~------ ~~~~-~-· . ~_ · -~-· -------~ ill~~~!! · !!!:~~fj.Mlll~ - !!!.!!lll!!'!'"!!J!!!!!!CWl!!W~-!!'!!!~!! ' erm!!!!!!!EFS!!!!!!~1M!=!!!7!=!m~1'"'!.,... t!!~ l~R~ll!!li!!!~ - !!!H!!?!!!lrr!!!!~...._.~...,,!!~'!1!11!!!!!!1!!!~!-~!!~"'· ·· ·--~lll!W' ~ a· Jt t atut utu a tsuu\u. '""" 1 HousEHoLn . Autograph Quilts. J · Four tim1:1s through and to a (Jrl&p. Thie is a. d11.y of o.ubograph hunters. Xhe : the bosom ia done. The garmeutl is next · WEDNESDAY. O·::T. 9. 18S9. Twelve ye11irs i.go hi.at month, In Aagusti r epidemia assumes va.riou' forms. Somti ! .hu.nd~d to another girl, who 01u:rates a.n bu. ve the craz3 for postal a.lb11ma, One lady .! !ngemoue buu Indescribable contrlvu.noe for lB/7, a. rnu.n met den.th in a. p eculiar and - of my acquaintance ha.iil a.n album of eavall'a.l . ironing the oolla.rba.nd. Finu.lly, the shirt horrible manner in San Francisco, says a hundred poHtals from pa·nple whom she a.d- goes tJo a woman who irono the wristbands Ca.llforniau correopond·e nt. Believing that mita she never sa.w, and nevor expects to · and bodies by h and, and folds it into sh11.po the full facts ha.ve never been known the see, Another rage is the quilt autogrll.ph, i for delivery. In Is now done, and being writer sends the following aoconnt : Jamee ' but few people at present aspire to the plac.,d v.ith others on a. tray beneath the Harley, the victim, 11ad just recovered from cra.zy quilt. For my par t I have not yet womu.n's tu.ble, la carried off in a backeb to an atta.ck of delirium tremens.: He had 1:-een been atile to decide whether I like them or the delivery department. "' regular sot and was thoroughly soaked no;, I ha.ve seen so many witched and be· The colla.rs and cuffs, after being dampen- with u.lcohol. Hie la.st attack of the "jlm J l witche~ into whll.t was origlnn.Uy intended to ed, are run through a sublima.ted sort of ja.me" was the third lie hu.d undergone within be a. thing of b.3n.utiy, buo wlmt appe.ared i mir.ngle, which ta equipped with a giw heated a few months. Olil the morning in q uestion real!y m.ore the production ~f the weakened i roller to do 1Jhe ironing. The things are he h~d ata.r ted on another spree. Av about brain of some poor aeathet10 luna.tio. In I fed in from one side and coma out the other 11 0 clock in the :lay he had a.bouo all fa~t I never iee a crazy quilt without a. vivid I u.lmost ready to we1\r. One or two thinl!a t he liquor on board he was ab!e to carry. ohdclhood remembrance of a kaleidoscopic must he done, however, before they are Stepping into a saloon en one of the principle view I had after falling frcm a high swing. altO!!E>thel\' fioiehed, The turn-down collars s treets he oalled for u. ewig of "bng· jaica " Autograph quilts o<>ntalning n. block from , mllat have a little wheel that ca.rrios w&ter · whloh was promptly refused, the b ...rvend;r each ntate in t.he union a.re a.lao much in run a.lollg the lire a.b which they are bo be noting the condition ot the m<Jon u.nd rememvogue. My ldcu. of an t1utograph quilt la t urned so tb.t\t they ma.y not b reak. '.rbcn baring his late ba.btle with the snakes, something entirely different,· 1md as lb is they must be turned ovor, rea.dy for wear, H a.rley scowled and tumed bo a ga.s jet to original with myself I will give it, as it will as mua11 be the points ol many etand·up light hie pipll, A second later there was a probably be new to othero. I am saving a. collam, and finally bhey muab bu put through drunken moan, a &sh of alcoholic