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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1889, p. 2

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J.M. BRIMACOMBE OFFICE :-Rear He is t ho wisest man who does not think G himself eo. EVERY WEDNESDA.Y MORNIN Like m1my a :toung man. nv.turo begins -BYher foll by p~intiog thinge red. Nothing looks more liker. man of sense Dl..f[ .. than a fool who hold s his tongue. AT THE OFFIOE, A patien t figurer has fouud the.bin 12,000, Post flmce Block, 1u11i; street, JSownian· 000 years the sun will be a.s drnse as the vUJe, 011tarlo: earth. year fifty-five persons presenti:d trERM3 : Ithemselves v .iluntarily e.t the Scotoh lun1.1it1c $Lll0 per J.nmm1, or f!lJ,ClG if Pllld bl aoyl1 1m!! and l\~ked for ~r9atm~nt, ndvnn~. 1 Aooordlng to a. pa.per read at a. congrcs~ p ,.1 nirnt etrlotly in advance required from. suh- at Sbr(l.llburg 32 per cent, of railway passen · icrlbere out·ide of the cc unf Y · .odn!berath to discon- gera in Prussia. travel fourth· clase, 21 per oent. tlnue the popn mu·t be atccrnpomc Y e amount ' . I S 9 fi t due, or the paper will vot t e etcpi;ecl. Subecnb ere third-class, 20 5 seoond, and on Y rE · '. "Casoor!n is so welladapted t.o children that Caatorla cUl'Cll Colle, CGnBtlpt\tlo11, 'U e reepoDslble un1J1 lull poyment is, An Ohio peddle~· hii.ving fallen ill, his 17· [ reco=end it as auperior to 11.ny prescription Sour, D1 anilcea, Erilctn.tion!£.- itL flilowntome." H. .A A.i&CR%R M D Kills Worms, gives sleep, and prom.._...RllTES OF ADVERTISING: ~ year-old daughter' mounted the oart and ""' ,_ ,,. ' · ., gestton "'N.hole Ool?,mn, oHne ~l·fenr, ........ . .. ., .$6 30 6 0000 ~~ drove t<bont the country for three wcJeke. lll So. Ozt.ord. SS., llrooklJ'Il, N, Y. With<m$ wjurioua medication. rn ·· ' R yea.r ·.·· u ·· · ·· ~ " " One quarter ·.... . -- 20 00 ""~ -n Her sales exceeded any that nor father eve1· T.m!: CBNTAUR Cor.w.ANY, 77 Murray Street, N. '11', lfalf Column one year ..·.·.···.·· · · · 88 00 ~ made in the s11,me length of time, " H a.lfycar . ... .. ...... 20 00_ h . a· d d One quarter ........ ... lll 50 _ They say they ave 1scovere a won 6r· Qu"rter Colu:rr.11 one yea.r ... · . ..... 21) ()() ful salb lake in tbe interior of Africa This ·· " Ha.If year .... "··· - 12 6G is good news They C!ln now pack some of " lints andnnd " One quarter...... .. ¥0 8 50 00 _ "blY Tm first. tneertlon _ 5 t h e at or Ie~ t h.ey. send f ram bhere an d posa1 Each snbeequen insertio11. -. -. O 25 _ they wont spoil befor1> they reach us. FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMA.NVILiiE1 The annual cost perm ..n in some of the Fromfixtotenl111eafiretln.sertion 076 _ · G E.cheubeequent insertion . ... . O 35_ . . _,, ·B ·· · £52 Over ten lines ilratln~ertion perlin O10 arm1ee of Europt;11s,;,64 m rea.o ri.a.10, Each ~ubseo11e1:t Insertion" o 03-::::- 10 In Austro-Huogary, £49 in Germany, £22 ' Tile number ol lines to be reckoned by the 16~ in Ru!sle.. '3witzerla.nd comes a.t the epace coo?pied, menaured by a scale of solidibottom of the llflh, with an annual cost of only STE EL ROOS - IRON FOU NOAT! O ~ . Nonparol. £7 per man, BUIL DER S' IRON WORK, , Tho fastest tiimo ever on a bicycle . G, llrcJHllBON, M. D. (), ltf. M, (). P. S, n America. for a mile wa.s made at reorla, B YSICI.AN, SURGEON, AND Ac i ll., on Oob, 14~h, by Bert Myers, the P eoria AND FO UNTA IN S , ETC. COUCH EUR. Late of the firm St.owart I hampion. The trial wa.s made on .. count ry A D DRESS & l\fcKibbon.Teeawater; Offlce andreeidence c oir.d with a high geared safety. He _ rode a Preebyterian Ma11se, Blaoketock. r 8 tru.lghbaway mile in. 2. 13, with a. heavy wind blowing 11.t hi~ b !\ck. DRS. 111u.nm .& [._,UINUltiAN, (LI:M:IT:EJD). HY SICJ.ANS, SUR GEONS, ETc Most paoplo it for granted t hat beWALKERVILLE, ONT ARIO. Office :-Cor. Church end Temperanc e c an~e muok is sold in what ia called a pod, Ste. Night calls attended lrorn J)r. l:Jlllier s t her11fore it is a vegetable produc b. But the --~ -. ""! ~ .."'