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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1889, p. 1

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TBRMB :-11.50 Pu. .A1urn11. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY 1.l'IRBT: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M · .A. JAMES VOLUME EDITOR.urn P:aoPJ:UEro:a, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1889 . XXXV. NUMBER 41. C_O UC H, JOHNSTON~ LIST OF F A.:E < FOR SALE -.A..T- The Essex County Land Office. The following list of farms is cha?ged weekly, as farms are being .s~ld and new ones of!ere~ for sale. Intending purchasers would d o well to watch the list weekly. Correspondence sohc1ted, and any required mformation gladly furnished. Anderdon Township. 20. 100 acres, 73 e.ores nuder cultivation. Soll clay loam. ;l acres good timber., Good board, rail and wire fences. ir1owing well. Good honsA and outbnildiags. erected at a cost ot $2,000. ' l'hree miles from McGregor. on C S Ry and LE. E & D. n . Ry. 2.!. la acres.beautiful location on the Detroit river, just the vlace tor a vine~11rd private resid enco, Soil very ricll. Good frame h ouse and barn. 'l'wo milles from Amherstburg,one mile from c. 8. R . Station. Parties wishing a home on the Detroit river should come and see ~L ·CRYDERMAN ts.\Kl~G are daily opening out NE~ FALL GOODS and when complete, they will exhibit --the-- ,Stoel~ ever shown by any house 1n Bowmanville. COUGH. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Doot· " T est oC Post Odice. ~F :J:_..L@=) M ILLI NERY · THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. The fall campaign about commenced in every line of Dry Goods and this firm is to the front with the largest s t ock of Dry Goods they have ever shown and ,we are safe in saying the largest in this p1ace. 100 ELcres, eo nth ha.If Lot No 14. Cun 13, Colche;t er North, 100 acres txcopt three acres C S Ry right of·way iwro~s north end· 2 miles wost of Eosex Centre.about same dl,tanco e!lst or Edgar Station on the Amherstbur~ b ranc h of the CS Ry (l\1 c R.) No buildings. A rail· way spur belonging to Mr. Decew runs into the n ext lot on the west. o JOO a~res, west half Lot No 17, conces"· Ry. ion !J, Colchqater North, 100 8.cres about 5 , miles Thia powder never vanes. A marvel 01 41. a crea, io under cultivation. 8oil very southwest or Essex Centre aud two miles west purity, strength o.nd wholesomeness. More riob. black loo.m. Fronts on D etroi t river. 3 of Gosrl.eld townline, Saw· log t imber, h ickory cconomloal than tb,e ordinary kinds, and oan miles from Amherstbltrg. butts, etc, taken off. not be aoldin competition with the mnltltndt, ~ 9 · 25 A.cres. i<ll under cultivation. Soil c'a.v :?UO acres. lot 13. Con. 7. Colchester of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate loam. Good fenoo.s And a splendid well. Good North, 200 acres, about 8 miles from Essox powders : Sold only in, ROYAL BAK· !OR house, Situated 4 miles trom Amherst- Centre and rour mtlea rrom townlinc of GosING POWDER CU.. 106 ·wall St.· N. Y. bur1r, field, on the to wnllne of Colchester S:>uth, and 50. 100 acres. Good dwelling house. fn cing about two m iles aast of the Lako Erie and Del.he Colch eijter Nonh t ownliae, about one mile troit H.ailwa.:v, wher e it crosses the last named A WORD TO FARMERS. from McGregor villa11:c. This fa.rm beinR" with · townline, ondsix miles south of Edgar Station, in Aasy reach or the MC Ry and tJ10 L KE & to whichplaoo a pole tramway ext.ends for 1 180 D n lty. would be a good investment. Will b e of t,hc busm ess o! the sa.w·mill situate1l u pon TO AU, WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. St'ld choap. this lot. 'l'he saw-log t imber has boon out but 59. 