._.. ..... -- Wall Paper 1 and Buggies at TAIT'S Gorn er Store. Mrs. D onnell y is selling l1ats for 25 c., worth $1.50. 31·3 w Miss Effa. Tod is visiting friends in Western Ontario. EntrieR will close for ff,.mpton Stock Sale on 21st inst. Mre. H. Mollon is spending a few weeks at Sturgeon Point. Mr. Jou. Stephens has gone on a trip to the Northwest territory. Mr. D. A. Bruce, of Stratford, spent a few days in town last week. Miss McCullough, of Belleville, has been on a visit to friends here. Great reduction in prices of Cabinets and Family Groups at Henry's, after July lat. Miss Hetherington, of Belleville, is visiting at Mr. W. Crydermaa'e, Church StTyphoid fever is reported in two families on the 7th con , Darlington, and in Cartwright. Oshawa and N ewcaetle also Jiave several cases. Dr. Spencer has removed his veterinary office to the house between Dr. Hillier's and Dr. B oyle's office. HAYE You TmEJI> Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder it is the purest of the pure. All grocers sell it. A very large and choice stock of new tweeds ar.d worsteds JUSt opened out at Coueh, Johnson & Cryderman's. Miss A. Bleakely h as gone foi· a month's 1 visit at Winnipeg. Flowers in lovely variety at Burden & ICo's Auction l\fart. PICNIC SEASON! USE LYMAN'S CVONCENTRATED I Extract of Coffee! :rHE EA:::>IEST TO USE Mis:i Gertie J oms3 has gone to visit frie.nds a t Brampton. Mr. Jas. Millar, of Parkdale, spent . Sunday with friends bore. Mr. \V()s. G. Reid was looking up old friends in town last week. All wool tweed suits to order from $5 up during b efore moving sale at J. J. Mason's. Hon. Ed. Blake has been re-elected Chancellor of Toronto University by acclamation. Mrs Stuart Bruce, Port Perry, and Mr. H. Bruce, Toronto, are visitors at Mr. Thos. Sherin's. I Are falling into line and will remove to their new store, formerly occupied by R. WORTH, opposite their old stand, where they hope to be favored with the same liberal patronage that they have hitherto received. THE PUREST AND BEST Is m:tde only of strictly pure grape cream of tartar, strictly pure bic111·bonate of soda, and a small portion of flour ns a preservative, n othing dse whatever, and is warranted entirely free from alum, ariunonin, phosphates, lime, and all the aclultera nts frequently found in baking powders. 'l'he character of materials used, their purity, ::md the· nicct.y of their combination, render Cleveln.nd's superior baking powder the most healithful and most economical in use, and i t. atways affords wholesome, nutritious,anddeliciousfcod. It is recommended for purity, healthfulness and efficiency by Gov~nment and State chemists, chemists of Boards of Health, and professors in institutions of lea.1·ning throughout the country. Sold only in cans, full weigl!Jt. C LEVELAND BROTHERS, ALY.A.NY, N . y , ALL ARE "'"WELCOME, Old and new, and YO}Ir patronage will be thankfully received. r ·11 f' I Wl arrL ve or Rev. Dr. Macnab participated in the ceremony of unveiling the William's AS A GALLON CAN BE MADE AS statue at Port Hope last week. West Durham county and Darlington EASILY AS A CUPFUL. township Fall :Fair will be held at Bowma'n ville on Sept. 26th 11nd 27th. If you want a first-class cigar you must go to W. E. Pethick's where you will find Made from the Beet Mocha. and Ja.va a great many kinds to choose from. A HO.ll:E COMFORT. Mr. W. Mutch, Brooklin, send& us a pea vine J 3ft. 10 inches long. This dis·For Huntin~, Fishing Travelling, andeepf\Cial tances all competitors so far heard from. ly serviceable for camping out. For sale by all Grocers and Druggists in 1 lb Able.and practic1tl sermons were preach.Sib, a.ad tib bottles. ed in Church-st Methodist church last Sund11y by Revs. James Liddy and L. Mention this paper. The Finest· Flavoured! lD I I J NEW COODS th l ·11 b d' l e opening, anc WI e 1sposec most reasonable prices. 