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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1889, p. 5

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llJ 11i±E Wall Paper and Buggies at TAIT'-S PICNIC SEASON ,. I' Extract of Coffee ! Mrs. Donnelly is selling hats for 25 c., Miss S ophie Bond, ofColu111bus, is via- I worth $1.50. 31-3w itiug her sister, Mrs. S . .Drew. Mrs. Vv. vYindatt, of Winnipeg, is Mr. Harry Brown, of Tor1 1nto, epent visiting in town. Sunday in town . Great reduction in prices 11 f Cabinets Flol'rers in lovely variety at Burden & Co's Auction Mart. and Family Groups at Renry'n, after July Mr. Victor Hutchison, of Toronto, has been spending a few days with friends here. cl h If A lot of summer dress goo s at a price at Couch .Johnston and Cryderman's. All wool tweed suits to order from $5 up during before moving sale at J. J. Mason's. Mr, Frank Consaul, of Brookport, N. Y., is a guest at Mrs. H. Nicholl's, Ontario-st. . Rev. Alex. Macnab and wife, St. Catharines, are visiting at the ltectory this week. The W. C. T. U. will havfl their annual dinner on Fair day. Further notice given later on. The Oshawa Fireman won prizes to the amount of $100 at the Cobourg tournamen't last week. Dr. Spencer has removed his veterinary office tot he house between Dr. Hillier's and Dr. Boyle's office. Messrs. Hunter and Crossley, evangel· ists, are to .:ommence a series of services at Parkhill, next Sabbath . Rev. Alex. Ma.~nab, of St. Catharines, preached to large congregation!! in St. John's church here, last Sabbath. If you want a first-class cigar you must go to W. E. Pethick's where you will find a great many kinds to choose from. The i;erfect purity of Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder i~ acknowledged by leading Physicians and Chemists. -Corner Store. r> ls~he Misses McDonald, of Wisconsin, nre visiting at Mr. John Ra11kin's, Divisionstreet. Oshawa Salvationisti1 are making prepa.rations for holding a big banquet on cLE-VELAND"· s The order of the. day iS MOVING. SUPERIOR CAWKER & ALLIN .f. R Are falling into line and will remove to their new store,, formerly occupied by R. WORTH, opposite their old stand, , :; ~ . where they hope to be favored with the same liberal: patronage . that they have hitherto received. " The Finest Flavoured! Monday next, Sept 2nd. Messrs. Gooderham& Worts' distillery, USE Toronto, has be1>n sold to an English Syndicate for $6,000,000. LYMAN'S CONCENTRATED Mr. Geo. Ross, (Happy George), who Is made only of sti-ictly pure grape cream left here in May last to visH his mother of uu·tar, strictly; pu1·e bicarbonat.e· of in Ireland, arrived home last week much soda, and a small' poi-lion or. llou1'. · as- a Old and new, and your patronage will be thankfully· received. preservn.tive, notliing else wbnt.ever,. and benefHed by his trip. is warranted entii·ely free · from, alum, Master ·Norman Laing, the eight year ammonia, phosphates, lime,. and· an: the THE EA8IEST TO USE old son of Mr. Geo. Lain!!', Scugog-at., adulterants freqpently found in. baking AS A GALLON CAN BE MADE AS while climbing a tree last Tllnrsday, fell powde1·s. 'l'he · charactet' of mat(IJ~als I EASILY AS A CUPFUL. and broke the small bone of his wrist. used, their purit.y, and the nicety of their combination,.renclei· Clevel:iml'i!. superior will arrive for the· opening, and will ~e disposed1 ef at the PAY UP .- All parties indebted to the Misses Wilson will confer a favor by call- baking powdanthe most healthful amfanost most re~sonable pr1ces. ing at ouco:and paying theic account, as economical in1use, and it always. a:!fords wholesome, nuliritious, and deliciou&food. Made from the Best Mocha and J'ava the business now will be carried on by It is recommended for ·p urity;, healitbfulMiss M . 