· Montana Wool-Grower : About five min- u ts Tbirt7 Miles I.oug and lVlll Cost .lbout utee after the Iamb I~ born he is on bis feet. $!5,ooo.ooo. Hints About Rowboats. The nnsteady earth under him now heaves :EV:.ERY WEDNESDA.Y MORNING d th d d The new aqueduct which is to supply New R)wing is a jolly a.rt, and a commo~ o!le, t o the iight, surges ul? an_ e~ own,_ an. York of the future with water is a tunnel of -BY_:. a.ni you may pick up so many finishing it whirls and it twir ls with him, while 1t poi ltB from the great professional oarsmen staggers and ~truggl 11 ft, and twists one Iev thirty miles long, ,i::ut through solid rock, _1\'L1~A. of our day that we will talk of nothing bat a.round the other liko ;, vine around a. tree ; and large enough for the pessage of a train AT THE. OJ!'EICE ics rudiments here, You know tha.t every or else he spreads t hose members all out of cars, says the New Y.:>rk Mail and Exstroke <mght to be ta.ken with the back firm, until they look like the forks under a. press. lb will be completed at the end of t .l"ost umce Blollk, Kin" Street, Bowanau the kneeR well apart, the elbows close to t he weather vane. He tumbles down for the the year, and will give New York as notaVlllll, Ontario I . sides, the feet braced and the eyes set direct· fiftieth time, and for the fiftieth time renews ble a marvel of en11lnee'r lng skill as tbe ly forward twhioh is really backward) and the fight to secure that footing In the grea.t Brooklyq,, bridge and will command with TERM3: towards the stern. Throw the oar far back world from which only he can reach the life- t ha.t vaet structure the attention of scientific IUJl.50 per A.anum. or IBI.eo If 11ald ID advance. and take care that it doee nob go deep. giving milk. H is mother- particularly if it t1>urista and students for many yea.rs. lb ie ts her first-in her crszy anxiety to help Mt at all likely indeed, that it will be ripa.,.ment etrlo\Jy in advance required from. eub- Nothing is worse than to see an oar dipped vu.led in ma~nltude during t he century or 8CriJJera oultlde of tl:!e counly . prders to discon- deep a.nd then tossed high ; it Is ungracefu l, knocks him down, steps on him, and doesllfnue the paper muet be ·ccompanied by lbe amou nt unscientific and a. waste of force, A slight withoub leaving out a possible exception- theneJCt h!!.lf, era due or the paper will none etGpped . Bubscrlb lb would surpr ise a good many people to but firm depression of the wrists will make everything she should not do, while she ue :esponelble until full payment le made. leaves nearly everything undone that might know thu.t a.t t his very moment New York's short work of this radically bad habit. r RATES OF AD1'EBTISING : i5~ ,_ If the blade, as it cute its way below, help the little fellow to get t he desired water supply is totally inii.dq uate. It fulWbole C<ilumn, one year ..... . ....... .. i{IO 00 ~~ fills the dema.nds of fnrniahing houses, hotels, makes a line almost level with the surface of nonrishment. " " Half year...... .. . . . 88 00 ~ !e t hing ; bn'b it and work-shops with water, but if a great "Ob., th& poor, dear litG " " One quarter ... ..... 20 00 -EC> -n the water and vEry close to it, and on swing8 11 ea.vs the aymp&thetio stran~er. confi ~gra.tion were to suddenly visit the city, ll.U 'Column one year ... ! .. ······ .. · 8 00 ...::.._ ing through the air back to posit ion makes too bad, " Half year...... ······ 20 00 a.nother close and nearly parallel line, that, "The confounded pair of idiots!" frets t he and with the wind blowing steadily in the ... One quarter -- ... ...... 12 50 whatever Its modlfioations or extras, is the impatient shepherd, who does not .ca.re t o right direction, the city would be swepb as ,Qu-art· e r ColuJLn one yes.r.... ······ 20 00 ·· " Ba.lf year .... ....... 12 50 _ perf.:cb stroke. The pull comes in the be- drive them until the lamo finds milk and clean as were Boston and Chicago. (l'he fire " One quarter...... .. 