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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1889, p. 7

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Only one woman in Fra.nce has this year'· Fatal Excess ofConlldenec-Esc"· e Open to taken out a. lioenae for shooting. L\st sea.eon A Child's Fancies in Antumn. - - - --· -- - - - -·- ·- --...:::::==.::::::::..-==:==:::. Ulm, there were five. Ii! The Maple is a. dainty l.Jlaid Tha African tra.veler, Herr Fricke, who WEDNESDAY. Ol. T. 23, 18S9. The peb of all tho WOQd The Rneeian Minister of W a.r ha.a ordered bu sinc3 1875 been in Africa, ~nd escaped Who Ugh ts the dusky forest 'llad from Kha.rtoum after Gen. Got 1. n'e death, th11ot milita.ry rii.cea shall be indulged in from , With BC!l.rlet cloak and hood is now In Berlin. 'the London 0Joily Newe time to time as a· means of improving the correspondenb had a. long talk with him two cavalry. The Elm a. lovely lady is, In the oection of the .Paris Eichlbition weeks ll.JO or e.i a.bout hie adventures, and In skim.mering robes of gold, tried to learn some of Gen. devoted to nhe Hisborie du Theatre there is Th<i.b catch the sunlight when she moves, GC>rdon's ds.ys. Some l\Ocount of this has a oollection of wax models of feet of noted Aad glisten, fold on fold. been already sent by c able, but a fulier report ba.l!et dancers. is worth printing. Fricke made Gan. GorThe move to give a.Sunda.y holiday to the The SLlmaoh is a Gfapy Q~een, don's acq·.rninba.noe in Cairo and accompanied F rench railway employees ha.a be£(un on the Who fl~unts in crimson drees, for and him to t110 Soada.n as one of hie officers. P.i.rie·Lyons ro!ld, It will probably e:x:tend A nd wild l\long the roadoide rune, G ,·rdon to him repeatedly, " I do not all over F r anc& , Red blossoms in her breast, intend to conquer the SC>udan by force ; The great church of Le S!\cre Coour, bn-i!L ' "CAStorlais !!IO'Wella.dapted to children tha& C311torla ~ Colic, Conlltlpl't.tion, my personal authority and influence are on the highesb point> of Montmartre, is near. r recommend It c.s superior to any prescription ~nr St.omach, Din.rrhoos, Eritctntion, . strong enough to make me master the in- ly !inishad,a.nd it is thought thatit "will take lwowa tome." And towering high above the wood, B:. A.. Allcml:n 'ID Kills Worms, glve.<J sleep, and promoterJ ~ '.u · ·· geation aurreotion without usiiw; force." All in his purple cloak, its pla.ce a.mong the cathedrals of Enrope." lll So. Ozfonl St, llrooklyu, N. Y. W!~ui ltjurions mecliCD.tion. But yet he W &S somet imes filled with a A Monarch in his splendor is Two climbers of Mount Ararat, R·.:iasia.nll, prnsentlmeot of de, to which he '.l' he proud and princely o~k. expression, s!\yfog, " I feel I she.ll never see found in perfeou preservation a minimum - [Yout h's Companion Engla.nd a.gain, I shall never get oub of t hermometer, wh.ioh was left, year. In registered fi fty degrees below z)ro, oen· Kb.!!.rtoum." As long as Gordon had money ti grade. A Concert. enough the peop1a there, and The memoirs of the Duo de Morny ara to EVEN TIIE :.l'CAHDr'S ADHERENTS, "The Home for .Aged Ladies" stood op· were his best frlende, and ma.ny festivities be published in November by his son. If his FOR SAJ,E BY J. HIGGINBOTHA<\'[ /!.: SON. BO\VMA.NVH,T..H:, posite a house filled with gay boys and girls, papers were published fully it would doubt· A HORSE WHO CAN TALK! were a rrnuged in his honor. The Me.hdi him cousins, brothers and sisters, nnd bright make bhe moBt sensational volume of the less Everybody bas beard of a "horse laugh," self was an best terms with him a.s long as oenbnrv. but who