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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1889, p. 2

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..TNECANADIANSTATESMAN .- -·--·-. -~ j A. JAMES ' ,~ . .. . - watertubeboueriatr...non~halftoone· -. · fifth of thickness of th" hea.tmg surface of TUE JIU.l·I.E. The Son ot a Begp;ar Becomes the Host 18 PUBLISHED ' ' -- · the or.dina!y boiler. ·t:ne~-' although the . All hail to thE' broad-leaved maple I PowerJ'nlNatlveRnler i n Africa, "EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING WHAT IMPROV..BM.EN'l WILL FOLLOW mebal 10 tlunncr, the p1aesu.e of the stean With it'a fair and ohangef.ul dress.!----- -TWIN SCREWS 7 m11y be higher becaun(' the t ubes are small, f t King Menelik II., with a vaab r etinue, is -BY· I d much larger heating A type o our young conn ry advflnci~ nor th to Adua, where a.Ii the King~ Jn d a.meter, au a very f ·f In its pride and iovelinees · 0 Whether in 11prlng or sui;nme~, of Abyssinia cr owned, Within e. few 'ftJ'lll" ... Th ... · i Models Are au IUght, .lntl it ls surface is obta.ined for ·iilooh oot .._ ... ..,. c .. rcscn grate surface weeks t he ceremony of coronation will be A.T THE OF:I!'ICE, a ctue~tlon or .lUore Power. l I h 0 t ' to a.void technicalities it is Or in the dreary F~l, performed. The new rnler of Abyssinia. will I THE aEsT 1 The announcement tha.t two new keels for ass:rt~d ~h JJ.b a ship could be desig~od on 'Msi~ ~a.t~r~'s. for:stf ~tildrenli Post omee 1n11dr, 1u11g Street, Bowman· be the most powerful ruler Abyssinia hi.s had ,. 0 -ville, Ont.ado; ablpstobei.tthereoordbotweenSe.ndyHo~k thelinesoftheCityof Paris which wouJ.d as ea.ires em a· for genera.tiona, for his kingdom includes riob FACTORY SUPPLIES. -t- IS+.and Queenstown were to be laid down. Ill develop one-third more powsr. One-third Down sunny slopes and valleys only the domain of the Into King J oho, bub , TERM~: Valves, Iron & Lead Pipe, the Ulyde next season ha~ set the nauho!!.l more power would not make her a four-cl1 i.v H er graceful form is seen, 1 1 M alto Shoa, Menelik '$ own country, in the 1 c U8lN S GtNUIHE Loose Pulley Oilors,Steam f!l'J,M> per Annum, n ll\l.00 If pald In sharps a-speculating on what points in the ship, bub it would increase her speed J?Grhaps Her wide, unbrageous branches aoutbern partl of the Abyssinian ighle.oda, atl-vance. Jet Pum 'ps, Farm Pumps, conutructton of the ships efforts for improve· two knots an hour. It would bnng the The sun-burnt rl'la.per screen ; where Menelik has long had an army of l CO, - ! Pa:vmen~ etrlctly in ndvnnee required from. sub- ment will be by the designero. Wind M ills, Crenm Separ· A r~cord well below nvo days and a half at 'Mid the dark-browed firs and cedars 0()0 men, abont one·fourt h of whom on.rry 1 ' l<!rlbera out.ide of the county. .oraers to d1sco11; casual look at a modern ship and a. consid-, 1md at the time deore!l.BG the H ar livelier colors shine, ators, Dairy and Laundry improved firea.rms. tlnue the pop<.r must be accompomed by .fhe arnount · .. Like the d!!.wn d a brighter future Utensils. Meuellk's father, K ing Haelou, heard j No Alum. due, or the popor ,,.ill rot te stt-pl_'6<1. Subscrlbe1e en.tion of the speed obtained by tho q~een consumption of cos.i. Nothing Injurious. ue reaiionslble un tit tun payroeu~ is made. of t hem all will moat peoplo believe There is always the poss1b1hty cf someOn the settler'a hut of pine, one dfly tha.11 a woman of ~triking bea.ut y 536 CRA!G STREET, JU.TES 011 ..t.DVERTISIKG : ' S§!5 th11t tbe new twin screw ships are a.bout as thiIJg new coming up, or u.t lea.stl the new was Beeking a.Ima a n the doors of the pa.laceMO NTR EA L. ·'Vl"hole OoJnmn, one yea.r .... . ..... ..... $60 00 ~:§F;; ne11r perfection as possible n.o'Y· ~nd yet 1.10 development of so'me old princ~ple in ~~cia.m· She crowns the i:ileaaant hill-top, Re sent for her, and was so greatly impre3" ·· Hl\lfyear ........... 36 011 ~ Whispers on breezy downa, eed by her cha1·ms that he intr oduced her " " Ono quarter...... .. 20 00 ~ one really nuppoaes ~bat the hm1b has h~en ship transporta.tion; buti nothmg ra.awal!Y among the women of his eato.bliahment. Hall Colnmn one year ............ · · · ~ ~~ ~ relched. The question pvopl~ are Mkmg now, like the placing of screw propellers 1n And castn r efreahfog shadows O'er the streets of our busy towns ; is wha!J will be done next to improvtl the the bow, as well as the ete1·n, will be adopt" Half year...... · . .. .. . vv When 11. little boy W lhB born t he king 11n1id he 1 One quarte~.. .. · .. ···· 12 50 _ shipn? ed for tho Atlantic paokets until such new She gh.ddena the e.ching cveba.11 1 · would not recogofzd hl m ns hia aou unle~u Quarter Coluir.i1 one yeii,r .......... 20 00 His j uab aboub ten ye!\rB since the Alaska eystem ha.a been well tried elsewhere. A Sheltern tho wea.ry head, in the course of years he shower! a striking " ·· Bu,J.fyea~ .......... . 1260_ resemblance t o hit Mnjesty, A s the boy " ·· One qu~.rter ... · . .. . 8 00 _ 6 cleaving through tho waber . at a rate Liverpo·:il liner costs v. mi.llion or more, and· And eca.tters her crimson !llories tha.t iowered the ra.tefor Sn.ndy Hook pass- no suuh sum as that will be invested in an ~rn lines 11ndm1d J~rst !nse1·t!on ¥0 60 'On the graves of the s1lant dead. grew up he C1'me to look very much like his I 'Ench subsecp1en inaertiCJn ..... 0 2Ji _ ages from above to below sev~n days. Dtll· experimenti. Pcopellern hi . the bows royal father, and the king named him as hist .From·lxtoten 1lneA flrst.ln.eertlon O 7~ _.. in?. bhe time that has passed since ehe earned working with grea.t economy m a few ahort- W hen Winter's frost are yielding h eir, though he had other sons who t houqht E;.cb aubeeQutm t Insertion . ·.. . O 31, _ a grand reput"'tion eight new L iverpool distance ferries, bub it will be a. long time To the oun's returning away, they had better rig11t to the throne. The Over ten lines, flrstlneertion,pe.~lin O 1G -10 liners been built 1ind put in commission before there will be all Atla11tic ferry boa.ii And merry groups are ~peeding Ench tnbBeauellt insertion 0O Smost powerful native r uler in Africa t o-day To sug1or woods awu.y. to break the record, and ali ~ut ooe, the with a propeller 110 l.Jcated. Tha.t t he bow .'fl:ie number of lines to be reckoned by the1is, therefore, the ~on of a beggar womatt, '&J>ll<'e OCC)JP!ed, meneured by " ~co.le of aolld.Aurania, vroved wonderful ships. Of the propeller will come twenty-five yMrs frCJm The s weet u.nd welling jaices, a ud his mother r13centlv was nt ill alive, STEEL-LIHED TFIUNKS Nonparo1l. 1Which form t heir welcome spoil, rest, the Oregon, the America., the Umbria, now, however, ia believed by many en~in e1>joying high honor in Shoa, Iu Sn.mple, L·dles' and nnd t he Etruria. were built without a_ny eers, becnuae the wboel eo looatec is uu- Tell of t he teeming plenty, all other kinds. .l:'hysim~lly tho KiDg ia not an impreeaive f h f b h ffi · th t . G, JlleEl!llBON, M. D. CJ · .l!!!. ltl, (;, r. s. Which here w1>its honeat toil. AC mdice.l depo.rture rom t a tJyp? o w _w queetiom~bly much more ~ 01.ent an o p erson. He is e.lmoet coal black, short, and Lightest and strongest AND SURGEON N IIYSICIA · · t the Alaska had been the queen Ill her aa~. the atern d 11mpy · .Un!ikehle uncle, Ras Da.rghe, a nd TRUNKS & Mcifl~~!:i.ffe~s:i;nt~:.teolB~es~d~!l~:':~e _They were OI the possibilit-y of propelling a abip_by Wbm eweot-toned Spring, sofb breathing, o tllers among his chief advisers, he is very .8reaks N!\ture's icy sleep, In the World , Presbyterian Manse. Blackstock. BIG. SHARP SHIPS, some other mebhod than the sctew nothm1:: friendly to Europearm, a.a.d w:i.nt s to in- For· Hand and nsed be, bomu:rne, whil"' <i. good many And the forezb boughs :mi swaying .l l iachine Use. &. troduce their arts into his country. He has Like the green wav~s of the deep ; with bigger und 5toutcr boilers bigger inventora ai:e at work on the problem, t hey DIU!. llULIER tfi LA U.rtUltlA~. a remarkable fondnssa for me.chinery and HAS NO SUPERIOR. In bar fair 1md budd ing benut y, MONTREAL, HYSICIANS, SUR GE 0 NS, ETC am1 more powerful engines the.n the Alaska are a.ccompliahing nothing, implements of all sorts, a.nd his gre1.1teab A fitting emblem ehe Office :-Cor. Church f·ll 'J Temperance bad. 