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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1889, p. 4

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HO, FOR SCHOOL I All the School Books and School Furnishings; My 200 pag~ Scribbl~ng Book for 5c. is a genuine surprise. My 5c. Ex,ercise B~ok, . with fine chromo, 18 a beauty. STILL A LEADER. My 5 quire package of fine Ladies' Note Paper for 25c. Envelopes to match. I will give grea~ bargains in W"ALL PAPER this Fall, desiring to clean out a.11 Remnants of paper at half price. B<iautiful ceiling paper and decorations in · great variety. my present stock. Linen Window Shades. P. Trebilcock. IK.... WM M.l!!!!!di-.. iilh+--"'L ~.,. __...,. ,.,......~ 11, 1889. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. WELCOME TO THE PREMIEJR. Ontario people- without distinction of party, we venture to say-will rejoice to learn that Mr. Mowat is home again, well refreshed by his · European journeyings. Our Tories are wofully wrong in their political notions, but that is a fault not of their hearts but of their. headij , After all, they, being our own fellow-Canadians are of course a great deal better than any other people in the world except Oano.dians who are grits. Now, being soundly Canadian and pretty good Ontario men, the Tories it stands w reason, must be pleased to hear of Mr. Mowat's homecoming and good health. They like him because they can' t help it. I:Te is one of the. best-hearted and genial of men. They respect him because he has never d one anything unworthy of his high place and reputation. They admire him because it is the nature of our English stock to admire one who downs his opponents in every encounter without even losing temper or ma.p;nanimity. They trust hini, though they don't like to say so out loud, ecaose he has Ion~ administered the affaire of thie ProYince so well that every Ontarian can . conci.entiously declare he lives in the best-governed district in the civilized world. And if the opponents of Mr. Mowat feel so to him, with what joy i1t..he~welcom.Q.<;l ll:9!!!9 by __ his accustomed ·r . lriends! They do not exactly s~v to him, "There is nae luck aboob tho hoose when oor guid man's awa.' " __:for he has taken care to JJrovino the Provincial domicile with a set of J)-iinietei·i1 who keep uvery· "ng ehi'p . ·sh_ ape 1 ·n hi"a abaenc~. Sti ' ll t .hi ~ ~ . the1r hearts warm finely to the returmog .,uidman- the Patriarch of the Provincial ""· ~ ~ zhullinz a wiz vur hee au e:r. wive ta !iv pon. Then tha kounsell ,-ur hee m.eade a long spich o.u zed hur l 11tdden :r.rrO ·ered Some Devonshire Dialect. nort, an awt ta be glad t~ be rid uv zich As the date of mv departure from a man. Hur kouneell thou up an spe~k England draws n earer, I am very much a middlin tyme, an zed et. larned vrend tet11er kounaellPressed for time to write letters for THE ez ha kald en-thats ·t · th b · ·n u v ez STATESMAN, and remembering how very h a d spuy Id ezzu l r1 em e e~mi . much Canadians haye enjoyed the Cornish etori, an thit hur aut ti\ have a purt1 lot readings given in and around Bowman- uv munni tu meake et up. '£he iig then ville on various occasions by Mr. J . M. spauk za. grand, and zed twiz kruel b~d Joness and Mr. Francis Mason, I append awn ta vrite zich n !et~r