0 f a t the ay 0f · A ugust 2 2 . moving, West store in the w h ite brick block. Do · not forget the stand - the Thanking you same. . for past favors, and trusting for a c on tinuance of the Farmers' Attention I ·ny a s11euinl arrangement just made, we can offer you 'T he ~,armer's Advocate and Home Magazine -AND- 'The Medical Adviser and Farm Help, both papers from now to Jan. 1st, 1890, FOR $1.00. No farmer can afford to be without these papers at this p1·ice, a.ud by su bscribiog now you ger. both papers .ABSOLUTELY FRJJJE FOR t MONTHS. Address, JNO. H . H. JURY, Bow11r.1.NVILLE. We will send sample o! both papers to any address for 3 cent stamp. PRIZES. To the first person sending in 3 subscribers and $3.00 we will gl ve both papers free for one year. To the first person sending $ 10.00 for 10 subscribers we will glve e. ha.ndsome Plt!sh Cnse. valued at $5.00. (JfJf' .Agents wanted everywhere and good pay given ~ -'"':\ ~--~----"·-·---·" Bo,~'!{ANVILI,E, .-.· ' ·--- ~SEP'r. , 11, 1889. Local and Otherwise. ~ Mr: W. Werry, Solina found a pea vine ,on his farm 12 ft.· 5 in. i n length. Next? The \Veat End House have just re· ·ceived into stock tlie n ewest shapes in collars and ties. For the best bargains i n watches, clocks ·and jewelry go to H. C. Brittain's Cooperative J ewellry Store. Rev. W. F. Wilson, po.gtor of Wood·~reen Methodistchurch, Toronto, has had .his salary increased from $1000 to $1, 500 for next year. The power of the pen is incalculable. Its cost is easily known by asking the .nearest stationer for Esterbrook's Falcon No. 048 and other numbers. A base ball match will be played on the drill shed grounds on Saturday afternoon between the Bea\'ers of Oshawa and Ath'letics of this town. Game called at 2.30. Boys and girls or in fact any p~rson wanting a fine Brush, Comb and Mirroc ·case in Plush can have one worth $5.00 by doing about 4 or 5 hours work. See .advt. at top of this col. . RELIABJ,F. FrnE INSURANCE COMPANIES: - City of London, England, capital £2,1 000,000; and Lancashire, England, capi~al, £3,000,000, represented by JonN ·COLE, Sen., Hampton, Ont. 9--6m. Ther.e.,were 1'7,7GO t11P 1nbers in the An· .cientV rder of United \l\"orkmen in Can'O.· da up to .Aug. 31. Applications during the month, 19G. No assessment for Sep· tember. Only one call per month so far for 1889. · Just to hand at Couch; Johnston & ·Cryderman's a fine range of ladies' and .M isses' ulsters and ehort jackets, Ger:nan made. Their goods are cut and made up as only Germans can cut arid make up .ladies' coat11. Porter's Foundry and Machioe shop is reopened. All kinds of castings made ·and machine repairs done on short notice. " The bueiuess will be car:i.e d on by the Porter Estata under management of Mr. 'G eo. Porter. Give them a oall. The Australian sculler, Henry Ernest :Searle, defeated Wm. O'Connor of 'l'oronto, on the Thames Monday by ten · boat lengths. Toronto betting men lose over $250,000. The time <>f the race·22.42- is the second best on record. Mr. Wm. Beatty, florist of Johnstown, "Pa., is visinng Mr. and Mrs. David D a vis, BAech Ave. Mr. Beatty was an eyewitness of the terrible flood there in May ;and says the published accounts do not ·begin t ·1 convey any idea ·Of the destruc tion and horror caused by the awful catas· -trophe. SA'l'URDAY, SETT. 14TH. -Auction Sale ·of 'rimb1:ir in the town of Oshawa. The undersigned haB received instructions to aell by auction at the timber yards, Oshawa, on Sa.tul'day, Sept. 14th, a lot -0f buit ~ar, timber, plank of all kinds, -Cedar etc., in lots to suit purcJrnsel'S. Sale to commence at -4 -o'clock sharp. S. -0. ~...'i' TNJHNG, Auctioneer. I\ .lEV~N'S WOJ&~ l'OWDEUS <lestrO)" ·a tn<ll'<'nurv-e ""~rnH w.1thou.tfhtJ1try to :ufnlt. oa- Ulfan t. Mr. Rich. Hoidge, Maple Grove, has fodder coro sown July 5th that measures Great reduction in prices of CabPhelps. 