen, for obvious rea.sona iR not remains to be seen whether the fact that A About Tigers. · ~ikely to fo!l o~ him. The Emperor William women havepoliticalrights In the territories Little folks are always anxi()US to learn is accompa.n1ed. ~y C?unt Herbert Bis· in q uestion will be r!l~arded by the women ~ @omething about natural history and,, whoae ;~Jqd!~~Qqs ut~era.nQ~Q 111t ((of ~ne E~s t as a spcciai inducement . "t1 ~ so they given here a little Qketch <>t the the ume ot Wunelm s acceeswn to the 0 · . . fiercest of kne>wu The tiger is the throne of Frederic, his fat her, fanned One of the most important resolutio~s ·~ admiration and drea.d of young people, W e the feeling of irra.tibilit} ' thl\t then pre· pas~ed by the r ecent Labour Congress m a.11 fa.milia.r wibh the appei>ra.nce of its va.iled in England. At t he present moment, ~s.s one to the effect that de~ons~ra. 'O ~ by Jor ~ Eliott, tawny, sbriped skin, its fierce. looking bead howevor·, the hatchet appears to have been hons 1D favour. of eight·hcur. leg1sla.t~on ~ and mouth u,nd its long, muacular body, It burled s.nd things seem lovely, The Oounb's should be held mnu!t~neouely m Ame~loa., is one of the most a.otive and agile of bea.sts, a.lroy master has taken part in a family England, France, Ioa.1y, Holland, Belgium, ~: . ~~ and has enormous strength, It leaps twenty dinner at Osbe>rne and ha.a been treated to Ausbrla, Greece, _Swlt~'3rla.nd~ Germ11ony, C. HA RN DE N, L . D. feet at a bound a.nd ca.n carry off a. big ox t o the grandest of all the spec' acles En,1?- and Russia. ['hia 1s an 1ndicatlC>n that the its lair. Graduate ofthe Royal College of Dental land can offer-·a review" in whioh workingmen realfz3 the difficulty of induc· When the tiger is hungry there is no dan- 150 vessels of wa.r took part. i~cluding 30 ing any one count~y to. shorten the hours of Surgeons, Ontario. F~ ger that l b will nqt brave to got food. One of t he moat formidable line· of battle ships such leg1slat1on so long _ a s other ' 0 FICE OPPOSITE E XPRESS OFFCE. ha.s been known to ca.rry off 11o soldier fr<>m the oiv illzed world can produce The countries rl'fuse to do so. Industrial com· :aoLD F'ILLING A SPECIALTY the middle of a camp, nothing daunted by Emperor wa.s made an honoro.ry 11od;,ira.l of pet ition!' now so. keen. that no natio!1 Vl'.ill am p1rn, .A pil 10th. bTIFIOUL T EETH INSERTE D WITHOUT the preeence of 11o crowd of men. Many the fleet and in the full fig of tha.~ exa.lted volunt~nly han~1cap itself by maku~g 1~s PL.ATES. years a.go tigers were a perfeob scourge t o position surveyed the magnificent scene with producrng oapa.. caty less than that of its rt· Great Rednctlons In price on all Dental the people of some pa.rtll of lndfo., and t hey complacency, if not wi~h satisfaction a~ the vals. :~O!'k· Vltall.zec!. Air, i:onstantly In use pro. yet where the settlements are soa.ttered. thought that some day all this massive arra.y ['he Rev. J. H. Ci!.mp, a.n agent of the lucing Painless Operations. Partioula.1· atten ALL! ·n on patd to the regulation of Children's Teeth They oarry off both people and cattle, and of strength might be arrayed against his be America.a Baptist Missions in Central Afric11o naturally the inhabitants devise all sorts of loved n11terland. But nothing untowa.rd, who has just returned to the United Sta.tea, _..,ALL W ORK W ARRANT.BD.·'1flfi!, wa.ys to rid themselves of such a. dangerous beyond some unpleasanb weather, occurred reports that he followed Sta.nley's trail for Branch office. Dr. Ruth erford's Orono foe, One of the queeres~ devices is to to Jn the glories of the occasion, and severs.I hundred miles, tracking it by the spread broad lea.ves smeared with glue . in in the nea.r future the Prince of Wales 001pses of the explorer 'llfollowers. He states the tie:er'e wav and when he steps on them of will r eturn the Emperor's visit aud a a.lso that one of mppoo (rib's, to THIS YEAR'S course they stick to his paws. H e then r.nbs brief sojourn a.b the court of Berlin, while whom St11onley hu.d confided his p lans, told his pa.we on bis head to get the leaves off her Majesty the Queen has been appointed tha.t the latter intended to make the best and thev stick to his hea.d a.nd blind his chief of the first Dr11goon gua.rds of Germany, of his way with Emln P11osha. to Z1'n:iiiba.r, Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the eyes, Be then lies down and rolls on the taking the oa.