'Vilson. ness and effieiency by Govermme:m.<t.. an.d A HO.v[E COMFORT. The Williams Statnte is to be unveil11d State chemists, chemists of' Doand& of Do not forget the stand-the Wes~ st0re in the white brick block. in Port Hope neict Wednesday by Sir Health, aml: profe&'lOI'.!1 ib.. instituti-ans. of For Hunting, Fishing Travelling. andespP.cial Iy serviceable for camping out. John A . Macdonald, who will also open learning th1:ooghout. the· aoun:tr.y~ Thanking you for. past fuv01s, and trusting for a contilauance of the Sold onlttv in c.ans,. full w;eig):itr·.. For sale by all.Grocers and Druggists in 1 lb \he fall Exhibition which is to be held !lb, and !lb bottles. CLEVIllr&'l"D 13RO'l:>HS.Rs; .&DBM~'!:~ N. J:. same. there on the 3rd, 4th and 5th. Mention this paper. Messrs. Ab. Elliott and Ed. Haggith left on Su!lday for an extensive bicycle Great ~auction, in prices of Cabtrip through Western Ontaxio. From inets and Family Groups a.11 HenNiagara they go to Rochester, N. Y., reQuality am@.'lilnts to little unless prices ry's, a:ffter July 1st.. turning home by Steamer Nor~ernan. are fain-,.. MeaJs. at all hours ab :M:rs. Sinclair's, REMOVAL. -Mr. S. H. Revnolds inwe have something good to tell you. It is tends moving his butcher stall from John opposite Market Square, 25e, Se0 the lace curtains at 50e . Ijler pair not often that such an opportunity Low prices. are not bargains unless quality McMurtry's grocery store to Willi"ms' old stand, lately occupied by W. R. R. at Tod· Bros. Best value in to.wa. is thel'e.. Messrs. Geo. and Fred Quick, H. J. Cawker, now the oldest butcher stand in G11eat reduction. Jin pi-ices o.f Cabinets Kenner and H. Dobson attended the town. and Family Groups at Henry's, after July grand Ca1nival at Hamilton last week. UNION QuESTioN.-A meeting of the lsir. Mr. Fred D. Cherry, of Rochester, N. congregation of Church·s'. Methodist IP~eeente.u to the public, for getting the Cobo Jrg Band Tout'nament. very latest novelties in Plush and Leather Y., arrived in town on Monday to spend church for the purpose of voting on the a week with friends and relatil'es here. 'union' question will be held in the vestry goods as we now offer. Stott & Jury 's Paris Green always on Friday evening uext. All member~, . ( l!'i·orn. imr Co.i ·n spcmdent.) The fact is, we have bought a tremendous They guarantee its quality ladies and gentlemen , are requested to be Cobourg ·Band '.l.'ournament has come stock of this season's novelties, at about satisfaction. and sell it as low as the quality will per- present. and gone~ The D. o. & P. Co. Band .25cts, on the dollar, and as mit Why do people nll over the countrv Ti1e w ·est l!:nd House bas opened up send their watches to .J. .T. Mason's to be have sustained their once again, their new flannels and they are fine. You repaired. Because he always does it pro- beating Anderson's Band, of Toronto by should call and get some before the busy perlJI and the public know that they can !) points, a very close ma.rk~~but coosiderdepend on their watches giving good Sf\t,- iag the musical efficiency of the two bands opens up it w"s not sm·prisin<>. that the rlecision rewill soon be here, when these goods will season Steamsbip tickets by Anchor, Domin- isfaction afterw,.rds. Re1.1der if you have " j all be picked up, it will pay you to ion and other lines will be for sale at had difficulty in getting your watch to go sulted as it did, viz. D . 0 . & P. Band 555 select your wedding presents at STATESMAN office, during the pronrietore properly, give J. J. Mason a trial points, Anderson's 54G points. The playonce, as some of your friends absence, at lowest rates. ing of both bands was very fine, but meWJmDINGS, WEDDL'!