~. ··.wdtt· '\::~,~,~~ tt:;:.--\ H~?E!!.:.i!!~!!:_!!L!!T!!H!! . !! · .!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!A~w!!o!!1!!r!!r!!o~sT~'E~'R!!M!!o~·1·H!!.E!!.R!!. !! ~~l!!!;!!:-w !!E!!R=!!o!!YA!!!L!!!!IR!!r~a;!!~!!o!!o~:N!!sT!!A~~B!!U~L~A!!;Y~.~I!l:!T!!~1:!!:!!~!!r1~t~a~~!!!!~~i ~!lt!p1i~ so~r! : !~:~-·~; :w~~~~: 1~ 0e~tin~g~t~~~~s ~ ·~ S ~ ~ T ~'!!!;:----~ R~T~L~l~N~ -C-E-V-ID--ENGE~ ~ ,4.\J;.U~M- MIM -======-- - · . d t' Imme- ~ The M:r.ke-up urt11e J<'amous J<'orce Which year E >t N ewca.utle-on-Tyne for the tbirli t:itne Stories hve be<mto! fr~h~ 1 ·dimf.\ d I Kecpst11c1·oocc1n11-c1and. in aq111i.r1Jer of a c0ntury. The new ire- OftheCureofSk1nDiseaseswh' 1\ . . . sidenb Is Profesgor vV. H. Flower, of the moria.l of a.ulmals suckling o 1 ren an enWEDNESDAY, CC 9, 1889. "No m11on ia entitled to a. home unless he dowiniz them wloh a beaah !ike nature: The Royal Irish Constabulary 1e at present British Museum, and the head of the geoall other Methods Fail. oti.a make the.t home h11>ppy and healthful. through the nutriment thuu fu.n mhed. These composed of t he inapooto1'·genera!, the de- <J.ra.phioal eeo~ion is 81 man wall kn'>wn in He ha.s no right fo be the me11ns of bringing stories have been looked upon more or leso puty inepeobor·gsueral, three a.ea1sba.nt ln- c~nad11o, Sir Francie do Winton, It iB sug- P sorla81s Ii Yl.-.OrR, COVCJ"iJlg race, h etUJ, f~l"l entire body wit11 °\Vllite scn.hs. Skin r e.1, ·-;. mis~ry to (IT·hers or to lsave to posterity the as fanciful creations, bub a geu11ine insta.n~e 2pectors-gen~r111, of whom the commandant geeted that the scientists, meeticg in the TICE 'IO MoTHERs.-Are you di ltchy, 1m1l blce1llng. Hall' a ll gou o:. lega.cy of 111-healbh 01· constitution11l weak- of an occurrence has b..en recently p toven tn of tihe depot ls always one ; the town inapec· place they do, shall apply themselves to Spent hurulr.,cls of dollars. Praueunc«tl turl>ect at night and broken of yonr re1 nesa. lt ls t he duty of all to be healthy, this country. tor of Ilelfo.ab, thirty.six county Inspectors, a the tough old problem of when the Brhieh Incurable. Curctl by Cntlcura Rr.mc1llcs. by a sick child suffering and crying wil and to s~ observe the la.we ot hygiene thab Some twenty months a.go a negro woman doctor and barrack master, bot h residing at coal beds are likely to run out The p oeMy disease (peoriasia) firet broke out on my p a in of Cutt.ing T eeth 1 If eo send at he may contribute t he full measure of his livin g in Texas on the banks of the Brazos, the d~pot ; ninety firat-cla~s distrlcb Inspect· sfollity of liquid fu el being a.da.pred for cheek, spre11.dln~ across my noee, and a l· once and get a b ottle of "MrB. Winslow's individn1'l well-being t o the public good. missed. hor 3 months-old baby from ~he pal· ors, Dinety e,eaond-claee d 1etiricb iuspec~ra, replacing coal is already beln~ discussed, left most covering my face. It ran Into my eyee. ose my Soothing. Syrup." For children. teeth!ng, His indllforenoe or nef.(lecb of bee.Ith laws let wnere ahe b.a.d left it lying during an forty -five th1rd-cla.B~ district lnspec1lorR, ~60 and t he L iverp ool Mercury sa.ys on this a.nd the physici!Ln was afraid I -would 1 altogether. I t spread all over my lte value is incalculable, H will r elieve a.nd the ohserve.noe of til.e sanitation of hill absence of a few minutes. S earch we.a ma.de head constables, eom~ 2,400 sergeantsa.nda.or.· point : "The Eogl!eh consul a tJ s~. Peters- eyesight head, e.nd my hu.ir all tell out, until l we.a the poor littlll imll'erer immediately. De- home is not only a crime against himself, for the infant, but no tra.ce of it could be Ing sergee.nts, a.nd Rome 9.600 consta.bles. Of burg in his la.et report S!\YB tiha.t the enttrely bald·headed ; it ' h en broke out on niy bnt an lnfllotion of 11 wrong on the publio ?iecovered, A!ld the whol? aff·\r was wrapped t~e non-commissioned o~cera and constables resid°uum of naphtha is bei~g used In Ruea!a arms and sbQGlders, until my arme were just; pend upon it, mothers ; there is no ID profound mystery until a. fe'Y ?a.ya ago. 2_.l6 are mounted, aome fifty or eo bfing at 8111 fuel to 81 conatantly increasing exbenb. one sore. It covered my entire body, my face, mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and a burden on posterity. and shoulders being the worst . Tbe "A miaoa.k.