bus ever seen an equine gifted with with pio1ures, luxurious furniture and the power of speech? Such an 1Lni011Ll would crntly " brio.a-brae." Roses climbed ovu ha obtained money from him, but by and by, '.t:he Gorman Museum in Nurnberg hM be pronounced a miracle ; but so would tho the walls without, and happy children's face when Gordon could no longer satisfy ~he telegrRph and the telephone 11 hundred years filled it within. All dc,y long it r<:sounded demands of these mou, the number of hie bought .Prince Sulkow6ki'a famous collection ago. Why, even very recently a cure for confollowers d aily d ecre ~sed. Herr Fricke, a.a of armor a.ud weapons for $51,000. Special.sumption, which Is universally Rcknowlcclged with busy voices, music and laughter, ists estimate the value of the collection at to bo scrofula affecting the lunge, would have The "Home" was a small institution with well as other Europaans, warned him been looked upon as mirnculous, but now peo- aboull thirty inmates. Its walls were speck· tried to persuade him to leave Klmrtoum, $300,000. The first section of t he ruilway from .l'ek!n ple are beginning to r ealize that the disease ls not Incurable. Dr. Pierce's Golrlen Medical lees and bM"e ; the oarpetlesa floors were '"hlch h e might have bsen able to do a.t any to Chinkiang has progr essed as br a.a having .Discovery will cure it, if taken in time nnd scoured to a. Epotless whiteness ; t hey never moment, but Gor don r efneed even to listen t enders ma de for i~a cons truction, The su m to them, given a fair trial. This world-renowned remedy will not make new lungs. but i t will re- echoed to 11 child's step ; the slow feet of Il6rr 1"rioke says : "Gordon's character esti:11a.ted for rails and plant on this line is store diseased ones t o a healthy state when t he sad, withered inmates fell upon bhcm WBR as obstinl\t e as it was noble, and he was $70,0JO,OOO. menus have failed. '.l.'housands grateother noiseless as ghosts. The Congress of Orienta.lists at Stookholm fully testify t o this. It is the most potent They were a silent, melanoboly folk, ao convinced of his persona.I influence even went· lataly to the graved Odin at Upsala. tonic, or strength restorer, alterutivc, or the popula.tion that he did not waver evac 'blood-cleanser and n ut1·itive, or flesh-builder, knowh·g that they were near tho grave and when t;ha Mahdi had left the city and begun wher e tho Minister of the Interior drn.nk to kaown to med ical science. For Wellk J,un!f.B· that they had not a friend t o hold them by Spitting of lood, Bronchitis. Asthma, Ca,- t.he hand in the hour, For they all had to be !openly hostile. When Gen. Graham the hea.lth of the Congress in tho regular tarrh iu tha Head. and a ll Lingering Coughs, long ago parted with their familioa a.ud with sent messengers to Gordon he.proudly said old Viking me!ld. It is an unequaled remedy. In derangements Probably the longest word in the Garme.n ===============-==-=-=-========~==-~·=-==-=-==-=-=-.,~ _. of t he stomucb. ll ver aud bowels, a..~ Indiges. all who lrnew them. Charity, not affection, to his followers : " I can keep Kha.rtoum a.e long as like, and I sball certainly keep it till l!lng uai;:e is in the edition of the offi · tion, or Drspepsia, Biliousness, or "Liver gave t hom food and shelter. Complaint,' Chronic Diarrhea, and kindred Their lives were monotonous as clock- relief comes." ' Herr Fricke thinks th!l.U by ofo.l j ournal of commissions. Hero it ia : ,l{lments, it is a sovereigu remedy. speaking thus he produced a wrong impres- " !lbtta.midomet!hla.thylmet hylbe!lzyldiami· " Golden Medical D!s- work. 