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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1889, p. 6

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~~mlll1~lf.!11".~1~~ ~~~~!!L "f::~~.!. ·'~~~ ~~~~ .a, 'lf,1~::11!-~ai:'l'·v.:«-.i~"~~~~~~~Y&~<WA--m.-~~~;,11?~~~-ir~~a;1~.&:¥~~1!1.\1!~~~ ~~~;;tRiit.l\!f,i1w.~ itu<100. Them is of 0 __ knack m hlilnda.{l!ng well, a i..f oni rnctlce codi01 l h!\d 5v!le nome, for he knew 1t bad m"kcs ' tbia as it d"es moat t 1 · 8 y p f ~-:=::...-= -- --- --- ··--- __:_____ ___ ""' 0 · · · .-. 'not bt=i~t1 ~p~ktn !Jly. Tho v.-ill aa i~ stood Old Homes Are Best Bar1 , dJag.a ' A' df - ll1'.g , per ect. ~" !!.re use or a.pp lyrng any pres· · " "' · --- - - , ~ ~ ·1 Wo.a in his own fa.vour. Mrs. La.mched lmd If :tu 1;h .. t f t' sm·e tbat may ba needed r ti · d W E DNESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1889. CHAPTER I.-MR vofTtE!io1'T ts PuzzLED. "It's the heiu·11," replied :Mra, L ~i:.iaueu I j~)un tly observed when !lie made it that k onet r. b,~ ovherfi de 115 0 , iie per~ona ings a.nd splints to s~cu' r · Jr "mg re:ss·h 1 · h hi h d"d t t·ltil , · nown cJ 1m e 11 a very 1ew ot more ' w <1 rest to any Mr. Montague Dobtl,,son, E:ut India. w1b a ceep Sl,t' ' w c I no ae~m q , , 1li?.te was only mx years old, and thera was than forty yenrs old liviug in the honse81n iojared pa.rt:, etc. merchant of Calcutta and L·mdon was writ. ! genuine somehow. · I ~a kilowi~g what she mlght grew like; so whioh they were horn. Ol the twenty ll.'hey usui;rlly made llf unbleached Ing letters iu the librarv of his p1'.ivate resiMr. ~ottlesou had never t!ioaghb of _ h is her mD n6y eboald be left to one who would houses built mOl'e than fifty yeara a.go calico, fhnnel, linj!n, muslin ecc Oa.ltoo or - 'f'... 4 c. K ene1ngton. . favourite Jn connection at '-a ~·.- of 1'·-n·mely Mon t agu~ nel\reeb my own o-nly one is . hved . · ·he ] men ' ' · to take · B· d euce Ju .a k ewood, , mother-1n-faw'e . . " 'e·s~ · ~ " t· ~n.v v w· ~ " "' · in by ah ould be WMb.edbefor tJse It vns Sunday afternoon, and the min wa~ with his daughter. He was essential· Dot t!eaon. $h:e h'a~ ~·higher opiaion of hor fa.mily by which ib wu,s originallv occupi~d, out a.11 the glaze a.nd st.iffnesn. ' coming down with steady persistency as I ~y a ~rasping, meroen~ry man, and the aon-in-law at tiha.t tim'e than she had now: while most of ~he others have had numerouu The length of a fiog,er b!l.odait-:r should be though ib had made up its mind to keep 1Ml\r waya d his eyes was, tha.t but he had always been kind and attentive su'ocessive owners 0~ tenants Of my own a. yard, 11.nd its widLh tfilree-qua.rtera ~f &ll Londoners indoors for the rest of the day. , "'· "'m5 hc mighu alter . her will and e!uco she went to live whh him, a.nd she friends near my own age the;e llo?tl but two inch, Mr. Dottleeon, who wa.s a methodical man her prope!tY to this doctor, Ho had seen no re11oaon, so far, to a.lter her de- or three anywhere who live in the houses An arm bandi>ge shou}il be QWO l!md a. half in 11verythlug, made a regular practice of th~ he~r~ f 0 ~~Jes .wh~ had 't~th 0 .ff signs. which their fathers occupied before tbem nehes wide, and thrt:Je to six ya.!"ds in 10 going for a long every S110da.y after m:d~ca.f !tt~:dantlle ~nd Mr avLur ~ d eir " What can the man be after, if it isn't Thia of herdita.ry homes-homes of on~ lell'!Jth. lunch; and when the weather presumed to t . h t' thi a. e was the money 1" queried Mr. Dottleeon on thfl family for more than one generation-is a Al leg ba.ndage should bci three inebes 11 Interfere with thin arrangement the effect ~c~~0~~ :!1°~ t ~ny tt'nytione hearthrug of Mr. Dobtieson i~ the mirror. movel a.nd 1ignlficant fea.ture of new-world wldl!',. and eight to twehe yarls in lengbh. upon hie temper was infelicitone. Accord- ha Id ~m ~ w:s the ld rac "He can't be &o much attracted by K1ote. e&ll!ety. In its effect on the qu11lity of our A l!!ea.d hrondage silon'd be hro and a. hat! lngly, it is our misfortune to present btm to hedwouthi jd e bh~a.. b 18 She's a pretty girl and a. good girl; clviliz~tlon it has not received ~he a.otention inches·wide, ri.nd four to six yiwda long. 11 the nader at a. moment when he is decided· ~ wi°u h ave ~oft ng u~ hut 11he's got nothing. trhen again, It dnervea. To nH a. ba.Dd~e you nhould rold the endt Iy snappish and surly, llk th ct ose 0 ghe hed;t an h no her J;(Iandmolher was a.lways of ~ m11ving Th~ conditions which bJoughi about tl"htly two ur ~hroe timea, a.nd ~ so doing; 0 8 8 " Very aggravating," said he, throwlnir 1 tehy ft Ida manldw a beo bP1 If .wthay turo of mind, a.nd !he woaldn'b encoul'tlge this sMte of thlnge are obvious, The spirit m11oke It into a. lillltle roll. Hold Nils by thErdown his pen and gong I t o th e wm · d ow; wife n e wor wou encum r mao atte WI . " -~ bo~b · b otb; De La.kewortb was dancln da hi m to pa.y expensi'fe v I&i tll if s h e h ft d no of equa.,.ty, a.