61;} acres, on t he Detroit river. Finest lo· a la.l'g e quantity of other timber r e mains. De cation in the county. By the expenditure o r a cupying i.bout ten acres, near the centre of I talce this metho d of thanking my old smell amount this could he made one of the thi!l lot, the large saw mill, lumber tracks, customers and the public generally for pre ttiest homes in Ontario. We invite people pllmg grounds, lor.c yard, dwellings, stables. the liberal patronage extended to me dur- seeking a home in a lovely situation to visit barns, g ranary, oil hou se, etc, mostly on tho this place at once, as It will not be long in the south·east quarter of th" lot. 0 ing the years that I have been in business ·m arket. $2 oOO worth of buildings on tho 97. The large saw will on lot 13, con 7, Col· and having fitted up a ~ood show room farm. Situated two miles from Amherstburg, cheater North, is in good ordei·, capacity one tnile from C. S. R y . depot ann half a mile 10,000 fee t per ten hours.ea ws forty feet lengths and office on the site lately occupied by from Texas Landing. or over. Good prices are obtained t or t he Mt. C. Rogers on Silver St., between 6t. 110 acres on the Detroit river. 3 miles common and cull lumber a.t the mill in winter. Percy's blacksmith shop and the News from Alilherstburg. 1>5 a cres under cultiva· Plenty of timber on neighboring lands. tioo. Soil very rich loam. Good fences all Brunches or tramway run in all directio~s. office, where I shall be pleased to see my a.rounil. There is a. first-class frame dwelling Th e mill and t en acres witb. the other b111ldold friends or make new ones, and I in- and outbuildings. Fine orchard of 100 bearing ings may b~ sold t og.,ther, or the sale may in· vite all who want anything in the follow- trees comprising t h e choices~ k inds of appJeg, elude a lease of the ten aorea and otllor build· v ears i<nd peacheR. Price. $7. ~00. ings, a.t nominal r ent for five years renewable ing lines to call and see me and examine o:l 46 acres, Ii or G acres cleared. 15 acr es good It requb·ed. · 0 108. JOO acres on 7th con. A v ery desirable goods and compare prices and quality be- timber, spl.endid well, rences in flrst·class con· dlrio~. Soil clay_Ioam. . . farm for timber. ooataiuing considerable elm. fore placing your orders : agricultural fl8. oO acres ; 2!> under oult1va.tiou ; 9 acres I black a.ah . m a ple ..nd hickcry. Ooly ~ rnile machinery, s team and horse p o wer thresh- good tunber; so1 .l cln .y l!lam; house stable and from Marshfield station on tho LE, 'E & D R .splendid flo:wmii: we ll on tho prem- R. Wood easily ehi1111ed to DeL roit. Windsor ing machines, Brantford binders, reapers !franary; 1se9 ; 8 miles from Vl'indsor. &;c. and mowers ; s eed drills, spring-tooth 7'. 20 a.ere~. 3rd coD .. all under cultivation. 112. 50 acrj>s. ten acres cleared, soil cl ay cultivators, disk, sulky and iron ha.rrows, Sob very nch loam. WeH fen ced. Goo_d loam , som.e timb61· on it. Jog house and Jog bored well 86 .ft;. deep, ·plend1d 1low. 40 fr_tut stable on it, situated in the 71h con, one mile riding and walking p lows, straw cutters, trees .. onmpr1smg apples pea.rB and chet!1es. from a.RR station. Very c heap. grain crushers, root cutters ; also a gent D_welhng. gra n.ary and sh ed on t h o premises. 113. t,200 a cres in l~a.ulk County, Dakota, for the Goold Bicycle Co., and St. 'l'homas S1~n,.ted ten miles from Wmdsor and seven for ea.le at a bargain (to close t he estate of the nnles from Amherst~~rg. Very. near to a late D, Burk.) 100 a.creH u oder cultivatioa. White Bronze MonumGnt Co.; insurance sc hool and a church. lerms to amt purchas- House cost over, also farm house and barn. 'l'lte Chioa1-?o and W W R B. have a effected on farm buildings and private ers. . 10~. 50 acres ; 40 clear ed and under cul~iva.- a:a tton on one of t h e Jots. Would exchange res idences a t lowest rates. tion; ~r arue .h ouse a nd other. outbm ldmgs; for business or other properties. Headquarten for plow points, machine splendid Jlowmg well; good wire. board and rail fences; 4 aorcs or orchard, 7 old,conoil and axle grease . JAMES McLEAN, s isting or apple. pl nm and pear trees; onlyl;\14-tf. Bowmanville. miles from .!