·~~~;0'~~!f'.~~-'.'?.'·~~f';:~~~·'.l!':':l'_'.~~~~~~~~~~~~~trl,~~1~~Jl:~UUWbtiUIMi~Hllll~l!!F!lllll!·!) ·"M~· !R!!!!~-!!!!!!!~~!!.!!P~'!!!!!!!!~~-!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!S[!! r !!!!"~'-!!!!!!!!!!!!f!!..... ~~·~·!11!!!7Z!!~li!........,...,..!!!!!!!!!!!! . ~~~~-~ i1felllli!~ ! 1'!'!WWW!!!~~ · V - -h f b h ·se aud ba-ck: in h ia/ move ; his anxiety lo~b the paper be had CHA.P'.l.'ER · e was out 0 t e 0 " 0 Id t d given Mr. Slimp should prove too late T he fntervi~w_ which Kate bad with her · . ~a~soh :if?re t~e l~n . hdl~J~~~~ L~~;~~~h j overcame every other aenb~ment; he hardly 1 father t hat eventng was nob a v ery long one, , A a. dope t knew tha.t he was consenting to D.-. La.kenor was ib r emark able for any d iaplt·y ef ' t o~aan poun 8 6 er11 ng per annum w1.1s worth's union wioh Kato and endowing the feeliD« on eit her ddc He h ad a~ he said j tremblmg in the hala.nce I 0 the wlckedncas, · 1 ·t "·h h d th ' "' · · · ' ' th d · f ti h beartJ ! tbe ah0 rt j a.u er Wlu er gr11n mo erl! money, · nmde up h is mind, i:md nothing Ka~o could i . e eceit 0 lB um!lll ... .. If they imve been ma.rried by new," au.y had t ho leMt l·ff·ct upon him She dad i;1 gbted, unfathomable folly of old ladies wha . id th 't t" t " d J · " f · ma.de w;}ls hke that I sa e ao11c1 or $1ow1y, no a. ver 1aernen hor best; bub when he rose m m his chrm· D ·bl f . I . t h "h will induce t hem to come bu.ck · bu~ it's f · J h" h . · ou ,, e are 11 ca o u e 7 . 30 rom very unlikely . · in such a.nd l'Old. h (>r uo .eave 1m, e e wa e no nearer V' thl\tJ they would be 1 gainiug har en d tha.n when eho broached t he ,C~r1a 1 b 6 t H ld h a violent hurry · and with your leave 1· aubj eou. · · ey mus~ e cppoc e wou searo I'll issue a. n~w advertisement which may .. Will you think aboutJ it a uain when h@ ovory hotel m Dover. H~ would put on de- do more tho.n this one." hao p.o~ a good pro.ctioe, father?" tectlves to watch bhe Ca.fan boat. A thousand " Do wha.b you think best ; but for · k " y ou have had my answer Kate It is pounds u. year I Central Asia-- Goodhea.v, k ·h · · · h . h ·1 · h b mercy s ea e, 1 eu me now u e very momenu fi nally & nd absolutely No. I will not t hink ons 1 wast ere ever ~uc asnai in arness e. you hear whether that permission I gave you about i.b now or at any oth er time, and t he fore? Were t hoLon,donatreet at-ver so crowded is in time." . sooner you foraet t he man the bet ter " ii.a they ;vere now · Thie wr.e all the outcome M SI' . d d " · f th · ll f s 1 · t . th r. imp promise comp111mce, an saw Clearly, t her e was no hopo of doing thinP,s 0 au ca 0 ~ ~ug~ ea 11 pa.r ner ' · e hie client to the door ; then be went back in an orthodcx faohlon ; and before Kate words were ringmg Ill his can ~hen he gob into bis room and aeb himself to draw up anwen tJ to siecp tha b n ight, she ha.d thought out ~t t~e station and llai~ ' ff hl8 ca.b. f!:e other adverbisement, which we may as well outi h.er proj ect in deni1ll, t!l fay before wae In time 0 r the tram, ";"'u :ay baok in show the reador at once: :r~xtday lhisseatpantrngand breallll.tHa,hewa~tlr "If Mi K D f N 21 Bl k d 1CharlesLikeworth · · d b · · · I h' 1111 · , o o. a ewoo 1 · . " I aiucerely hope I have settled that for e · Uu a.s unswervin~ l>8 e , 1rer n 18 pur pose, Square, Sounh B.enelngton, will apply to good and all" said Mr Do·tleson to the Dovere.tlast,Haw i;H1~ doutofbhesvatlon M St h d S Lt 1 , 1 mirror after Kate had .gone~ "If t here's and hailed a c&b ; he had no dinner, but I essr~ ~[i one l an th mu~ltgtees, nlcoin a hunger walil forgotten nn, s e w1 rece ve o wr n perm ee on ' ~ any more bot her about ib, I l 1 send her " · · she requires. She must apply penonally." ' · ·· aw11.y into t he country for a few months, trake me to all .