Ila.me and piece of each dress and apron of my child- other rollt:ire to give them the curve of t;be H11.rley fell hea.vily to the floor, his head and ren's clothes, from their bil.byhood up. Upon neck. ThG ouffd have llkewisa to be curved neck '7elled in smoke, while blue jets of each piece I fasten a bit of pa.per with the as bbey alwa.yaoome home from the Jaundrv. flame were ilisuing from his eare 1 mouth and name and a.ge of the ohild at the time ib had trhen they are u.lso r eady for the delivery nostrils. Asso11n as water aould be procured the garments, u.nd c.tte;: I am done colleob- depilrtment. (water wae a commodity rather scarce 11.round ing l sh11>ll ma.keen.ch a quilt of hia and her such places ) ib was dashed into t he sufferer's WOMEN AND 11HVE, own pieoeu, and with indelible ink mark Sweet Pickles. foce, not in time, however to save hia me. The face w11.a u.a ble.ck is bhat of a. negro. The reason why n woman fs afraid of a on each block the date the g1mnenb wa.s mollllO is a profound mystery-indeed, it bas boughc and wha.b it was. What think you Cx'rBON MELON PrcKLE.-Ta.ke ripe citron The ears were charred, the iaside of t he never been very closely proven the.ti she Is. of my idea~ Try It, mothers, it will be some· melons, cub in slices and remove the seeds. m?ubh black, and the tiongae burned to a But sorn~ '\Y'Orucn are. goostantly In such a n ervous, irntable cond1t10n that the slightest thing the children can a.lways keep, and To five pounds of melon allow two and cne· cusp. thmg annoys and startles them. The cause ot that they will priz3 above gold lon~ after half pounds of ouga.r u.nd one quart of vinethis unfortunate state of affairs Is usually CAT.AB.RR. somo func~ional ~erangement; some distress- the dear mother has cro·eed the myetlo river gar, Heat bhe vinegar and sug!l'r to the ing or pamful irregularity, some derange- to her loDg home beyond, I love to piece ?oiling point and pour over the citron ; leb ment or peculiar weakness Incident to 1 her quilts and expect to be just t hab old faallion- lb e~~nd twenty.four hours, · then repeat .&. ·ew Re·o Treatme1d for the Oare sex; or, it may be due to infiamruation,' ul- ed all my life. scalctmg th~ syrul? five succeas1ve days. In ()a. .lfl'll, Catarrhial Dj)afne88, m1.d ceration or d1splacomcnt, of some of the Bay Pevcr. During the warm weather lb is well to tbe lo.st bo~llng ?f tJhe syrup, add half an pelvic viscera, or to other organic lesions The n:>.iOIGeOOp baa proved that these P.CCulia.r ,...J;p her sex;. From whichever cause h1H 'B uewing cla.sses in whioh to teach our ou~ce o! stick cmnamon, hulf an ounce of l~ ma_t'.or1se, Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrcscrJp- young gii·la how bo aew, and piece quilbs. white ginger_root, and a few cloves. When dieeueo aN eo.nu..; ousi and that they e.:re du11 ~~ko :pr-noe 01 , ' VIIlfl paraeites In the trnn ?B a positive remedy, so certain in its curative results tbat its manufacturera sell ~.find iu one of the beat Wt\ye to t ea.ch our the syrup boils, put in t.he .melon aJ?-d boil 1Jn!n11 ~om bra.ne ot the upper alr p&1e '·iI<"8 Skim the and o~aohlan tubes. The eminent eoieni· ~t. throvgh druggists, under a guarantee ot · girls h?W to use a nee.ile, and really an ten mlnut£.s ; t hen pub m Jar a. l11i· T711de.ll, Hnxle7 &nd Bea.le endorse t b.ls, its givmg satisfaction In every case, or eaonom1ca.l way, for ev~ry hQusehold ha.E eyrup clear and pour it over bhe melon. and thelMI authorltleis oanno~ be disputed. money paid for it will be promptl11 reSwEET TOMATO PICKLE.