\foGreg01· station, on the l\f 0 le !lO· l· 50 acres. South·west qll'arter of Lot N o and LE. E a nd D RR. 103. r.o acres on the 3rd con. Contains a 5, cun, i. Gusfleld., 5~ a.ere~ . about eight m iles Ocean t ickets by different lines of south-east of Essex Cent ro and a bout 2 miles clwe!ling house. stable and shed. steamships for s ale at the STA.TESMAN 101. <10 acres on the 1st con. , facing tho 2nd P.ast or t h e town line of Colchester North, a.1HI a bout tlvo miles n orth-west ot Kingsville. con. office. tf 109. 25 acres. on t he 5th oon. 20 acres under Saw l og timber mostly cut oft'; a.bout ten cultivation ; 2 acres !\'OOd timber. Good fences, acr es cleared, tour or which aro occupied by good well. 25 fruit t rees, apples, pears 'l.nd the saw mill, miU yards.a. fined welling.stable. cherries. Log house and two stables' one barn, oil house, etc. Spl endid roads in a.II direcr,ions. P lenty of standing timber iu fr>Lme and one log . Soil, rich black loam. o llO. 50 acres, on the 4th con, 47 cultivated, 3 vioiniiy, 98. 'l'he smaller ea.w m ill on J, ot ii, Con 4, acres tim ner. Good fences, two first class wells: soil, gravelly clay loam. 50 apple trees, Gosfield, ie in good order . capacity 8,000 feet 16 pear trees. apricots and other sn1a.ll fruit. per ten hou ~a. eaws fot·ty feet lengths. e Very }!ood barn an d house, costing $ L,4.50. 3;} 1s a large cnstom work and active local sales at a ll seasons for 01 >rnmon i<nd cull lumber far miles from A mherstbu rp;. exceeding the supply so far. a t good prices. lt is"' valuable p1'operty, and u. good bnsi11 eaB stand, 1?esides bein11: ver;I<' mJa r the gas produc· 1ng regwn. Good gravel roa.ds in a ll direct.37. :34} a cr es. l!'ln e frnit fa.rm; 10 a cres of ions, and plenty of standing t imber available grapM; on east side, between south nnd west in the vicmity, __ docks. House a n d outbuildings. This is au opportunity seld om offered to secure a grape farm on t,his beautif ul Island. famed for i ts Tich gr apes, fine fr 11its and delioious wines. 76. ·>G acres in Petite Cote, 50 acres under 83. 15 acres sitn !ited on the south end o r the soil gravelly, sandy and bl1>ck. Isltmd, one mile from th e boat lancling. There cultivation, loa".ll. lG acres of good timb er. Fences in fi rst are on t he prope·r ty. two fra me houses, five class state. Four acres or apple trees, 25 cher1·y acres of v iney1>rd, containing 1, 700 grape vin es trees. 500 grape vines, two years old. Good in bearing. 500 peach trees, also a large num. ramo house containing rooms, good bo.rn ber of quince, apple, pea.r and cherry trees. and oth er outbulldings. 8Splendid farm for a ·rertnB, one third, balo.nce to ·s uit pur- person dcsirou~ of going into <rrape or fruit chase1'. raising, helng only eight miles rrnm W indsor. 'l'er rus to suit purchaser. POWDER Absolutely Pure. 00, 30 aorea adjoininit tile corporation of Essex Centre. eoll rich black loam. 6 acres ua . der cultivation, well fenced and i:ood ditches. would be a splendid plaoe for a man wishing to make him eel! a nice.home noar the ftomish· lng town of EBBex: Centre, a.s he could find work for himself the yea? round . Pdce,$1.500. Terms. J; d own, rest to suit purchaser. 71. U a.cree lot 8, S M R. nbont ! acres cleared. Bala.nee contains timber suitable tor cord wood and bolts. i mile trom Cano.a.a etation on the L E, E & D RR. 96. 100 acres Lot No 14, Con H. Colchester Nortb, 10 acres, 2 miles west of Essex Centre, on the townllne ot Maidstone. No buildings. 0 30. aOacres, 25 under cultivation: Soil,gravel and bleok loam. 10 acre~ irood timber. Good well. 14 a cres ot wheat thrown in 11 purchased now. 5 miles from Amhoratburg. 31. 100 acres. 