· .. , _ _ _ ..._ _ __ . , c==::=.;_ -~_. .. ..:.~ - ~-~'!!.!.!..~~ -~.!-~ -~~!!~... ~ - ·~~~~~~~~~.!!~!.~!!!~!!:!!~!.~ · !!..~~~ -~~ ·1·: ____ ..____._ . _ · ·----~--~-----------------·------~~~~·-·-··111·~··- T HE CANADIAN STATESfAAH IB PUBLISBICn -BY- YOUNG FOLKS. are dra.w11, And the katydids sing a.II a.lone on the la.wn. And my little one cries, a.a sho comes a.t my call, " Can't I play with the little black girl on the wall?" Tho' Bhe's dollies tha.b cry and a dog that can bark, A M11onx cat and Iully equipped l'ioa.h's a.rk, What delighted her mos t, ever since she could crawl, Has ~een wha1l 11he ca.Us the black girl en the wall, 'Tis bedtime, and Betsie, our one little lamb, Comes blea.ting, " 0 , mamme., I'm lonely, I am I I've no brothers nu aisters-l'vt.> no one a.tall Bub thatJ dear little darling black girl on the wall. " I don't see her by da.vtlme-0, where does ahe go? Bub at twilight she follows me-now to and froWherever I torn, and if I get a fa.II, Why, then, down goes the little black on the wall ! Little Girl on the Wall. 'EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING Now the da.yllght ie done, and the curtains 1W: ~A.JAMES, AT TRiil OFFICE, l'ost Cfllee BJ 1tek. Ring Street. Bowman· ville, Ontario ; TERMS: ·91.110 per Annuni, nr $1.00 ti pnld tn ad.vance. P ·yment etr!ctly in ·adva.nce required from. subscribers ouboide of the county. Orders to d1scon· tlnue the paper must be accompanied by the am?unt I1ue or th· paper will not be stopped. Subeonbers · re responslble uotil lull pnymem is made. Whole Column, oneyear ............... $60 00~~ " ·· Half year ·.. . .· ..... 86 00~..,, " " One quarter ...... . . 20 00 ~ tiaU Colnmn one year . .·..· ···.·· ··. 33 00 ~ " Halryear..... ·· ·.···· 20 00 _ One quarter - ·. , ··.... 12 50 _ -Quar6er Ooluu.n one year . . ..·.···· 20 00 " " · Balfyear ··...· ··· _ .12 50_ ·· One quarter.. ... . .. 8 00 - 6 !rE n lines a.ndnnd first insertion $0 50 _ Each subsequen Insertion ·. .. · . 0 ~ _ From ·ix t.o ten ll n es first im1ertlon 0 75 .,. E~cb subsequenL insertion . .. ·· O 35 . Over ten l!nes,:llrstinsertion,perlln 0 10_· - IO Each snheeauent insertion" 0 OB !rhc number of lilies to be reckoned by -epace occupied, moa·ured by a scale ol solid Nonpareil. JU.TES OJ? A.DVEllTISING : ~~ tbe ,- Mamma., what does she eat, and, 0, wha~ does she drink, AND rro u ~ TACNS, ETC. COUCBEUR. Late of tbe firm Stewart And what does she do a.II day long, do yon -:: . ..:. ~--:: ADDRE SS & 11/lcKibbon.Teeswater, Offlce and residence think? Presbyterian Manse. Blackstock. N ow sh&'a little liko ms ani next minute Ehe'a tall, DRS. llU.J.IER di 'LU~llUMAI\', can ca.toll that black girl on H YSICIANS, SUR :~ 1<; 0 1'I S, ETC Bat I never Sevres .Poroela. n. ""' tho wall? ...,,,.:=-~ ~~ "") WALK.ERVl i. LIE, ONTARIO. O.fflce :-Cor. Church e.nr! Tempera_nce Sta, Night calls attended Iroru Dr. HUilers Among t he Interesting exhibits by F.re11cb So our pat pru.ttles on, when she's in for a residence. manufactlurers, at the Paris Exhibiblon this ra.oe s. o. liILLII!JR, M. D. " b if l f B L.AM:MlM.AN, M. D. C. M. 1 rln. Unlv. With her shadow. (0, i11D't life just suoh a. summer is a. very el'lnt u one rom the ================================================================:::..--~ · F ellow of Trin, Med. College, famous Sevres porceJai.n factory, The dischase ?) Member Coll, Phys. Surg., ont. ..,.. ------- - - - -- - And &he dances like mad down the fire· sword, wiped it on hie sleeve and called for play includes four hundred and forty separt he prisoner. tfhe lean Ma.nd!l.rin a.&ked if u.te pieces, varying from da.inby cups, saucers » · Rl'J:K SL1ll'SON, lighted ha.U he couldn't posbpone it 11ix weeks. and plates, to va.aes and urna of enormou~ ,>!