· ·avan route between the Vicground bowling with rage and when the toria. Nyanz~ and Tanga.nyika. lb ls sus· fJlJT and PL1JG LITER, STOMA.CR, KIDNEYS A.ND BOW.E l.A~~. peoted, however, that this was merely a :~:t~ra:t~a.n the noise h.e comes np:a.nd kills She Was a. "Native Daughter." blind, as Sta.nley had reason to be suspicious T!L~· invigorate and r e::it >t·e t,, ) h9alt b J)eb1J;tated Constitutions, Ltke the lion, the tiger can be tamed unt i "So you're going to marry old Jones, are of Tippoo Tib, and would be likely to .re lavalua1>le ln a.11 0;> ,:n;>laln h ~ bB lda n t a " . emalea of a ll Ages. ib is almost a.e ha.rmless as a ca.t, for, you you, Ma.ud ?" throw him off his trMk if he could. Ohlldren and the aged they are priceless. know it is only its big cousin. A story is told " Yes, Cicely." The St, Paul " Globe" doea not mince FINER THAN EVER. of a. tiger that came on a sbip from India, " Awfully rich, isn't he?" OINTME ~.N,,_-, ~ matters In speaking of bhe drawbacks of Da.· and it was so gentle tha.t the boys who were " Yes, bea.stly rioh." See employed on the vessel used to sleep with "But I thought you were going to marry kota.. The Sbate finds i!dl urgent need of aninfallibl~ o ·xul 11 f 1 ~ Bd fJ : ~ ,,, B1:1.d Breasts, Old Wounds Sr., more water to give the needed aativity to it1 their heads resting on its body for a. pillow, young Spriggins. Weren'.t you engaged ?"' soil, and large ar eas suffering from and Ulcer11. It la f11moo1 for Go11 t an d Rhe umatlsm, For dleoi:dera t i. The Roman Emperors used to tame' "Oh, yes, indeed I But he bu juat g;ma - Oheat It has n o equal. tigers tha.t went a.bout their palaces with &11 a.broa.d for a. couple of I expecb to of sufficient rain. It is that there aro watei: sources not fa.r off which can supply much freedom as we allow to the most ordin. marry him when he r 3turne." For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, rhe drying-up terxltory with the moisture It a.ry pets. :l:hey also used them to draw their "Oh I And Mr. Jones ?" requires, but this irrig11otion will cost money, Gludula.r Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and: cha.riots, just a.a they did the lions we " H umph I He won't tha.t long. in bronze on told you about. Emperor Nero, the lnfam- Nothing like ha.vin11: a nice young husband and it is proposed to ask the Government to contracted 11nd 1tlif jolnts lt acts like a oharm. Jome to its 8..'!aistance. The older settlers Each PLlJG & t-AUKAGE ous t yrant, who la said to " ·fiddled and plenty of money, too !"- [Wasp, are said to look with growing apprehension 4'1- ly while Rome was burning," had a pet tigress Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOW.A.Y' s Establl11hmen t , upon a rainle11s period that "fill effectua.lly which be kept alwa.ys near him. Some· times, at the end of a. feast, he wonld point An English financial psper relates t hat in blight t he prllspe<its of D.i.kota as a whea.t711, ~ r.· w OXFOP.n :::rRE.E'.r, (late 1133, OXFORD ST P .~ El'), L{)NL)) j Good work beyond doubt must be oredit- out to the tigress some one with whom he 1888 391,000 p ersons in Canada sent money producing country. ['he outlook Is certainly ~d to the M.edica.1 Mis~ionary Society of was displeased, ·md the, trained 1Jo do , .1;< ai111. l!d., 2s. 9d.. , b . 6d . ,1la. , 22 s., and 33 < each B r -0r P by posta.l order to relatives in th11 United depressing for the settlers who find themselves An<l a. e 111 Ch~na. In Canton during the past year, the his bidding, would leap upon the unfortunate Kingdom amounting to $5,250,000. ['base mena.ced by the droutb. E ven if the Oovern· may be had from all M edloln e V endo1·s througbo11t t he Wor lil.. soctety u.ttended to 39, 442 cases, and per· victim and kill him before ohe guests' very figures 11or e said to have been made public by ment assent to the cry for help, which is Im· VT P urch o.sflrB should look t o th e label on t h e Pots aud Boxes. If t he address fo not formed 2,839 suri;tba.l operations, at an ex· probable, t he settlers will be better off in a. the Post mruiter-General of Eng'aud. 11yes. 5:' penae of only $4. 637. land where irri~ation Is nob r equired. EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING Aehlll Will Co1·je1ul with J.'\!C JAMES, Infants .. I Children · . P DUNN'S TO BAKINC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ADVERTISERS. POWDER B B D. AVIS I will be found in his old shop, next door -aoor to Express Office, BOVVMANVILI~E, 'M where he keeps constantly on hand 7'· A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTM:RNT L Coarse and Fine vV I .B oots and SJ1,oes Special attention given to Repairing. L Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, ,aels· :o_ :0 .. s. P. I'· .&~ OOLE'S DRY GOOD& O R . PEATE, Tail~~ Some plums in Dress Goods, Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, I Fine Ord ered Clothing, a specialty > Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Our Due Bill taken as Cash Mr. 1 the reliable grocer. Come a.long and secure bargains. A. COLE, Hampton. HEALTH FOR MYRTLE THE PILLS F,, & · . . THE o 1 ,

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