~he hotels in the town T be London da.llles gave due publicity to ~ · and llee wh!.\t tht1.t will do." £n: dt:~r.::: other, be s~id to the dum- this announcement the following morning, ,.,.,.,...,."" ...., He wa.a not dest ined to hea.r anything 0 .~ l . · . . ,, with ~ingul11orly prompt results. Mr. Dot. ,l::::....,..,~"';::::;z.:~~~~~~~1t more from K\\te It will k take whole night, tleson 0 11.1 'Ie d au · L lllOOI n ' a Inn a b ouu · "I'll · the th ·h1 'l sir. " ' . ' t.hey m3t at breakfast as u~ual, aod the h a.t ad name was not men· m:i. e lt wor your~ e. eleven o'clock to a sk for newo Md tloned. H is datip;hter's manner t owards Whatever remunera.bion that cab-driver was informed nu~b Mies Dottleaon had "'J'he Old Oaken Bucket. him was unchanged, and he told h imself r eceived he fairly earned it. He took h is fore come to t he c.:fibe half an hour prev!· The Iron-bound Iluckot, t hat ahe ha.d l),OOepted t he inevita.ble at last, from one hotel to another, until his horee ously and ha.vlng inapeoted the doouThe Mose-covered Bucket ," u.nd w ould not t rouble him a.ga.in, I broke down, and he ra~(.ed ;i:rr Dottle· ment'hor father bad aigned, and received GIL~OUR ·ts very likely t he one that has conve:ted poiMisc Mumbold might_ have learnt t he son ~n to a. belated growler who was a.eHurance tha.tib was legally what it pur18ons to your system from some olrl well, p!l.rticula:rs of K t1.t0'a d.ev1ce a.ml t old them crawl.mg horns. Ab four o'c_lo.ik in the porbed to be, had ~one away in the direc· wboso waters have become contaminnted to ue, had ehe b~en lees 1ntereet ed in 11. ape.ooh mornmg he drove up to the Sb111t1on H oteland tion of the 'West E nd-probably to Blake:from sewers, vaults, or percolations from the ·soil. To e radicate t hese poisons from tbe wh!oh a graa.t poli.tician had delivered at & drB>g~ed himself to bed; he ha.d enmined wood Square 'system and save yourself a spell o f m a larial, g1i.rd0n-party the day before; but tibe lovers t he visitors' book In every hotel in the pla.ce, Mr . Doiltl~son rushed out of t he cffice and t yphoid or biHous fever, and to keep t ho \liver, l.~rnneys antl lungs in a healthy and oonve~sed i.n such Jew t .>nes t hat only a most and h ad questiioned the ha.11 porters besides ; called a oa.b ; his excitemei; tJ wa.a rising again, ...................................-. ~ .. ..... ·~ -~ -~ -~ ...~ .........."""' . ..~ . -~1..... . -....g·'""""""............. .......E~>rnJ'=2E""""' ~ .......... ·yigorous condition, use Dr. l'ie1·ce's Golllen ~.1itent1ve hs t~ner could have heard what hut not 11 trace had he found of.the fugi- for In h 111f an h our he was to know where Mt.'<lical Discovery. I t urouaeo nil the ex- ~hev M·i d. Their lo.ab few words were u.ud- tivos, · · , Mrs. L amah ed's money was to g o. Kate "c retory orgnns i nto activit y, theroby c!f'ans- 1bl..,, ""· d we are able to place them on re· ~e elepb until nxne o clock from nheer was standing a t the d ining-room window :i.ng and p u ril:ying· t he system, freeing JI; f rom 1fotu(ue; bu11 as. eoun as ha awoke, he r ose, when he drove up e.nd c1:1me to open the -all manner of blood-poisons, no matter from en~d . w hat cause they h a ve arisen. All cli2eases "Now just tell me e:x:&etly wh at :vou want swallowed h is breakfast, a.nd went t o t he door. · · "QriginaLiog from a tor pid or deranged liver, me t-0 do r' said Charles whrn Katie had police office, where he auoceeded in obtaining ' ' When were you married?" he demanded ' ~r f rom impure blood'ryield to its wonderful t he serv!c~s of men t o wa.tch the boats, who excitedly th e instant he was iW!ide the ~u rative properties. t r egulates t he stem- nnfo1ded her plan, " .