7ft, 5~ inches high. Good growth for inets and Family Groups at Hen· A beautiful assortment of new black one month. Quality amounts to little unless prices and colored dress goods just rl;lceived h ry's, after July 1st. direct from England at Couch,.Tohnson & Mr. W. Norman Tilley has pi;,~ceCI t e are fair 1 S'!Ar.ES~fA.N from now till Jan. 1st, 1890 Law Society's examination and is now a Cryderm 11n's. student-at·law in the office of Messrs. for 30c. Low prices are not bargains unless quality Visitors to town during the Exhi- Gamble & Dunn, Toronto. Congratula · Meals at all hours at Mrs. Sinclair's, bition will see nothmg to equal the plush tions, Norman. opposite M arket Square, 25c. is there. at the West End House. All newest We direct uttention to E llison & Co's Bargains for all in dry goods. See J. shades at forty cents per yard. announcement this week. Their store is J. Mason's befo re moving adv. .Attention is directed to the "Big Boot" literally packed wit.h goods from cellar to .James Dayman local agent for D omindisplay annonncement by Mr. Treleven. garret, and th ,iy ar.~ off.iring immense ion Or,,ims and Pianos. B owmanville. Be keeps one of the best and biggest dis· bargains to thti public. Are you in need of a. pair of specks, if play of boots and shoes in t own. The West End House is doing a ratMessrs. E . Hairgith and A. Elliott re- tling trade in clothing hav in~ turoed out so you can get a pair of fine perescopic turned home on Saturday last from a bi- a number of full suits 1ilready. The glasses for 50c. at the Co-operative cycle trio through West.em Ontario and a !!Oods are right ·i11d the pricts are right. .Jewellry Store. vi~it to Rochester, N. Y. They report a Call and see for yourself. MC.-GO-WAN·MORE. fl J , lendid time. Mr. S, H. ReynoldR has now moved Morris' Carria.ge worka has got a first- into the shop lately occupied by W. R.R. The follo wing letter speaks for i t 3elf. class painter. P1~rties intending to have Cawker. and is prepared to sell the heat The fragrant '·She" now sheds h ~rsw e et· their buggies repaiuted this spring bring quality of Meats at the lowest prices. ness on the bal1ny air" of thi~ sylvan them alonz at once and have them done His shop will be open all chy. town : Kingston, Sept. 6th, 1889. Doup in good style. R ev. A. Gandier, B. D ., who lHs just minion Or ~ an & Piano Co. Band.-GenSoNs OF ENGLAND.-The Most Worthy returned from a yeax"s study and trav· tlemen,-I was ['leased to hear of your SUC· Grand President will visit Wellington el in Enrope and who is to be seotled in cess at the Cobourg Band Tournament Lodge, on Tuesday evening, 17th inet. Brampton on the 23rd inst will asei~r, at and In previous contests during t h e la.st We ii.wite attention to our cample te and c arefuily selected stock ;of All mem berR are requested to attend. A the CommuuiNt services io St . P11ul'e two years or so, and the ·'She" cigar hav· Ladies', G ent's, Misses and Children's Boots and Shoes, Trllnks,Valises, good time expected. church next Sabbath morl!fog and will ing come out abou~ the sa mo time, no etc. Our nopular stock o f fashionab le goods is perfect beyon d comS;lle Saturday at the "Mart," market preach in the evening. do ubt you all enjuy goJd cigars, and paris on. We are showing th~ cor rect style s o f the oeason. No old shop sq11ar1>, 11 bedsteads and bureaus, matIt is rumored that th e Beli Organ Co., kindly accBpt fl box of :.bove cil(ars, aud 1 t nusea, ha.ir cloth lounge, chairs, pictures, of Guelph, meditate moving their fac tory hope your smoking them will