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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1889, p. 8

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BargRins For All! BEFORE WE Mov·E. The ·L ARGE CHOICE - -- AND- - E:NNISKIJ 1 L EN. Among the visitors : Mr. A. Sylvester, Lindsay ; Mre. Meh1 u:g, Toronto .... Quite a number of pJ'izea came t o our villuge from the r ecent W est, Durham :Fair held in Bowmanville, Miss MacLaren carrying off a large number of first prizes for oil painting and drawing. Mr. .J. P. MacLaren alao secured I\ first prize on an oil painting .... Mr. C. N. Callander spent last week at Trinity Medical College, 'foronto, Dr. Niddery taking charge of his school. ~----~~~ OSHAWA. ' Mr. Wm. Jewell, of W. Jewell & Son. who was sick, is better. Mr. John Dickie contemplates erecting a. large double dweJling houee. There will be a Grand Assembly in the Muaic Hall, Friday evening. Oct. 11. Mrs. M. Thorne visited friends in Muskoka, at. Huntsville and Dwight. Wm. Bambridge is making extensive improvements t o his carriage factory. The Malieable Iron Co. have at the present time a full staff of men at work. Your Life In Danger. In fa.ct, you can get the for all kinds of marketable produce. Capt. Wellwood and Lieut. Mansfield, Take time by tho forelock ero that of the Salvation Army, have been transCQrDo not forget the stand-The West Stiore in the White Brick rasping.hacking cough of yours carries you ferred to Kingston. Block, directly opposite their old stand. A call solicited and patronwhere so ma11y Consumptives have pre· The handsome new Corliss En~ine in the McLaughlin Carriage Co's Factory, ceded you; lose no time, but procure a age thankfully received. bottle of the ra.tional remedy for Lung was started on Wednesday. and Bronchial Diseases, Scott'8 Em1~l8ion A large quantity of barley is going to of Cod Live1· Oil with Hypophospl11ite~. It Oshawa harbor, but not more than about will cure yoa. Sold by all druggists, at 10,000 bushels have been sold. 50c. and $1. 00,. Mr. and Miss Garrow, wl10 were visit· ing Mrs. Stephen Thorne. Oshawa, have returned home to Scugog I sland. Mr. J. vV. Bor~berry will make hie Mr.Jas. Pellow-happy, by securing l<;iiiiiiiii;;;;;:., a new plate glass front for his stove em[ porium. T he formal opening of Bishop Bethune College to<,k place on Tuesday, by tho Bishop of . t ho Diooese, Dr. Sweetman officiating. Mrs. Andrew Hall, who has been ill RE for some months, was tak.,n with an apHaving decided on giving up the Dry Goods business, all our large and· polectic stroke on Tuesday last and passed · ti · f · t Sick Headache anrl relieve all the troubles inci . well assorted stock of qme Y away ID a ew minu es. dent to a. bilious state of the system. such as Dr. Ed win Morris.of Toronto, a former J)i7.ziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after resident of Bowma11ville, is to become a eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most near neighbor, having rented Col. Mul1·emarkablse succel ss !ems beenKshown iu curing ligan'a reaidenco, north of Oshawa. will be sold Mr . McGee is no longer Mayor of Oshawa, as on making an assignment he Heada.c!Je, yet C.ARTER's LITT!.E LIVER Pn.r.s · 46 8 l"' M nre eq1mlly vnlunble in Constipntion, curing vacates Ius eeat. v, c. l , s. 1G. r. andpl'eventin g thi~annoyingcrnnplaint. while J. S. Clarke, I-teeve, is acting .in the cathey also correct all disorders of the st.omach, pacity of Mayor temporarily. stimulate the l iver aud regulate the bowels. --o-The Uxbridge