tu bur. H a w~z .Ce extract or two of real Devonshire tullio al this ta tha 1·1ri-aul twulv awmm a Chol 1 dialect, as I hear it spoken by the unedu· z~t i_ n a girt pue be lharezub, ne~l' tha ca.tad every day. Possibly the Qentlemen w1tniz box-an .ha. zed tha m1t g1e h~r named will favor the citizens with a pub- anni damajez vr1m a var~en tu a thowzm lie reading again soon and I have no pouo ; bit thay mussen g10 tu nrnrch, vur doubt they will be plea~ed to hear either ha widden be abel tu P!I.!' "'t, un hur, poor of them give l zawl, widden get II. v.uHlen ant. An thay JAN CHAWBACON I N EXETER muss kinsider how h!!o'd hurt th& deer · · · · ·· · , · · i . ·h Deer Ned.- I niver waz in zich a pleas maydz veelms. ~o tha Jlir put t ~! 6 88 theez Thd moar I bides yer tha moar ha.yd z tuget.lier, bit kudn agree. Tha Jig I likes ;t, zo thit I be moast maze bout keep~ aun way miu tu go out bee time· ct riou I zees moar zites an yerz moar zulz m a rume an h.. lasa thay wont. butirr~ muzik a.n meets moar purty Then they got twulv men moar an meacle ' · k' tl b"b 1 . b a d t tr maydenz in wan dai thin I shud ef Id bide mm iss la 1 e an eo un . 0 Y · horn za longs tha wurd le las ta Bit I another kease about vokes zullm wat · b " t didden belong t u min. Wile thay wiz k an t s t ay now t a t u1 ee unm ou wan l h vresh zite an verrin wich kurd to mae Jass gone out I thort tu _mezu t, ay aut ta wik. Aul tlie ress muss wayt. "Bit meake mee ginelmm pay tha . yung · vr1 ' t e a t w1 "dden 'k , " thee 'l t humman a hundred .poun.' but BI)Oaz thay thee d 1 . zay; whi vor ? Way. I kin tull ee in a w_1dd~n buv zevanh. Bit, by gor, t hay zoact uv a ride! 'fis kinekted way 'vorm' did g1e hur th:i.y hunderd, I wanted ta · . · . . II t b't t t 'dd d an 'speace' m a kruel k om1kal way w1ch ho Y wurraw · 1 he Wl en u, vur l'l tu] thee wen I kom horn. Tha' vokes dSS waddea. alou~ to spay~ a tal. I wnz · th a h om: ware I go th. to vr1 ' t e t a kth up glad · I w1d a g1ed en tw1ae za nrnrch ta . m aul the rume an yuzth up a ul tha pea.per, pai. Yer veckshinit br1ther, zo thit I kant vind no rume pin tha , JAN O~AWBACON ·. "vorm"nur no "speace" pin th& peaper, . P.S. -I zeed tha. SrnPZ, bit wich as I tole thee bevaur1 idden auver twadden za gude ez th1?, I m1t tnl thur 1,1lenti. I wiz p~nstin doun tha zitty vrim a litel bout et prapll. I ko~ a_wa~ way my Greeehin pairt, ez Mister Lattimore th& pore mayd (vur hur w1z bit z1zteen yust ta kal et., Jass Mundi wen I zeed a wen he begund tu ku_art hor),. an hur butivul korr1dge outzide tha dore vatlrnr an mauther, plarn varmerm vokes uv tha Linen ln. The k ochman wiz a lyke ess. Hur. mauth~r tol~ mer au! bout drest va vine, thit thee widst a tuke min et an I zed I w1z vurn zorn vur hur. vor a duke of king. I thort hee wiz a: llRITHER NED wmTEs TEW 11mTHER JAN. naublemin, vur Ive nawd zom du draive Deer Brither Ja.n,-1 thort t,,,iz net.hia thare awn kocbez:. Ha wie drest up vurri bit fare the~ 1 shude o.nser yer la~t affeck· musch lyke a zaujer, lyke zom aktilleri shionate Jeter. I knaw w M elt iz teu bee chaps I've a zeed. An thare wiz tu fur away vrom ome, en among straingera vnllers drest up, grander, ef kud bee, thin in a girt toun iz Exter iz. Ett clueth th& waz. '£hay kard tu girt zilver trum- wan's ha.rt gude teu yor vrom