-'RJSTE t , SOLICITOR, &c. l'dOPRIS As she hunts for the little bl&ck . 1 gir on tu~~·o"· replied he, "bub I will take a. substi· size, sta.t.uette1, portraits and even the mostl m OCR, upstairs, King .Street. Bowman· the WI.Ill. . F>olieitor r.or the Ontar1 Bank dellca.te bouquets of flowers. Many of tho l' t"!f··· ~ c.. llon«>n loan!)d c.t the lowest rA~_·· " Who ehall liJ be?" demanded the lean pieces a.t once Impress the observer as SA. VED BY THE TOWN OLOCK. Mandarin. beautlfnl. while others seem a llOble "pro· .John Keith Galbra.ith, The executioner looked lnterest~d. "Sup. nounced" in their vlved blues and greens. .&. RRIS'l'ER OLICITOR, NOTARY A .Fauy Tale ot" Iove nnd J.nw in Queer pose yon try ib, eir. You are ta.11 and wouldn't Almost every tin1! which co.n be imparted l'UHLIC, &;c. Oftice-Bounsall's Blook. Ol·l f:hlna. miss your head, I'm sure. ' But he r efused to poroeb.in is here; white, t urquoioe blue, · Ing ~J~reet , Bowman ville. Monev to lend._ h 0 th Id 0 f ·h p ifi the ho11or. all the greens, the delicate rose-pink which A way off on .u e er e e u e tic · a Fun-Nee w·· tnld who Loo-L· w·· · nd ha.a received t he name of "Dllbarry," and DRS, McJ..UJGBUN d; BEITll, · l ~ ~ 0 coan, i u Cnina., the oounury 0 f orIenua. all the detaila. On hearing the sad story be O .H 'ICE : -MORRIS' BLOOR, BOWlllANVILLI!. splendor, there was a. town called Clngton d rr aca.rlet, whir.h has hitherto proved one of Dr.J.W.MCLAUGBU N., Dr · .A. BEITH. Oradu in this town dwelt a little girl named Loo- steppe up a.nd <;uered to ha the victim. He the most diffioult of oolors to r etain under - - - o - - --' was poor and ragged and the mob cheered bke fierce heab of the ha.king furnaces. lloont!ate of the R~yal a te of the Toronto L I a, on Y fif teen yearg 0 Id · Thickbrowu h ....r him for his devotion, for his noble birth was The manufacture of Sevres ware Is one of College of Physic1e.ne University .l'hysic!a.n curled on bhe top of her head, just like grown no· known. I· w·· no·of much con·"qnence And member or the ' · after " ull. Already " ~ heh·" · 80 f·llen on hi· kneH the best most oh?ora.oteristio a.rts Royal College of Sur - Surgeon, &c. People 'e, an d wae h eld i n P1ace b Y a blg bUu· f h F, oldeab and mh ter:li1y i Sh th tti6 8 · 11ilk a 0 b e ·renob. .... e Sevres pobterles have i0Qns. Edinburgh. P n. 11 e wore e pre d · b Id gown for the behe·dlng, when Lno·L· r·n up w ·nd Iong b een under tb.e direct control and · i k d bl d ~ th "" was a n an d ne a.nh em ro ere cried: "He must notl die. I will die first." pa.tronage of the government, and a.re in ow whl DR·.J. (l. JIUTCHEJ.I.. Wi ·h u lonely · era, an c covered even ['hen they all cried ·· " Fooli·h child ! He receipt of an annual thousa.nd francs. '.I. he ·be · a ~ 1:.M.BER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICI.A.NS · t oes of h er tinY feeu. will eave Chon-Tim See I he is ragged and '·"· t ·<>·d Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. proceeds from sa.l11s go to the State trea..&ury. Loo-La waa sweet-lookini( enough to ea.b- poor ,, 1 Oft! Je and Res1denoa, Enniakillen. 7£. -"·h roe f· · · Ilk f I · Many fine pieces a.re sent as gifts to foreign .... Y ..oe JUSu ea. piece 0 ve Veu or a She answered, " He mnst not I He sa.vod countries. -~---·-poach, J!ond such brown eyee yoll could a.1- my life to.day." Jill. 1:. C::. Mdltll')l!l ,J.. rand b th th ht i h It may bti interesting to not e the origin moot y vw Y em everv oug n er mhen l bw·· fi·s· t1 "me th·· "'- not1"ced for "he u · u wu of an a.rt which hl\8 a.ttainGd such a world· ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE b ra ln. both were wet. of Phy11!cio.ns. London. Eng. ;Member _of L L ' grandf a ther, a. venerable 0 ld gen['he exeoutio11er looked a.way to bide the wide celebrity. Collei<e of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. ·j oo- a.