-Four qua.rt.a of The r~ula.r method o~ treating the d!aeas"'1 fun~cd. As a soothing and strengthening more or leea pieces, u.nd the quilts are ekl:r and nervme, " l!'ovorite Prescription " is uno- &lways so.leable. Plain squD ,re is beet sreen toms.toes and 1lhree le.rge onions. lB to appl7 &.11 l.rrlte.nt remedy w@ q ~le(l and Is invaluable in n.Jlaying and sub. for Dt'l'i' beginuer11. [rhe nexb early pat· Slice them ,and sprinkle with. one aup of eTon da.lly, thus keeplnir tho delioate memdmng nervous excitability, irritability ex1t&ut si;&te of irrltatlon br&ne in a oon. baustlon, pro~tration, h ysteria, spMms' and bern is bho road to Ca.lifomia 11.nd be.ell: or salb; let ~hem ~ta.nd over night. In t he aooompe.nl~d by violent enoeaiDg, allowlni;i other diatresamg, nervous symptoms com- ca.stle eba.irs. I think every community morning drain and add to them one quart It no ohi-nco kl heal, and s.e a. natural oonselt!Only attendant upon functional aod organic ahould ha.ve a sewing society. l b p:i.ye in of water a!l.d one pint of vinegar. Boil quenoe or eneh t.Me.tmont not one permanent disease of the womb. It induces refreshing CU!lll hMI oTer been reoor ded. It le an sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de- bwo waya-u.s a m<lbter of coonomy and as a fifteen minutes, then drain a.~in and throw abflOlute !1110b that thell6 diaoaecs oannot be BJ>ondency, mea.na to have the girls learn to sew. If tibia vinegar and water away, Add t o the onred b7 &117 &ppllaatlon m&de oftener than y~u have no pretty patterns to commence pickle oue pound of sugo.r, one quarb of ollj)& In two weeks, for the membrane must Copyrlgl1t, 1888, by WORLD'S DIS. M:&D. A.sS'N. with, send me u. stamp for postage and I will vinegar, one tu.blespo<>nful ellch oi clove, ee1 & ohane>e1 Ml heal before any ap.plloo.tion ropea.;.,d. 1' ls now 7 yr11. slnoe Mr. Dixon send you one, and I will al20 make and send a.ll~pice, ginger, musoard, cinnamon and one- i· diaooTered tao parasite In Ca.tarrh and form· paper block with ib, so yuu aa.n eee how i1l half tea.spoonful of cayenne, then boil fifteeu nlated his new treatment, and since then hie ~~;~;;l~.!u~~~~ a minutes. trhls pickle 'k eeps well, but for remcd.7 hH beoome B household word In Laxative, or Cathartic, according to size ot looks before going to work. every oount17 where the English lBna;ua.gc dose. By Druggists, 25 cent.a a. vial. I .have a lot of quilt patterns and will give some reason is never bet lier rellshed than in ii spoken, OIU'e1 eJreoted by him seven years you all you want, ii you send stu.mpa for fall a.id early winter. The sha.rper acid ario a.re C1ll'tll &'111. there ha.vlnQ; been no poatage. I will name some of them ; Moon pickles taste better in the spring months. return of iho ~. blahlr are the1e remedies valaedl and a~d Soars;_ Sunfl?wer;. Wheel of Fort une; PIOKLED PEARS.-Ma.ke a spioerl syrup by soBo (l'?e&l 11 the dem&n.i for them, that gnor· Hit ..nd Mias; Pmcush1on and Cucumbers; using one pint of vinegar, one and one-balI ant lmita&ors ha.Te atart6d up ever7where Robbin~ P,eter to pu.y Po.al; Hearts and pounds of granulated sugar, <>ne tablespoon pretendln11 to deetroy a. parasite, o which Glz~·ud~; Oastle Sta.irs ; Cen tennial; Batton fa! of coarsely gTonnd cinnamon .and one the:r know nothlnA, by remedies the results the applloal:l.on of which they &re equally String; Old Maid's Pazz!e; Hays tack; Toad teaspoonful of cloves. Put the spices in a of Ignorant :Mr. Dixon'B remedy ls applied Has just received e.n immm ense new stock in a ~nddle; Texas T eare l Texao Star; ~llod small muelin bl).g and simmer i tJ in a small only onoe ln two weeks, and from one to 'hrc.