8 00 _ commissioners know, and have known for ginning of a stroke, but it must not be too "gets filled up." Ten Jines andtind first Insertion $0 60 _ In ha.If e.n hour his milk can is full ;his sides some time, of t he inad Eque.cy of t he wa.ter much of a. jerk. The oar's movement through Each subsequen insertion . ... . 0 25 _ the wa.ter, waether it be slow or swift, should bnlg3 out wibll a aurfeio of t he pure a.rtiole 's upply, and on more than one occasion they iFzom ·ix to ten lines fire t Insertion 0 16 · Eoch subsequent Insertion· ·· · · O 35 always be lOnger than the oar's other move- warranted ta stand t he most rigid test for ad- ha.'Ve found that their firemen ha.ve been un·o ver .t en lines, fl.rat insertion,pe~ !In O 10 ment through thenir. And In all there must mixture of water. And a.s the shepherd urg. able to oope with the flames a.nd extlnqulsh Earh ~ubseouent insertion o 03 be no dawdling, no hurry, no . spla.sh. The es t he old ewe toward home, the lamb goes them a.s ea.ally 11s might h ave been done if ".rbe .n umber cf linea to be reckoned by the college crews row after severa.l fashion& ; and reeling a.nd rolling a.long like an old tar t ho supply of water ha.d been g reater. epace cccupied, measured by a ac»Je ol solid= ['ho new aqueduct will remedy this evil the best proof that there is an equal choice jusb ashore from a year's voyage. "NoupardL · About the firsb error the lamb makes in and will give to Gotham all t he water that of manner is that the victory vades with the i- men, and that nobody knows, a.nv year, me ls to mistake the shepherd or his dog for the preaent cit y needs, with sufficient force D:KS. DULIER ...t J.AlllllllltU.N, mother, and many a.re t he ma.nueuvere and power to extinguish a.ny conflagration, HYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC what circumstances will combine to 17ive the its t ha.t musb be !lone through with to make the and ib will in a.ddil'ion to t nat supply all the Ofiloe :-Cor. Church and Temperanoe lucky ones their luck. .Ste. Night calls attended from Dr. Hllliers Feathering, which is just scraping . or new arrfnl follow the right party. His next needs for the coming great city· reBldcnce. 1:1 more ways than one this new aqueduob tickling the water with the broad under61de error is likely to be "n attempt to walk on 'S. .,(l. HILLIER, M. D. I U . B LAMl\IUIAN, M. D. C. M. Tr n. mv of the oar so that the spray flies, is a lu xury air when he comes to a ple.ce where he is a very remarkable piece of work. It is in rowing not to he hied eave on smooth should 11:0 down h!ll. His ten minutes' ex- known, of course, by most people tha.t all ' Fellow of Trio, 'Med. College, :Member Coll, Ph1s. Burg., ont. water when nobody is in a very great rush. perience in life has made him belive that all the water that comes into New York is from But In a time of big waves or wind we have the earth is a level plain, and in broad day· the Croton river, but the big Croton dam, J) BFRK IUJIPSON, to try Instead a quick strong beat, steady as ligh t be steps off the top of a hill just as iteelf a m~rvelous work, by no means rebaios ~ F FJB'JE t , SOLICITOR, &;o. llllOPRIs a clook 's tick, and leave our elegant accom· eerenely as·a man steps off the top landing a.II the water ·of bhab river. To secure a full PJ OCK. u]lelairs, King Street. Bowman· of the stairs in total darkness when he Is oer - supply a syeter:i of new dams ha.a been depliehments behind us. ville. Pellciter for the Ontari Bank Rowicg, after all, is not the whole busi- tain that the stairs are yet twenty-feet a.way. vised and is embraced in t he u ew aqueduct .l"rhatf' llHJJ<"f ~ Josne d at.the lowest ratee. ne·s. Bays and girls are not good marines The result is a great surprise to ma.n and scheme, One of these, Sodom dam, hi intend· .John Ji.eHll Galbrulth 1 ed to oa.tch and store the water of the ea.st who can only row. They should know bow lamb in eaoh lustance; trhe lamb picks himself up and cont inues branch of t he·Croton, holding it for use when ..l. RR I 8 TE R OLICI'l'OR, N OT.ARy to manage every mood of their little oraft, PUBLIC, &;c. Otflce-Bounsa.ll's Block, to faunch and moor her neatly and carefully, down the hill ; he soon comes to the con· rE qulred. The .Maeoob dam ta.kQs the water ,, ing_ Streat, Bowmanvllle~~ney to lend, to steer witnout sailors' knots on her ropes clusion that everything is down hill in this a.hove the level of bre ()roton dam and s tores and to keep her so trim a.nd steady that, if life, and nob.on a dead level. Upon getting it, to be fed to the lower or ma.in reservoir DBS, McJ.A.lJGDl.IN d> BEITH, necessary, they may move about even in ti;> the foot of the hill, he still tries ·to con- as needed. That work is now in progress. 01lTICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK , BOW:MANVILLE. rough weather a.ud change seats withou t a t inue downward, and as a result rune his This dam involves the expenditure ofa vast · Dr.J.W.McLAUGBLIN /Dr. A. BEITH, Gradu qualm in tho boat's nerves or their own. nose into the ground and !coke surprised sum of money. le is estimated that the land '11.oontlate of the R9yaf ate of the Toronto Where you h!!.ve a rudder the steering ia a again. He now· comes to a place to get up it will submerge alone will co3t $10,000,000. ..college of Pbyeimans University Phyeiolan, pleasant and delicate piece of work, where hill and goes up jnst as our man starts to I t will requiro a number of :years to build lb, and member of the · I~ p ays t o be attentive and t o Keep a strict go up stairs in total;dsrknees when he thinb but when it is completed New Yorkers will ·Royal College of Bur· Surgeon, &o. have the satisfaction of knowing that it ia hand all the t ime on that wa.ywa.rd fin be· the stairs are still twenty feet away. llf!ODS, Edin burgh. Our lamb is now gettinv very auspicious. the greatest dam in the world. neath you. A lax grasp, or a t oo nervous DR·.J. (1. ltlIT(lilEL'J.. one, will bring on a bad attack of the wob- He wa.s pushed over and growled at fot folThe ergineera who are at work upon this EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANs bles. F ish es who have their jokes, I suplowing the dog when be though t It was his aqueducb ar e level-headed men who will \ and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. Oft! 1e and Residence, Ennlskillen. 7'. pose, must laugh hard a.t the crazy zigzag mother; the shepherd kicked and abused. tell you, if you ask them wh at thev are doing, tracks some boats leave on t heir blue high· him for following him; he tumbled down that they are simply ·ma.kin(( a tunnel 30 way. A yaoht, a shell, a canoe, and even a hill when 'le saw not hing unusual In the miles in extent, with a sectional area of 1 55~ DB. E. CJ. XelHl'ftli:J.J.. rowboat Is so clever and beautiful a thing looks of the g round and up hill a.gain under feen, This is room eno11gh for an ordinary ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEG.ll: thnt - -OF-it deserves that you should devote your 11imllar ciroumatances. In this frame of train of ca.rs to pass bhrough. The aqueduct, of Phy1lclan1. London, Eng.;Member o f College of Pbysiclanl and Surgeons. Onta.rl0. whole intelligence to it Pnd love it too much mind h e comes to a shadow ~a.st by a neigh- aa visitors to t he cit y can see from t he car :8UBGERY AND llEBIDJtNCi::-Rear of MeBBl'l:I to play any foolhardy tricks with i b. boring hill. This ia tho most appalling window, traverses a broken country, over !l:J<nginbotham's Dzug Store, Bowmanvme. lf we studv this fine creature, water, it Is t hing he h a.a y et seen in life. He stands in lofty hills, down deep valleys, then diving .... 6-l yr.· beet to master him outright; for he leads us the bright sunshine, Twelve inches ahead in broad rivers, an.d most of the wn.y cub in out of our own country into a foreign plaoe of him all the world is black. How shall he solid rock, t he dept h under the surface be· l'l'JI. BINGO.ill, where our very sport is perilous, and whera get over thaUte r!'ible line ? It must be worse ing 150 feet. Except wher e it fa carried SSUER OF MABRIAGE LICENSES I no truce is evH made or kept with mortality. t lmn going down hill or up hill, or running under water-courses H maint ains a perfectly Residence, Enniskillen ·.