!_~~ .. . "'-" _':!' _.. __ __ ~~ .... ... .~ _ '!" _ "'!_"'!_'!"_ !"'"" _~~ -"" --~ -"" - ~... ....- - ~-- .. _. _ _ _ _ "'"'" ..... ".. ..... -.._ residence. t rubh is that it is entirely an animal proS, C . BJLLllllR, M.D. B. LAllCMIMAN, M. D. C. M. 'l'rin. Univ· d not, being a subsoirnoe found in a two or Fellow of Trin, Med. College, t hree inoh eac in the body of the littlEi musk Member Coll. Phys. Sur~., ont. d eer of Asia. The sao, when tied up 11ond d ried, goes by the name of a pod among the D Rt'BK SIMPSON, h unters who bring it inbo the market. ProJiBJSTE t. SOLJCI'l'OR, &c. MOPRI s be.bly there are few things cubjeot to such r L()(K, upetalrs, Ki11g Street. Bowman - ~nlterv. tion, a.a one quart of pure mu~k will e. J:'olio!tor for the Onte1·i Bank cenb thousl!>nd3 of pa.rts of some other pow11' . r1.-.1> t · Mono s loaned at the lowestra1R!5. ~ er mh·~led with it, and, as the pods sdl d from $15 to $20 ~piece, the adulteration ha~ .JGlln Keith Galbr111tlt, ita profit. .&. RR IS TE R OloTCITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &o. Office-Bounaall's Bicek _ Ing Street, Bowma.nvill.e. M:onev to lend, Eduoationa.l M.a.tters Abroad. Of the 21 young women now at t he Brus· nas. MeLA.IJGDl.IN d; BEITH. -- -~o-- -sels Unlvereiby, 10 study pha.i·macy, 7 pby· OJ'FICE :-MORRIS' BLOC:IC, BOWMANVILLE. ei cu.I ~ciences, 3 generttl medloine, and 1 ,Or.J.W; MoLAUGHLJN, Dr, A. BEITH, Ora.du hiloaopby, Before bhe decision of the IIaving decided on giving up the Dry Goods business, all our large and ~Jcentiate of the Hoyal ate of the · Toront0 p elgia.n court11 against the e.dmlssion of well assorted stock of Oollege of Physicians Univers1tv Physioio.n B Gmen to the Jar, aeveral young womeu ·uid member of the ·· w Royal College of Sur- Surgeon, &o. freqnented the university law school. ,ioons, Edinburgh. '.rhe be11onUfal Queen of Italy ha.s become a.n e&rnesb sh1dent of V l'.>lapuk. She tt.kes - -OF- DR,.J, <J, JlllT<JHEJ;J;, aeveral let1s11n11 every week in the new la.n· EMBER OF COLLEGE 01!' PHYSIOJANS and ha.s sub1oribed for t he Volapuk will be sold · and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. Ofti ie and R esidence. Ennisldllen. U . petfodical pubti.,hed in M.ih.n, ,~ ho oR.n r'(l11od qulbe ,rapidly, but finda.some m ffioa! ty in pronouncing the curious sounde wk1ob DR. E. (). MdJ01"Eltl, H err Schleyer itljeoted into his Volapuk IOENTI.ATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE dioblonary. or Physicians. London. Eng.;Member .oI The school le.we of Alsaoe and Lorraine College of P hysicians aua Surgeons, Ontar10 SumkRY AND REBIDENCE:-Renr of Messrs will be r evised ~hortly with the pr[m.e ideo, A I.ARGE STOCK OF strengthening German influence among 'Hlgginbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanville, 6-lyr.* of e inbabimnts. The a11;e of · compuloory th for Men and Boys, Women and Children.>eudanoo for 11;irl! will be rs.lsed ~c hool 1VM. BINGHA.H, fr om 13to14 years. The extr11. ycs.r, it ~s SSUER OF M.ABRIAGE LICENSES, hoped, will be a m"ans of inoreaeiDg t he are just to band and will be sacrificed to clear out at once. Re&ldence, Enniskillen. : . profioienoy of school girls h~ speaking, reit.d· 1 in g, and writlll.g the German la.ugua~e. It will pay buyers to insrect our stock before purchasing. A· (), JOJ11llill'ilG Another obj<:cb of tho provision in question !OENSED AUCTIONEER FOR is to abolfoh t he ouetom, quite prevalent the Connt.y of Durham. Sales attended a mong parents living · ne!!.r nne new Germa.u t o on shortest notice and lowest rates. Address provinoe·, of educa.ting girls ab the sobools :l6:tf cf Alea.oo iwd Lorraine for t he purpose of Jru R'llOJI P. o. t Va.dlngt>he fourteen-year