allvays bring worn, bn,nkrupt stock or shoddy govd.s manu factured for bankrupt We w:i,rrant all onr good s t o he what we represent them. plant·, and a multitu<lenri·1s coml;>inat10n to Toronto on one of its subnrbs iu con- you the tirstprize in all co nt ests. I remain, houses. of useful articles. S . BURDEN & Co., sideration of an offor c,f sufficient Janil to Gentlemen, Truly Yours, GEO. N . Mc- The prices a r e :i.ow, anCJ no one can sell you respec table g oods cheaper~ Auct. erect their pi1mo and organ factories, and GOWAN. Thes e goods are bargains, viewed fro m any s t andpoint. T he q uality All watcht>s solrl by John ,J. Mason a.re an equivnlent of $50,000 c1uh besides. and style are there. Reliable, truety, servicea ble goo d s, mar ked a t SAM!JM. guar1mt·'ed correct time keepers as they The offer is made by a retil estate syndiROOK BOTTOM PRICES. are all personally inspected and select ed cate. The atte11dance at the anniversary eer by him, and tlrnn the prices are away beWhy do people all over the count ry vices here last ::5unday wao very large. low what is usnally asked for similiar send their watches to J . J . Mason's to be Rev. L. P hel ps prei.ched at 2 .30 and Rev. goods. repaired. Because be always does it pm- S. H. Matthews, at 6.30, two vory able 19. Sign of t he Bm BooT drawn by two ~orses, BowMANVILLE. · l\fr. John James, Sen., Oshawa, father perl:ii and the public know that they can and suitable sermons. of th<l proprietor of this paper, is receiv- depend on their watches givml! good eatOn Monday interesting speeches were ing treatment from a German specialist. isfaction afterwards. R eader if you have made by Revs. B . S. Matthews. W. H. for cancer on the lower lip. He is suffer- ho.d difficulty in getting your watch to go 'Warriner, B. D. , and circmt mini~tera. STEE L RODS- IROM FOUNDATIOtJ . ing a great deal, but is very hopeful of a properly, give J . J. Mason a trial. The church choir and scholars gave some BUILDERS' IRON WORK, . complete cure. CRYSl'AL W EDDINo.-A n umber of t he choice aelectiom of m nsic. Miss J'essie Our two young townsmen, Messrs. Chas. friends of Mr. and Mrs l~obt. Fielding, Plummer, the Secretary, read the annual Windatt and John Horsey, huve won dis· from Bowman ville and Clarke, aeaembled report showing 61 scholars, divided into t AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. tioction at the Dominion Rifle Matches at t heir residenc J "La.keview" 011 Tues· four classes, taugh t by four teachers who at Ottawa, winning lar,1e amounts of day evening 3rd inst, to celebr,\te t he artl always vresent. · The l nternationa.l money and positions on the Wimbledon fifteenth anniversi!.ry of their wedding Lessons are studied hy all the classes. L_ _ team for 1800 . day. Mr. McCormack presided a.~ chair- The financial repor t showed a small 11 .(J:.,J:Ut:J:TED), J oh n D .i.vey, on b ehalf balance on the right side. Gre1:1t credit The Bowmnnville Cycling Club will man a.nd i.ur. ' . of ' ~nt r d D" an acld·eas is also due to the indefati"able ~uperin· · d WALK ERVl'-L.E, ONTARIO. hold their weekly run as usual on Thurs- th0 f ne~ s pres v. ' ea ~ =' <> day eveninrr. It will be to Newcastle. appropriate t.> the. occa.s10n, p resented tendent, Mr. W. Windat t, for the success On a.ccourit-~f rain they have been unable M~" nr.d Mrs . .Fieldmg with a handsome of the school. The proi::eeds this year to hold t hese runs fo r the last two weeks ~hL~a tea ser111ce 1!'[1d _cry~tal sat mounted reached nearly $50. th b f h l , rn silver. Mr. Fieldmg ma few remarks -·=======~===== d ESIRABLE HOUSE AN D L OT for :en ~~1 to~:.a~el:r~1:~ir:~~\ n::ywb:~~: t ha!lked th~_frie.~da in.grateful.terms for DIED. Sale, situs.tad on Wellington St. east. in the town o! Bowmanville. 