Wall Paper and Plus·h Goods half price, at TAIT'S Corner Store. DDMJN~CA J LIME FRUIT JUICE PURE, and undiluted, full strength. WHOLESOME, Purifies the blood, and aids digestion. REFRESHING, Tones up the syste:n. FRUITY, and rich in flavor. COOLING, .Just the drink for warm weather. ' Absolutely Free From Alcohol. t In ordering specify DOMINICA.. and don't be put o1f with imitations. REFINED EXPRESSLY FOR SC> l~ ~ ::C...Y"J.v.l:.A.N', OC>. MONTREAL, For sale bv Grocers and Druggists in Pints a.ud Quarte (Imperial measures). ~A LIBERAL DISCOUN'£ TO THE TRADE: No charge for cases, Mention titis paper. Cartwright Fair at Blackstock, Oct. 11. Meals at all hours at Keyes' new bakery. Tweeds and cloths, extra cheap.-Ellison & Co. Mr. Jon. Stephens is back from the North-West. Mrs. H. C. Tait is visiting relatives at Forest, Ont. Mr John Percy, jr. has be9n on a trip to Marshalltown, Ia. Watches cheaper than ever at J. J. Mason's all warranted. You ooght to see the price of our grey fiannels.-Ellison & Co. York station on G. T . R. was burned last week. Lose $3000. Mr. Thos. FitzP:erald has been on a trip to Detroit and Cleveland. Bowmrmvi!Ie Rifle Association's ann111~l shooting matches are on Oct. 11. Wall papers selling at half price for the fall, at H 0. Tait's Corner Store. Mrs. (Dr.) Jamieson, of Perrytown, was guest of Mrs. W . Porter last week. Mr. J ohn Milne, Town Treasurer, is very ill, with slight improvement to·day. Baldwin beehive fingering 9 cents a skein at Tod Bros.- large stock on handMr. John Stonhouse, of Milwaukee, has been the guest of his brother Charles. Mrs . Wm. Nelson, of Otonobee, is visiting at Mr. Geo. Bickell's, Ontario St. Mrs. Capt. Cootes, of Toronto, wae r e· cently guest of her sister, Mrs. J. K. Galbraith. Mr. R. D. Davidson, Headmaster of Public Schools Bowman ville, visited Port Hope Schools last we11k. . . , .. . The Chrietmn Guardian from now till New Yea.re for 25c. an~ to Jan. 1, 1891 for $2.00 to new subscribers. Crowpton's celebrated corsets, Coraline, Yatiai and other makes at cost at Tod Bros.' giving-up· business-sale. Mrs. Emma McClellan obtained first prize on fla.t Berlin wool work in.stead of Mrs. Carr, at Bowmanville Fair. A very large and choice stock of new tweeds ar.d worsteds JUBt opened out at Couch, Johnson & Cryderman's. Mr. R. B. Andrew has gone on a busineas trip to the Maratime Provinces in the interest of the D. 0 . & ·p. Co . If you want a tirst-class cigar you must go to W. E. Pethick's where you will find a great many kinds to choose from. Mrs. D. Burke Simpson, accompanied by Mrs. R. S. Hamlin, of Oshawa, returned from Europe on Wednesday. PERSO:NS WANTING ;Hyacinth Bulbs, Crocus Bulbs, Tulip Bulbs, Lily Bulbs, &c., Should leave their orders at STOTT & JURY'S. ;All Bulbs rnld at Catalogue prices. . HONEY STOTT &JURY'S. Bow~ ~ANVILLE; Oc1·. Advertisments receiyed by M.A.James . of the finest quality, 11 cent.s to for Daily and Weekly Globe, Mail, HJ cent3 a pound, according to Empire and any other paper in Uanada. quality, at Mr. and Mrs. Vr'. T. Greenway, and children have returned to Port Hope from Bownrnnville where t hey have been visiting. You can buy a 3 cz. silver case and first- class movement complete fer $18 at the Co·operative Jewelry Store. R. C. Brittain. A beautiful assortment of !low black and colored d ress goods just received direct from En~land a.t Couch,.Tohnson & Cryderman's. Mr. W. P. Prowtlr was elected chairman of the Executive Committee of the Ontario U ndertakers' Association in To· ronto last week. Having completed the purchase of a stock of jewelry at 50cts on t he dollar, we are prepared to sell these goods at ~ the prices usually aaked. John J . Mason. Morris' Carriage works has got a firstclass painter. Parties intending to have their buggies repaiuted this spring bring them along at once and have them done up in good style. Ladies call and see the fancy dress patterns at the West End House. No trouble matching tri mming as the trlmming is an exact match for the cloth. They are going fast. Mr. Geo. Bingham, lecturer in Trinity M edical College, delivered the annual add res~ to the students at t he opening of the Fall t erm last week. He was loudly applauded at the close. 