< "" M and11r1n, · et"Jl royal porcelain factory was first este.b· u e-mail, ··a.s e. .1 h lding e. very tea.rs, bat ·oon sAw · m·n oom1 "ng th11t II A h d V SUl<GERY AND RESIDENCE:-Ren.r of Messril ' ble poal ton, ! 1·1 h f1Il r!l,.uy ·-" eig htY "a w w w s e a.t lnoennes in 1745, under Loni's lllgginbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanville,* reaponm a v wug .. u . ·ed hi' he to h rden for the loss of h!a XV 6- l yr. Id F f Ii · f h t t' h " " ~· · "' ., and produced nmny no ts.hie pieces of h:r~~cha.r~~~ b~: lutf!°'~=i~hf~ll~, ~~~:.in; lea, ware, pa.rticula.rly bouquets. On one 'tfllf. BlNGDA!lf, the love and esteem of a.11 his neighbors. The messenger had a reprieve and further ocoaalon, it is related, His Ma.j·~aby was the Ala.s ! one day ho neglected hill duty, a. news t hat the Emperor wa.e only 11o mile victim of a pra.otlca.1 joke. One of tihe ex. SSUER OF MABR IAGE LlOENSES, fault unpardonable In the oyea of the law. He a.way f The potentate came, a.nd all his oeedingly life-like bouquets b11ving b11en Reeldence, Ennisll.illen.~ forgot to wind the town clock . For t his he p eople fell down on their knees, rubbing pla.ced in his green-house by the royal favorw11o11 l!elltll!lql:ld to h11.ve b!.!1. head ou t off tho their faces in t he earth. Sing Lung was !tie, Ma.dame de Pompa.dour, the king, on his s. c. ntJNJUNG, lext de.y a.t 3 o'olook. n e11.r him, very proud. next visit to the place, stooped and, In all - AL80JCENSED A.UOTION EER FOR The .Emperor wa.a glad to see Ring Tail, goot\ fu.lth1 a ttempted to smell the rare the County of Durham. Sales attended All lovt1d Loo-La, and tried to comfort h is old hunter, and from him he lea.rued all exotic. , 0 on shortest notice and lowest rates. Ad<l;:css her, but they could nob, for he was her only t he fa.eta. No one noticed how pa.le Fun-Nee ['he factory we.a transferred from VlnJ anRTICJI P. o. 36.tt ivin g rela.tive. ['he people went a.round with turned a.a t!le nobleman In the robe came cennes to Sevres in 1756, since whioh da.to S. BURDEN .& CO., very long faces in Cington over his trouble. up. H is Me.jssty pla.oed his band on Ohou- It has senu forth works of almost inestimable .A UCTIONEERS for t h e County of Some went about wa.ill11g, some fell down on £ lm'a head and spoke : "To save this old value. Porcela.in pastes, colored by metallic t:1.. Durham ; Insurance and Genera} Agents. their knees to rub e. sorry nose in t he grass, gentleman's head I ha.ve 00 break the Ja.w. oxides, a.re now compounded there which Valuator and Real Estate Agents. Salee and md others held indignation meeting to dis- Who will be a. substitu te ?'\ Sing Lu11g looked resist the action of the most fiary furnace : Dther business promptly attended to. Bo:c 172, ones nhe cruel wrong- all because they a.11 a.t Fun-Nee 1s raga a.ud vnswered: "Your a.nd the enamels an~ gla.ws have a marvel · 1!0V1manvllle l'. 0 . 36- t! loved Loo-La. a.n<i. Ohon-Tim, her grandfath- Majesty ehould take the most ragged man . Iona transparency and lustre. ~r. to be found. The tramps a re a. disgrace to Sevreu porcelain has always been an But the law muet be enforced. How to this town.