ennyboddy's pits wai vlagz klingd tu min. I wunderd own vokes, an var knaw wa.t is d ew in ome, w11t pin a1th thay dude thare, wen a chap Zo thets ow tiz I write in a britherly way zed thay wiz waytin vur tha jig, hui wiz tew yew lilt 11lso becz mothur axed me gwain ta hole tha Sizez up ta tba kRsel uv ver de wt. We! now I've got me pen in Exter. Artflr a bit zom sprust up vute- and I shal jrst expashiate a bit on wat men aupend tha. <lore uv Iha korridge . yer leter kontaineth . .M:othur en me wi z The jig kom out prezint, an a ginelmin mortal zorry ver the pore maid yew r ote f:a.11jer ez a lukt, wai urd kote and kokt about wat add the folle1· up becnz he hat wai vetherz pin tap aun, kom ou~ tu, komi~ted a breech ov promiah O'l marrage an thay bothe got in. Thay zed tha tew her. Ett z9emed ez playn ez the tether wiz tha. zherif. Tha. vullerz wai noze on yer face the t h e did prom~sh te w tho. trumpits blawd up a. vine tantivvi vur luv an protrnkt her, an thet tirler rnvl ha a mirmit, an I moast vansid mezul out in dezarted her, en rrnrried anethP1r.. gurl. tha huntin vedd, wai ower stout huntm Wen a man t elhh " wimman t.h©t he Ayrl na.t vurri var of. I voun out ·aater- tuveth her en took th in to her hi:ea· with wirdz thit thay drauv ta tha kasel fust tender an pashionate f~e lms ,an pro.nishes an then to tho. Gilhal, ware tha Mare ur . teu be sturdy an tre w teu h er the ol'e ov i8 zomboddi gi ven a pare av whit gluvee kuz nattura.l life, am tew pr"mis with konthare wiz no pur:ltllerz to try, when ez siderab!e ardor, zo ex teu brim.( the ifuwL!!.urdzhip went back to kaael ageu. Bit ing teers i11to thti dee1" d!bm:r.els hize,. an I wiz out av aul thet, vur tz I wiz volleri'n tew extort th t.1 ever F\llucktant ")iess" do mi hue shud I meet wai bit Gorjy. Upp, vrum her pure, un tarnished an kni\·erin "t wen t awa1 · vnm · th1 ower p ]eas yerz lips,. he ott ver te11 bee ma d e k -a.rry liout agaun, an th:i. twoad, thoa I wiz glad to the prnmish h e sollemly made, ho r else rree min, hienderd ma zo thit I kudn git pay pUiny smurt ver hiz»kussedness. Ells up tuth a .k asel tu yer t h a vust awt. I wiz verry glad tho ver kn:i.w thet tli>a wiz niv'l"er thare avaur, ez t hee nawst, an yong wimman got; a hund1·ed pound vrom thort 1 shuden . yer nur 1rne nort, til I hor l·rew»deoayver, an wen I red tha1·, ·' · · went up ouver zom etaps tu tha left' han my hart went hout terwards her, an 5 ware a poalisman wiz stannin an ax t en n arely ko·m ver lhy a.bout e_~t, en i:m EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. STARTLING EVIDENGE Of the Cure of Skin Diseases whE n all other Methods Fail. Psodnsb G years, covel'lng face, head, aml entire l1otly with ,,.bite scabs. Sldn red, ttchy, mul blcetling. Jfalr nil gone. Spent lnintlreds ol' 1lollrn·s. J.>1·onom1ce11 lncurnble. Curc1l hy Cutlc1ua Jtcmedlcs. My disease (psoriasia) firat broke out on my left cheek, spreadinll: across my nose, and al· most the covering my face. It ran into my eyes, o.nd physician was afraid I would lose my eyesight altoget.her. I t spread all over my GET YOUR School · ·· Books -AT- I ~~~~el~nb~ld?he:~~d;i~\1~:~~ h~·~~r~ t~~1~~; ~a; arms and shot;i<lors, until my armR wet·e just one sore It covered my .entire t"'i!y, my raca, very VARIETY ASK FOR THE the finest in the market. HALL~. Only 5 cents. I I shouiders, and arms; and bared_ and bo ~he sl<ln would thicken itchy,and wo.uld crack and bleed 11 scratched. Arter spendrnir many hundreds or dollara. I we.a pronounced inourBblo. I heard or tho Cu'l'ICURA R1m&DIES, ~hWe ~~~b:hretld~~~s~!