-nd the practices, egpeela.lly in fi ngers "" ~ your h and s, p 1amng "no cha.nee of its clearing U;J either. How · h ld d th h g f t!] objoot in view. It's ab!lurd to shtpose thAt regard to the distribution of pro....~ty that your thumbs on· the top of lb. R e<>olve the I dete:st llo wet S d I" ance on t e o 1a y 1n e ope o ge o1ng h h' h t If h r ' 11 lw ::ii d by b H I ·k d un ~y k d d hi If her money and really she aeerned 10 fond of a e pa.ya nn to come ere or not ng. e have r011~Ued from it ;, the ~enerllol chllollge rf thntb _oL~n a.. ,,,s, ma. eh b e m;'>veme1;111!· 6 Pc e up a oo , an ma. e mse h' th t 0 d kl hi admired K11oue, he'd c~me without being sent In the atamlo.rds of liTing a.riain~ from the o e uir...,,,l an.. ·Mt.en t e end wlillh a pin' a.nger Wftl ma ng m very for, and her gra11dmotber ca.n'b fa.I! to know enormous development of , the natllTal re- or a stitch to keeJl' iit tightly rolled. comfortable in an armchair; bn i he hftd im a hardly read a page when the door opened unea.ey, that," wuroes of tbe .,onntry and the coaeliluent l. Alway3>band~.ef.rom within outwards. and_ his d ...ughter Kate appeared. She was Ha gob !1P and opened the, door nl"'htly, His mental vlrion had beea "'dimmed by imex;i.mpled dii'Fueion ;f wealth and mauerial 2. Begin banda.giDg from below, and work;; r"~'A~E CANNo·r WITHER HER," ~fair, pretty girl of twGnty, whose ~entle- thftt he hear the doctors arrival, and the atmosphere ~f monep iiD whioh his life comfort>; the Hpld aeb!ilement of 011r im- your handageupwar~. l'emarked an old gentleman as he gazed n .ess and tthaoht SftVied hiebr from coming an. col· also ascder.-a.1nMwhLetherhKd·:O .~to.teyed In ti~be ha.d been passed, t:.\at he did not llndersta.nd meMO territory, and the 11o11tonhblng gl'owth 3 · ~et the !f!lindage be evenly and £.roily :fondly upon the: comely little' woman by hie 1 1a1 on w 1 er r~ac 1e parent at times room urmg re ams e 1 w rv. ew w " the pol!llibilhy of moo or WOmlllll being anided of DUI' old as weJA as ol our new cities, ! a.pp1le-.. · ~l~d I·~~t J~~YJ'1[o~~11g~~vt~~Ya.d' ~~a; a'li~[e when other ~embers of the household the young m!'n· Dr LYokeworoh wenv b ftn other motive. Love W¥ a "'i~iiat beau anfa.vora.blie to the existence of the 4. no wr11!kill11. little woman, in order to appear youthfu, shrank. from the consequences of Intruding straight ~p-eta.1rs when. ho, and re- u!real1t:v outside the pale of hh l"f:aaonin~ hereditary home,. 5. When re~remg do sio on iihe fieeby P4~tered her face with dlfrereut varieties of up101n has prlvaC'v,. , mained with the ~wo ladies for fully au hour powers, -nd therefore did no· ·n"-r ._ 00 hi·e Then ia scarcely e.bown in the lon.1 seb1i~ part, and never. on the eharp edge of' a · Whitewash, yelcpt 'balrns,' 'creams ' 'lotions · W 8 II h t th8 tt ' k d M and a quarter whli t M D 0 bbl bf u · u "" .,. ., Ibo ~tc." "Yes," interrupted the little woman m~ er.' as e r. · s r. eson Ba nm- epeenl11;tfomi ,atalt. I:& affeotfun· for Kate pa.rts oft thenortbem ata.tea from which a 1 ne. · · · w a. s '"i did, until my ekiu became liko parchment D~~tloeon curtly. . Ing a.nd fidgeting in the library below. took the characteristic' shape l)f fi'Dd~ng a conBidera.ble portion ef it11 people h11o11 not , 1t is danjlerou":t<;i ba;a« too hirhtly, ae· ~nd so pim-WK and coai·se." "Well," said the Grandmamma. isn· t feehnll( very well "Much value the fellow's time musb be," wealthf huJDband for her. she migh~ ch@oee gone out in the course of the p11.~t fifty years / tbl>\t causes cone,,,tltotiom, an-~ prevent~ the· ~;'1r,~ ~epl;~t.. ~~thi~ u~~tng~r:; 0~· ¥e8~s~ this afternoon, papa." he llileered, looking l\t his watch, when the for herself IMI she had a right> to. bn-t l!lBalllr- to seek rimideuoe elllewheJ.!8. A tta.cbment to· \oiroulation of the blood, On the other hand, , and Dr. Pierce' a Golden Medical Discovery. Kate ha.d not completed her errand, but doc>r upstairs opened, and Mrs. L!\mslled's Ing. her h;11;rt by the size oi his 'own it ne'ler the natlv01eoil, affection for tlile home of one'.\ \11o b11ndage that ls too 1003e is a-lmost useless,. -Comm!Jn sens!l told mo that if my blood was knew .from her father's m11onnerthat she had /shrill cracked voice arose, cautfooing the struck h!m that her choice might f;li Ul>t* a youth, the <l?la.lme of k,lndroo, the bonds of Is? tha1l an e-ven pressure ie ~ g.rna.t thing to i\~~;· fl~e~~I~~~~da~~~~~ ~~J~g~!~~n0~o~hde c~me in at a. time when it was best t? say as j doctor not to forget that he had promie~d ts ma.n wJ::.4:1m he would r(>ject as ineliaibte. 1M>cial_ duty., uot proved »trong enough 1 Mm ;;l,t, h~e of health. The· Discovery· did all those ltbtle as possible; when he was m this come and eee her on Tuesday. ~'11& BE CONTINO?ID ) uo resist the·alluremeat of h~pe, the fair· ' rtlnn~s and actually rejuvenated me." If r ou humour, he was certain to jump at any op"I'll waylay him as he goes oub, and find · · promise of b~1V,irlng- fo!'tune, and the love of ' Ohoi~e Reci~s.. 8 ii-~~ tJi~ ty~tlt~e~inb}!