Wall Paper and Plush Goods half mm ONLY THE price~. at TAIT'S Corner Store. S j / MARRIED. El{VA N T "IVANTED at once. A uply ARM FOR SALE.-75 acres of J, t N ice N ew Wedding P r esent e arrived at A gr'\nd thing is Baylis' Celebrated to M rs 8 8 JJ:dsall at the JJ:vergreens, Row35, con. 3, Darlington, on the 'fown I, i ..., BURTON-MABON.-At thH residence or Mr. manville. Stove Pipe Varnish for p reserving and Maynard the Jeweller's, B o1· manville. W -12tf. two and a hal f miles from Oshawo.. W oil m. L. Mason, Columbus. fa ther of the bride, fen ced w ith ceder rails, spleudid orcha · J Ordered suits lower than c beautifJing stove pipes , and all kinds of wer.- El· on Wednesday, Oct. 9th, by the Rev. J. A. good frame house. two barns,stables, oarriaµ · Carmichaul, .l\1r.lfonry Bul'ton an d Miss Pollie HEEP FOR SALE.-Cotswold and house iron work, dries quickly an d make~ n o lison & Co. and otller outbuildings, two good well E - Mason. Shropshire Ram Lambs and Shearliugs- hard water; also 47 acres on lot 27 3rd cor. smell. J . Hrno INllO'.l'HAM & S on, ChemOrder your suit now before 111e rush at CORBETT-SUTHERT,AND .-.A t Shefoo, Nor th first pr;zo animals- for Stt lo oheap. GJJ:o G1uY, D11rlington. half way between Oabawa a.;,ii - ~RAND Oil!, P URE ists and Druggists . 42- 3w* China, on Sept. 3rd, 1889, by the Hev. I . I.. Newtonville, Clarke PO. J .J . Maaon 's. Bowmanville iu a good state of cultivation; Nevins, D- D., assisted by the Rev. A. William· Belonp;in;: t o ths e8tate of the late Wlllla n1 Bargains at Tod .Bros.' giving-up-busiWe are crowded with stock from cellar son. J,f,, D.. Rev. Hunter Corbet t. D. D.. to EACHER WAN T ED.- For Haydon Hancock. For particuh.r·. etc., apply to A ness·eale. Miss Harriet R. Sutherland, of t he Can adian to garret.-Ellison & Co. Public School for 18!Mll· Apply stating W. fl:. HANCOCK, 61 L!!.ke View Ave., Toronto. Presbyterian Mission, third daughter or J ohn qualitlcationa, experience and salary expected,. Ont . Tweeds and cloths, extra cheap.-ElDue bills taken so.me as cash at Tod >:lutherland, Esq., Town Clerk of Cobourl(. up to Saturday noon, Oc t 26, to JNo RUNDLE, Jison & Co. Bros. ' giving-up-b.:iainess-sale. Secretary, Haydon. 4~ - 2w. DIED. Watches cheaper than ever a t J . J. Bargains for all in dry goods. S eo J. Mason's all warranted . PowERR.-At "Horal H ill/' in Clarke, Oct. JO , J. Mason 's before·mov·in·f] adv. T OR E AND D WELL ING FOR B. CHAND LER, N ewcastle, offers Mary, beloved wife of Si mon P owers, ap;ed 58 S.A.LE.- Thut flo e new store and resiYou ought to see the price of o ur grey · by priva te sale, or will exchan"'e for fa rm Newest styles of wedding cards just years. fitted for Merchnnt 'l'ailor or dence, elegantly proIJerty, all of his proper ty In Newcastle. flannels.- 1£llison & Co. r eceived at S TAI I!ESM·AN Ofllce. MEAT>I.-ln BowmA.nville, on Saturday. Oct. F ancy Dry Goods now occupied by Mr. John consisting of Stores, Houses and .Lots a.rnl . Lyle. Apply to W111. H. I VES , Bowmallville. 19th, 188'J, Greta M1uJ01fo , i nfa nt daugh ter of Mrs. A. H. Peck, of Ashburnham, is valuable Orchard, the homestead bein~ one See Tod-Bros.' ne"IV stock of flann els Mr. E. s. Mea.1 h, aged (,:,months and 21 days, 23-tf, or the most complete in the couo ty. 'l'eruut visiting in Bowmanville . -------------~ and blankets-all at cost price. easy. 36tf PEARDON.-Suddenly, in Bowmanville. on H E EP ASTRAY. -Cam e onto the . ll:verybody admired Henry's exhibit of Nice N ew Wedding Presents arrived at Oct . 18th, Wi!H'l.m Pelirdon, ta ilor, aged 45 yrs. premises or Mr J as Nesbitt, Jot l!l~ con 8, INCH.ln Newcastl e. Oct. 21, J ane P inch, P fine photographs at the Fiiir. Darli ngton, Rhr>n t April 2lR t last, one ewe a nd Maynard the J ·eweller's, B owmanville. aged Ul years, mother of, M~s. \ V .1'. Bonat.h111n. lamb. Parties proving property a.ud paying Wall papers selling at half price for the BLA.C:KS T OCI~, FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. cost s can have the same on application. fall, at H . 