'l'BN 0R.ANGEMEN KILLED at a picnic by eatiug food made with impure baking powder. The Imperial Cream Tartar Ba.king Powder is the only safe one to use. Absolutely Pure. All grocers sell it. Mr. J. E. Bingham, V . S. , has gone to Marshalltown, Iowa, where he will likely settle down to practice. He is a skillful veterinary and has been remarkably successful in his practice in this t own and district. Mrs. T . Hoar, Bowmanville; Mrs. R. Moment and Miss L. A. Tourje, Orono; 1md Mra. H. Orchard, Newcastle; were delegates last week to the 9nnual meeting of the Woman's Missiona.ry m~eting of the Meth. church in Toronto. The Executive of Durham Teachers' Association have engaged Mr. D avid Boyle, Ph. D., Secretary of the Canadian Institute, of Toronto, to lect ure at t heir meeting in the T own Hall on 'rhursday e~ening, Oct. 10. Subject-'fhe Persistence of Savagery in Oi vilization. At the same meeting, Mr. A. T. Cringan, Musical Instructor for the Toronto Public Schools, will deliver a lecture on The Voice, IN MA.NY Fomrn.- lJyspepsia at1sumes many phases, all disagreei~ble to the sufferer, yet it takes no form which from twC> to four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters will not cure. B. B. B. cures dyspepsia, tones the weak stomach, aids digestion, sharpens the appetite and renovates tile entire system. FAR.MS .lfoR SALE.-This paper is becoming yearly more popular as a medium for advertising farms for sale or to rent. See our columns this week. We call epecial attention to the farms advertised by Mr. Rutledge, Canton. 'l'hey are complete farms in one of the best localitir.s in Canada, clofe by good school, P. 0. (daily mail,) churches, R. R. station, Telephone, on Gravel Road, 7 miles north of Port Hope, C>ne of the best m!trkets in Ontario. Toagoodman a splendid chance will be given. 't"J(JT" RJA (JAltBOLl(J !!!A'LYI~ ie a " ·on·ler· foll hc1tllng conn1ountl for cuts, wou .. ds, br·t~c s, burru, scnltls, 110118, piles, pimples D , 1889. Local and Otherwise. Bargai·l(la"'at Tod .Bros.' giving-up-busi1 ness·sale. Several Scarboro farmers have had ·geese, hens, hams, etc., stolen. Mr. W. J. Beacock writes that typhoid ,.fever has not been iu his family. .M:r. W. Patterson, Kirby, offers his .splendid farm for sale. See advt. Advertise stray animals in the STATES'MAN. Seldom fail to find the owner. Ladies, see what Mr. 1'rebilcock says in his advertisement about wall papers. Rev. W. H. Warriner's subject last , :Sunday evening was, Is Hell Eternal'/ Mrs. Fife, of Otonobee, is visiting her ·father, Mr. Humber, and old friends in 'town. "Christ to the Spirits in Prison". At the Disciple's church next Sunday even· ing, 7 o'clock. If you are in need of a fall suit or over·Coat inspect Tod Bros.' stock during giving-up-business·sale. M.A.JAMES will make it worth your while to order all the papers you .vant for 1890 from him. Big reductions for clubs. Navy,grey and fancy fl.annal, top shirts made and shaped the same as dress i;hirts, with and without collars, i.11 prices at the West End House. We h eai: hat Mr. Youuie is going to ·retire from the civic chair at the end of this term and that Mr. John K. Galbraith is likely to wear the honor3 for 1890. It is really true that $30 will buy a lady's !IOlid gold watch and movement complete, at the Co-operative Jewelry Stote. B. C. Brittain. Mr. Thos. Yellowlees t ook part in a farewell meeting t o Dr. and Mrs. Wanless, of .Parkdale, missionaries to Kolapore, India. 