<Jn ld1m obta!nn th11ob an eplA party of genblemon were r1dmg bhrougb the depob and ·bhe r emainder vcattered a.bout Taking the city of Moscow 819 an example head. and Diarrhrea, regulates the Stomach and white ecabe fell conetantly tram my head. demio mnsti prove.ii before there is need of a nomewha.b unfrtCque~ted portion of the j through. tho country in the more Important it ia found that although that city is 1 500 ehonldere, and arms; the skin would thicken Bowels, cures Wiud C olic, softene the any sanitary precautions, when the truth le, thick woods that borde~ the river, w~en he11odquarter towns, miles from B111.ku, the source of ~upply, ' yet and be red and be very itchy.and would cruok Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives such epidemlce "'re alw11oye civldence that they were sba.rtled by see~ng a strange 01'3eot The in&pector-general, depu by Inspector- tho drege of naphtha. ·prove 35 p er cenb. and bleed ii ecratohed. After spendinir many tone and energy to the whole ay~tem. these precautions h11ove been fa.tally neglect- run a.cross the r'!11od. Thinking a.ti firet tib11ot general, and m1e of the assistant lnspeccora- chea.per for fuel bh11on either wood or coal. hundrede of doll11re, I wae pro·ounoed in11nra ble. I heard of the CUTICURA RE~nmn:s. " Mre. Wioelow's Soothing Syrup " ff or ed. Moreover, t h e greates~ mortality does it was a wild a.n1m11ol, seve.r al of the pa.rty µ:ene~a.l, bee!des ~he oomm11o'!da.nb, reside in The manufa.cturers and the ro.ilway com. and after using two bottles CuTJCUR.A. Rll:SOLchildren teething is ple!!.e1mt to the taste not re11nlb from epldemlcP, bub from dea.ths were a.bout to fire on It, when the one who Dublin and ha.ve t heir offices1n tibe Oonsta.bn· pa.nies a.re n~ing liquid ruel, as well as the Tll:N·r, I could see a change; and aOer I had four bottles, I wa11 almoet cured; and ste11omers on the C·apian sea, and a sbove 16 taken and ie the prescription of one of the old- const~ntly occurring in the course of such had been nearest It called to them not to la?.' Department, D ublin CMtle. when I had need six bottles of CUTICURA. :l'he recruits a.re chiefly ta.ken from the now being introduced which will ubllizo RH:SOLTKNT and one box of CUTICURA, and one est and beet female phyaician11 and nurses diseases as are admibted to be wholly pre- shoot, but t:> rl?e lb d.own instead, This ln the United States, and is for sale by vent11oble, and reaul~ most frequently from was done with difficulty, for the underbrush farmercla.s~, though, of course, the cities and liquid fuel for domestic purposes, Efforts eako of Cu'l'ICURA SOAP, I was cured of the d readful dl.Bease rrom which I had ·utrered for all druggist ; through the world. Price the uneanltary condlbloos of neglected homes wM thick, but at l&st the cre11oture wi:.u over· towns provide 1Jheir proportion. Very great a.re also being ma.de to Introduce dHforenb flve yea.rs. I thought \he diaeaee would leave 26 cents a bottle. 'Be sure and Mk for and, in t he absence of inspect ion and pre- ta.ke.o in a dense top1e. Ih wan ha.If running, ca.re is exerolsed in their seleoblon. The ctln- k inds of petroleum into England as fuel and a very deep scar, but t.be CUTICURA REMEDIES. venta.bive means, extend t hroughout! com- half lea.ping, firso on all fours and then near· dldate must be over _18 Y?ars of age, not lhess 1 ~ may come to p!l.Bs that the appil.r~ntly cured it without any sc«rs, I c8nnot express. "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP.' munities, Snch diseases 11os diphtheria., sc11r- ly uprle:ht. . than 5 feeb 8 Inches in height, and 36 inc BB boundless stores of pet roleum in Ca.no.de. with a. pen what l sufrcrcd before ueing the and take no other kind. Jet fever, typboid, 1i.nd others of this class, The gentlemen d_1emounted and_ attempted ronnd the chest. . and other laces will enter into com eti tion CUTICURA REMEDIES. 'l'hey saved my life, I fe, l It my duty to r ecommend them. My a.re constantly c&rrylng :off vlobime, and, In to lay ha.ode upon 1b, ~ub cha.t t.ermg frightThe lrishmt1n has a na.tura.l lnettncb f~r with our 0 0 coal sea.ms." The e ~of the and hl\ir is restored M i:>ood as ever, and so Is my the a.ggt·ega.te, far eurpa.~G tha d011oths iu f.ully and nava.gely biting a~~ scratching, It drill, and the· reorults at t~e depot pick !t outsidel' appears t o be turnedy in the eyeelght, I know or a number or dlfl'erent CONSUUPI'ION CURllD, epidemice. Tbese disen.ocs, if they do nob broke a.i!fa.y from them. irhey could !ee up very r11opi~!Y and well, I am 8ure th11ot If dlrocbion of our limitless supply of petro- porsona who havo used the CUTICURA RE~fa An old physician. retired from practice. .havnms, and all have received great benellt trom ing had placed in hie hand!! br an East lndta reeult directly from ill kept homes, find in that lb had a human face, though the br own any of my m1hbMy readers sa.w a ba.toa.llon leu their use. Mn s. ROS.A. KELLY. auch homes a lodgment, and their vlru- body was covered with Jong, tangled ha.Ir, drill there, they would pronounce It a very m, missionary the formula or a simple vegetsble Rockwell City, Calhoun Co.