0. Tait's Corner S tore. 42:- 3w. RoBT, VntTU'E, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. ·BIRTHS. PETER HOL T, - - Proprietor . Mr. W . Patterson, K irby, offers his A'fO RRis.-In Tyrone !ln tlie 18th inst., t he OUR VAL U ABLE F ARMS in the HIS H OTEL h as b een thor oughly re·A fine lot . 0 . 5.new , window shades just in I wire of Mr, James Morna, cf a daughter, splendid farm for sale. See advt. counties of Kent and Lnmbton for so.le fitted and r efnrnished, and is now second c< AdvertiBe stray animals in the ST.A.IES- at. H. C. 'Pa.~t & 0cffner Store, at low MoCULLoUGH.- }jear Jlllllield on the 18th cheap, easy te1·ms of payment , good state of to no house in t he distrrnt for aocommoda.-. prices. l inst .· the ~ile of Mr. Donald McC uUoup;h, of a cn!UvatioD; near Chatham and Alvinston. t ion and com fort of t he travellinR" public. New-· The ,Great Standard Remedy for all Wee.k- MAN. Seldom fail to fin d the owner. nees and diseases of the lungs, impaired nutriR. C ~ 'FaH is selling hia plash goods at I son. Apply to 'l'rroMAS MoFFA'fT, Barrister. Uhat- and ample commercial rooms on ground floors. tion, et;c. J2-4w·· Good stabling and shed r oom, 40 , .A.ll stray: animals should be advertised and below cost for a short tiu1e at his BYF.Rs.-Near J,ong Sau~t church on t he 20th h am, Out. ~ ' inst., the wife ot Mr. J ohn Byers, ot a de.ugh· Thie Oil is Pure. Fresh. nearly Tastele~s. and in THE STATESMAN, -3 weeks for $ 1.00. C orner S tore. ter. therefore most suitable for delicate digestions. WELLING HOUSE F0l£!; SALE. in. Baldwin beehive fingering 9 cents a The West End House have just re· . . _ _--.. - ---·- -- .- - - - That de·irable residence situated on None genuine without the name emedies are fa·t giv- Scugo15' Street, former ly occupied by the la te skein at Tod Bros.- large stock on hand- ceived into stock the newest sha pes in I Hareh purgat ive D Mrs. John Burk. Possession g i vea in Decem· . . I ing way t o th ? g~ntle a.ctio n an d mild ber . For further particulars address Jl;u :M U ND IZDADL The Christian Guardian from now till collars and ties-. $13; 000' worth of dry goods to be sacri- eff.icts of Carters Little L '. ver. P ills . If G. Bum c. Campbcllford, Ont. ta-3w New Years for 25c. and to Jan. 1, 1891 stamped on each capsule. E ING P ART O F LOT 26 , CON, Gj ficed at Tod Bros'. giving-up-business you try t hem, . t h ey w;ll ce rtainly pl ease for $2.00 to new subscribers. containing JO() acres, more or less, . 0 11 ELLING OF F AT· CA MBRI AN sale. Call and inspect. you. which are good dwelling and outbuild·ings. Mrs. J. Holman, N e wtonville, has ar· W OLLEN M I L J,8, . Ham.ptoo. A large good orchard, well fenced and watered. o f white and grey tlannol "heeting,stock· stock WHOLESALE BY GooD· Bovs DIE Y ou Na· unless they are ~~B::O::W:::::M=A:::::N::V:::::IL:::::L=E:::::M:::::A::R:::::K::E=T=S~ . · rived home from a visit to England. She l:lplendid soil suitable for grain or stocki.nd ill ing yv,rn, blankets, etc, . at prices to suit the f ed on victuals made with Imperial Cream came over on the steamer Sarnia. t imes. D . TAYLOR, proprietor. Cash for wool first-class state of culti n tion. Close to ville.git of Kirby where a.re post office, (daily mail) , 42- 1m. Advertisrnents r eceived by M.A.Jam es Tartar Baking Powder. Corrtoctccl by .l. U c Hurtry, ever y Tuc·di<y or taken in exchange for goods. church, school, store, blacksmith shap1· etc. W ill be sold on ea.sy terms. Plowing pos"eBSiom Always say y· u saw the advertisem ent for Daily and W :iekly Globe, Mail, AR M H AND W ANTED. A sin ~le at once; full possession April 1, 1890· F or! in T tr t: S·.rA'.l'ES:\IAN when writing to or F LOUR, 'Ill' 106 H ba......... $2 50 to $2 8 0 Empire and any other paper in Canada. MONTREAL. man, one who is not arraid of worl' and further par ticulara ct·ll on or address \V. I_ WHEAT, FaJ.t. <\jl' bush · ··· . 