-e e.pplioe.tions effect a permanent oui·e in or all kinds of Millinery consiHing or M~n s Fancy. Here la a good ve.r1ety. qu:i.nbity of vinegar to extract the strength ; W1tn each P"ttern I will .mak_e and send e. then add this t o the sug ar and vinegar moAt "flKTILTe.ted oasea. N . B.-For catarrbe.l trembles peoulw to femalee (whites) this remepl).per block, name and direobtons tor mak· which ~hould be put into a.n & g?.te preserving dy I~ & 5:peoltlo. Ing. F or any one patrorn nend u. 2 mm~ k ettle. Drop a3 many p ears in the kettle Mr. Dixon sends e. pa.mpblet describing his atamp, as tbAy will have to be sent a& first ae 0<1.n be evoked conveniently in thia amoun~ new tror:>.tmon' on tho receipt of ten cents in stampll- 'l'he addre3B Is A, H . Dixon & Son ola.as matter. the s!\mo na lotti<~R , If 6 · 'E of sy Jtup and boil ~teadily tor fifteen minutes. :i-03 K inii ~treet west, '£[)ronto, Oa.nada __: In a.11 the newrst styles e.nd shapes to be 8 p.>tterns a.re wa.ntod. send fo cents, or Shake ~be kettle occ&sloii.a.lly to keep the · procured. Ladies should call early and If you want all I h11ve mentioned send about fruib from cooking fastJ to the botrt:om of the &:l<mtiftc .American.. make their ~eleotion1 before the stock Is 35 cents. .['hey will be quite bulky, and kettle, but do not stir i t with a. ·poon, z.s it picked over. Thia stock Is one or \he largest send Amencrm .stamps, a.a I could not use will b reak the pears. Lift the fruit from the c!~~~~~e oa;~~!~ troubles nhould ever brouaht to town. Canada stamps to pa.y postage. syru.p and put in glius j11.rs; pour over OVER $1,000 WORTH OF RIBBON Mrs. F . A. WARNER, enough of the syrup to cover it and seal Polly and the Hen. 223 Hess Sb., Eoi.st S.-ginaw, Mich. while hot. As some pears are quite juicy inspection Invited. and others qui b e dry, no rule can be given Onr next neighbor-writes a. correspondent as to the quantity of syrap oeeded for each -owned an amusing pa.rrot wlllch was Mauiag:e is a Failure. ponn.:i of truib to be pickled ; some val"ietiea a.lways ge~ting into mischief, but usually Wnan there Is too much 111.tchkey . u.bsorbmuch and others add to the syzup got oub 1>gu.in wibhou b much trouble to herWhen dinner ls not ready a.t dinner time. It Is well to prepare enough so thab a amali ealf. ·w.hen she hu.d dona anything for which CANADA . When eit her of the parties marries for quantity of fresh syrup may be added t? she knew slie ought to be punished, she tbat which is in the ket ~le from time to would hold her heu.d to one side, and eying Capital patd np, 11n,o~,ooo. Rest, $~.ca money. Wnen the watchword fa, "Ea.ch for him· time as the fruit o.bsorbs it, and as it ls us1id ner miatirese, protiesb in a. ainl!'·song tone "Polly ie a good 11lrl," until she sa.w be; to fill up the cans. Thb Bank h prepared to do Legm self." When neither husband nor wife ta.kea l\ SWEET SPICED PEACHES. -Drop bhe p Q&Oh- mist ress smile ; then she would ihp her wings mate Banking ln all its branches. es lntu boiling water, then the skins will slip &ud cry out in exultatiion. "Hurrah I Polly Farmers notes discounted ; Deposit, vacation. W hen chiidren are obliged to cle.mor for off ea~ily. Weigh bbem and i.llow half thei, is a good girl l" received a.nd Interest paid on amounts .ol Sue wa.