· expensive p roduction, for the most skilled Pianos Tun~d &nd Repaired. WANTED. do it a.nd save him was the conundrum. Some one asked: "Where is Sing.Lung?" arbists have been employed in its m11.nuhcO A!tTIES WlSH I NGrnErnPIANOS £he big olock waiting to be wound looked The owner of th;, na.me turned pa.le, but ea.id ture. Formerly the fine11t pieces were ms.de Having dooe business in Canada for the pa.st nothing. (['hen Fun-Nee was pointed out solelf for roya.lty, and were sold only by 39 :years, our reI>u tatlon and responsibility are C- 'l:uned or repa1reu can n1.1ve thom attendod ..a pnzzlfid as t ho rest. Tile other !.b.nd~·rine, very dear ifrie. n ds and asked: "Why nob this one? He roya p ermienion. The prices pa.id, in well known. We pay aala.ry and expenses l!I btr leaving word .at the DOMINION OR<c<AI); from the start, if everything is satisfactory. Do' O Al'll'ICE, Bowmanvllle A ftrat -e las m modern tirnee, for some of these specimene, ){ Chon- rim, Vrtlre grelltly p uzzled. They looks like Sing Lung's twin brother ." : No previous experivnce required. Writo ; us ~ow being in their emplo: !rhe Mandarin spoke and bowed. have stea.dllv increased till they have coked wii.m, ooratohed their chins, rubbed ' for terms. Which are very liberal, before en· ·- - - - - -- - - - -- - -their nomlf.l l'.nd utudied the law books bO "Your Majesty," he said, " I fear you become enormous. · gaging with a ny other tlrm. WIU.fA!tl. JFEUD. REll'}~RENORB.-Brt.dstreet's or Dun ' W iman !Jard they wore the ha.ohs off. will have to cut my head off and cub me Cup8, nuoers and bowls go off readily s.t · & Co's Commercial Agencies, vrell knowi. to !rhe i!'a.i M:m darin with the litble nose In ha.Ives h gab thle wooden colla.r off." five hundred dol!Ms, or more. At a. reoont RACTICAL BOOK BINDER. A busineeB men; or Standard Bank, Colborne, -vrork done in :flrst.olase style at the hU{gMbed b .i!.log Chon·'.l'im from prison ·to IT.'he Emperor smiled ..ndBlli!wered : "No, sale, a pu.ir of ro11e Duberry vases were pur· Ont. l~\< ~St 'l'omnto priceP. Orders left at tha 'Im Lown c'll k to wind and eat it. my frie11d, we cannot spa.re you ! F at cha.sad for the sum of eighteen hundred and ' OHASE BROTHERS' COMPANY, ·s(m·fl l'f Mr. 'l'rebilcock or the residence of R . The Laa.n Ilhnd11dn with the blg noso Chinamen a.re scarce. Bun who a.re you ?" fifty guinea.a, almost ten ;bou ·a.nd dolllW! ; VETERINARY SURGEON. Nurserymen, P. l f'il'ld, Ccntu.·bt.., Bo-wnmnv1lle. 20-31'.ll, ·dviaed turning the clgck back. They frown· "I am, '£our M'ljaaty, Pluck-Em, a. man while cups a.nd saucers wentJ off a.b ono COLBORNE, - - - ON'£A.RIO. ORONO, - ON'r. fld a.ti hlm. ['hay had to h1we time, and of law and a Ms.nW.rlu of Clngbon." hundred u.nd fifty gu!Deaa. During bbe 37-6m. llOUT, J:'01T.N'G, Y. S, Chon·Tlm wu ·ho only one a.bl1J to produce "How much la.w do you kmw ?"inquired . preisimt year, single platea ha.·u 111ld for one FFICE I N THE WEST DURHAM lu. Su ·hey tGok him from prbou oo the the Emperor. thoWl&Dd d ollars ea.oh, and vues from 1 News Block . where ltlmflelf or assistant olock, whioh ho wound for perhaps the la.at The fatJ Mandarin looked puzzled and twenty-five hundrod d11lla.rc upward. will he fonn d from 8a.m; to 9 :p.m. Nl11:ht calle timo. All 1lhe 11eopl<:> felt flhii.t it wa11 hit the.n brfahter, and .replied : " T here is a A few yea.ra a.go lihe enormous rium of filtv at rnsidence,dirtctly opposite Drill Shod. Ca.I.la ~n opport111llty: buil the mlnnto it blcklle l11ow the.t Bti."S· · No ma.n shall bG killed by tho111Jfllld dolla:ra Wfl<B paid for a air;wle lie~ of 1 f ... j dh ,. by telegraph or telephone will receive prompt 1u ·b attenl ion 17l·Y~ · ey o1· 10 oyous e.u ope wa s the clock.' N ow your Majaaty, Chou-Tim three j:udinllllr8ll. reviv.4 thai ihay pr@m..leed him !I.Iii h e wa.e is tG be killed at 3 by tihe cleck? Tha.t'a - -.......