'fhoy sail t o-day. The w~atherreport for September shows that rain fell on 14 days and there was fros~ twod11ys. ln September; 1888, rain fell on eight days and there was fros t four days. Mr. W. R. Riddell, 1.. L. B., of Cobourg, will conduct the criminal business on behl'llf of the Crown, at the Assizes at Peterboro on the 8th inst., at Lindsay on the 15th inst. Sobscriptions caken at THE STATESMAN offke for Weakly Globe, Mail, Empire, W itness, Family Herald, Stock Journal, and 2,599 ot.lier papers at lowest rates. Balance of 1880 free on most of them. Just to hand at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman'a a fine range of ladies' and Misses' ulsters and short jackets, Ger:nan made. 'fheir goods are cut and m ade up as only G ermans can cut and make up ladies' coals. CANNOT F A.IL. - Mrs. John E. Thompson, of Shelburne, P. Q., writes : My iwo child · en r~~ved grel\t benefit from Fowler's E xtr&et of Wild Strawberry for Diarrhma and summer complaint. I gave it aQC.,'.' ·ling to direction and they soon recov d. Be sure and get the genuine. ·re. Eliza Cooke, the pofltess, is dead. Order your suit now before the rush at J.J.Mason's. Toronto assessment is put at $137 ,230Our cheap sale will last 1 ,he entire sea- 778, for next year. sou.- Ellison & Co. Teachers' Association here Thursday We are crowded with st..ck from c·ellar and Friday this week. to garret.-Ellison & Co. l!;verybody admired Henry's exhibit of Due bills taken same aa cash at Tod fine (Jhotographs at the Fair. Bros.' giving-up· b.isiness ·uale. A Minneapolis man now claims to have Bargains for all in dry goods. See J. solved the problem of perpetual motion. J. Mason's bejm·e moving adv. Trinity church is going to hold a JuSee Tod Bros.' new stock of ft annels bilee soon-having been 50 years organizand bbnkets-all at cost price. ed. Mr. S. Allin wqa 1st and 3rd p rizes on Capt. Hewett, of the S. A., has been visiting here for a week or two. 3 year old Durham heifer, and W. Werry Mr. E. C. Beman received $35 for two 2nd. We intend to show our friends what barrels of pears sent to Montreal. The Council has put in plate glass front "selling cheap " really means .-Ellison & Co. to Stott and Jur y's Medical Ball. Mr. Thoe. Hoar, blacksmith, went on . If you wa!l.t ~our watch_ repaired ta~e the excursion to Detroit last week. it to J.J ·Masou sand get it done satts. . facto1·ily. R ev. M r. M cL eod, o f N ova S cot ta, is . in jail in Chicagl) charged with bigamy. $13,000 worth of dry goods to be sacr1A fine lot of new window shades just in I ficed at Tod ~ros'. giving-up-business at B. C. Tait's Corner Store, at low I stile. Call and mapect. prices THE STATESMAN will be sent free for We. begin our cheap sale of dry goods the balance of 1889 to oew subscribers for . on F r1 .d ay, Sep t . 27 th . - El · 189C-15 months for $1.00. 1 thmg and co lison & Co. Mde. Fry's concert company are going to give one of their inimitable concerts in Large ~tock of shirts and drawers and tl1e T<>wn Hall 011 Friday Oct. 18th. cardigan jackets at Tod Bros.' givin1t-up- Watch for particulars. business-sale. If sick heada.che is misery, what are H. C. Tait is selling hia plash goods at Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will and below cost, for a short time, at his positi'l"ely cure it 1 People who have Corner Store. used them speak frankly of their worth. "Morn on" \Vilson is goi ng to lecture They nra small and easy to take. in Church-st Methodist church on TuesMr. D~lton McCarthy, Q. C., desiring day 15th inst. to keep faith with a. client and to be The West End House have just Ie· present at the opening of the Brockville ceived into stock the newest shapes in Assizes, his case being first on the list, collars and ties. hired a special train from Carleton Place Three Oshawa youths were fined $20 at a cost of $100. ·and costs for abusing a livery horse they All wool shirts and pants 50c. All had hired from Billy Thomas. wool socks 20c. per pair. Top shirts 50c. D r . Al' ,. .. L aughi'm c1el' we ' 1ui:: 1vered t h e 75c. and $1. Cardigan jackets for 75c. opening address at the \Voman's Medical These chef'P goods are to be had at the College, ·roronto, 00 Wednesday. West End House and are sp emal value. You should call and see them. Mrs. H>l.yter Reed, wife of the lndian commissioner, died on Monday at Regina. MILLINERY .