·..Iowa. remedyforthe speed y and permanent oure ot Ieuce 11ond extent Is increased, and the nails of the feet and hnnds so long creditable performs.nee for recruits of a few cuucura Remedies ConeumPrtion, Bronchitis. ·, Catarrh, Asthma · 'If and curved as to be claws. It ran with in- months' training. There is a.lwnya great and all J'hroat and Luni;c Affections, a.ls.o. a Farmers, Bewa.re ! Hvgiene for the Young. credible swiftineEa, getting over fallen trees s teadiness, and the manual and firing exer· Cure every apcoios of agonizing humlli11.ting, positive a.nd radical cure for Nervous Deb1hty A new nan ome to <lefraud the confiding and dense masses of creepers ii.t a rate th11ot cises are performed with much smartneso bleeiling, burning. scaly, blotchy, and and all Nervous Compls.ims. after having Children should be taught to stand obliged its pnrsnern to exer t themselves to and precidon. The men a.re armecl wibh the farmer baa recently been put in practiice. !tcblng, pimply diseases of the 'skin. scalp and blood. tested It& wondertul curative powers in tho~· etrs.lght, ~o hold up bhe head, with t he chin with loss or hair. C r om pimples to scrofula, eands of cases, baa felt it his duty t o make it the u tmost to keep it in view. Seider carbine a.nd sword·bayonet In a.d- It was worked on a Lyon County farmer excep t possibly lch thyosis. known to hie suffering fello..-s. Actuated by down, to t hrow the shoulders back, to keep ami is dt1ocrlbed as follows : An a.ge.n t It finally ran into an imIDllllSO oak tree ditlon to the more peaceful baton. Sold cvery whi;re. Pnco, Cutioura; 75c. ; this motive and a desire to relieve human the stoma.ch In, and 1>o st!l.nd on bot h feen, t ha.t lay uprooted in the ground and t he (['he recrnib on joining his country st~tlon ca.lied on the farmer to aell him apple trees. Soap. 35c.; Resolvent $ l.50. Prepared by the su1ferin« I wi.l send tree of charge. to all who desire 'lt.'ibis receipt. in German, French or n ob bear all the weight of the body .on 1me. hollow trunk of which formed a yu.wnlng baa, like the young rfficer, to put in!io pra.c- He rlld not ask any p~y for them, bn b simply POTTER DRUG AND CIIEMICAL Co.. Boston · Englleh:wl\h full directions for preparing and It is excellent practice for any one to walk aaked th e farmer to pla.nb them on shares. Mass. it;tr. ::lend for "How to Cure Skin Disease," 61, using. Sent by mail by addressing with with a good-efzed book on the h ead, and cave\'ll, By dint of poking in t he tree with tlce all that he has l!\11.r ned in theory a.t tha Tha agent of the company furnished the pa~es, 50 illustrations, 100 testuuon lo.le. stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 children are benefited by practicing every sticks t>he party sacoeeded In driving out an depoi. (['his is by no means !l.B ea.sy as it old wolf, whioh, lmmedfately t~ok to ita might seem, and .it le a year or two with trees, the farmer planted them, and the Power's Block, Rochester. N. Y. !ll-lY PLES, blackheads, red, rough, clrnpoed day, g~o.clua.lly increasing the weight. . Show heels. lb w<1.s nob pursued, M 1t was not himaloo before he 1s worth much ns a polfce- company got half the frui b for twelve ye11.rs and oily skih preven ted by l.JUTICU RA. th em how to breathe. ['ell them tbt, In the object eougbt. ::.t.'hie, too, was finallv m11oD. His a.verri.ge patrolling work is from the time of pl&ntlng. T he former SO.A.Pa order to get their lu·n gs well filled, they dislodged and la.saoed with a 111¥ia.t ma.de of some six hours in the twenby-fou1·. This bound himself 1>o keep the trees pruned, etc.; (Jonsumption Surely Cured. must !ht the cheat, and lower it to aend the hides. It bit and oora.cched S-1 fiercely tb.at m ay seem bttlo i n comp-.rison 1>o bhe eight a.lao, If be sold his farm any time b efore the PAIN~ I ; air out, and that they oannob do no by It w·11os thought advisable not to approach it, hours' boat duty usually performed by the 12 yea rs expired, he must pay for the trees ['o THE EDITOR ; breathing just below the thro11ot, bub must Ila.ck ache, kidn ey pains, w uak