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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1889, p. 2

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::g m IS PUBLISHED A a -,J:0.,. .~.- , .a = ' " '"""' 'hi1- · HEALTH. cumL&UA AMJ1!·&&m6ii&lU&&i&U& _ _ __ · __ --~ ·---~----------------- ..~·- 'THECANADIAH STATESMAH CT.EBY WO>NESB..l.Y ·J l6< RNING ' , . ' Mltie. ·the unrest rfoted tendew·Y of t he crowd and Happy ConununUy · It'ie irarely easy, and alimost always very to 1i.oniae:the p u,giliet and t b0 unmistakable . "I arrived here, " wr ites Mr. P. J. i:ipencer -BY<difficutt, to pereumde ~he ·eiok to nou·r · tread ·of looal qpinion gave litmle assurance ·(the honorable Secretary of this movemen t) iahme11b In sufficient quantity, and the BC.O· the.b t he affair would be ·morn t hardarcioa.l.; from Brit1eh Columbia. to t he " Pall Mall Dl.C,~A.JAMES, cessfal nurse m11eb be Dioi~ In expedients. · bub t o the sul'.priee of all, tho Jjury·found a Q3.zette,'· fifteen mont hs a~o, and I have ll!ler;persuasive pow~r · mu&t be great. lShe ,verilicb of guilty, and now the ·p:esiding explored Queen Ch~rlotte, Vancouver, and .A.T 7Bll: OYJ:ICB I mUflt·l/Je patient, 611d yettfirmly persistent, ' .judge ·ha.s windlca.t ed t he dignity of his office t he adjacent islands. I have selected . 1THt8:111.u JA.oek,'ll··ii Stred, tsoWJlla& .until her whole duty ill done. There illd'e and thie own manhood by aenteDcing the Malcolm leland for t he colony; it is about l 't'Ule, Ontario : ·certain genernl rules for ·her to observe. A ;pugilist to one year's ·imprisonment a.t hard two miles wide by t welve miles Jong; lb i few ·of them we will give. All foode for the labtt, the &l;reme ,penalty ·of the law. ha.a two good harbors. I t is a.bout 200 miles TER'M3 : ' aiak·ahould be of the vecy·best quality, well Had ·he imposed · lighter ..punishment north ot Victoria. The Lieutena.nb Go\'. t::·ia per A.·num, n 811.08 ff paid .. · Cooked, pa.latably seasoned and a.ttractive1\f he ·would have >betJn shamefully derelict in ernor-General signed t he minute in council, advance. u'b- aeiwed. A savory dish will always aharpen dnw , but a knowledge of the ·prevalent reeerving the ieland for us, on t he 6th of Pa'Ylllent strictly lo advance requ lTed from_ B ..m~n oublde ·ol ~be ·ooWlty. · Qrd<!rs to duocon- the·appetlte of one in health, and it must aenllimen t in Mwlsaippi e.nd of·t he va11a.ries June last. The Government ha.a Bgreed to '&1111le the peper® ust be oocompanled"by the amotm , ha.vie.a stimulating ind!l.uence upon a delic!lt e of h ajj nstlce did not tend to fortify public give eigh ty a.ores cf land for every h ouss due, 01' the p1>per will not be stepped. Subrorlbere patisot, to whom the li1111J a.nd Insipid pre· confidence and 'had Sullivan escaped with a we eroot value £100, and the sebtler is to be an responsible l!llltiJ fulbp ·:vwen· la m·de. paratione usually offered are lo&tiisome a.nd · .nornfoa.l·fine, it would ooca.eioned little free from all taxes for twelve mont hs. W e , JUTES M MD'RRTll!DG~ ~ even o aueea.ting. surp rise. A petition signed by over one h ave a.lrea.dy commenced operations; t hoee 'li'luile Oo1umn, one.·yeo.r .. .. ... ··· .. ·· :$60 00 ~ Suq"priee le freq uently a !Useful element ·in thou1and people including the >Sheriff and who can pay t heir expenses and ke9p t hem. ·· " Half year ··· . .. ... . ·· 86 00 ~ he · " " One quarter ...... ·· 20 00 - -~ the dietetic trea.bment of ·the sick. Some- ' the;j11rymen, p~ing thab S ulliva.n Iba re- selves for the first t welve months G '!Hitt Column one yea.r .. ·.. · .... ·· · - 86 00 __'.::,_ thing unexpected will -0fton be aooeptable, Jeued with a·flne was a. formida.ble docu- pioneers. To meet t he case of t hose who " Half year .. ·.. · ·... .. 