5(1 a cres oleared. Soil. clay loaru. All kinds of timber. Drnme d by the McI.ean tap drain an<! a brancti of the Canard ri ver. l<' rnme house. log stable. I ! miles from McGregor station and o.lso from LEE & DR ~ith ~apacity of 360 and 200 b· a rrels ·reapect1voly. Three wells on the premises. two being bored, one a never failing. Property is situated on the gravel rol\cl. six tniles from Amherst· burg, three miles from McGregor. on the M c Ry. 87. l~O. ecres, 70 acres under cultivation e~ll prmc1p~ll~ loam. Th;rty a cres of good t unb er, oons1stmg of oak, elm, ash and maplo Good fences, adjoins 86 t') t he west 8S. 5U sores, a.II cleared, 22 acres under Clll· tivation. soil principally gravelly loom. W ell fenced and ii;ood dit.ches. Th is lot Joins N os and 87 to south, l'ri. c e $2,5~0 N'os 86, 87 and 88 all parts or the one farm . making one of tho finest in \Vestern Ontario. The soil is exceedingly ~ertile, everything being iµ fi.rst class order, no un prove wents being n ecessary. The whole c~n bo bought en bloc M a reason· able pri ce or separately. 90. 11 l acres, being the we·t part of lot 17, 1Ht cou. .A.bout IJO a.ores "re olei>rorl ancl nnde: cultivation, th e balan ce well titn be red. Soil black lo o.m and very fertile. Dwelling, barn , ~riving house, h o;i: hc:.u~e slaugh ter house . we h ouse. sheds, &c. o·i t he premises al·o t-hree never failing w elll'. ouo constantly overftowiog. 1"our acre" of ~ood orchard Situ '<ted thre" miles from A.m h.erdtburg on the Datroit Ri\f'er. ' 91. ~ 11 acres, being the we~t p art of lot 18, Ht con, a1lnator l a t the mouth ot t.he Detroit river abont three rnile R from A ·nherar.burg. Soil rich clav 'Veil fenced 1wd uniter cul- 18 and 19, 1st con, sitnated Muee milM from Amherstbnrg. A b,ou t 50 acres of Vil't;in soil, free or s tumps Soll very rich loam. Good fences. Price $5 500; 101. r.o acres. H acres cl e u ~cd ; soil blttck loam; three rrailes fro1n Ambo nst b urj(. ? tivation . 92. HI acres being the ea3t p.trt of lotq 17. to suit purchaser. T t!L 'ffiB County of Lambton. DAWN TOWNSIII P. 85. 950 acres-200 lot 28, 5th con. 200 lot 2~ in the 6th con. 200 lot 27 in 7Gh con. 500 lot 26 27 and 28, in 8th con. Ali bn?h la.nd, elm: w'· I black , oak and hickory; eoil a rich loam. 'l'bese lands aro situuted with in 8 miles of tne progroaeive town of Dresden, 3 miles from v illag0 of Oil Springs and ;} m ile rrom M C It s tati on ot Edclysvllle. Thoy liu on the oil i<nd gas belt, a very Rtron g flow of 11:a~ htiviug been o l1 taiued a t 70 feet. \·Vil! be tiold e i1hor in bulk or in iota of iiO a cres or morn. T"r·us or sale 10 pel' cent dowD; btilanr.e 1Lt6 per cen1 · tirue to SU Lt pul'Chasere. Lots in 5t,h and 6tll c on, $ 15 an a.ere; lots in 7ih ,.nd Sr.h, $ 16 a.n acr: Hotel Property. 82. lf()USe and lot in tho Vill itge of :BlylhesWOOd, on the litrn of the L &. St C Ry. Admir· ably sit llatod fo~ a hotel, thoro being none in the plac11. J,ies on tile ea.·t of the ma.In road between Comber and Leamington. The build· oonlain s ei(<!' h t bedrooms. besides large piirlor, kitchen ; n room enitn,ble for a barroom, &o. 10G, l<'il'"t cl""" hotel an.d business bloctt iu s thriving towo of 2,700 inhe.bitants on the main line of th" Cttnada. Southern R y. '!'be build · Ing i~ of br ick, three s1.oreys high and h as a frn ntag-o of lOl feet, and contains threa s tores and ii b1 uber shop ou the ground ftoo l', tho remainrler (conta.lniog 60 rooms) being occu· d ied as a hotel. T he hotel yields a re1it,..l or $ 1 000 per year, tho stores renti11g !or $ 50 per 1>11:m1n. Tho whole is in first class ord.el' and situated in t lie business centre of the tGwn. A splendid ba"n i n connection with tho house is also offered for siile. Tbe place will be ·old at a b argain, or will bl3 ex~h a.nged for farm proport.y. Gosf:leld South. I Colches·t er Sou·th · Pelee Island. Sandwich W est 0 Maidstone. 81. Frame saw mill with boiler and engine Gl; JOO a cr es, con .A, 20 o.