Guardian Rays on the Even if thH .ey onlyEcuredA 1st of October :M:r. T. W. Chapple took A LARGE STOCK OF over the law business of lVIr. J. A. M c. Gillivary. Mr. Chapple continues bmiAche they would be almost priceless to those ness in his present commodious office who suffer fromtheir this goodness distressing complaint; does not end but fortum·tely over Gould Bro's. Bank. n-Ir. Theo. h ere, and those who Ollce try them will Jlnd a1 e just to hand and will be sacrificed to clear out at once. ·11· t' · 0 l thcse littlepillsvaluableinsomnnywaysthat M c G1 tvary commences prac ics m 3 1tttey will not he willing to do without them. It will pay buyers to inspect our stock bef0re purchasing. awa.. Butafterallsickhend ACHE · h eld very interesting Harvest Home Services, on 28 th ult. E xcellent sermops were preached bv Rev. f · S. T. Bartlett, of N ewtonville. The ofiR the hane of RO many lives that herP i~ where -::::::===~:::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: feri n gs were libet·al and general. Rev. J ~~j,;f~~l~~e~~rdr~~~~~ boast. Our pill~ cure it 39. : - - -- ·- - - - - YV. 'l'otten reported for the day $110 .00 CAnma's Ln"l't.E LIVER PILLS are very small ".EJVC .< i:)'l'LE. SU.LIN .A. put on the plates. More has since been and very easy to take . . One 01· two pilis make .CJ. a dose. 'l'liey are s trictly vegetable and do 1" ~ f t handed in. not gripe or purge, hu t \Jy their gentle action . oss. an d J oaepl1 1.iar at - - --- - - --·· please all who use them. In vials at 25 c"nts; A wedding is expected in town Bl10rtIy· I Mesers, A: .R Winter is coming. have beeu v1sltmg m Woods tock . ... Mr. ORUNO. five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. Mrs. Henry Brent · is .expected home Scott _ h ,as rented the McLean farm, M'rs. Miller is visiting lier friendl! at CAllTEll MEDICINE CO., New Yvrk. t k Welcome sout h of H.i.mpton ... . Mr. John Ashton Coldwater. 'i.31'11, "'m~ll "0~111 . ~m~ll "r1'c11 ne~ wee · . .· · has been sick for some time, a.ho Miss Willi I Ii ill II Ii~ lil a i' if ~r. Chas. W1lm?t 1s ~u. of town . on E. A wde., .. Visitors : Mr. Job ThompMr. Wm. Biet.te, wife and family, are busmess m connection with the Fisheries. son, of Woodstock; Mrs. Wm. Frnyn, of visiting at Mrs. John McComb's. We are glad to learn that Mr9. John Brooklin; Capt. Werry and wife, Trenton. Rev. J . A. McKeen, B.A., assisted in Extends his thanks for the very liberal patronage he reRillch is recovering from her late illness. ----------Communion Servicea at Port Perry two ceived since commencing busiI!ess. His Stock being Ne·w Dr. Chandler is removing to Toronto HAYDON. weeks ngo. ·i:md Stylish and his prices very moderate, is no doubt thell&.Xb week. His removal is universally Mr. E. T. Slemon has retllrned t o ColMiss Olive Morrison, Bowmanville, was reQreHed. lege, Cobourg . ... The Hunt Club was visiting friends here, t he guest of the cause of his success. Mr. Tom Allan hr.a rented a farm out not out la~b Sunda,y. Steady, b oys.... Missea Tamblyn, 'l'he disphy of carriages made by B.. n ear Hampton and will move out there Mr. F . Brirnacorube ia home, but leaves n e:x:t spring. great attractions at the lak e··· · Mr.. W. Fost er at Clarke Fair did his establish. h S h 1A . t t h B road was at 'l 'oron to Friday to a ment great credit ' Miss Pooke, II · 1g c 00 ssis an · ns pr<1fcssiomil eye doctor, who thinks he begun her duties ·here and is boarding will not lose the sight of his eye . . .· VisiH . W. Renwick and Ed. Birch de3erve at.Mrs. D avidso ri'a. t.ors: JYlr. and Mrs. Hockey, Tyrnne; great praise · for their lin1 collection of l.