~ So tha.u there is Immense pride and satisfac· after a. dog than .growls or a man that kicks. r egular though slightly descending grade, blon in knowing bow to keep cool,how to meet It 6Urcly looks much more frightful t·han and will deliver its vast river of water at S. CJ. HlJNlilNG, an emergency, and how to plan at once the any of t hese things. Ria mother is in t he the highest elevatio::i on Manhattan hill, ·LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR campaign and its tactics- wha.t to do, arid eh£. for · Men and Boys, vVomen and Children. 1d ow imd coaxes him to come a.long, but giving a head for dist ribution which will tlie County of Durham. Sales attended '·io en shortest notice end lowest rates. Address when t;i do it, And the most preciouo knock he will nob risk It. He stands on tha edge car ry it to the top of an eight-story build· '.JllllBTICll P. o. 36:t f of all, the top feather in a voyager's cap, is and bri.wls a.t the top of hie powers. Tne ing. swimming, which should be learned before- shepherd, with hio big foot, co mes to the T he work on the aqueduct was begun in f!, B1JJl.DEN d: CO., hand, by right, and which alone can send us r escue, and our poor lamb is lifted from sun- Ma.roh, 188.>, and the cost in money has f l\ -UCTIONEERS for the County o abr oad witll clea.n breasts. · light to shadow on the end of 11o No. 9 boots. been aomet hina like $ 12,000,000. It would .dDurhom; Jlleurence a:tfd r.eneralAgentB Nothing but patience and constant practice He t rots along after his mot her for a few be well, indeed, if this were all t he cost, but, Valualo1· and Real Esta te Agents. Sales a.nd wiU-teuc.i the thorough handling of a boa.t. yards and meeta a. new difficulty. This t ime as in all great engineering works, there has other bue.inces promptly attended to. Box 17il, No (lmouut of devotion to rowing machines it is from shadow t o sunlight. It looks been a very la.rge sacri£ae of life and limb. 86-tl Bo'Wmonville 1'. O. in nmnasinms will do it, though t hey help tough ; the situation seems to present! no en1 Nearly 100 men have p.a.id the penalty of afterwnrdP. The way to learn the workings of difficulties. He walks across the line with their lives and 150 more have been sei iously Pianos Tuned and Repaired.· of a. rowboat is to work in a rowboat. One fear and trembling, only to fi nd i t very wounded. good recipe is a q uiet river or lake where simple and easy, and concludes that t hings One of the most notable pieces of engineer . ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIA.NO you may have a roomy seat, a pa.it' of are not so bad as they look. .He has aJr.iady Ing work on the aqueduct le the llr oaaing of · Tuned orrepa1reu canilavethom a.ttended easy rnr -!<Jcks, and a fair little . gondola. begun to find out :that things wbich seem the Ra.rlem river. Xhe old or present aqueDll7 lee.ving word;at t he DOMINION ORGAII built of wh!tewood or cedar and dandified eaey In life len.d often to disaster , and forbid· duot crosses on the High bridge a.t an e.le. ·OD' 01!'ll'l0lll, Bowmainvllle A ilrst-clas.m with cushions, n ickel and braes nails. The ding things often present no real danger. vation of 120 feet above m ean wi.ter. The ·iiow being In their employ other le 1:1n !l.Wkwa.rd scow, at bap.hu!?lud on At this time he is a.bout one hour old ; for new aqueduct, however, passes un der the lVILLIA.i U FEUD. the sea, en a river like the Piscataqua at a whole hour he has been running his resplra· bed of the rivE'r a.t a depth of 225 feet, or RACTICAL BOOK BINDER. Al Portemou th, full of str ange, powerful eddies tive, circulative and locomot ive pow.era as nsarly twice as far below the .vat~r as the work done in firat·elaae style at tbe and currents. If you have your choice o~ an independent being, and has become quite present aqueducb is above it. The great --STOCK OFlowest Toronto pricer. Ord ere. left at the training places it would ·b e txcuse.ble and a lamb. J net at that ineta.nt a carriage depth is much more than wa.s originally con· store Lf Mr. Trebilcock or the residence of R sensible should you prefer the inland route