'rhey rose, set their rooms in or der, sion among the British military au thorities, dophenyloarbinol. " covery " is the only med- Bte breakfast, k nitt ed unbil u oon, then who oould not possibly infer from hie · tclnc of its class, sold gathered feebly a.round the t11oble again, Fra.scuelo, the Spanish torero, h11oa retired , --- - - by druggists. under n knitted until eunset, drank their cups of U.! lswcr that the otJJote of aff,i,ira was as whh a fortune estimated at $600,000. printed ~uaranteei_ from the manufact·anklng s.moog the greanest bull-TO G-ET-urers, that it will bencnt or cure in every case weak tea silently, and so crep t to bad. critical aa It really was. Neit her, indeed, Although 1 of disease for which lt is recommended, or There was a strange hush as of decay and dia Gordon himself ree.liz~ it. He waa so fighters, he was freely criticised by mi>.ny money fjaid for it will be promptly refunded. decth in the old corridors. thoronghan idoalfot tha!J he oonld not !ma.glue experts for being unusull>lly liable to ace!· C opyrig ht., 18138, lly WOHLD'S 1>1s. MED. AsS'N. "Let us give them sometbins;i: outside of that people whom he n.!wa.ys treat ed well and dents. on wbom he ha.d conferred so many benefits An imperial decree has been iasued direct ing their knitting and thoughts of the grave,' oould said one of the young girls one day, the oon3tructionof the ra.ilroad between Pek· P OSSIBT,Y BE :HIS E NEMIES. ing and Ha.nkow, The EmperJr, reoognfaing "A ooncert I" cried another. ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh ltcmcdy, for un The idea was received with applause. His unlimited confidence, which him the popular suopicion of auch a work, has Incurable case of Catarrh in the Head. Placards announcing the concert were sent blind to all danger and deaf to all ·the called upon all tho Viceroys to iaaue proolii.· over to the Home, and the girls began prac- warnings of his friends, was the oa.uae of hie mations eirpla.ioiag it. ticing on piano and guitar. death. A million Mannlbher rifles been or· The poor old women clustered aronnd the Gordon, always calm and undaunted, did dered by the German Government from the handbills and went, trembling with cxclte- nou even for a. moment show Hony outward Steyr factories, which have been working meo~. to their rooms. a1 gns of excitement, not even when his own e:x:clueively fortheAustro-Hunga.ria.nGovern· ! ' A concert I" " What shall I wear?'" S>ldiers refused to obey him any longer be- ment for nearly a year past. On Ocb. 1 the OF CANADA. " 1 played the piano once, " "And I" cause their pay was in arrear. In the last whole army and the L'lnd wehr will be armed ()apttalpatd up.,eo@. llest, $:160,IO "low their foeble hearts beat and the slug· fortDight they had t() fight every night, and with them. a fter every engagement it wa.s found that This Bank ls prepared to do L egit~ gieh blood began to throb In their veins I Probably the longest "bee" line r ..ilway A week passed. The day ; t he numbera of the soldieirs had uone over to the io the world is thP-t from Huenos Ayres to mate Banking In all its branchei!, piano and guitara wero carried to the Hom<J, Ma hdi's Three du.vs before tbe fall o tha foot of the Andes. It covers 340 kilome. Farmers not ee d iscounte d ; D.eposl1·· 1Jhe aeat s placed. '.!.' he inmat es assembled Khartoum he s!!old: "Now ib is higbest received and Interest pl?.id on a m ounts cJ an hour before the t ime, el\ch wit h eome bit time 'for the relieving foroe to arrive.' tree, orab)llt 2i5 mllen, and is a.sRtraight as it if an arrow. T he highest grade ia a.bout three lo·u p wnrd s in Savings Ban k D epiirtment of ancient