~tlful ; omple1J[on, portunitiy for grumbling, and would finish out, once for all, whether there's any aotu<aol l\<lven~ure. I'he inorel\sing; and the lij)Qts and roughneSR 1fse tb~r~pGiglct~lM~d~ her i;,iesuge for her. J' necessity for these inceesa.nb visits." Fioo Steallll!hip!Jli V!Mtb extensici!ll of·meB1DE1· ot eommunic,tion BLaCHJJ.Ell.RY SHC>!'JrCAKE.-M!~'ke a shoru · f'unl D1SC!JV~ry." . It 'ts gua1·antecd to do ".::;he wants that doctor, I supposer "Gi>od-a.fternoon, Mr. La.keworth," lie between parts gf the eountry have iowlte a.nd roll in two sheets, one ti.1icker than au tbat it is claimed to, or money paid IJ :led Mr. Dottleson, meeting the doctor in the hall "Jiust rr'he Cibyr of Now York, exo11)JI; that :Mle i promoted the :movemeatof the popula.tion the otber. Lay the thinner e1·tiab on a. well for it will be prom1>ny l'efuµ~l:l~.. . l'tir!lS;"'·a W" A~<l pet~oi; ~end for him.' com~ this wa.y fer a momeafl, if you·" bmilt wioh Ill- view to- record brea.kln~, fa·V'Ory - ' Scribner's. , greased bu king pa.n, oovel' thio3'1y with like &\:1 otlror <11cea.n staa.mehip~. butt · b JI d 1· · ~ t~ .Copyright, 1888, by WonLD's 'l>1s. M:iiu. ,ug·~. Mr. Dottleson threw down his book and He led the \Vay Into the library, motioning 'mueb the Teutonic' is· &n innovation. 8he is bhe · erries we l· "'Y Oll· the uop crust ·;;::;:::;;;:; fr~wned aa.ngely. "len'tit u. very dngular the young man to follow him with the pom- first of severll'.l· tra:dera ordered to be oon· Worll,on,Hn~aGk, and·bake about tweuty>mir.11-lxls, Cut into tblllg, Ka.te, tba.t your m~terna.l f(rand- pous air which bad ga.ined him the sobTi- ,stru!llted, and snbsidnecl by the "'lla.te, tlilat BCJ!~~res. O ,_ "M · t' M ~ 11 hi "'I '° . _ b t'f l b b ,,, f · .J3BAM' l'm, - ne mr""' mo ther 2 h ouId ael ect t h is impecunious quot of ~JeU 10 onuy among s .:.. ty in CMe of eh" Jergen.-v will co-opM'\te with , """ eau 1 u urea ucover or uuet ac11or is h' h , .,- cun · of fiour· in ja Lak th t b h d" 1 f i d -J · ~ f ·· bl l '""'h f "-· h't w 10 put one tel\spoonu1'Juf cniam &j-ta.rta.r yoUn<" pt'., ewor o e er ma tea r en ~. · 'the m.vy. S'he rec:ently too1r part in the 1 m e o a. su1v1i. e en~. o une w l e and! a amaU pinch c-f seJ.t: B~~lt foto thl~ v.ttenda.nt, when there are half-a-dozen ex"I wi11hed to ask yon whether there 18 any 'naval review off. Spi<thea.d and wiu mui>h hir.431:1a.b1WJk treated a.s follows;. F.ringe each h dd 011!':!" white sugar and eriencedpractiti i· · 'th· ~ · e f r xiety reaardiaa Mra b shed' d · ._. b E ! , end a. "lll\l'ter of a v~rd in dep~h ,· above this t ree eggs, a one ou erlf 1vrngw1 s- o a.D ., ,., . !lm a Ja mm."' y th·~ m:porov William. W!'!e "' ,. sbir all toi;retl<ier. Listly, a.dd thlle& ta.blel~~ for an incurable case of ca. P 1 . ·"~ ·' tar··h ht tile Head by the throw of theequare? Isn 1l iU very curious health," he said when Charles L!!okewortb Teutonic is a magnifticer.Q veaeeli-longcir :dr11,iw a row of foll fac:eel conventional spolllnfuls of thick, sweeb· cream, in which p ropr1 e'tl!lrn of Di" Sttgc's Cat arr h Remedy. By that Mr2. Lamshed never knew what Illness wa.s seated. than any other rnip that plllnghs Uhe dee~ \dafoies connected with· an ~nduh1til!lg atom, vou h:ave dissolved one-half teMpoo!l!lful of J,ts. m1h:I, d31}0thmg and healing properties, it " Mra. Lamsh~d is under the impreaslon and as arna.te and lux.uriolll'll as a il6ating 111nd oi!l,tline the pnd1ern in regulM eutliue sodn. This makes two piea· or cakes. ,-cut es _ t he <W>Grst casP.s, no matter of how long w~s or asked to see a. doctor until she mot this Dr. La.kew(,rth a.t Scarborough hst that she is sufiermg from some lnternal ma- pa.lace. Her saloeno of ivo uy a.nd g&ld will ~tltch, witb rose-colorecl floes. :Fhen, ,, -i't:audiqg, Jzy druggist!!, 00 conts. B!.o.'Crtll~>'l&'lf P .rE.-Ur!e·a pie· plq,te with gummer? Her confidence in him is positive· lady; bub I am unable bo detect .seat 306' guestl!,-Elild wken' illumined: with ~wibh·· fon". needlesful 'of fle:es, pr:>eoed 'o ly touching, and passes my comprehoneion am1so. Of course any orga.nio complamt the electl'i(}light, fa,fairy.moo im its splM>dour. arn the lwiekaback ~tom"tUG fringe u.p te a a good crust·; aprinkle a. liotle flour over the albovether. ·: would be serious to one of her a.dvan~~ a>ge; There is similar lAA-ishnsss i!'Z her liM.ary; lewdwilies above the outline pa.tterD, geing hottom, fill with ~rries, 111prinkle ovar more lb wa.e evidently a mystery to Kllte also, but I no reaeon to suppose there ts the with its h·nge case' of'WeH o h - boo~ and 1 !.'IP on ane,ll- a.nd oown on the neo;1;t "fhh flour and a cup of sugar; Foui- over a.ll a. for she shook her head slowly a.nd looked j leaat cause for a.nxfoby," equal taste in her ll~'f>ke-:room, with its riob ~n un!Jooke» thread, ]ea.-illg the ei:11lil l"Oug cup of aweeb aream and b&lre q11ie!dy. out of the w,indow. It was a. fad of her 1 Per? the co~ffdent tone of Dt. T,ake· fiotinjls, dclioa.te deoon.tlo::ui, ood itiii bca)()e- eaough<to tie· iia witll ts0 white fringii_ Th~ Mli!:!