'l'hey all had s, single propeller at tbe S olel!frs. for theDominion delight io t oexumine their meoha.nism. Ex:ASK FOR IT. Of this ciur lan.d of promise, :sts. Nigbt cnlls attendecl Jlcm Di. ililliers stern to drive them. \They wore a.11 good plorers a11y he ruined about a. dozen watches residence. Of hope, of lib:irty. six-d01y l:loBts. They were ·an elegantly Revealed. and ah.rm clocks, taking t hem a.par~ and · 8, 0 HILLIEB, J\· T. D. . B. LAll<MlM.ANi M: D. C. M. Trin. Univ. furnished, and as each one came ouc and trying to pttt t bem together again. H e A debect·'ve, who had bP.en very aucces~fol made a swift passage, the smiling agent in diacovcr[og and arresting under Aud when her lea.ves, all crimson, " Fellow or Trm, Med, College, becl\me ab last, however, quite a proficient ltlON'.IrREAL. J\llem ber Coll. Phys. Surg., ont . and fall, Droop eilentlv oho.rged n.nd ea.oily obtained $500 for a trip we.ton t inkerer, Notr e Dame St.. one of the 1nost central every diai;iuise,, la.bely, "I have but one Like drops of life-blood welling - - - - - - ---in Dhe choice~t of the state roome. and elegantly f u rnishtJtl Hotel81n the City. Severo.I ago Mr. Cbefoeux t ook t he D R11Mli 8J!Ml'SON, From a warrior brave and tall: Acoommodatlon for 400 guests. In the E~ruria., with a record that r ule to guide me. I obtain a picture of the King aa a preEent from nhe F rench Govern.u nns·nc l. SOLICITOR, &;c. MOPRIS lu,cked less t han t wo h;iurs of the five-day man and examine h is eyo. Then I aoaroh They tell how fast a.nd fr eely Rntes : . WOO DRUFF, ment a mitra.illeuee. For convenience ,,f for ths.t eye. Every other fenture of his "Fl OC'H, ui;stairs, Kivg Street. Howman· Would har childr en's blpod b e ~ bed, ~:l to $3 per day. 1 1 Manll4!er. llmit, it apparent t hat the utmost face, together with hi. c:uryiug h b ii.d been taken to pieces and ·Ule. F.ollcitor for th<' Ontari Bank g height, his size, his Ere the soil of our faith and freedom ~peed s.btaina,ble from a ningle screw had cornps.ctly packed. The weapon reached the !'>' ha t~ Mo»<·l'~ l<'.~"ed at the lowest !~!~s. dress, he cau alter. Bub h is eye he cannot Should echo a. foema.n's tread , been re1.1ched. No prnctical packet ship change. That tells the story," DOMINION King aevera.l says before the traveller did, PEA~S' .JehD Jli.elth GalbY&Uh, could do better with one screw, b~c'l.uae it and verv much to Mr. Chefneux'a aetonish ~ gentleman who ha.a long a study Then hail to the bro11.d-leaved Maple I A .A. RR IS TE R OLXCITOR, NOTARY wonlcl not bo po~sible ~o load 11. single screw men11 he found the vre1>pon proporly put S o le Ag'ts tor canad a, PUBLIC, &;o. Oftlce-Bounsall's mock, with eMugh more power to increase her of amateur photography seserts that ita chiefl With her fair and cha.ngeful dresstogether u.nd moun ·ed. irhe King h!ld mad., lnl!" $ 1 .rnat. Howmo.nviUe. . Moxi.11y t~ lwd, spsed. In the City of New York a r&dioal intereat to him lies in tihe unconnclous revel- A type of our l'out hful country Manufacturer& 0£ a. careful study of the meche.llism of fi reurme, Ci a.tion of characber iu o. photogr aphed face. In its pride ar.d loveliness; depn.rtura wa.a by using twin screws. and with the aid of a' picture of a mitrnilleuse ILLBOARD DBS, JmeLAIJGJll.IN & REITll, Wholesale Imp'trs of nSBESTOS M " If a m~n have a.ny noble or mean t rait Whether in Spring or Summer, lrhe Ci by of New York ha.a not yet bea.t the llltont he had prepared this little enrpriae for t ho DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, Steam Pacldna-, in bis na.ture, unknown to the world, Or In the dreary Fall, .OFFIOK :-MORRIS' BLoqr. Bow:MANVILL& Eb rurfa, but her slat-er ship, the City of white man. 'Mid Nature's forast children, 1743 NOTIIB D AE S T ., f)r,J, W,MoLAUGHLrN, I Dr. A. Bn:rra:, Gradu Paris, has done so beyond the possibility of iv comes cub in his photograph." . (['he King i2 gentle and amiable t o those FRICTION .Ha.wtborne deolared bha.t domin<l>nt family Sh~'a fairesb of them all. MONT REAL. rt.1centl.ate of the Royal I e.te of the Toronto ~a.vii. She ha.a crossed the Atlantic at twenty who have bis friendship, but he baa been + · · · + · · · .......... ~iollege of Physicians l\nd likenesses were always revealed ia BY REV. H. F. DARNELL, PULLEY BOARD, · !Jld member of the Umvers1t:r, l:'hys1cu1.n knots an honr from port to port. It baa traits . guilty of a.eta of gross oruelty a.nd 111 j ustilce to these e&n·dra.wn picbure&, even thongh they ,Roy&! College of Sur· Surgeon, &;c, takan ten ye1us of labor in designing ships might not be visible on the rea.l faces of the (4 Thu u a Perfect F rictimt oonquered enemies. He has largely wideur1oone, Edinburgh, to lower the rEcord for 2.800knots by ~wenty· Figurea will not lie, but the female figure ed tne boundaries of Sholl. by conquering the alx