0 00 " 0 90 who can take the lead on a good sized far m, PA'fTERSoN, Owner. Kirby PO. 41~ tf. You can buy a 3 Ofl. silver ca.se a.nd calling on our advertisers. ---~ " Spni'lllg, 11 0 00 11 0 82 where three men and. tli.ree 1eame are used. first- claes movement complete for $18 at T:u:E S'l'ATESMAN will be se nt free for Apply stat in!l age and wages e1'.pected to Box the Co-operative J ewelry Store. H . C. the balance of 1889 t o oew au bscribe1·s for B ARLEY, ~ b!ilsh, N o. 1. ... 0 48 11 0 00 No. 4, Por t P erry P :O.. A C'an adian o f Devon'13-3w II IJ, II 2 ... . 0 43 11 0 00 sllire pai:entage preferred. Brittain. 189C- 15 mont hs for $1.00. PERSO:NS WANTING II I., II 3... , 0 40 If 0 00 Dont forget to call and see the latest A proposal to unite the Disciples to Ol<' VALU.A.BLE ARM FOR! S ALE.-100 acr es i n H al" . · · · · · · . · · 0 45 " 0 00 designs in watches, clo~ke, and silver ware t he Baptist denominat ion is to be laid RYE, ton County, :>; miles east of Milton 80 " · . . · . · . . · 0 25 " 0 00 acres cleared, 11-t the Co-operati ve J ewelry store. H. before the B apt ist Convention a b Ottawa OATS, 10 a h igh state o'f eultiva tiori, PEAS, Bl110keye, 'IP' bush ... 0 70 fl 0 00 well feuced,buildings fair: 1 mile from ·nhonls, C. Brittain. t his week. and before the Disciples' Con11 0 55 fl 0 65 churches, etorPs, post office and blacksmith .At Miller's Corners, half mile west of Cour tlce " Small, A beautiful assortment of rre w black vention in J une n ext . Price $01600> easy terms. SAVBllOO K P. 0 ., in the Township o r Darlington. 11 Blue , " 0 65 11 0 00 shop. 42-4 w· and colored dress goods jus t received The Medical J,ake S!llts Concort Co. BUT'f ER, best table, 'IP' lb... 0 16 11 0 17 w·.ALDBROO!C Omagh p o. On t. direct from 'Eni;:land at Couch,.Tohnson & has been playing t o good audiences in the EGGS, ~doz ·.··.... .. . .. 0 00 fl 17 · wANTE :D.-Men t.o take o rde r~ for 'l'he Undersigned h ns received instructionff Cryderman's. town h all for several nig h ts. 'l'hey fur- PoTATOE:s, ~ bush .. . . . . . . 0 30 11 0 35 Nursery stock . onSalary orUommission. from Rev. H. S. Matthews will preach n ext ni~ h a very amusing program for 10 cents, PoRK., ;ill' cwt . ...... . .... 6 50 fl 7 00 I can make a successful Salesman of a ny one who w ill work and follow my instruc tions · · '· Sunday night on "Dancing. " His hearers quite equal to Plauy 25 cent enter tain- H AY, 'I?' ton.. . . . . ...· , .. 7 00 11 8 00 ~Till furnish haudH Ome outfit free, and pay the .A.dmintstratrix of he late ORREN MILLER. will b e surprised to hear him advocat iug ru enta. er commission every week. Wr ite to soil by Public a uction. at the above place,. you r salary CIHCKE:s'S ....· ' ...... ' . . . 0 08 " 0 09 ter ms nt once. E 0 GRAHAM,N urseryn1an, on this enchanting amusement. Cont ractors, keep your eyea open for D UCKH." . . " . - .. " - - . - - 0 09 II 0 10 for Toronto, On.t. 42.IOw· Hav~ng co mpleted the purch ase of a advertiaemen b a·k·ng for t<Jnders for e n- GllESE . . . . . .. . · . . . .· · .. . 0 07 ,, 0 08 Should leave their orders at stock of j cwolry a t 60ots on ihe dollar, we lar gem en t of th e Church S treet, Met hod- T URKEY;> - .. .... . .. . ..... 0 10 IJ 0 11 Plans and a re prepared to sell these goods at l the ist church, B (>wmanville . one milo of Hutchley St ation. For sale on · l1tthl .F urn Inure,."¥1'.