·Ml:511.s s l!'11JllJFS -One-half c'Qp.-0f s'0gar, grandmother a ~o Dr. La.keworth ; a.nd WC>rth 11 reply Irritated. bis; for ing pa.lnt!J.!;go of oli, W{)~ld· :zeovies. filer ma.terhl·U! t._ihy dal'Ered with a. -blnnt polab- one-half cup of butter, onS<<!lup of mob\sses, when a patient has rea.ched the eighties, por- Mr. Dottelso:i;i pu~ on hie mosb maJeet1c air, ,beautiful linee, her e:oormuua engines, her ad needle thM will roo«Dy pklr: up the mioea one egg, one tablespoonfa\ of g lngel', one hapa one physician can do little more than and fixing his pincerol<!:t on his somewha.b ;hrillia.nt H~htiug" all wltb4Qf> previous ~hlrea.ds>withOOit pelr~,.i;he· g90ds, When teaspoonful of eoda., one c~· of 1.--sti water, <1.nother, rubiound no11_e, he e}evated tbB.fl feature ontll .models, tlb·m·gh they lndk:ate· very clea.r· le dCoJ.01. tl!&t!Oweu which have on1!J been four cttps of :flo-ar, a.nd a pinch of bEl!t,. B"ke I "I don't know why she likes him, papa." he could brmg his dulil fisb-like eyel! to 'Jy th~ dlreolilon of Jl~J§land'it a.'h-aucemeut ~otllned/ista.ndi up on tkl& pine ba.okf¥ouad In gem' pans, "I suppose you mmt send for him· but bear upon hie compa.niOD, "l's than !j'CU1' in tho futuYe. Exeepll for 11iru 11>00 ad.en· In.heavy relief., Rrcnm1JU.MiBlloR!'li -One CL'P, of1butte::-, two I don' t imagine he will tha.Dk Mrs. LaO:abed opinion?" he a.aked with light stn11s on the 'ment, however, there b not muaii to distill- ' ,l\.!Btandoo~ efwhite linen embrolduadlu cups of eugar, two eggs, the· jµIJe and·grated for bringing him through a mile of back posae10eive pronoun. guish·the Tsmonlc-from·her Ee9lmg co~· wh~t&·or, oolo111!d Linen :li'dlts ·oom·>f!eli rind of one lemon~ one-hal!l- tea.epeonful of r~-, streets on a day like this, just to tell her "Thlloli's my opinion,"' responllied· the petitors. In le~th sb'e·il,582'.'foot, In dop~h to laou!el:ieepetmi who ltke tbin&;O' that; willll aoda.:dhiiolved in Bo tea.epool!tful of' hob water, { .... ~'"'ti. , bhather heart is much the same a.s it was doctor (}Uietly. 39' feob 4 inches, a.nd m breadth>$ feet t)< waeb ·. 0.llO>of· llb:s prettieet nim 11ty!es.·llae·t1o a pincll' of1salt-N1d' flour tc- roll· o'l.?tr, Roll the day before yesterday." "Then there's no actlloBl neoe~slty "for inohes; while she call'·boast 111- dieplacemenll ponder all rouncl' !l>f life-&;zed g;r11ope 11111Wes very tMn a.nd en.ti iilll ringa v;.ith 11.,bJole in the K~te left the room without ma.king'. any your rather frequent professloraa.l visits! of nearly 16,0@G>tone. E!:"r hul.'U'leoane deoit; <>veria.pp.itlj); em~ide:nid in opim, etilmlios. centre. Bake i11; a ~uick 0ve11, watching reply, and her father walked over to the "I can do no·bing for ~s- Lamshed but whioh is of gr<iat·height, is b~80 anlt ;~nymne-w!.th·a. !lleiver p.encll could mak;&,hel' t,hem carefully. hearthrug and proceeded to address the fig· 11~lay fear1111obont herself. !I'h.ey_ are groand- 90· yards loo.~" , a.nd · is, uaimlJlecletli by th"' ;>wn desigD;from. nature> - ono less g}ilied ToM,tvTO· ~-One qu~"t of lm::natoes, ure he s~w refloo1led in the mirror a.l-ove leM ; but a. lady of her ~s natuira.lly hoe.ts, which rul ab!W'O. M elli<dt end o~ 11oulcn1t1e a.ooaJ ~ for a. gnide and<1 ?ra.w th.a peeled 01ond cut u~ twe hea~El(· tal>-!espeonthe mantel piece. M.11ony i1eople a hab· prone to m11oke much of any bttle feeling the ve1111el aresbllo:ng. ba~riee of·Au1w1tronr.i pencfl.,routul it. Alber taedesig1>-1s ~y., :h ils of &ur1 one of butter, Qne, teasp.oon.iul it of "ta.lking to themselves," and Mr. of indisposition." gnns-breeob!&&deirs wl~ ,/Mnclr> bo111&; andi ~uotc~l.. Ila-Oh !l!a.f all i:oun~. [!ho ~ins of sl\lt, one of1 oolP', a pint 0 ~ bell· water, Dottleson cultivated it to a remarkable exMi·. Dottleao11 li.y back Ir. hie ehalr oon~ tihetz eflbaoy m11y1 be gnuged r&:ii t.219 fact ~f the· l~avet1' MIO· lh>ne i~~ <>uthn~-3tlitch1, imci Beil th& jtoma.boe& la the water until ooft. tent ; it was bia peculiarity, though, thail he sldering whtot he had better IYbY ne:xt. n !!le that tl!ley p o - a. ra.nge,,ef liV$-·m~ a.nd rhadocl·111 ·hanoyoomb stiimi._ . Rub ftGllH', batter, and a bableap1Gnfol of could nob take himself properly into confi- a.ny attempt to discouroge .Dr. La.k.e- , OM! pierce h!l.U · a. dozen. iaobeo. 01' ~mour- ) White, iu:id uchlreache--4· linen :la.mM-:'.it is ilomato tol,lethn. li%ir into the bo" ng mix· dence unless be 3&W himself iu the worth·s c111lls, ib wr&;.;ld infallil0ly come ~o his , when at close· ~rters. W·ilib:· ~ an 1 puch U'fled·fbl) all- iparpollOOI for · which linen mre, add soJaooninq,, l!iml all\ toget,., ~ fifteen H e stood with hia left hand thruat into his mother-in -law'9 ea.1'3, and he;:i Illlll1lntment ' Giquipment sh~·ohomd be. t.We t<» bee.t @JI' ftt ·fOVers IU'ea.ppropm,at.e. A'ahow~f,but slm11le: minute3'1 rub , throegh a ooll!