hours. · aitterP. :fierce Galla tribe8 a.round him. He has These assertions, if correct, only 111nstr~te will fool a. man onco ln a while. DR,.J. CJ, lllIT4JUEI.J,, It wa,s not wholly due t o twin screws some men of ability among his Genenls and EM.BER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS the.t the record was brought below six days. a truth which is as old as mankind : foat, Tne i.;z1r, knowtng une poverty of Ilia councillors, and t o them m1}ch gf his prestige as go by, the char11cter of a man writes father-in-law, pays a.II the expenses of the r' f Surgeon a, Ontario, Coroner, etc. There been improvements in engines aa is a t tributed. PeraonallJ,7 he is not oonspic· ·Olfl ·e and Residence. Enn15killen. 7<&. indelibly npon hie faoe. family gathering a.t Fredensborq. well. These improvements consist il3 triple itself uoua as a wa.rrior, and in most t hings ho Not only the action, whetiher mean or THE B EST FOR LAUNDRY USE. expa.nsioo, instea.d of double, in the expand- noble, but tho seoreD thoughts which The German Co11r!J drees is to be re· shown himself ea.sily influenced by hiu hns DB. ll. CJ. McDV'W' Jl!J.J, ng of the ~team twice instead of once. never put into cleeds,-the sensual imagin· modelled after !l.n nncient costume, which 11dvfoera. But he is dietioguiehed above ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE a.bion, the cruel purpose, the ld b y hope, the comprised knee breeche9, buckle shoes, a t hem all for hia foillh in the advan ~age '.If ENGINES OF VASTLY GBEATER l'OWER of Pbyeiolane, London, ~;ng.;Member _of kind fouling, all tlie~e record them6nl vea sword, a three-cornered hat, and a.lso a peri- d rn.wing useful lessons from oivilizsd counColltge ot Physiclans-anel Surgeons, Ontario. SURG1'P.Y 4ND RESIDENCE:-Renr of Messrs without the enormous increase in size, which upon the feu.turea, or at some uuex~eeted wig. tries, H e <loea not like missionacies, l1owHigginbotharu's Drug Store, Bowmanvllle, grea.ter power on thfl old pllln would have moment peep out at the wl.'rld fro ,n bshind The town cf Windso1·, N. H., hns increas· ever, In 1885 he kep b two Swedish miaaio116-lyr.* demanded,· ,were obtained. trhe boiler in the eye. edits populat ion by four and its buildings &ries practically prieoners in bis chief town the fire rooms were increased in aiM and The sin which we welcomed as a pleasant by two in t he ll\at eleven !Chere has for ten months, and then senb them back to 'WH. BINGDA.M, thicknees of Bhflll to Increase the prc.duction In youth may te h11>teful to ua in been nothing like a boom, but the growt h bhe coast. Since then he hns expelled all SSUER OF MABH.IAGE LICENSES, of steam and withstand an inorea.sed pres- guest middle a.2e, but we can never a.gain make it has been on its merits a.nd steady and per- the Fi:-ench Co.tholic and Germa.n missionResidence, Enuiekillen,, sure. Engineers of middle age remember a stranger to us. Some look or mark in our manent. Windsor fl11ottere herself tha.t she aries from his country. when the steam pressure in marine boilers faces betrays to a keen observer that we has oome to stay.- [Datroit Free Press, The King was very angr;; at the deoiaion ran from ton to :fifteen pound· to the square were once familiar with 1b, cf t he ~reat po'.l>ers to forbid the importa11 · (), lllJNKUG Ocean steamers oan now go to Mt1tadi, at Among the luperatitioua legends of the tho head of navigation on the lower Congo, tion of :firearmi a.nd gunpowder into the ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR inch. Now the pressure may be set down · · the County or Durham. Sales attended at 160 pounds, :l'he force exerted on the Scotch there manv stories of an unclean, t he poln~ from which th e rl\ilroad is to start inter ior of Airioa. H e is,- however, in ~ ·t ., on shortest notice a.nd lowest rates. Address propellers has run up from 6.000-horae wicked little fairy, "ho obtains entrance to for Stanley Pool. There is a channel sixty measure independent , a1 ho makes his own )011nnca P. 0 . ' E6:tt power to over 20,000. The ships h&ve in· a. houae, and lives thereil.fter in the cellars gnnpowder r.nd has a. great number of im· crea.eed somewhat! in eize, and have been and coa.1-bins, takins;i a mischievous part in feet deep. Goods can now he shipped from pro;red :firearms. S. BIJRDEN .1' (JO,, any of the porta of the world vo the foo t of somewha.b improved in model, but the the family life. · When Kini;( John was killed a few months · Livingstone Fa.lie without breaking b ulk. UCTIONEERS for the County of In speed has come from ouoh an a.1,?o i b wa.s known t o be his wish tha1J ~ .