(:. : prices usually ask ed. John J. Masou . specification s may be seen at Dr. Potter ' s A. A.. PO !l;'I', reasona ble ter ms, a good farm, plen t.y of good p . N · · . · L. . · water, Enquire of WILLIAM RollJNSON p L :ARoE:r;-, o. 1 c_ompr1 ses J!ll.Pt of ot, 30, Con . Morris' Carriage works has got a first - office uext M onday. RCHITEC T. Plan s and Specifica All Bulbs rnld a t Catalogue prices. ::l Lon d . on and Hatchlcy next two w ·.· k ' (IG th 2, ot th " lowuehip or lla.rh.u.gton, con r,a ining tions prepared fo r every clas~ ·of l>uildin g. ?3rd) i B p , p If ~· b y aameasurem ..nt one- q, Mrl:er of a n 11ar0. class painter . Par ties intending t o have M.r. Rich ar d W orth has m oved i nto his OWJcLL, ostmaster, ;i..ehl?Y more or J e~r. : 'fhere a r e on the pre-nises "' attention given to heatinp; by stea.tn s t; ;ion or n° their buggi es repaii..t ed this spring bring new B t ore at th e old stand where h e has Special · 0 t. 42-4w good frame house containing eight rooms wi:th end hot water, and t:o R anitary an1mgements. them along a t once and have t h em done st one cellar underneath , also a rrood gardom < 13- ly one of the fi nest shops in t h e county . H e Office : Gorrio Block, Whitby. A RM F OR SALE Oit TO RENT.- planted with choice rruit brees. There ts a l s<J --- -- ---- -- -up in good style. h as a splendid assortment of stoves o n Being 100 acres. more or less. Jot 21, B. F . a good stable on tlie p remises.. T . 11. lllcf,EAN. Lad ies oall and see the fancy dress hand and a fru e stock of sh olf and h eavy ton, on which are good hou·c and out~ PARCEL N o . 2 comprises part of Lpt 3l, Co11. ICENS E D AUC TIO NEER FOR Darling builaings, well watered,snlendid clay soil.good 2, of the Township of 1Jar lington, containing patterns at the ,West ~nd . H C>use. N o , hard ware. H e will b e g lad t o see his old t he Unite~ Count ies has sta~ted business orcha rd; a ll cleared. convenient to school a nd by admeaAurement one acre, more or leas.. tr?ubJ~, 1 . n a.tchmg tr11n m10g as the \ custo'm ers and any n ew on es who want in Bowmanvll1e, and will atl.end sales lu town chnreh, ~z miles from Bowmaaville. Plowing The!·e are on t he pr~mises a good frame d \veU er surrou ndi ng cm1ntr y on m ns t r c n.so n a.ble, posse8siou a t once; full possession N o v. 1 ing house. barn and st1i.b.Jes, a good orl!bard or· tr1mmrng is an exact m atch fo r th e cloth. any thing in his line. terms Orders may be Je rt. at W , P P rower's '!'his is on_e of 1he host farms in the townsh ip, oho1 ce fruit trees, and a good well, They am O'Oin" fast . . . 0 ,1;AN Apply nt i:l1·,,1.·m sMA N Otlice, ou p1 ,.., At the·last m eetmg of t he We ~ t Dur · office or ft t t>·t'AT l!:S;rn ..r om~c . T. H . Mc;T ·emlses or to 'fhere will also be sold a t the same time anll' 42- G m* JO HN "VrTHERIDGE, Green wood. 42- tf place a quantity of household furniture. L(l~t week Maynard t h e Jeweler, Bow- h A m M inist erial Association t he followi ug Bnwmanvillo. manv11le, announced a l ot of new Dflicers were eltJcted · President. R ev. H. SALE TO BEGIN AT TWO O'CLOCK P M'~ OR SAL E CHE AP . - A C overed ·of t he finest quality, 11 cent.s to weddii::ig presents. T~1is h as b een a q uiet s. Mat th ews ; V ice- ·Presid~nt, 'Rev_ W . 'l"ERM.S .- For l11msehold furniture, casll. Bugp;y, McLaughlin make, nearly as good F or fr eehold property, JO per oout. of t he purweek m town, but his sal es have been H Warriner, H D . ; Soc .. Treas., Rev. J. aH i1ew ·.A bargain. Apply t o this office. 37·tf 1.3 centil a pound, a ccording to chase money on day of oale. enough wjthiia North halves of lots 33 and 3!, 7th con' Whit· more n umero us than for m any weeks. E. Sanderson, M . A. The n ext m eeting month to make one·third of t he who!~ RESSMAKI NG.-Mr a. Asa Ottoa, by. lately occupied by Mr. Stonehou se. This one q uality, at purchase.the balance can remain on mor tgi.go Mr. P . ·ryler has r ented his two farms will b e h eld in St. 