>nder aml serve pocket, emphasising tbe remarks might proiluce resmta very detrimental to , loast 6heen orit1 0£ every twenty, ae~tll, ~ttemJa clloaen.!Wld thb.4awor~d up mall with tcMted 11-readi. i'hie b1'1!1>.d 'ehoold fiirsb I'llREST, STRONG£ ST, BE~!, waistcoat he half a.loud with his right forefinger, himself. It wou,ld oob do llo abbaak the poii- and in the preeeMl!I of aa.fb w· i th heo.vler Ce · prottyietitcbeir a.twh'klb., fei;ninae tillil~rs he cub bi thin slice·;. ·houldil.:le buttered, cut CONTAINS NO -1 ~·Now, will you the goodness to tell tion from this side, when he ha.d only hi11 scit· ;meta.} ehe can ~lwa.ys show· " 'a. olea.:& pair < - e se ~t,:egjnn!Ggby cu.bllnina.the d:iMgp into little sqi:ares;. ~la«:ed in.a .pan,'bat~ellled Alum, Ammonia, Lime, :Phosphates," my wbat my mother in-law wa.nts wlnh this picions to wo1k upon; lb woul~ 'he less risky ;oi heel11." In ~ geueral 'Vfl\'9)1 tbac Te·nic ~m the· te: IDlne~y emlYieyedfor,tha.r,ljui:- , ilide up, a.nd brow-lied in a. nick oven. OR ANY INJURIOUS 8UBSTAN8i. .f-" young medico? He's got no practice t.o epeak to go to the root ~f the matt~ with Mrs- wHl mnk a.s imwl'cWinarv liinsr, b'll1I it i& pa.rb )l?j>8e, Colill--OYS~RS -{!)!Ille oupmi of· lHmr half TOnoNTO, orr. '-. E.W. GILLETT, omCAGO, XU.. of; he's gob nothing any one oan see 110 Lamehed. He rooe a.nd extenClitd his hand. of the compa.a~ wiDh the e..Uhoriti.ea-t~ she 111 cupfuJ of melt~d Ji>u<tter twree· Mt.MUFACTURER OF -. , ~ recommend him, and he lives most inoon- "I'll sa.y good evening, then, Mir. JL.~ke- ' shall 'be r~ady to.oleey the Admbl.t;\l itnm· Ad~rJllt< 1'oilet.&twlt:f!11,. fnls ot milk, two. tea.apo~n~:l<ls o$: ene 1'llE CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAST CAXES. veniently far a.way. Ever since she worth : you have relieved my mind very mo:os whenevell°'Mo~led upo.n.. Elot~ thb pur· A-semible 8frl·will not k~p a lot 0f 1 1108- :fourth of·a tea.&poeohil of pep:pe:?;; on; pint met him last year, ehe has required much rega.rding your pl\tienb." pose, I\ por~io3'of .Der crew· D~· r$oorve motics mud dll'ugll ~n he:ii· toilet table,. but uf 11r11ot.d ooL\ll. J'tiu,~ the aai.n 00 , the ftoor, vha.rles Lakewor~b left the, m~m, and, an -0f da.D;if\?, .tha~ w1<lb not there ar._ fel':I" all1licles :Hlil sho:llld a.ll'!il&ys a.nd 00&~ well·;. 1llten ndd th·e, other ingredi· medical aavlce and no. advice buo hfa will do. ."\Vhen ehe thinks she's seedy, Mr Dottleson went 111 eeir.rch of lsie mG>ther· fad to make Ml! lloQ armed oruisel!'" 'In. ~ a.s k<a,v eJn ~.con108.llie~ placa... :She should have ante, 1o:ad, bmn M<Jilldily fo:r,, three- minutes. he's called Ill to earn a fee; and when she's in-law. H11 meant oo lose no time In pu.t- · well a.s In name, Ml supped !oottles oontaming Have hlt in.the lbyi11<g-pan to tbe dep.t!:ti of well, he'soalled in to receive lb, He's never ting her on her guard against this insidious a-l oohol,1 alum.,, c&.mphor,,. bora.~. ammonia. a.bout.-t\¥0 mohe&. When 6 mokilig hot put out of the house. I wonder he doesn't take enemy ; but he k;new tha.t he wmdd ha.veto A Vile< Plot Fmatrated'l and glym>rine·Oll -lioe. A·little in th~., ba.t~or. h![i th.a epoooilul. Hold' the lodgings next door, to be close to 11he gold approach the sub1ect very carefully. olt water :::!l&Y bu, ~d u. , 11. ww . fol' the spoon. oloeo . to th& fail '1dl.d t!ae sh&!J.0 of mine.- 1 tell you candidly,' continued Mr. "I a.m very pleased to learn bom Dr. A rema.rku.ble fnjierpoaltion of Bt-01\'liibnce m(i)uth a:ad thtou.t if the !neath i~ui.ot ·el'V-eet. the qy~ter will· be good. Jlliy aboub l.ive Dottleson, suddenly wibhdrawir g hie hand La.keworth that yoor fears abo&·t y1>11rself ill on record ~n. Jl'ilriis. In l7tl6 a pung; ]ilea.8· :l!l>wdercdia.lum.e.wlied 1J@, a fever sore- will mim:J;e11, from his pookeb and tapping the palm im- unfounded,' he said oheerfully, ant 11:irl went to hris 11o111d was hired a.11 a WTGVenb h fum. hiecoi:OOnqi.. very,, un&iqhtllf preasively with hie finger-tips-" I tell you "Ob yea; he thinks I'm allrigb<t,' replied domestic ser11'!Wlt by I\ moo whoeQ;:repUi~abion· nobi:l>llllobl~. bisect nt.l:og· or, eru.pLioWI! She·W'filljl'3, M~n·i:.~ffiotllin"'< candidly that if I didn't know the old lady Mrs, La.mehed. "I've great co:al!idence bi wa.e excellen1l, but who w!\ll a. hJ!-pocrlte. and oia. t he skill.a.ra.romoved b-y 11>lcoael. 1£. few ., would a.Her her will without compunction, Lakewortb." a libErtine. li-e mM1e impJ'opµr ]l'op.os;,ls to pna o.f' alum. in tepid l.Til.ter will l'&lie\<e trh ero i111>one woimQn In Mlesouri who. h1>lds I'd for bid Dr Charles La.keworth the house. "I'm a.fraid he takee adva.ntllfle of it to the young g~I who refused · tlo underalla.oo his i;i.eople whose hai:.ds p<H!sp~re ntty, fr;eely, a w:Ntton permit from th0 Governor oll that -Wby, bless my heart 1 if Mrs Lamshed drain your purse pretty heavily i» fees. " meaning or g,i; 'l'e hiD a.ny erllOOurag~mont. Tills i::111ndering_ then un}'.l!ea.s:i.l!