= ii P .__ "tal~'!,l!SlllHll!f~~.!.__!! "'!~~!!!!!'.!!~~~~~~~!.!!~~~~~~RT'~ ·~S~P~~~~ZE~FFW!!!~'~·~p~~!!!!~ ~-lf!!!!!!¥¥!!!;!!!!!!~!!!~ · ~s:rJP!!t! · !!~Z2ET!!!!!!!~la!llUr!!!!!!!!~7!E!!!7!:E!t!!!!llm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ii1&11!!!!!111D1!!! !!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~1111!1~~ .. h eart c.f the master oould desire, broke a bomin ably. Then, when they n nally se1Jt led down t o work, R «ynar d took t o a. d rain, and was given up in d eapa1ir, The ;ourth ---- ------------ --·===== ===- J fox, ho wever, g e.ve t hem a ca.pita! fo rty BY AMELIE RIVES. , minutes, but .gob t hnn into the mount:i.ins W EDXJ!SDA1, OCT. 2:), 1889. ETO. finally, iond they killod io ovei: fifteen miles ============- Au·r noa OF ":l'H& QUICK Of!. THE DEAD," "ASMODEUS," "0;:; BoNES I SLAN D," frum Ci>rylon. T hey had ridden about t welve mile~, tbab the damsel in the chimney corner hnd CHAPrEP. II. ome a.atonl~h 11nnounced her int~ntiou m11ny years & go when Bough ton began wfoh D T HE FOX HUNT . or " m11.rryiDg her J:'hil." This was at t be menb t o listen to t he tremendoi.e beatinii: of Boughton in tha meantime proceeded t o I time d the missing tooth, and radish dolls , hie mount's heart. " J ue1l he11>r this beast," !laid he to Judith. C11rylon , where be:. gob "' ge·iuine Virginilln / and fishlog with crooked pine, eic. ~;elcome from Ju Jfoh's father, who wa.s his I It g&ve the Colonel q11it e 11 comfortable '"I hope h1i'd not going to die. ! never aeooml CJU~in · rnd no~ h is uncle. He watt / and perfectly n11.tural glow to think that baa.rd u. brute' s hearu go like t his." " Wh11>t Is it ?" she llf1id, reining up. & !so regc.ltid wi th 11. mysterious drink, whioh Bought on's fat her was wealthy, 11.od their nonsiatEJd of lemon· peel and brandy a nd nut · J old place one of the himdsomeab in Virginl11. All her brown curie were in h er eyes with m~g. and several other ingredients, nnd .Also he recalled wioh satisf11ction the fact the wind, and the weird ligll1J from ~he which tasted very delioioua and which his t hat only two ye:.rs ago Master P hil himself we11ther -glim full on her golden horse a.nd host ci.lled " Colonel P<Age's owa." had gro.du11tied with honors a.t the L'Eoole hfa tra.ppiD2'· She was perfectly be11utiful, "Colonel Pr1g0'0 own" put Phil in a some· . dee Pvnt eb Cba.usses in I:>arie. A very ~ood P hil i;houghti, or wha.tl iH eo muoh better, what:bettertemper, andhewasdisposed,11.fter thing i t would be, t he Colonel told himself imperfectly 1:.-eautiful. his secon d tum bler, to smile to himself over 1-and p erhaps they wouM reme.in w ith him She llloughed e. little when he told her.wh11ot bia little cousin's imp~tuosity, 11nd wen1J eo . FJ.b rylou for some yeurs- ·until in fa.ot- alarmed' him, bub looked worr ied. far as t o concoct a. s peech whioh he woulrl Here the Cllonel, who ha/! beeu getting "D<l.d's mlleo ahead by t h is time," she mako t o h er after dinner, and which ra.n to 1sober and soberer, sigad r ather heavily. said. "Tha.b len'b Trumpet er's heo.rt. I t's tho effect tha.t any one would be not only ,' Then Judith looked llp fur the first time, his dfa-dia-oh I I never c11on say it. He's content but 11nxious to pby the part of bells b I bub nob ob Bmghtou. found ered, you kuow. Geo down, a.nd let's to such a beo.uty. Dm iog t hese medil1l!.tions I "Why do you sigh, d 11.d, dear?" ehe,s11id, rook ab him." tho Colonel waa telling h iin evoery thing tha.t quickly. .. She was off her horse in an inst\\nb, and had happened t o everyb1>dy in the neighb:irJENKS' DREAM, " Ob, I reokon