~~& tr~~~v~;1~~· h;e.1d~ taken four ))ottle8, I was almoat cnred; and when I had used sl~ botLl~s of CUTid CIJRA HKsOLVENl' and one box of C tiUQVRA, an one cnke of Cu·ucu1u SoAI'. l was curel1. of the dreadful disease rrom whielh I had ~utfered for five years. I thought tltt! disease would leave a very deep scar but the CtJ'tidUBA nEMEDrns cured i t without' any scars. I cannot exvrese with a pen what ~ suf~~red before using t~ee CurrcURA. Ihey saved my IL: · and I fe~l itHE~EDIES. my duty to recommend them. :My hair is restored as 11ood as ever, and so is my eyesfgbt, I know or o. number or dttferent persons who have used the CuTICURA U:&ME· DIES and nil have received greA.t benefit trom their' use. MRs. ROSA KELJ,Y. Rockwell City, Calhoun Co., Iowa. C1~tlc11ra ~~~·~;ie~0\~1~~e~w~ ~~t!~~~(~;~ic~ft!/\Es~;d ·Artistic Exercise Book, 'rHE SCHOLARS' COMP.ANION- a P en Holder, Slate Pencil, Lead Pencil and Ruler, in a nice wooden box, for 5 cents. Pictures fl'ramed very cheap. Remero ter the place for bargains. Jlemecllcs J. H. KENNER'S VARIETY HALL. Cure every species of a.gonizing humiliating, itching, bleedini(, burning, scaly, blotchy, and pimply diseases of the skin. acalp and blood. with loss of huir, from pimples to scrofula, except possibly tchthyosis. Sold everywhere. Pnce. Cuticuru,. 75c.; Soap. 35c.; Resolvent $1.50. Prept<red by the P0'1'TER DRUG AND UllRMICAL Co.. Boston, Ml·BB. ~·8end for "liow to Cure Skin Disease," 64 pages, 50 Illustrations, 100 teatunoniale. West End House. ----,u----- IT STOPS THE PAIN. n e eses, rh.-eu.nt t u:,, nl an,< l muaeultt.r pains J"eli B:'f.' t~-ti i ·l ·.L"!.O r'i'H11 uto b y the (Suticu.ra Anti-Pain l'~i> ' '"'"the Jh·do and ()Jlly instantaneous pain· t1. 1 :li r; vhit:1ter. FREE! EXHIBITION -OF- Back ache. k irlncy pains, wei>k · DRESS GOO·D s, latest styles. Fine F, for rJ,~lf'\. Nor th h<al ves of I ots 3:l and 31, 7·t h cor~·· W hH· by, lately occupied by Mr. Stonehoual!. 'l'his farm is welt dra ined and fenced ancl wtll be sold chnap· and on eaHy termH. '!'he tlil'deiisigned has several other improved! farms for 31 , 3m. eile.·r . H. IDow; Sol'r , Whttoy. 1 DRESS TRIMMINGS. NEW- BUTTONS. :Ever·y lady should call and see t heseO~" to 1 oronto. new goods, they are very fine. C,1 B . CffANDLEl1, Newcastle, oil'ers KJ· by private sale;or ror farm proper ty in Newcastle-. ,The stock of YARNS is now complete. property, all of. and consisting of Htorea; Houses and· valuable Orc!rn.rd, the homestead baim: one A.ny body r'"0qui11ing Yarn should call of the moot complete in· the county. 'rerms ea.ey, at the hi~ will excl:lanl!'~ L ots SGtt Farm for Sale by T.endeT'. '!'enders will he received up to August 20th by the undersigned for that very deairiible farm con. 2. De.rhngton, adj'>ining Klngaton Iload. 'l'bere are on the preroisee large frame dwellinl!', bern. stone stable, well and cistern, and good orchard of choice trnit, Sitna.ted one milti e"st of Harmony, and 2l miles from Osha.· wa.. 