20 00 i whe!i! were the pa.tient .oonsulted and ·d· men1\, peculiarly so in t hat section, but oannob do thie a publlo subscription has " One quarter_ . .. . ..... 12 50 _ 'lised-<>f whir.twas being p~pared for him. it Judge lrerrell possessed the courage of his been opened. We are right in the centre of .~rter Coluu;.n one 'yee.r ·. .. ...... 20 00 woul(! take away !Ul appetite for it. Cook· conviet one in an·eminent de1-1ree, and .unde- the salmon induetry. British Oolumbia . .. . " 'Halt year ...... ·.. - 12 50 .. One quarter ...... ·. 8 00 ing ·in the siok room ie, .of ooqrse, always tarred by the strong inflnsnce brought to will be a great manufact uring count ry. Tin .Jines a.ndund ftret Insertion $0 00 _ forbidden, nor shonld the o11mell of food be bea.r, dieoharged hi11 duty faitbf.ully and Any amount ot coa.I, and iron, t imbar, &o. Each eubsequen insertion ..... 0 llli atlowed to the patient If lb is pocslble . manfully. He knew aa every one knew, The olima.te is prefera.ble to Englo.nd, and Prom elx to ten ltnee first Insertion O 75 to prevent 'it, Absolute ,neatness in the that a .fine .would bo a travee~y, and that we hope to the prettiest village upon ' Lch .1ubeequent insertion . ·· . . 0 86 -Onr ten lines first lnsertion,per lln O 10 _ service of food la a. prime coneideratioo. Sulliva.n's sport ing friends would .pa.y it ·t ile fa.ue of Goa.'11 earth." 'Eaeh eube~auent Insertion" O 03 _ Teen tis more to the pa.ment in clean nap- cheenfally a.a one af the legitimate eiq;enses lb from a further oommunioa.tion .,' file number of ~nea ·ta > !Je nckoned~ the kins, spotless ohina., etc., tha.n many think. ·of the d:ight. At suc-"'1 punishment they sent u6 I:y Mr. Spencer that all members of qace occ~pled, meaaured 'b:r n. ecale·of solid/= A slovenly nurse is out of .fla.ce anywhere. '. could weli afford to 1mile, but lmp~i&onment the colony will be nquired to work eigh t lionpareiL If ithe doctJor directs tha.t eertain foods be at hard labor is an entirely different matter hours per diem and four hours on Saturday. givenihot, he mea.ns that llhey should be and the .r.ionsternatlon of the plug-ugly fra· The committee, on heha.lf of the members of DBS. Bll.Uinl .&I: LAJIMJtl,UI', hot, a.nd not merely wa.rm, in which con- ternity .is easily im(\gined, It is .p oesi'ble the commonwealth, will take all reepoll!li· I>II.YSICIAN:S, SIU'l&<GE·ONS, ETc dition.e~me &re very inaipid. .tha~ legal ingenuity ln8!Y yeti de!eat t he euds bilitv In providing work , medical attendL omce :-Cor. ·Ohuroh and Tempe!8-~oe Ooca.,;onally one sees the nurse ~astlng of ,JUB~l::e, but every rlght-thmkln~ ma.n a.nee, food, clothing for the member and Ste. Night culls attended from Dr. Hilliel'll the food In the pre&enoe of · t he patient-a will devol?tly hope th111b nothing will impede his family and also provide for the soholaareeldence. a, o. mixumn, M. O. u mos11 ·nnpardonable habit, ~o more food S ulllva.n'e ,progreBB to the penitenda.ry or · t ic education of tha children and in the B L.AM:NJlLAN, M . IO.-C. :M. Trln. n iv. shoulrl ·be a.t one time ta.ken into the sick· shorten his stay. in t he asylum which shoul.d ' event of the member being sick, still pro· Fellow ot'i111in. Med.