£' , 11 you hv.ve to do is to go bo your were to t elegrap h to him if the p11ir were house, ?etite and . a <;h ~ul !JoweJs, vromot es t\Je np1 · -d1 geat100, aud cures Dyspcpsu1., " Liver Com"Married?" echoed his daughter.! ~"I'm , p laint," und Chronic Diarrhct1. Salt-rheum, lodging~ and p:i.ck up at o noe ; t~ke away aeen. Xhor:i be took tJhe train back t o town, l.id I wae ?" · ·Tetter, E<:t.enm, E r.vslpel a.~. Scrof ulous Sor es evul';ythmg, an d say J,.ou are not comwg back.· -.nd went d1reob to S barbone and Smnggles'a no1l married. Vl·ho m 'and Swellings, Enlarged Glands and '.l.'umors D(·n'll for get to f!rop a hint,,to yout' landla.dy c~oe to see ~r. Slimp, whom he found in Mr. Dottles·on 8 ank limply into a. chair, 'disappear under its use. hll! room lookmg M girnnt and sorrowful a~ and g ;ipec! ab her fo r three minuooa before " Golden Med ica l rnscovery " is the only that you are gomg a b:oad. be found sp eech. Tnen he pulled h imeeli " Where am I ~o go, aud wba.t's to become ever. blood and liver medicine, sold by druggists, under a p os!.tivu g n a 1':r.n, tce of ite bca c- . of my patients?" " You madn a most exhaustive sea.rob at together t o perform his duty. titi ng or c u ring in every mso, or money paid " Go anywhere you lik e, bu~ don't show pover, Mr. D ottleson ?"he ea.id when he h~d ··Expl ..in where vou have been ever since for it will be prompt ly retu rnc-<'lr ycu raalf on u.ny account. Youd bettor 11.llk n~a._rd the w~ole story and .the man ner . in Tuesday. W ha.b h ave y ou beee doing? aome other doctor t e look after y our pii.- wmoh his ohent had paeeed the p recedmg ·where is that scoundrel L~keworth ?" Copyr1A'ht , 1383, by W ORl.D1 S DIS. MED. ASS'M. trients ; it w ill giveluolor to the idea t ha.t y ou night. The extreme simp licity of Ml8s Dot tleson'a "Moat thorough. I cannot think tJhey t1.r e explanation goaded her fat her a.lmost to hav o left Eugland," " If I took lodgings out at Highgate, it there, though lihey were t oo late to catch the madnese. Sne had beon staying with her would do !" 11.f tcrnoon bo11.t ." old governess MiG s Simcox L \t Dovsr " Yea ; it would do very well. S end your "It ~ir.y be tho.ti +..aking the t!cketGwaa 11. for 11. day or' two. It wa; very 11Io~ a.d~resa t o ~~ l ea Mumbole, so t hat I can more blmd. Why should Ml~s D ottleeon indeed down t here ; she did absolutely writ-0 to you. not !Ji>Ve booked t~roug b to P~rie ~~ where- not hing. She wa.sn't quite sure where Dr. --OF-Charlr.s ri:~ected for a few minut es before Mt 1t she i.ctually intended s.;:omg? · Lllkewort h was; bub he aaid on Il'nesd a.y he .5poke agam; the plo.n. proposed seemed Mr. J?otHeeon had not thought of t hat; 10 that he was going to Highgate for a. shor~ quite foi.aible, a1Jd prom1aed success. He wu.a e. little str ange, Kat e had often beon tiooe · no d oubt he would wribe when he saw ha d every~h!ng to win, and little to lose; <1>crosa the Channel witih him, and knew the t he o.dvert!aement. for if it pr?spered, K e.te wo~ld _be ~is with ~he s.llving of .trouble bookiog " thr ough" A~d t his was wh11.1J he bad ma.gntfied int o 11tn elopement I We wi.ll not dwell upon Mr. her father s sanction; and if 1t fatled, he implied. ~ould be much .where ~e was b~fore. "All ." Wha1J course would you suggest, '!'1r· Mon t1>gue Dott leson'e wrath; we will not ng~ t, ,,Kate, I 11 do 1t. Dan ·ti forgeb t o Shmp? T he_coneequ!lnoea of ~uoh a.1:narr1age relate how he tried to get that paper baok