I'm hungry," s11id the Phil beside her. . hood for the la.au twelve ye11rs. l Colonel, with delightful provinci11lism; "I'm " l'oor old bea.stie," ahe saH, slapping J'enk~ had a queer dream the other night. He thought he saw a prize-fighters' ring, and "And, gad! sir," he ended, " bub you I goln'l to hurry 'em up." Trumpeter's crest coaxingly, "I sa.y, l'hil, in the middle of it stood a doughty little sh ould see my lasi - Judy, you know. An j E xit the Colonel. do you know how to bleed a horse? In the -champion wbo met and deliberately knocked oub-e.nd· out beauty, B11ster. " (lhe Colonel's As ho lefb the room B~ughbon ago.in resneck vein, you know, Y 0 11 don't ? D ear -0ver, one by one, a score or mm·e of big , b urly-looking fellows, flS they advanced to nickna.me for P hil, from bh11.t young geutlo· oued J ndith'e ball, this rime from 11 fat me I Well, t hen, I'll hav e t o try. Give me ·the at tack. Giants as they were in size, the m>iu's psttico~t days.) " ll:)(ad, uir I there's bis.ck kitten in a Toby-collar, 11nd h11nded i~ your knife. D on 't sa.y you haveu't one. valiant pigmy proved more than a match for G11d I how ho 's b rcf1thing. Thank good'them. It was all so funny that J enl<s woke ·11w i11ati.\uce of t he Angel of Life nodding to her. " Th11.nk you," ea.id she age.in. ness, you h a.ve one I Now, come on; help up laughing. H o accounts for t he dream by over his work. You n ever saw such an in"the fact that he had just come to the conclu- ijta.nce o ~ souls gabting into wrong bodies 11s Here was an exoel'ient opportunity for me." sion, after trying nearly ovcry big, drastic in t he CJt\Se of th11.t gi~l a.nd her twin brother, ~hilt graceful apeech, but somehow he did With Bougbtou's assistan ce she cu t the pill on the m·trket, that Pier ce's Pleasant -Purgat ive Pellets, or tiny Sugar- coated oir. P.i>.il, my fod, look hero. It makes her not give it voice. He a.eked her what she bllrB of Tru:mpetor's po.late, and 11e well as G ranules, easily "knock out" and beat all hooping mp,d to say ib, but-your ear, boy-.. w11os r.1aki11g, She replied th11t she wa.s she could gob the besi; p 11ort of her own 11nd t he big pills hollow I They are the origine.l 11.,,'.i a young milksop. It breaks my he!II't, ma.king !I purse for Dick. her cousin's whiskey-fi.~Rk down t he poor a nd only genuine Little Liver Pills. 11 · Yee, Dick," e11id B oughton. "He's a t brute's throat. Beware of Imitations, wbioh contain Poi- eir-it breaka my heart I" sonous Minerals. Always ask for Dr. Pierce's The Colonel sat rubbing tho knee of his the university now, isn'b he? Do you remem(ro B E CON'.l:INUED, ) Pellet s, wh'ich aro Little Sugar-coated Pills, 11ppei-most leg wl.th his open pFJ.lm, 11nd ber when I t11ugbt you two to skate how you .or Anti-bilious Granules. Ouo a Dose. pursed up his lips&$ i1 to whistle, but sue - ueed to go sailing about 11ond come down bnng· whnng, a.nd never mind it a. bit a.nd how 1 lenly t urned 11nd spoke again. "And t he way that child loves him is poe- poor Diok used to wobble. and yell when he Uaaer His Bed. it;ively p11othetic. Phil-'tis, on my soul I came a orop[>er?" , >he11.r her t~lk you'd think he was the "Dick eka teJ extremely well," said Mies f.ieulien11.nt Cclonel Va.n Someren of t he Bil tons He adaclte, T1 Dizzines s, Coustipa. sma.rbe~t, br11vest,pluckiest- well--well-the P.i.ge, with exces~ive dignity-" for better Britfah Army sends 11n account of a. tio u, Jludigcstion, nu. ooy's never bei.n tested, th11t'a 11 fact. I 've t h11.n I do." She ioae after relellsing her night adventure in Indi&. b was r.t ions AttacH:s, and