- - 1"fipping." ltd · prl.wo11 ho slloitld b0 saved. He aga.imt the law, ill it not?" ·hook ll.la fll'·Y hu·d ~olemaly 1.11:.d ILlll!Wered: The emperor ea.id it looked that way, No, n o I mv friend,! ; I ahall die. Only b11 o.nd lmmed.Jately pardoned all offenders. HlllDllhy la one ef tihe mo11!1 mukoo oharGentlemen's Olothes Made toOrde:r· .klnd to Lo~ La." Pluck-Em ohuoklll.'d sayil-'i, "I, Piuo.k-Ew aoterlatlom · f Brltt.h t$?Vin2 pcK!ple, saya a The F a.b M andarin did nob mind a. little .wlllu.va'm,evenl.f tihey 1a.iu boodle Alan· wrl1iorm1hoNe1wYarkBvn., a.quallby ofben water even te,ken like that, and he went in- dariiu." , Ir.ck"" ta IJertlO· of the ll!Ull· claa In onr side and k epb Ring -['ail from comiog out. BtU"nee, the n oble in the green robe, had 11w11 counir]', :llho Mm~ m11or Mds: · Tpe L ean Ma.nda.r_ln took a. ladder a.nd kept em~rated from Ezin to China., bll~ ha.dn" . Nothing Li m·ra amazing te ~ho A.mert?ll· htm from going m ; then they a.ll cried : left his brog~o behind. He caug.hb Sing . thon ·u ha.uuar ud arrBgmie& of a l!yp!cn.l PRICE, $10.00. "How ·av~ Chon-Tim's h ea.d ?" . Lung by tho hair. Loua- 1111111l1 ur een1lelll&D, alaoo the dbii~c · This Lead is known from The only pra.ctlcaJ. Ring. Tall ma.de a. v10lant eflruggle, pushing ., Ye blackgua.rd, how ca.me ye by the , tlon b ver1 ·harp In ~h· English metN_ pol111, LOW PRICED Typewrlt.er In the world. th'J Big No~e down the ladder a.l:ld pulled the coat t lb look:JI lolke me llGD'a; bue · wh11n dtal~ wHh peeple ~ho "';.v~ h~m. Halifax to British Columbia It Is simple, praotica.l a.nd d ur11.ble; No machine Llttle-NoJSed F at Manda.rin hall out the win· ye are no son of mine ye a.inumd-eyed He says, P leaae do tblo 11.n d I 11 thank invented doea ne11tor work. It writes 35 dow so that heoould neibher get in or out. Thi.a coolie I" ' you for iha.t," b 41oanse h'· the j11rgon of the as the best, finest, and purest ever to 40 words per minute. Never 11ets on~ of allgnme ni or out or order. No expense for w1.1~ owing to the fact that he had a big hea.rt; Cb.i n-Tim L oo-La. and F un-Nee were all town; bub hla hb pomen!lllll 1:1 pui> forili wlth · S5;6w rib bone. No Instructions required. It is a which often !ell to h ie shoes ~d shrunk his hugging I at, once and they went t o the 1uch an lnd010ribi1obly au6aa.nt I.Ir ih·~ 111 la in Canada. marvel of simplicity and usefulness. body to the size of a. oma.ll mans fra.me. Emperor and told him what Fun-Nee had scarcely llllUI offeneive than a ala.p ln the face. ~he people gave no heed to him. Ring· done Itisa.ccepted everywhere whh th· inva.rla.ble tail waa the hero of the hour, He knew " Y ou a.re a. brave lad " he said " to save "th&nk you, air." Send for a esoript!vel pamphlet a nd mention just whe.t theywa.nted. After much delihera· °'girl a.nd offer to die fo~ h er gr~dfa.ther. " The old llbory is still good of the Y a.nkee this paper to n r11d11e.te ot'theitnyal Collegeot Dontl!J nion he spoke as follows: " 1 only did my duty Your Majesty,, who stood on the stern of the steamer I!.!! aha Clea.Md, Diod,iPressed a.ndiRepa!red by;' The Typewriter Improvement Co., · Suri.eonJi. Ontario. " H;lnd f~lends, when I W!l.11 Chief H unter answered Fun-Nee. ' ' swun~ out of Liverpool, !.\lld, .holding a nhill· ( O FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. 4 P. 0. 