~ allowe(l to go tree, a.nd ueua.llv weight in sugar , and to aaoh pound of augar t5 upwards In Savings Bank Department their rights. Whsn the Vl.ca.tions are ta.ken by one side used a,llow one qu!!.rtof vinegar, one heaping took her ex1rcbe in ihe garden, where she .DllAl<"TS of the houije only. t1 1J1b!.es1ioo11ful 01 whole mix~d spioea. Bail promena.decl back e.nd for th on t he walks Issued u.nd Coileotious made in Eur q;:ic Whon "he" snores the loudoot while "ehe" the sugar and vinegi.r, removing the sonm sunuing herself, and warning off all intrud '. United Statee, and C!lnad~.. kindlP.s the fire. as it ria?s. Wh3n the syrup is clear pub in ers. On e · morning a hen stra.yed out of 1ihFJ 'lV. ,T. ,1() N.ES, When the children are given the neok and ii.a m<Lny peaches as will fio·b and boil uherr ?hlcken-ya.rd, and we.s qaietly pickiap, up Aa<>nt. the baok oi the chicken. until they begin to grow soft , then skim When u. mau atitemphs to l;eH hia wife whu.~ them ouiJ. '\"Vhen a.ll the peaches are boiled its breakfaut, when Pall !°arched up to her, out "Shoo I" Ill her shrill voice style of bonneb Bhe mu~t wea.r. put in the spic.a a.ud boll the syrup until it and 011olled 1 When one of t he pa.1·~ies engages in a buei'. ohfokene. Puo th<l peaches in j ·u a, pour the. "mphu,g:z ng t he commu.nd with a sm11.rt pick of her sharp beak on tlie ohicken'o head. ne2s that is nob a.pprovcd by nh.e other. syL·up av.er them and aoal. V\rhen e. ma.11'11 Ohl'iutmM presents to hill Swml:T A.rPLE PxcKLE.-Use swe0t appler, The poor hen retreated to hsr own qu11rter~, Savin~s wife coneist of boobj;;.oks, ehlrt'll, and glov!ll! no~ over-ripe. P .ore 1md quar tsr ilhero, t1hen r uuuiug fl.S font aa she could, followed by for hlm!!tllf. . boil them in clean water until they can be Poll, whp screamed "Shoo I" at every st ep $300.QOO. trhe hsn had her revenge a. faw day s late~, V\ hen polibeneEll, fine matmera a.nd k in dly pierced wlbh a. fork, bub be c.m.:-fnl t ht\il they $UO,UllO . atber..tfona ru:o r&.11erved for oomp1my or visits dv no~ b reak. Tv.ke ant of t he Wiflter, and when Poi! extended her morning walk to the u.broad. . Into each qua.rter stick a. whole clove. Ma.kc; (Jhicken-yard. Here, with her u aulll curiosity, she went peering into every corner, till I beg to notify the public t.hat 1 am receiving Whe th I ii f deposits for this company, and eJJowlng 8 e or . o or &&tion p:i.y11 more for ' a syrup o f one qua.rb oi vi11ogar, oue poun d ei ub.e oom'.l llll bhe old hen upon her ne~ti. IIlhe · n biaher rate o c Interest tbe.n the be:nklr his . cige.ra tihi;.n hia be1lttll! h!l>!f doss for snge.t ; boll and eldm, t hen put in thco a. . pples, hen made a dive for Poll's yellow hee.d, bub No Noo:ICE OF WITHDRAWAL REQUIRED· hoeieory, boota a!ld bonneia, leo them h~tl through, t hen put in j us a.nd mi:uied ib. .Poll, thinkiDg dlsorebion the Whea nhe money th..i: sholl\ld go for a. book 8~111. Ths srmp ID'.IY be r;piced with ground better po.rb of vv.lor, t urned to run, the hen , · I e.m also prepar0d to grant goes for whu.b only one sldo of nhe bowie cmne.mon, a lbpioo an.d olll<ver if Ukod. Loan@ Oil RSEAf, E§'l'A.TI k now~ lll:yllhfng abr;nll, i For thoae who have Q Ot conv6Ilillnb little with her wlnge wld ..spread, following close after. on ~fa.VCJ'3o.Ma terms. Wll~ bul.h lJI!.' bl<11 P'!'l"~t fa a.rguRug 11v,;r hooo~old ac~.!ee l.!J b well to r emonbe1 · tba. 1 Aa she ran, P oll qcreamed i~ h er shrillest OFFICB : a. BUbJ-wll uplin which tb.ey never have one pmt of griumla.ted sugo.r will weigh i.o notes, "0 Lord I 0 L ord I" MoMurU:;r'8 Dr:r Goods Sk>re, tlbougb.1l, and ncn1: oim think !I.li ke. · pon:ftd. A member of the family, who .had witW, .I'. ALLl'.,11 When "ff .i.»her" takes hsJ.l tihe pia and. ne~sad the whole performance, thought it li!:.! · leaves tho o1zller ht\!.