d rivr.s rapidly along the ro11od. Hie quick templated, but it was found necessary beP . Field, Centie·6t,. Bowmonville, 20- 3m anct the civiliv;.d wherry, whereas it would eye sees It ; he thinks perhaps it le bis mother, caus.i of the discovery of a fissure in the certainly be silly and wrong to hunt up a and that she is running from danger. He rock underlying t he river. ['his fisrnre was BOBT. Y01J:NG, V. S. danger for the fun of wrestling with h . strikes out after it. It ts wonderful what an found to he twelve feet in width near t he is uuusua.lly attractive t his season. FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM Rut, ns in r eal life ashore, t hose who have hour has done for him in t he way of develep· bottom of the river, bub gudually narrowed . News Block. where himself or assistant bad t o rough it,young, tt> fight single-handed ment; he runs faster than t he ahepherd, until ib W!l.S lost at the depth at which t he be ·found from 8 a.m. to D p.m. Night calls against a. magnificent enemy, to them arrive faster t han his motl:er, and is in imminent tunnel was finally located. It may interest eeidence,dir~etly opposite Drill Shed. Calls telegraph or telephone will receive prompt t be skill and the glory su::h aano molly-coddle danger of getting under the horses' feet cir our rea.ders further to know that the tunnel & mateur , will-he, nlll·he ea.n attain. the wheels of the carriage. is to be lined with briok from end to end, P .ention. 17l·:rr Rowing is admirable exercise, and mellolle It ls here bht the dog comes in play, if . h e a.nd at the crossing of rivers ls additionally strength to weak arms and brea.dth ~o narrow understands his business. He r u.na up a.long- strengthened by Iron tubing. It pa.sses chests, and charltiea to legs and alidomens side of the lamb, piuhes ib over with liis ·under the Harlem In the form of an inverted bought for CASH at the lowest point the market has touched w ell. Above everything it brings firmness nose, juwps upon ib and holds it down upon siphon or letter V, and will, of course, Gentlemen's" Clothes MadetoOrder· as of nerve. A five-mile r ow is literally noth- the ground with his nose until the ehepberll be aubjeoted to immense strain at its ing at a.II, a.od a t wenty.fiv£-mile one a poor comes up. The shepherd takes the lamb and lower angle, but the engineers are doubling t bing to brag of especially if bre< z.~ and tide stands lb upon its foet so that it oan see its t he thioknees of t he brick lining, and by the are favorable. B ut be sorupu!oue to keep mother, wh o ha.a come up to within a. few addit ion of the iron tubing alna.dy spoken TOWN PRICES KNOCKED OUT. i t up no longer tha.n you can do so "Ith feet. He holds it untll it sees its mother on of hope to meet t he strain and make the absolute ease. When your shoulders dr oop a. move and then lets it go. The old ewe tunnel solid and substantial. Another -~ and twist wit h the stroke, it is time to p lay licks off t he face of a sadder and wiser lamb troublesome fea.t ure oi the aqueduct tba.t t he '"O ~ passenger and to give the oars to a mate, - lets him have another dose of liquid nour· engineers encountered wa.s a body of quiok· '0 t A pa.rting word, which ought w be the isbment a.nd together they go home. sa.nd a little distance above the Harlem 0 pen in g one of every enttrpriae alive, is : ~T here is only one t hing that is five bun· river. W hi;n stru~k it ran through the ~ D-in't be afraid I Carry bhis for your water dred t imes as funny and provoking by turns tunnel with such for ce and rapidity that the c reed- that it is a difficult thing overt urn a as a lamb, and that is five hundred lambs workmen hr.rely escaped with their lives, O · ~ boat, an d tbat if you sit 1 qua.re and atee.dy together when they are a.bou~ a month old. running at their ut.:nost speed. l b filled t he .tz4 a nd act with brains your bo&t will do ao too : The shepherd sits down and watches the tunnel back to the aha.ft ani nscessitated a nd that chiefly nnd finally - a.ad ib was a five h undred lambs all in a bunch by them- months of work