-. Hls persecutions became so intolera.ble to Durham ; J11surance and neneral Agent.,, ad!!.pta.tion of boilers, engines, and screw phonograph is in very genera.I uae in A nephew should succed him. Menelik, how one household, we are t old, thnt they Mred a Cleaned, Died, I'rco~ed a.nd:Repaired by " \' nlnntor and Real Estate Agents. Sales and other bulliness_ protnptly attended to. Box 172, propellers as will enable the new ship to new dwelling, o.nd at great loss "flitted" banking and broking offices in New York ever, proclaimed hlrr.self King of Abys~inia., city nowada.ys. A broker pops in, talks off kiok away the water 11bont four times &S from their old house, goiog secretly by night, and !!.ll t he provinces of t b g country except ·Bl)wmnnville P. 0. 36- U hud as tho old one did. to escape their tormentor. B11t when tho Ilia letters to the phonograph, t hen goes Tipre recogniz 3d him as the new ruler, But l\B ha.a ha.ppened onoe before in the cart with their mova.blea enbered the gate away, Presently in pops typewriter, sets '.L' he are of t he eame race and Pia.nos Tuned and Repaired. Dyot· and Clothes Cleaner, histor~ cf the Liverpool trade, the ships have of the new home tho shrill, hateful 'irol.ce of the phonograph in operation, and from the speak the same :i.s the Abyssinfane, dictation · prepares the business corresponroached the limit of sfzo, and they are once the wicked fairy wae hea.rd from among Their count ry is simply a pa.rt of Abyssinia Goods warra,nt·~d. to be as no one will know dence for the six o'clock mail, ·.P ARTIES WISHING THErnPIANOS mort> chock full of machinery. lb ha.ppenod them, cryinF., "Here we ar e 1" whose chief became powerful enough t o be them from new when done. · · Tuned or repe..1rea oannavcthom a.ttendell so when side wheels were used lns~ead of The floods of thia summer have shown practically independent of the ruler further The legend hinbs at 11. t errible truth, How Corner of King and Ontario Streets, ' .0 ·b y leaving word;at the DOMINION ORO.I.!\ screws how great a. proteotion the inroads rmd when single instead of com- many men have ruahed from one occupation n~rth· Bowma.nvill!l. 1 OCJ· Ol'll'IC B, Bowrna.nvllle A first-ola.s m pound GOl1tnea wer'il used. It is not possible to another, from home to hGme, from coun- of wa.ter a row of willow t rees may by. The iow beh111 in their employ engineer in chargfl of the Pot omac River to put more boilers or more engines into a try to country, to escape some vice or h1>bit ship like the City of Paris than she now has. which had grown loathaome to them I Ala~, improvements says that where willows were A Man Trap System. ROB'I'. Y01Jl'l'G, V, S. No more coal bunkers can be /l'Ot into her, they could nob tr1>ovel a.way from t hemselvve. plnnted ibe was protected from w ~ sh· ing, and pra.ctioa.lly no da.mage was done, An event which ocourred not long ago nor oan more propellers be added astern. FFICE JN THE WEST ·DURHAM Ge>d's grace, it is trne, ce.n ba.niab the evil Ne"'·e Block. -where bimeelt or assistant The apiriti from the heart, but the mark of its while In the improved la.nd not ao protected seemed to demand from ri.ilway managers a change of rules, but no suoh change has yeb 'Will be found fr<im Sa.m. t-0 9 p.m. Nigh\ eaJls PBOBLEM OJ! GETTING MORE SPEED footprint remain1 upon the threshold while there wa.a great losP. Having done business in Canada fo r the past a b n sidence,dlrectly opposite Dtlll Shed. Calls been A p!l.llsenger, hearing the name years, our r eputation and responsibility l· y telt'grnph or teleph<;ne will receive J>rompt is a difficuh one. lb a.mounts to one of get- life la.eta. It is in youth that we must shut News from the Celestial K ingdom ms.ken of h er nation ca.lied by t he conductor; Imme. 39 known. We pay salary and expenses well attention 17l·:rr . ting more power wibhoub consuming more the door if we would keep t hab inner cham· it known that! a Governor of one of the dia.tely on t he train stlopping 's tepped off in l'rom the start, ii everything is satisfactory, coal or putiting i.n more boilers ··It is. a bor undefiled. Chinese Provinces has forbidden the voun.g the dl\rk expecting to reach t ho platform. No previous experience required. . Write ua question of economy. More power will whirl men in hiB Province to wear gorgeouslJi Instead, ehe ste'(lped off at a bridge and fell tor terms, w hich are very liberal, before en· with any o~ber fi rm. the ecrewe faster and so drive the shi~ foster. colored and embrotde. ed garments, a. pra.c- t hrough to t he river beneath nnd wa.a killed. gaging REF}]RENCES.