-cres cleared. Ji'ramo and muchin ery, 2} miles east o! 1~seex Centre on the M CR. 'l'here are 7 ttct·ea of land that llouso and barn- Situated { miles from Leam1w with the mill. 'J'hls property will be sold ington. Offered at a. very low ro. tor $1,500. orlgln ally cost $4.,4.00; will exchange for rarmlng li<nda or otl).er property. Wlll be sold on easy term~. Township of Mersea. . Mald A n Township, is loaded with goods and a better selection would be difficult to find. This Department as formerly is under the management of MISS NOBLE. Every lady in town and vicinity should. visit this Department. Dress Goods and Silks. In Dress Goods, Silks and Mantlings we are showing. a beautiful stock. For quan·t ity this Department is overJoaded ·\Xl'ith choice goods. der cultivation. 8oil very l"ich, Good while oak ou place. li'ences good. House. stable 0. 28 acres. all u ndet' cult ivation, s oil grar· and storeh ou3o. 'l' hroe miles fro m ~\ mherst. e!ly lnarn. G-~od house a nd barn, only four burg, 28. GI a.ores. All under cultivation. Soil milee from Windsor. clay loam and very easily drilined. ~~onng ore ha.rd. Splendid fai m all through. N ice location. Very good house and barn. 11 miles from Amherstburg. !:'rice $5.000, 39. 50 acres, $5 under cul tivation , Soil black ?3. 460 acre~, lots 5, 6 and 7· in the 11th con., a lso liiO acr es of Jot 5, 13th con. Will be sold loam. olo acres timber., Good fenooa and good in lat'[~e or small lots t o suit purchasers, at $15 well. House. stable, gra.uary and pig p e n . Five miles from Amh erstburg. a.n ucro. Also iO acres. lot 1 S M H.. 6~. !'ill acres, 40 a.nres 11nde1: cultivation. Two 83, 180 ac res, 85 acre,s under oultiva.tion, and 85 w e ll timb1ored. \Veil, 74 feet deep, houses and 2 stl\blos. An orohu.rd or 100 never goes dry. Sufficient for whole farm.New t,reee. W ell wtitered. Pc1ce $:l,500. 8G. 100 a.ct:eB, 98 a cres cleared and under barn 30 x: 96 ft, with 111 ft posts and other outbuildings in good condition. On main road cultiv a.tion , soil m ixed cl&y loa m and gravel, 10 acres o·r good t imber, firgt c!119s fences, and bet ween Essex Centre and Amherstburg, two miles from McGreg or on C 8 Ry a nd one mile 2~ acres ot orchard, CQn sisting o ;'. ap p!es, peard and cherry trees. ' l'wo -stol'OV frame honso from lhe L ii;, E a nd D R Ry station, Offered erected at n cost of $3 500, a cistern of very choup· r are coonce. 65. !iU acres, I ii under cultivation, soil clay holding IGO barrels under the k itchen, w ater and gravel, good timber on it, very well situ- tank upst airs. .A.lso two lo.rge barns. stables, a ted on the r06d leading t o Esaex Centre driving Bh6d. &c, all in first class order. and Amherstbarg and only t mile the G rounds in front of the house well !&Id out. etatiott of the L E,E &:; D H. R >Lnd 2 miles from an iron fance running a.cross tho front ya.rd. 'l'wo cisterns in addition to t he one m tntioned, McGregor. Sandwich East. 2~ - 50 acres on Knapp's I sl and, 35 a cres un· Colchester North. 2!l. Ml acres, 45 ncresyuder cul tivation. Soll clay loam . a never fa1lmg well. l·'l· houae o.nd barn. l_og scable and_ OLiler s miill o~t tmilcl· ing. s . 1 ~ tmle~ from Harrow, on th~ L .W ll1 &; D B Hy. 43. 6!> acres, il9 under e nllivation , Sandy ~oil and gravel. Five good wells. V'ory good frame dwelling $Z.O O O. Frnme, nilea stu.ble, und other outbuildings. 'l'ilree 1 from Hoirrow . l M apple trees bearing. 72. loo acres, 80 under cultivation, 8oil rich gravt1lly, l oam, good board, wire and ra.i fences. Large nommodious house a.ncl a l k inds or outbuildings, all in first cla ss ordor. 'l'hero is o.n orchard of 500 bearing trees of different kinds of frnit-. 'L'here Is ple nty of g ood water. Th'is proper ty is s up posed to be on the oil 11.nd gas belt. and is very conveniently situated for ehlp!Jing. being only 3 · mile rl'oru HackeLt'a dock, PP. Lake 'El'ie 11nd ,} ·mile from the enterprising village of Hil.rrow on tho L E .It & D It n. Hurrow cont..ins good BL Ores. first clatia market, a lso fine churches and schools. T his is one of the fln~st fl.Irma and mos t desira.blA locations i n Colchester Sou l;h. 73. 