· Ooll!.ege, room. · tha.n Is likely to be eaten, and what- reoei:vad him ye11ors airo. The man Ie : vfde ae t hough he were at work, and if he Member ·Coll, !Ph1s. Surg., out ever 1s ..not eaten should be a.t once removed. an · habitnllll ·la.w ~reaker an? a. curse . to : d.fos t o keep the widow and orp ha.ns, &c. D B("Sll 5DIP801'· N uraes often leave it in, ~ the hope BQOieby. .de is a fair repres'.lnt1ve of all the.t · Each and everv member will t he same .J FIOSTE' t, EOUOlTOR, &c. MOPRIS that the .patienb ma.y want It .a htble later, ls vicious and depraved, and bis unualllll , . i nterest in t he commonwealbh, The land J J (' fK. u]letalrs, R'.i>ng Stree.~, Bowman· but almost invaria.bly they .dtsappol~bed, strength as a pugilist has enn.bled him to ; will be held in trust by the commit tee for . l.'olicltor for the Outar! Bank Ith quite ~ common thing fQ~ t ile phys1cia.n exert a mosb pernicious lniuenc~, far res.oh- · and on behalf of the memb ers, and clauses " J h · t· !lf~DWTP Jo11Ded at the l<l'Weetrak to find mHk in a. gl11oss or p1,tober standing Ing and benaaious. Xhe rowdy, will bellnserted preventing the ma nufa.oture near the liedslde of his patient, and often drunkud and wife-beater ie a disgrace t o · Mid aale . of any intoxioa.t ing drinks by any .JeJm Ielth Gatil,raUh, .A RR I 8 TE R OLICITOR, NOT.ARy the appearance cf the is euch that even civlliu tion a.nd It is gra.ti.fylng to know tha.b member of tho C. T. O.C. A cla.use will also · PUBL'IO, &:;o. Ofllce-Bounsan·s Block, a porso11 .wit~ the 11trongosb .kind of' a ab last he is to be placed with the convicted be inserted pr event ing t he t rustees from Streat, Bowmanvil~e. M~~ey to lend, stJomach wanld not care to drink from it. criminals where he belongs. selling or mortgaging the la.nd or property Of all food~ milk ,&robably takes up lmpurof the commonwealth, and tha.t t here sha.ll DBA. McI...llTGHUl'f .a Bl!ll!J!ll· i ties th~ easiest.. ence, to keep ib exposed Pattin"' Down Drunkenness. always be liberty of conscience ; that no .QITJCE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BoWlllANVILLJI. liO the air of a. sick-room or ~uy other bad ...., creed or do~ma shall be insisted upon, t he Wondera have been done by the Danish onlv "test ' will be a. willingness to oonOr.J.W,McL.tUGBLIN, Dr· .A, Bmma . Gradu air is to simply render it unfit tOl' nee, A dc>entlate of the Roya.I &te of the ·Toranto nurse with anything approa.chinlt' nea.tness police, It 111 said, in putting dawn drunknnell8 form to " t he ten commandments a.nd the Oollege of ~ysicians Univers1t"' "'"~sialaD, would never allow a glass which has held ab least in t he streets. It is nob vour brutal @ aylngs of Jesus ·· ud membet' of the , · ·~ -milk to be used a second time without patrol waggon method. No, it is t he out· trhe bolU'd of Mana.gemcnt will und~rtake · 8 o7al Collell'.0 of Bur· Surgeon, &o. f . _ , , lEdinbwgh. ull_y washing an~ rinsing. Some consult come of a r efined and civilized age and an and arra.nge with each member that ever} bheir o'!"n convenience altogether too much eduoa.ted policeman. If the Da.niah consta- la.d will learn some t rade, and thaueaoh girl .J. (), IITC:HEJ.J.,, in feedmg the sick. Food ought ta be given ble on his beat comes aoro11.11 a drunken man shall be instructed in houaehold dutiEB l:llBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSlClANs a t regular intervals when possible. he first gets hie addreBB, then hails a cab, family dressmaking, needlework, nursing: · a11d·8Ullfeons, Ontario, Coroner, Bio. politely assists the Inebriate into it, and cooking, eiaging, pianoforte, and etiquette. Olloe and Re11!dence, Enn111r.illen. 