- 200aore farm, 160 acreR cleared, balaTM"' lf J C · · t t t :r p onltry at t he ]<~air. good hardwood ·with some cedar. l\'OOd bank barn < l0x60. qood frame house, well fenced. well l\,... r . oe unison JS gomg ·o s ar a n ew l\'Ir. J. i.Brown, .Newcastle ; and Mr. J .W. J . W. Kerr, E sq., Cobonr~, advertises wo.tcred, river . and wells.. clnse t.o station anll b utcher shop in this town. vVell, opposi· Brimacombe. tion is tho life ot trade. in TuE S'.rATESMAN a valuable farm in the village, orchai·d &c. Price $0.000. 1 Teur has bou!!ht out Mr. 1'YnON 1 1 . 8th con. of Clarke. ,L-20G acres, 70 cle. ared. balance hard·wood, ~ a.Rh and oak. sai!l to oe !;ii5UU worth or oak on Mr. Harry DE!:tth (!:mkcr), but is not going to take 1 · 1\faater ~rchie Campbell is sick with \Vhat's the matter with the Port Hope tbis place, !ill good land, log buildings, a b,_ ~ ---:o:.p()lijless10n £o1· a week or two. mflam mation of t ho l no!!s .... Mrns Maud editors 'I They seem to h:we overlooked gain some worker; nsmall a mount down ~ buys to this place. Prlce $6.600 Mr. Chas. Baki;r went away fast vVed- Cade r eturned h (> me on Saturday, after Clarke Fair entirely. 11.- RAa,ntiful 200 acrns, 170 clea,red, :io acreR ams<lay to look for a farm n ear Toronto. . 7 years' stay in St. Marys .. ,. Mr. W. M essrs. Robt. Colvill e and J ohn Ren- good hardwood. F'ine clay loam, rolllng land.. " 1rs. lVIcL :.1ughlm 1s · Ju ' d g a a t tl · · k t t h f t h e well H acres orchard, two good dwelling A hou·tl We shall be sorry to ooae .'"' _·.._r. and .il ·,l e Cen t ra l F &tr, wtc are execu ors o t e estate o fiuialied. epdti1<s and wellstln" 1 B'aiker from our town. I Cobollrg, to-day, on heavy horses.. . .. late Johu '.l'oms, of Newcastle. home. Price $10,000. We are sorr" to learn that Ar thur Sim- Some one stole Mr. G. ~- Jardin .e's Mr. vVm. Newsom has returned home 6. -150 acres, fine rolllng land, 125 oloo.rod, :o---e:--' water mtilon 8 1 t we>k Sh mo ou extra. wflll fenced, 3 ocreR orehard, fine baolr :W.{)1> S h ud his right hand badly injured i . as e~· . a ' Y from British Columbii1 to take charge of, barn 56x60, stable '10x12 all on sto"e walls 10 St. WEDDING RINGS, SCARF PINS, CHAINS J,OCKE'r8 AND CllAlU.iS Thursday of last week whiie working I smners ··· ·.Mr. Rfrn. uardi ~or left for his father's hardware business. ~ high, driving house 26x40. ne w tine bl'ick house 00 IN EVERY STYLE, AT ALL PRICES. · . f ·-h .'o shop but is <loin" well Cnbourg on Wednesda.y, havm~ s ~cured, 2Gx38, kitchen Ux20. w. shed 20x20. good well!!', · In 1 11a a, ex ~ ' " · a situation i n tho Car wMks .... ..~lr. W. The great. attraction for the ladies on cisterns &c.· will sell or exchange for small$ --- : :-~_ . '.I .'here i_ s ,to. be a p arlnr ' concert ou t i'.Lt Jewell h . as move. d into M _ r . .S.M. Clemens' F .tir dav was Mrs. T. Vinson's case of ptopA rty. Price $7.500. Terms to suit. Rem~mbe~ mv Goods are guarranted to be ju~t aa represented. 11"""· G, Th a Oct ] Otl n fine milliner. u those lovely bonnets. 19.