8qr., to His Maiesty t he Court went h unting in Just at this affecting point Barnee the !ng a.loft , cried ouu : BOSTON, Mass. "If there's a ~an, wo!lla.n or ohlld on t his · , ~OLD ] 'ILLlN G A SPECIALTY t he Fores~ of Ba.ng·Ta.n. He_was ~1J11aoked noble In green, rushed forward and ho;led : or to our hy a. t ige1. T he no?les fled from ~Im and I "Howly Mose.e 1 I hear a. voice like music blessed iala.nd Ive noll tipped, come !orwar~ . Dyer and Clot.hes Cleaner. A IUIFIOIAL T EETH INSERTED WITHOUT Branch Office : :I Adela.ide St. East, Toronto. pierced the tiger wit h my spear JUst as he on me ea.rs; show me the speaker." Seeing now, for t hio Is your la.et and only oua,noe ! ' Agents wanted. F or agency a ddr e ss mlil PLATES. would hs.ve crush ed the Emporor, F~r t hat .l!'un-Nee h e embraced him and continued. I remember very well a.n exper ience I ba.d Goods warranted to be as no one wlll know office. Great Reductions in price on all Dental he gave me a. l'ed pearl dng, saying: Who- ".ah, y e darlin blackguard, wld dem reges on my firs.t day in I: r mdon, I stuted o'l!b them from new when d one. ~ ork. Yitplizec! Air, const.antly in use proCorner of Kin g and Ontario Streets, I aucing Painless Operations. Pa.rtioular atten ever presents, ~hat to me shall have any en and the lonl!'. coat ; ye mind me of the ~Ith a typ1c:i.l Londo~ m_a~ to l.unch ~t his town of Kilma.rah County Clair and the club, and we stopped a.!1 a drngglst s- or Bowman ville. ifon pat<l to tho iei;ulation of Children's Teet h. favor granted. Th~:1 the mob shout ed: "Where is the day I druv Mickey Finn'R pigs t o p ound, chemi.s~'e, as t hey say In E <lglanil., with t ho ,,._t".AJ:.r, WORK fli .ARR.A NTED.·~ r1~7? and skipped. Ye are me own son. Where a.re ch pro!Jounced softly- tl roeke some put·· l Brv.uch office, Dr. Ru therford'a Orono My frl~n~1s, I lost It in the lake and a fish all yer good ctobhes ?" ['hen it was speedily cha.sea, rny compa.ui~n bou!o'(ht a few shlllkt. . · 1.1ll explained and SiDg Lung ran t o the lllke iDg:oi worth of one thmg l\Dd anobher1 and ON awallowed ---·------------All ran on hea.rmg t hrn e.n.d brought fi~h- and drowned himself. ['he rvd pearl wa.a when his ohang" waa b rough t t o him . he Tt-IE 'J 'IDS YEA.R'S Ing tackle, the roa.d lea.~illg to the lake given t o Fun-N ee for bra.very, Ul!lselfishness puahed t wo. copp~re toward the druggist, was black with people, Some had poles and devotion a.ooompa.r.ied by a fiae speech a.nd sa.ld carnlooly · "Hee.h, you t11oke .the~e." some only lines and some bent pins and, on things in general by the fat Mandarin. spools of tbres.d. They fiahe~ a.11 day Fun-Nee, of oourae. immediately presented Thv clrug~leb p1oked t hem.. up with a and all n ight and they fished 1b dry, but ib to little Loo-La.Ma. lover 's gift, for i t was gr ateful smil?, ,~nd mut t ered, Thank yon Unlocks all t he ologgea avenues of the they ~ound no ring. So ea.ch_ one took even then settled that he was going to marry very much, sir . C JlJ'J.' and PL (JG some fish, and left the la.ke deserted. her some day. lt was a fine, large shop_ on the corner .A regular monthly, quarterly or hal f-yearly Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying L oo·L:A, who had been up all night, cried And 80 all were.happy, none happier than b elow Bond Street on P ioua.dilly, and the pay ment (a slight advimce on the rental rate) off gradually without weakening the sysh s h esa.w tiie ~ olemn fi8 h ers. Sh e wouId Fu n-N ee . -La.. And there was a d ruggs i t was a. lia.ndsome, f u11· b eard e d ,and buys the inst.rurnent. tem, all th e impurities and foul humors wen and Loo Anypiano may be chosenout of a ma.gu!fl. of the secretions; at tho same t ime Col'~ry herself to c. a.tch t he fl.sh, Bhe said. Ha.v- grin on the face of t he town olock. p erfectly dresaed man of ~bout sixty yea.rs. cont assortment or Uprights, Squares. pu'O mg b orrowed a pole, she went t o the rr.oasy Fa.nay ma.king the propnetor of .i. showy Grands. unsuroassod in quality. Mmisters, reeting Acidity of the Stomach, F i.NER 1~D.AJ\'i E l T ER. bank, a nd there, instead of fahing for her The Whole Truth. N ew York drug st ore e. p reeent of a. fow Teachers, Government Offiocra. and those in