all derangements of t be stomach uopea of him-yes, hopea of him," said foot from the gr11y web, and begi1n winding the very height of the h ot season, a.nd and bowels, are promptly t.he Colonel, who would never hllve made the h er silk 11.bout 1;he fong wooden skewer with after passing the evening at a. milit ary ate.relieved and permauently foregoing FJ.dmiesion ha.d It not been for that which she had been working. " I hi1ve a. bion, he ha.d ridden through the woods to cured by- the u se of Dr. l'ierce's Pleasant P urgat1 ve Pellets. Tbey tXur!Po gl11esful of the mysterious beveuge, few things to attend to before dinner. his bnng11low, where he 11rrived ehortly be· are gent.Ly laxat ive, or strongly cathartic, d1ullkin Bonghton's honor. Pray excuse me," she B!loid, fini1lly, turning fore midnight. Hts man led nwa.ythepony, according to size of dose. Smallest, Cheapest, Boughton all this time was steadily won- bo him, and then left the room without and a.Iiother serv11nt lighted a. candle in the Bnsiest to take. 2.5 cents a vial, by druggists. deri11g if J'udith would give him a oh..nc'3 to further ceremony. bedroom, opened all the windows llnd doors, . <Jo11yrl:ht, 1888.A by 'W ORLD'S 1)ISPllNSARY Mill). ~11oke his graceful epeeoh b:y 11ppearing a.t Boughton se.nk down into the libtle ea.tin· '.md left Colonel Van Someren to himself. IOA~ J~R[§t.~~ii'rr.S;~~:l<f?rs, drn~er. puffdd <ibair, whioh W!IB yet warm with emI blew ont the candle, 11nd threw myself 1ne Colonel, who was a. mighty hunter bracing her, i1nd bege.n pondering mimy into an easy ch11ir in the ver11nda. to cFJ.toh ,,.nd sportamlln gener11lly, alway~ dtned 111te things in his heart, He was just beiJinning wh11t faint airs might be stirring, A little 1c this se11son of the year. He emploved an to tnink thi11J perhi1ps ·he had bebllved like dachshund pup w11s lying u nder the cot in ~verseer, 11?d spent most of O_Jtober and a bea.st a.ftor all, a.nd owed her an apology, the bedroom, th.i cot being a mere frame- A ASSORTM~NT work of wood with a broad web of cotton N Pvember m fox-hunting. So 1t came to when a. solemn voice at tbe door ea.id. "'""that they diced 11s 11 rule by CFJ.ndle"Dinner o.m sarved, Sllb. " · t11pe pl11ited across it. light. T · h th h' · '.Che puppy whined frequen tly, bu b I paid - - OF- .t'ml spent a. round hour in making himurnm.I(, e R!IW 11.1J t 18 voice proceeded no particular a.ttention to i b , a.nd after 11 ,.,lf prese11tvble. H e waa a well-looking younu fr~m person ln~xtrica.bly te.ngled with his lounging two or three timea up 11nd down ·ellow, with long, ole..n limbs, and a curlou; obllbood's experience~. It was n~ne other the verandas, I threw myoelf ou t he cot, a.nd ·y h 1 nght.y pose of head. His hair wa~ 118 tb!lf! Uno.le Eden, m1>Jor dom? of Carylon- dropped Into a.n uneasy slumber, disturbed 1bndanb nnit w&ving much a fter t he fashion !In. mdlvidni1l as bli1ck of hide as he wa.s now a.nd a.gain by the pup's whimperings. ,f Judith. P~rhai:e his moat delightful fe11t· ::Jt~, 0!t t~l~t~ :,d soul; for Uncle E den I had not been asleep long, when I became 'Ire was hfa monbh-well curved and pa.rting g gi ab the age of ten, He conscious of something uno11nny unde. r my 1 80 8 · little one-sidedly over uneven and very w~s black as t o b- tho posaeasor of bed. lb wa.s at'parently I\ l&rge a.nd power9h te t eeth Hie luggage had followed him b~oo..ri like t hFJ.t on a. di1mson, and had a pa.le ful orea.ture, for l distinctly felb my hend .o the care ~f his body eer~11nt, 11nd he isued prnk sca.r down one oheek, whi-0~ g11.ve his moved, 11nd tben my shoulders