<GS, WEDDINGS. thinks the Dominion had thA best selectare sure A ttention is directed to the "Big Boot" Stott & Jury ha ve just opened out the ed March and selection. They were the We in.vita at.tention to our complete and carefully selected stock·,of display announcement by Mr. Treleven. finest lme of novelties in plusli and - first to mount the platform, playioi.t He keeps one of tbe best and big~est dis- er goods, that have ever been shown in "Jupiter" March, "Ma.rit1ma" selection, Ladies', Gent's, Misses and Children's Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, play of boots and shoes in town., town, nearly a.ll their stock of plush for and a Waltz by Waldtenfel. The select- etc. Om nopular s tock of fashionable goods is perfect beyond rom-.. >this fall, and vou can get a nice present Rev. R. B. Howe, of St. Cathariaes, . next Xmas, is already in stock, and ion chosen by Anderson's was "Traviata" parison. We are showing the correct styles of the sen.son. No old shop just now, for less money than at gave us a call on Friday. The reverend · people may look for b . u gains never be- also a March and a Waltz by Gung'l. worn, bankrupt stock or shoddy goods manufactured for bankrupt any other time. Call and see gentleman has heen enjoying a visit fore drefun~d of. Plush cases for $4.00 From the first vour town Band was the houses. our immense assortment. We warrant all our goods to be what we. represent them. among his many friends in this district. and $5 00 never sold before for less than favorite and when the result of the judges The low prices will surThe prices are iow, and no one can sell you respectable goods cheaper. Morris' Carriage works has got a firstfrom $7 .00 to $8.00, anrl cheaper ones in decision was giv<111 from th.i platform, it prise you. class painter. Parties intending to have proportion. fonnd voice in a. right hearty ronnd of These goods are bargains, viewed from a.ny standpoint. The quality their buggies repaii.ted this spring bring A large number of Toronto wood cheering. There wer<l other band; enter- and style are there. Reliable, trusty, serviceable goods, marked at. & them along at once and have them done carvers paid onr town a visit on Sa.turd ay ed in the let class competition but they ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. THE R;ELIABLE DRUGGISTS. up in good style. · and were the guests of ou r town c.i.rvers. failed to appear, and the two mentioned One of the boilers of the Norseman They were met at th0 station in the were the only competitors. Since these p morniog and conveyed to Wintergreen bande met at Guelph last June, when sprang a leak shortly after leaving ort point, where boating, and yachting was Annerson's took. 1st, Dominion 2nd, there Sign of the Brn BooT drawn by two horses, BoWMANVIJ_.LE. 19. Hope last Saturday n ight. She has been gone into at tie 1 1a k e. L uncIieon over, has been a strong feeling of disatisfaction ............_.........,. .... ,..._, .... . . . . ..._............... . ..... , ......-.... ..... ,... . sent to Kingston for repairs.. 'l'he " R es- they engaged in · a fr1en · di y game o f base which ou·ht now to be pacified, .. for if ever · · 11e , the Bands " were judged on their merits it B~"'M.A.NVII'.LE, AUGUST 28, 1889. olute ' is taking her place this week. ball with mne carvers of Bowmanv1 MILLINERY . - Miss M. Wilson will open the score standing 14 and 8 in favor of was down here, the judges. Pr0fa. Hisout a new stock of F all Millinery in the our town. Supper at the "Arlinµ-ton," a cott, of London, Ca.ray, of Kingston, and old stand, on Monday nex t and invites drive around town, and the Toronto Ansell, of Cobourg, giving an hllnest, . -· ....../ her numerous customers to call and in- gentleman left, highly pleased with the fair judgement on all points. After the S·tA'.l'ES~1AX from now till Jan. lst, 1890 spect for themselves her choice selection. day's outing, and the arrangements pro- c'o ntest both Bands amalgamated and for 30c. All watches sold by J ohn J. Mason are videdfor~heirenjoyment here, giving three played tugether up town, the "Jupiter" Has so increased his busines s la t e lv, that ha has four d . 