-Mrs.Dingman h.i.s opened from infia.mination of the bowels. a new millinery store, n ext door to the The Mieaes Whitlock, of Columbus, Standard Bank, where her new etock of succeeded in carrying off Peveral honors Fall and Winter bonnets, hats, feathers, in fancy work, et0. at Whitby Fa.ir. etc , is now open for inspection. Straw Dont forget to call and see the latest and felt re-~haped. A ca.11 solicited. designs in watches, clo~ks, and silverw&re FURS REPAIRED.-M. Mayer would reIJt the Co-operative Jewelry store. H. mind his numerous friends and costomers c. Brittain th11t Jilek Fro5t is comiog and if they Rev. W. F . Wilson, of Toronto, will have any furs to alter or r epair to bring lectuie in Church.st. Meth·Jdist church them in early before the busy season beo n the 15th inst. Subject "Snaggs" . gins. M. Mayer, practical furrier, Bow· manviUe . 39. Admission 15c- 2 for 25. FARMS FOR SALE.-Our farmers and Hon. E. Blake, M. P. for West Durham was present at a dinner Ltst week given farmers' sons have caught the Western by Mr. J. D. Edgar, M. P., to Hon. fever badly and are hunting for farmij in Western Ontario. Several have already Wilfred Laurier, th e Liberal leader. bought farms in western counties, and Revs. R. l'. McK~y, B. A., and W. S. othera are selling out here with ~he inten· W allace, M. A., B. D., and Rev. R. D. tion of moving west where land is so much Fraser, M .A., have been reappointed as · cheaper. ::lee the list of farms offtired in sociate editors of Knox C" llege Monthly this paper. Capt. R. Luther Werry and wife C.llled on B owmanville friend5 on their way A Fine Butcher Shop. from Toronto to Trenton last week where they go to take charge of the S. A. corps. It is no ex aggeration to say that Mr. Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and W. R. R. Cawker has the most h!tndtoo hearty eating, is relieved at once by sumely fitted and most completely equiptaking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills p ed meat el1'.Jp ever seen in Bowmanville. immediately after dinner . Don't forget J'h1s shop l b the one for urnny ye.a.rs octhis. C llpied by Cawker & Allin in the Town Mr. R. G . Wilkie, late of the St. Hail B uildings. A large refrigerator has Thomas J ·ounictl, has bought from the bel'n built, capacious enough to hold a Sheppard Publishin~ Co., the Fireside week's supply of meat,' and so arranged W eekly. Miss K. E . Westlake will be that the meat can be seen through a wide the new editor. glass from .the outside. Sple11did white granite counters, costing over $150, have The West End House is doing a rat- been put m and extend along on e side, tling trade in clothing having turned out also a lR.rge one in the centre of the shop. a number of full suits already. The A comfortable business oflice h as been goods are right a nd the pi-ices are right. fitted anlJ furnished and the whole shop Call and see for yourself. . presents a neat and inviting appearance. In these days of enlightened proqresa Mr.Cawker bas long had credit of Mupplynot only is one man as good as another, mg the best meat in the m arket and with but he considers himself a great det1l such an a ttractive shop and high grades better. Not so with Esterbrook's Steel of meat, his business must largely inPens, which a re of uniform quality. crease. THE STll.TESMAN congratul~tes Mrs. Honey has moved to rooms over Mr. Cawker on his e nterprise and excelMr. C. Tod's confectionery store where l ent taste. she is prepared to make children's clothes, AUCTION SALES. and do plain sewing. Entrance by same door as to Mr. Mitchell's tailor.shop. It will be your fault and not ours if WEDNESDAY, Oct.9.