'f he highest nor any tender not n~cessar ily accepted. ~.rerms made known on applica· tion t o WILLIAM Oru;;, sen., Courtioe, Ont. Courtice, July _._ 1 _ , _1t'8_ t._ " _ _ __ __ __ ot 92 acres, more or less. being oai·t ()! lot 35. West End House. 1otJRNErw STOCK OF I slhohradiffhl cude htev:tzeed htor, hlZ y:~ ~~\· FARM TO RENT OR FOR SALE, s u 0 evwen ne up eu er · belngthe50 e.cres oflot 21 inthe 3'1'u·con. a-11 wan ho wid fain make luv of the Township of Clarke and · the south 50 wen I zeed tha. pla~s--that wiz tha Nizy to her an anether thing, deer Jan, wat acres of . the nc:irth. lOO·Mres of lot 20.' both · k uart -w1z · e k za kl' ' ha~_ b ounu ' terw~rd s Irnr w1z " tiie· pa.reels Jotn, being m fa.rm; t<ll l Oa acres. There are P r1zy 1 I y k e a c h urc h . made my good buildings on the well watered and Anither poaliamin wiz than·, tryin tu hunderd shu:ung suvvcrems thet her is · fenced. Soil a blaok loal}I; '!'hero is also good meake tha. vokes hole thare tung, wich the Jawfull pc111 essor ov · now a which Viid ' orchard on the place. J.t will be rent~d · tor a · · ' . · term of years. Posse8sion can be given at wiz unrosibel, vur t h are w1z zo mem help ess a gude bit now that tymes 1z zo once if destred. For rn:rtber particulars en· hum men thare. 1'ha ku~rt wiz vule UV' ard. Mothur zed yeu ott teu hev spock \quire, R. and J, CAMll'Bl!ll.L, Whitby, Ontario, and is- by far the largest and' best stock of Goods ever held' by us, irnits and pue:i:, lyke ower ole church. Up t,eu the yong wimmaa, an in a kind ova [" . Our friends will please foe>k out for notice of~ our hie in vrint thsre zot tha jig, an tu 'ff" ez sympathetick V1&y yeo kewd . hev axed her r·FARM I,O l{ENT. -:100 acres on lot 21 and 2a, con. S, Darlmgton, well fenced rite han, et zom distans, wiz t h a zh er1 · down yer ver spend a Yortmght teu paes :·with wire, and cedar rilila. splendid. orchud, Ef ku11e, the jig hacl aun a wig, wich hoft' her k:i..res an then wan or tether ov I' good house, bo.rn, stable and other out. · ) u. k e k rue1 vu,nni, · Ith or t . B I' t ess k ew d h ave ' mad e luv t eu .h er, marry , : !ailin11: buildings. Good well ot bo.rd water. Never mea d e mm ! stream of water runs through-the premthere wiz a lot uv ginelmen had wigs aun her an take kare- ov he1· munme. Bu~ t1z 1'lses. 65 acres grass. The farm is in a high tu, an gouna, like ower pas~en yust tu no use trubblin." bt>nt· that now ett stMe of cultlva.tlc:in and tref3 from mustard and · b · ~ 1' h wild oats. Pnv1lege to plow a.t once. and ]!l.~ueehold. ware wen ha praicht, wen ?S w1z uya. zeemth her 1z_ kl'~m g'>n now,; an op : fall possession about the. middle of l\farch fi d Thay wiz kounsellz. Tha w1z doun under zomeboddy will git J;er ar: enJOY a kalm l~i:e_xt. AP . ply o.n .the 1>i:en:·ses to W~r; 1'-li;: f,AE· Bar Gladstone, and where c~n one n pin tha vlore, as :r.ittin an stannin roun a kontented an appy life w-1 th her, an my ,.