>tly m~iat. A faw Stale· to wear a.. ~·e d:lll!s "anywhere in (! lives ten years longer, she'll spend every "He wants 'em," replied the old lady dry· so enraged him that ho had heJ: a.rruted c\rop11 of sul'[!l1-1wiao acid io,..tbe water-a11Je a.loo MiDoCeu.ri outsIUN! oa cltie&, of 00,000 ·inhabi· w llrn I say Cumi: I do uot mean merely to sfiilling other twenty thousand in physic ly. "Poor fellow I be finds it hMd 110 make for theft, a~oo&:.;:,red he!l'iconvfotion by hid- uesh;abla for thoHwhoss feet pC?nplre-fr.a111ly . tanll!J,·' lier n11aui. ie EmHy, P&J!)ton, &nd she both ends meet. But he'll ma.he t:lfa way; ingaome j ~wall'y :in her tr'!Mlk. 'J'Jhe yri:aaner we sh0<1ld aliw:a.ys.recom139nd t>Me in.the W:4l WllJ bro~gbt Np Gm a fa=, by a. lady, named 151iOJ? them for < i time0nrl then llave t hem return a.nd feea." :agam. I :;rnA n A .ti.ADICAL (JURE. rhis final p ~·ediotion, although made by I'm going to help him." had no friemds to int'.lrcede for bar. a.nd w e.a ~scented. soap.; Un ma.nyJoaser.. the J!lllrfu, !llli. Ccmmlln.g, to whom sh<hwae given by her I have made tho disease of himself, 20 worked upon Mr Dottleaon tha.b It was bad enough no bear that bhis hang, hanged. Tile eis:ecublo!l.filr w:a'J., a. 11$<Tice, ~mp~l>a.dhtiµilllll for vovr ql,lelity. A.g,ood father ia.onth t>ld, 1>n her mother's he swung round upon his heel and atamped er-on was sent for more to beneib himself bungled oveuii the work, and a£t3".1 i;epe;i.ted glycerhia,011honey so11op~ a.lwe.y~prefera!iile. death. A.ti :llS· years al'1, she wioe tl\ken tio :E'ITS, EPILE P SY or on the Jloor. tha.n the pat ient; but Mrs. La.mahed'a a.ttempt to. kill the girl · hi-' had e.fl COUF00§, O!W !WioY rely 40 sceuted B"1ap.f.rt>Dl Pi:ke CO'llJl~" Mli1@ouri,. by Mrs, Ct ukling's F AI;LING SICKNESS M rs. Lamahed, who wa.s t he mother of his words made Mr. Dobtleson turn red with eucceeded, Mid lrla.nded nhe botil:!ll to a. a bi~h-~la.sw ~mfactulle.r, but it coots mllre hwtber, and h~gan t o. work on his farm· .A life ion<:; ~turly. I W A R rtANJ' my remedy to H1oa.p for Fq, hie direcbion. ,'l<lle pmbi.on male atM re, 11ond <euHm1 .l1e\':l)Jstcases. nec au~e 0Lhe1 s haYe f:?;1led d <lJ·art ed ~ife, was eighty-one years of, anger. "Help," in bis voo11.bul<ary, was sy- dissecting. :mrg'ilon. '.!he firs~ ont with a. 1iiha.n it i&wollth. In adtdition. t o tll1 t inued to 'W!lal' it ex·is no ··cu ion for not now receiving a cure. Send and in spine of her fuq~ent ca.Us fo~ !he nonymoua with money, and here was his knife showed tb:.t the girl live:dcaod sbewa.s bathing,. white ~astil& ~b.oulri> be k.epa for for a3.J13ar2 ehe :bas con, cat oo~e ior i· trr<ttise and a FRF.E B OTTL E of m~ dootor, gav~ every p1·om1se o~ mainta1mng mother-in-law ooolly t.elling him, her heir, quickly. rw<i. W han she· apen<W her washing , the Iv.Mr. lfiA1lca.sio11llollY, a.. little !lliilP,t w~en,v~tllig a. citY,; S!w doesl>ll ··kinds I N t·A L L lJ fLF. REUED'I'., Glve . !<::'<.press a11d Pos <()lllce. It costs you not h!1ig for a trial, ancl it her interest 1n mundane affairs for ten or that she was going to !live help to an ut ter i.ye11 she. imagined herself in another world, b&l'a.x QI" 11.nwaawa ma.JE, be u@iad fom"ilhls. pur- of form. wark: except oho!j)ping," but her .ation ls,.breaking ho:vses to ·wmcurevm1, Acldre·R : H . G. ROOT,1.M.O., eyon twenty longer. " I·m an old stranger who ha.d no claim upon her what- and lb wa~a0<me time before nhe <m\llld be ip,ose, hut it ia.mually. too h,ysh, !B ab e(- favou ;:ite ocomr Office, 164 W est Adelaide o treet, woma.n," she we.a wont to Sl'.y ; "hub I was ever. It was quite time that be did epeak convlc.ted ~E her escaVJ>. Her aese:vipti.on of ~oc.ts. "ha.rness. ©f taene ~he hell'self omna three, old woma.u when I was forty, and I to her so he cleared bis thro&tl and b egan what ~he sa.w duriug her a.j\l(li>l!ent death ;· ~nd hM ahaiq,e of !Flll EiOr throo yel\rs, in = ~~(~~ a.n ha.ven't gro~n a day older since-not a witho~t more : "You knew tha.b of WL\8 Ilijtened to with wo<1der auil aw;>:t.ement. ~ Wvh&!i Wo men.ShouMi .Mrurorw. ,,pllor·t 11ersMp,wuth a man, she owned a.rid work· day." it has often occurred to me that Dr. L i\ke· by her newfolllld frienas, She told of lovely ; P.r¢ihiobly t hie beeo time for. the uveraga )'ad a.ooaper, 'Wltil H so for \ \'orn out And indeed Mrs L amshed seemed almost worth's attention to you is not so disinter- parterrea. with bea1.1..tiful etreame tiowing, '.iwom.-m 00 JW\ITY wo;iald be anv ootwee:n ~~:~l~h.e :vepAirs mr.cle it11- fnrthe2 use unpro8 b.e cun 11a . an. average llO as active and spr!gh~ly now ae she had bean ested as it should be, I may be wrong, hut through _ and round them, of fij>ra and fauni:.. .:2,.,,a,,..,., A --" ' 'd ·b · s&1 36, i~ , 1s Ii no,,, · I\b o.o womv.n , lg~~ in a da.v. A· ·h 11· h · ac!'es h 1of d ha.If a century ago. F our~ecn years b efore, 1 cannot gat over the idea that he has some of dl).zi:.bug gorge011J1ness, of pe11peb1al sun- 1 h uld t tlaa Ith f ' ' ,,,. " anou 11lr 1m2 s e a.u e 1 911 0 the middle aged, dusb dried lawyer who ulterior dei!ign upon us," shine mad n nme:i.aura.bla happiness. Xhe '~ho marryb ~a.r ~~"or a.d h Ithn. e d e_ r 'log11 to·a.. saw mill. Aili.present she lives with ' d t . I h d;live'-'a.