1 ·t nee.Esary e to Oshawa's rate of taxation this year is guaranteed c9rrect time keepers as they eheers for Bowmanville !.!,, the train March, and oh my J they did make a mumove to a more commodiot1s pl.ace, °'"~ "" has l eased . ·20.J; mills on the dollar. are all personally inspected and selected steamed off. sical noiee, FmE.-On Saturday morning about one The 2nd class contest was a Bargains for all in dry goods. . See J. by him, .and then the prices are awayibe· Tlie H em · t zmau Co. l ow what is usually aeked for similiar o'clock our citizens were aroused by the f rau d u l en t· a fIair. .J. Mason's before mo'~ing adv. ringing of the fire bell and on turning·out Hand, of Toronto, entered as the Carlton Parasols selling a.way below cost price goods. Mr. R. Bennett, prvprietor of the found the location to be Glover's Livery Band, of somewhere near Toronto, and at Couch J olmston & Cryderman's. Bennett House, still continues to add im- Stable. The fire ori'ginated in the straw wi th some of th e Anderson Band players Over 6000 persons attended lhe civic provements to his hotel. Last week a home and when first discovered a. otreak among th em, they netted tho lat prize, tournament at Cobour~ on Thursday last. handsomely painted sign, the handiwork of flame was creeping from ther across but it was an unfair transaction. It may 0 iat ely Q,OC'..ipied by W. R. R. CAWKER, The Ontario County Fall Assizes will of Mr. Jos. Maynard, was placed over a pile of rubbish to the main buildinn"· be pointed out that all city Ba.nds were commence in Whitby, on Monday, Sept. the front entrance. b d t f th 2 d 1 t.t. which in a very few moments more arre ou o e n c ass compe 1 ion, ·9th. Some person or persons unknown enter- would have been a burning pile, but ae it and when it is remembered that the w here b e will open. ® Ut, the first week in September, a full stock Eight members of our Cyclin~ Club at- eel the store of Mr. Geo. Quick on Sunday was the blaze was extinguished before Heintzman Band has hitherto played tended Cobourg tournament on their bi- night, but apparently found not what much damage was done. Hardly had alway11 in 1st class, they have belittled they soU!zht, as nothing ·d erably bV tlie1r · ac t· ·cycles last Thursday. _ -·· has been missed, the town resumed itl3 usual quiet when themse1ves consi ion An entranca was affected by the alarm again sounded and this time h ere; b u t su.;h th. Mr. Frank Bragg, farmer on the lake so fat". ings ought no t t o b e means of the office window at the rear of 11 l b · f the stables a nd workshop of W. P. a . owec y any cotntmtlee o manageahore road, Cla:r;ke, has a pea vine which the shop. Prower, undertaker, situated at the rear ment. meaisurea nearly 10 ft. The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. of hie atore, ori King st., was the scene All the judges in the competition praised For the best bargains in watches, clocks and jewelry go to H. C. Brittain's Co- will be held in the Queen-st. church on of the contlagratioQ. The lireman were very h ighly the clarionet playing of Mr. Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 3rd, at three promptly on hand, but as the fire had a Jas. Wallis, of the "Domiuiol\" J3and., operative Jewellry Store. Port Hope Fireman won the silver o'cluck when the election of officers will good start and the buildinp:s were frame There was a large contingent of Bowman· Wilt pay HIGHEST PRICE lN CASH tor all kinds of FRESH Me:obers and all in· and old, the streams turned on had little . yille ci~i~ens h.e re. We noticed among ·trumpet ofl'ered for tl1e best uniformed take place. terested in the temperance work are rd- effect, and in a very short time the stables its mum01pal repi'egentntive~, the faces · MEE'J', live weight ; also Hides, Tallow, E ggs, &c. company at the Cobourg tournament. quested to be present. driving house, workshop and storehoUM of W . . P, Pcower and Thos. Burden, for STATESMANS in wrappers all ready for CmLDREN'li DAY at Queen-st church with their conte nts were consumed. Mr. educahon, those of Dr. Hillier, R. D. WParties intending to buy Meats or sell Stock will do well torca.n malling at the office 3 cents per copy. next Sabbath when Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Prower lost three hearses, bis buggrns, Dav~dson 1 1r1d M. ~cTavish. ~mong the ·Send this weeks number to your friends. Toronto will preach morning & nd even- sleighs, waggons, harness and tools be- muswal representatives we ~1ot1ced. those on A game of base bJll was played at the ing and with others addres3 th'3 meeting sides a number of coflins,coffin trimmings, of W. S. Russell, J. Keachie and E · R. .drill shed on Thurs<lay last when the in the afternoon, at which will also be a quantity of furniture, lumber. straw Bounsall. · · '· Olippera of South 03ha .va defeated Bow- rendered a concert of song bv the child- and some ten tens of hay. His loss will --- - -- - · manville 3rd nine by a Hcore of !!) to 10. ren entitled the "Harvest Crown". be in the neighborhood of $4,000, insurBIRTHS. Bowmanville, August 27, 1888. S5tf. Mr. J. B. Martyn h as opened out an Church·st. l\fethodist Sabbath School will a.nee $800. Mr. Prower's three horses l\IAYNARD.In Bowmanville, on the 23rd 1' D"'SIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT for extensive grocery and provision business attend the afternoon service. were taken from the stable by Mr S · . inst., 1ho wife or Geo. Maynard, of a son. .,. in his storo r ecently vacated by John ANNIYERSARY.- - - - - - - - - - - - -- Sale, situa.tecl on Wellington St. east. in "11 b h ld Salom S d S. S. Baskerville, whose ha.ods, neck and face 1 Lyle. Mr. Martyn intendd carrying on sary WI e e on. un ay and Monday, were badly burned in his effort.a to rescue MARRIED. ·the town or Bowman ville Thii house is trame J · ' Sept. 8th and 9th. Revs. L. Phelps and the animals, As the flames made headon atone foundation; is one and a half storey. his business on a strictly cash basis. H S M ttl ·11 I S' bb h DESMOND-WiLSON--On August 22nd, at 266 contains 7roome. pantry and closets. with good DENTIS'I', · · a iews w1 . preac l on a at , way and spread towdrds Queen-st., it Jarvie street. 'l'oronto, by Ilev. Leltoy Hook· stable and drivlnR" shed. and all necessary out· RELIABLE Frn.E INSURANCE COMPANIES: -City of L ondon, England, capital £2,- and on Monday the services will be re- was feared Mr. 1\1. D. Williams' residence er. Geo. H. Desmond to Emma A. Wilson, buildings. The property is in fimt class cond iat 2 p . m. when addresse 3 will be would be cau~ht, but by the strenuous both of Bowmanville. tion. Apply to P. TREBrLCOO K. ·000,000; and Lancashire, England, capi- sumed tf. ., l" db R M M ttl cl · ff fi . h d Bowma.nv1lle, 188!!. !;al, £3,000,000, represented by JOHN ue ivere y ev. 11. a iews an cir- e orts of rema.n and citizens t is anger OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. L . G, McKIBUON, Ill. D. <:.JI. 111. c .... s.11 AUCTION SALE OF A it ministers, and select music given by was averted . Both tires were