finorv to honor the occasion. fforep~a.tedly urged hisEur opea.n foilawera to feet to the mile. It crosses no ravine and no It w as a simple concert after s.ll. lrwo or fly from Khartoum but as he h imself refused aeream, and therefore no bridge. DR A .l?T S Jeeued and Colleotious in Eurefe t hree familiar melodies, some hymns, "Auld to do so, they would not leu. ve their Gener11ol The most fa.moue ba.rber now living, rr.o· L'lng Syna," ' ' The Last Roso of Summer," in the lurch. United States, nnd Cana.du., and other old ditties. About hie moments Herr Fdcke ea.ya : bably, Is about to celebrate his ailver wedding The old women sat very silent, now a.nd in .Paris. He is M. Adolph Paques. He Remember the stand- next to Cawker's Meat Store. W. J ··rONES, "It is noc true that he wae a.ssassina.~ed as was the greatest of hie kind sixty yer>rs a~o. AJl;·nt. then suddenly laughing aloud or wiping a. he down on hearing tear a.way furtively, Some of the music wa.a He numbered ii.moo~ his clients Cha.tea.u. THE SOUNDS OF A RIOT familiar and dear to them. lb brought brla.nd, L>.i.martine, Victor Hugo, Theodolph their homea a.nd their dear again. But among the s oldlero, H e came, as wa.a hie Gautier, Mlle. M'rs, and Ma.libran. it did more, They were alive u.g1.1in them- wont every morning, to inapeot the saldiera, The11oisless powder is not a new invention. N . B.-All accounts due the above estate, not settled selves ; they were once more s. pa.rt of their with his stick in his hand. He never carried In thP third volume of Benvenuto Cellini's \ generMion. Somebody had ta.ken thoughb a sword, nob even while fighting. As be a.utoblo~rnphy the author relates that when once, will be put in other hands to collect. out of the house some of his own sol· Paid up .~lapltal, $300. HO for them to give them pleasure. suffering from fever in F errara he cured himllest, J- · l!l.UU,000. The concert was over, and soon forgotten diers hurled th ~ir spurs at him, and thia self by eat:ing pea.cook, and that he procurtil ---0-by the pertorm.ere. But the audience never was the sign for a general " Herr himself t he birds surreptitiously by ehoot· Fricke, when he sa.w the General lying dead, 1 beg to notify the public that lam reoelvinQ. for1mt it. It wa.a the one 1£\ra of their life in flad by & by-pl!.t b to the Nile, where he se- ing them with powder" inventd by him deposits for 1his company, and a llowing a the Home. They da.ted ii.ll events as "be· cured a sma.11 boa.t , in w hioh ha escapeti that no noise," hiiher rate o t interest than ·he banksfore" or "after thf> concert. " [rbey hum. Thero are several good reasons for tha med t he ii.irs for in their cracked old down the river. He told me that , although No NOTICE OF WJTllDR~WAL R EQUJRBD he suffered m11ony privat ions incurred attempt to train swa.llows for military mes. voices, I a.m aleo prepared to grant I t wae a trifling thing to do, yet it hlld many dangers, he finally eeo~p ed, owin5 t o sages, instead of carrier pigeons. The J.. oans on .BEAL E~TATI brou,ght a grea.~ warmth and happiness int o h is br ing a Mussnlman, and eo understand· swallows are swifter, a.nd more difficult marks to shoot a.t, The experiment s9 far on [ia voH!.lle terms. these faded lives. Is there no little thing , ing ii.ll t he customs and ritual ceremoniPs Oi'l<'ICE: which will bring happlneHs to some neglecte d From Berber he journeyed with a caravan to promises well. A young swallow from Sua.kin, Herr F ricke positively asserts that Rouba.ix flew home from Paris, 155 miles, in creature, waiting for ns to do~ MoMu:rtry'a Dry ~11 Siore, two before the fall of Khartoum G 3n. an hour and thirty minutes. W. F. ALLE.N Gordon mhtht hava escaped, with all the A monument ha.9 been ereoted over t ho BowruanTille, Oct. 11, lBf.8. 