ao that It was h alf dra.e:ged, half led home metro~ollta.n polkema.n, but the Roya.I at llhe r11ote of $1.50 eit.ch. l!,or this he g11.ve Pleaee inform your r es.ders that I have noeses, rheumMi.Bm, and m uacuta~ a positive remedy for the above named m&ke use .of the 11;re\\t musclo, uhe dlapbra.m, wiflh the Ia.ri~t a.bout lbs· neck, howling and Irish constable is never out of uniform when a bond of O.!lireemen11 a.a security to t he sins relieved in one mmute by the · , off duty; he ls liable to be called on a t any agent for $500, and thla bond was r egis tered C1 disease. By itn timely use thoueauds of thab ls just below the lungs, Then show yelping like a wolf. lter, the . fir~t and only 1tioura Anti· Pain Plti.f them how important it iR that clothing 11.neoua pain-killing plaster. The fact of the aegro woman's child ha.vln$ moment. He cannot go far or remain long a.ga.!nst the land without the farmer's know- nstant. ·hopele1111 oaaes have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles ohould always be loose, and tell t hem what dise.ppea.red WEIS wt1ll known to all and I t awt1y from his station, and sometim&s on de· leuge. In the course of two or t hree months t he renult:s will be cf compressing the AI,ESMAN WANTED.- A p ermawas decided that this must be the child. trhe tachmeot duty, In dlstiurbed pla.cea, he le another gentlem!l.n came a.long looking for a of my remedy FREE to any of your readers n ent position guar anteed. with aa.lv.1·y a ud who hr.ve conrnmption if they will send me orga.ne. A teacher muat wear her own old wolf bad evidently atolen it and for some working for twelve or fifteen hours daily for farm-. He ca.lied at the house and told the expenses paid. No e'iperience needed wich 113clobhing properly, however, b efore she can reason adopted In as Its own. ['he mother weeks together. farmer tha.b bla farm WM just what he W<lllt· Gre'l.t a dvanta.e;es their Expre1a and P. 0. addrees. to beginners. Fi·et eeiling toe.ch others t o do so ; and often h er ex11omple A patrol never conslats of less than two ed. He had the er.sh to p11.y down and epecialtiee. Outfit fre.e. Write qu(ck .a nd get Respectfully, Dr. T . .A. SLOCUM, 164 will influence a pupil more bha.n any amount declared that this conjecture was correct, of territory stat.ing age. l:f.E. HOOKER choice offered h im all or more tba.n It was worth. claiming that her chlld had had a. malforma.- men. In the daytime uhe senior of the·e is West Adelii.ide et., Toronto, Ont. l of tL'.lking. 1f 11oll these things are ta.ughb tion of one ear, which peculia.rlby was found armed with a revolver, the junior carrying 11o Thay made o. deal, but of couree before t he Co., Rochester, N, Y. 32-JOw them, they will be hea.lthier girls and boys in the monster. I b is kept t ied up In her ba.tan only. In disturbed dlstricto by day, purchaser p 11.id a.ny money down he want ed 4:+ai&ES:W and bet ter women and meu than if you allow c11obln, suffering no one to hy ha.nds upon it, and everywhere at night, the patrol ls fully to go and examine the r egistry office, to them to sit and ete.nd in crooked positioD. and is fed on raw mea~, as it refuses to touch armed, the senior withe. revolver, the others which he and the farmer prooeedea. '.!.'hey Look among tb.e . m eu and women a.round a.uy other food. ['he wom!).n bas h opes that with co.rhinos. The dura.tion of a p11trol found t he bond rag!ntered against the pl9,ce ta.I stock. Steady work at good r u.y. No you, and you will be suprised to fiµ.d tha.t she may yet reawaken the human in lb, but v aries fi:om t hree to six hours, of which a for $500, and the farmer rather tha.n miss so oxperienc~ necessary. Any man noi afraid t o not more than one ou b of every hundred will In the me11ontime she is reaping a harvest portion ls alway~ spent in ambush, And on good a ea.le, p11oid the $500 in order t o get a work ce.n succeed w ith us. oalary and ex'Vrhen l311by was elck, we gave her Cn.etor!r., peneeB paid to good men, the year 1 ·ound. sband or slt as he should. When she WAa :. Chila, sho cried for Cootoria, from the crowds who come daily from all a cold, wild winter's night an ambush In a elea.t· title. He bhen looked for hia friend Success guaranteed. Write for terms. who had pnrcba.eed his fa.rm, but he wae parts of the county to inspeob the strange wet dlbch is no pleaea.n1l task. E. C. SELOVER & CO., When she beeamo Miss, she clnng to Castoria, GeneV8 N. Y. creature. A recruit under six month's service is pa.id nowhere to be found. He only t hen lc r.1rn ed NURSERYMEN, THE RAC.ES OP .MANKIND. "Wton abo had Children, ebe gave thom Cutoria, 23-4m £39 p er annum, A constable of over six thab he had been swind led out cf hie mouey. 