and b11ck r'ro m his room fi aally as deliciously 11nd akin the a.ppe!lora.uoe of bli1c~ satin h&viug were gently, but steadily, lifted as the thing, for l\ien and Boys, Women and Children. rriigrantly fresh a.a it is only given to fair I ripped over 11 rose·colored llamg. whatever it might be, slipped slowly a.nd -'" n to nppel-\r, H~ hesitated a.moment when he si:.w Phll, o..u tiously FJ.long nnder the tape on which I When he en~ered the drawin17-room he aud then burst moo a deep chuckle as hia ww!lying. Presentlv I became 11w11re of an found, a. little ~ his aurprbe, that Judibh whilom tormentor started forward a.nd took unmlstak1'ble odm; some beas b of prey was .11au there alrt-.. ly eni,:aged in the startling him by both h11nds. under my bE:d I fmninine employm~nt '{ if knotting. Boughton "Uncle Eden," said he, "you don'b look A alight movement of mfoe ca.used it t:o "'. ly so.w that her foot in i ts bronze elipper 11 day older bban you did twelve yea.rs ago." etop still but l ~isttnotly felt its back pressed ~ ndeilkstlocking, wa.s v~ry slender-slen:lt r~r :·D.>n' I, Marse Phil? Bless yo' hll'at ! e.galnsb mine_ F > r a. moment I lay motiontur..n any he had ever seen in fact-with an 1 "Cep fur ye.' whiskerers I'd dun ben kn.>w lees, horribly·frigbtened, and with the knowu~tep under which the yo~ng man wa.s oon- yuh time l sot eyes on vuh. L· 1r' I ib don'b ledge thllt my gnu was in the nexb room. vi 1 ced h., ouuld have rolled a good-sized seem a d1~y sincie I WH Jerkin' yuh out er H owever, it was useless to lie t here. It w11s . da.b ar t ub uv soft soa.p whar yub wa.s o,. better to faoo the brute a.t onoe ; so I sprang PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST, ll'l>1.rble. She h11d on a. nice little frock of soml' fi ahin' fur Mlss Judy's ~hoe, she don drap in up, seized a slipper, fl11ng it under the bed, CONTAINS NO ,,r.1i.my stuff, that fell 11bout her, guiltless itJ. \'.ab sut'n'y is looking po11rt. Hi I da.r and shouted loudly, Alum, Ammonia., Lime, Phosphates, . Therewae a plunge, .11 lurch of the oo b, 0 1 crinoline and 11 etring of blue p 6 reia.n -d,;;n'a de Cun'1-good-bye till hfme by." OR ANY INJUfilOUS SUBSTANCE. · 1 1~:.,da 1.wou~d her throat. The dinner WWI a. success. When Ia din- and 11 great gra y, ha.iry mFJ.ea da.d1ed ou~ from IA IUTl"'!i"il NO .EXP.E.llU ENC.E NECE§8 A R Y , Permnnsnt J'.l08i· TT TORONTO, ONT_ 1\11\'! ~ tl,pns gua ranteed. Saln:ry o.nd .Expenses Paid . .Peen· E · W . GI L .LE , CHICAGO, ILL. The Colonel was r evolving slowly before n~r not a aucce~s with. hungry folks? a:'here under the bedstead wibh a. g1·owl, and bolted liar advan ta~es to beginnere. Stoett complete, wit h fast-sell!ng epeNalties MANUFACTURER OF th,, fires with po.rted coat taila, 11 t the some was 11 green goose wnh gooseberry ee.uce. through the open door, acrosa the back OlJ'l' FI'l' FRE~. lVe guaTantee wliat wo adtV~rtil!o. Write :K'RO lo VN CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAST CAKES. Unrn r.>Jking backward and forward on his 13oughton had not t!lllt e:i a green gooao for vera.nd11, 11nd down a r 11vine behind the B IUJI@., llhw·eirymen, Roeheoter , N. Y. <'l'.hi3 house ts reliable.) lei.!, t'Velve ye11re. Ho thought F.renoll dishes bungalow. I t was 11. large hyena, and I coLBonghton p l used in the hall acme t imo to fwie !1.nd oommonp\11ce beside itJ. And after gratulated mynelf tha.t th e bruoo had not 1~; tchbhem, a:'bey mllde suoh a ple 11senti iliuner he ha.d another !?lass of "Colonel snapped a.tmvleg 11she went off. . Li :t:ire in t he wedded light of the wu ca.n. P~ge's own." T he puppy I