-11() acres very :line land, 100 cle! flM 1 WATCH REPAIRING att11nded to as usual, Promptness and skilful work.a~ . · al'Vtn 8 ~ ~n urs ay , ~. · · new b~wk houae. It 1s tbe fines t farm ·' bank barn and driving house 54xGG and 30xcr~. ;ud of l\ir ·. Bru,e Munroe. A ve~y good house m these parts . . . . \VH congratulate Ezra Hall's "Burnham \Vood" is a pi(.? pen J8x30. very flne stat>ling. .Brick holl3<!1 manship- my motto-and all work warrant ed. · 11··abel N ort hcott, valuable h orse, if Mr. Albert, '.ramblyn'a 26x3!. F rame kitchen. hrmseonl.v 3years 0114 t .r,gram 1s ex-pected. We _leru:n t hat 1 our young friend, "11 Your patronage solicited. P """' C ] d M M b 1 " 98 .1.u. good wells, fiuo orchard. Iota of cvorgreOll:I) ,: .l.Y.":_~3 Nora . o ema~ an . iss a e · on obtaining lat priz'~ fo r best piano blood colt is a fair R pA r.imen of his get. fine ro!Lds, everv convenience. Only $ 7,000 ' BreE t arG gorng to t~ke part. ll playmg . .. . Oapt. Huuter took charge of Mi:, C. J. H1.1ghgon's cl1estnut mare 15.- 100 acres,80 cleared and well t ile drain~~ 1\,r A d M A A G b , b 20 acres bush, large bttrn, 11:ood house, nice or· l .. . . m.r. l S A . corps h er~ Ias t weer tie~ · au r. . . ams vs rown rrmre cho.rd,a squ·u-e huudi·ed bushnent'. to dwelling, NETY HA VEN. E . Clemens won 1st ::md 2nd prizes o n would be h ard to beat typical of their very well fenced, a beautiful home. poi;lars 'fi{ d h b . ·r I shoop at Port Perry and ::Jrd prize on olass. and evergreena. Price $1.500 .n ,Ylr~. :fas. R \ · or en 115 een visi rng , his horws .. .. Mr. Thoe. Jardine, a~. ,and S <>me of our Clarke boye lost various .12·- lOOacres, 65 c}ea~ed, nice rollin~ I.and. "Il"S l " Toronto " . . rich soil, bank barn 36xGJ and other bulldmg!I, frl " · ... ~ · · I wife bave moved in with their dauo-hter sums of money on Fair day with a sharper fram e house 26x36, kitchen 18x18, will be sold Mr. Albert Witherid~e h~s been home\· Mrs: Harri~, on King street, "Mapl~ at the nnt shell game. JCxporience der.rly I chMp, ti me to pay, near tl~e whole amoont if fov:,a few days on th11 srnk lrnt. I\ Shade." . ... Onite a number from here b ht b ' des1red. $~OOrlown onys this farm . Prwe$1000. · oug ' oys . I 26.-lOO acres. 75 cleared. 25 acres good hard. Miss Lilly Oke has gone to Port Perry a tt ended t ae social at Mr. Robt. Virtue's The popula.r a gent of th e D. O. & P . wood.rolline:la:od, rich .clay loam, very well t oethe fair an d to visit frie1;cls. !' on Thursday night. They must have had Co of Bowman ville Mr J·as Deyman fonocd, tramo oarn t0x61, st!'bles 20xi0, g()od 'Vancamp and three chi'ldren a J ·_olly time to keep t_ h.em so Jato. The h a a" a num b er of fi 110 ' ma . - t. rum-0n · t ' $3.800. dwelling house.good wells, mce orchard. Only s 011 ex(Must be sold.) M-rs. Tllof!. h ave. been visiting friends bout Chdt- chicken was very enticrng, no doub l; · · · · hibit at the 1rair. 18.- 100 acres, 50 cleared, new bank barn o.nd ,,,,., The trusteeg h '1ve settled on repairing good frame house. stone cellar. board foncea in h " "L· ... h at once a ·t fi n1s . h ec1 We ars pleased to see the youn" .. M. All T ull th e caurc ..n d t o h ave i "' far- c ron t . square 1rnn dre d , ou1y 3 , ooo· .A b argam , V r. an r b X b" · M mers, the Chapman's and Arthur Powers, to some one. M r L evt ancamp, - OF0 ur new com mat10n, essrs. ,, .M J T 11 h e back y mas. . . f I.,.. . b t' . tl I d ·>o ·o 11 I d l "'t 600 e.o.u1 r · . ease ru live goo T . T. Jardine and .Ti>s. Mooni, secured o .> y, mee 10g wt . 1 suc1 gran sue·.-., acres ne on , on y.,., , n o:i;bh huntmg doer. . the road J. ob let by Councillor B. rent lMt cess as horse breeders. 21.- 50 a.cres good land, fine frame house a1mt 'I'h d h f h I J W l h . barn. well fenced, $2,200. While Master J ames Cur was turning, wef k, Two heads are better than ono.. e eat o t e ate am~s a a is 22.