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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1889, p. 1

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TBRMB :-11.50 Pu b:xtTH. OUR TOWN A.ND OOUNTY l'IRST: THE WORLD A.FTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES VOLUME PROl'RnTon, N-.w Su1Es. NuoEB 585. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1889. COURTIOB. Miss Florence Courtice and Misa Millie Everson are visiting Mrs. (Rev.) 1'. Brown, Roaeneath .....Mr. W eeks, of Bowman· ville, has taken the contra.ct for paintinl{ Mr. Rrook's new house. Big bousewarmiug expected soon ... Mr. Anthony Pascoe has returned from a six months' sojourn in England ...· Mr. R. Nichols had a mammoth husking·bee-200 bush· els shelled ... Tbe property of the late Oren Miller was sold by auction. Mrs. J . Hancock bought the ea!t lot for $330, and Mr. W . White the west one for $280. ... . Mr. Levi Annis bought a fine suck· ing filly from Mr. Jas. Found, of Pickering, for a good figure . ·.. A small hunting party- Messrs. Wes. and Sid Brooks Rnd Frank Gay were out an afternoon last week and killed nine black squirrels.two gray ones (very fiae specim.1m11) a.nd a partridge. XXXV. NUMBER 44. I ORONO. JOHNSTON IL are daily opening out NE-W- Thia powder never va.r1es. A marvel ol purity, strength and wholosomoness, More ooonom.loal than the ordinary .ll:lnde, and can not be sold In competition with the· multitude ot low test, short weight, alum or pho11phate oowdere, Sold only in oane. ROYAL BAK· ING POWDER CU.. 106 W all St·· N. Y. FALL GOODS and when complete, they will exhibit --the-- A WORD TO FARMERS. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Fi11esl Stock ever. shown by any house in Bo"\vmanville. COUCH. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Door " T est ot· Post Offi.ce. I take this me t110d of thanking my old customers and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to me during the years that I have been in business and having titted up a good show room and office on the site lately occupied by Mr. C. Rogers on Silver St., between Percy's blacksmith ahop and the N ews office, whei·e I shall be pleased to see my old friends or make n ew ones, and I invite all who want anything in the following lines to call and aee me and examine goods and compare prices and quality before placing your orders : agricultural machinery, steam and horse power threshing machines, Brantford binders, reHpera and mowers ; seed drills, spring-tooth cultivators, disk, sulky and iron harrows, riding and walking plows, straw cutters, grain crushers, root cutters ; also agent for the Goold Bicycle Co., and St. 'l'homaa White Bronze MonumG nt Co.; insurance effected on farm buildings and private residences at lowest rates. Headquarter3 for plow points, machine oil and axle grease. JAMES McLEAN, 14-tf. Bowmanville. Ocean tickets by different lines of steamships for sale at the STATESMAN office. tf ~F ~!t:- LL@ ~ MILLINERY · The fall campaign about commenced in every line of Dry Goods and this firm is ta· the front with the largest stock of Dry Goods they have ever shown and ·w e are safe in saying the largest in this place. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. is loaded with goods and a better selection would be difficult to find. This Department as formerly is under the n1anagemeat of J.Vf1SS NOBLE. Every lady in town and' vicinity should visit this Department. Dress Goods and Siks. In D.ress Goods, Silks and Mantlings we are showing a beautiful stock. For quantity this Department is overloaded ·vvith choice goods. Every Department in our House is piled full of new goods and for ow prices w e challenge any House in the Dominion to surpass u s . Piles of Flannels and Blankets, piles of Costume Clothes Dress Goods and Silks, piles of Clothing and Tweeds, piles of Boots and Sho~, a grand selection of Millinery, piles of everything and every purchase·~ should, in their own interest, visit this Emporium before buying One Dollars' worthofGoods. REMEMBER THE PLACE. E. TH0 ~11i PSON Bankrupt Stock M en. 8c CO., (From our own Correspondent.) Miss Aura Hall, Bowmanville, is visiting frie11d11 in and around Orono. Mr. Thos. Underwood