write. would be rumous-1nmply rumoua. from Mr. Slimp, and how the mela.ncho1y "Very well; It's settlad. Y ou'd bette1· Mr. Slimp strokedhl.shairup the wrong ma u asexecu bor vrould notgin ituxi. We go ab once, and be sure you don't Jell.Ve your wa.y t1.nd t hought hard. "We mnst adver- aay ~ha.t we will ~ob spea.k of t hese things· for Men and Boys, Women and Children. lodgiv.gs la.bar than four this & ftemoon." · hiee, Mr. Dottloaon, and at once. " we laave them to the reader 's imagina.tion~ By three o'clock Dr. L :i.kewortb was drtv· Bla.zon t h!:l wretched scandal to the world [ti was a !cog time bufore our friend recog lng a.wa.y fro1!1 his old quar~rs wi th a.II his throu~h the Agony Column11 of th~ . penny uisod t hat he was beaten, and might as w 6 ll U bagg~ge, havmg ask ed a frnmd t o t_ake hla p~per~ I That ft should come to t111a I R e give in gracefully; but he d id 80 a.b last, and praotloe f..,r a d ay or t wo, p a.Id off his land- laid his head uprm his !\rm and groaned. Cnarles L ll.k eworblt married K 11.te Dottleson fady, and carefully !mbucd t hat worthy " Couldn't detectives d o U?" wit h .her fatiher'a blessing. ...... l"om11.n wilih tbe notion than he was bound " !rhey're toa slow, Mr . Dottleson ; a.nil Dr. L~kew or th has now a large prao> for the · .mnulnent . t he partie11 h 11ven'b committed any crime." tice a.t t he W cab End and K a.te so meWhen Mr . Dottleaon c3me _homa that Hadn't oo~mitted any crime l An d they bl <11es complain s that ' he devotes more evening, and c~sually ask ed for h lS daughter, were tbrowtng away twenty Thousand e.ttent ion to h ia work than !Jo her. be w11.e inf'?rmed t hat ~he had gone a.wv.y i:-1 P ounde , N? crime! How cou_ld s.ny r eason- N everthelose, they are a very happy couple; PUREST, STRONGEST, 8£811 14 c11.b, t11lm1g a quan t ity of lug~a.ge witn ablemana1bbhereand talkhkethat? and oldMrDotnleaen frankly admit s bha.t he1-. v.boub an hvu!' before. She had not : · I leave the ma.t t er in your han-:ls, Mr his da.ughtor's choice was 11 wise ene, though CONTA INS N O told any of the servants where she wan goBlimp; I feel myself uut qulll to t he t ask or he looks grave when you ask him a.bouo her Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphates, f 1ug, i>nd the only c:ue to her destination was dealing with it. My da·11ghter must be suved liotle vlsib to Dover. O R ANY INJURIOUS SUBSTANCE. . ' obe order she had been he£1rd t o give the t o us, Do whatever y ou t hink moat a.dvie[THE END.] TT TORON'l 'O, ONT. ' 1Y, Permanent posl· E · W · GI LLIE u.I n v y a n d XJ)Cnae11i Pu~ d. Pecu· · OiiIOAGO, ILL. c;~bmim, " T o Vicbori&." able. --·- - · Har a dva ntage· to beginner·. Stoc k com plete, witb fast-selling specia lties. MAN UFACTURER OF "Did she le1\ve no message for me?" auk ed "I will d o my besb, ' said the melanch oly '.!.'he fishing Industry. O'iJTFI T FREIE. We [Jttarantee what we ad!Vm-Use. Writ e llll@WN nE CELEBRATF.il ROYAL YEAST CAXES. ohe :i.stoundcd ps.r ent. man with a sig h," b ut it's a di fficult ca.se. " BRO§., Itio R'sery men, U.oebe n¢er , N. Y. ('l'bis h ouse is relia ble .) Mr Slimp had not a reassuring way with According to t be N ew Y ork Times the fact " N o, eir." " Did she say when sh e wa.o coming him ;but he wa.e an nergetio m"n enough. H e that the m odus vivendi will expire before the ha.ck?" pu b the business in h and ati once, 11.nll did. beginning of &nobher fi~bing season is likely "No, sir." what he t hought waa moab t ffica.cious. Mr rn lie brought b efore Oongrass for considera· Every domestic in tho house was examined Dottleaon saw the resultJ next morning in tho tion next sesdon . O ur con temporary says.: · .