without cu COLE, s .e n., Hampton, Ont. 9- 6m . HYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACHigginbotham & Son's Drug the school and choir. Tea will be served doubt the work of incendiaries and had They have opened up a lot of fall COUCHEUR. Lato of tho firm Stewart tweeds at the West End House and from 4 o'clock till all are supplied. there been a high wind it is diflicuH to & McKibbon.'l'eeswater. Otllce and residence Store, (down stairs), P.resbyterian Manse. Blackstock. would ad vise any person desiring any Tickets 25 ce1_1ta; children not belonging tell how great the loss might have been. to the school 15 cents . thing in th:tt line to call and inspect the OUSE TO REN'.l.'. - Good brick B O W ltl A .NV I J" L E. IN DARLINGTON Rev. H. S. Matthewe, the genial passtock which is all new and nobby. ho1Lso, with fumace and stable on CATARRH, to:r of Chur:)h-st. Methodist Church arBeach Ave. Apply to T. BINGllAM, 35-lw. Under and by virtue of the power or sale con. Porter's Foundry and Machine shop is rived home from his trip to l\foskok~ on ,;~<:iARRHAL. DEAFNESS- HAY F"EVER tained in a certain mortgage made by John reopened. All kinds of castings niad e Friday la~t, !ll;Uch improved and invigorGOOD CHANCE - Twenty-five dol- Clayton, which will be produced at the time A NEW MOME: TFt:EATM£NT.. F OR l!OlTNG I.A.DIES. lars down and monthly payments of o! sale, tbere will be sold by Public and machine repairs done on short notice. ated by his visit to Canada's"Highlands." seven dollars per month, will buy nice house Sufferers arc not generally that lVs·kelmm Hall, <:oJJcge Avenue, ToroaC·. The busiuess will be car:ied on by the He reporls having bad a most delightful and quarter acre of land with good well and BENNETT'S HOTEL, Porter Estat ii under management of ~'lr. time and speaks in high est praise of the these diseases are contagions, or that they fruit trees. etc.. on .; !gin St. Apply tc ~'RAN· '!'he School RF.-OPENS WEDNESDAY c1s MABON, corner King and G~orge streets. ill the town of Bowmanville, on Geo. Porttir. Give them a call. are due to the pl'esence of lil'ing parasites· Bowmanvillc. kindness and courtesy extended to him· SE~T~MBEl~ 4th. A thorough E1 1glish edn-' 35-2w. cation is provided, together with languageEI Rev. E. N. Baker, the new pastor of self and Mrs. Matthews by their many in the lining membrane of the nose and music and art. Ji'or information. or admisaiQ·; tile l\iethodis t. church, Port Hope, re- friends on the Bracebridge circuit. By eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, address tho Lady Principal, Miss Qrier who $30 PER A.ORE. may also be seen by appointment after 15tla turned last week from his trip on the the following clipping from the Brace- however, has proved this to be a fact, and 1889, at one o'clock ill tho afternoon, August. 32-1~. Oontinent a nd will commence his duties bridge Gazette we learn that Mr. MatARM FOR SALE. West half Lot That valuable !arm, situated in the township in that town itt once. He was tendered thews has been proving himself an ex- the result of t his discovery is that a 13. lat Con, Clarke, comfortable build- o! Darlington. in the county ot Durham. eonTo THE DEAJi" .-A Person cured of a grand r eeoption by the Port Hope pert angler of the finnv tribe : "The Rev. simple remedy has been formulated where- ings, two wells of water, plenty rail tlm bor tainlng one hundred acres, more or less, being Deafness and noises in the head of 23 and some firewoCJd. SF.WELL HYAT1'. New· ha.If or lot number eighteen. in the the south Methodists on his arrival. R. S. Matthews had extraordinary suc- by catarrh, catanhal deafness and hay castle. 