~.11; or by_le_ tt.eI._to_!ji11mak1 Uen P. o. 3t·tf. BetW\een now and then the balance of Summer Goods will be offered .;a statesman who has so long hve. d blame- tabel. Tha jige's wig w11l different vrim blessin ~oo withem, an the h1rndred ~ WANTED 'GOOD, reliable men at about half price. :1esaly and so usefully as Mr. Mowat-0nder, tharez, vur ha had a haul in tha tap aun. pound tew. .) can !Ind permanent D eer J an, mo tt. I( employment. Good ·the white light of public mspeotion 1 For I t]10rt t het muss bee t o. 1e t tha zwe t ~v a er t rye d purt y ar d t e_ w I: . s Ar. A It y , and ex· For speeial reasons to be announced lattir,.it is necessiuy for us to sell . · ez brainz vly of, kuz ha. f(Ot ta wurk mm red yer Jeter, butt her \'ound yer spelhn ll J>en~ee weekly, Liberal ~nducemen.ts to qnicklv, therefore :n~arly fifty. ~ears . he has been eer.vrng za murch. Bit lie be d1u·nd in y rans ef zo bad thet her gied ooh up an let me dew ,, oogrnners. Outfit tre~. Previous experience ~ or annther · b l l I l · , not required, Established over 20 years. All l ne W 11 tl en f ·h 111 e ow-c1 z B n o ~Y v et didden z1m ta mee ta. ee a:u c iee y, ett vor her, an her ~e< thet twaz " p1tty i r<oods warranted Jlrst-olass, Write. Bt o. nce _:pillar of the church, civic official, hon· plai tu min, vur ha di~den zim ta ~tidy a thet yer eddication wrio Z ·J neggleckted en ·,'f . or torms. Address _ est lawyer, ui:.ris;ht Judge, representative tal. Wen I lukt at mm, I thort pm wat the yewthful claiz1. ov. yer boyhoode. I h ' ·'· "'· 1'1ACl~AY, · . · d - · I've yerd old Byle:i: zay.wish yew wid studJI Walker's dickshinary I St, 'l'homa.e, Ont., Gen. M_anaii;e_r for l\la.pla during the coming Cheap Sale. an Parham.,nt, governing a m1mstrator, J ' Blakstoau wiz e. larnned .i,, · .11 . d t h t ( Grove Nurseries. 1Mont1 on th1e uaper.1 1 o> . r . A d lg a leetle moor, an VIOW· Wl vm a 0. " N. B.. --Customers preferring to avoid the rush later on will have the auccess~ul defender ofl11a rovmce. n Ez wize ez ever z;at; greet help tew yew: in letter riting. , GRA'£EE'UL--C O~FORTING. benefit of the low prices from this da.y fbrward. from youth up he h11.1 always been regardHa wared ez ha.yd wayin ez wig. Our korn iz luk:ng well and esa hev i ed as a wise, good, honorable, publicEz Y"i.g wayin e11 hat. killd tbe girt fat; :we11: z;i ' az tow hev a. · spirited man. Nearly all stateaman have Anym:n1 a wtlylway_tha vto~m, plenty ov gude mait- ver rlue the ha.rvistin 1; ·:: · . . . _ ur 1 auyerz u g1 va rn ; u'Pon an mothur z~h yew tiad better kom' I · DGwmanville, September 1, 1889. 36. their periods of popularity anti unpopAn kommoo sens, an lnglsh i1oun, ome ~o that ezz kan z oon dew the Iott. 1 BREAKFAST. ularity. Mr. Mowat h:ts always been Ha zmotherd iu dog 1.. ttin. _ Ess hev zold tho sparky kow wee the "By a thorough k nowledge or the nature.I po polar. Most politicians have to endure ~en I kon:. i°; a young hum man WI~ u_p black face, hB didd-en gie much milk. Outt laws whi.c!1 gover" the operations o~ rlig.est10n assaults upon their sincerity and character. lbne ez tlhka 3d1g m waht tlha.y kaltd thadw1thms goozlins be' own well _an grow in ~h~ fi~;r~~g;~r~fe~ -!e1i!"se:1~~~.f/g~~~1~.nM~: . ox. u n yer ar Y twt>n 1 wur. z ur tew a wonder. ~ur skule is shot u~ Epps ha.a provido:l our breakfast tables with a Nobody hae ever senomly contended p;~d, bit I zune yerd twiz a bra.ich uv becuz maizels an hioopin koff i11 yer abou lll. <lelicately fta.vorcd beverage.which. 