found h a.If de a.d with fright, !i.13 11nd lea.ping fire. Beyond them was '.Che next d11y there WM to be a. fox-hun b, lying in the corner of t he room b6t ween the ; ii J h11ndsome deak of , the oak- paneled They were to st~t 11t six o'~look sharp, the wall rn1d t he leg of the co b. 9 to r ide Sv f,.,r, t hingM had nob turned ou b b11.dly, 1 r ·:m , its high, carved furniture a ucl French Colonel told them, and Phil Wf1. ml,rGrs. t he Colonel's favorite, "Trum{letert" 11s but I felo aura nhe h yena would come back A . h e enterid be sa.w iha.t in on e of t hese "H'l>utboy" wo.s Ir.me, and Judivh preferred ag.-h.1 after ao daint y a. morsel as a well fe d - -M:.ANUB'.A.C'l'URER OF - minors was ei.n < ·ther Judith, and another, a great sn~ -colored b1~ute, rejoioing in the ii.ocle dog. So I got my gun, 11nd, going ,.11d a.n()ther, stretching, like the Kings nil.me of Eyebrows - why, _no one ever outside fired a c ouple of ca.rk idges down in Mac':leuh, to t h e crack of doom, for all knew, as theg& llll.nbsteed corbmnly pos1eseed the ravine. KI NG STREET, BOWM.A.NVILlE !te could tell. And they were a.11 k no1Jting, none, He h:i.d a. ble.z~d face . a.nd a sullen I heard two or three anim11ls move off io 11 a.nd 11,ll had delic& te feet in brorze slippers, ~ye, ~nd enough dayl!ght under him to have hurry, and the sho ts natu rally broughb out n o w on ha.nd a. n11mt>at o ~ yehi cb' (a ·o. d la ma.nnfa oturinR C· great mnny mor pat terns and best finish, which I am o:trerlng !or sale at the lowest prices oonal 6 ton ..nd wo1·e blue beads, and nob one of them 11lummated S t. Pat;er s every coign of die- my M 1rv11n ts. I told them to k eep 11bou'b for with due regard to workmanship a nd qna.lit:y. The t ellowing Is u llst oi looked up 11 b him, a.lthougb the Co, onel a.?va.ntage. But Boughton ~ound 11h11t his a. little while ; the sound of voices w1;nld, . the vrlncipa.l vehloles ma.nuCIJ.cturecl by me and c11uee \Y:~. 11 I ~:i;· ( '!;1m I do not i:neo.n merely to ca.me l:-oisterously forwar:l, 11nd hauled him n dor had 11 wa.y of pulling him 11long the.1J perh11ope, d1Sconr11ge t he hyen11, .etoi: theH~ for :.l. t irnc. and t_l"~~n ;ti:.\.:'c t ll ... e1 n return iu by both h ands 11nd he bade his li1ea give told somehow, and the great ra.w beast him to oliok 11wa.y for good. Shutting t he ~ou~le Covered Ca.rrlage-s .............. ; .......... ............... . .. .. ....... $150 U p ward: :i.g am. J. 21rnAN A 'It.A DJ GAL UURE. greeting t o her o~usin P hil. jumped like a. grasshopper. doors and windows waa out of the question; ing e Phret on11. .. . ..... ........ ... ··· · .. . .. . .... . ......... ......... .. .......... lOfl 11 ):. h ai·e m ade tile d l1iease of ;.~ - Q11oth she: .l!t W!\B 11 11retty sight 11s t hey rode out the the heu.t was too great. Open _ " ll'oe, dad dear, thFJ.t'd e,ll ri1Zh1l; we have next morning, The sun wa.a just rising I loaded my j!un and ae.t down in t he ver· F ITS, EPI LE PSY oi' Top met alread y. My b11oll, dad, darling; you behind a. zone of dull g1'ay c}ouds. Beryl· anda. and, a.nd 11.!o or a whlle beg:m de zing. F AI,.L:n.\T G SICKNESS Democrat Wagon .. . ... ...... .. ... . . .. . . ... ...... ........... ..................... 65 ·-re stamping e.11 over it. Thanks," as Phil green an~ to~az yellow metw1th t hesohnoss The puppy whimpered, I got up cau tiously A. !if~ Jong st,u(!Y. I WAR'1.A3'1' my remedy t o hauded i o to her. Lumber Wagons..... .. .. . ... .. .. . . ........................... ... ......... ....... 