'll"here ,\.re 72 or Tb.cm Extstln&: Now-All A Well De$ervad Legson. m1n ha' &~d under four years' service £54 The swindler has not been heard from,. . 12~. ; ov~r twenty yea.rs, £70 41, An acting rF.i.rm, Field & S t..akma.n. Came Jrom &.ilia. T here ls a drngg1st 10 t his cloy wh_o Is in serge&nt gets £72 16s yearly ; a sergeant of M. de Quatrefages, the fe11oding French danger at the hands of two young la.dies UP' n undt r tour yearn in tha.t rank, £76 Ss. ; of ARM IN PIOKERING FOR SALE, e~hnologisb, in presenting the second. p!!ort whom he recently played a moat! outrageous four years and over, £80 12s. A head con· -Oae of the best farms in Pickering tor of his " I n t.r eduction to the Study of the triok. . , stable of under t hree yea.re' service In that GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. sale containing . 26 a.ores, all of which 11.re Human R11.cen" to the Aoailemy of Sciences, Among the othe.r fea.oures of this drugglst s rank is pa.id £91 per annum ; ol over three cleared and in high state of cultivation. On h11oa given an interesning summary of hie count er display 1a an unusually fine aud and under six yea.rs, £97 1011; ; of over 11ix the premisee a.re a good dwelling house o.nd gener11ol ; oonclueions with regard to the costly line of perfumery. F or the p ast week years £104 out bufldinge and two wells. Thie property i~ situat.· ·'\ on lot 15, b. f., one mile and a hall origin 11ond distribution of mankind. he noticed that bwo very vivacious, pretty The ll.llo~oi.nces, &c., cf the non-eoaimie· trom 'tering village, half a mile from Grand Neglecting the minor differ ences, he and well-dressed young la.dies who made sloned Qfficera and constables a.re a.a follows: THE BEST Trnnl!i Station. tbree miles from Pickering estima.tea that there a.re no fewer than sev· BREAKF.AST . Harbor. and sb: miles from Whitby. For enty-two distinct races In the hurn11on frequent vlcits a.t hie store were in the hllbit Boo~ allowance, 2s, 2d, monthly per man ; " By a thorough knowledge of the n atural fl\CTORV SUPPLIES. of noncha.la.ntly helping bhemselves to the a.rma and atraw allowance, for keeping the further particulars apply to J AMES PIOKARD species. All bhone decend or br11onch off from odorous liqtlid. They would drop in to a.rmo in repair, and filling t he pa.Ilia.sees lswa which govern the operations of digestion on the premiRes, or Pickering, P.O. 29-if -t-IS +and nutrition, and by a careful application of Valves, Iron & Lead PlpoL three fundamental types-the black, the make some ~uch purchase as five ceo1ls'woroh with abra.w, 9d. per man monthly : lodging he fine properUes or well-selected Cocoa, Mr. MclAREK'S GEUUllH Loose Pulley Oilers,Steam yellow, and the white-which had their of chewiDg gu m or i;an cents' worth of allowance for married men over ten yea.rs' t Epps has provided our breakfast ·ablee with a Jet Pumps, Farm Pumps, ARM FOR SALE.-130 acres, com· origin a~ the great cenbra.l m11aa of norther n st amps, 11ond while Mr. druggist was wait- service, 4s. 4d. per month. On the other delicately flavored beverage which may s11ve Wind M ills, Craar:1 Separposed of south part of. J,ot No. 191,.Broken Asla, whioh is bhus the cradle of mankind. ing upon them en.ch fair ono wou!J seize a hand there io 11o deduction from t he e!ngle us many b eo.v' doctora' bills. It is by the judicious uae of such articles of diet that a Front. a.Dd is three miles trom tho Town of Representa.t ves of these di:fferent types and ators, Dairy and Laundry Ma.ry Stua.rt" or "Newmown Hay" b~ttle mon ~f 4s. 4d. per m11on monthly for hllrrnok oon~t.itution m11.y be gradually built up until Bowmanvllle. This is one o! the beet tarms in t he racf.\s sprung from them !I.re still to b e Utensils. trong enough to reei~t every tendency to No Alum. and sph·eh the conteote upon tho dainty a.ccomruoda.tlou. For every niL1ht that a B llhe county or ha.m. It is in a high et&te of Nothing Injurioua. Hundreds of subtle maltcdics are cultivation and ia well fenced . On the pre- found thure. !.tandkerohieft of the twain. head constable is !l.bsent from his ata.tion on dieeese: 536 C Rd!G STREET, floati og around us ready 10 attack wherever mises there is a st.one dwelling, t.wo large The whi ~es, accor ding to M . de Quatrefa.· MO N1"R EtU .· barns aud othe.r ont·buildinga, with stone ges appear. to have originated on tlle wesb · Ol cours~ t hese trlllhl_g theHa a.re woma.n dnty he gets 43. 