1'. fruits as Food and :Medicine. drives off with him to hi1 home, and after No girl will be considered a servanu, but Of all the fruits with which we blessed, ringinf the bell deposits the unhappy in- will fulfil hor appGintment as a learner. DR. JI:. C. ·~ll·W·J.L. dlvidua.l in the arms of bis family. If t he Ae aoon a.a the ahild1ea of the membere are T> ICENTIATE OF ROY.AL COLLEG.11 t h1t } is the mOBt deliciou1 dlgeati- man - -OF is too drunk or oannot r t member bl9 old enou~h to perform !Jbe sa.cred duties of .1..J of Ph71iciana. Landon. 1'ng.;Ji!em· b1tr oI ble. There is nothing more palata.ble, College of Phy11ici&1DB anil SurgeonB. Ontario. wholesome a.nd medialnal tha.n good, ripe addresa, he iB driven t o the police ata.bion, marriage, they will fir1t give the Mnnioipa.l "ikllwltRT AND RKlllDil:NCll:-Rea.r ot M6881'11 pe&ohes. They should be ripe, but and the following morning a fresh oab is Board three:monthe' notice of their intention, Blaisinbotham'· Drug Store, Bowmanvllle, n ot over-ripe and half rotten ; and of hired by the eonstable to drive the victim t o In order to give the Board t ime to erect a.nd 6-lyr.· t his kind they may a. part of either his home. " But who for all these furnish the house and to make all the neo· meal, or bo eaten between meals ; but lb la ?" the anxious inquirer demands. ~he eseary arrangements. All m!U' will be WJI. Bl!rnRA.JI, publican who supplied the man with drmk contracted as by law establish ed; Young SSUER OF :MABRIAGE LICENSES, better to make them a. part of the regula.r It made respousible. W e do nob advo~ate men ha.ving learned t heir trade will be an meals. It ie a mistaken ide" that no fruit Keeidence, Ennhldllen,; should be eaten at breakfast. It would be this polite method for Oana.da, but JU&t liberty to leave the commonwea.!th and will 8 . (), BlJNIUl'IC:, f ar better if our people would eat less bacon mention it to shaw what consta.bulary be at llberty to ret urn after fulfilling the JOENSED AUCTIONEER FOR a nd greaae at breakfast, a.nd more fruit. In oonrteey oa.n do. In the etate of Georgia conditions. No member will be called up on for M en and Boys, Women and Children. ti>· OountJ of Durham. Sa.lee at. \ ended the morning there ia a.n acrid 1tate of the bhe antithesis of thi1 trea.tment Is proposed to work after t he of 55, bub he may d o "on ebortest notice andlowe1tratea. .Add-a Becretinns, and nothing is 10 well ca.lculated for the suppreBBlon of street drunlrnnneaa. it voluntar ily, --------to oorreot this a.a ooollng sub-aoid fruits, A bill ha.a been Int roduced Into the Legiala.· P. O. SCl:at such ae peachu, applet, eto, Still, moet of turo making it a miademaanor for any person How Newfoundland Parmers Procure 8. B1JJlDE!f .t (JO,, .Manure. us have been taught that eating fruit before to geb drunk except on hi· own premise·. . .l UCTIONEERS for the County o f breakfaet 11 highly danizerous. How the The bill provides tha.b if a man does gob It ma.y Interest many to know how our dDurbam·; baurance and fieneralAgento idea originated I do not know, bub it is drunk elsewhere than on hia own premise· he farmers procure manure for their farme. Be: V:aluatar and Real Eatate Aientt. Sale· an d .DtherbnaineH promptly attended to, Box 172 certainly a grea.t error, contrary to botb ahall be fined $10 a.nd imprisoned ten dir.ya ; t ween the 13th and 20th of J une every year, r eason a.nd fir.eta. The apple le one of the if he does It again the fine must be $20 after the eeed is all in a.nd cared for, comeb &wmanville P. 0 . 