-The farm stock and implements and household effects of you do not come and procure some of Mr. F. Lamb will be sold by auction, the immense bargains which we are offer. on lot 21, con. 4, Darlington. S. C. in!:( for the next two weeks previous to HUNKING, Auctioneer. moving into our new store. John J . F RI.DAY, OcT. 11.- Mra. John Harris, Mason. lot 23 con .8, Clark~, just north of KirBarley is the question of the hour, and by, will sell the whole of her farm Lockhart Bros. are on the Bo wmanville stock, implements, etc. As she is remarket ready to buy any quantity, a lso tiring from farming everything must other grains M1·. A. J. L a~khart has an be sold. Sale at one o'clock, sharp. office in Mr. W. R. Cawkers' store, and See bills for particulars. S. C . HUNK· W. T. Lockhart as usual attends to the INC, Auctioneer. business in Newcastle. See their card MONDAY, Oc'.i'. 14.- Mr. · w. L. Mason, elsewhere. . Columbus, will sell his very valuable "SNAGGS" is the subject of a lecture by s tock, impleroouts, etc., as he is giving the Rev~ W. l!'. Wilson, of Toronto, at up farming. This is a big sale. See the Church-st. Methodist church Tueslarge posters. Begins at 1 p.m. sharp. day 15th at 8 p. m. Of the many lee· w. HEZZLEWOO D, Auctioneer. tures that this popular and talanted gentleman has, this one on "Snaggs" is W EDNESDAY, Oct.16th.-~r.J.O.Henry, his best and a good time is warranted to one and quarter miles north of the all. Admission 15c, 2 for 25c. town of Oshawa, will sell by auction. his valuable herd of thoro'brad and A SwEET DISPLAY .- One of the best Hereford cattle, and other farm stock and most extensive exhibitions of honey aod imple ments,also his farming lands. in cans, comb and box ever made at a Sale at 12 o'clock, S. C. H UNKING, West Durham Fair wa:i that made by Auctioneer. Mr. J . W. Sparling last week, The arrangement was very artistic and much 'rnunsDAY, OcT. 17.-Mr. Henry Jeffery, praise was given the exhibitor for his lot 28, con. 7, Darlington, having splendid display. We understand Mr. rented his farm owing to ill-health, will Sparling h as upwards of 50 Colonies of sell the whole of his valuable farm bees. He has a large quantity of this stuck, machinery, implements, turnips, tine quality of honey for sale. etc., without reserve. The stock is superior. Sale at 1 o'clock, sharp. See WEDDING BELLS.-On Thursday at large posters. WILLIAM HEZZLEWOOD, Brampton Hev, E. S. Rowe, of Port CarAuctioneer. ling, and for two years the popular Junior pastor. of Grae~ church, Brampton, TcESDAY, Oct. 22.-The farm stock, implements, etc., of Mr. J olm Heard, lot was married to Miss Mattie McClung, 19, oon. 4, Darlington, will be sold at daughter of the late Jas. McC!ung of auction. S. U. HUNKING. Auctioneer. Bowmanville. The ceremony was 'performed by the Rev. Dr. Briggs, of To- THURSDAY, OcT. 24.-Mr. Robert Griffin, l'onto, assisted by t he Rev. A. Brown of lot 29, con. 10, Dadington, north of Grace church. The bride was given away Enfield, having decided to go t o the by her brother, Mr. J. E. McClung, merN orth-wesl;, will sell without reserve, his chant Toronto. The costumes were rich valuable farm stock,implemf\nte, pouJ. and elegant. The bride was dressed in try, wood, hay, turnips, etc. Sale be· cream satin with tulle veil. The bridesgins at 1 o'clock sharp. See large maid, Mies Anuie lleynon, wore pink silk posters. · vV.HEZZLEWOOD, Auctioneer. and flowers. The church was crowded. The alter a~d pulpit were beau tifully Ordered suits lower than ever.