school la.w enforced S, BIJUDEN & t:O., 39. a.11 other p&rtll of Germ1rny. A UCTIONEERS for ,the County of In The number of highly educat ed men in -·-~----·-·----:----i-· t1._ Durham ; ll:isuranco and f.leneral Agente. Value.tor and Real Estate Agents. Sales and G ermauy is inoreasiDg qulte rapidly, d01!1pite otber bnslnesej)romptly attended to. Box 172' t h e growing: public opinion t hat ther e are rny lea.rued Germans. In 1869, Bo"\vmanville l'. O. 36-tt already too m1 37 631 students a.iltended the universltlea, high schoolr, and aohools of l"'ianos Tnntd e.n.d Repaired. ue~bnioal tr. iue~, agriculture, and forestry. ~n ,18~2 t h e number had increased to 20,418; 101870, AR'rIES WISHU:Hl TH:&rn.P IA.NOS t o 23.261 ; in 1880, to 26,0:12; in 1.885, to '!'u.ned or repairen can na-vothom attended 31 ,755 ; in 1888, to 34,118, In mneteen {J by l.eaving word ,at the DOMINION ORGAI' y ears the tote.I number of students hau bee.n Co' Oll'l'ICE, Bowmanv!lle A ftrst-cle.s m &! moab doubled. I n 1869 there W!>B b ut on:a ~ow being in their em'Olo; udent t.o every 2,297 inhe.bitants ; In 1875, au on e t1> every 1,828; in 18E8, one t o eYery ROBT. 1'.0IJXG, V, 8. 1,4-09. "In these figur es," says a Garman FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM newspaper, "is 11> wholesome war ning for a.JI ' News Block. where h1meelt or ns·isttlnt vr ho study at the higher institutions of w 1! J l .e found !r«m 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Ni2hi calle r;rning, e.nd still ~oung enoug? to at rfsidence.direclly opposite Drill Shed. Calls le rego their gay st udent lite, which is ht1ble l'Y f1egraph or telephone will receb·e prompt fo aHention 17l·yr t o be crowned with bad pro~pects for active !ife." Thesamt1 pl!>per ~pea.ks of th~ " g>"e!l>t A. A. POST, ovcrproduotion of men" in Germany. RCHITECT. Plana and Specifioa· The Russia.n Ministry of Eduoat!on p urlions prepared for every class of huilding. poses to introduce man1 cb.a.uges in the Spfcial attention given to heati11g by steam or gan;Ql·~bion and educa,tiona.l methods of BJl d hot water. s.nd to sanitary arrangements. e Ruseie.n universities shortly. The most 43-ly thorough reform will place in the Office: Oorrie Block, Whitby. th phllosophlua.l fa.Jultles, which will be divid T. n. McLEAN. ed into four depe.rtments-ol!J.safoal (for ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR la.ngll·gen), hi~torioal. S!lwic-Russian, and the United Counties has stR.rted business German-R-Ome.n. T his fall a no;iw sybtem of in Bowmenville, and w1ll attend ealca in town ·e r surrounding country on most reasonable, exa.mina.tions for t he Governm ent eerv!ce terms. Orders may be left at W. P . Prow~r's · wl 11 be tried npo11 a ll univer~ity st udonts <Cl" filce or at 81'ATESMAN Oftlce. '.l'. H. M c .:..EAN w ho wish to be the Czu'11 oivil Bervanta. .B owmanville. 42-6m* T he rules a.nd regulations for these examlnB.blons were published some time ago. !rhe atudenba were so frlgh1ioned by the striotneas of their provieions that almost to a. man ey refttaed to re111!ot er for the examinations. Gentlemen's Clothes :Made toOrder1 th T he impending amba.rranment of the wh~le Ilew i)stem was revealed by the Enperrn· old-fashioned Paints, Good results can only be tendente of the . most unpopular fo.culties, w ho, after some con1ultation together, ia· fo rmed t!:ie s\udents tbail the offensive rnles That Johnson's Liquid Paints will cover Covering capacity equal Produced by the use of emd regnla.bions would not be strictly enDENTIS'r. foroed, and llhat a candidate need ohow only a similar surface as well as Pure White fund11omental knowledge of his aubjeota to Good materials. The Main To pure white lead and linseed Lead and Linseed Oil. They will look b9 pa.seed. Oiber faculties t he same nounce1J1ent to t heir st111dents through b etter, work easier a nd give greater