'f ile house is frame pected. They will start at 7.15 from them beautiful gift sta,tmg th~t 1t was not WHiTE.-Tn Stayner, on Wednesday, Sent. on stone foundation; is one and a half storey, HigD"inbotham's corner. only a pl easure but a surprise t hat had 1!rd, .Joseph lJ. White, aged. 28 yea.rs. contains 7 rooms. pantry and closeto, with good 0 , · · been so remembered. A most pleasant stable and driving shed, and all necessary out· Program for next Friday ev'3umg D.O. and enjoyable evening was spant and at BIRTHS. buildings. '.l.'he property is in first class condl · 1 & P. Co. 13and conc~rt : its close all felt that it had been a happy CJ,ARKE-Oa the 5th inst., the wife of :Mr. T, Ma.rch.-La. Belle Ito.ha. ...... ... ...... ..... Guo! th · J. Clark, of a daugMer. Overture.-Haydee. .... . .. ........... .... Auber ga. errng. Valse.;--Espaua .... . _ . ._. ........ . ... ' Waldtenful Mr Thos L:immiman cousin of Dr Select1on.-Reccollect1one of the War ·. · . ' . · L. G, l!lcJUBBON, 111. n. c. tt1. tt1. c. r . s. (byreq_u1>st) Beyer Lamm1man, of this town, will be reH YSICIAN, S URGEON, .AND AC· - u · t 1' f Lancer!'.-Forty Thievf.ls ............ Fa.hr~. . SZJ.embered bylmany as one of the clever COUCHEUR. Late of the firm Stewart !)~~'J!S'f, · .·..a.as opened ou · ~ a n ew s OC r : 'O · 1 Fantasia.-Nat.lona.I.. ... . · .. · ·· ........... · !?, i b<_>ld. boys who attended school at Bradlev's ........ ...... Smith & MclCibbon,'l'eeawater. Office and resid~!!Qe f ~ Polka.- Nornp1pe ............ God Save the Queen. School House, Darlington, while the Pr11Bb;y~eri!\ll M!\n.l)e, l;llaok;~tQclt. I j J. W,u,imoN, ConductQr. present proprietor of THE STATESMAN was 1\Ir. John F. McKay, son of Rev. W. teacher there-1871-2 3·4. The WoodOR SALE CHEAP. - .A Covered ·-Rear of Messrs Buggy, McLaughlin make, nearly as good · ' A. McKay, B. A., Woodstock, has as- stock Sentinel Reviel\' Sept. 6th says: l..i ~umed the editorship of the Leamington An unusually pleasa:1t lawn party or as new· .A bargain. Apply to this office. 87-tf Higginbotham & Son's Drug Post. John was one of the modest and church festival was held at Currie's ThursA..ANTED. MA GJENERRAt· SERVANT. Store, (down stairs), t' , . . goo.d boys in. Baltimore Pnblic School day evening, at the residence of T. LamPP1 y to . ns. AMES E10, comer of a" c·· 1nv1tes her n um t 31;tw· '"' ' erous CUS Olll· wl11le _th~ E d itor of TI~E STA1'ESUA.N was miman. Mr. Lammiman's farm is widely Wellington and Ontario Streets. B 0 W lll .4. NV l I, r, E. the Principal and he thw ks John possess· known as one of the best in East Oxford OUSE '£0 RE.NT. -Good brick ·· ers t o call and :in spect for them~ es the proper qualities of head and heart if not in the whol e County of Oxford. It house on .Scugog St., containin~ seven A UCTION SA.LE OF A to make a model editor. John is "the is in nil resp~cts a model farm kept Iarg-c 1ooms beatdes pantry, closets and wood ::;e l ves her ch oi ce s e le ction. son of his father" and therefore may ~e scrupulously clean and in a high ;ta.te of sa~el;y trusted. to mould a~d d1re~t pubhc cultivation. It would be difficult for a ny opm1on. His many friends m theee one to find a weed or a thistle in any of A--~ -T"ttAY·. ·:::::A.-;;~;;~-old B~l~-bl~d j . .. P AY UP.-Al~ parties i n d ebted United Countirn wish hiw much success· its well fenced fields. 'rhe house is a ..lJ.... m ono eye. nearly all red with some IN DAilLiNGTON · h ·u · i , on or about the u'.l t e .a'.tISSES WILSON will confer The Canadian public ought to encour· large and commodious farm r esidence whito, came on lot 31. coa. · 0 · first of July. Owner requested to prove pro11' t · · Age the Dominion Illustrated, which witb spacious lawn in front, studded with perty' par, expenses nnd iake him away.. ?fM. Ui;ider ?