6d. extra. pa.y, and a aer - tho · o is a weak point. We may escape many tle privileges, but J uat . the e11ome, the geant or conatanle similar ly e.bEent gem 3 a. h t shtl.f1 by keeping ourselves well Jortifted a fatal stabling for cattle and horses., < hree wells ~nd four cisterns also wind·mtll for pumpmg of tjhe centra.lm(!,ao, the yellows on the nortb, druggist wasn't inclined to lob them go 6d head conet a.ble ls allowed h . 9d. with pur" blood 1'.Ud "' properly nourished water. For further particula1·s a.pply on the and the bl11ockB on the south. The whites uncha.llenged. Ile determined to head off the wh<> i.bsent from b is ata.tioo for ten oonse · frame."-"Oivi l Service Ga:eette." Made simply wil.h boilin~ water or m ilk. premises 01· i f bylettor to HENRY :MANN. Bow· ()Xt.onded westward and northward, giving vivacious young l&d!es who were p laying cutlve hours except on the ordinary dutie.~ Sold only in pe.clrnte. by Grocers. labA IJed thus: manville 31- tf birth t o three secondary types, the Finnish, ho.voe with his profibu on perfumery. And of hi district, and ls. 3d. for eight hours .J .C.»IJlS f: l'l'!l d: Co., Homreopath1c Ch en1· the Semitic, and t he Aryan, if we exoept he did lb in the most effectual- If . cruel- absence. A sergeant or constable la aimil- htlc Loudon. England. the Allophy lea, which form a eepara.te group. ma.mier. One morning he removed .all the arly allowed lo. 6d. e.nd la. respectively. A Their area. of distribution io continuous, "'s perfumery bottles from the counter . ,Hethen head const..ble receives l s. 3d. m11.rching is tha.t of t h e y ellows, because of uhe exten- substiuted a large bottle la.baled ' Brclath money for every eight miles me.robed on the if sive land surface of thb Eurasian continent. of the Roses" or somet hing of the sort, and so.me day when the place marched t o Is outlV.l T he yellows sprea.d eo.atward and crossed filled it with a mo~t vile d ecoctlon. It con· slde his own subdistrict, and 11o sergeant or iato America. The whites ·and yellows are tained !l.Ba.fetida., did this concoctton, and constable ls under like circumst11nces, DENTIST. cbecbd or blended with ea.ch other, p roduo· other elements ·cqvally · slekening, So Eu.ch man re~eiver an a.Ilowan<le for ma.king ing many vs.rleties of ma.n. T he .bla.Jks or shrewdly we.a the mixture compounded, how· up clothing sufficient to cover the expense STEEL·Wl Ell TRmrns negro type, which originated on the south evel' that it would nob de-:elop its na.usea.tln17 of having hie uniform ma.de by the ba.ilor. In S:i.mplo, Ladies' and all other kind> . o'. the cenberal mnss was forced by t he nature effects except under the . 1nfl110nce of sltght There Is also a fuel and light allowance 0 FFI CE :-Rear of Messrs. o! the continent, and probably by the at· warmth, such as that l'l~orded by a pocket. gr11ontJed M ea.ch nt11tion whlob. covers the ~ LIIDJ. t est anQ Sl1on~est tacka of che whites and yellows, to go south That day t he you~ ladies pa.Id Lheir usual expenses incurred in this respect. Higginbotham & Son's Drug TRU N ~(S in to Africa .-nd ea.st into the Indian Archlpe · o<Joil, Flouncing Into the store they ma.de a. A third-class district inspector receives For Hand and In the W orld. · Store, (down stairs), Iago, or Melanesia.. T he proto·Sem!teo trivia.I p urchase, saturated their h11ondker- £125 per annum. H is allowances are con. arrested their dlstrlbu tlon in the north of chiefs and da.sb.ed oub to catch a. passing sldera.ble, Machine Use. .B 0 W 1'1 A. NV I L L :E. Africa, and t he mixture ,of the ,two races street ca.r, stuffing their delicate bits of lace A second-class district inspector receives HAS l'iO SUPERIOR. MONTREAL, ga.ve rise to the negroid populations. 11ond linen into their pockets. £165 per annum for t he first five yea.rs' eerSole mrs.to r tlleDominio n In the centre and soi.th of Afrioa. The y oung la.dies had ha.