4:1-tm · Europeans, had not his fatal determination of Adolf von Sohlagintweit, the famous An Amateur Physician. stood in his way. traveller ii.nd savan t, who in August 1857, was murdered by near Kasobgar, A correspondent writes :-A~ a p!I tlent in Central A!lia.. It is In the form of a larg e contlnuea to ae a Ooneral Ila.akJll&: B·lliite the Toronto General Hoepital, observing the Bowmanvill1t Branch. MIX£D Wlr. stone pyramid, surmounted by a heavy pla in house surgeon daily visiting from bed to bed , iron croes. The Russian Government paid dressing a wound here, dropping a. kind word DEPOS I T S there, r eminds me of the time when I too " Whi!.t did you moan, sir, by swearing for the monument and the Chincise Govern· !tecelved in Saving~ Dank Department a nd was a hospital physician. In the hot sum· before my wife! You mu!t apologiz6 I" ment the ground. 1allandinteresta.l\owed at current rat e11. t mer of 1852 on board the P . & O. Mail " P11.rdon, Mosieur I P&rdo.n I I do make A gra.nj fete 011t of compliment to" Amsrica. 111tioe of withdrawal nece8Mry. A l l de11cz!\ pa yable on d emand, Ste11imor on the China seas, we hu.d Ma orew z 1 apology. I did nob know z~ lBdy wished and Corsica." the la tter as the most form· European d :Iicers, e ngineers, their al!flisb· to swear ze first." ido.ble claimant t-o being the birthpla.oe of EXCB.A...NGE " What's your nam e, sia ?" asked Ohol · c ...1umbus, will be given on the 12oh of 3o ugh t a.nd sold and Draft s Issued upon Rnrop ants, quartermasters, while our sailors and were L!!ecurs, our boatmen Chinese, l ey of t he pretty waiter ·girl. ··Pearl, sir.·' firemen 0 Jtober In .Po.ris, for the celebrat ion of" the Jnlted States and Canada,a lso Gold,Silver an iJnlted Sta.~s Green backs boullht and 30ld, our cooks Por tuguese and our coal trimmere " Ah, you'1 ·0 tho pearl of gr eat prlc<, no 397th anniv eisary of t·he discovery of the Malays. Among these ll\t ter a oont~gious d oubt ?" ·· N o, sir, I'm t he pe11,rl before New World." There wlll be a procession of UOLL EU':li'.!®1"~ fever broke on t; now if t he report of t his swine." delegates from a.11 the American Star es a.ud Promptly a,t curron t ra L ea upon all p from t he ·w est Indies. g ot nfo among t he passengera a. consternation La.dr of t he House (to trnmp) Y ou :iat i)f Grea.t Brittain, t he U11ite<t l:)tatoB minion of Canada., not easily s uppro!!l!ed, would been the ;is if you had never seen a. meal of victuals During some m11onoeu vres of the German result. Therefore Gomez, our Pvrtugneae befor e ? T ramp- Ma dam, you must excuse cavalry at Breig a .woman and her little boy Teleg ra1·1D. 'l'ransre1·8 phyaioiau, aod I a.rmnged our sick fol ks in 11> ma. I a'pose I do eat awk ward, but the fact ,;ob In front of a. regiment of cuira.ssiere .Made t or large or oma.ll sums on all part s o/ row under the foroasble, a.a much out of s I hain 't ha d much practiee htely · charging in full gallop. The lea.ding cfli .ier Canada. 'l'his ls e s pecially o.dvanmgeouo t o ~ igbt as possible. I was furnish"1d wi bh a rsons living in M<>n1Loba or t he .North·wes t bottle of medic1ne and aepoon; with instrucYoung H al (vieibing a neighbor) - W hy, shouncd to her t o lie d own, and she did, it makee th.i.t~x111s&va.ilable at 01 1cc at he tioos to mininer as occt1sion might r~quire . Mrs. H ammer, you are qui te big. Mrs. lying upon her boy. T he whole r egiment nee ot p a.s·m u1tt. pa.