to put it right again. Five n oble sailor, Sir H umphrey Gilbert, who selves, playing, running and rollicking, and hundred thousand dollar was expended in HA 8 a.id it first-" Heaven is as neiu by sea by laughs. W hen he has tried and t ried in seeking t o overcome t hat troublesome en· Gracl,uate ottheRoyal Co!legeot Dental Iand." Those of na who a.re not hanged, V!l.in tt> i;iet the same five hundred a.cross a coun ter before t he engineers were finall:i; re· Bnr11:eonB, Ontario, a coordlng to an agreeable proverb, may be bridge or corr al, he sits down aga.in. B11b lieved by the extra abaft, ' 0 FICE OPP OSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. d rowned yet ; but don't dare to be afraid, he does nob laug h this time. When the Brooklyn bridge was begun it S OLD E'ILLING A SPECIALTY again , even of t ha t ! Which Is a very grim A young lamb has no wa.y of telling which was estimated that $7,000,000 :would com· ampton, April 10th. .A RnnouL TEETH INsERTBD W1THour a nd far-fetched piece of philosophy, but ewe is its mother, and the mother only knows plate the work, but $15,000,000 was fl.n~lly q nite as serious as the r est, dear congrega- which lamb is her own by the scent. Henoe, ~xpe~ded. How much t his new aqueduco PL.A.TES. t t on, wherewith to end up this happy-go· while very young it ie a. b~d plan to h~ve is going to cost no one can tell. lb seems to Great Reductions in price on .all Dental elll!Y sermon. too many together, for the ewe may be con- be good for· $3,000,000 more, making the ~ork. Vita.llr:ec! Air, constantly in uae pro. fused by eo many lambs, or become p artially a'lgregate cost a.bout $15,000,000. ··lnolng Painless Operations. Partlonlar aUen indifferent, a.nd the la.rob perish for want of -~on paid to the t egula.tion of Children's Teelh Took the RespoDsibility. ...~ALL WORK WARB.ANTBD.~ ['here are times when a subordinate must care. When a few weeks old, however, they know ea.ch other by the sound of the voice. ..:Branch office. Dr. R utl1erford'e Orono use his own discretion, orders or no orders. In a band of 2,000 or 3,COO ewes, a ewe may Big Ocean Flyers. A striking inste.noe occurred on t he Penn· '11ylvania R<\ilroa.d on the a.wful afternoon of call her lamb the la.mb will answer from the [[bree ooean steamships lel t Liverpool for other aide of the flock, ['hey will go as New York at the same ho>nr on Tue8dayTHIS YEA.R'S bhe Johnstown dise.ster. A train with two locomotives, runninlJ straight to each ot her, right through the tht City of New York, the City of Rome, cautiously and laboriously up t he alrea.dy whole band, ae t hey would if t hey were the and the Teutonic. Independenb of the fact Inundated Oonema11gh R iver Valley, reached only two animals for a mile around. that the la.tter is making her firs !J trip, a Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the t he bridge over the river and & bopped, t h e specie.I interest attaches to her as she has conductor he.vi~ orders to wait there on nononly been built for the ordinary purposes LIVER, STOMA.CD, KIDNEYS A.ND BOW ELS. The Art of Eating Watermelon, ClJT and PLlJG account ~of the supposed insecurlbv of the of commerce, but is also adapted t o na.va.1 b ridge. E11ting wa.termelon ie an ar t learned only uses as a cruisar. The Teutoni.J, as well as T.!l .;'(' \nvigora.te a.nd r e ~tore to hes.It b DebUitated Constitutions, rI'he warnings of the threatened breaking by experience. Ae a desser t It is nob a suc- her sister vessel the Majestic, hae a length are lavaluable ln a.11 Ootn\)la.tn t1 lncldan t a » " ema1e1 o f all Ages. F or ab the dam came inbo his ears, a.nd, rea.lizlng cess. It falls boo heavily on a dinner. Like of 582 feeb, ma.king t hese ships the largest Children and the aged they are prlcele&11. t he danger to his trelghb of l:iuman lives, he a pretty girl, it ie best by itself ; l b loses afloat; and alt hough they carry no guns, FINER TUAN EVER. Bent forwa.rd one of his engines, a very large half its charm by being mb::ed in a crowd. platforms a.re in place so tha t they oan be 0 ne, to test the bridge. The melon should