of Messrs. an Oil. They will . l ast longer, -Expense in painting is prlvate olroular letter11. This promise of an ay ex·mlnation is expected to attract satisfact ion. Higginbotham & Son's Drug ea a.pplicaute by ilhe Hcore, Look better, work easier, and Not the. cost of paint but 18 P UBLISHED ,~ l'1ECANADIAN STATESMAN A . c:TAMES, .MELANGE. IDOORS, SASH, BLNOS, MOULDINGS, Dried~ and other Factory -Work all Kiln I I AFull Stock always·on hand. Call and Examine. BOWMANVI LLE, sole agents in this locality for Best and Cheapest Fence McClellan ~ Co., P 1 Office Railings, Lawn Furniture P ---Barnum Wire &Iron Works GILJY.I:OUR&CO. TRENTON,- ONTARIO Toronto Offic~---4 Adelaide St. West. !?e .. B -··- - Giving up Business '.. . . T R S 1 D. VI S will be found in h is old shop, next door I BO-WMANVI LI--'E, where he keeps constantly on hand & COMPLETE ASSORTMF.NT aoor to Express Office, I I General Dry Goods --o -- A LARGE M ~ L REGARDLESS OF COST. Coarse and Fine ,B oots and Slioes Special attention given to Repairing. S FALL AND WINTER GOOD- I Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Sati ,i.els. :J:>_ :DA V 'llS .. L Due Bills taken as Cash. TODBROB. P O 11:Ill IRE, PllllTll& THIS fill BUY JOHNSON'S PURE LIOU ID PAINT S! READY TO APPLY! No Difficulty About Getting the Right Shade. Always the A DURABLE · PAINTS! BEAUTIFUL PAINTS I sa~e. L No Miving. Genuine, R. PEATE, Tail~ I I WE GUARANTEE Store, (down stairs), The WILLIAM JOHNSON CO., (INOORPORA1'ED). B 0 W .M A. NV I L f.A E. :M'n!. lfaokay's .l'arrot. London ia ma.rvellouely empty, but onter· t&inments Btlll given a.b Mrs. M11.okar's. Give b(:)tter satisfaction. 2'a: 0 N T R EA. L. The cost of fabor and oil. DENTISTRY. C. H A R N D IE N ' L · D. ~ LTY '.}.OJ,.,J) FILLING ASP E CIA TEETH INSER'l'l!:D WITHOUT PLATES. Great Reductions in price on a.ll Dentnl ..Vork. Vitalize<! Air, constantly in use proJ boing Pa.inless Operations. Particular e.tten ,\Ion paid to the iegulation ot Children's Teeth :/Ill#" .ALL WO.RK W .A.RR.ANTED·.._ .Branch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono ARTIFICIAL ·.ilraliuate or t he Royal Collegeof Denta.l Smgeons, Ontario. 1 o FICE O:E'POSI'fE EXPRESS OFFCE. the open wlndow einoe Sunday, looklng out to Buckingham ga.te, and a1'tracting hun· : dred11 b y hs humorous oondnob. I have seen : and heard many parrot s, but never one like ~his. I Wllll returning frem the pa.rk on Sunday when I fint l!!IW it, The pavement in fron " of the window wa.a thronaed and ev~rybodf was roa.ring with laughber, for the bird iblsel wa11 laughing so heartily t h a.i ita example w .~ contagion1. At last it said, with inoonse empha.11ls, "\Veil, l declare," and then burnt into couvulsiont1 of 111oughter o.gain in a m1m11er really to!> ludicrous. lb exchllllged remarks with the opeot ator11, it hailed pa.suing hs.nsoms, and on being a.Bk· ed what o'clock It was, it replied : Half. paeb four," which was, in fa.c~, correct, Incredible ir.s it may seem, the bird, on Mon· day aftornoen, was asked the same question, and replied, accurately : " A quartar to five." So grea.O has been the R.ttraotion of this gay green bird that the polloe have had to keep moving the people on to prevent obstruction of t he traffic. "Go on !" crlfa the bird.-[St. Stephen's Guatte. IY,..----~ It la true that the hoeteas hereelf ill not ye· 11.t home, but a. gr wd green piurot has ea.t at I I It costs more labor and more oil to apply inferior paint than to apply the best that can be obtained. Vle will repaint, free of charge, any building or decoration painted with Johnson's Liquid Paints where: results are not found in accordance with this guarantee. We Stake Our Reputation on the Quality of Our Goods. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. THE WILLIAM JOHNSON COMPANY, 14 St. John street, Montreal -

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