~se d over without injur ing her, every t or !a··ttter 11a.rt·ioulars oc.ll at th e Bank ll'g I t herefore laid t h o fever -stricken Malays H ammar-Yea, my d ear ; did you have any horse in whose track she lay having been onae. &ide by side, but my diflioulty was t-0 dis- idea that I wasn 't ? Yomig Hal- Yea, um, made to j llmp ov~r her. 'l', B i'l.O DI.ll:, G .ll'O, MaQILI., tin:rnis h one from the other, they were all of co.u se ma said y ou wer e so mighty small th'1t T he R ussian army h11a just exhibited to Accountant,;rer a color, t heir oriental names I could neither no one could geb along with you.r emembeL · nor pronouuoe, and o.u for their Johnny's Uncle- N ow, Johnny, y ou know bho world progress to an important degree costume, such a muddle of r11gs only puzz\~d are people who live off other. a.t the mnvoeuvree ab K l'a.snoe Sela. This me, I therefore went by numbers. G om· z . I ohnny- You're a cannibal, ain't you, U n ole? rs attributed chiefly to the work of Gen, would ask," Well, how y our patients ?" Johnny's Uncle- Why, no, Johnny; why V1rnnofomy, thdnew Minis ter of War. Tne "No. 2 appears a little better, No, 5 is very do you ask ? Johnny- Well, pa. to ma event was marked also by the Cn r being muoh worse, I v, him an extra dose, No. night that yon had been living off your t hrown. He has ~rown very stout. and in going up a bill his horse fell, s.nd his M ' j esty 7 Jied In the night, his mates took him out relations for years. rolled a.way without Injury. this morning, he formed a breakfast for the - -- -·-·--·.. --~-----sharks, but his place is filled by another." To .h·idge the .English Channel, Occasionally in my absence they would get Big undertakinKS are the order of the day. Bis Love Worth .Even Afore. mixed up, the result would be the.t one The E iffel Tower h11>e evidently aroused a. "Clara,' ' he exclaimed, laying his hand would get an overdose intended for ano~her. spirit of emulation, if we may judge by a One morning, I misnd one who h e.d shown project dieonssed at the annual convention upon his cudiac region, "I have long looked symptoms ofapproaching death. What could in P a.ris the other day of the Iron and Steel forward to this o:rportnnity to tell yon that have become of him! Hs.d he jumped over, Institute. It ia nothing leEs th1 m a bridge I love you with all the ardor of a. nii.ture free - .:.S'Yboard ? had he been translat ed, or had the over the Englbh channel. This would in a. from guile and duplicity. Say the llt te intense heat evaporated him ? I jus t filled double eenee rise hig h above the abortive word, Clare., which sh"ll me tho np bis gap with ano~her a.nd said nothing tunnel scheme. It is no fanciful plan eithar, piest of men, Or If your ma iden modesty 0 · I am fully prepared to a ttend Funerals o seals your rub y lips, give me some little k eeptbe shortest notice, a t the lowest vooGible mto a.bout him. To our surprise one fine day he simplv got up to form an interesting subj ect ()a.3li::etll and BurinlCasesrea dy on short n ot ice emeri;ied from hlo hidin'l place well nigh for a pa.per before t he convention, lb lli>s siute which shiioll mutely say tha.b my love is !onsbi.nt reFlrst-clasa hea rse on ver7 moder Me t fl}'IJl!l recovered without medical P erhaps his all the seriona featu res of a n actual deter· returned, and which shall be a · ShroadB and Oolnns con& tantl y on h and . ll'no was a. fait h cure. minder of this, my hour 01 nappinese. S~ay I mination no construct such a bridge. The e ral ca.rde supp · cl 1 n Oll(e, lt·nrnl1.ure Shop L et1 it be one .:>f your golden tresses, j uat one route baa been aurveyed, t he ground been littJl·l look of your fro.