£ for tJM cn11 th11~ made Anoient Lattem.. t ime to mterfere in Poll's bshalf, as tho Bowm",nTil.le, Oct'. ll. 181:8. 42--Sm it and her eighiJ ahUdun, M r. Piitrie a oxcavu.tions have brough t angry hen Wt1,111i11Wlini:t on her. He ran oub other lon1~-bur!ed womlerll tt1 light. Ha.1£ i. ~nd stooping d11wn held out his hand. Poll Laoe a.nd .Klll.llin Cmta.inJt. mile from the pyramid of ~1lahun he 011ome loat no time ln ~velliog up to his shoulder contlnuu io aci a G·Hteral F.u1k1na Bu~in e.1 Lace ourtalns should be aea.ked over nighti u pon a Cbristillill cemetery of the fithh aud Thon, from her high vantage-ground, sh~ Bowma.11Tlllo BrAnoh. d her h0.11.a to one & ide, and looking in a bub of lulr.ewarm water with two t a.hie· sixth centuries. T he rich garment~ of t he t urne. DEPOSITS spoonfals of 11mmonia and a littl· soap. In pious Copts bur ied there are de~crthed ss down on her foe, scoamed, "Hello there I ~celved In Sa.Tings Bank-Depa.rtmentan.( themorningdr~ln.off the wa.eer "'nd pour over being, from the ex treme drynee. s of the spot, shoo I" The fri$(hilened hen acknowledged defeat 1611 and interest a.llowed at current i·atea. tt hem fresh w11>tor aligh tly wa.~m; move the "ablll quite sound aud even wea.rable." ,otloe of withdrawa.l 11eces;sary. All de1,1CL!~ laca about; carefully, aquez.s ou u gently a.nd Below the oemeber y wero found tho founds.- by returning t o her nest as rapidly as she payable on doma.nd, pub h_ 1 a. third suda. A v the last rinse blue tion dsposits of U uer l'eecn II., a.bout R. 0., had come · .EXCB.AltGE in .thm staroh w. a.ter, pl\aa lightly t hrough 11. 12960 Close t o the temple are the remaim Booghta.nd soldandDrafts issued upon E u1 op wrmger, hang tnem up, and when nearly 1of u. t own of the sc.me period, evidently built Proof Positive. O'nited sta.t01 and Ce.nada,also Gold, Silver all dry pin oveK' a. sheet stretched on a. ca.rpet, a t one Lime, a.nd originally, it LB supposed, in· Johnslog-" Does you t'lnk dii.t de youug []lilted States Greenbacksbou~ht a.nclsold, or secure in a framo, with a atrip of cotton tended for the architect~ ~nd workmen em · !11.rly rekiprosates youah affection, Julius?" tJOLL?IE'f.JrJ.'101\f ~ ~a.eked up on the edges to which t he curtain ployed upon the pyramid. lb was here tJha.b ~ulis-" I don't son myself up to muohof Promptly ma.de at current ra.tes upon all p o Ill smoothly fastened, then left t o dry. the pottery with the alphabetic signs wae a Jedge of sech ma.ttahs, Mlstah J ohnsing at Grea.t B rltta.din, the United Sta.tee and u Another way iei foe/Jen t hem to t b.e line by fouud H ere also dez9ne of invu.lua.bfo bu~ it do look w'en o. la.dy E queezl a ge'mma.