'P itul's scb onl-·oom on _ 0 (form erly Mies Eaan) has reP.um d dress. farm is well drained and fenced and will be m aldn·~ at Mrs. J oo. Gien dtlnning·a, K ing· st., sold chAap and on easy terms. The under- bearing inter est at 8 per cent. through adver t ising in T HE ST.ATESMA.N Monday n ext, Oct. 28th, at 2,30 p . m . S . C. HUNK I NG, Newcastle. ! O4w signed has several other improved farms for and now adver tises his great sale of farm Darllngton. A uctioneer. Stile. J. B. Dow. Sol'r., Whitby. 31 3m. Boss A UCTIONEER.-lt l ooks as ifs . c. Oot, 15th, 1881), 43 - 2w. stock, implements, etc., for next Tuesday. OL'r F OR i::iA L E.- A heavy d raugh t H unking, the popular auctioneer will Oct . 29. H e h as a lot of good co ws and gelding, rlR iog thr ee years old· .Apply to ~ have to engage an aesistant, if orders for JSA AC 'l'Ann. Jot 15, Broken Front, Dar lington, , other st ock . sales crowd on h im as they are at pt·eaent. Bowman ville P o. 12-2w Mr. E. C. Thornton, of Orono, has gone See th e big list each week in t his pap er . to Woodstock t o fill a p 0sitio n in the F arm ers allow t hat h e is the b est auc- riiEACHER WAN T ED . -For Cmmr ea business officH of D. W . Karn & C o's o r- tioneer for farm st ock in this part of Can - jj Public School for 1800 State qualification, m lary rec1n1 r~il . otr.. A<1drMS W n .T.I,1M .TNO, gan factory. M r. Thornt on is an honor ada, and h is record seem s to bear ou t BEAG O CK, Cartwright, Cte3area P. 0. 43tf graduate of Chatham Business C ollege :SOWMANVILLE, OCT. 2~, 1889. this opinbn . ANTED BY T H E MI D DLE OF and a trustwor thy y oung m an. T··Wn H all, Wed nesday evenin g, Oct. November a girl to do the kitchen All wool shirts ancl p ants 50c. Al 30th. L ulu War ren ton: Those present work where a house maid is kept. Anply to wool socks 20c. pe t· pair. Top shir ts 50c. at Albert H all Friday evening enj oyed MRS. REID. K ing Street, East, Bowmanv!l le. 43- tf. '75c. and $1. Cardig an j ackets for 75c. qu ite a t reat. Mias Warrenton was par Nice N ew W edding P reaen t.s arrived ALF .A.STRAY - Strayed fro m L ot l\C Maynard the Jeweller's, Bowmanville. 'l'hese che ~ r> goods ar e to be had at the ticularly at hom e in hel' dramatic selecWest End H ouse and ar a swcral value. tions and exhibits ability of a very high 25. con. 5, Darlington, a heirer c ,,lf mostly H ave removed t o their new store, j ust across t he street from their old l!IFa.rmers, P. Tyler's great stock i.ale is You sho uld call and see t hem. red with white spots. Information leading to or d er. Iler voice is rich, r esonant and her recovory will he thaoktully received. GEO. stand , and by calling on them, y ou will be conv inced that t he Mighty next Tuesday. Attend. 43- 2w* MILLINERY , -Mrs. Dingm an has opened clear a nd e;ven in the most rapid sentences .A w DE, Solina. Dollar w ill buy as much Sugar, Tea and a ll k in ds o f Groceries, as w ell A puree found on the Fair g round may a n ew millinery stor e, n ext d oor t o th e her artic1Jli.<ti on is faultless. The' "Chariot A N C N M ARR IED MAN WANTED be had from Mr. R. Windatt. S tand ard Ba.nk, wher e h er n ew stock of R11oCe" was excellently r endered, as also ..tJ... to take charge of Stock during the Win- as all kinds of F resh and Cured Meat s, in tbGir "'h op, as at any other The P rince of Wales cannot l ive Fall a nd Winter b onn ets, hats, feathers, were her se veral S hakesperea.n selections. ter. Must h ave exDerience and be won ~tore in t he t own. They buy solely for Cash, a nd calculate t o give another year , so his physicians say. etc., is now open for insp ect.ion. S t raw In fact all h er ~ll m '·er8 sho wed that she recommended . gngagcment b y the year if their cus tomer s t he ben efit of it. deE ired, Apply at once to JOHN DRYDEN, had given the m careful and intelligent Brnoklin. Ladies, see what Mr. ~Trebilcock says and felt r e·i.haped. A call solicited. · in his ad ver t isemen t about wall p aper s. THE STATESMAN is the r ecognized study.