cm·ing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, df th ' rt f 11 l dr t ! receipt of regular incomes will find this a con- Headaches, Dizziness, Heartbul'n, ea.m oen 9 vanivnt and a.dvanta.geou· mode:for securing a gran a er 8 i e, e as eep to See beaut ifully. Judize- " Miss, what is your age?" flr~t class Instrument. When the instrument ts Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, The fat Mandarin ca.ughti in the window WitJness- " I am pa.st twenty." When you go n p to bhe Exhibit ion tl'lhe a. used for pra.otice, our Soft Stop or Practice Dropsy, Dimness of Visian, Jaunalso ·~ etayt:d put" until morning. (['o get J udge- " You mll!lt be more explleit. " look at Micklethwaite'a Crayon Portrait 3 1 ~Pedal B a.Yea wear on the nerve, as well as ure dice, Salt R.heum, Erysipelas, Sero· t b t h A t D · t Wh serves the tone of the Piano. Our patent Jl'oot fula , Fluttering of the Heart. Nerou t h e b a.d to klc k t h e f re.me l oose, Ho fell "\Vltmea11- " Well, I am between t wenty JUB a ova e r eparumen · en you ' P eda l attach ment for Pianos is invaluable to g et home look up t he picture of mother. or 1 organists, sttldents and to·~c h ere Prloes on vousness, and General DebiJi " ; all dcavn, but from a. distance he too had caught and thirty·." '· t he fishing fever, and he gob quickly up and Judge - " N o more trifling. Sta.to vour fa ther that you have been ao long intending a pplication, Inspection Invited.' these ::mcl many other similar Co"b.iJlaints yield t.o the happyinil.uenceof BURDOCK in on flew to the lake. H e met bhe u nsuccessful exact age." to g~b a. life-siz~ pioture done frum and 011;11 . on6s returning wit hout bhe ring, which so Witnesa- " I'll be thir ty day after to· . a t bt~ gallerv a.nd get prices which wHl a a· Pt Iii WV Iii · BLOOD BITTERS. & ch i"l . 1 llJG & J>AURA.it(~~ disappoint ed h im he immediately offered hls morrow. " tonish you I Warerooms-107 a.ndl09 Church St., Toronto. l F= Bale by all Dealer8. 41 l daughter as a. prize to ilhe one who would save · i Fa.ct.o ry. the fl.nest in its equipments a nd 11.P · ~ - Y plia.noc3 in tho city, 89 to fJl .Beilwoo:! ave. § ~.MILBURN Toronto~ J,. G, ltldHJIJlON, !ti. n. c. Jtl. n . c. 1·. s. - P EYSJOIAN, SURGEON, AND AC P ______ _ Chon -Tim's head. Bein!! rich it WM a. big inducement for thv yom·il' men to strive for. Now it so happened thitb a. nobleman's eon na.med Fun-Nee, while 11sh ing in the lake the dav before, bad ca.uf. hb the fah with the rinv In it. He had tilven the fish (not knowing the content.) bu a. poor fa.mily who had a very ral{ged son named SiDg Lung who ha.d found the ring while clea.ning the fish. Sing Lung not having nice clothes to wear to claim the Mandarin's daughter, went to Fun-Nee and told him his trouble. Stira.nge as it may seem, ho was glad to hear of Slng Lung's good fortune. ['o help the suit a.long he loaned him his olothtng and wore Sinli' Lung's r ag_s Instead. Not p roud of his uniform Fun· Nee ran off to the lake. (['here he saw Loo-La. a.sleep on the bank. He thought her the loveliest libtle oreu.ture he h a.d ever seen. He gaz·3d with rapt ure on t ho pr!'bby piotu:e a.nd was turning awu.y when Loo-La rolled in her sleep off into the water. B eing brave as well as handsome, Fun-Nee eprnng in and rescued her. She was not hurt, only frightened, and Fun-N ee soon allayed her fears and led her bo the town. Unfortunabe· ly the customs of Vhina did not allow him to make love p ersonally. If it had, the chances u.re he would have told her the old, old story stra.ight on the spot. Ab the town t hey ea.w Sing Lung lea.ding the fat M11ondarln's daughter before tho envious people. ['he ring was found, but the Emperor lived ninetv