-nd by vir~ue or the pnwer of SP.le con. , a l~VOl by . ca mg a once and loses no opportunity of bringing Canada well ttimmed shade trees. The farm WELSH, Iaunt0n. 3f·;3w tamed Ill 8 ?ertat!J. mortgage madf by J9hn 1)8.V rng theu· aCCOUnt, a s the 1 0 to the front-itH resources, its scene1·y, buildings are models of cleanliness and HEE· P ·--XsTRAY.=-01~~~ ~d.-·-~;;~;;-i;y ~~ala~~~ih~~~ ~un ~ ~oi!t:~dP~~ticaA~~?;~~~i , b~1[iinei;s now w ill b e carried on by it11 leadiug men, its nlltional a.nd social comfort, and everything about the place a thorough·bred Southdown Raru gni'it.t ·~E - 'T .. 'I' .';'" BO'I'ii:' ( 11~1J SS M. \VJI,SON life. The last issue(September 7) clevotes bespeaks the intelligent care and activity fromdogs. Lot 30. Con. 2, Darlington. with the init~HI 1· ~ ~ J) · some well-filled pages to the illustration of the owner. A better place to hold a ials o! "J. B. " brand11d 011 right aide. Any . .. ~--,~~=~-------1 STORE m the town of Eowmann lie, on AND DWELLIN G FOR of the annual games of the Montreal garden party could not be found in the person giving inform ation leading to his re· will be smtably rewarded.37- Jlw* ACOB Caledonian Society, and also gives por- district. Great preparations had been covary llRANCH, Courtice. ! ' SALE.- rhat fine new store and reBi· , · , . ~ence, elegantly fitted fot· Merchant Tailor ·ol' traits of its president and vice· president. made by the ladies for the gath'lrincr last - ----- ---· ·- - -- · ~ ~AT ES :VIAN WANTED A t ~"·mcy Dry Goods now occupied by Mr. John All Canadians will be proud of the record night. Evergreen arches had been "'erec· ~ ' '· .perma1889, at one o'clock in the after noon, I .uyle. Appl:y to WM. H. IvES, Bowmanville. ~ nent position guaranteed with sala.ryand , 23-tf of Miss Gregory, B. A, Mus.-Bac., and t ed over the gates. The driving sheds expenses p1ticl. No e'!.perience needed witb us- Th"t valuable ta.rm, situated i n t he township Qf that of Sergeant-Major Rogers, winner in which supper was served were beauti- Gre"'t ad vant1t~ca to begi nners. Fast selling of Darlington. in the counts ot Dtuham. eon· · of the Governor-Genernl's gold medal at fully decorated with evergreens and the specialties. Outfit frea. Write q_nfck and get tainmg one hundred acres, more or less, being ' A l ES M A N WA N T EJO of territOl'Y stating age. H.E. HOOKER the south half of lot number eighteen, in the · 'f0 h di . ~ingaton Military College. The Domin· fruits of t he year; whilc:i theie was a pro- cboice Co.· Ror,heeter, N, Y. 32-JOw fourth concession of the said township of j · · a.n e our specialties . and Ornam,enDarllngton tal stock. Steady work i>t good pay, No 1on Illustrated is publinhed by the Do- fusion of buntin~ displayed about t he · . 1 experienct' necessary . Any man not afraid to ARl\l FOR SALE.- dood 50 acre Th e~e are on the premises a good Frame I work c& minion Illustrated Publiahing Company, whole place. A number of elevated torch n succeed with us. Salary and exfarm 011 Kingston Road, between Picker· Dwelhng House, and Frame Barn, Shed and p ense~ paid to gQOd me11. the year round of wliich :Mr. G. E. Desbarats is man· platforms had b een erected on the gro unds, ing and Whitt>y, being south-west quarter oC Stable : also a good well and a good bearing Succees gua.ranteed. Write for terms · · aging-director, at 6·S: St. Ja:mee street, on which, after nightfal, huge piles of Joe 8, 2nd con. of Pickering. Hartt and soft orchard. About 75 acres cleared, ten acres E. C. S~LOVEH & co.." Geneva, N . l {. Montreal. . . . , . pin~ ro?ts blazed with fragrant fury, ill- water, comfortable house, good driving· honse bush and the balance sh.shed. but good pas· N U RS1':RYMEN, and barn with st0 ne stabling. Large