[!J !I, in turn ; b ut nob a scrap of infor ma.t;ou Ti m eB; hel'e it ia . " Mr M. D. of Blakewood "Th,; p urpose in gra.nting ib was to affor d cvu'.d be glet1.ned whioh would t hrow a. ray Squaro, K ensington, ea.rnestly r equests hie bime for t he d eliberate consideration of t he of light upon this extra.ordinarv proceedinli( da.ught er to communic11te with h im im· treaty which ws.s rejooted la.a~ y1;ar, a.nd in of K a.be's. There waa only one th ing to be mediately. He her eby un dertaken to consider case of t ha.t r Ej ection to provide a peaceable - -MA NUFACTURillR O F - ~.,,,.,.~~~ done, and Mr. Dottleeo11 Cl id it. H e senb for h er wish if she a.t once r et urns to his c:i.re method of carrving on the fishing industry .i. hanEom, and drove as fasb aa he could Mr C. L. is also invited to re ~urn," u:util some other mode of ser.tliag t he point a go to V iutoria S v...tion. '!'here he ml\de Ue hll.d h11.rdly realised the situa.tion u ntil in contr oversy ahould be r et1.ched. There ia k q uhfos of t he booking-office clerks; 11.nd this oa.ught hla eye in the pa.per. He as.id no question that ill h a.a acoompli& h od its K I NG STREET, B OWM.A.NVILLE b,i.i:! hear t bounded wit h excitement when nothing to ZAny one, bu t cram111ad bbe T imes pu rpose, oo for as furnishfag certain accom· u r>w on h"nd" n1u nl>er o t v ehlol a· ( &n d is ma.nu taoturing a gr e&t man:r mo1eJ une of t he me11 looked r ound from his desk into bis pocket and drove t o Lincoln 's l nn. modl\tion~ is concerned , and lhe recentstatep a tterns and bes t finish, whlch I am offering ror sale a.t the lowest prices con~·~i;e,n I with due r egard to workmansh ip and quality, The following 111 a llst ot uTM"" " TM TM"""" !'.nd said t h&t he r ecollected serving a y oung He could not put t he thoutZht which oppress- ment th~t twice a$ many licenaes, have h t.en t he prinoival vehicles manura.ot ured by me W liea I say Cu RE I do not mean merely to la.dy anewering the d escription, wich ticketo ed hiB brain into words. Mr S litnp was eo.· is ~ued this year t o American veaso!G as la.et · i;top them for a·time'iand then hav(l tllem return for D over . gaged when he r el\ohed th e office ; but .m shows that it is growing in favour , But mean· D ouble Oovered Oarr lages .. .. ......... . . ......... . .... ... .............. .. .... $150 U p wu.·cJ · 1, "With ticket s !" ej"cul11ot cd Mr. Dottle- ' heariD I{ who the visitors was, sent to r equest w b.ile the inter vl}.I h11s nob been improved t o · again. I MEAN A tADIOAL <JURE. Sl11gle Phretons ·...···..·.·.·. .·...···..·.....··········..·.· . ······...········· 100 u uou. " flow m:1.11y d id she t ake ?" · him 10 come in, H e went l.n, a.nd found a · make any 1)rogress to ward the final a.djuetI have mado the disease of Open Buggy...... . ................ . .......... . ............. ............ ........ 70 ll'I'rS, E PILE PSY 0 1" " T wo fi·ac clz.ss singles," replied the man middle-aged clergy man in earnest oonvers&- menu o~ the fi3hery dispu te, Presumably, Top B uggy .... ...... ......... , ... , . ... ............................................ 90 F A J.·iI.iil\TG SICIDVESS pr~ mp dy. t ion wibh the solicitor . H o bowed sllghblv when the t wo years expire and a new season Democrat W a gon ..................... ......... ;. ....... . ........................ 65 That look ed ugly; the faint suspicions he to our friend, who returned t he sa.luta.tion Is to bagin, those America.n fiahermen who A me long stucly. I wt.RRA J:f'l' my remedy to had Lum ber W a gons........................................ ......... ................ 