~ minion of 0 ana · &, ·ti1 u1oth Ufl ~ms · anIya f ew mcheB · ' were revealed. Of some of t hese ~ · one e dge w1 , p a.pyri , · so hahd da.t she brea.ks de razz 3r in bis west Telegr .1ph r rans.fe1 s a.pa~: ; then gently pull ar.d stretch them Mr Petrie writes : " They &re apparently pocket dat ahe am lea.nin' his way a little, Me.de tor ~arlle or small. sums on 11ll pai:ta or. un t il dry eaougl! to i:on, · · account~,all in r uled columngand lines,exqui· eh?" A goo? authority g1vea th is way of domg 1shelv nee.ti imd in a. beautifully olea.r hand, Cana.de.. _rh1s is espemally advantageous to ersons Uvmg In Mamtoba or the North-west up muslm curllaios. Wash t ham aa.refully many of nh e entries being in red l have Mr, Gladutono on S;J;turd!!.y ascended the lt makes th<! fund a av~i.ila.ble at ono11 a~ he sta-rob 11.n. d nron · ' · fi ·Ot ed a.nd laid under p r eEa seven 'equare foeb ot payment. wh"l I e "' ... amp, on the wrong Bace E iffel tower in th e company of a numbel' of ~ or further partloulll.I'B call 11t the Bank l»g s!deh. T hia reabore~ the ap1iean.nce of new of eheet;: anrl fragm1mts, all of the· T welfth diltlriguished Fre.n chmen. ouse. c.ot. · When you iron them have the ta.Lio D y1111ost y." .But t he mos t remarkable of During the flood at R ~okford , W. Va., & GJl'O. :MoGILL, . p<lrtect!y ft~~. cov et· ip with a good, tbiok '! thu relicn of the a.ucient civilfzl tion, or at T, BRODIE, Accounta.nt, .M11.nagot . ~lu.nket, and , t han with a ~uod t hick iron· le01ab th ose whkch come h ome t o us wit1 h mosb young h .dy wbo lost ner voice lt\eb autumn mg sheet. Lay the curt l\ln on the t able ! of 1 ,ne freshno~s and pathoa of a living and p er stumbled and tell, while oocaping from the 1at raightJ, ai;id alw&.y~ move the fi.i.\tit·on in I aon a,l int· ereat, were those t umed ap &b Tell wa.ter, and tried to screa.m for hcllp. She t~Jl the same dm1 ctfou , up thllU down or l's.ck ! Gurob, five oraix miles from llla.hun. Hero imm.odia.tel y recovered her voice and c!ln li?i-,.., and forwa.l'd acro~s t he cnrtliin. Do not · t he n ea.d oa.aes of m u mmies were found to be speak as well as ever. A Cana.dian P.i.rliamen ta ry C ammittee pu~_Yo':1r b:uHl und<1r the ~dge while Ironing j i'.ll!!lde of m!!lny layers of pa pyri plast.er ed nn a ruffled edge together. Sepa.ra.tied by soaking," au.yo t he ll\et session prebt·y well esta.blishEd t hat a.s.i" will give the ourt1 "" .·.~ which will gre.a.tly m1>r the a ppe!l.rauco when 1e.coount before us, ··theee papyri h11ove be. en tubercnloais or consumption in ca btlo is ,. "(',~~ hung at t he wmdow. · made to tell their ebory, sometimes trivfo.1, tra.uafer<lble In milk t o human beings, 'I'~~ .he ~-i aornebimes p1\thetic, aft er the 111.pse of coullt· ~ubj wo has 11iuce been discussed by 1 \..;·~. A Laundry Finish. less ne:as. One is a lebter from a youth at Ac!l.demy of M.edioine in Paris. There Dr. [rhla ia how a. shirt is koned at a bi , coll~ge, telll.ng his father of hla progress, ir:nu La.ncereaux took the ground that the disease laundry e.fter it is ready for t he iron whio~ sa.yrng tha.b he now underste.nds meruJura.t1on is not transmitted unless tho subject la pre· · iB uot a li!\t· iron a.b 11 b b i h and can draw a plan of a house ; another dispobed to it through bad hygienic con11.d venbilu.tiion, sedentary ha.bibs, 'r inches l oa · d a u a · ro11er e It tJ from e. royal goose herd, who etu.tes that be dit ions, b. ~ . ~ g a.n a1:z: illc~es in dtu.meber, a11d co,nnot impply twelve geese for King or t emperat ure. ~he Frenoh theory is eoms-B"'Sir.!'"