baa returned to - INtown after a week'is ~isit to Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith apent Sunday and Monday last with friend~ at Whitby. Mr. J. M. Jackson has not sold his interest in the livery and stage business in Orono as reported. - - o -Mra. S. F. Newsom, who forsome time past has been ill, is, we are pleased to We appear Lefore the readers learn, convalescent. Mra. Rd. Ruddock purposes moving to of the STATESMAN as present Bowmanville in a short time where she occupants of the famous CORNER with her niece, Miss Crosby, will perman· STORE, in the pleasant little ently reside. Mr. Jno. Waddell is bu1lding a brick village of Orono. addition to the North American hotel in the place of the old frame building ueed The shop ia one of the finest and BURKETUN. as a kitchen. best adapted places of the kind for On Tuesday an interesting event took Miss Hunt, Port Hope, has returned to business in the county. Now placeattheresidenceofMr.Elmes',when her home after a brief visit with her Miss Tilley, sister of Mrs. Elmes, wa1 f riend, Miss Irwin, also Mrs. McPherson while everything appears lovely united in marriaga by Rev. John Creigh· and dauRhter, of Orillia, accompanied by on the surface, in~ide you will find ton, B. D., to Mr. G. Rawe, of Walker- Master Lyle Tucker. ton. The party took the evening train last quarterly meeting of the a beehive of industry and a whirlfor Toronto en route for Detroit where teacher& and officers of the Methodist S. they spend a short drue. priur to ta.king up S. , Mr. Horace Knott was elected L ibra· pool of bargaim, not surpassed in their residence in Walkerton. Mrs. rian iu plaoe of Mr. E. 0. Thornton, and our county. Tilley is at present visitin~ at Mr. Ji:lmes'. Mr. W. Newsom, Secretary, iii place of . .. . Mrs. McDonald, of Bolton, and Mr. Mr. A. Staples, resigned. · While barley js so very cheap Bell, of Brampton,atten~ed th~ weddiog. · Messrs. Smith & Co. have got a. very we are giving bargains to match, ····The concert on J!'riday ~1~ht ~as a attractive store now and the prices gra!ld succe~R. ';l'h~ children d1s~u?gu1shed of their goods a lso attractive They are and a visit to 'o ur Htore will conthemselves. m smgmg and reciting. A doing a rattling big business since movin~ duet by Miss H~yes and Mr. Callender to the Corner Store. The public are al- vince you that we are among the ah~ a solo by M 1ss Hayes were particular· ways sure of a big dollars' worth in their leaders in the selection of goods, ly fine. Rev. R. McCullou~h and Rev. store and at prices that cannot fail to B.. f:ianderson gave interesting addresses. · Dr. J . C. Mitchell's g<meral manner won Wo regret very much the removal from merit a share of your patronage. the hearts of the people. He filled the our town or Mt. C. B. Borl~nd and famchair with great acceptance. lly.. Mr. Borland ha~ carri~d on a good A great big emporium of almost buame&s in the drug lme. durmg the put 10 years and has decided to move to '.ro- everything. HAMPTON. ronio to further develope his b11siness in Mr. A. A. Bryaut of the 7th line, the Queen City. Specialties in DRESS Goons, F UR Darlington won the first prize in men's The A. 0 . U . Workman's Lodge Room, Goons, READY-MADE CLOTHING, firnt-claes at the Whitby plowing match "Trull'11 new block," is about completed last Wednesday, receiving a. new plow and when finished will make one of the CLOTHING 'l'O ORDER, and $6 in money. Be u~ed Mr. Jamee most commodious and best adapted ha.Us L eaek's celeb1·ated imported Scotch plow to be found in ihe county. The R. T. of that has won so many first prizes, arni Temperance will in all probability occupy TEAS, ::)UGARS AND GENERAL GROone of Mr . L Pask'a horses. the same hall, as the one in present use CERIES. Big drives in BOOTS AND Mr. Jam es McLe an bas r eturned from is not well enough equipped to accommoSHOES; also L UMBER, SHINGLES Manitoba. He is not enthusiastic over date the membership. the country but thinks money can be and CEDAH. The. attendance at th e churches on Sunmaae there. He saw as much as 29 bush. of wheat to the acre harvested this s011son. day was fairly good. The Christian a.ud nded · · . . Mr. Isaac Clark, Peterboro, made a Presbyterfan churches were well attG flying visit here last week ... . Our cheeee in th., morning as a large portion of their factory has closed for the season .....Mr. congregations live outside the village. At T. ,J. Clark's infant child was buried on the Methodist church the Rev. Mr. Saturday .... Mr. J . '.l'. Williams has re· '.l'horn, of Ne?"castle, preached in the EN.