- E lde~orated with flowers. The wedding lison & Co. ~osents were numerous and va.luable. Dry goods at cost at Tod Bro11.' g ivingAft~r t he ceremony the happy couple and up-business·sale. their guests were entertained at the resi· dence of Mr. John W. Beynon, Q.C., 11,f. MlLBlJRN'S Al.tOJllATW QlfHINE WfNE ter which they left immediately for their J."ortUl.es 1.lle svsrnn1 ngi\lnst attacks of. ·1gu:c· ehllh. bil11>us revu, duwb :1:;ue and like 11ew home . &·r.,nble8, cLEVELANo~s SUPERIOR THE. PUREST AND BEST RESSMAKING.-Mrs. Asa Otton, D (formerly Mias Ep:an) has resumPrl clress: t., making at Mrs. Juo. G!endenning·a, Kli Newcastle. ·111 1g. 8 (w 'U1ARM IN DARLI NGTON TO R.IUNT. ..L1 -.100 acres, being lot i9, con!, DarU ""ton, on wh1oh are good dwelling and out bufl.lingB· splendid orchard. and well watered. It <tit 9' n:iue from Hampton vilt~ge. Plowin11: \l·JssesA1on at once; full possession March lat iiext Present occupant will sell feP.d and give up at once for a small conside~u.tlon. Hent very moderate. .A.pp]y. to H. ELLI01T, JR.. Hamp· S9- 3w* ton · I l ARM: FOR SALE.- 75 acres of lot 35, con. 3, Darlington, 011 the '.l'own Line two and a hair miles from Oshawa. Well fenced with cedar rails. splendid orchard. good fra.me house. two barns,atablem, carriage house and other outbuildings, two good well$ hard water; also47 acres on lot 27 3rd oon,l Is made only of stdctly pure grape cream Darlington, half way between Oahawa a.nu of tartar, strictly pure bicarbonate of Bowmauville in a goo·d state of oultlvationi to the estate of the late William soda, and a small portion of flour as a Belonging Hancock. For particul~rA, etc.. apply to A preservative, nothing else whatever, a nd W. £G. HANoocK, 61 L~ke View Ave., 'foronto, is warranted entirely free from alum, Ont. - - -- - ammonia, phosphates, lime, and all the ARM FOR SALE OR RENT. adultemnts frequent.ly found in bakincr BeiJlg Lot 18, B.F., 'fownsbip of Pickerpowders. 'l'he character of material~ ing, contning 9! acres more or less. Situated.!? miles from Pickering villuge and 1 mile from used,. the!r purity, :tnd the nicety of their P ickering Harbor. Choice i;:ra.in farm in good combmat10n, render Cleveland's superior state of cultivation, soil clay loa.m- two never baking powder the mcist healthful and most faili.ng streams. Buildings good-two large economical in use, and it always affords barns, d ri~J n2 shed and stable, !ences good; Property or the Jato Mich1te1 Heddin. . Call at wholesome, nutritious, and delicious food. premisea P ickerIt is recommended for purity, healthful- ing P. 0. or address D.\x. J . HJJ:DDIN',40-2w* ness and efficiency by Govemment and State chemists, chemists of Boards of Health, and professors in institutions of learning throughout the country. ARM FOR SALK - West half Lot: Sold only in cans, full weight. 13, 1st Con, Clarke, comfortable build· CLEVEJ.A.ND BROTHERS, ALBANY, N. 'J. ings, two wells or. water. plenty rail \Imber and some firewood. SEwJILL HYA1"1'. New· 35- 7w* castle. RAMPTON. Mr. John Stonhouse, who has been an American citizen for ten years, is visiting his parents here ..... .Mr. Thomas North halves or lots 33 and 3!, 7th con· WhitClark, Oobourg, is visit.ing old friends .. by, latelv occupied by Mr. Stonehouse. This ia well drained and feuced and will be . . We congratulate our friend Mr. F. farm S()ld chflap and on easy terms. '£he underGroat on eec~rng Hamp~on school for signed ha.9 several other improved farms tor 31 3m. 1890 . .. . ~fr. S. C. Hunkmg, the popul- Bille. J. H. Dow. Sol'r., Whitby. ar euctioneer, has four sales in H11.mpton and vicit}1·y ithis we.ek. Hezzlewood and Tole 'are good but Sil.m can lead B L A.OKS TOOK, them all .. . . THE STATESMAN is gaining PETER HOLT, - - Proprietor. popularity here all the time. For the HIS HOTEL ha.s l:<een thoroughly reearliest and most reliable news, TnE fitted and refurnished. ·and is now second STATESMAN°S what the people choose .... t·) no hottde in r.tte distrt% for accommoda.Rumor says there is going to be a wed- t ion alHl comfort of the travel!inl{ public. New 1 i.nd MOple commo"cial rooms on ground floors. ding here before long .... Mr. Ballagh, !