~dly seated_them· vice in tha.t rank ; alterwa.rd, £180. A ASK FOR IT. the bl11ocks continu ed In their ethnic selves before the asafet1da. combination first-cla 88 district ln~peotor of lesa than three purity until the Infiltration of o!Jher r11oces began to get in its deadly work. l'he odor yea.rs' service in that rank rooeives £225 per from Europe and the north of Africa In became sickening, but no one knew whence annum; and of from three fo six yea.rs, modem times. Those which rem..lned ln It ca.me. The pa.esengers wondered an~ euf- £250; of from six to twelve years, £275; of MONTREAL. their origin11>l home bec11ome blended with the fered. The conductor racked his bra.ID to twelve years and over, £300. Notre Du.me St., one of the most central whites and y ellows, giving rise to the drllo· find a solution of the malodorous mystery. and elegantly furnished lloteb In th o City. A county Inspector receives £350 for hla "' E TERINARY SURGEON, Accommodation for 400 guosts. vidia.n p opulat ions which pl.SB by shades No solubion. All at once one of the a.fore· firat ye11or'H service In that nnk. His p ay is BOWllIA.NVll-'LE, ONT. into the three tund,,,menba.l types. Bates: WOODRUFF, a11old young l1'dles hs.ppqined to draw out her then inorea.sed yea.rly by £20 l?er annum u n · $2 to $3 per day. 1 1 Mann.gar . As for the Allophyl es, represented by the h!!ondkerohlef. She dropped it, and dropped tll he has completed six yea.rs' service, The race of Cro-J.iiagnon, they occupied parts of ib suddenly, with a shriek a..n d a. gasp. 'fhe "good service pay" of the rank Is £50 p er DO M INION Europe and North Afric11o, from which they mystery was solved. A moment later the c~r annum, ·and the loclgtng allowance the samf'. extended to the Canaries. The three funda- wa.s stopped and, amid a. roar of laughter, ' The commandant! ol the depot and the .,.. · y · · · · i 'T"'T""TT" mental types also found themselves In blushing, gasping and a.lmost fa.intin~, the town Inspector of Belfast es.oh receive £600 a CO M PANY, S ole !~'ts tor Canad a, Oceania. ; tbe Allopbylfan. whites occupying two unfortunates got off, The druggist was yea.l', with various allowances very much LOCAL .A.GENT FOR J. Manufacturers of P olynesia., the blacks Ma.lnesia, the yellows never again m olested, similar bo those of a county inspector. M11ola.efa., The l&tter were, according to M. OARD Wholesale lmp'trs of ASBESTOS MILLB The a.esiata.nt lnspectors-!!eneral receive de Quatrefoges, the la.st to come into the £700; the depuby lnsJ?ectJor-general, £1,000, DRUGGISTS' SUllORIES, StcJBDl P a clldll&'· A Wonderful Jewel in India. mar itime world. 1743 NO'IBE Dill ST., lb is doubtful whather Shakespeare's toad, and the inepeotcr-general, £1,500 per annum. The peopling of America d11otes from the FR ICTION -AND-These officers a.re a.lloweQ £1 for each night's The Mont Sncce·llfal Remedy 6"er clisMONTREAL. Ugly aud venomous qua.ternary period, and la due to migrations e.bsence on d uty, and the ueua.l mileage. covered, as It Is certain In Its ettects and ··· * * + + .. .4. ................ PULLEY BOARD, Wears yet a precious jewel In Its he!l.d, of dlfferE)nu types-Allophyllc white a.nd Officers and me11 in t he force become en· does not blister. Read proor below. FIA-N""OS~ TM· io a Perfect Friction yellow, blending with !Iha local quaternary but there is s belief cuneilt In all parts of ·'·1-" t · 1 1 id d by 8T111'&'I!!VlLLHl, P. Q., May S, 1889. olu "" o pensions on a sc11o e a. own I>a. D. J, Jrn NDJ.LL co., Enooburgh Falls, Vt. India that a certain variety of sna.ke, called which also belonged to llhe yellow 11cts of Parliament. aftet 11 oerbaln number d '! Gentlemen .- I have u·ed KenBOWlUA.l'tVILLE, - ON'r races, trpe. Europe, since tbe tertiary a.gee, has Sheeb N a.g, when it attains the age of 1,000 yearB' service. U oder the la.test act s dall'· Spavin Cure for Spo...-lna received 011ly Allophylia.n whites, ;Finns, yea.re has a preclona j ewel formed in its he.~d , dealing with thia subi'ect the pensions am andalBolnacaseor lnmenessand. OFFICE AT FACTORY. Sttfr.J olnts and roun<l lta sure and Arya.na. T he number of races now This jewel, In is affirmed,poseeases the quu.11by not BO good, proportioDa.tely to t h e pay, as oureinoveryrospect. I cordially exiatln'1 In a pure state is exceedingly re- of sucking up the poison of the deadliest they used t o be. Of late years 1 ;be tendency recommend It to all horaemen. stricfr.d, if, indeed, there is a single one snake, If applied to the wounded part. he.a been oo Increase tibe pa.y and allowances Very respect.tully yours, THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. which c11on be accept ed e.e euch ; p erhaps Strangely enough, a Parsee ~entlema.n ls re- and lessen the pension of members of the CBA.lU.llS J , BucJULL. aome lit tle groupa, protectod by t heir puted no poeseSB »his invaluable jewel, acoord. foola.tion, e\ich as the Mhicopies, m ay show intz to a correspondent of a Guja.rat weekly force, Spee.king generally, the um form of b~th j sr. THOMAS, P. Q., Aprll 22, 1S89. an identity of ch&ractera attesting t heir published at Wadha.n, In Gujarat. officers and men resembles tha.b of a l r1fle 1 Da. B. J. Xmro ut. Co., Enosburgh Fall·, Vt. The correspondent says that when t he regiment excepb that the officer's pati·ol '! Gent· :-1 hi>ve ru;ed 11 few 001~tlos or your Kenethnic homogeneity. ' .. daH's Spavin Cnr a on my coJt~ p resent owner , who, by the wv.y, is now 62, j !