- Br1tdstreet's or Dun vVlmn.n Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Ord er. The oore wa on t he City of Paria turn over The Wheat Held. tice which he says is foolish and unmanly, After the name of the at a.tion had been ca.lled & Co's Commercial .A gencie~. well knowr. to i;,bout eighty times 11. minute; those on somt> Nobody knows a.a yet within 20,000,000 or and he gives due warning to fathers, elder and before t he train roached the sta tion it businesa men ; or Standard Bank, Colborne, t orpedo boa.ts 200 or i!OO bimsa, If a ship of 30,000,000 bushels wha.h t he wheat yield of broth era and t eachers thn.t they will b1> bad stopped on a bridge to take water from Ont. CH ASE BROTHERS' COMPANY , the P.ize of tbo City of Pa.ris could turn her America. has been in 1889, and nobody knows held responsible for any display of remark· a tank. The night wao dar k and hence t he Nur8eryme11, ucrews 200 times a minute, she would show within many timea thao quantity what t he i.blo clothing on the p~ro of t ho would-be accident. A likll occurrence, ollly a. fow !l.n increMed speed over the present queen by yield of tihe world bag been. Nehher dudes, COJ,DORNlll, - - - ONTAHIO. ago, is repor ted. AH the urain was 37-6m, "' ~vonderful dHJernnce. there truatwor~hv ~tatlstics of stocks Among the dish es served at the weddi.n ~ appro11oching Almon te from 1lhe woistJ the 0 1 the naval architects whom a r eporter brought over trom last year in other lands; luncheon of ono of the rich of N ew conduotor called the name of the sba.tion. ·~ · DESTROYS AND HE!:M OV ES WO R MS conaul bed Mr. William Cowles expressed the authorit ies differ m~ ny million bushels York an Wednesday were the following : - Almost immadie.tely a.ft~rward the train . OF"· ALL KIND S ·IN ,CHILDREN OR · ADULTS SWEET AS S Y R UP ·AND sentiment of all most concisely when he a.bout the stock of Russia a.lone, Wbo- Broiled tendon of ducks' fceo, with ohickeu a-topped and aeveral gentlem~n a.rose with ' CA NNOT, H ARM · THE: · MOST s11id: ever plea.sea ca.n mnke up a statemenb liver e.nd eweetimcd lotus aeed, served with tliei.r valfoea a.nd woot o\1t on t o 1lhe plv .oform , . -3· D E: LI C ATE:"CHILD ·~ "Tho nex\ rndical step in improving the showing a great surplus in the world , by watermelon wine; stewed goa.t tr.H3 with of tho cEJ.r, au:A one of their number, a very speed of uhe tranga.blantio stea.mera will be taking one 11et of estimates of yield and cheabnut s, served with harrtsholl crabs in ~xpeuienced traveller, waa j Ltat abou t to \;llokon in the boiler room. We have been st ocks, and a.nether showing a. great deficit, garlic and Uhineae vinegar; p igeon bones swing himself down vvhen he was sta.rtled working all around the boiler room. Our by takiDR set of est imates of equa.l fried to n crisp, t hen broiled with bamboo to find that tho traia was etP.ndinE? over the eu11;ines twent y-five years ahead of our V!l.luo. Bua ac~ual m ovements of gra.ln give shoots and mushrooms· and fried ducks' bridge. Io ws.s bro:i.d d aylight, bub ha n boileru, We must get more power, \iVli evidence which cannot well be diaputed or t ongues, with imported liam and sharks' fins, ceived a. shock , and deofo,res that hin exce..nno D irnprcve the models. " twilltcd. British imports of wheat in July with cauliflower. perience convinced him that i t was It is t he opinion of Mr. Cowles tho.ii to get nnd Auguab were 90),000 cwts. sm::.ller this I b is only in the comic newsoa.par that the far lrom impossible for an nccident any further il.