() Newtonville, wns visiting at Mr. W. Good stabling and shed room. Gilbert's recently . .. . Mr. Jame· :::,tewtut, Cobourg, was here bet week about the letting of his farm .... We believe there B . CHANDL.!!:R, N ewcastie1 offers were more red tickets broogh t to this · by private sa.le ,or wi.t)exch~n2o for farm village from the County fair this year property, all of his property in ~Newcastle. than any other villa.!'{e of the sorue si:i;a consisting or Stores, Houses and Lots and valuable Ornhard. the homestead boin~ one in the County ...... The Reeve, '.l'ownship . or the roost complete in the couoty. Term11 Clerk and Assessor will meet at the town ea.ay. 36tt · hall here on Thursd[Ly the 10th inst. at 2 P. M. to select j11rors for the next year . .... Mr. R. J. Niddery ha~ gone to 'roronto to al tend the lectures at Tdnity Medical School .... At the present t'.me rrHE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR our church choir has five tenor singersSalo o r to let two good fa.rma convenient someth ing unusual. ..... On the first inst. to Port Hope,Bwith lings · und convenient and every convenlenco. the wife of Mr. William H,::iwe, of a huildings 'l'errns very liberal to a. good man· "pply daughter . B .t once to J. N, Il.u n .E:!JUil, Port Hone or Canton, Ont. 39-Gw~ There ----~-----is no onfl article m the line of mediciues that gives so lari;e a return for the money as a good porous strengthening plaster, euch as Carter's Smart Weed a.a d Belladonna Backache Plasters. EING PAR1' OI<' LOT 2G, CON. 6, containin;s 10~ a.ores. more or leas, on BIRTHB . which are good dwelling and outbt1ildinga, STA PT .JHON.- Nesr ewtonville, September good orchard. well fenc~d a.nd watered. 28th, the wife of .Mr. Ge01·ge Stapleton, of a. i:!plendid soil suitable for w nin or stock1.1.ud in lovely baby boy. first- class state of cultiv~tion . Cloae to village where are poat ottJce, (daily mail) JA:'.l!F.s.- On Wednesday, Sept. 11th, st the or Kirby school, store, blacksmith al101:1, etc. American M E parsonage, Lowell, W1B, tho church, \Vill be sold on e~ey Lerma. P!owingpos"oooloa 1 H Ja.mea, of a. son. wife of Rev. . at once; full possession A.pri! 1, 1890. Fo?' Yn:NNING.-Near Bla.ckatock. on the 20~h further particulars call nn or address \\r. ult, the wire or Mr. \Vm. Venning, of a son. PA 'l'l'E1'80~, Owner, Kirby P 0. H-tt. E'l"El\SON.-In Osbawa, Oct. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. 'l' JI Everson, a daughter. BAKING POWDER F F ; . $30 PER A.CRE. F Fine Farm for Sale. COMMERCIAL HOTEL T Off to Toronto. S Farms for Sale or to Rent . One ofthe Best Farms in Clarke for Sale. B DIED. NIDDERY.- At Enfielil, suddenly of bemorhagtt uc the lungs, Edward Nidde1·y, jr, son of the late John Niddery, aged 25yrs1 mo: BARLEY WANTED JOHN MACKAY, ; BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, Col'rectecl by J. JllcUnrtry, every Tues·lny FLOUR, :iP" 100 lbs··.. , ·... $2 50 to $2 80 WHEAT, Fall, 'It' bush .·..· 0 00 11 0 90 Mills. 11 Spring, 11 0 00 11 0 82 BAR.LEY, 'Ir bush, No. 1 .... 0 50 11 0 00 II II II 2 . .·. Q 45 11 0 00 39 2m l3owmanville. II IJ II 3, . · · Q {\) 0 00 ··-·-- - ·-- - ... --···--···- .. - .. ... _.... RYE, II · ··· · · · · · · () 45 0 00 OATS, II · · · · · · · · · 0 25 0 00 PEA.s, Blackeye, 'Ir bush ... 0 70 0 00 11 Small, 11 0 55 0 65 (P. 0. Box 3fi61), 11 Blue, " O 65 O bo :NE'\V YORK (;ITV. B UTTER., best table, 'Ir lb·.· 0 lG 0 17 EGGS, ~doz ...··........ 0 00 ' 16 The Leading Baptist Newspaper, Published at 'l'wo D nllars a Year, POTATOES, 'lJI' bush. · · · · . · · 0 25 11 0 30 PoRK, 'Ir cwt ...... ..·. .· 6 50 " 7 00 Will be sent on a "trial trip" from HAY, 11" ton........··..· 7 00 11 8 00 SIXTY THOUSAND bush~ els of No. 2 and No. 3 Barley~ also two-rowed Barley. High.. est price paid at Caledonian THE EXAMINER OC'IOBER I, 1889, -TO- _ ___ OR SALE CHEAP. - A Covered Buggy, McLaughlin make. nearly a.e 11:ood as new. A bargain. Apply to this office. 