\cket has five ta.ge on io instead of bratd. which was sufferl.ng !rom rn1l.uwas 23 y ea.rs old ho found a anake of t he . . enza in a very b ad !orm, and can Possibly, but it is Doubtful. a.bove mentioned Vfl>riety, which be k illed. ·o ~ Jroth~~lo0'~~~rei~1;:~l?~~rn CURES Mrs. Solid, who is stout and not very tall, 'T" n he found t he jewel in ha he!lod, lb He was Consoled. ~~ran~1°~~'o~~c~1¥~~ti~gl1~l~~~~t ,,.!ready saved sever al lives I..11.ot y oar ha~ a daughter who is ta.ll au d Jratherslendm'. ' I have ever h"11.dlcd. Kindly stmd A New :¥.orkor wh0 met 111 Kt1.ns11>s man ail I me oue o!yourvaluable booksent!tled "A T>ev.· Now if t here is anything about which Mrs, when Mr. Vida.I, the c<>Ilt:Ct" "1 tho di.~· Solid ia semiitive it is ber avoirdupois, an d trfot, wa.e there ib w~ snown t o liim, tI'he on e of the hotels th e obher di;,y he11.v11d a aigh I tis-eon. t.h e Horse." , Yours reF~tf~~INBoN. OLr IC/a.@,,.... when the oplrit; of mischief euter2 h er family jewel l.s sa.id to contain a thin crescent-like ;;;your town nwo ycm n.g'!· and it io v.pb to find this censitive epot bdora its 1ibre, which nnce11.hingly oec!llatos in the as FoRT ELLrcit, nru., May 10. 1859. work is d one, T he other day this good centre. H ie Highness the Ga.ikwar of B11oroda.1 tba.o pie.ca of property west of t he :n11lroad 'i . stat ion wae offer ed to mo for $30 000." DR. B. J . Kll'lo "DALL Co., Enosburgh Jo'ulls,_yt.dall' Ia.dy 'a tall and fragile d!kughter took occMJfon his Highness the Maharaj ah of Koh a1mr, , v " ' Gentlemen:- I always keep your n.en s and sever al obher na t ive princes aM eald to " LB!!. Spo.vln Cure o.nd Bll·t or on h!<ud to n.il at her proportions. 1.,... ·,...,....__ " I hear that it was aold lasb ye!l.r for , ~h~tt';.et,1 1~';',~"~'1.,-:,~·w1'Uu~~. 1 " l don'b ca.re, Julia," oxclaimed her have offered more t h an 100,000 rupees for I h/J.ve ourod ubad CllSeor S]Jnviu ~OAu:S mother; " whsn you're a!I big i.s I am you'll this uniqu e jewel. The uame and ad dress $75,000." " It Wl\S 11 ! and also two cases or Rlngbono N of the owner a.re .l!'r a.mji D'Ada.bha.l Govekat", Goode C ?.tchfl-·BY J ove l whar a shaming be a good d eal bigger." ' l of ye..,... standing on m ar e s which " WEa.t short-dghted people acme of u s · I bougbt to breci'l !ram, and have T 11or !l.pur, Bombay Preatdency. cnmturo Mny Blossom is. a.r e I H&d I bou,l<t at $ HO 000 I could now not seen any ·lgns or disease tn ot M ies Chevlons- Indeed I r · ,. their oitspring. Yours t r11l y, ~ D. J . O'~Ell'l'2<. The D nke of Sutberla.nd has been vfoit- pr obablv soil for 100,000, fh1nk of that . ~ A prominent London correspondent be! G oode C11otche- Ye2 ; you know uhi;'e so A ND l"\L L StiMMER COM PLJ\.tNTS " M d f i d 1 t sele you · Prloo $1 per bottle, or six bottles tor !!!~- A 11 l!evaa there a~e two murder fiel!.d8 connected ivg hi.s eetate 3 ln the north, and was warmly y ear r en ' e mv con · drug1r:tstsirnvo ltorcun get·ttoryou, or ltwlll ba w ell. pois<Jd, uo nnre ~,f h erself. AN D F LU XE S OF Tl-IE BOWELS with th~ ~h1teolmpel ~rimes, and thab the ~ec(~ lved bv t h a fishermen at Helmednle, T bat piece of property oa.u ba b ought to-day sent te> any addre.;8 on receipt or price lJy the MiE2 Cheyiou~-Well, she cughb be; IT IS SAFE. AND RE:LIABLE FO.R. la.t est v10.t1m wo.a n ot killed a.nd C!l.rved up hir. v.' ng r eapooded to t heir appeals for !Ill· for $15,000, Xhe boom ha.e pa.seed."-[N. f[-£P'i:\~tg,r·itEirnALL co., Enosburgh Fallo, Vt. she hu.s known herself leng enougb- ( frust . Y. Sun. SOLD BY Al·L DRUGGISTS. by the ocmmt ilio " J 111ok the Ripper, eiPt:anoe iu the ertll.ltlion of a ha.rblilr. ~AIL.PREN OR ADUL.TS~ ' vv J!,,;i;. - 1f' IIomaSanitaticn. r. I i PIM IT STOPS THE S S~~:! ~r~p~ia~ ~n~oTna~e'?. F EPPS'S COCOA BftKING POWDER GART~f&°"CO:: F Cook's Friona ° J, M, BRil\ AC('JMBE CHADWICK'S lEtrr'Hfifo~a SPOOL C 0 TTO J. EVELEIGH &CO. JOHN SPENCER~ HOTEL BALMORAl. S v JAMES DEYMAN PEA~S' LEATH ER BOARD PALMER &SON Dominion Organs I I I I ·SOAP.* DR. _ FOWLEHS '·EXT:OFi: -.·VVILD RECKtTT'S . BLUE. ! KENDALL'S SPAVHI CURE!J ',TRAWBERfil HOhER~ R AMPS holera .MorhuS ,?I :;;~ I IKENDALL'S Sf A 'fHi CURE a " ~ · YSENTERY IARRHffiA · ' j l b t t'"