- T oronto Mai l. API1'AL lJ' ARM FOR S A LE . La.dies, try the b est stove pipe varnish m~dium for a dvertising fa rms to r e d R ev. Alex. Macnab, D. D., the vener ' 'Vnl en~e" F arm, cheap, first·class ; 180 for sale. If you want to rent , buy or o r in th e world. S old by Higginboth11n & able Rector of S h. J ,lhn's church, this acres ; fronts River S t, Clair; one· third cash, sell we adver t.ise it for you at very low t own, h as b een c reated a n H on orary Can - balance on mort gage at 6 per ceut.; 8 acres Son. 1nd clrnrches bush ; excellent market, school 1 If you are in need of a fall suit or over- rates. Tim STATESMAN h as tll9 Jargest on by the Lord Bish op of t he Church of at hand ; 6 miles fro m Sarnia ; r ail through circulation of a ny paper in Durham t he property; good h!JUBe and burn s. Apply to coat inspect Tod Bros.' stock d u ring giv· Engla nd. H e r eceives this h onor in con - G. R , GOLDIE, proprietor, Corunna, Ont. County'. ing-up-b usiness-sale . sideratio n of his long and d istingu ished 43- i w· Mr. E. 0 Graham, formerly of Whit· ser vices in the church and active interest Medical Lake Concert Co. will. appear EN DERS W A NTED. Te nd ers ar e in the Town H all to-night and to-morrow by, b ut n ow one of R ochester 's lead ing h e has taken in r eligious ei!ucation. W e requested by th e Trustees of the .l\fothod· nurserymen, has found his Canadian con,!.lratnlate the R ev. Canon Macnab , D . ist Church, 'l'yrone for : !.-- Lowering gallery night and then they go east. business so ext ensive that he had been a.nd building new cl'a ss-room; 2.- Paintlug and A new steamer is n ow being built t o compelled to open a branch office in To- D., on having conferred u pon h im such a F resco-work , Specification s to bo seen at the In fact, you can gtit t he Cash for a ll kinds of marketable prod ·1 ce. hi11:h mark of dis tinction and wish him parsonage, Tyrone. All tenders t o be in Sec· ply between Port H ope and Charlo tte, ronto. We are pleased to hear of his m any years yet to enjoy the hon or able r etary's b.ands by uoon of Monday, Oct. 28th . t<> t ak e t;he. place of the Norseman. 'l 'he Boa~d is not bouod to accept lowest or ~Do n ot forget t h e stan d-The West S liOre in the White Brick success, a nd ar e sure his many Canadian t it le. any tender. P. W J>:RHY, Becretary, Tyrnne. Mrs. W. H . Ellery who h as been visit- cu stomer a will appreci.~te the convenience Block , direct ly opp~site t heir old st and. A call solicited and patranAnouT SNAGS.- The Methodist church '13-1w ing her sister, Mrs. NL C. Galbraith, re- thus aff<1rd ed them. See his ct:lrd in t his -·-- -·· - ---··--- -------· . age t hankfully received. was well fill ed Tuesday nig ht., to h ear R ev . turned last week t o her homH at Scranton, paper ENDER W ANTE D.- 'f h e B ui ld ing W . F . Wilson's lect ure on "Snags." Mr. Committee of the Methodist Parsona.ge Pa. On Wednesday eveniag, Oct. 30, Miss Wilson is a m an of com m anding presence for South Manvers Circuit ,will receive tenders Mr. H . S. Mitch ell, D.ray ton , On tario, Lulu \ Varrentou, a tal ent~d young elocu- on the platform - r ese mbl ing the t ypic al up to Dec 1st, 1889, for the erection or a new advertises splend id farms for sale in the tion ist, will appear at the Town H all in a and well favored pries t. H e h as a good .Parsonage and Barn in the village of Ponty. SS pool, Plans and spec!ll.cations m1ty be seen a t county of Wellington, one of t.he best serfos of dramatic r ead in gs. .She will