_ he3'.ted by ga.s, op~ra.1Jad by a ma chine with · P ~olemy's fesuivv.l ." How t hose revelations wha.t reassuring, though even bhns limited ~hgei~lff~~lrruwni~th. lhte y o dulng wodman contr~la · of cammon feelings and wan ts oi humanity the d~ngf;r, ill ba,ri enough. Ptehaps a more ..., u ~ ~ · a rea e, !H t p1~('""0 t r1e b id h 0h f , t· i d ah.rmmg uta!lemen t ~hau thab for which 011r 0f lilT I & Ill 'le .,,,uy pre}Jareu to attend ll'ur1e1·ala oe 1 ' bosom of the ahh·b under bhe 1·ol lcr which r . ge t e amns ~oar_es 0 oen ur es an Parlfamentary Committee is re2ponslble the ahorteat noti!JO, o.t the lowest possible rsteu , produces a mosb be tif )· h · brmg back b·> us the real hfe of bho8e actors Cu.aketa ano. Burm lCa.aosready on s hort notice f h d au ~·~ po 18 · .1 n her on t he et11ge of .i. world so Joni? pa.al> that ib comes from ~he French scientists. It is t o Flrst-olass hearse on vel'y moderate te.rms 1 . 6 b an . .she hol~s a m_ohi\,oned sponge u.nd is h;;.rd, without sl1cb a.sslut 1moe, to oonoeive the effect tho.ti the saliva of a ooneumptive Shrouds and Oodlns conatant!y on hand. l!~uD m . her ··1ght a little ivory p~pex cu tt~r. , fit. l d itl b ·i I' r k . t d a.eta.a.Uy ill.foots the a.tmoephere wibh uhe ol.tal ca.t dB 6UPP~d at crnce. ), i:.rniture .t!ho" W ith bhe sponge she wets !!pots that sesm . f ~ liaa poo~hs w ll . e oga o l e wt1on 6 &n b<tcilli of consumption. "' llW ,.,r;ono.s- ..,ou.i;<r<1 sei:-.ew .blcck, to need da.mpcni11g, whi.le wh h t he p11peI'· ee ttgs wio ouree ves. -------==---==--=--=::..="= l l~:~~fse~8hed:::u.:::: :~ei::B ::: . - --·-=--·,:r;:8;:; f beneath the roller. Hla~:~~c~~b~~~~:,~~~~:~TI~~~cd ---· I YOUf -W&.Di&"ET"'W.ll~ll!f~~ · Last-.~-----~-----·--·~~l~,~W'. ,.,_~ . n .. ., \ifte J -TO GET-- I I ~l_LLllf and est ta~e the late Mrs. Morrison is t o b e cleared ou in wo weeks, as the business is to be w ou nd up, deg~rdl~ss of prices. Call and examine the goo s, it will .Pay you to buy if you do not re~ quire them for present use. 1 _A.KEN. GROCERS~ DU]:Ll BTLT. S ']_ Remember the stand-next to Cawker 's Meat Store. . N. ~.-AU ac?ounts due the above est<1,t c, not settlec l at once, will be put m other hands to collect. I I at the prices they will be sold at. The balance of stock belong ing to the tf W. MOI?,l=tlSO N. I Desires to thank hi~ ~umerous. customers for past. favors, and re8 pect~ fully sohc1ts a continuance of their p_'\tronage. H e has so increased his business lat ely, that he has foun d it nece< sary to move to a more commodious place, and has leai>ed H, lll DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS WILLIAMS' O LD STA, ND, 1ately occupied by W.R. R. CAWKER, where he has opened out, a 1ull stock of M~LLtNERY MRS. DONNELL Tc;: ~,,.,,, , Hats, Bonnets, Flowers. Velvets and Ribbons including Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, Corned Beef, Hams and Bati.on of the very b est quality, Will pay HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH for all k.inJ s of FRESH MEA'l', live weight; also Hides, Tallow, Eggs, &c. SHOP OPEN ALL DAY. WParties intending to buy Meats or sell Stock will do well to cal on STANDARD BAN .l l 'foF S. H. REYNOLDS. Bowmanville, August 27, 1889. 35 tf. MURDOCH BROTHER'S The Onta.-rio Loan and Co. -o-- I I I China Hal I, BO.W MANVILLE, Headquarters in Wes t Durham for FINE l -~ONTARICf -BANI Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinaware, Glassware, Crockery, Hall, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Fancy Cups, Saucers, Vases, Water and Lemonade Sets, etc. I I l ! OUR FAM ILY N I . , I · . I · I i Is always well supplied with t h.e very best goods at low est prices. · --- I ~. D UN ERTA KI N LF:VI MORRIS RODUGE. Leading Seedsmen in the dis trict. Always pleased to show goods. Inspection s olicited. MURDOCH BROS. Vic~ oria Buildings,iBowmanville. 26 ·