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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1889, p. 8

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--, .. llEFORE MOVING We must clear out the balance of the McClung B ros. stock. Over ·($10.000) ten thousanc! dollars worth of NEW GOODS hawe been ordered for the new store, ;and the old goods .m ust go. We w ill l-0se one half rather than move them. · You ean easily understand . why we make such offers as below : ALL WOGL .A UOTION HA L E S . SE.PT, 7TH.- Mrs. R. Strowger has given the undersigned instrnct~ons to sell by pnblic auction at the .Arlington Hotel, ,l{ing·st. east, Bowmanville, on Saturda1,Sept.. 7th, a t one o'clock, p. m., the whole of her h ouseh old furnitur e, consisting of complete sets of sitting, dining '.rnd bedroom fnrniture, crockery, glasswar e, st ove& , hotel fur nishings, etc. ··S. B URDBN & Co., Auct. T uEsDAR", Sept. :3rd.-Measrs. J ohn and Geo. Short will sell by public auction, on Lot . 20, Con . . 3, Darlington, their farm, far m stock, implements, roots,h ay, et c. S. ,c. R uNlHN G, A uc tioneer. 8ATURDA.l£, Sept. .Jl4th .-At ·the Bennett House, Bowmanville,a valui.hle farm of 100 acr es will ·be sold by auetion. S.C. HuNKmo, Auctioneer. Tm:sDAY,Sept. .24th . - Extensive sale o.f farm stock an d implements, of A, G ifford, Esq .., East Whitby, S. C. H uNE!lNG, Auct ioneer . OCTOBER. - A.t Hampton , · on Fair Day, sale of farm stock, implements and household Jf urniture. S. C . R u'NIKING, Auctioneer. Three very vafoable · houses and lots for sale in town -O!f Oshawa. Terms easy. For further particufara apply fo K. C. H UNKING, Auction eer . S.1..TURDAY , CA.!llA.llA.' S GREA.'I' I 1 INDUST iiI AL JEi9.A. I Et -AND- A '1ricultural E xposition TORONTO SEPT. 9th to 21st. Increased Prizes. Greater Attractions and a Grander Di·play than ever before. N ewest and Best Special Features that Money c~n procure. T he Grea,test Au n ual J~ntertainmen t on thfl American Continen t, Cheap Excu rsions on a ll Railwaya. Over 250,000 visitors atteac!ed this Exhibition year. Entries cl<>s'l August 17th. For Prize Lists and Forms, Pro~ram mes. etc., H , J. HILL, drop a post car d to J. J . WITHROW·. P i·es. Manager, Toronto, 1889 No. 8- Rl'.e~fl'_lat i s m , Go u t-A di!ilinl,!"ubhcrl and wclt-~nown spcc!;ilis~ m thi:-t clisc... 1.'\c in P.ui!;, and who treats notltmg e lse, lll111t l11s reputat ion on thi~ rcuu:dy. ~1.oo. Dress Good!l rn. SUMMER Parasols & Umbrellas Coats & a t about HALF PRICE. .A L OT OF for $1 .25, .ALL WOOL t1 o n and C onsti pation-A fornritc slmrghtcTficld fort he riuack who has n 1 i'.led mort· stomach~ th;in ~lcohol, lJsea. rumcdy that h Sanct1oncd ia 11 igh plact.-s, SJ.oo,, . No. 4-Li~e r ~nd _ Kidneys , Dyspeps ia , ind iges· No. ~Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ma laria , Tweed. Vests , Pants at $1.00. Remnants Iof Ne ural ~r.a-Few J..nn w w~1'!t gr<n-e tla11 10!,!'e this dnC"~ to the sySt<:m : It .1s : rr~:llcd lQ brclk. lt fut a tiiuc._ Vsc o. n;mcdy that crnd u:atcs 1t. $i.oo.. .. W h1tc:s-Many ~vurm:n :ire Lrokcn d a wn hcc. 1.use l hf'y1w~lect t hcs1~ d1sc:\Sr" 1mhl chronic. and sca:t!<l, U::;c ?\ o. 6 antl rc:gaiu h ealth .:u1d strength. $1..00, 11~c: t his ]Jcrft:ct N:o. 6 - Femal e W eak ness, Irregul arities:, worth 2©c. for B eautiful - g ood J;>lood nm l_ lot~ of 11. If weak. tonic. $t.00. No. 7- Heal th, _Fo r m and F ul ness-D<'pcnds on i( bload,~ poor. if :;cra.wny, SOFT and STIFF DISTRICT N OTES. Colbome's rate in .the$ is only 11 .miilas this year. The village is entirely free of special liability. MYSTIC W01rns.