36-tr best of fruits. B11>ked or stewed apples will a.nd twenty day&' imprisonment, and the fine the famous "manure-harvesb,"-the caplln· J9tanos Tuned and Bepaired.· genera.lly agree wiiih the moet delloate thereafter for offence is cumulat ive. school. Cllplin are a email fia'i something s, and are an excellent medicine in like the Am6rican white fish. T hey are smaller t ha.n herring bub much larger tha.n -p . 14.RTIES WISHING THEIR PIA.NO~ many o&ses of sickness. Green or half.ripe Where ".Red 'l'ape" Prevails. sardines. On t he p ebbly beaches uhat fringe '. 'Tuned or rep11o1reu oan have t hem attende<l a pples stewed a.nd 11weetoncd are pleasa.nt A pa.ymastor in the United St ates navy t he m11gnificent bays of Newfoundland, thov ·bi' leaving word ia.t t h.e DOMINION ORGA~ t o the taste, cooling, nouriahlng and laxa.tive, far superior, in many oaees to the abomi- gives an exchange the following acoounb of find natural and oongeni111spawni1.1g ground1 . Go' O:rrICE, Bowmanville .A 11.rst-clas m ..<IOw·belng tn their emvlo: n able doses of salts a.nd oil usually given In t he "red" that must be gone through About the mi· I dle of June, in obedience to the fever and other disee " · R o.w appl01.1 in making purchases for a man·of·war :- grea.t and universal 111.w of Nature,-the in. Wll.l.JA.M FEUD. a.nd dried applee stewed a.rd better for constl· Supposing that a. paper of tacks Is wa.nted crease a.nd multipliaatlon of species, -they BACTIC.AL :BOOK BlNDER. A l pation than liver pills. Oranges very on board a. U nited Sta.tea ship on a foreign come In immense,-ln million& upoo 'I' ok c<-ne in :llu1.cJsn ~ ! }le at tJl STOCK OF a ocepta.ble to most storna.chs, ho.ving o.11 the stat ion, the following is the routine aotua.lly millions,-to deposit t heir spa.wn upon the u-..,s1 'J'cJCT·10 pi<o. 011l oe l ~lt at tl r pebbly eea,-ahore. Their mode of depositing et01e cf :Mr. '.fitbilccck er the a eidence ofR a dvanbagea of the acid a.llu<'l ed t o ; but the required under general order No. 48 : -Fou. P . l!lflO, C l Ltll ·~t. , l:v11 D.. 6D'\' ill e , 2(}..Srn 0 range juice alonfl should be ta.ken, reject- r equiaitlone made out, whloh are signed the spawn ls such as to t hem a.b the ing the pulp, The same may be of a.s followe :-Officer mir.klng the roquisition, mercy of the innumerable hordes of fishes Iemons, pomegranates and all that four bimes, captain eighb, pt\yma.ster eight, arid fishers thg,b prey upon t hem. irhe female ROBT. YOITJllG, T. S, L emouade is the beet drink in fevers, and a.nd admiral four. B ids sent out to five is sma.ll a.nd smoot h, a.nd t he m·le ia large ia u.i:msually a.ttra.ctive t his season. · O FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM when thickeced with sugar is better tha.n merchants, which are signed by pay cfficer and ridged, When spawning t hey swim in ' News Block. where himself or assistant 8 yrup of squills and other nauseants in many five times; merchants bidding, five; a.ccep· · be found from 8 a.m. to II p.m. Niaht calls ca.see of oough. romatoee act on the liver tance of bid, paymast er, 0110. Bids are t hen threee, one female between two ma.lea ; the female fits between the ridges In t he ma.Jes, esidence,dirrctly oppoeite Drill Shed. Ca.Ila ·telegraph or telephone will receive prompt and bowels, and muoh more pleasant out In qulntuplicate and are signed by and they swim pa.rallel, almoeb as one fish. ,, ention. 