55 dismisstd as r idicul ous, returned Btnd with an idle glance. He had no inclination hll.ve avi·iled t hemselves of the privileges (Ju H N t ile worst cases. l~ecanse others have failed is no reason for 11ot now receiving a cure. Senti tock a very definite shape. to meet str angers j ust now, and wa.s a ~ood gra.nted under th e modus vivendi Ji05nse of Light Wagon...................;......... ...... .............. ................. . .. 40 ~tone,; for a treatise :.i.od a Fmrn Bo·rrLE of my " When doea the next train leave for deal surprised at the 111.w yer receiving h im bnyiag ha.it, foa, and ot her supplies, transExpress Wagon ······..··········..········. ·····..···.·..····.····.···.······· _ 75 J N FALLIBL1' R E M EDY . Give RxpnlSS and !'O st Dover ?" eelf when ho had another client in his room. ehipping freigh b, ~hip11ing and Iandin11 men Qll'ice. It costs ·yon uothin~ for a trial, an tl it Skeleton......................... . ............................... .... .............. 50 "Express a b 7.30, sir." "Sit down, Mr. Dottleson," Bil.id t he and a" on, will be sorry to lose t\lem, if · ·wm cure You. Address , n:. G . I"O OTJ. M.O., Sulky··.···......······.·.··...... .·.····. .....···... ······························· 40~ - u ::Branch Office, 164 \ Vant .Adelaide 1:1t.reet1 Mr . Dottleson looked all bis watch : it solicitor. "Allow me to lnbroduce the R ev. t here is noth ing to t &ke their plsoe." ·· T oronto . Poeseeelng superior facilities for mannfaotnrlng 011rrla.gee, I intend to sell very cheap for was nearly six now, eo he h ad an hour an::l William Wfskln, S ecret ary t o t he Cen b?al Rhode !eland and Massachusetts have a ~ qc~mrrg~ or approved credit, and by so dolng I hope to greatly increase my number of aales Woa llttle fisherie3 d iapute in t heh· own right. a half to wait. H e would Employ the t ime Asia. Missionary Society." sell the wgod parts only, or the ii:eadngs ot buggies lrened,, ' . 'aFmrnr vrofiba.b ly by g oing to Dr. L akewort h's Mr, Dottleson turned pa.le a.nd t rembled; Maeoaohnsetta contends that Buzzards lh y lodgings and maldng inquiries there. he w o.s face to face with t he enemy. - .w hiob b. wde m.s.k y rB 11mhark ieSno~ ai thouaand "Is Dt , Mkewor th in?" he asked the "I h ad called upon Mr. Slimp in conse mi1tll! roa , 1I e ~ r 1ng ea- a l\ mare woman who opened the door. quenoe of t he advertisement in this morn- oll\l1eum (there is no eeuae in tu.lking Engish At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed If Desired. "No, sir ; bub Dr L!lkeworbh he .' sez as tng 's pl\per, Mr . Dottleson," exclaimed the when L atin will d o jusb as well), and, there- At the Factory I also do P!s.nlng, Matcbing, Tnrnlng and. Sawing with Circle Band . Dr. Wilrrot" - clergyman , "Being of oeuraa aware of the fore, that the Rnodi"us he.ve no r1gM to 611.ws. and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters nd otbers for building purpllfJOlh " I don't want Dr. Wilmot. When is S ooiony'e reversione.ry intere:sb in the lat e o~tch man ba den t h orein. The R hode Island Ornamental 11.nd P lain P ickets for fences in ovary style reonlred. made to order. De. Lak eworth expected. home ?" Mre. La mshed'1:1 p1·oper by, it a ppeared that " P orgy P irntes," without bo~hering them· . " He ain t expected ; b11t D r. Wilmo b"- - ' inquiries made in lts.heha.lf nigh t not bo ou t aelvea with complicated arguments a.bouti Time was too pr ocioua t o be frittered away of pla.cP," fishing rights, aim ply fi 1hed , One d ay the like this : he pushed p11et t he woman into ;. nave auvised M r. Wiskin that h e na. Massachuaotts ca.:i!