- I ean r.ecomm.end Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for chronic cliarrahcea, as I have used it for Tlae M o s t S ueeeslllf'ul R eDled:r ever d iscovered, ns It ls certain in Its effects nil!.! t wo years and can get nothing like it. doe· n ot blister. Rend proor below. J ane '.l'aylor, Mysti~, P . 0 . The STRB:ETSVILJ,B:, P . Q., M ay 3, 18S9. Da. D. J. KltNDALL Co., Enosllurgh Falls, Vt. medicine cures all summer complaints. Ocntlemcn ,- I have used KcnMeesrs. Hazlett and .J. M. I rwin, ilo.ll's Spavin Cnre f or Spnvine am.lalso inn cttse am £>ness and Peterboro, were each fined $50 last week Stiff J o ln t" nnd round It a sure fo r depositing sawdust in the river, curo In every r espect. I cordially recommend It to nil horsemen , AN OLD FA.VO RITE.- That has boen Very r espectfully yours, <doW~,_.. pop ular wlth the people fo r thirty years 0 ll.U<Lll8 J , BLACKALL. is Dr. Fowlt1r's Ex:tract of ·wild Strawberry for all varieties of summer complaints of children and adults. It seldom DR, D . J. lCE,ID~L 't;~~Mi~c!'b~;· t"~?ii1r:·i~~9' Genis :-I have U SC<l a few QottFes or y our Kenfails to cure cholera morbus, diarrhroa dall's S Cure 011 my colt. and d ysentery. 1 . ~i:~i1fu'~a~e~1f~~~1nfofi~':i1u~11~~ Alex:. C, McGibbon, of Port H ope, is to 1 ~~fret ~i~d~0~~1~~Pe~:1~~lls~:~~d langu ish t wo mon ths in gaol for stealin!! cure. I can recommend it o.s the . bes t and m ost effective linimen t blank bill· heads from the Times office. · ' I havo ever l1andled. Klnclly send me one or your valuablo b ooks entitled "A TreaEXCELS A L L 0THEllS,- I used one tise on the Hor se." Yours respectfully, bottle of Burdock Blood Bit ters for conI . F; W ILKI!<SON. etipation and loss of appetit e and it eured me. I would not be without it at six ·t imes t he price for it excels a ll others. Dn. n. J . KmmY~~I:~~lt~~sb~~;ii ~~!s.1~ls~. Gentlemen :- I a lways keep your Kend all'· William Walton, Spavin Cure and Blister on 1111nd nn d t hey l1ave uever failed ln Galt, Ont. what you state t hey w Ill clo. l b avo cut'ed a !Jatl case or Spavin The stream called Grafton Cteek in the and a lso two cases of Ulngbone T ownship of Haldimand, has been set ~Vo'i:':~rl~'L~~~'fl ~~o~~r:~t~~~·~ apart for the natural and ar tificial propnot seen nny ·lgns or disease In .,.U..~~r<agation of fish. thelr otrsprlng. Yours trulf>. J . O 'E:i,;E~E. Price 91 p er bottle, or s ix bottles Cor :ii;~. All ffELl' WAN 'l 'ED.- By all wh o suffer llrugglsts have It or can get ·tfor you, orltwlll L H > from dyspepsia, bilio usness, sick-head· sent to any address on r eceipt or price by th6 1 8 ache, jaundice, liver complaint, rheuma£Jit1"ii~ §.' irnNDALL co., llnosbnrgh Falls, Vt. tism, dro psy, etc. L ose no time in S O LD BY ALL JJRUGGISTS. procu ring Burdock B lood .Bitters, nature'.~ regulator and tonic. lt is a prompt and pPrmanent cine for all d iseases of the 1 bloo1!-, livcr1 )ddneys, bowels and stomach. The b,ind boys in the Salva tion A rmy, Cobourg, gave Capt. Dick Mutton a benefit concert in the Ar my b~rracks last Thursday. It was largely attended . ON THE lNOREASE. - So increasingly prevalent have scrufulous diseases be· come that we call the atten tion of our -+IS ·treaders to the b est blood puri fier and Valves, Iron & Lead Pipe, McLAREK'S GrnUINE Loose Pulley Oilers,Steam alterat ive known, viz., Burdock Blood Jet Pumps, f arm Pumps, Bitters, whi ch unlocks all clogged secreills, Cream Separ· Wind M t ions and r emoves all blood diseases from ators1 Dairy and Laundry a common pimple t o the wor st scrofulous No Alum. Utensi ls. sore. N ot hing Injurious. 