111·>:!.. a nd B&fe tha.n blue mass and " liver regula.t- tho oapt11in five times ; paymaster, t en ; The ma.lea by their pressure a.Id t he female 0 rs." The juice should be used alone r eject 1enior officer of the board ot inspeot ion, five; to deposit her epa.wn, and ab the time Ing tbe skins. The ema.ll·eeeded fruits, euch a.nd persons receiving t he money, five. A bhey droti tbeir " milt, " which fruotifies the a.s blaokberries, figs, raeperries, currants report is att& ched by the eenior officer of spawn. I t is durlnl( t hie t ime, while the bought for CASH at the lowest point the market ha.a touched Gentlemen's ClotheI! Made toOrder. 0.nd 1trawberries, may be ala.seed a.mong the the Board of Survey in duplicate, two signa- filh are apparently ha.If.dazed, that the fiaherbest foodrt and medicines. The sugar in tures, a.nd the d licor who has made the man a.nd farmer reap their ha.rvest. Tliey t hem is nutritiou1, the acid h cooling a.nd requisition signs a receipt on the bill five catoh them witli aeines and Wibh purifylng, and the seeds are laxa.t\ve. We times, when it is complete, with more than a seine, four or five men in a. aklff can IVould be much the gainers if we wculd half a hundred algna.buree.-[Philadelphia easily getl from fifty to t wo hundred bar· TOWN PRICES KNOCKED OUT. look more to our orohir.rds and 1-1a.rdcn1 and Ledger. r cls of them in a day, The method of seln· leas to our drug stores. To cure fever or Ing them is, when the oa.plin are close to t he a.ot on the kidneys, no febrlfuge or diuretic Lucky Man. beaoh, one end of t he sdne ia fastened ashore l8 euperior to watermefon, which may with 0 Visitor (looking through the photograph with a. grapnel and the other eud Is kept very few exception& be t aken in sickness album)-"Thie, if I not, ie I\ pro- a.board the skiff. !rhe crew row around t he ~r a.nd he!l.lth in a.lmost unlimited quantities, grea.b body of caplin and fence in t housands of your deceased husband." n ot only without injury. but with poeitive of barrels against the beach, Ttiey then Widow-"lb is." · benefib. But in using t hem, the water, or V iBitor (with a well-meanb effort to say dip them out with dip· nets and get many j l1 ice, ehould be taken, excluding the pulp l something appropriate)-" What I.\ fine-look· skiff' loads - from t hirty t o fifty barrels in a a.nd the melc.n sho1 dd bo iresh and rips, but They t hen land t hem ing man he was l And so young I But he load,-in one haul. n oil over-ripe and stale.- [Halla Journalof has escaped many of the trials and sufferings on wharves or on the and haul them h ealth. {). HARNDEN, L : D. " a.way to t heir farms, where t hey mix them of this life. Ah, me !" Graduate ofthe Royal College of Dental Widow (wit h a sigh)- "Yes. He died in t he prop ortion of one load of oaplin to How to Disinfect. Surgeons, Ontario. just as I waa getting ready to can five d ozen five loads of peat, bog or elay , This makt>a a verv sbrong manure, and ae lb supplies t 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. Clothing which requires dlainfeoting boxes of blaokberries." neary all t he elements of pla.nt food, it forces should be submitted for about t hree hours 'QOLD :E'ILLING A SPECIALTY to am pton, A pril 10th. heavy crops of all kinds, Fishermen also a temJJera.ture of 230 1'legrees in a chamber of His Wife's Handiwork. 