- 52 a.ores fiueland, only $2,200. Close to · · corn sheller for Mr. Thos. Power he I , . vVe must congratulate our neighbors deplored by all who knew him. When 1 village. -ONslipp~d 11is finger between two cogs and who were so successful in ubt:\iuing so in life he was esteemed a ~entlemen in 23. 50 acres fine loam good, barn and stabloo; ha!.!l 1t badly mashed. many prizes at t he Fairs .... ·With sor- every sense of tho word very good house, well fenced, extra fine laud, · · only $2,100. Mm. Samuel Burgess has again started 1 row we publish the death of Mrs.S.Lobb, M~. Jae. _C_u~tle, Station Age,nt o~ the The above are a fe w of the farms we farming, having rented M rs. E . Stevens' daughter of Mr. R. Cawker, of this vyestem .D1v1s1on of the G. r. R, at otfe:r for sale 011 which we will Loan Prr. fa.liin and bought a team of horses from place, who left the~e p~rte fall for I·.e:rry, Mich., was ..ho~1~ for a couple of vate or Company's Money up t o -Ji vaiu&, and shall continue the same until the 3 lst of December. M~.. Joseph Langmaid the Far South .. .. Our stage d rivEl'r is days last week on a v1s1t. and in some cases more at 6 to 6$ pe!' .A moofl those who have been visiting going into apple buying. H e purchased ~frs. 1'. Vir_ison is abreast of the times cent. straight interest , repayable to suit \Ve have two strong reasons for this Cheap Sale, vi:r..: a r@ und ~'lere recl'!ntly are :Mr . J'. A. l\fr. It. Hodgso~'s last we.ek at a very this season with the largest and most purchllsers. Sweet, Toronto; M.r. and Mrs. J. L. low figure. . It 13 a c.old d a_Y. wh~n you stylish display of fall. and winter millinery Come and see the farms and have a lst.-We want and must have about $10,000 before the end 0£ chat. All farms shown to intending pur- the year. 'P'o wer of Cartwriaht· ··M1·s. J. B . StoTie get lefb, Billy···· Miss Nellie Bmgliam ever offered to an Orono public. needs quick selling to raise that large am0unt, a nd for · 0 f O."h'awa. · ., ' ' has re turned . horne. from h er visit aG Toh h · d h " ronto ..·. Mr. s. Bmgham's contracts for W . T. Bonathan's mammoth display of c a~ers, t e prices quote are t e termll- ~hat reason w_e will offer Extraordinary ~argai:us in every department, Mr. and M rs. Geo. Witheridge were ~ stoves was one of the leading attractions given by t he owners but other bargains m fact reductions of 20 to 25 per cent. will be made on every article · s ui;tdenly called tu Bedford, Ont., last barrels are now as Jargethis year as last .. . at the Fair. WQ venture t o say no finer may be made. ..,,,... d k th e1r . t1aug1 t .. Mr. T. Scott bought a fine team of d' t b f d t h 'b.t ' Wo · · onI y, 11e nee 2nd.-We have too much stock by one half, and in ord~r to cle~r ~·n~s ay woe ~10 ~ee I er, colts at Mr. Jno. R undle's laat week ; tsj)1 _ l>Y was .o . e oun a a ny ex i 1 10n · so11 on c omrmss10n :f.,t.zte (Mrs. P. English) who was very 1 th hb d to ·k C It outside the cities. Buyer's can rest assured we are not spec· out the bulk of it, we will offer goods at the Lowest vrices· ever seen - k · l · fl ,. d Jouri'sy a so some oroug. re 8 0 · · · · a J · ulatin" on tl1em Fare pa1 ·d 1 ' f ilot as rep sw wit l m . immthlOll an p" . Hunter attended the big go at Courtice . The st ore on the _west si~e of Main ' ,.., . - in Bowmanville. · A mona the names of those w ho rc-1 street, formerly occupied as a JBWelry s tore resented. ·write if you call not come. " -b M G M L · b · fitt d Money to loan at lowest rates. N .. B.---Parties not r eady to buy can take samples to.