miles away, and it was 2.30. ·Furthermore, news had been broughb of the arrival of the execationer. The lean Mandarin took a duty upon himself and climbed to the clock and turned it back an hour. Sing Lung, !dressed a.a a noble, was oalled on for advice. Ho, bright eoul, took the ring and started t o go ninety miles' and back in thirty minutes. The executioner ca.me, was much surprised to find he wao boo early, i;.nd was j ust,turning a.way when the clock struck 3. Every one j;(roaned ; the lean Mandarin had forgotten that the clock would strike. The executionor looked solemn, draw his HOW TO INDUCE SL.EEP. Many ltletllod~ by Wbleb the Drowsy God ltfay Be Wooed. One of the must effocb!ve inducers t o sleep is a warm sa.lt -w11.ter bath taken oofore rebiring. !rhl1 will almost I.I.I.ways put a. rest· leas child bo slumber if it; is well, and if it is well fed after its bath. Sleeplessness in an adult.is more difficult to contend with, A warm salt ha.th mlly not always act as quickly, but ibis worbh t rying. It there is any tendency to oold feet p t1b a. warm bottle to the feet after bathing, and in ma.ny ca.aes a reqt ful sleep will follow. I t is far better to resort to every subterfuge t o induce sleep before resorting t o any sleeping draught. Sometimes a. few cra.okvrs or somethiDg else ea.ten just before retiring will indu.-:e sleep when nothing else will. F or this l'urpose many people keep a. cracker jar ia their rooms. :rhe thin wa.ler crackers are excellen t for this purpose, For the dry, burning sensa t ion in the palms ot t he ha.ode and soles of ~be leet which in· duccs sleeplessness, sponge them in ammonia. and water or vinegar and water. The continued dwelling on a. certain thought ma.:v be of value. A frequent remedy of this kind is to imaj,'\in e a.n endless flack of shee-p stepping one by one over a. stile. frhe cont inual monotony of the imaginary movement will soon pu~ 11o wide-awake p erson a.aleep. A famou s physician put his paHente to drowsy slumber by a.n arrangement by which t h ey listened to the constant dropping of water, drop by drop, on meta.I. If a person is ha.bltua.lly wakeful !)t night it is wifte to give up tea and coffee · ab nighb, and drink in their pla.ce a bowl of fresh milk her.tad quite hot, ' · ' i , ' f ,:-l -t '- ' - ' (, 1 I ' " ', ' "1 I 1 I · ~, , · · · ' · I 1 ' ( 1 1 : " for Infants and ChUdren. llDOWD ~me.,. traoommend1taasui-fortoanyprescrlptiou R. A. AllcHn ll. D ' ., ll1So.Oztord8$., B~, N. Y. ' "'CMtorial~!!IO-Usdaptedtochildrenthat Caate'l'la CUl'es Colle, Oonstlpat1011, I Xills W ~mus, gives sleep, a.ncl prow.ob cUo _ gest1 on, Without injurious medicatlon. Tmt C:cNTAUR C o111PANY, I':" I'<lurray Street, N'. Y. ·' . ·,y 1 , , / · 1 , 1'_ · Sour Stoma.ch, Diarrhooa, Eructation. · ·t · , ). I f " FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMA.NVILLE1 * 1 'f Best and Cheapest Fence . STEEL RODS- IROf\I FOUlll DATf O N . BUILDERS' IRON WORK, , 1 1. .' ·office Railings, Lawn furniture II[Barnnm ~l~r!lr.on Vlo rks West~ Toronto Office---4 Adelaide St. ----o ---- § . B J.BIGGINBOTHAM &SOit'S Chemists and D rugg ists . M A· A I 0 ' M IOU A fc M M A y ----- L ° N 0 P" 0 I ----o---INSECT POWDER, pure and strong. FLY PAPER, all kinds. MONTSERRAT Lime Fruit Juice. Fowler's Extract Wild Strawberry. Woulff's Cholera Remedy. CASTORIA for Children Eeasonable Goods. L ""' Fine Bath Sponges, Perfumery Toilet Soaps, etc. S ALESMEN P O 'I HE ··i:· WORLD' TYPEWRITER. R. PEATE, Tailor DENTIST RY. 0. .Gents' Glothing Q Over 40,000 now in use. TH S p ]] AT an!1 YRTLE s 3 YE~RS SYSTEM SMOKING TOBACCO broim.ze I oc111v1 us H E UIQO MBE & co Children Cry.for Pitcher<~~ a;· -"-\~""~·1"'.··~'tt & CO.JP roJlric tors,