55 of a kise 1n mid-heaven, and the moon, wan, and ~lipped into the bedroom, where I b:i.okt d <:u1u.: tne'wor,:; ;;~.se~ . Dec1\usc otlrnrs have failed :is no ~·.J~i.,;c.n ior :ir>t r.0.,,1,· receivi ng a cure. Sentl Now, the Colonel we.a a. good deal, 11s be as t~ough with much '!!Itching, crapt down into t he corner whence l could comm:i.nd e11ch Ligh t Wagon. ........... .. .............. ............................. ............ 40 :at or~ c-e foi: a trf!'a1ise anll ;.\ I'Jti~:l\: BOl'TLE of rr1y would express it, " discomboberatetl." He behmd the naked acacia trees to the left. of t he bhree doon. Express Wagon....... ......... ,, . .. . .. , . .............. , ·. ,.... . ...... . .......... 15 1:"1l"J\ Lc.n:u:; ltD11mY. Give .Jjxprcss :incl Post Five minutes pa.0sed in silen ce ; t hen the Sk elet on .. .. ... ........ , .·.·. , .. . . ................ , . . ............ .. u . . . . . . . . , , . . . . 50_ ()l!k r,. H coct:J you t10thing fot· a trial, and it ea.id : "Hev ? whllt's tha.t? ' and looked from O v~r t he brown h wn there wae a lighb pow· w i.ll «·uro vou.. A<!dross : ff. G . ROOT.2.. M .O., one to l;he ot her, a.nd let go of his coa.~ tails denng of snow, 11nd there w11s a keen wind puppy 11gain beg11n crying, a.nd I heard n S ulky...... . .. .......................... .... . ........ . ..................... ... . ..... 4U · :B:1m.:::idt bf:3. 1C~, 164 \.V~ot Ad©laide 1.:1t:ree t. in sheer amoz 'lmen t. But ae Miss tress Judith abro11od, together with much xustling of with· lignt foonfull on the bamboo m11t t ing iu t he ~T.oronto . t ma.intr.ined u nbroken silence, and ap paared ered grass and trees. vora.nda. Another minute ~r ao passed , ann Poaaeealng superior tacllltiee for ma.nuJa.otU:i:Iug carri11ga0, I Intend to sell very choa 11 for n-. ~J.:t:;:-~~-~it'.E"~or ~pproved credit, and by eo doing I h ope t o greatly !nornase my n umber ot sales 11.bs(lrbed i:t1 he:: lmotting, ilcughton was at They had some bob coffee, which Judith I saw a. head c& u tioualy a.dva.noed inside t he sell t he wood parts only, or the gea.i:Jnga of buggies ironed, · ou the pains of ex:plainil?[; t ha.1J he had mot his poured out for uhem, 11nd the rema.ina of the doorwll.y, ..,nd S.ll'ain wit hdrawn, Bub it W !l3 cou sin on tha highroa.d, v.nd how they hi1d green goose'. and t hen they sot out a t 11 uot 11 hyena; i t WFJ.8 the h e11 i of a pa.nthtJr. mutu11.lly recognized ea.ch other. hunts'!'-m's ]Og for the meet, The mi>OU was n ow ht>.lf-way down the Aa he m11ode these remarks he caught himJ udith h11d plenty to do in attending t o westun sky, and her light, poul'ing i.n At the Shorteat N otice, Pai~1ted an d Trlmmed if D esired . r Je!f watching the eubj eot of them out of the E,re brows, who was disposed to coquette t hrough tho verand..,, projec~ud t he shadow At the Factory I also do P~11nlng , Matching, Turning a n d Sa wing with Ch-ole Band o the r oom. tai.I of his eye, 11 nd fell, moreover, !nto p, wi th every dead leaf tha.b blew across hie of anything outside in b Sa w·. and preparn all kmds ot lumber tor oarpentera nd otllers tor building purpoaets. str ange fancy which likene.i the slim foo1J in w11y, 11nd T rumpeter WM sufficient of a All was silent, when s uddenly, a.lmoat ae Or namenta.1 and Plain Pickets for fenoou l n e very style reoulred, me.de to order. t he gray silk meahes to an iridescent beetfo ha.ndfu! to keep lloughton's mind completely if a light cloud had owept i:;croas t he moon c11ought in 11 somewhFJ.t balky spider's web. upnn hmrnelf. 11nd thrown a. sh!ldow for an iust!