'AR!ED'ICUL TEE TH INSERTED WITHOUT oatch them and use them ae bait for coc"fiah. ch a.rged with sulphuric fumes from a large PLATES. " How do you do, Sam ?" said a colored They are a delioious morsel when eaten q uantity of sulphur. The chamber 11hould .Oreat Reductions in ·price on all Dental be 110 constructed a.a to prevent the tumes gentlem&.n to one of his cronies the other fresh, and there la a fortune for t he man ·Work. Vltallzec Air, constantly in use pro· day. " Why you no come to see a feller ? who solves the problem of gett ing t hem into ,l:ucfng Pa.lnlee· Operations. Particular atteIJ fr om paasing off. No germ11 aan stand If I lib as near yon a.a you do bo me I'd come t he American markets a.a fresh and as deli· Mon paid to the ie1n1lation ot Children's Teetl thie. After a. room hi;,a been used by a person to see you eberv day." "De fack le," replf. oloua as we get them here. When salted or y ,_.ALL WORK WARR.ANTED·..._ sick with a.ny contagious disease, it becomes ed Sam, " my wife my trouser loons smoked t hey make a very good article of food for winter, and ma.ny a poor Branch office . Dr. Rutherford's Orono neceBsa.ry to disinfect ib behre it ls fit to be so a.11 to pieces I ' to go nowhe.ra. " family preeerns enough for sale, and ta used ag&in. trhla is done by removing and fried t hemselves, t heir pivs a.nd hogs for a bnrning the pir.per on the wir.Ils, removing lJido.'t Want to be Too Preoipita.te. TRIS 'YEA.R'S whole year, t ill thenos:t caplin-achool arrives. the bedsteads and other furniture, and Charlie-" Well, Edith, if you are as fond Of course, !l;B a. ma.nure, t hey are a. god· send expoaing them to air and wind, a.n:l giving of me as you say, why don't you promise to t o the h:-mers, many of whom eca.rcely them a fresh coat of varnish; by having the marry me ?" any other means of proouring fer tilizer in Purify the Blood , correct a.11 Disorders of t he m attreBB made over new and t he hair boiled ; Edith- " Well, you see, Charlie, I-I- sufficient q uantitiea for thelr lands. But by burning in the room three pounds of well, the fact Is, I-haven't been t o Newport LIVER, STOJJIAC:R, KIDNEYS A.ND BOW.ELS. SUlpbur, and by whbe-wa.shing, painting yet-nor nor anywhere In fact bub when looking ab t he t housands 11pon thouC:lJT and PLUG ea.nds of barrels of fresh, delicious fish, so and papering the room anew. here a.t Long Branch, and one nev er knows used, itBeema u.lm:>et oinful to destroy m ch Tht ·' ' nvigor!l.te ud l'.' a:ltore t;o he! b J)ebil;ta.ted Constitutions, Now that it Is generally conceded that who might be-that is- well, I wish, Cha.r11re l ava.luable In :>.\l rJ e>'llj?hl n ~s t ncld en t a o - emale11 of all A gee. F()r consumption is caused by germs which lle, you would wait unt il the first of Novem- q uantities of wholesome and toot hsome Ohlldren and t he a ged they are prlcele1111, human food, when so many millions of bhe multiply in t he lungs, a method of disinfeat- ber anywe.y-l'll tell you t hen." race would ea.t t hem with a relish If t hey ing them, whioh shall be harmless, has FI.NEB THAl'W EVER. had the chance, been sought for, but as yeb without avail, A Summer Arran~ement. W . J . C., Villa Nova, Newfoundland. See nin.falltbls c ~uii r ~· ) !' 