im- voice and p leasan t manner, and is a the storo of 'l 'rrnM ·s 81'AN'l'q.!!, ESQ. , Pouty pool. agricultural counties in W ester n Ontario. personate several Shak A the lo west or any tender. Not bound t o accept spearnan char- bright speak er. H is lecture co n t ain ed all com mtmications to IlEv. H . McS1Jbscdp tions ta.k en at T HE STATESMAN acters iu costu me and will appear as Meg many fin e passages . The re wer e a few .Address 13-2\v QUADE, Ballyd u!f. office for Weekly Globe, Mail, Empire, Mer rilli es in a scon e from Guy Manner- t ouches of humor and a great deal of OAR P1G F OR SER VICE.- Achoice Witnoss, Family Her a.Id , S tock Journal, in g. M iss Warrent on com es to us highly human nat ure in it. It was practical, enyoung Yorkshire Whi te Bo ar pig under and 2,599 or.her papers at lowest rates. recom mended by t he press of t he towns tert11inin g and inst ruct ive . N o one could G months old. J ust what you want. Also ,,. ...... Balance of 1889 free on most of th em. and cities where she has appear ed . hear it w ithout fin ding m any suggestions you ng bulls for sale. Call and see at Ro·elandvale Stock F ar m , Solina. W M. W ERRY, worth remembering. .Brot her Wilson F URS R EPAIRED.- M. M ayHr would r eThe Y, P . A . of t he Church S t reet Prnp rietor, - 4\V. mind his n umerous friends and customers Me thodist Church deser ve greah praise will be welcome again. that Jack F r ost is comiug and if they for bringing such a talented organ ization IGS FOR S ALE .- [ h ave a fi n ·· The new school buildings have br ou ght young Berk shire Boar 6 mos old tor s~ ha.ve any furs t o alter or repair to b ring as M adam e F ry's Co., t o our t own . N o o ut a large number of children and t he ready for use. 'l'ook first prize at BowumnYille -~ · them in ea rly before the busy seitson he· more merikrio11s ·progr am h as ever been r ooms are so full that tho Board ·contcm- F.,,ir, Also some young sows and bO'ars :i mos gins. M . M.aycr, practical furrier, B ow- placed b efore a Bowma nville au dience. plate engaging another t eacher. If an- old- all got by Jir~t 011.1.Ss stock . I have for t wo ll!OOd Berkshire BollrS and 3 large manville. 30. M iss Lu!u F ry 's :tiute solo was really fine, other teacher is n ecessary. why no t ap· eervice white one. T h e young Ber kshire has registered Having decided on giving u p t h e Dry Goods buslness, all our large ru:rd CIIun.cn JumLEE.- Trinity Church, we m ay justly say, peerless. H er r ender - point a hindergartner? We trust that the pedigree and ie a splendid animal that I have w ell assorted stock of recently bought. SAMUEL 81'0WDEN. lot 22 JJowmandile, h aving crimpleted its 50t h in g of "Tb.o L ast R ose of Summer " in re- Board will take this suggestion into their con 3, Darling ton. 42-i w· ' sponse t o an encore was sweetly sweet. serious considerat ion. .A.11 who heard year will hold Thanksgiving and .Jubilee services as follows : S unday , Oct. 27th, Miss Alt a Fry 's violin solos were also ex · Mrs . .J. L. Hughes explaining the system Rev. W . Cuthber tson, B. .A. , of Wood- ceedingly good a nd M ies Eugenie F ry at the recent teach ers' con ven tion must stock, will preach at 11 a . m . and 7 p. m . has a r emarkably well-train ed soprano have been convinced t hat it is t he m ost will be solcl Children 's ~ ervice of special inter est at ~ voice of very fair comp ass, clear and rat ional sy stem of educating youn g child- In t h e matter of Mrs. Geo. Br ow n of Newcastle. p. m . On Mon day 28th a grand b anq uet sweet. Madame Fry has a strong contr- r en y et devise d, since it engages at the will be served from 4 t o 7.30 o'clock alto voice and they m ake a d elightful same time t heir m ental, moral and phy· 'l')le said Mrs. George Brown has made an follow ed by !