37·tf Fancy Dry Goods now occupied by Mr. John Lyle. Apply to WM. H. IVES. Bowmanville. 23-tf. ALESMEN WANTED. - 'fo handle my thoroughly reliable Nm"Sery Stock. I engage men on salary or liberal commission Permanent employment guaranteed. O.t1tfit free; pr ·~viou~ experience not required. \Vrito to C. L. YATES, Nur.·eryman, lfoc!tes· 28-101· ler. N . Y. Mention this paper. F AND DWELLING FOR STORE SALE.- That fine new store and reai· dence, elegantly fitted for Merchant 'l'ailor or .J'AN IJA.RV I, IS90t For the nominal sum of THIRTY CENTS. you w~sh ~o ~now_ what the Ba.ptisfi dcnommauon 1s domg, and to receivei a.11 t he news of the _world besides, t ry THE Ex.AMINRR., their N a.tional pap.er, and a hve newspaper as well. you wish your :Baptist fri ends to know too, s ubscribe for SEVEN of them for the "trial trip," or induce SEVEN of th~m to su?scribe t hrough you, ancl ~ve will recogmze your k i ndness by sendmg you a 334 page, 12mo., just issue<! volume of the newest 'Work of CHA.RtES H. ST' UR<.<EON, t he great London prea:cher, THE SALT-CELLARS, IF IF S ~~ I. V farm of 75 acres, with newly fitted outbuildings, Rtone stables, etc. Good orchard. No bAt.ter soil in Canada and is in excellent condition. Only one mile from centre or Bow· manville, Firat plowing aone. Apply at once to M, .A.. J.:IMBS, for particulars, Bowmanville P . O. 40-tf ARM FOR SALE.- Good 50 acre farm on Kingston Road, between Picker· ing and Whithy, being south·west qua.rter of lot 8, 2ad oon. of Pickering. Ha.rd and soft water, comfortable house, good dri'l"ing.house aud barn with stor1e stabllng. Lg,rge orchard, good fencing. Soil good. title indisputable. Apply on prcmisee, or by mail to GF.uv AS COHNEI.L, Pickering P. 0. 36tt ·-·-·- -- - - - -- - -- ·-· AND FOR SALE BY TENDER.....1 Tenders will be reMived by the undersigned up to Oct. 15th for 10 acres or first-class land being oart of lot 20, Hroken Front. Darlington. belonging to Estate of the late Alfred Crumb; 'l'here is a capital bearing orchard and the land is well fenced, l!'or further par· ticulars apply to JOHN CRUMll, Bowmanvil!e IOl/ ~ ACRES TO H.ENT.-A splendid F One of the spiciest and mos< cc·m~u. - ' ~ sense of his works. · you cannot send seven n ames and $2.10 and secure t he gift, send wha"" ever number you can, at the s ame ti.me sending for our "BOOK COM.MISSION LIST, " And see what handsome books, including ~RE SAL'r·UELLAll.S, you can add to y~ur library, or have for Holiday ~ift book lf, just by inducing a few of the. "t~ial trip" subscribers to renew for 1890 at our reaular price of $2 a. year, you reCtiiving a. book for every such name you renew. B d ut o not waste nrecious time in ci9r· r espondence. Just send lD na.wes a~ 71>>U t th 1 d 'f 1 ge em, on posta car 8 l you wi l, 11d· dressing THE ExAMrnim, Box 3u61 NEW if'~Jt CITY, settling when you bav~ ceased e~n· vassing. SAMPLE -O _ QPIES FR E~ B eing ci Colle.ct-ion of P1·otJ&rbs To11#ker TVith B 'omely Notes Tlier;on, · IF I E~~ ALUABLE F ARM FOR SALE.E'or aa.le on terms to suit the purchaser the South West quarter of lot 23. con 8, '£ownshin or Clarlce, conta.ining about 60 acres. '.l'he farm is in e. good state of cultivation. well fenced and has an excellent bam a.nd out buildings and a good dwelling house thereon. '!'it.le indisoutsble. For further P!l.rticnlars apply to J. W . K~1&n Cobourg, or Roll'l.'. MOMEN'l', Orono. 39 3 w , OAR PIG FOR SERVICE.- A.choice . young Yorkshire White Boar pig l,lnder 1 · · 6 months olu, Just what you want. Also .NEYER ,ll..L ·'V tile bowels w remom young bull.a f<J,,'.11 sale. C~ll and see. at Roselan~- 'I r.011Stlpute1l ll.'~t seriuu& evil en¥ne. .Nn&v~le ~sock Ea1'm, Solma. W }I, Wrmn 11 , :lomll l·tu.~ are uusurims~CJCI n~ ll remc'dftJ~r Pwpr1et0i'. -1w. eonstl11atlon, · V B ..