<lnt, t he Her h11ir was juatJ abont tJhe color of her shoe, "Ah, t b.ere's tho . musb I" ciuled the pan ther was in the r oom, under the cot, a.nd he obaerved-a. little redder, perhaps-and a °?Ione!, at last, over his ehonlder. "Keep had seized the pup. The poor litt le thing AL':I~ bow of blue ribbon fl.uttered over her fair hie he11d, Judy, He'd bolb in a minute if yelled londly; t he p&nbher t urned, s11w me, he thought he could." a.nd, with the dog in her mouth, s tood for a boeom like a butterfly. These re;i.dy Mixed Paints The Colonel la ughed a good deal, and he lrhev could hear the yow-yowing of the moment in th<:i doorway abont six: feeti from the rare :i.coompllshment or rather hounde now, fitfully borne tow11rd them and !DO, ~ are no chemical combination had faculty, of l & ughing well, He 'was '11.s hand'. 11w11y by the fluctu11ting wind, I saw my opport unity, 11nd fired, giving of benzine mixture, some 11s hia daughli.,r, in a more regular "Once," eaid Judith, beginning to sp~i1k her a. wire co.rtrld~e in her neck. She ------- - - - - - · a.nd wore his thick, riotously-curling 1111 of a. sudden, "a. friend brouQ'h~ a. German lurched forward into the verand a. wi th a.n but are simply old-fashioned paintu. w11y, h1>.ir in a q ueue. He had bro11d chestnut baron-ever euch a swell he wa.s-to see a.ngry growl, and got upon her foet, but wa.s Th ey are guaranteed to give better tyebrows, 11hat met above hie nose, whioh dad. H~ stopped at Ci1rylon about!\ week evidently dazed, for she 5tood s till in the Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the had 11 pe11nut-like bub aristocratic ripple in llnd dad, of course, took him out huntinv'. moonligh1J, broadside to me, and ! g11ve h er results than any other paint. it, and hie mouth WWI seb bet ween two long Yo11 know dad ca.n never r esist oalling any the second barrel, also in the neck. LIVER, ST01'.IA.UD, KIDN EYS AND. BOW E J..1 8. iah, ourvi!llg dimples, like a pleasant sentence one's attention to the hounds when they 're At such oloee quarters the shot co.rtridges betv 1een t wo brackets. H e had a. deep giving tong11e, He says he's far better abie inflicted terrible wounds I S ue fell over '.t !l .. . , 1nvigor&te 1 rnd rest oro t o h oa lt b T)ebil;ta.te d C onstit i1tion 81 cleft in his chin, which was sometimes to o.pprecia.te such h11rmonies th 11u Baethoven dying, and after a. g11sp or two and a long, are la valuab l e in an <hmpla l.n t e I u ·J ldeiu a 0 _em ales of all A ~~ ,. ~· , more or less leveled wibh uhavinp, powder, or Mc,z ut. Well, we had gotten just a.bout quivering t hroe, lay still. T ho puppy was Ohild r e n a nd the a gad they a r e priceleu, · FJ.nd he wore lmee-buok loo of brilliants and a here, and dad-dea.r dad I shall I ever for- uot ~ea.d, but so much hurt t ha.t it h 11td to stock and r uflles. get his face ?- e11id : ' There, sir I did you be k1lle~ t he next dv.y. . OIN T ME~ N T ' T he Colonel was a. believer in the good old ever he& r such music in your life air?' B~ tih!ll tim'3 the whole C;amp we.a aet1r, ' · J'" I l · ') · c t imes, cla.mor ed for the retention of stage· ·Vere ? vere ?' said the b:i.ron, eagerly; twist- t he men comfog u p eager ly to see what had n 111 t u 1 . \>·1 · 1 0. 1 / ·1 · ">\ \ ' , >{S, Bad Breasts, Old \Vound.s Sr " co11ches and e.lwr..ya ti·aveled in hia private in~ all a.bout in hia saddle 11 nd holding on to h11ppened . ~Ve pulled the p 11nt.h er ou t of and U lcers, It la famoa13 for Hout and Rhe um!lt fom , For dJsorder3 0: ~ " c11rriage. H e took suufI, 11nd t reated him- his horse'a ffi(lna. ·v.o1t musick ? 1 ou.u' 0 th.e ' ·eramla 1Dto bhe sh:, ul;Jw of a large tree, - CheBt it h a.a no equal.self to a pinch no:w, while slyly observing hear no mnsick vor t ose t 11m oawgs. ·" ~lth t wo i:1()n to_keep the.JMkals from hu.rmFoll." So~·e T.Auroatts, BroncDtitb1, 1fJo ugh.