>oll.r, Demp~ey 's Dtea.m, t he p M211ge and told her to call the landlady, QB yoii no aba.dow ·of a claim on t l1e p r ops b ore do wn upon aix of the pirates and fandlady took some time to answer the erty," said Mr. Blimp. "We h ave no proof b oarded one ot t hem, the Joseph C hurch, These ready Mixed Paints The summons, and wh en aha did, she proved to of Mias Dottleson·s marria'(e to Mr. Lak e- The five obher p irates came to the rescue, be bub one dPgree more lntelllgenb t ha n the wort h, or any onti else, ~o far. " b ub were frightened a.way by the guns of the a re no chemical combination servan~. M r. Dattleeon speedily disoovered "I t rnst bha.t Mr. Dottleton will n ot con· D ampsey'e D ream. The captain of the ,of benzine or soap mixture, tbla, and hook her in ha.nd with a fi rm pa.· eider my cAll hasty and p recipit ate ; bub, as Dream puba prize crew on hos.rd the Cuurch but are simply old-fashioned paint~. tience which would have done credit t o a I have pointed out. the youa ~ la.dy may be -not a crew oi one, liko the Ruah, bub a 's Counsel. already w eddec l t e ube gent leman named in crew blg enouf.'(h t o cont rol the boat and t o They are guaranteed to give better Queen Was Dr. L"'k ewo:rbh at home? No, bu t t he adverti~ement ; in which case, aince her pu t the Churoh's Ci?>pba!n in irons when he Purify the Blood, correct e.11 Disorders of the results than any other paint. --Never mind tha.t. When d id he go fo~her's consent hc.s obviously not"-·s te1ered tho wrong wa.y. Thia illustrates awny? Go away ? It might have been three H I.a s moothly flowing speech was in ter- t hat control of nbe shor e fisheries rest s with LIT E R, STO.lVl.t'l«JD, KID NEYS A.ND B OWELS. o'clock, or half-past, or even four; the clocks rupbed by a. supprCl!sed scream of rage from t he diff,3rent Sbatss, tlbe Fedora.I Government was-- Never mind e.bout t ile clocks. Was j M r . D ottlcson, a,g llhat gsntlem1 m sprang having this power only in the cane of Terri- Tll, ~ h1vlgorate nd rtHtore to h0a.lt h Uebili t ated Constitutions, D r. L a.keworth comlog b t1.ck? He said nil from his chair, grabbed wildly atthe sta t ion- tories, If 8 1!1.ska were te become a State i:.re !av&lu11tble lu l ll Oe>!llpla.t'nta IM!de ar. a v ~emalea o f "'11 A.{ a ~. f ·l how h e wasn' t ; but them medio1!.l g entlemen fl ery case on the tlloble, tore v shoot of p apol' ~be would be able to se:nd catbo11ots t o proChild r en a.nd the aged they &re p r icele &11, , - - N ever mind medica.l g entlemen just t herefrom 11.nd ad zed ~pen. Nob another tecb her fiahllrien, but Bhe would pr ob11obly now, Did he say where he was going ? iar1t 1L11t should be lost ; and without pausing give up t he thousand miles cl!\im t hat the TH ~E OI N~r M :ENT ~ ·eJ:rn la.ndhdy'o countenance lit up with to r esov.tJ hlm~elf, he daabed off t hree liuea , U nited S tu .tcs is ma.king, and be content! j 1tot:elngsnoe, and she fairly beamed with efwyxblng and. signed his full name a t the' l wl tha t hree-mllelimiti. ~ n laJ,\lil)[~ ·: i .\l · lr r : H ,:h I f.1 >{ 8, f.hd Broasts, Old Wouud s S;:<\ ~upel'ior knowledge. She knewed iJmotly bottom ; ha 11odded the d ate L\nd, i.Her a look . ·nd Uloer a. It. lB famous for Gout a.nd U.he umatfam. F o r d foo1 ·d9r ll ti. where Dr. Lakewt>rthha.dgone. Mr. Dot hle- p i·t the clock, t.he encb time. T he total cnet of snpplying t he B rit ish - Chest l t ha.11 n o aq aal _ son almost jumped off the table upon which "Mv consent," he ga.t·p~ d, forcfog t he I ms.u-of. .var li1lro with exploA ives and pro· , ·. · ' ie A!'il'!l fUJ"'~ l!.'7ll1'"'~T ~ he was gea.t ed, but choked down his eager- d ocument Into Mr. Slimpa r.ruida. He ha.cl . j ~1cbilea for a commfasi<m is eat imatecl by a., f'O lr ~ 01.