11-1ay save the ·age k ea!l'e, an wa,' I k· u ·d yer uvat O ur oId h oss "B"ll" h ez go.t th e s t ren~ < ·les judicious us mnny use heavy bills. or It diet is by the th o.t M.r. Mowat doe· ~ not deserve · · maro l or doctor.i' such articles that a title of Christian Sta.tesm:i.n. Charges hur zed hou tha. vuller thit purfest ta l~v and tothar dav I thorb he w1d h ev chucked i constitution me.)l be gradually built up until GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, of corruption and extravagance brought h er hvur hv?twher J'.erzk, at~ t~ekn martrh1d hiaself with koffi"n, ~other zends her , ~\~~~~e;enoil_~~a!~d~es~~t s~'b~f:, !;.~~dfe~Y a~~ anut er t l e w1z u11r m z1 s mun s beet luv tew y ew hoppmg yew be ver:ry I floati og aroundi us ready to attack wherever ' 80WMANVILLE STA'£ION. ago.inst him have always been contempt- bava.ur ha givd up hur, I kud a nackt en well vrom yer affeckshionate brithey Ned. th.e · e is a weak poi'!-t, We may llBcape m_any 0 GOING EAST G OING WEST uouBly scouted by the people, for they doun a vour I zeed en. W ul then, hur Ho ls worthy, Engl11nd, Aug 15th, 1009. ~[~~alpi:i~~r' ~1~::8~~Jl ~u~:~~~~i;'e~;~~{~~~ Paseenge;:i .... 8 39 a m Nail ....... . 5 57 e..·m have a just and pr9found conviction that vater kom up (tha. awl kis th11. btbel ava1;1r frame."-"Cfu>l Service Gazcttli:" Mail.. · .. ....10 32 a m :11ocal ......... 8 2.3 a. m k) B. 00 · a honest lukm kl f Made simply with boiling' w_ ater or milk. Mixed .........3 37 p ro E:x;press· ...... 9 35 ·6 m Mr. Mowat is abso!Lttely honest, and t h ay spay · Wl~ . · . ONE of the model country wee ies o Sold only in, ~ack<1ta. by Groce1 · s. labAlled thus: Lo".al ...... ,: . 7-~5 p m Mi:J!ted ...... .. 3 l 5·1Jo m chap enuf a.u tole a stritevorr1d stGrt tu, C . h I> d B Th N .· . uu:s 1<;:rvs ell CJn., 11om111opathla Cltem"' . h b Ma.ii .. ...... 110:20 pm Matl .. . ..... . 8 2Q ·p m rather inclined to err y savrng t o.n b th 'ung man hevin a. gude bit of 1tnada is t e nn as anner. e·J: ew Isu. LonW>ll, i : n;:lurul. · S out r y .. f 24 .. · Exce-pt Mond&ya. by spending the p11bhc money. o munni. 'rhen hur moather kum up an York Jm1mal'Y1t o Aug.. , conta<lllll a. strongly does he hold public confidence zed tha zeamez. The k ounsill kudn full-page porv~ait of Mr. Roy Y: &>merOwing to th~ large increase of trade, YOUNG & CO,, the that bie opponents nowadays, when they meake thay out lyara nether. NHekst dl ville, the President of the Canad1au1Preas . M ' . t bleeve tha falls luvyer kom up. a ze . . d d ' f ti ""Grocers, are compelled to enhrge and improve their present bring charf6es ~ga1.nst ~1 rn n11s r~, rue tiw aul a passel uv nonsens th1J.:Yd bin AssocrnboB., :10 · ~ 1tor o · 10 ~nner. premises. On J tl!Ile 15th and during alterations, will be found much given to msrnuatmg that tins or tullin aw an thit ha will pore, an thit ha Mr. SGmen · 1lle is a young rno.n and a in the stores lately occupied by l\foClung Bros., Horsey~s Bl'k, that transaction of which they complain went zix 'or zevn miles ta. zee hur kuz bur clever jommalist. The distinction g iven has occurrtid without t he Premier's vra.ut ta hee, and zo t1viz hur kuartin he hi.m will be highly appreciatoo by the '! YE.·~ i!) ~ . f aul tha tyme. Tho pore m"yd wunderd d \lll ~ ltl V C. knowledge, which 111 as ~uch as con ess- how twaz he didden kom t u zee hur wen Press of C:lna a. A :90!