§ , Colds, "Ha ! ha. I h11 !" t hundered P hil who -. mg ~he skin d urmg the m gb t -. t he hero a.o.d heroine of the adve.11t nre j11s~ related. He he.d hi.e supiciona, hFJ.d . the wo.a egu ,\lly dellghbed with t h ie &n~cdote j T ne bea~t p roved to be a. full·grown and Colonel , that there h11d been a tow-row~ of and t he sudden breaking of the ice bet ween 'I very hu.ndBome _you~g female.. My nig!'1t's Qlq,nduia.r Swellings, aud !l.ll Skin D iseaseEl it has no rival; a contracted and stiff j olnt11 it ai.cts like a cha rm. rest had. been d1sturoed, but I was r epa.td a some k ind between the t wo, and he 11lso no- them. ticed tho blue how, and bhe beads, and tho . " Judith" h e began. llnd lec.ned over with ~undred fold by a trophy so :alu11.bio. in E"D ~sALES_l\fEN to sell b ronz0 shoee. h is hand on her pommel, / itself, o.nd 11t the l'Jame time l'lo mtereetmg ~urscry Stock . .All M anufactured only at THO MAS HOLLOWAY'S Establlshmant, Goods Warran t ed trhe Colonel was a. close1 ol:lsel'Ver tJa!l>u H e wa3 jusn about to ma.ka his medib11.ted fo:r. the unuautt.l and exclfling circumst ance& -P-lRS'.J.'-CL.ASS. Per- p eople generally p.11ve him oredlb for, and ap ology when they were i oiued by some ., of 1ta capture. 'TS, " ""r;- OXP'OP.T~· Sl:REET, (la.to 5;~3, OXFORD S'l'~~ ,-;f!'!'), } ":lll)Olf m anent, pleasant, protuabl1:1 positions for the· - - - - -- -- :right menJ Good sahuies and expensm p&1d he recol1ectcd thau J udibh di d nob generally p eople, and he Ba.t er ect o.ge.in in 11 tiolera.ble ! ilnlJ · · e au .ti ai J.B. lid., 211. 9d. , 4.s. 6d., 1 18., 22s., s nd 33 ~ .. e ach I' p -weekly. Liberal inducements to beginners, we11r her bronze shoes to dinner, neither hurry. j The grz.nd corridor 11t W indsor Castle, may bo had from all Medicine V end ors thr o ugb o .i.t th·, World , N_ o previous experience necessary. Outfit free. the blue bow nor the beadd. He w11s o.lso They had a long da.y of ib. No less than which is the n:.u ;i tnot able feature in t he Write for te1·m3, givinp: age. CHARLES H. a.w11re of the fa.ob_ t hat P?il Boughton wa.s ~hree foxes were st arted, a.nd t he p 11.ck be- t private 11p1 ntme11ts, is Lain g elabor ately r eC:H.Af!]l;, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. s Purcha.sars ahc :;J '. IMJ, "~ ~he label on the Pots and n , xee. If tho addree11f's t.o~ 11n extremely dashrng-loo , 1ngyoungeter, and mg young, l lld nob llO well trained !IB the decor ated, at a C) St of some £ 500C. 1>2 · Mention thl11 P.!l;ier. 37;8* . ~a1uuli1u1 (,~tiit~~untu. j I . lVIy · Lady Tor1gue. I 1 DOORS, SASH, BLN DS, MOULDINGS, Dried. and other Factory "Work all Kiln I AFull Stock always onhand. Call and Examine. c.. I McClellan 4- Co., co_ BOWMANVILLE, sole agents in this locality for TRENTON, ONT ARI GIL~LCOUR & SICK HEADACHE, D· .&VIS will be found in his old shop, next door aoor to Express Office, B OWMANV IL r~E., where he keeps constantly on hand LARGE & COMPLETE Coarse and Fine CREAM 0 ,B oots and Shoes Special attention given to Repairing. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Sat·!hels. :o_ .:nav · :.:s_ nrn H AINES, CA RR I AGE ·w·oRKS GEORGE C. H A INE S, Proprietor, G A R R IAC ES, SLEI GHS~ CUT T E RS, W A GONS, &O Buggy........................................................... ......... 70 Buggy....................................................................... 90 w A ll K inds of Vehicles Repaired I-1: E H FOR .ALLl or soap THE PILIJS B DU I j T:HE . W ANl Boi '·