[l'IELD. turned, not being suited with the position morning and the pastor, Rev. George Mr. L . Vickery is home- th!l Whitby of salesman on the train ... . We were in- Edwards in the evening, taking for his formed that Mr, R . H. Bunt had the con- text the "Lord's Prayer", on which sub· foundry is closed ... .. Mr. J . .B. ·~eynolde, tents of his barn fully insured, but such ject he purposes preaching a aeries of ser· t eacher, is engaged here for 181JO-hi~her salary...... The fine residence of Mr. Thos. was not the case. About $350 worth of muns. contents wer e consumed with no insurReceipts of Pre8byterian tea and re- Hill is completed .... .. Mr.·fabez H allet is on the sick list......... No chnrch aervice ance on it. . ... Mr. P. Brennan h~ s rented opening $175. the fa.rm lately occupied by Mr. R. MarMiss Lizzie Connell is home from vis- here n ext S unday .. ... Welly Niddery, who works for Mr. Sam. Bray, won two first tin, north :! of lot 15 in t he 5th con. iting in Bowmanville. prizes at Whitby plowing match , ii.rid his Mr. Noble Graham, was visiting his many friends are glad of it. J...uther SOUTH DARLINGTON. sisttJr, Mrd. W. J>ope. Bradley also won a prize. Good boys. As Mr. .Tames Short was passing along Mra. A. ;T. Lockhart and Miss L ottie the Base Line with a load of barley his HA YDON. . t eam started to run nnd he being off the visited h ere last we'ek. Miss Hunt, of Port Hope, was visiting ]o;ld and not having h old of th e lines was Mr. A . Gibson has a ne w driver that unable to stop them but happily they at Mr. T. A. Brown's. makes q uite 11> f!hostly appearnuce . ....Mr. were stopped before any very serious Miss Stephens, of M ariposa, was guest D . Graham and Thos. Maloney has gone damage was done .... Miss Maggie Oke, of Mr. David S tephens. to the to wnship :Mara on a hunti n~ exour popular dress-maker has moved into The Orangemen of Pootypool are going pedition . . . .. Mr. Wm. Broad is improvrooms in Mr. Geo. Witheridge's house. to have a big go on Nov. 5th . ing, but slow1y ... . Dead- a hors" b elong· · . . , Who was chased by an auk? . ..· Mr. ing to l\'Ir. Gib'son of the Promised L and Miss Maggie Wilson, . P ort H ope, was and Mrs. E. G. Power have been visiting - Too much rye chop was the -cause ..·· friends in Courtice and Oshawa recently. gu est of t he Misses Odell, last week. · Visitors : Misses Bradley, of Iowa, Mrs . Mr. James Moffatt is home from Mani· W. C. Motley, of Toronto; Mrs. Hawkey, . . . . Mr. Franklin Wright, of S. S. No. 3, will give up the school at Cbi·istmas as he toba, highly plt1ased with the cJuntry. of Tyrone ; Mrs. T. Heard, of T oronto intends going to school next year. Sorry Bow manville and N e wcastle made a .... 'l'here is some talk of starting a Dito pal't with him . . .. On ednesday Oct. forge showmg at the Presbyterian T ea. vision here n ext week. Hope it will be a 16th, a number of friends and acquain: .l\!Iaa&er Bernard Jewell, O~hawa, was snccess ...· Mr. Bancroft gives one of his taucefl gathered at th e residence of Mr. visiting at Mr. George Beer's last wee k:. popubr lectures here Oil ruesday evening Walter Oke, to witness th11 marriage of Mrs. (Dr.) Spencer, and Miss McNeil, next. his daugh t1;1r, Miss Lillie M. Oke and Mr. Thomas Oke, son of Mr. William Oko;i. of of Darlingtou, were guests at "Glenelg. " Dry good11 at coet at Tod Bros.' giving· Rev. R. A. Rooney nod Miss Maggie, West Darlington .... Mr. Thos. Vancamp of P errytown, vi~i~ed in the villagll last up-business-eal u. had a pii;: kllled by the r ecently. week. clothing will b e cleared at KENDALL. Ladies of th e Presbyt erian church will any price. - -Ellison & Co. Mrs. ·W. Jackson has been very ill for h old a social a t Mr. James Linton's on : THB STATBSl:lAJ."; and Empire from now some time ·.