~rant hair," SI t w fl < on. ·- :E cu.nF.. · 1' ' " Blcr.k. experimented upo::i, the amount of metal a.ud A Ohoice Bit of Worldly Wisdom. Cli.rll. blushed, a nd seeing tha.t George A countryman on a Sta.ten Island ferry. mactiinery r equired been calculated, an esti- t,ock clp the sc!sHore from the table, she murformed of the probable oost, and th e mate boat wa.s talking with a somewhs.t wizened mux1l · : " .Na:y, George, n ever mind ohe up old la.dy who was e"idently his mother, approval of the English engineers been ob· eciasors ; here it is (a.nd she removed Ml tained. The route would be between Cape and th e latter was beard to ~ay to him : a ffluent switoh) ; t ake it. It ooet me $ 10, "Wall, now, S11om, I don't think you Grisnez and Folkestone, the material ulied bull auch love a.a yours is worth far n.ore steel, the mnsonry piers would be from 100 t reated Luciady just right in the matter. to 500 yards a.pu t. ab high water t he space h a.n tha.b, "- [Boston Transcript. .wful bad about it. " She felt v "Wall," the son responded meditatively between the eea and the bridge would be 60 Grounds for ~Horrible Suspicion. l\nd with ii.n amount of worldly wiedom for yards, and the cost is ph.oed at £ 34,400,000. which one w11>a n ob at all prepared from It would take t en yeare to build. The miliBe-·· And M"e you sure that I am the suoh a. source, "I'm kind o' sorry, but then tary critics who ma.nglod the tunnel scheme firsr. l\lld 011ly m11.n thn.t ever kissed yon?' ; at its birth have nob yet been heard from. will atand a eight ·nore from fellers $ be- " Of rourse I am sure, Y ou do not This Lead is known from gals thii.n fellers will from gals." d oubt my word, do vou ?" WouJd .Ruin Business. And the wrinkled old woman sighed and H e - " Of course I do not doubt you, my Halifax !·- , British Columbia was silent, as If ahe felt the imposaibility of B e"gar : "A chonsand thanks, mv g ood d arling. I love ycu too manly, too devoted· eo obvious a proposition, and sir, for the splendid coat you h,i,ve given me, ly for nhat. Ba t whv, ob, why dld you reach the best; finest, purest controverting remembered her own yout h and the things but 1 ca.n not wear it. It would ruin my busl- for the reins t he very instant I ventured .to tba.t had happened t o b ell ~h· ·neu - nob a soul would give mo a. farthing I" put my arms around you if you had never in 35;Gw Vic· or:u, E uiidings/ Bowmanville. been there before ?" ~auadiau jtatt~nulu. YOUNG FOLKS. HOW GORDON mrD· I'O.K£1GN NEWS. -- I I I Infants I Children. Toronto Office---4~ Adelaide St. West. IGUARANTEED I Your L st anee $BOO g[Fm~~!~ MJLLllfE and Fancy Goods STANDARD BAN 1' --- at the prices they will be sold at. The balance of stock belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Morrison is t o b e clear ed out in two weeks, as the business is to b e wound up, regardless o f prices. Call and examine the goods, will pay you to buy y ou d.o not require them for present use. GROCERS' DUE BILT..S TAKEN. The G,tI'tario Loan and Savings Co. W. MORRISON., at MURDOCH BROTHER'S BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO BANK Cbin a Hall Headquarters in vVest Durham for FINE ' Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinaware, Glassware, Crockery, · Hall, Parlor and Hand Fancy Cups, Saucers, Vases, Lamps~ Water and Lemonade Sets, etc; - ..... - OUR FAMILY U ND ERTAKI N ~ L EV I MORRIS. GROCERY & PRI OVISION DEPAR TMENT Is always well supplied with the very best goods at lowest prices. . Leading Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased to show goods. Insp ection solicited.. as and MURDOCH BROS. Canada.

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