\lroaa.~ -" '-l!f 1 · u eea, ag"ii;: u. yo'""' &n 01) an v1g_or, a familiv ll6lned \<\lWsa at !;l' P ik Iook e d af oor h ercovceruaila come ourge Mrs.Lamshedputonher spectacles and young g;ir a .e,,. arer.>i:dinarilyatt.heirhi~l-est.,,., 1 ft.lctionb9.~·M ; · ' "'rmer, e the desirability of making her will t d 1l h in l "D p educated and bail no 1ma.g1n~1on ab all, lt i ' . f;lt' "'" · colllltll1 o., an wdar.(lf oouple and the hus~ are a er son- ·aw. o you au poae th " · 'i 1 · - t b d't d d L - - , ,tw~n these two :G,Umods·.· E':lcly marrui.ges !!.land aa invalid. Sha is txeated like their , . "Make mywill I criedsbe. "I'll make it, if I'm a fool .Montague Dottleson ?" e c.,;on c er If.I o e cr3 t e , a~ .,...- are seldom uoairab!~ for girle,, and that. foi· Iii · you'r e afrald}ouwon'tlive t odoit,Smuggles; "My d~ar ma.dam, you misapprehend my revola.tion~ are th"'mon rema:rkable ID 09'11· ' T:hi b ain 18 · i t uh 0 -.,wn, a.ughter. 8he has entuie charge of b t I h un't begun to t h! g about ib yeb I · " id M D ttl 'th · aen.u.e;ia, The 11coundrel who compal!lled , ,mill.UY 1'eaao.J1s. ,a r ' m m <;- ure, their h.rtn of sevel':i.l hundred i\Cres. Al· u a. " n . . ' meaning, sa. r, o eson WI a.nxious he.,.r ·uln' was nrreated, '-ub ucq11·1t·~d ~" r~meon, feeb.le, 1'1lld theoh.i:..~'illler11s uurorm · thou."b Virginiltn,a, and she fa ~ very 11'gh· Why should I? HoweYer, the s~hmtor o suavity ; "but really I have known such fre" ~ .., u .,,; ~d. '.llhta. d ti h 10l d b "' " arguments prevailed, and t he tbmg was quent co.sea in which kind-hearted la.dies t ecmaica.l ground2, bub the people ", e · 1 wnist er~ on w ~ wou. p.rnmil <iJUa.droon, they she.w cwrniderat ion doDo, "to oblige her old friend, who had al- have been led a way by their gra.bitude t'<>· him. with well-l!l\6rited repimaches." a µi,r ~~ marry a.~ l V:. W9UM:,, in many, ~ncl ~ega.rd, A~mw~ everylisody knows her ways taken good of her a.lfairs, and wM·ds scheming pbyeiciane. I never for a.n, ba\\'e litt le welgh.,,wuh hei: f>b 24· At, l J, ahe tn Pike, Aud:min, and t he a.djoining connh t fi · h th " A d th h · ia,a. 0,hild, at .24H\, tries, a.nd treats he1· with resn.oct, thouvh was m a ul'ry o nis em. n oug instant imagined that Dr, Lakeworth or Apple Eiq~Jts. W 'Aere a girl ha.a tJ1.!JelRgent pa.rQllts, the sh& ill known 00, 00 a. wom:o.n ii:-~ale attire. the fact h i:a no beM'ing upon nh!s st ory, we any one else would be · a.b!e to bend Jeven yeus betw~en BGVO!ll.te. en and. twent:ll'- She wears IJlJilli dress "b~nouse 1 -. au· i ta her , may mention that the engross1n~ of M rs, your sturdy sense of whab is r1ghb and just And now iti i8 apples. The exporta.b'om i th l d h d db d ~~ u L amshed'swill was the last bit of profes 80 as to serve his own Inter ests,· but' he ' Amerk ato GJ"eab Britain in the last fidcal ou:tare epero '! en.~i~ .an · 0 y aDe work,"a.ndshe :y.refersoutdoorworkbeoause moan s.menable to W!Se d1se1phne, and !ooa.t she dislikes, confinement in the house and a.l k h S d'd sion · wor. t e careworn mugg1ea eve~1h1 I comes ao freq11ently, he stays so long, and yea.r reached a. total of l,401,382 ba.nrels. 0 ( \lepa..y tho thought and t t>'il devoted· to their oan earn bette.11 wao"es. S he own~ t wo tracts: DR. J . .E. Bl.NGH!lM, V. S.> ~or his client. H e was twenty yea~a ~ner he--" . t his quanty 481,756 barrels were fo11:ard~~ developmen·,, B ef.we l>OV~nteen, few gi,vls f 1 JUU!or; but lie pl!.ssed from Linoolns Inn j ··And you th1::ik Lake"."or~ expuctsmy from the portof New York , and ,,soi.1 LOj have lea.rn{jjd to undw r:atand w.ln.ab life ia, 0 andin(!trecleyoounty,Ke.u.,one a home. Honorary Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, to another place, long before she h_!lg an t o \ money v;hon l 've ~one "'.;Ith 1t, ~nd barrels from tr.a por t of Buat on. 1'.lahfax ' whu.t is, who&t dutv is. Tuey ca.nnot bstl;.ad olru "m wbich she t ook and good; use spectacles. Tb.e spring of vitaltty WM h ere t o keep my friendship for him 1111ive ?" sent 95,122 barrels. 11.nd Annil.p>lls only v11olue wham is bean eibhtSl' ia. the fothe:r"s wis- V a.ctua.1 .reIDiidence au(l improvements, the Calls promptly attended to, night or day. "I am bouncl to confaaa that this h11>d 9,119 barrels-the t otal less t h11.n one- dom or in the mothe:r·'s tende:meee. When other a." 11ree claim," &Jn which she has net Oflice-HJggh 1l·n·hnm's Block, Second noor, strong in Mra. L!1nmhed. Bowmanville, 14 4m, Mr. Dot tleson,turned a·Nay from the mir· croased my mi · nd." eighth the nuanty of N ew York 11ond Bo3ton out t CJJ, a.oroa of t reee. S ile disliked tihe · · "' married (',Jl that. childh~h period thev Hite lo el· d · ] t' f h K 1-f rw VQ which he h a.d been confiding his ~he old lady lel.