536 CR A IG STREET, Mr. George Marl;i n, near the U nion M ONTR EAL, Cemetery, Oahawa, has threshed barley, the product of s om~ being 60 bushels to t he acre, while the whole will averag e 40 to 45 p er acre. A DA.BY IN DaN GEit. - My baby was taken very bad with diarrhcea, nothing did any: good un til I tried Dr. }'owler 's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I am certain nothing equ als it, a nd c0uld not do without iL in time of summer complaint and dirrahcea. Mrs. A. L , Buie, Sh ell River, Man . STEEL-LINED TRUNKS In Sample, Ladi es' and P erry Harnden an<l D avid H arnden, nil other kinds. two respectable y ou ng farmers of H aldiL ightest andStrongest rnand township, were summoned before the .Justice of t he Peace, Cobourg, laet . TRUNK S In the W orld · week, on a charge of wilfully passing the For IIand and first toll· gate on t he Cobourg and Grafton ]lt[aclt:ine U s_ e. J. & . road, withou t first paying the legal toll. HD..S N O SUPERIO R. MONTREAL, They were each fined $3 and costs. -- SILKS~ all colors, Linen Collars at 2 for 5 cents. H ATS AT Factory Cotton ib,r the poun&. ()f\C 1'rial w ill pto\' C. l:U:v.<nt! of ignorant qLI:acks who ch:ar,c J.i jgh price:; fbr cheap ~rid " orlhl~s dru~ and pill!1, rind \\ l;O potence-A <iu:icl.: - cure.ridtJ~ll p ublic: will hai l a ~~nuine roinedy for nu m1for condition. No. 8 is ~ultlcn, which ('Xpose you hy sclh1 1n y(lur contidential Jotter.; t o other~ in the s,tJUu nefarious business. Us o No. S 11ml hvc.:. ~~1u, .$.1. No. 8-Nervo us Debi lity, Loss of Power, Im- l worth $1,:for 50e. C 0 ST. Our sales for tTuly m ore than double last year's July and we expect to triple last year's August . The goods must go. Bargains for all! - - - o--- KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Best and Cheapest F ence S TEEL RODS- I R O N FOU NDATIO_N. BUI L DERS ' IRO N W O RK, , OUR JEWELRY DEPARTMENT is to the front as usual. This year our sales of W atches, .Clock s and J ewelry during the usually quiet monthsJ has been very large. and shows that the public know where to get good value for their m oney. REP AIR.ING A SPECIALTY. O ffice R ailin gs, lawn F urniture A ND FOU N TAINS, ETC, AOOR CSS ,l KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUR E . -TBarnmn Wir~ &Iron Works (L IJMI:ITE:C), WA LK ER V ILLE , ONTARI O . Toronto Office---4 Adelaide St. West. ~ MURDOCH BROTHER'S JOHN J. MASON. . - China Hali, B OWMANVILLE, H eadquarters in W est Durham for FINE l\I_[ _A_-YN .A..RD THE JEWELLER, Extends his thanks for the very libernl ,.p atronage he ' received since commencing busir: ess. His Stock being New isnd Stylish and his prices very modera.{;e,\ is no doubt the cause of his success . Gook's Fri~na 'I'IIE NEW LINE OF HEA VY-SII1 VER VT.A..TC:EEES SHOULD BE SEEN AT ONCE. - - -:o:- - I Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinaware, Gla ssware, Crockery,. Hall, Parlor and Hand Lamps, F ancy Cups, . . Saucers, Vases, Water and Sets, etc; C HAD W ICK'S LEATHEROID LADIES GOLD AND SILVER W ATCIIES AT ALL :E'BICES. :0-- -11:-- S Pool CO TTON, OUR FAMILY WEDDING RIN GS, S CARF PINS, OHAlNS LOCKETS AND CHARMS TN EVERY STYLE, AT ALL PRI<JES. - - - ::- - Remember mv Goods are guarran ted to be j ust as represented. , W ATCH REPAIRING at tended to as usw\l, Promptness and skilful workmansh ip- my motto- and all work warranted. Your patronage solicited . EYEL E IGH co . A S K FO R IT. SoleMfrs.for the Dominion Scott's Emu ls ion of Co d Liver Oil and H y pophosphi.tes. la sold all over the world. It is far su perior to plain Cod Liver Oil, pala table and easily diges ted. Dr. Martin Miles Stanton, Bury B ucke, L ondon, England, says : " l have prescribed Scott 's Emulsion and taken it myself. It is palatable, efficient, and can be tolerated by almost anyone, especially where cod liver oil it· self cannot be b orne. Sold by all Druggists, 50c. an _d _;;. $_ L_____ HOTE L B ALM ORALa MONTREAL. Notre D a m e St ., o ne o f t h e 1nost c e n tral a m l e l ega n tl y f ur n l sl 1e d Hote ls in the City, Accommodu.tlon for '100 g u e s t s. $2 to $ 3 p er day. CROCER Y & PROVISION DEPARTME NT Is always well supplied with the very best goods at lowest prices. Rates: sv 1 W OODRUFF, DOMI N ION Your Last Chance TO GET- 1 Ma1ager. PEA ~ S' · · ·· · ··· ..,.....,T""' · y R ~and F an cy Goods at the prices they w ill be sold a t. The balan ce of stock belonging t o' the estate of the late Mrs. Morrison is to be cleared out in two w eeks, as the busin ess is to b e .wound up, r egardless of prices. Call _and examine the goods, it will pay you to buy if you do not require them for present use. GROCERS' D " UE B I LLS TAKEN. Remember the stand- next t o Cawker's Meat Store. N. B.- All accounts due the above estat e, not settled be put in other hands to collect. W. MORRISON. on~e. will H. O. Tait sells best spectacles. W holesa lo Imp'trs of ASBESTOS MILLBO ARD is aelling her summer DR UGGISTS' SUNDRIES, Steam Pnckini:-, 31-3w 1743 N OTRE DAME ST., FR ICT I O N 10,000 dozen E ggs wanted !\t T od Bros. MON TREA L . ' ... . . ++.+..&......lo............ H ighest price paid in dry goods . ~ ' PULLEY BOARD, * SOAP.~ Tlii· is a P erfect Friction F TRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Ins urancr. Rom. VIRTUE, Agen t, Bowmanville. tf. GenUemeh examine Tod Bros. stock of tweeds before leaving your orders for a spring i;uit. 26 Vic· m ja Bni1dings, Bowmanville. Ocean tickets by d ifferen t lines of steamsh ips for sale at the 8TA.TES)1AN THE B EST FOR LAUNDRY U SE. GOOD, reliable men office. tf can fi nd permanent S. B urden & Oo. will pay cash for eggs employment. Good s AI.Alt Y and ex. and first -class but te:. at t he "Mar t", penses paid weekly, Libernl Inducements to Market Square.· beginners. OL1ttlt free. Previous experienoo not requix'e·d , Established over 20 years. All Dr. J . E . Bingh;l m, V.S. , n ow occ upies goods warranted fir:at-class. ' Vrit(l at onoo his new rooms in the rear of Higginbothfor terms. Address -..,__ . J , lV. lllA()U AY, am's drug store, upstairs. I t I St, Thomus, Ont;., Gen, Manager for Maple Evorybody in this district should k now Grove Nurseries. (Mention this p1 ner.1 that W . Quick & Co. h ave m oved their 1 grocery business westward t o Mr. B uckThese ready :Mixed P aints \ ESMA N ED ler's b lock, two doors east of the post 'h e m1 ·cal comb1'nat1"on 'J'ohandlo our specialties and Ornnmen· are no c --tii.l stock. Steady work nt good 1 1ay. No office, where they are now prepared to .-· ne - OI' soap 1nixture' wor expel'ieno!' necessary. _Any man . DOI afraid to supply the public with everything in t he Of beI}zl k con succeed with us. ;:lalary and ex~ grocery line,and also the best fresh meats. but a re ~imply old-fashioned paints. 1 pons9s paid to good me!'· the year round, " \ Success g1iaranteed. Wri te for terms. The store has b een nicely fitted u p, a nd AS A n 1;,u ,1NG, SOOTHING npplicntio11 E. c. SELOVER & co .. at is :for cu t·. wounds, l·r1d~cs an1l ~ ur 1is, thcr<> They m·e guarantee<l to give better now one of t h e neatest in town. Call ts . t i N URliJJ;RYMEN, Geneva, N . Y . n o thhlg lH, Her than Vic t o1·ia 4:111·1.tolhl resu l ts t ]rnn any oth er pam . 23-!lm [and see. Salve. J. PALMER &SON S ole Ag'ts !o r canad a, LEAT H ER B OARD CO M PAN Y , M anufacturers of 1stock Mra. Donnelly b elow coat. I L eading Seedsmen in the district. A lways pleased to show goods. Inspection solicited. RECKITT'S BLUE. MURDOCH BROS. I WANTE 0 SAL I I. WAN~.:':' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.

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