1 17 acres. 30 under cultivation. soil ola.y. loam >J.nd gravel 1. Jl:OQd well. 1'he lumber is on the pra.misea f!'n' Ille erection ol a llouso. sit· u.ted 1~ 1J1iles frpm the progr essive village of Ha.r1·ow. 01forec1 viory cheap. 75. f 3 0 aoree, sit uated on t he lake shore, pear Ox ley, 100 acres u nder cultivation a.n rl :10 acl'es timbe~·erl . S oil D·inclpally black Jo,un. Good fences. Four w ells and a cistern, good two storey frame house or nine rooms aud k itchen, barn, stabloa and plonty of outhonsoa, Convenient to Ghurches, market, &o. Supposed to be on the gas belt. 10-0. 6S acres; ~8 acres cleared; soil gravelly loam and very prod11ctlve; divided i11to eleven fie Ids. G'1od tr,.,mo house. barn, stables and sheds, a nd two never failing wells au abundance of fruit on the prernlses. Three miles from Harrow. ·ea nnder cultivation, soil gravelly 111. 4 0 ac1 l, good w ell a nd small orchard tiea.ring, Situated in tho etb. oon, 2 miles from a. rd.ii way station. For further parti culars apply to Leighton & Ouellette, 'l'womets Block, Dalhousie Street. A MHERSTBUR C, · 0.ADJYIUS. ONTA~IO. Every Department in our House is piled full of new goods and for low P£ices v.:e challenge any House in the Dominion to surpass us. Piles of Flannels and Blankets, piles of Costume Clothe!', Dress Good s and Silks, piles ot Clothing and Tweeds, piles of Boots and Shoes, a grand select ion of Millinery, piles of everything and every purchasf .. should, in their own interest, visit this Emporium before buying One V Dollars' worth of Goods. REMEMBER THE PLACE. ltt.i!PkE GRUVE. CLARKE UN1UN. E. THO ~ii PSQN & CO . , Bankrupt S tock Men. Mr. Wm. McClellan is 011 the sick list. M:r. John Allin, sr., fractured one of Our H unt Club hiis capttlr ed four coons. his rib~. but is recoveriog. Mr . Fre d. R nndle took 1 s t prize on h is Master John Crumb has returne d from ontire colt a t Bowmanville Fair. visiting at Newmarket. M1·. H. R. Rowe has bought his brother 1\'Ir. Hobt. Lawrie may go to the High R. J's farm of 100 acres and rcntcdj75 School, Ottawa, next y ear. acres of it to Mr. P. Cox. If you would l\liss Emma 1\'Iunday h as returned to do it up Brown,you m u st get the wife,Pat. her'~ tu dies at Demill College. On Monday ,2!)th ult., a barn bel onging l\'lr. Cha.a. bought a thorough- t o Mr. H. Arch was burned, together bred Hereford co w at Mr. John Rundle's with its contents ; supposed to be t h e sale. work of tramps. Loss partially covorcd A misBionary sermon will be preached .by irn;ura nc· _ (_' ·- ---here next Sunday by Rev. Jae. 'rhom, B. Ready · clothing will be cleared at A., of Newca$tle. The memb ers of t he choir are m aking any price. -Ellison & Co. 'vomus C1A1JSE 11111cn sn m.NESS among arrangements t-0 have a social, the prochlldl'cn. J!'recman's \Voran 1·owdei·s 1·re· ceeds to be u sed in puttin~ a new carpet v ent tills, a11d m t\lrn the c h i!<l bright ancl around the alta·r , It is badly ne.eded. · J1eaU.h y. A meeting of the creditor s of Mr. W. J . 'iVatson, merahant,Cadmua, who assigned, waa held in Toronto on '\l</ednesday Mr. Watson had the entire confidence of his cr editors, and they were perfectly con tent to allow him a n extension of 3, G, 9 and 1 2 months. The asse ts were $4,821, with lia.bilities only $2,005. The a.ssign ment was in consequence of the pressure of creditors made against him. Tll!ED ! TESTE D ! PROVED ! - A year a go l ast summer was troubl ed with dysentery. I procured Dr. Fowler 's Ex:t racb of W il d 81,rawber ry and took according t o directious, which comple t ely cured me.- Robert E. Green, Lyndhurst, Ont. 'rhis medicine c ure::s all looseness of the bowels.

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