\ public meeting. AU these quar t ette. Mr. W . F . W ent worth 11s a Bica! facult ies and t hus makes all their assign men ~ ot her estate to the undersigned services will b e of great i nterest. The h umorous r eader and impersonator has work one prolonged pleasure. B esides it under 18 V 10. Chap 26. Creditors are notified ---'-0 to fyle t heir claims with the undersigned on or few superiors. His divert in g caricature is n o new ex periment t ho ugh unknown public is cor di ally invited to participate. before 8th next; and are further notified that a of sever al preach ers tickled the aud ience h er e. Wherever it has b een illtroduceu N E w .A.r;cTIONEER IN 'l'owN. - l'V'e di· meeting of the Creditors w ill take place at the A LARGE! STOCK OF it is a pronounced succesl!. Bowmai1ville Queen's Hotel. ~'oronto, 'I'Ue'!day the S~h inst <rect the i:.t tention of our readers t his immensely. His readings we10 a ll n ew. at 3 P m to receive a stu.temtmt or the Insol· will ba behin d t he age if it n egl ects t his IN l!rl.ANY F omi:s.- D yspepsia assumes -.veek t o t he card of M r. T. H . M cL ean vent's affairs, appoint inspectors and for the w h o has r,oc'.lrntiricod t h e auctioneer ing man y phases, all disagr eeable to t he suf- opportunit y of i ntr oducing it i nto our o.rde~ing of the affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are further notified that on and af ter business ih·~ r.w-manville, a nd will a ttend ferer, y et i t t ak es no form which from two schools. Novemb~r 1;;, next, the undersigned will proar e jus t to h an d and will be sacrificed t o clear out at once. CANNOT FAIL. - Mrs. John E . Thomp - ceed to d1str1bute t he asse~s of the said l nsol· .also sales m the su.-rounding country. t o fo ur bottles of Bur dock Blood Bitt ers Mr. M--- .ean has had a successful exper i- will not cure. B. B. B. cures dys pepsia, son , of S h elburne, P. Q., wr it es : My vc~t, hnv_ing r egard on.ly to the clail!l~ of It will pay buyers to inspect our stock before purch asing. which not>ce shall have baen given and ho 'cn ce '.h Jlno and 1111 business entrust- tones t h e weak stom ach, aids digestion, two childre n r eceived great benefit from wUl not be liable for the assets or 'any p art tberoot so distributed to a ny person or persons ed to him will be attended t o in a satis· shar pens t he a pp etite and ren ovates t he Fowler's Extr act of W ild S trawberry for whvse de bts or claims he shall not have had D iarrhma a nd summer complaint.. I ot factol'y mann er. Orders left at t h e entire system. notice, VICl'.. RIA. CAitROLIC SA.I.VE Is a 'won·ler· gave it according to direction a n d t h ey ·S1'ATESMAN office or at W. P . Prower ' s J rw. Vfrr,T..S O N LAWHENCE, liea Uug CODlllOllJUl f ot· cuts, WOlllltlS , soon r ecovered. 27 Wellingt on St, E, Be sare and get t h e FurnitUl'e Store: will receive prompt at- fill lll'ut~cs, b ul'n ~ , 5c ald~. llmih , Jllle~. 1i l mvlc11 '.J'CJront<>. ~en nine · .tention. ·~c. ()~tote!' 3, 1889· ~ 2-:! w F IZDAHL S NOJ:tWE G I AN 1 T Off to Toronto. S S E S COMMERCIAL HOTEL,. Cod Livor Oil. l F T D One of the Best Farm s Ularke for Sale. S B LYMAN, SO NS & CO., F Hyacinth Bulbs, Crocus Bulbs, Tulip Bulbs, Lily Bulbs, &c., STOTT & JURY'S. F AUCTION SALE M PI 0 KELL Freehold PropertyMRS F~~~co;.~!ths:~~~~~~tn!~/e,it~~: f h~ t~~!.~g~~!:1c1~~:It!;. ~~~ to A I I F . -. HONEY STOTT &JURY'S. Local and Otherwise. L F D C Fin e Farm for Sa le. W C Removed ! Removed I CAWKER & ALLIN . C T They also pay Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce---Eggs, Butter, Appl e~ Pears, Potatoes, Hides, Sheepskins1 Tallow, &c, T CAW-KER & ALLIN. B ODBR --o---- s. P Giving up Business. General Dry Goods Notice to Creditors. REGARDLESS OF COST. FALL AND WINTER Due Bills taken as Cash. GOOD: S irt . TOD BROS;