·e 'I h 1roats 1 ml l"OIDl.C.AU.'itl!m, UoagAu1, Colds, neBS and r epeat ed t he q uestio1.1. doctor fired his fas b Bhot '. 91\tlk int o his ! of t ho Lo?don Dail,y N{WlJ ! Swa!Hngs <ind all Skin D isea.ses it ha n . l· ' ! WM go1Je to fualn part:a; t? ~he Continoug , cha.Ir, whence he fixan ~r. Wfok1n with a f a,t betwe011 £35,000 and £40,000. _ H coats 1 · , · '. , · · , S 0 rlV !\ , a.a f, h~ aaid. ['here we.a a cerbam amou nt o f Iv.ti.- stare of impot ent feroc1t.y, 'l::ha.t gentle- i £ 8 5s., or t.b out $41, to fire a smgle shot J c onttacteo. and atifi' Jo!n ts it n.ctlll Ilka a charm . SAJ, ESMEN to sell tnde in t he a ddress, bub it was quite enough man wao not alow to understand the from_ one of t he two 12-inch, 45-t on, breech: , Nur&ocy Stock. All t o harden enspicion into certa.!nty. It WiO!d footing upon wh ich ma.ttara had now lol\dmg gum . The charge weighs 29:> M anufactu red only at THOMAS H OLLOWAY'S El!ltabUshme nt, Goods W arra,n ta d as clear a~ daylight. The ~wo w ere off t o · bean placed, & nd rose t o ~ake hie leave, , pounds a:nd is kept in. fo~r silken baqe, man ent, pleasa nt. protaatkR~~;~~~S~or~T:~ the ContU:icnt vlu. Dover. K at e nnd her telling t he l; 1wl'.'or t h v.t he should no doubt ) evclosed an a ~raes cylmdncal ca~e. T he 'flJ, i.r ""'~·~· OXF.O_ l'.'n '.'.:fR EE'l ", (late 633, OX1l'OR D ST!' .. l!:l'}s VJifJ} J l~ right men! Go.od ~alariea a nd expensM paid lov01 · ha.d left t heir re~pective homes a.t tl~<l h1111r from him If i:;ece~aary. ti e attempt ed / a mmunltio11. foi torpedoes, ~t~. , being ;i.ll on An~ 111 .. e s1,..<> in J.11. l i d. , 211. 9d. , 4 !l. 6d:, 1111., 22n., and 3 3 111._ each p...., , or p w eekly, . Liberal : nducementa to beglnuera. same time ; the fo1·mer bad taken t h mr to a.ddreso a fe,w wor ds of condolen.ce to Mr. the same e_xpennlve scale, 1b is nob he.r d t o · ma!r be h ad bom !Ill! Medicine Ven dorB t h rougho.it t h~ Worfo. No previous exper1~oe necesearv. Outfit free. t icke ts and the la.lit er had disclosed the Dot bleson · bull when be looked at him, , see how tine total of $200 000 is reached, rJXsJ?rJ:;,~;y.:;;~~~~~este~~it.~ ~ES H. dlreoti~n they iubended to to,k e. thoy died 'u pon his lips, a.nd he fled from ~ nnd bow cnormou~ wou la b~ tJhe expense of Gr Purchasers llhould look t o t he la.be! on t he Pots and B11xeg_ I '. the adc1ress" .is not Mention thi~ p ~per, 37;8* Mr . D11~tlcs1>n d id nob atM?d on ceremony ; 1 t he c.ffic e, lookmg b~ck more th~n 9uce, · a great na.va l war 10 these daya, 52 ' ~ lllUI" iau_-~~~' t .lll!l~ 'i:l · .· ·.... . INI~ ~ ~ "· · If\·' . r ,4 to QrrI·~ A -No,..--~:~,J ..,1::\...L ..JI ..[:, ah .. . I .i·-1-~ci ACY- \ ~:~~=~ectingtoseetheoutragedparentin ii .~ Iooo"!~.,~:;h'h'i; :~:·.1~: :t~.':'...:;:;~ dlt 7 DOORS SASt .' rf ' B lN ·.D 8' MOULDINGS, ================= WE DNESDAY, 0 01' 9 1889. I I r · l, I o and other Factory "Work all I-Ciln Dried. - AFull Stock always onhand. Call and Examine. ! I Mc Clella1i BOWMANVI LlE, sole agents in this locality for & co TRENTON, ON'rARIO. I ,, will be found in his old shop, next door aoor t<? Express Office, EOW-MANVILI~E, where he keeps constantly on hand & A LARGE COMPLETE ASSORTM~NT Coarse and Fine .Boo ts and Shoes Trunks, Valises, Satc!".e ls. JD_ ,:o.A. 'V:JCS_ Special attention given to Repairing. '· R bb . ers, Slippers, etc. ER H A IN 41 s) CARitIA GE ·wo RKS GEORGE C. HAINE S, Proprietor, I CUR E O J AR RIACES, S LEIGHS , CUTTE RS, WAGONS, & 0 - 1 Al 1 Kinds of Vehicles Repaired H E ALTH FOR ALL! TH E P IL L S I I of 'WANTED . TH1; ~ib~&,lln: ~ bt.~ r RIEl\Ul I ~he a~d bac~ corre?.ponde~t Gl~mdular 1· I i 7