35-hr* fourth conce~sion of the said town~hip of years' standing by a simple remedy wtll Darltngton. send a description of it FREE to any pe~ D. 0 . & P. Co. B A.ND CoNCERT.-The cess in t he piscatorial line while stopping fever are permanently curecl in from one XCELLENT FARM FOR SALE or at St. Elmo last'week. Not only did he 'fhece on the P.remises a good Frame to three simple applications made at home followi11g pro~ram will be given nex t to Rent· The north 80 acres, more or leas Dwelling House, and Frame Barn, Shed snd son who applies to NICHOLSON, 30 SS. catch a large number of the beautiful by the patient once in two weeks. of lot 28. 7th con.. Darltngton. There are on Stable; also a good well and a good bearing J ohn St., Montreal. 44-lyr. Friday e.vening in. the Drill Shed : premises two good barns with stone orchard. About ~5 acres cleared, ten acres Priest's War March.- A.thalie .... Mendelsohn, bass, but they were about the largest ever N.B.- This treatment is not a snuff or the B IG OP.1<'ER.-Tlle Montreal Fa.mib' One bass an ointment ; both have been clisMrded stabling and cellar under one, a good frame ~;;:~i!~~- the balance sh.shed. but good pasOverture -'rancredi. ....... .... ....... . Rossini. caught in Muskoka lake. Herald and Weekly Star, with a copy of a woll or exoellent hard water, a never Selection.-Scotch Song .. , .. . .... .· .. Cavallini. measured 101 in. in length and weighed by reputn.ble physicia.ns ns injurious. A house. tailio g spring, eott water oietern and good orTerms and conditions of sale made known the c?1oice picture in eleven colors "Th6 Waltz.- Jungherren 'l'anze .... .. .. .... .. GuneJ; 5 pounds. Severa.I others tipped the pamphlet explaining this n ew treatment chard. 'l'orme easy if sold. Privilege to plow on da.y of sale. Mazurka.-Love·s Greeting ........ ...... Faue,. will be granted o.s soon as tbis season's crops For further particulars and conditions of Queen of the Garden, "supplied to STATJ5S· Fanta ia.-Ilecollections of The .American scale a.t 4 pounds. Who can beat this ? is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. am taken off. For further particulars apply sale apply to S. c. HUNKING, Esq., Courtice MAN subscribers for the balance of this 'l\lnr ............... ..· . . .. Beyer. Mr. Matthews has not had such sport D1:xoN & SoN, 303 West King Street, to the proprietor, H. JEl"l«EUY, Enfield, Ont. P.O.· .Auctioneer, or to the Vendor's Solicitor. :year for 50 cents; or, the picture, s~ Bugle Calls. 'Var ::longs and Reml1>isToronto, Canacla.Toronto Globe. 33-3w. since he was a boy." cences of Lite, Il. F'. J USTIN. S. C. HONKING, and STATESMAN for the same time, 65etir. Gep nn.- Bird's Be11.k ... .... .. .. .....·...... Luta. IUU.UIJJlN'S AROiUA.TICJ CUJININE l'fl.ND is Brampton, Ont., Auctioneer. B trGIJL&TE THE LiVflll untl 8-web by Send orders to S TATESMAN Office, Bow· ' God Save tbe Qtleen. Vendor's Solicitor. dl8tlnclly supet'ior to any otl·cr a.~ nn nppc· Sufferers from Catarrhal troubloo shouid the j 1ullclou11 u se or National 1·t11~, tbcy are l. 'VA.LDRON, Conductor. Dated at·Btarnpton, 16 Aug. 1889", tlsing twlc nml.fortlller.J manvilte. p11reJ7 ""getable. carefully rood the alrove. BAKING POWD THE PUREST AND BES'F ALL ARE WELCOME, l I . NEW COODS 1Day o:li moving, August 22. CAW-KER & ALLIN. . NOW WE. C.OMBINE THEM. THE TIME 'TO GET MARRIED STOTT . . JURY, M. TRELEVEN, ~---·--·--- ~ ~ ~· ~----...... Local and Otherwise. S. H. REYNOLDS N _, WILLIAMS' ~LO STAND, :tv.rEATS,. or I including Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, Corned Beef, Hams and Bacon of the very best quality. I S H R E y N Q L DS I J M BR . I1fAC \·M . BE Q P - H A VALUABLE FARM THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL SATURDAY, SEPT. 14TH, F E

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