\Creame of power in the Liver- year than last , with imports of flour about email boy geta d oubled up by eating green Hko that above recorded to oJcur i.n daylight. pool paoke ts the water-tube boiler will hl\ve the snme. That indicates no r ecoguizad apples, and gives the undertaker a j ob. '.l'he dieta.nce from the wa.ter-t e.nk t o the st a· to take the pl!lce of the present style._ The pr ospeot of want in tho country having need The small boy in reaHife will star t out n ut - t ion is too short for pa.ssengera t o prepare to lloilers of the present ships send th~, u: hot to Import more wheat thn.n any other. The ting in the morning, and before he re~urns leavo the train it t he of the stat ion is producbu of combustion from the furnaoe exports from America. t o all countries from home in the evening he will have put himself called after leaving the tan.Ir. The t raine VETERINARY SURGEON. through tubes that surrounded by water. all ports for July, from all the principal outeidG of a half peck of green apples, a should, therefore, be run to t he Sb<ibion first , In the wt.ter-tube boiler the water iH con· ports for Au g'lst, from the chief Atla.n· dczin big turnips, a quart of chestnuts a.nd a.:od then b!!.ckod up to the watertank. In ORONO, - ON'f , ta.ined lneide of the tubes and t he hot gases vio ports for three weeka of September, three pints of water, a.nd e.ttaok bis supper any case it ic clea.r bhab after the name of a Office.P cst Offi ~e Block. HARNDEN, L. D. ~ around them. The i de11 is as old as tha.b of were 22.,300,000 bushels whea.t, flour lnolud· with the appetite of a half·starved bear, sba.tion is called, whether it he by night or Ca.llo by telegr·ph or telephone receive im· twin screw~. But it has never been adopb· ed, against 25,600,000 for the same times Next morning he feels well ~nough to repe11.b da.v, t he first stoppage should be at that 1,v n1.dnt:1ta oftheRoval Collegeot Dental med iate a.ttont.ion._ ed, partly beca.u8e engineers were conservative and places ' year. A decrease of 3,300- his tramp and foasb. Sm ~eorna, Ontario. ab,;tion, Another ma.ttor in oonneo tion with andp1utly beoaurn bhere were serious defects in 000 busheb in the quantity demanded 1 0 FICE OPPOSl'l'E EX PRESS OFFCE. these railway, bridges needs consldoration. the water tnbe-bollers offered by engineers from the country whioh exports more Disproporbionablenees, wibh 21 letters, is All of them are simply frnmeworke to support iOI.D :E'JLLJNG A SPECI.AIJTY who were nob conservative. For ineta.noe, wheat than any other does not indi· said to be t he longest Eni;(lish word. Other ra.ils and perfectly open except, pethaps, ARTIFICIAL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT there w as tihe difficulty of cleaning out the ca.te a.ny apprehension of sca.roity abroad. la.neulges furnish numerous examples of for a. single ple.nk, or perhaps t wo, used by PLATES. water tubes In case they got scaled np, and The foreign price tells the longer ones. For innta.noe : One of the employees of the Y et these Great Reductions in J>rlce on all Dental the difficulty of taking out defective tnhe! story. BritlBh wheat averaged for the villages in th e north of Wales is called Llla.n- bridges, wit h their un11,uardedentranocs, 1uo Work. VHalizeC: Air, constant ly in use pro· when dofeota were dev1iloped, The va.lue of second week in September i!03. 2J ., against ts.irp wllgyngllgogcrpwllandypilwgogo. On s. strong tempt11tion to foot paseengcrs, and ~ucing Pain~ess Operations, Purtioular atten the system has been apparent for, but 38~. ld. for the week laB t voa.r. A the 1.:la of Mull, in Argyllshire, there is a eepecfo,lly t o boys t o croas t hem. That ilon pe,1d to the iegulation of Children's Teeth while some of these boilers would fall of more tha.n 20 per cent in price does place ce.lled Drymtaidhorickhdlichattan. accidents, owing to their surreptitioue u se, J.W>- A J,L WORK W ARRANT1!JD.- not foreshadow world·wide famine. No one The two longcso words in the Garm1 i.n langu · not more numerong, i t asbonishiDg. E it her MAKE STEAM FURIOUSLY Bra nch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono knows how large a stooh: of wheat Russia has age are: Gesundheitswlederherstellungezna. the bridges ought to be bonded over ao as to for o. while, they were nob dura.ble. Bat oa.rrled ovor from la.ob year, or how lar1.70 am menm iachungsverh alt nissk und lger and make t hem l ess dangeroua, or the ent rances --·- ·····- - -- - within a yenr or so ill has b ecome possible to bhe new crop Is, and contradlotory state- Conetantlnopolitaniache~dudclsa.ckpfeiterge· should be guarded in order to prevent people UnloclaJ a.ll the cfo~~r.\rt !'>'Venues of the get water-tnbe boi.lere ~ha.