be cold. I t should be ripe. quickly transfoi:med from peaoefnl traders See n d 9' f'l c Bd f.1i{ s, Ba.d Breasts, Old Wounds Sro !rhe experiment seemed bo justify him in I ta flesh sh'.ould blush like a gradnate. Its to war-ships. Their tonnage Is 10,000 tons n iafallible o . v en t uring forewa.rd, as the choice of two heart should glow like t he sun -kissed cloud ea.oh; the material used in their construction and U lcers. I t ls famoa11 for G out and Rhe umatiem, F or disorders of tlo perils. He reooupled the locomotive, and e.t close of day, and its temperature should is steel, and they are expected, wit h the im-Ohe11t It has no equal.· p rooeeding oarefnlly, took his tra.in in safety oe as chilly .as t he smile of a Boston b elle. provements in t heir propelling power, to For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, CJough1 tJold1, 0 ver t>he bridge. 1 When you get such a treasure do nob bother develop marvellous speed,- [Pllila.delphla ['en minutes after he had crossed, the with other food. Open It, l(aze on it, bury Rscord. GLimdula.r 'Swellings, and all Skin D iseases it has no rival; and. ' d am burst, and the bridge and several wa.it- your face in its sweetness, and let your ap· in bronze on contracted and stiff joints It act a llke a charm. In g brains were swepb a.way with the ill-fa.b- preciation 1un rlot.- [Bal.timorti American. Robby Sees the O peninl". Ea~h PLIJG & PA.CILl.GE e d city. 41- ly , . · . . Edith- " No, Herbert , I ca.n never be Bobby- Mamma, will you give me five Manufactured on ly at THOMAS HoLLOW.A.Y'sEstabliahmentt ··l,_!!!!!!~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!:~~!!!!!!l!!! · 1 A visitor a.b Santa Cruz tried to swim 1n , y Jurwife, bub I will be-" Herberb- "Don'o cents if I am good 11.ll to-day ? '78, -~ ~~w OXl"ll~.D t:rRE.ET, (late 633, OXFORD ST!' '~.ET)1 LONDO B the surf. A wa.v:e was carrying him out to " aay c. 11ister to me. So many girls have Mother- But don't you · think ib wonld be trhe Congo district appears t o be develop- , Bea. when thre.e girls rescued him, He pre- 1sai.d tha.t." Edith--" I wasn'b gofng to say nicer to ba good of your own a.ocord? Anda>.eso . cl ai J.s. ljd., 2s. 9d., 4:11. 6d., llB., 22s. , and 33,. each Box 01 p . r ing as a. producer of tobacco. Brussels s anted each with a silk dress, ·ha.t. I was going to say t hat I shall be . Bobby-I gueae not, beG au se the teacher m ay bo had from all Medicine Vendor Bt hrougb o 11t t he World. tobacconists si>y that·its leaves are remarkHon. Mr. Dewdney, who has inspected delighted to be your aunt. I accep ted :you said it was betber to be good for even a .ably well adapt ed for cigars, being of ex- 1 the crofter colony at Saltcoats, is delighted uncle Q3or g0 Ia.at night. "- [Once a Week . l!ttle than to be good for nouhii.g. IZJ' P urohaeers should look to the label on the P eta and Be xe~. If the ll.ddre2s is not: cedingly good fl!l.vor and very supple. : with the progres2 shown by thEm, G 2' T'IE:CAN.~~!~.~TATESMAH JAMES, I YOUNG F OLKS. Beiniz a. Lamo. THE NEW YORK AQUEDUOT DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, Dried. . and other Factory ."Work all Kiln AFun Stock always on hand. Call and Examine. ·# .Jlc Clellan ~ Co., BOWMANVI LLE, sole a gents in this locality for TRENTON. ONTARIO. P G-IL~OUR&CO. B B D. A.VIS I will be found in his old shop, next door aoor to Express Office, BO~MANVILI""'E, where he keeps constantly on hand LARGE M . A & COMPLETE ASSORTMRNT L Coarse and F ine I L B oots tJn/d Slioes Special attention given to Repairing. :a_ :0 .A.v-s .. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Sater 'P ' s P :r. 4.- OOLE'S D R Y GOODS Some plums in Dress Goods, Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, Fine Ordered Clothing, a specialty O B. PEATE, Tail()}> .. .. > Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. C. bh RN DEN, L. D. I Our Due Bill taken as Cash by Mr. John Elioj:,t, the reliable grocer. Come along and secure bargains. F. A. COLE, Hampton. HEALTH FOR ALLI 11mltil'm,ll;n ~ THE PILLS MYR TLE S·MOKJNG TOBACCO THE OINTMENT T&B . .· · I I 1