3L l rJ}{ s , Bad Br east s, Old W ounds Sro T he va.por of creosote, the oil of the Hueband-What a pltvthat E mm~ had enca.lyptus a.nd carbolic a.oid have been t ried, and U loerB. It ls famous for Gou t and Rhe umatlam; F o r d isordera tl> A Joke that .Rebounded. and, to some extent, t hey may paralyze to go and bhrow Mr. Caldsna.p overboard, - Chest it h a i no eq ual.The Mfochell " A" sa.y s :-:-A oomor etun the ger ms a.nd prevent their r apid for I bought our coal from him last winter. in crease, but as the pa.asages of the lunge Now nut winter I 'll have to p ay t he full mercla.l traveller, since t he elevation at For Sore Throats, Bronch itis, Coughs, Cold·, Bishop W alsh, of London, t o the Aroh· are delicate, and the. vapor oan11 10t be prico. Wife- Ca.Im y ourself, husband: she is bishopric o( Toronto, is reminded of an ac· Gl11ondular Swellings, and a.11 S k:in D s it ha.s no r ival ; anil brought very nea.r to. t hem without injury, in bronze on oon t r acted and stiff jolntB lt acts llke a charm, the good l ffects a.r e alight. But t~re is going to r enew the engagement in t he fa.11. currenoe some years ago in a railway car, in one met hod which cannot fail to prove bene- Y ou see, she broke it in order t o become which his present lordship took part. An Each PLIJG & PACKAGE fie b l, and t hat is tbe inhalation of large engage<l Mr. t o Cooler, t he man we buy onr irreverent t r aveller asked Bishop W alsh, 41- l y M anufact ured only at T H OMAS HOLLOWAY' S Est ab lishment, probo.bly not knowing who he was, if he had qu ll.ntitiea of tresh, p ure air. ['his is wor~h ice from. "Ma.y h eaven's riohest blessing reat upon nob heard that in Pa.r ia a.s often as a priest 7R, '" 'V~t.· OXFOJP ", ~ :rREET, (fate 533, OXFORD STJ' ;:...ET), LONDO .I' m or e tha.n any dislnfecta.nt for t he lungs was banged a donkey was h anged a.t t he t hat da.ugh ter." Several of the large land owners of Scot- a.nd co.n do no harm. same t ime. The proposeed vicbim of t he joke And al e 11ci .;;. ali 111. l ! d. , 2 s. 9d ., 4 11. 6d., lb., 22s. , and 33 ~- e ach Box or P land have imported a mimber of r eindeer ma7 be h ad from all M ed icine Vend ors througho 11t th6 World . .A. Finnish newspaper is t o be st1J.rted at N o marin er has ever yet trace~ lines of r eplied in t he bla.ndeat possible ml\nner from Norway i;.nd turned th~ m cut in the hope thii.t they may become acolimatcd and H ougbton, Mich. It should never contl\in lat itude and longitude on the oonJugal sea. ~ ; WeU, then, let us b oth be tha.nkfultlhat w~ l:!if" Purchasers should look to the label on t h e P ots :md Bcx:eP.. If the address is not are not in Paris." . I [Balzao, incre11se f.\ c ontinued story, 5~ re ·,.,k. I U.Hd ·Hia Dut· I A N£W TEMPERANCE COLONY. !!!he free and easy ·ma.nne In wh ich the ' -lllri~l -of ·Sullivr.n waa cond ,,ted a.ti 1 P urvis, ' '!fo Renew The A.ttcmpt to Fouul a Model D 00Rs sAs H B LINa8 ____ _. _ _ ,_ ___ ______ _._ _ _ 5a~ M0 u L DIN GS, . and other .F actory -Work all Kifi:t Dried. AFul! Stock always on hand. Call and Examine. McClellan . Co., BOWMANVI LLE, sole agents in this locality for TRENTON, ONTARIO. ~ " D. D A.VIS l I will be found in his old shop, next door aoor to Express Office, BO-WMANVI LI""E, where he keeps constantly on hand & COMPLETE ASSORT MRNT ·a. M A LARGE Coarse and Fine I Boots anti Shoes Special attention given to Repairing. "lo ' L '°"lll'l'ICJI Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels. :o_ :CA."'VS. P I"· .&. OOL:El'S D R Y GOODS Some plums in Dress Goods, Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, :R. PEATE, Tail0>1 DENTISTRYe ~ Fine Ordered Clothing, a specialty . Farm Produce taken in exchang e for Goods. Our Due Bill t aken as Cash by Mr. John Eliott, the reliable grocer. Come a.long and secu re bargains. F. A. COLE, Hampton. HEALTH FOR ALLl MYRTLE THE PILLS SMOKING TOBACCO TH .E OINTMENT i T&D of I F a s: e , tl

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