~ wera durable menta on both points wide apart. Bull ellachaftsvereinmacher. from going on t hem. Why should nob rail· Bowels, Kidneys and .L.iver, carrying a.nd ea.oily acccsdble for repairs. The t he cold faots are t hat Russia expor ted in A story ill going the rounds In Enrope t o way companfoe, in return for the valuable off gradually without weakening the systubea can be removed separa.tely for repairs, Aagus b n early 3,000,00U cwts. to Great the effect that the black king of an African privilege of the rlgb b to cou~truct and us1; &em, all the impurities and foul h umors and there is no longer any danger from Pedi· Britain, against about 2,000,000 cwts. in tribe who w ent to the P.i.ris Exhibition sa.w bridges, ho required by the Government to ohhe secretions; a t foe same time Col'menb or sea.le. '.l'hla sort: of boilers ha.a baen the month last year, and a.n increase and liked a p Jrb alt of Marie R oze, the provide and keep In r epair safe footpaths rooting Acidity o:f the Stomach, adopted in h n.rhor craft with euooess. The eul"lng Billous:1wss, Dyspepsia, aduption in Liverpod packets is likely to be of one· half in exports do1ia not indicate much singer, and Immediately entered int~ nego· a.cross? sce.rcity !n Russia. The exports for elvht tiations with a mat rimonial agency in the Head.aches, Dizziness, HeartbUI"ll, the next step. months ending with Angust were 14,347,- city to obtain that lady for a wife. Mme, Constipation, D""'ness of the Skin,. A S UR E CURE Tbe reason for t his is that bhe water bube 653 · G ... B i· · I t 1 A Proof of Me. a nness. ·.1 OWuS to reau r ualll, ns on y R oz9 has one husband In the p erson of Henry D:repsy, Dimness or Vision, Jaun system, properly de&igred, furnishes a boil· FoR B ILIOUS N ESS, CONSTIPATI O N, "l'hompaon, you're a Yery mean mam." dtee, Salt Rheum, :Erysipelas, S'""Oer, capacity for, of about one 11, 5 '16,034 for the previous year, and no Mapleeon, son of the military imprea11ario, IN DIGESTION, DIZZ IN ESS, S I C K fourth the weight of the ordinary boiler. suoh freedom of shipments at presen t low and t he a.1;1en t knew t bs.tit was doubbful if "Thank you, Dolliver. How so ?" "I asked l'ula, Fluttering of the Heart, l1erH E ADAC HE, AND DISE AS ES O F' TH E , Thus the marine boiler weighs a.bout seven· pricee. wonld be likely to ooour if Rueeian ·she would accept! another, 80 be found a you to lend me an umbrella. during the rain vousness, and General Debility tall STOMACH, LIVE:R AND . BOWELS. ; woman who recembled the prima. clonna, yesterday;" " I remember." "And you n id Uieea and many olher llimilar Coi:!!ll_la.mts ty pounds per £quare foot of heating eurface. supplies were actually eoantiy. TH EY AR I: MILD,T H O ROU GH AND PROMPT. gave her the alias of Ma.rle Rozs and mar· your umbrella. was used up. " "Well?" "l'o· yield to the ha.E?r ~uenoe of BURDOCh. The water -tubo boiler may be made at from IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE A I D Damala.'s death was brought on by over· 'j ried her oft t o hie 1moky Majesty, who w ill ?,ay I saw yo~ ..with &~ el.egu.ntumbrella.;: BLOOD BITT.EHS~ fourteen to seventeen pounds. Xhe economy TO BURDOC K BLOOD B I TTERS IN THE F <K" Saia bg an .DM!m. in weight will leave the 11hip drawing le1s doses of morphine and cvca.ine. Sarah did 1oon return wifo her to a country where "Wh~t of It ? You said it was need up . TREATMENT ARD CUR£ OF CHRON I C I she can wear bl'llet costume all t he. ye!\l' So !b !~. I_i>1waye nee it UJ?; Don't IUP· .I 111 Pfo1t1"'"·"rs mo'l'l\ltfA water. A further economy la in the fa.ct her beat bo stop him without !\Vlltil. AND OElSTINATE D ISEASES. throuah. . §1011e .l'd 1u" it down, do you ? i ·· U'" II ·J :aiilllW 1 11 ·&\::&W· 'Z ~"!i!Ml'l'~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c .~·~~~·llll:llllll __ ISll_···:m!ll _lh!_'.W~~~_::~ ~!!'! :.. .. . ,~~~~~lll:'.'.E~'.~~~~~~·!"~~~~b~~~-~:±!~~--__:::...: ___ , ABYSSINIA'S NEW KlNG. ~h' that the metal in the hn:>tiug surface in the AS YOU LIK.E IT. To ut B 'Id a our- ay\) 1p. f D I BAKING: POWDER GARTH &· c;o., - Gook's FriBnfi l I I I ! P CHADWICK'S lEATHEROiD SPOOL I C Q TT ON J. EYELEIGH - co. P HOTEL BALM ORAL. SV ................. B B LElTHER BOARD J. PALMER SON I . .. I ~ ·.SOAP. RECKITT'S BLUE. L I L A Gents' Ulothing TFI 0 S. P EAT, O R. PEATE, Tail~ DENTISTRY. - c. THE KEY TO HEALTH. I I' llLBTIDJ "CO Childr"~ . e;t fer_, p ltcher'e ~c Yt$'h!~~~~-'

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