\Iled over, a.nd tapped her sh1pment2. ~he Uaited Sta.tea apple gr ow- young r ecruita tak1m fresh from the form n mass an 180 a ion er anaa.s I e, 8 she can do better by canying on a. 17 woes, and went up s tairs to. sea his moth . er- son-·1n-l· w gent!" on the knuckles with her ers,_ it will be seen, are not onl · su;pply,ing d k h d h · d ,,, l a.nd "'*·Y w · J an t he wor -s op an urr.10 Oui bo a ong far~ & ~h th b k' h ln-l~w, wh om he found in the dra·mng- spect·cle case n· she replied : " You 11.r e their h1>me market , b ut b eat1De ua all · n wit · h out anyperwd of preliminar y owu. ·-.or ers wo campaii [P Ou tn d I h' i.n L 0 d Y wor mg on or 1 1 room with K~.te. the fool, Montague D obtleson. Y ou'r e as hollow in the British market. And y et drill l\nd training, or like a 2 choo! boy l 'llger. a e P 1V. "I'm sorry t o h·sa: you're nob well, " he blind as a mole. If you hadn't betrayed cerbain Grit pa.peu have the audacity to t ell moved from sohool 11o v. ccracywHhuu bbeing _ _ _ _.__,,,.,__ _, going to her side. theae uuwort.hy euapicions about a.n our formers a,ud ~ruit growers t hat all they senb t<:i 01 theological halt The t obal quu.l'Jt ity of coal now aui;,ually The old lady looked up and smiled. "I'm honourable man, I might h i.w e op aned need to make them prosperous in unreat.rict· Who can h elp g rievhig over n child-wi' o get~lng v~ry f~eble, Mo.ntague, though I vour ey ea for you ; but since you ed reciproo~tv ~vith the S~atl;i I It is c~ea~ esp· aJ111olly if she have children and a h~s~ handled wibhm the limits of t he met iropolls don b look it. , I a.m not qmtie up to t he ~ark, such a n undeservedly b ad opinion 1 tho.Ii t here is b ttlo market 111 the U n1baci. ba.nd who is a.n incxp.~rionced and poss!blu is u pwards of 12,000,000 t ons p er an!lum and t hought Id like bo see L akeworbh, of him, I sha.11 leave you to grope ' St!\tes for our .n.pplta, but foi·tun!l.tely there e:u cting boy -man? T.».e ardor ilf his love aooo Within the fast 30 yel\rs tbe coa.!-ctilllsump, "[Chey sent for him h11olf £ion hour a.go. Bi:t your own way to da.ylight. I've ma.~e is ~ almost unlimited mtl.rk?t ~n Britain. coola : the bliss of :Ucr p oetionl tion of L o!!don h an more t he.t i doubled. " Whu.u k ind of a piece of ics do you c111oil don'b you t hink, now, that . a ~ere expen· my will, Mont ague, a ncl you know what it W hile we hl\1~e. beeu grMpmg after the imagiDa.tion Vl\uiahea like tho aummer mist : says; but there'a plenty of t ime to add u ehadow, the Umted Sbater. pr oducera h, there is nothing lafb but dis:1.p pointmenti and th11ob ?" clem'1ml ed the irat e housokaaper, a2 enced nmn should he called m ? _ "La.keworoh will do nicely, Montague ; he codicil no it, y ou know-plenty of t ime. " been re!.\ch!ng out: for th0 8Ubs tance. If the wonder that whir.1: promlsetl to be 80 bel!luti· she gazad upon nhe infi11itesima.I lump which understands my constitut ion." Mr. Dottleson B'l.W that he ha.d made a !)!rave Grib press had been in the pa.y of Cllollada.'s ful v.nd long a day B hould be clouded almost the man ha.d brought. "Why, t hat won't la~t long enough to pay putting it . int o the When an old le.dy is convinced that one mistake in mentioning his distrust; but he enemies, _the moab. ingenious could scarcely b efore uunriae. refrigera tor." " You'd find it md:i·e economi· pa.rtlcular man "understands her constitu- could not repair it now, and beat a. hasty hav:e devised a. policy s~ we!J calculated aa VETE RINARY SURGEON. cal," repliod ~he iceman, " if you would take ion," no reasoning will move her. Mr. Dot. retrea.b. Mrs Lamshed had h inted b~oadly t~e of unreab ncbed r eciprocity to Hints About Bandaging, ORONO, - ONT. Joe by the sea.son; but, you know, YllU said tleson knew this, and did not press the , that there WW! something '{~Ing on which. he 1 stifle ~nterpriae and prevent our pe,o,ple from ·· , expediEncy of making a change wa9 too blind to see, and wh10h she wa.s gomg a.daptmg themselves to the changed condl· _ I question if, even w1bh, anyone yeu 'd get 1t a.a you want it." 11 " · ," reOffice.- Pcst Office Block. Millt, "What do you think ie,wrong, thb timer' to let him find out for blmeelt. 'Vnat- ' tions of the world'a markei!s,···{Mooctou i' oa..n learn to properly, as.ya a.writer, aponded the housekeeper. with some Calls by telegraph or telephone receive Im· he aaid, tdtting down near her, - / ever It might be, he would be very trlmes, without behia actually shown how to do it "bub I won't WlUlt I~ "3 l getlt," '";tnediate a:btention, \f.l) "'"Jd~JJ-tt 1 lif'1.n1n1.1~ '!.l}' u OV' -~t'n-4+re ,.1r 4'.,, tmt~-tt i HHHh I A srriiANGE .. 1 ~ ·· ,· ·- -- .!; : Lli~ GAOY" Ir 1c:uti~~Boib m.akihug his !nv~t1ga.tions ;_ tha.t \~ n:a.~ ~ ~: t ,e poss1biltty of m&,~mg ft . , _ HOUSEHOLD. lorseei~g !_\ great-:~] I I I I Q ... I L l i K dh fh hi :h hg, ° th a.Ile sr· :ts 1 I I' _ _ . $500.DF~W,W l · ffA· . ,CREAM ~.41<11'6 ~Pe'l/D£R I CURE FITS! ° Q ! i ~~ DE~~~y~ i

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