·. Mies Annie Pook, t eacher Thanksgiving evenin g. to end of 1890 for only $2.00. m Newcastle High School has been visitThe barns of the Bellknap homestead, We in tend to show our frie nds what ing at Mr. R. Cowan's .... Messrs. Moull owned by Mr. N. A . Jerome, were burn- " 11elling cheap " roially moans .~Ellison andltosaiter, Royal T emplar rivalists held ed Oct. 22. Origin of the fire unknow\l· & Co. meetings here recet1tly . . .· Messrs. Thos. Partially insured. . Subscriptions must be sent to M . A. Thurtle, of the 7th line, is ill . . .. Mr.Jno. Mr. c . B . Borland will remove his JAMES, STATJW.M J.N Office, Bowmanville, S mith ia also very lo w~not expected to 11tock of drugs, to 'Vest Toronto Junction, Ont. 41- 2 w. recover .... . Mr. Wm. Cooper, ()th L ine wherll he will oven a drug store. Mr. If you wa!lt your watch repaired take h ae rented .Mr. Robert Covran's farm, Borland and family will b s much missed lately occupied b:y Mr. James Bawks .·. · from our village, as they are in e very it to J . J·Mason's and get it done satisfactol'ily. ~r. E. Og:pen, of Pontypool, has moved respect fir st· class citizens. rnto Mr. Jackson 's new house .··· Mr. We begin our cheap imlo of dry goods Robt. Cowan, carpenter, ia b uilding a fine and clothing on Friday, Sept. 27th.- E llison & Co. r esidence on Mr. W. Wa~del '~ farm near The Late Richard Ruddock. Orono . .· · Mr. Sam. Conlm will work Mr. Large stock of shirts and drawers and T. H. M cLean's farm on shares. Mr. Few m en in this township were better qardigan j acke.ts at Tod Bros· : · giving-upMc. goes to Bowmanville to live . ..· Mr. knowr, than the late Mr, Rich . R ud!lock, buainess-sale. S aunders, of N awtonville, has r ented Mr. who died on the 14th inst., at the ripe John Farrow'I! farm on the 5~h con.... old nge of 34 years. He was born in Crompton's Gelebrated coraets,Coraline, " · t h e owner Barnsdale, England, and to Can<1da Yatisi and other makes at cost at Ted M r . J oh n Wh 't t e, 6'h " L me, 1s of a fine apiary and ha.a extracted over a early i n life. Posso'!sed of considerabla Bros.' giving-up-business·sele. t on of h oney this sea:mn ··. . Mr. I. J . shrewdness he spent his active businoos A very large o.nd choico s tock of Rew Carson's horse dashed away S und11.y night career in agricultural pursuits and was tweeds and \TO!"i5teds ]Uet opened out at week, leaving the buggy 11.gainst tiB posts considered a successful farmer. He Couch, Johnson & Cryderman's. on the stre_ e t; Moral- L ess oats ~r less l settled on t h.e homestead known as If you want a first-class oigar you must r eckless drivm g. r "Bransda le" ·s hortly after landing in the ~o to W. E. P ethick's wh er e you will find country, H e frequently t ook part in a great many kinds t o choose from. --- · --OANNOT F.AtL. - Mrs. J ohn E. ThompTRlED ! T lilSTED ! P.nov.Ell ! - A year . elec tions during the time wh~n. th~ late was troubled with Mr. ~unro represented t his r1dmg i.n th e son, of Shelburne, P. Q., writes : My ago last summer dysentery. I procured Dr. F owler's E x-. Canadian ~ouse of Commons. Bemg a two children received great benefit from tract of Wild Strawberry and took accord- , care~ul busmess man he massed t ?gether Fowler's Extract of Wild S trawberry for ing to directions, which completely cured I cons1dera~le wealth 11:nd leaves his v_ a st r Diarrhooa and s ummer complaint. I me.-Robert E. Green, Lyndhurst, Ont. accumulat10ns t o lus n~lmerous. h "'irs, gave it according t o direction and they This medicine cures all looseness of the D eceased had for a long time prev10us to soon recovered. Be auro and get the bowels. his death been vary feeble and finally genuine. · passed quietly away surrounded by his VIC'l"tRU. CA.Jr.ROI.(() S ALVE U a : woude1·· NEV.Elt AJ.J, i·w tlle bowels to reui1un friends. His remains were interred in . .MDeHlld fo·r CU (S, '1'011Dtl. ' I, eonstt1·ated Jest ~e.. tous ev il e Jts1ui. Nat- ' the Orono Cemetery and the f nncral J°ll.1 lte ·llill&; (, brtilics, bui·ns, sealtb,lllollfi, pil~s. ptm1>l~8 iuunl Pills are uns ur1,assed l\S :\ rmu e1ly fur l "-T constt1·11tlon. ; cortege was vary arge.- .Li ews. I .tc. rn CORNER SroR~ ORONO. ... Attiia , SMITH & CO· '\T I I

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