·'show ceiv<"d prizes at the Countv 'Fair in BowY r: eo. . c. ean, 18 emg re e their friends the Bargains we offer. If you once try Car~er's Little Liver and ·~11~ be occupied by l.Vlrs. Dancastel.' m.i1nvil!e were Mrs . 0. R. ·H all, Mr. D. Pickel, Mr. D . l'ollard, l\1r. E. G. / Pills for sick h eadacht>, biliousness or fo1 m1llmcry show rooms. Po wer & Son; Mr. O.R. Hall rJeo got a constipation, you will never be wi thout M r. T. A.Best's driver, over 15:} hand~, N orth Wellington Real Estate, Loan and seoond pri ze at Whitby sair for his year- them. 'I 'hey are pure!~ vegota ble,. sm11ll i won 1st prize instead of 3rd M r oported, G eneral Insuranoe Office. Bowmanville, September 30, 188!J. 3G. ling. colt ",Joe Brown." '\nd easy to take. Dori t forget tlns. !and Mr. A ud. Pollard received lat for· JUOOREl'IEl..D, ONT. LOW PRICES the. Our A trGtrS'I' SALES are · Largest Ever Done the Shopa ll WIN. best 3 year old carriage colt. Mr. P. Stalker got let prize on 1 year old entire draught colt. The Publisher of TuE S:rA.TESMAN has the thanks of our citizens for writing ui;> our town so well. We feel that we are keeping up with the progress of the lflth ctmtury, if what he writea is correct 'Tis a pity some of our Llourishing industries were overlooked, though. Come again, sir. The funeral of the late Mr. S. F. Newsom was largely attended. Rev. J . E . Howell, President of tha Guelph Confer· eace, and formerly Superintendent of this circui!, and Rws. J Thom and G. Edwards conducted the services a.t the house. Mr. Howell, deeply affected, paid o. geni;rous tribute to the memory of hie departed friend. Mr. News'o m was a kind and affectionate man, proof of which was given in his devotion to his sick wife, and tender regard for his children ; his death hae cast a gloom over Orono and township. The remains were interred in Bowmanville cemetery, on the 26th ult. l\'.lrs. Newsom, and her interesting family, have the sympathy of the community. Removed ! Removed l~ CAWKER & ALLIN Have removed to their new store, just across the street f1;om their old , stand, and by calling on th em, you will be convinced that the Mighty Dollar will buy a.s much Sugar, Tea. and all kinds of Groceries, as well ' a.s all .kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats, in thair "hop, as at any other !tote m the town. They buy solel.v for Cash, and calculate to give . their customers the benefit of it. They also pay Cash for all kinds of · Farm Produce---Eggs, Butter, Apples, Pears, Potatoes) Hides, Sheepskins, . Tallow, &c. W; h at You Q,a n Buy. CAW"KER & ALLIN·. 77 ats. All Wool Flannei A Good Union Flanne! 72~ ats. Excel. Cold Canton Flannel 70 ats. Excel. Shaker Flannel 10 ats. Still a Few Pieces of those Extra Value mE CARJER'S. R LS. TOD BROS. ----o---- 10 ct. DRESS GOf-DS. POPULAR BUJSifNESS · -· - ..A..T- cu Giving up Business. General Dry Goods "\fe intend to demonstrate to the public that we are doing the POPULAR PRICE~. D REGARDLESS OF COST .. FALL AND WINTER Due Bills taken as Cash '\t ou can Save l\!Ioney by calling on us. JOHN J M I !'.'· · SON GOODS· TODBRGB; 1.1. :.;.11 lVLA..Y-N A Rn. 'l'HE JEWELLER WHY GQ WEST J FARMERSJ LOOK HERE! Hon1esteads in Wellington and Adjacent Counties. ' THE NEW LINE OF HEAVYSII1VER -W--A..TOE:::ES f SlIOULD BE SEEN AT ONCE. I LADIES GOLD AND SILVEB W .ATC:EES AT .A.LL PRICES. I I "Md . 'S...Nd.BD The Jeweller." as VVE ARE NOW RE ADY and began our I I J' Great Clearing Sale DRY GOODS and CLOTHING i FRID.LI'.\Y, SEPT. 27th, n I 1 ALEX. MALCOLMSOH & CO., I ELLISON & COo Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ

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