orchard, ture land. 23......Jm We have re~eived Bramard s J'l'.Ius1cal ummatmg the whole premises and giving gocd fencing. Soil good, title indisp utable. Terms and conditions of sale made known World for September containing besides tho lawn 8,nd its living concourse of Apply on premises, or ·bY 11111,il to G1mV'frs on day of sale. 36tf an imm~nse a.moun t of interesting mtt&i· hundreds of people, old and young, the ConNELt, Plokering P. 0. FQr further particnla.rs and conditions of sale apply to S, C. IIUKKING. Esq ·. Oourtice cal readmg the followin~ choice ne w mu- appearance of a fairy scene. Jt was as P. O.. Auctioneer, or to the Vendor's Solicitor. $30 PER A.ORE. sic: "Centennial Ma.Tcb," by Karl Merz;: pretty a. spectacle as could well be seen. B. F. JUSTIN. e. C. HUNKING. "The O ld Oaken Tree," a beautiful song While supper was being served things Brampton, Ont.. A.uotioneer. Vendor's Solicitor. :i.~d choru~, by E. A. Phelps ;"Litt-le were kept lively by the Mount Elgin FARM FOR SATjE.- West half Lot Brampton, lG A.ug. 188 at Dated F isher Ma1dan Waltz," Waldmann's pop - Band, an excellent musical oraaoization i:l, 1st c·on. C.larke, comfortable build· 1 ular song arranged into a waltz by Chas. which has a well deserved ;eputation ~':i~a~~~ fu::~0gJ~ w~~~~E~~IJ:~,\.~~;~ ti~::. 'WlllillllllMilriiilllillali W arren; and "Serem1.de," by W1lB<>n. ~~ throu~hout South Oxford. The program castle. 3.S-7w· Goods ' Va r ran te d ; .. Smith. Thia music alone is worth about concluded with three rousing cheers for · EXCELLENT FARM FOR SALE or lJ'IRS'l'-CLASS. Per- I $2. 00.; . a copy of the ~eptembAr World the ladies and Mr. L"\mmiman, i11 which to ReuL· The north so acres, more or lees ~;~:~;e~:e~~gj· ~~r~;i~~1ea:a'.'~~i~~sersorP~~~ 1 These ready Mixed P aints contarnmg the above will be sent to any all present j.oined heartily. Altocrether of lot 28. 7th con.. Darlington. There are on weekly. Liberal inducements to beginners. 1 h · 1 b· t · address upon receipt of 12 cenhi in cash this harvest home !!a.thering W M ~le of the premises two good frame barns with stone No previous experience necessarv. Outfit free. l· are llO C 0mICa CO!!l Illa 10Il ijtal>ling and cellar under one. a good frame Write for term;i, giving_e.ge. CHARLES H. · f b ,· . · t or ~tamp9. 'rhe publishers will also send the pleasantest held in East Oxford for houstl. a well of e>..-celleut hard water, o. never CH.AS~. Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y. 0 enzme or . so . ap 11).IX ure, their camloguA of over 20,000 musical many a day. The proceeds which oo from failing sprioi{, sott water cistern !'nd good or3 paper. . 7;s· _ but are simply old -fashioned p aints. . Mention thl 3 · · it. ·tl · ,·A'd S · "' cbnrd. ·rerms easy li sold. Privilege to plow pu bl' icati ons free t o anyone d esirm(l , ie ·L a d 1es ' l ' oc1ety for the benefit of) will ·be granted .as 800u: ·a.s this season'!! crops Address,. TmE· S. BitA.rNARD's SONS Oo., the Me thodist Church, were hi"'MY sn tis' are taken·off. l!"or further particulars·.apply 1'11Lii"DnN'S A.llOilU.TltJ ttUL'ilNE WUD ts They are guaranteed to give better 0 s111)cdor to nnytotltcrl11s an O:ppc· , factor" to the· propri@tor, H. -J Eh'l'ERY. Enfield, Ont. dlstlucUy Chicago Ill resuIt9 th an any oth er pamt , ' · ·' · l 33·3w. usrnglonte and roruoer.1: CA"WKER & ALLIN. WE COMBINE THEM. M. TRELEVEN, Best and Cheapest Fenfe I L .(;Office Railings, Lawn Furniture Barnmn WirfiDR &Siron Works I Toronto Office---4 Adelaide St. West. D MILLINERY~ 7.;~~~ii1rt~OMBtE f. I 1f11SS nt. e·WI LS 0 N OFFICE P F I . j l'V the old stand, W H ~~~1ic1~l~~o ~p~1;!t. B~~~~l'~~~~::·o~~~.fu3i~~r lVAL u AB l EFAR M l I "' I --- S SATURDAY sE PT 14TH (, I 1 L . , ; · s' · F WANTED ~!~~r~M~~c~~ '.':/l I I j