(Ular monthly, a,na.rterly or hal~·yearly fog either that it is ioeonceiva,ble that Ila zed hee wid kom, an vraut ta. aks ef payment slight adv'fl:Dce on the rento.l rate) buys the (a. instrument. anything wrong should b ti done with hie ho. wis bad, and to zhaw thit hur ~uvd en Any piano may be <>hoaen out or a magnifi· h nd en a vahmtyme ce1&t assortment ot Uprights, Squares. pu-a · privity, or acknowledging that the peopIe za murch ez ive~, t~r ze . Gvands, unsnrno.saed in quality. Mmistera, )' h l way a necktye mstid uv a lot uv vuhsh 'l'eacbers. Government Officers. antl? thos0 in can't be made to b e ieve e las ever con· 11t f th · - ' d Ha did den kom eni reeeipt of regular iincomes w!ll flod thl's a. con· u ' ez "'Jig ze · veoient and advi:.0tageo11· modelfor securing a 13 new moer .ente d to anything wrong. Th' an tha pore z~wl vretted an vretted first class instrument. ·when the instrument is Tory dodge- ihis tiretense tha.t "Mr. til h~r yerd ha. wiz marrid tu zom nuther used !01· practice, our Sort Stop or Practice YOUNG & CO. take the present opportunity of thanking those an Pella! saves wear on th.e nerve, as well aa nre· friends who so liberally patronized them during this their :first year in Mowat doll 't know the wi'ckedness that's hnmman. Aur zend en a turniz later, "dd serves the tone or the Our po.tent Foot going on" - is of no avail, because the ha. anserd hur in a impedent way. D1 en Pedttl attachment ro~ Pianos is inva.lnaole to buEiness, and extend a "'elcome invitation to all their friends, old and electors know h ow thoroughly he attende ez kounsil an tha jig ax an wat ha ma.ynd organists, stnO.eota ancl te11,chers, Prices on new, to give them a call in their temporary premises, H orsey's Block, f h ' h h · purti' zhaip · ' The kounsell l!le _d ee had t.u a.pplico.tion, Inspection invited, · to every piece o f busmss or w rn e is in any soi·t accountable. They are awa;re l!ltriogz tu hur bau, an ha twisted zo th~t that nothing has gone wrong under him ha didden naw w:i.t tu zay, nur wat ha wiz This Lead is known from Warerooms- 107and10!! Church St., Toronto. for seventeen y ears, they correctly infer bout. Tu ur dree tymez hee drade ez nee l!"actory, the finest in its equipments and ap· from the experience tha t nothing l).nder rite up pin tha binch in vrint aun. Then IIalifax to British Columbia pliances in the city, so to !17 Bellwooi ave. ' will " 0'0 wrong while he is to the fore, ez wivez vather had a as the best, finest, ancl purest AS A Jll11A.J..1NG, SUOTRIN'G appltt"~'ltlon hrm d kom d up, h hue )! h varm dd and they· welcome his return with a sense UV ez aun o.n ze t e YU er a en 1'01· catH, noa 11·1K, bruJso11 and 8oru, there of completerl. and p~rfect Provincial murch rou~ni, unni wat ez vather left en; in Canada. S5;Gw b ·otl1ing better tlu·nl VJeto1·In CRl'buli<J eecurity .-Globe. an that ha wurke vur hee un had teu ' !iMve,!I ~~;e!~~ ~~l~~im;:.r 1:~:d zee; I r!dz'oa~ I vound mezul up in a galeri, an 1 stea!'d braced her F~all & Wint. e·r Go·ods IS NOW' COMPLETE, I I' about the flrs-t: week in October, Extraordinary Bargains will be. offered 0 s E pp 's 1 . co c '·· oA ELLISON & CO. gf JustAcross the Street. I I' I I I . SYSl. "CM Just Across the Street from their old premises. 0MBE & GO · OCTAVIUS NEW C J ustAcross the Street YOUNG & CO.; the Grocers;

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